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April 01, 1942 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-01

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Slosson Tells Why's' Of War
In FIrst Of Five Board Talks

Prof. Wethey
To Give Talk





America is at war, Prof. Preston W.
Slosson said last night, because we
chose to face the robber armed rath-
er than to disarm before facing him.
Presenting the first in a series of
five War Board lectures on issues
arising from the war, Slosson as-
"We gave Japan no shadow of
grievance, and perhaps we should
reproach ourselves because we didn't.
"We gave Germany many griev-
ances, but whether we had or not the
result would have been the same.
Hitler wages war by his own inter-
ests, not by our actions."
The University historian told his
audience that he expects Russia and
Japan to be at war by summer's end.
Bitterly attacking the theory that
America was safe from attack be-
cause the Germans couldn't even
cross 23 miles of English Channel
water, Slosson said, "Water is not
a barrier-rather it is a means of
communications. It is a highway on
which only the fleet can be a barrier.
Standard Oil Says
Nazi-Held Patents
Did Not Hurt U.S.
(Continued from Page 1)
bas been in the .slightest respect dis-
loyal to the United States is unwar-
ranted and untrue," the company's
president declared,
"I repell all such insinuations with
all the vigor at my command. I do
o with indignation and resentment."
Farish flatly denied these charges
which he said stood out in Arnold's
testimony and in newspaper reports:
"That as late as 1939 Standard
was engaged in an effort to establish
relations with Japan contrary to the
h terests of the United States and
ithout the knowledge of our gov-
"That after the fall of France,
Standard assisted German interests
to establish hydrogenation plants in
occupied France.
"That Standard made shipments
to Italian and German air lines in
Brazil contrary to the wishes of the
State Department."
Players Select Officers!
Electing officers for the coming
year, the Hillel Players selected Hal
Cooper, '44, preident, Syril Greene,
'43, secretary and Bruce Kirchen-
baum, '43, business manager at a
meeting yesterday.
Shoes f
YOU711 love
tolive In
G r
" Long-lasting smart looks and
comfort, tailored by that master
of quality-WALK-ovER. The
VERDE. Country Cream fabric'.
gingersnap trim. Elasticized.


Long range .pursuit ships and bomb-
ers have reduced the great oceans
to irrigation ditches."
The "why's" of this war, he said,
are on open display. "Contrary to
events of 1917," Slosson said, "Amer-
ican intervention in this war was
almost an expected thing. It was like
wading into the ocean and when we
were in the water waist-deep Japan
gave us the final ducking."
"Our neutrality was neutral in
form, but unneutral in purpose. In
these days war is a matter of degree."
The immediate beginnings of the
war, Slosson explained, took root in
the early '30's wen Japan's "Man-
churian Incident" and the Nazis' suc-
cession to power breached security
and shattered tens of treaties.
"When the Nazis took over in
1933," he said, "peace was doomed.
War in Europe was inevitable once
Hitler was in power. There was no
chance of preserving peace."
Lamenting the great powers' leth-
argy, Slosson said that boycotts or
even war against the aggressors Ger-
many and Japan would probably
have prevented the present war.
"The fact that the United States
was not in the League of Nations and
the "triviality" of the Manchurian
invasion and German rearming in-
stilled an isolationist spirit in Amer-
icans which reached its height in
1937 with the formulation of the
Neutrality Act-a method in 1937 to
keep us out of war in 1917."
Wilson Calls
Reuther's Plan
(Continued from Page 1)
the unknown from the Retail Re-
view, the auditorium was filled with
reporters. One Detroit paper had
five men present while the others
and the big news services also had
more than one covering the prece-
dent-shattering discussion.
The day's more serious business
was occasionally relieved by the by-
play between Reuther and Wilson
who had a very evident mutual self-
respect. Stone also contributed some
of the lighter moments with his very
pointed and frankly biased question-
ing of the General Motors head.
The byplay didn't last long, how-
ever, as the debaters were miles apart
in opinion and the various argu-
ments again waxed hot.
Denouncing the assertion that an
industry could be most efficiently
organized for war production within
its own corporate limits, Reuther
charged that repeated cases of dup-
lication and waste in the industry
could be eliminated by an over-all
planning board.
Tool Shops Mismanaged
With the Ford plant desperately
seeking die-makers, Reuther pointed
cut that a Fisher shop-believed to
be the biggest tool and die shop in
the world-was barely operating.
At the present time, he continued,
Ford, General Motors and Chrysler
are producing the same model tank
for the Army, but each is putting an
entirely different power system in the
onq model. All this, in spite of the
British plea for absolute standard-
ization, and the Ford offer and abil-
ity to furnish the same type motors
for all *ie tanks that the three com-
panies can produce.
Overall planning by a government,
management, labor board, Reuther
concluded would prevent such mis-
Sore Points Discussed
Many labor - management sore
points were discussed very heatedly,
especially such purely General Mo-
tors problems as seniority. On the
broader purposes, however, they were

entirely agreed, both stating that im-
mediate necessity called for utmost
cooperation between management and
One of Reuther's suggestions-that
all unused machines be available for
Lend-Lease as well as for domestic
war production-drew partial con-
sent from Wilson.

Art Aithoriy WilI
'Golden Age' Of


Speaking on his "specialty," Prof.
Harold E. Wethey, chairman of the
fine arts department, will discuss
"Spanish Art in the Golden Age,"
for La Sociedad Hispanica at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in Room D, Alumni
Memorial Hall.
Discussing the art of the seven-
teenth century in Spain, "golden
age," Professor Wethey will refer to
the work of painters El Greco, Vel-
azquez and Ribera and sculptors
Montanes and Pedro de Mena. El
Greco in particular, Professor Wethey
will point out, displayed the extreme
religious violence and emotion of the
period in his painting.
The sculptor, Pedro de Mena, illus-
trated the realism of the seventeenth
century Jesuits in his art. Professor
Wethey will discuss Pedro de Mena
as an example of a "specifically
Spanish" sculptor.
Professor Wethey has published
a book and several articles on Span-
ish art.
Paleontolo gist
Will Lecture
Ralph Chaney, Professor of Paleon-
tology and Curator at the University
of California, will speak at 4:15 p.m.
today in the Natural Science Auditor-
ium on the subject "Forests on a
Changing Earth."
Sponsored by the Department of
Botany, Professor Chaney's lecture
will discuss some effects of earth
change on the tertiary forests around
the Pacific Ocean.
A research associate of the Car-
negie Institute of Washington, Pro-
fessor Chaney is also a member of
the Geological Society of America,
the Geological Society of China, and
the Paleontalogists Society of Amer-
Professor Chaney spent several
years studying flora off the west
coast and the Great Basin, and later
extended his research to China. The
lecturer was in Shanghai when it
was occupied by the Japanese several
years ago.
In 1925, Professor Chaney was a
member of a Ray Chapman Andrews
expedition, and this fact combined
with his experiences in China should
disprove the idea the Paleontologists
lead dull lives.
His main contribution in the field
of Botany has been the study of the
tertiary history of forests along the
Pacific Coast.
(Continued from Page 4)
Art League movie, "The Lady Van-
ishes," being given Sunday, April 5.
Sign-up sheets are posted in the
Undergraduate office of the League.
Holders of Season Tickets for Play
Production of the Department of
Speech are reminded that stubs for
"Under the Gaslight" must be ex-
changed by Thursday. The best seats
will be available for the Wednesday
and Thursday performances.
Holders of student tickets are re-
minded that these entitle them to
good seats downstairs on Wednesday
or Thursday nights, or balcony seats
on Friday or Saturday.
Seminar on A Just and Durable
Peace: Professor Smithies will speak
on economic ispects of post-war re-
construction at Lane Hall on Thurs-
day at 7:30 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church: Com-
munion service and Reception of new

members will be held at the Maundy
Thursday Communion at 8:00 p.m.
Episcopal Students: There will be
a celebration of the Holy Commun-
ion at 7:30 Thursday morning in
Bishop Williams Chapel, Harris Hall.
Breakfast will be served after the
Send Mom
or a Corsage

T H E Y' R E M O V I N C ' R O U N D T H E M O U N T A I N-Uncle Sam's mountain troops, a breed of hardy, specialized
soldiers, shoulder skils for drill at their winter training camp on snowy Mount Rainier, state of Washington. The men not only learn
to travel, on skiis, while carrying a 50-pound pack, but they also discover how to eat, sleep, and cook beneath the snow in caverns of'
their own carving. Only 30 per cent of the personnel ever set foot on skils before. Motorized toboggans are also used for transport.


P 0 E T-But don't be fooled by
that! Johnny Bullitt (above),
Harvard student who likes
poetry is no sonnet in the fight
ring. He'll compete in national
A.A.U. lightweight boxing finals
in Boston soon.

C R E E C E - B 0 U N D M E R C Y S H I P-Huge Red Crosses help identify the 1,633-ton motor-
ship Sicilia, shown before her departure from New York, bound 'for Piraeus, with a cargo of food-
stuffs and medical supplies. They're for suffering Greeks, and the ship was chartered by the Greek
War Relief Association. Both the Allied and Axis nations have guaranteed safe conduct.

__ -- _ ,. _ _ .

JAPS BOMB CAVITE - Barges are burning in the Cavite navy yards, darkening the sky with their clouds of black smoke after a
Japanese bombing raid of Dec. 12. (Associated Press photo from U. S. Army Signal Corps.)

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