THE M'CHIGAN DAILY New York By TOM THUMB Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIJING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. ,College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NkW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Emile Gel . Alvin Dann . . David Lacheubruch Jay McCormick Gerald E. Burns Hal Wilson . Janet Hooker . Grace Miller . Virginia Mitchell Daniel H. Huyett James S. Collins, touise Carpenter Evelyn Wright . Managing Editor .Editorial Director . . City Editor . Associate * . . .Associate Sports . . . . Women's; . . Assistant Women's; . . . . Exchange Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Associate Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager .sa NIGHT EDITOR: EUGENE MANDEBERG The editorials published in The Micligan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Business Profiteers Hamper Democracy . . . DEMOCRACY has hit a new low with the latest escapade of the Standard Oil Company, and a few more of the slogan quoters now find themselves in an embarassing position. homehow we find it hard to grasp the fact that men in "responsible" positions could sell out the United States, or try to, and then apologize by saying that perhaps it wasn't the wisest thing to do under the circumstances. Somehow we find it hard to believe that men can be so grossly stupid, or profit mad, that they would give Germany the rights on one means to our own defeat. But perhaps we should have seen long ago that "democracy" is an end to the little people and a means to the big boys. Each time a situa- tion such as this has arisen, the public has reared in righteous wrath for a few days, and then cooled off to its usual complacency again. The times when the American public has been mad long enough to do something constructive about the mis-users of our form of government have been pitifully few. And what is even more pitiful, the majority of those times of arouse- ment have been used to step on the wrong party. And even this time perhaps the Standard Oil's "neatest trick of the week" will have some effect on the anti-labor legislation and perhaps it won't. Men like Representative Smith are strangely unmoved by oil scandals, if they think too much about it they might get uncomfortable. But right now is the time to strike, and strike hard to enterprises such as Standard Oil. Right now, while the few people who read more than the comics and the war news are aware that the rottenness of this deal is what we are supposed to be fighting, let us do some- thing concrete to stop more affairs like this one. Right now let us start an all-out war at home that will clean out the men who think and act on the premise that democracy is for those who have the reins. We cannot put this off, tomorrow the public may be totally ab- sorbed in the fact that another Standard Oil tanker was sunk off the Atlantic, and see abso- lutely no connection with what is going on ow' And to stop merely with Standard O l would be of little value. We must go further in this all-important housecleaning. We must take Pelley, Coughlin, Girdler, Lewis, McNear, under consideration. We must include the National Association of Manufacturers as well as the totalitarian end of the labor unions. We must do a complete job and do it now. If we do not knock these tin gods off their cushions while they are a bit shaky, they will add new rivets for security. If there was ever a time to explode the sanctity of wealth as immunity to law, sense and common decency, right now is that time. We may not have the opportunity to act later, -Eugene Mandeberg Labor Lies Divide America No Nazi agent could hope for a better break than to divide America at this perilous time by ABOUT TWO WEEKS AGO this column pointed out that Hitler is probably chuckling at the aid we're giving him by imprisoning an arch-enemy of Nazism on a trumped-up Nazi charge. I appealed that in the name of civil liberties, Earl Browder, secretary of the Com- munist Party, be released from Atlanta Peni- tentiary, where he has already served one year of a four-year sentence. Shortly after that column appeared, I received a 'call from the Detroit Citizen's Committee to Free Earl Browder asking me if I should like to attend a mass meeting in New York City. I was hesitant at first, but after an independent local committee had collected contributions, I became interested. I am interested in the Browder case as a viola- tion of civil liberties. It is purely and simply a political persecution and is a direct copy of Hit- ler's Nazi methods. We ask everybody to join us in the fight against Nazism and we praise the gallant fight of the Red Army-yet we lock up Earl Browder, who, no matter what you think of his politics, is an outstanding anti-Fascist. TO TELL THE TRUTH, I was a little reluctant to go to the New York meeting. I thought I might be too much of an outsider to enter into the rally. But when I got on the special railroad coach from Detroit and met the delegates, my fears were allayed. Most of the delegates were from union locals, many of them from the UAW. There were some from church and educational groups. It was a very friendly party and I found that most of them were liberals who wanted merely to see justice done. I sat next to a colored }doy of about 21, a representative of his church's young peo- ple's league. He was interested in writing poetry. There were two pacifist students from the Uni- Drew Person and " RbertS-Afe WASHINGTON - Behind the scenes, Jesse Jones fought to the bitter end against losing his bottlenecking control over loans to small busi- ness With the Army, Navy and War Production Board tearing their hair over Jesse's penny- pinching obstructionism, and with Congress get- ting ready to legislate against him, the President finally notified Jones he would have to relinquish authority over small loans. Jones protested vig- orously but Roosevelt directed that the necessary executive order be drafted. Jones sat in on this drafting conference of war production chiefs, where he made a final effort to stave off the axe. His first move was to suggest that lawyers be called in to pass on the legality of stripping his authority. "Jesse," said Sidney Weinberg, special assis- tant to Donald Nelson, "you've created enough bottlenecks, without having a bunch of lawyers in to create any more. The President has ordered this done and under the War Powers Act he has the authority to do it. No lawyers are needed to pass on the matter." .Jones then shifted his argument to an old favorite of his, the questionable soundness of loans to little business men. "Suppose these loans that will be made under the proposed new setup don't pay out," he said. "After the war you people will be blamed. We've made all our loans on sound credit rules." "Yes, but these are war times," retorted Wein- berg, "and the controlling principle is not sound credit rules but war production needs. Further, why are you always worrying about money. Af- ter the war none of us will have much money, so why worry about it. There are a lot of other things in life far more important." Jones' Nemesis To witness his signing of the executive order, the President invited Senators Murray, Mont., Mead, N. Y., and Capper, Kan. This was much- merited recognition of their long fight for little business men. One other man also deserved a public pat on the back, but was not invited. Probably Roosevelt (lidn't know him. Only a few insiders do. He is Shreves Coles Badger, retiring, liberal Chicago investment a;niiker, who has been quietly after Jones' scalp. Summoned to Washington in the ierly days of the old OPM to help little business, Badger ran up against the iron-handed policy of Jesse Jones in every move he made. After months of vain effort, Badger finally compiled a report on 2,000 sub-contractors kept out of war production be- cause of inability to get needed Moans from Jones. Armed with this devastating document, Badger began a quiet but tenacious crusade against Jones, soon had the Army, Navy, WPB and Con- gress lined up against him. This proved one combination the bulky Texan couldn't lick. When word reached Badger of the executive order's taking small loans away from Jesse, he remarked, "Well, I may have worked myself out of a job, but it's a pleasure. Mr. Jones also has been worked out of one." versity of Chicago. There were representatives of the Michigan Civil Rights Federation. The interesting thing was that they all were wide- awake citizens. They were alive to the injustice being done and they were on their way to New York to fulfill their duty as citizens in a democ- racy to see what they could do about it. There were almost 1,200 delegates from all over the country in addition to a large number of observers (such as D, who packed New York City's large Manhattan Center to capacity. M OSTLY the delegates were Union members, church members or students. They cheered the speech of Joseph Curran, leader of the Na- tional Maritime Union, and New York City Councilman, Hon. Clayton Powell, who really hit the nail on the head when he'said: "Anyone who confuses Communism with the Earl Browder case doesn't understand democracy. When injus- tice triumphs over justice--race, creed and po- litical belief do not matter. The important thing is not the individual, but the freedom of de- mocracy. Morris Mintz, Democratic New York State Assemblyman, said "If you feel that (Earl Brow- der) is subversive, then try him on a political charge," terming the arrest as a "violation of the Jeffersonian precepts of government." But the most popular speaker was Paul Robe- son, the famed Negro baritone, who said in his deep, rich voice: "I can't rest easy until he's free." )N THE WHOLE the rally was a genuine ap- peal to the principles of civil liberties. It was heartening to see people who took such a genuine interest in their democracy-a democracy which cannot die so long as citizens continue to safe- guard it so zealously. True, there were many people there whose interests were not so much on the side of civil liberties as toward releasing the man whom they worshipped. This was the plea and the keynote of the rally: Mr. Roosevelt, in the interests of democracy, please release Earl Browder, who has been im- prisoned on a political charge. Such methods as this meeting will keep de- mocracy free, vital, dynamic. The method of the mass meeting is purely an American one- the method of a phony, one-sided court trial, such as the one at Riom and the one in New York City at which Earl Browder was convicted on a fake passport charge, is distinctly a tool of the Nazis. Let's keep the Nazis away from America and America away from the Nazis. MUSIC Bach, Chorale-Prelude "wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme"; Brahms, Serenade, Op. 11, No. 1; Wagner, Good Friday Spell from "Parsifal"; Dvorak, Slavonic Dance, Op. 46, No. 15. Delius, Concerto in C minor for Piano and Orchestra. University Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson, conductor; Maud Okkel- berg, Pianist. IN ITS THIRD CONCERT of the season the University Symphony Orchestra presented to a good-sized audience in Hill Auditorium a varied and interesting program which ranged in style from Bach to the contemporary Delius. The entire concert was extremely gratifying, for Mr. Johnson upheld, almost from beginning to end, the professional standard of performance which .he has of late established with this or- chestra. In fact, we felt that there was a not- able improvement over past concerts in that the balance between the sections of the orches- tra was practically perfect. Tonally, not much more could be asked, particularly in the brasses, and the strings seem to have gained in sonority and roundness of tone over previous perform- ances. The Bach Chorale-Prelude, transcribed for or- chestra by Eugene Ormandy, showed a nice re- straint while yet maintaining the depth of feel- ing which is inherent in the work. Fine phras- ing of the strings and a well-chosen and not too slow tempo gave it a definitive and puriiposeful reading. Probably the high point of the first part, of the program was the Brahms "Serenade"; Mr. Johnson gave this work a reading which grasped perfectly the style and moods of the Master. The work was given an esprit and an integration throughout by a clear though not too sharp de- fining of themes and a fine balance of parts. The conductor also avoided the frequently commit- ted mistake of giving Brahms slow movements and passages too languorous a character, which often results in their falling apart. In this work particularly the woodwinds should be credited for the fine ensemble work they produced. The Good Friday Spell was ma gnificent Ior its breadth of concept, intensity of feeling, and evenly buil, clanmactic pasSages Probably the finest ensele wodrk (loi by the orchestra was in this composition. Dvorak's Slavonic Dance, which closed the first half, was flung off with an eclat and intensity which (lid not sacrifice tone or precision. r 'HEDELIUS CONCERTO, which comprised the second half of the program, was given an excellent and completely artistic perforn- ance by the soloist, Maud Okkelberg. Though the work is technically very difficult, Mrs. Ok- kelberg was more than adequately able to cope with it, for she possesses a beautiful technique. In pianissimo passages and in solo parts her tone was of great beauty. and through sheer artistry she was able to give coherence and some measure of meaning to what is mainly a virtuoso display piece. Unfortunately there were many moments DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Civil Service Positions for Men" will be presented by Mr. Thomas J. Wil- son, State Personnel Director, Michi- gan State. Civil Service Commission, and Mr. Edward H. Litchfield, Chief, Division of Research and Training, Michigan State Civil Service Com- mission, will speak on "State Civil Service Positions for Women." All meetings will be held in the Rackham Lecture Hall. University Bureau of Appointments and Qccupational Information Freshmen, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Freshmen may not drop courses without E grade after Saturday, April 4. In adminis- tering this rule, students with less than 24 hours of credit are consider- ed freshmen. Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances, such as severe or long continued ill- ness. E. A. Walter Program on "The University and the State" Cancelled: Owing to de- mands of war activities which involve some of tle scheduled participants, it has been necessary to postpone the open meeting of the University of Michigan District of the Michigan Education Association scheduled for Thursday evening, April 2, in the Rackham Amphitheater. In view of the number of meetings of various kinds to be held on campus in the near future, it does not seem wise to schedule a date for this meeting during the present semester. Edgar G. Johnston, President University of Michigan District Mi'chigan Education Association. School of Music, School of Educa- tion, College of Architecture and De- sign: Midsemester reports indicating students enrolled in these units do- ing unsatisfactory work in any unit of the University are due in the office of the school on Saturday, April 4, at' noon. Report blanks for this pur- pose may be secured from the office of the school or from Room 4, Uni- versity Hall. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Academic Notices Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet today in Room 410 Chem- istry Building at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Lawrence B. Scott will speak on "Resonance in Organic Chemistry." Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in Economics will be held during the week beginning May 4. Qualified students wishing to write the exam- inations should leave their names in the Department office as soon as possible. Speech 132 and 190: Professor Densmore will not meet his classes today. Concerts May Festival Tickets: The over- the-counter sale of remaining May Festival tickets, both for the season and for individual concerts, will be- gin Monday morning, April 6, and will continue so long as tickets last, at the offices of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. Prices, including tax, are: Season tickets (six concerts) $8.80, $7.70 and $6.60. (If Festival coupon from current Choral Union season ticket is returned, deduct $3.30 from above prices). Individual concerts: main floor $2.75, first balcony $2.20, and the top balcony $1.65 and $1.10. Orders received by mail or left at the offices of the Society prior to Friday noon, April 3, will be filled in sequence in advance. Charles A. Sink, President. The Ann Arbor Art Association, in connection with its present exhibi- tion, An Introduction to Architec- ture, presents two evenings of re- corded music under the direction of Richard Lippold of the Architecture faculty, tonight and Thursday from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. in the Rackham Galleries. Following a brief informal talk on the music, authentic examples of e the Egyptian, Classic, Medieval, Baroque, and Modern periods will be presented. The public is cordially in- vited. Exhhiticon : An Introducion to Architecture. An ('laborate educa- tional exhibition produced by the Ann Arbor Art Association in collab- oration with the College of Architec- ture and Design. This exhibition is intended to give the layman a better understanding of the meaning of architecture, to demonstrate the modern techniques of museum dis- play of visual materials as instru- ments of education, and for its ap, peal to those interested in art. The exhibit is in the Rackham Galleries, and will continue through April 4. Open (aily, 2-5 and 7-10, except Sun- days. The public is cordially invited Exhibition, College of Architec- ture and Design: Color schemes and arrangements by the Interior Design classes. Weaving by primitive Mexi- ,_.-. "-and with a few drinks under their belts they're the finest demolition squad in any army-every man has had years of experience at every sort of party." books, handicraft, and pamphlets is on display through Saturday, April 4. This is a traveling exhibit loaned by Library Service Division, U. S. Office of Education, Hours, 8:00- 12:00 a.m., 1:30-5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. on Saturday. Lectures University Lecture: Ralph W. Chaney, Professor of Paleontology and Curator, University of Califor- nia, will lecture on the subject, "For- ests on a Changing Earth" (illus- trated), under the auspices of the Departient of Botany, today at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Aud tor- ium. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Carl G. Rossby of the Institute- of Meteorol- ogy, University of Clicago, will lec- ture on the subject, "Recent Develop- ments in the Science of Meteorology," under the auspices of the Depart- ments of Aeronautical Engineering, Astronomy, Geography, and Geology, on Thursday, April 9, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. John Al- brecht Walz, Professor Emeritus of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, will lecture on the subject, "Goethe," under the au- spices of the Department of German- ic Languages andLiteratures, on Fri- day, April 10, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. M. S. Di- mand, Curator of Near Eastern Art in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, will lecture on the subject, "Coptic Art of the Arabic Period" (illustrated), under the aus- pices of the Institute of Fine Ats, at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, April 22, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. French Lecture: The lecture of Dr. Clifford H. Prator scheduled for today has been cancelled. La Sociedad Hispanica will present Mr. Harold Wethey of the Fine Arts Department as the last lecturer of the current series, on Thursday, April 2, at 4:15 p.m., in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. He will speak on "Spanish Art in the Golden Age." There will be no admission charge and both faculty and students are cordially invited. Lectures on Military Law, War, and Emergency Legislation: The final lecture in this series, "Price Control Legislation," by Professor Paul G. Kauper, of the Law School, scheduled for 4:00 p.m. today at 150 Hutchins Hall, has been postponed. Events Tolay Decpairtnmen t.of ournalism Coffee lour: Prof. Wesley H. Maurer will review "Employment Security Mem- oranduin No. 18" at the fourth cof- fee hour of the Department of Jour- nalism at 4:00 p.m. today. The dis- cussion will deal with the organiza- tion of the labor mobilization pro- gram in the U.S. and the various policies proposed by labor and man- agement. This is open to all stu- dents. Pre-Medical Society: There will be a meeting of the Pre-Medical Society tonight at 8:00 in the Michigan Un- ion. Captain D. Bulmer will discuss the Medical R.O.T.C. and its rela- tion to the war effort. A question period and smoker will follow Cap- tain Bulmer's talk. -All pre-meds are invited. A.S.M.E., Student Branch, will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Kellogg will be led by Dr. Wolff. Anyone who is interested in German conver- sation is invited. The program of recorded music at the International Center, 7:30- 9:00 tonight includes: Dvorak: So- vanic Dances 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, and Beethoven: Symphony No. 3. Everyone is invited. Alpha Phi Omega will hold a very important meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Michigan Union. Everyone should attend for the discussion of final plans for the Bomber-Scholarship Swing-Concert. University of Michigan Girls' Glee Club rehearsal tonight, 7:00 to 8:00, in the League. Please present writ- ten excuses of absences to secre- tary. Polonia Society will meet this eve- ning promptly at 7:30 in the recre- ation room of the International Cen- ter. Plans for Polish night will be discussed. Zeta Phi Eta will meet today at 4:00 p.m. Election of officers. At- tendance Compulsory. Association Discussion Group: Mr. Neil Staebler will discuss the com- munity responsibilities of a citizen at Lane Hall tonight at 7:30. The Patrons Committee for the Frosh Project will meet today at 3:00 p.m. in the League. The Ticket Committe of the Frosh Project will meet in the League at 4:00 p.m. today. The room will be posted on the bulletin board. Role will be called. "Under the Gaslight" by Augustin Daly opens a four- day run tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:30. This is the final bill of the season by Play Production of the Department of Speech. The box- office is open daily from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Phone 6300 for reserva- tions. Faculty Women's Club: The Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at 8:00 tonight at the home of Mrs. A. A. Christman, 1613 Shad- ford Rd. The Instrumental and Choral Groups will present the pro- gram for the annual Husband's Night. Michigan Dames Book Group will meet tonight at 8:00 at the home of Mrs. J. L. Clemmens, 1303 Prescott. Coining Events Psychological Journal Club: Mr. W. W. Morris of Pontiac State Hos- pital will discuss the Rorschach Test at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 2, in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. All who are interested are cordially invited, Attention Honorary Speech Soci- eties: Delta Sigma Rho, Sigma Rho Tau, Alpha Nu, and Zeta Phi Eta are invited by Athena Literary Soci- ety to hear Professor William Hobbs talk on "South America and its Re- lation to the Present War" on Thursday, April 2, at 9:00 p.m. in the League Kalamazoo Room. U. of M. Flying Club will meet on Thursday, April 2, in Room 325 of the Union at 9:30 pm. Any persons interested in joining the club are in- vited. La Sociedad Hispanica will meet Thursday evening at 8:00 in the Michigan League. Mrs. W. W. Blume will give a short talk and a musical program with Spanish Songs 'has been arranged. Everyone interested 1 is invited. See Bulletin in League for rom number.