"Im-HEI MYCHIGA DAI-LY c :j:e Ai rigw titi By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichy , .w eait a...w.. va....a Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.1 Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT131NO DY National Advertising Service, inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AvE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CmCAGO . BOSTON - LOS ANGELS * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 WASHINGTON-The decision to give up dou- ble pay for Sunday and holiday work in war plants wasn't the only thing that happened at the closed-door meeting of the CIO executive board. There was a lot more that wasn't re- leased to the press. One sensational item was the demand of left- wing leaders that prices and wages be frozen. Believe it or not, but the hottest clamorers for freezing prices and wages were Harry Bridges, Australian-born longshoreman leader, and Joe Curran, radical head of the seamen. CIO and AFL leaders have vigorously opposed this. The leftists, however, once turbulent iso- lationists but now red-hot all-outers since the Russo-Nazi war, loudly demanded a CIO stand in favor of drastic regulation. "It's time we formulated a constructive war policy," shouted Harry Bridges. "We ought to take the lead instead of being pushed to do LETTCRS Editorial Staff Emile Gel . Alvin Dann. David Lachenbruch Jay McCormick Gerald E. Burns Hal Wilson. Janet Hooker . Grace Miller . Virginia Mitchell . . . .Managing Editor . . . .Editorial Director City Editor * . . . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor * . . . Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor Assistant Women's Editor . . . Exchange Editor Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright Business Staff' Business Manager Associate Business Manager . . Women's Advertising Manager . . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HOWARD FENSTEMAER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only State Department's Actions Criticized OUR STATE DEPARTMENT is at it again. In spite of all the warnings, the signs, the protests and the obvious results, we, in the person of the State Department. have made a new agreement with Vichy to send "material" to North Africa. Exactly what this material will consist of is left extremely vague, but it will at least be foodstuffs, and if we can ..go by previous State Department agreements with Vichy, it will include munitions for so- called defensive purposes. The fact that all such materials shipped to North Africa fall into the hands of the Nazis has made no impression on the State Depart- ment. The fact that General Rommel has been using American oil to fuel his tanks has not stopped our officials from continuing their sense- less policy of appeasement. And the fact that Vichy admitted that certain items such as gaso- line were being shipped to Germany has also left the State Department strangely unperturbed. They have decided on a policy of appeasement, and they persist in it even after the British have become fed up, and even after it has been con- clusively proven that the material we ship for France is used against us. REPORTS from eye witnesses, persons who have lived in French concentration camps in North Africa, and reports in letters smuggled out of the camps all tell of the uniformed Axis commissions who come to inspect after materials have been received, and how those materials are taken over by the enemy for his own use. The food which we have sent to North Africa has never been seen by the inmates of the camps for whom it was meant. Every French editor who escaped after France's fall has begged high officials to stop sending goods both to Vichy and to North Africa because it was being wholly used by the Nazis and Italians. Journalists such as Pierre van Paassen have pointed out that not only is the material we send being used against us, but that the goal which the State Department claims it is shoot- ing for, the anchoring of the French fleet, will never be reached because Admiral Darlan will deliver it to the Germans any time he sees fit. To this point, Darlan has replaced the entire officers personnel with pro-Fascists. He has complete control not only over the fleet, but over all France as well. Petain is merely a feeble figurehead, Darlan is the iron hand in France. But our State Department continues to kiss his hand, while Darlan continues to pass our offer- ings over to the Nazis. Either our State Department contains a Fascistic clique which is riding roughshod over all of America; or the men who direct its policies are so incredibly stupid that they can- not see the handwriting on the wall when it is enlarged to 100 times it natural sie, and translated. In any event, it is the State De- partment of the United States which is directly responsible for a part of the German successes both in North Africa and in Europe. They are feeding German soldiers, they are fueling Ger- man tanks, they are murdering Allied soldiers, America has remained passive while the State Department sent scrap iron to Japan. America has only murmured quietly when the State De- T O THE EDITOR An Open Letter To The Engineers Whereas it has come to pass that the mostj sacred symbol of your craft has been taken from I under your very noses, and inasmuch as such incident has proven beyond all doubt that the mind of one lawyer is infinitely mightier and greater than all the numbers of the engineers added together, we, the undersigned, do publicly challenge each and every engineer to find and retrieve the slide rule that was delivered by and to us from out of your portals on Friday, March the twenty-seventh in the year nineteen hundred and forty two. If you cannot find -it you are admitting o the world as well as to yourselves, that your mathe- matics, your physics, and your mechanics are to no avail when it comes to solving what to you is an insurmountable problem which we concocted in our spare moments. And even if you find it. if you cannot recover it you will be forced to concede that you, who have prided yourselves on the practicality of your creed, are as meaningless as the false dogma that you think makes you necessary to the world. Believing, therefore, that without this useless item, which serves as a perpetual crutch for you to pry yourself into a niche of society, you cannot function in your daily affairs even now, we say unto you in the style of Daniel Webster, "Until the lawyer enlightens you, you will forever re- main ignorant." - The Lawyers House Of Lords Plan Is Of Doubtful Value.. . COMMITTEE has been set up in England, headed by Sir John Ander- son, to consider plans for eliminating the House of Lords and substituting for it a body composed of labor, industrial, scientific, literary and reli- gious leaders. Long dead politically, the House of Lords re- tains only the power to delay legislation, and even this last vestige of power does not apply to financial measures. Very rarely exercising even this function of temporarily holding up legisla- tion, the Lords serves the one remaining purpose of providing a place for idle and doting peers to enjoy the prestige which they consider their clue. Such a useless appendage to government--es- pecially one which serves to accentuate the pres- tige of the hereditagy aristocracy which is England's most undemocratic feature, has no place in a country which is allegedly fighting a titanic struggle for democracy. UT',desirable as is the elimination of the House of Lords, the setting up of this par- ticular committee gives little encouragement. When once the House of Lords is eliminated, we cannot see the need of substituting for it another group of any sort. The House of Com- mons is easily adequate to meet the need for equitable representation-especially In view of the fact that representation in England places no emphasis on the geographic location of the constituencies. There is no visible purpose to be served by making Parliament more un- wieldy a body than is necessary, as long as all political factions are given a fair opportunity to be represented in proportion to the support they command. The specific plan to create a body containing leaders in labor, industry, science and religion, a'bitrarily singles out several unrelatd groups, forming a combination wici iappears to follow no logical criterion for the organization of a branch of government. Such a body might well form a consultation unit, performing the func- tion of furthering understanding and coopera- tion among the various groups involved, but we can see no justification for it as a governing agency. ^ EAST UNDERSTANDABLE OF ALL is the selection of Sir John Anderson to head this committee. Anderson is a Tory of the old, narrow-minded school. Worse than that, he is the most ineffective of the Tory leaders-- if he can rightly be called a "leader." Possess- ing a record of failure in practically every ven- ture upon which he has embarked, lie should have been dropped from the cabiet in Churchill's recent shakeup. It is extremely difficult to see how a committee under his things. We should declare for freezing prices and wages, the payment of overtime in defense bonds, and against slowdowns. Let's put an end to this petty squabbling among ourselves and concentrate all our efforts on winning the war." Joe Curran, burly head of the Greater New York Industrial Union Council, echoed Bridges' demands, also demanded a bare-knuckle stand toward John L. Lewis. "Lewis and his gang recently withdrew the charter of a big New York Local," Curran de- clared, "for no other reason than that the Local wouldn't kowtow to him. I'm for the CIO giving this Local a charter and defying Lewis and his crew." Note: Neither Lewis nor any of his henchmen attended the board meeting. Lewis' Dun Lewis' dun for $1,650,000, which he claims the CIO owes the United Mine Workers, also came in for bitter words. J. R. Bell, his brother-in-law and CIO con- troller. was forced to admit that until Lewis de- manded repayment the sum had not been car- ried on the CIO books as a debt. Also, CIO president Phil Murray bluntly questioned the validity of the debt and pointed out that most of it was incurred while Lewis was head of the CIO. Murray also indicated that he was prepared to go over Lewis' head and put up to the UMW membership directly whether they approved of Lewis' dun. Murray said he knew Lewis had acted without the approval of the miners. The most sensational feature of the discussion was the bitter attack on Lewis' stand by Van Bittner, head of the West Virginia UMW. Lewis is secretly gunning for Bittner's scalp, but Bitt- ner made no bones of his defiance of the miner czar, and the CIO leaders listened to him with open-mouthed astonishment. Note: Both Muray and Bittner are on the UMW payroll, but they won't be for long. They are slated to be elected president and vice presi- dent of the Steel Workers at their convention in May, after which they will quit their UMW jobs. Pussyfooting Probe Representative Wright Patman of Texas is trying to keep it quiet, but a hot row has broken out in his Small Business Committee. Several members are up in arms over the Texan's "cod- dling" of dollar-a-year moguls accused of dis- criminating against little business men. Feelings became so roiled during the hearings on the sugar shortage that Representative Wil- liam J. Fitzgerald of Connecticut threatened to quit the committee. Previously, Representative Charles Halleck of Indiana had stalked out of a hearing on "fire insurance rates," charging it had nothing to do with small business problems. What irked Fitzgerald was Patman's refusal to delve into charges that Fraser M. Moffatt, Jr., chief of the WPB alcohols unit, has helped bring on the sugar shortage by permitting the conversioni of large quantities of Cuban sugar into industrial alcohol instead of using huge U. S. grain surpluses for this purpose. Moffat admitted to the committee that his division was "not advocating any loans for add- ing grain handling equipment at the present time," but contended that he had "nothing to do" with the earmarking of approximately 800,- 000 tons of Cuban sugar, one-third of this year's crop, for conversion purposes. It 11 TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1942 VOL. LII. No. 132 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Noti(ces Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, April 1, from 4 to 6 o'clock. To Students Graduating at Com-' mencement, May 30, 1942: The bur- den of mailing diplomas to members of the graduating class who do not personally call for their diplomas has grown until in 1940 it cost the University over $400 to perform this service. The rule has been laid down, as a result, that diplomas not called for at the Sports Building immediate- ly after the Commencement Exercis- es or at the University Business Of- fice within three business days after Commencement will be mailed C.O.D. The mailing cost will be approximate- ly 30c for the larger sized rolled diplomas and 45c for the book form. Will each graduate, therefore, be certain that the Diploma Clerk has his correct mailing address to insure delivery by mail. The U. S. Mail Service will, of course, return all diplomas which cannot be delivered. Because of adverse conditions abroad, foreign students should leave ad- dresses in the United States, if pos- sible, to which diplomas may be mailed. It is preferred that ALL diplomas be personally called for. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary University Cars: Those who wish to requisition automobiles for University trips are requested to notify us 48 hours in acdvance. F_ (C.Pardon, Au to IDiri'eor Program on "The University and the State" Cancelled: Owing to de- mands of war activties which involve some of the scheduled participants, it has been necessary to postpone the open meeting of the University of Michigan District of the Michigan Education Association scheduled for Tuesday evening, April 2, in the Rackham Amphitheater. In view of the number of meetings of various kinds to be held on campus in the near future, it does not seem wise to schedule a date for this meeting during the present semester. Edgar G. Johnston, President University of Michigan District Michigan Education Association, Aeronautical Engineering Stu- dents: There will be available in the Department of Aeronautical Engin- eering one laboratory assistantship and three student assistantships for the summer and fall terms. These assistantships are in general restrict- ed to upperclassmen and graduate students, and the selection is made very largely on the basis of scholastic standing. Applications for these positions will be received up to April 15, 1942. Students wishing to make application should address them to Professor E. A. Stalker, B-47 East( Engineering Building, and should giveI a brief statement of their qualifica- tions andexperience in regard toboth their scholastic work and any outside experience they may have had. A statement should also be made giving their plans for further study in Aero- nautical Engineering. Fraternity and Sorority Presi- dents are reminded that membership lists showing changes for the months of February and March are due in the Office of the Dean of Students on or before April 6. New pledges reported after that date by social fraternities cannot be counted as second semester pledges,. . j s "We all must make sacrifices! You'll just have to along without a typewriter!" try to get DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ad seniors should be returned to 220 Angell Hall. Midseniester reports should name hose students, freshman and up- erclass, whose standing at midsem- ster is D or E, not merely those who eceive D or E in so-called midsem- ster examinations. Students electing our courses, but gistered in other schools or col- 1es of the University should bere- ported to the school or college in hich they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 08 Mason Hall or 1220 Angell Hall, E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean Academic Notices Seminar in Physical Chemistry Aill meet on -Wednesday, April 1, in oom 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 >.m. Mr. Lawrence B. Scott will peak on "Resonance in Organic hemistry." Biological Chemistry Seminar will neet tonight at 7:30 in Room 319, Vest Medical Building. "Biochem- stry of Brain" will be discussed. All nterested are invited. Doctoral Examination for Robert ugene Radabaugh, Geology; thesis: 'The Middle Devonian Rogers City imestone and-its Gastropod Fauna." today, 4065 Natural Science, 2:00 ).m. Chairman, G. M. Ehlers. By action of the Executive Board, he Chairman may invite members f the faculties and advanced doc- oral candidates to attend the exam- nation andl he may grant permission o those who for sufficient reason night wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in Economics will be held during the week beginning May 4. Qualified tudents wishing to write the exam- nations should leave their names in he Department office as soon as >ossible. Concerts May Festival Tickets: The over- he-counter sale of remaining May "estival tickets, both for the season ind for individual concerts, will be- in Monday morning, April 6, and will ontinue so long as tickets last, at the offices of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. Prices, including tax, are: Season tickets (six concerts) $8.80, $7.70 nd $6.60. (If Festival coupon from ,urrent Choral Union season ticket s returned, deduct $3.30 from above prices). Individual concerts: main floor $2.75, first balcony $2.20, and he top balcony $1.65 and $1.10. Orders received by mail or left at the offices of the Society prior to Friday noon, April 3, will be filled in sequence in advance. Charles A. Sink, President. Thor Johnson will conduct the University Symphony Orchestra in a program of works of Bach, Brahms, Delius, Wagner and Dvorak tonight at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium. Maud Okkelberg of the faculty of the School of Music will appear as solo- ist in the Concerto in C minor- for Piano and Orchestra by Delius. The public is cordially invited. The regular Tuesday Evening Re- corded Program in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building at 8:00 p.m. will be as follows: Mozart: Symphony No. 40. Glazounow: Concerto in A minor for violin and orchestra. Brahms: Variations on a Theme'of Haydn; two pianos. Mozart: String Quintet in C major. Exhibitions Exhibition: An Introduction to Architecture. An elaborate educa- tional exhibition produced by the Ann Arbor Art Association in collab- oration with the College of Architec- ture and Design. This exhibition is intended to give the layman a better understanding of the meaning of architecture, to demonstrate the modern techiiques of museum dis- play of visual materials as instru- ments of education, and for its ap, peal to those interested in art. The exhibit is in the Rackham Galleries, and will continue through April 4. Open daily, 2-5 and 7-10, except Sun- days. The public is cordially invited. Exhibition, College of Architec- ture and Design: Color schemes and arrangements by the Interior Design classes. Weaving by primitive Mexi- can Indian tribes, from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lippold. Ground floor cases, Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, until April 4. The public is invited. Latin American Exhibit: Univer- sity Elementary School Library - Room 1502. An exhibit of recent books, handicraft, and pamphlets is on display through Saturday, April 4. This is a traveling exhibit loaned by Library Service Division, U. S. Office of Education. Hours, 8:00- 12:00 a.m., 1:30-5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. on Saturday. Lectures University Lectures on War Proh- lems: Professor Preston W. Slosson of the Department of History, will lec- ture on the subject, "Why America Is at War," under the auspices of the MUSIC A capacity audience filled the Methodist Church Sunday night to hear an inspiring and almost flawless performance of Felix Mendels- sohn's oratorio, "Elijah." Dedicated to the mem- ory of Mrs. Harry B. Earhart, a former music chairman for the church, the program was di- rected by Prof. Hardin A. Deursen of the School of Music. One of the strlndard monuments in oratorio history, "Elijah" presents a series of incidents in the life of the prophet Elijah as portrayed in the 01 Testament. An abbreviated version was performed Sunday. The four principle scenes were the rain, widow, Baal and ascension inci- dents. In the first one Elijah invokes the rain to relieve the drought, and in the second he brings the widow's son back to life. Elijah's call to his God is answered with fire while the pleas of the people tothe gods of Baal go unanswered. The ascension part omitted the chorus of the whirlwind which is supposed to take Elijah up to heaven. Appearing in the role of Elijah was baritone Mark Bills. H is perforlmcc w cas characterized by a virility of voice andHe assuredness. I sang the well-known aria, "It Is Etnough," with great conviction. The leading soprano part in the ora- torio was taken by Bonnie Ruth Van Deursen. Mrs. Van Deursen was notable in the "Hear Ye Israel" Pir where she brought out the high notes clearly with her clarion, lyric dramatic voice. Contralto Beatrice Brody Larsen's tone quali- ties were rich and sonorous throughout the pro- gram. Avery Crew, tenor, surmounted a bad cold admirably to sing in good oratorio style with a genuine tone. Beatrice Nesbitt Ruthven ade- quately presented the roles of the youth and the archangel. Novel and effective use was made of a quar- tet in ''O rest in the Lord' and in '"O come, everyone that thirsteth." In "O rest in the Lord" the four soloists sang over a background of humming by the chorus. "O come, everyone that thirsteth" was slightly marred by an over strong Detroit Armenian Women's Club r Scholarship: The Detroit Ar'menian Me_' mbers of the Social Sciences Women's Club offers a scholarship and Humanities Faculties: It is ur- for $10 for the year 1942-43 for gent that the questionnaires recently which young men and women of sent to you be returned before noon Armenian parentage, living in thelon Wednesday, April 1. They may Aetoiteni opr tdistrictwobe left at the office of the Sociology Detroit metropolitan district who Deatet 1 ae al demonstrate SchohSi tic idbility andp( rtment, 110 Haen Hall. pxossess good charact er nIld who have Rn had at least one year of college work,' , are eligible. Furtir information l'rtshi i, College of Literature, may be obtained from me. Scence, and the Arts: Freshmen may Ur, Drank E. Rtobbins, not drop courses without E grade 1021 Angell abl after Saturday, April 4. In adminis- 1___ Angell tering this rule, students with less Notice to Property Owners: If you than 24 hours of credit are consider- have purchased improved property ed freshmen. Exceptions may be on a land contract and owe a bal- made in extraordinary circumstances, ance in the proximity of 60 per cent such as severe or long continued ill- of the value of the property, the ness.f' Investment Office, 100 South Wing of University Ihall would be glad to discuss the possibilities of refinan- -inu your cont acf throtwgl the iedi- inn of a xx7(7i.; e. Ther-e are advan - agecs to be io10 tis ciniler or ricfinanciu i. A supply of copies of the Report of the University Librarian for 1940-41 has been sent to the office of each dean of a school or college of the University. Members of the Uni- versity staff who wish copies of this Report may have them upon applica- tion at these offices or by coming to the office of the Director, 210 Li- brary. W. G. Rice, Director Students, College of Engineering: The final day for dropping courses without record will be Saturday, April 4. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the clas- sifier, after conference with the in- structor. E. A. Walter (nilidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for May and August 1942: A list of c-andidates, has been p tosted on-i the bid letin boa lrd of.tHeisSchool Of Education, Room 1431 UES, Any prospective candidate whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. School of Music, School of Educa- tion, College of Architecture and De- sign: Midsemester reports indicating students enrolled in these units do- ing unsatisfactory work in any unit of the University are due in the office of the school on Saturday, April 4, at noon. Report blanks for this pur- pose may be secured from the office of the school or from Room 4, Uni- versity Hall. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar