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March 31, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-31

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Min Blitz

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State Department's
Actions Criticized ,..



British Vessel
Sunk In Battle
In Arctic Sea,
Berlin Clains
Nazis Report Destruction
Of Murmansk-Bound
Transport, Torpedoing
Of Warship In North
London Announces
'Naiad' Lost At Sea
LONDON, March 30. -(R)- The
Germans claimed destruction of a
Murmansk-bound transport laden
with American-made tanks and
munitions today at a cost of a Nazi
destroyer sunk in a convoy attack
which may have been the first big-
scale sea and air battle for com-
mand of the Allied far northern
route to Russia.
Official London was silent on this
German report, which said a Brit-
ish cruiser was torpedoed, but in its
own offensive against the Germans
in the north the Air Ministry an-
LONDON, March 30. -(P)- The
loss of the cruiser Naiad was an-
nounced tonight.
The Naiad was one of 10 cruis-
ers of the 5,450-ton Dido class and
was completed in 1939. She carried
10 5.25-inch guns, 16 smaller weap-
ons, six 21-inch torpedo tubes and
one airplane and catapult.
nounced RAP patrol planes torpe-
doed and probably sank a German
supply ship and set another afire
last night in operations off the Nor-'
wegian and Danish coasts. Torpe-
does were aimed at two other Nazi
vessels, but the results were not de-
The Germans said their combined
sea and air attack, apparently in the
Arctic off North Cape, occurred dur-
ing a dawn blizzard a day after Nazi
airmen had pounced on the same
convoy and damaged four merchant-
men and a British destroyer.
For some time the British have
expected a determined Nazi effort
to cut the Allied route to Murmansk,
informed circles said, because the
Germans are beginning to feel the
sharp effect of United States and
British supplies reaching Murmansk.
Today's Berlin report, they added,
may signal the opening phase of this
Speech Group
Reveals Cast
Of Melodrama
The cast for Play Production's
forthcoming presentation of "Under
the Gaslight" which will open to-
morrow at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre was announced yesterday by
Prof. William P. Halstead, of the
Department of Speech.
William Altman, '42, will play the
brave hero Ray Trafford; Mildred
Janusch, '43, is Pearl; Helen Rhodes.
'42, the helpless heroine Laura Cort-
land; Philip Swander, '44, will play
Martin and Merle Webb, '42, Byke.
The cast continues with William
Kinzer, as Snorkey; James Wolfe,
'42SM, as Edward Demilt; Willis
Pitts, Grad., as Sam; Margaret Cot-
ton, '42, as Mrs. Van Dam; Jim Bob
Stephenson, '43, as Bermudas; Cath-
erine Fletcher, '43, as Peachblossom;

Blanche Holpar, '44, as Old Judas,
and Margaret Evans, '43, as the pick-
The old-fashioned melodrama, un-
der the direction of Valentine B.
Windt, will be given tomorrow
through Saturday as the closing pre-
sentation of the annual winter drama
Army Air Corps
Examining Board
Recommending that students who
intend to enlist in the U.S. Air Corps
at the end of the semester take their
qualifying examinations now, the
Sixth Corps Area Traveling Aviation
Cadet Examining Board will receive
applications starting at 9:30 a.m. to-
morrow in the Health Service.
New, lowered requirements will
make enlistment in the Air Corps
available to many students previously
ineligible, Public Relations Officer

New Board Will Review
War EffortOnCampus
Organizations Asked To Submit Reports Of Present
Defense Activities, Plans For Future Projects
The new Student War Board-al- u
ready given carte blanche by fac-
ulty authorities-took the first step
yesterday towards accumulating a
statistical picture of the present cam-
pus war effort.
According to a regulation passed
at its first meeting, "all organizations
are required to submit to this board
at Room 1009, Angell Hall, a report
of current activities in relation to the
war effort by Thursday, April 9." a
The second major action taken by
the nine-member board stipulated
that "henceforth all organizations
who are planning such projects must
have permission of this committee
before taking action."
"This action has been made com-
pulsory because these things must
be known if the student body is to
cooperate in all efforts needed to
make the campus war effort a suc-
cess," Robert Wallace, '42E, newly- ROBERT WALLACE
chosen chairman of the war board, , e tuWaL a
declared yesterday. . . . heads Student War Board
The two regulations, which will be
stamped "official" in tomorrow's to Wallace, call for the correlation of
Daily Official Bulletin, were adopted all projects now in existence so that
after the student war board had 'we'll know what's going on." After
been set up "to coordinate all stu- this has been accomplished the board
dent activities directed toward the will have the dual function of allo-
furtherance of the war effort." cating projects brought to its atten-
Present war board plans, according tion and making its own suggestions

Allied Air

Power Gains Mastery

In Australia; Burma Crisis Near;

Japan's Foes Form

New Council

Seven Nations Combating
Nipponese Will Convene
To Discuss War Plans
Group Will Work
With London Body
WASHINGTON, March 30.-(A)-
A Pacific Council, representing the
seven nations actively battling Japan
in the Pacific, was established in
Washington today to consider "mat-.
ters of policy relating to our joint
war effort."
The countries given membership
on the council, which will meet forj
the first time at the White House
Wednesday, are the United States,
England, Australia, New Zealand,
Canada and the Netherlands.
Australia and New Zealand have
been urging this step ever since the
United States went to war, and Her-
bert V.. Evatt, Australian Minister for
External Affairs now in Washing-
ton, declared the United Nations had
made "an important advance."
"It is imperative," President Roo-
sevelt asserted in announcing that
the council had been set up, "that
all of the United Nations now active-
ly engaged in the Pacific conflict
consider together matters of policy
relating to our joint war effort.
"An effective war can only be
prosecuted with the complete cooper-
ation and understanding of all the
nations concerned. The new coun-
cil will be in intimate contact with
a similar body in London." "
A Pacific Council created in Lon-
don on Feb. 9 granted representa-
tion only to England, the Nether-
lands, Australia and New Zealand.
Just how the Washington council
will operate was not defined clearly.
Presumably it will consider problems
of production and supply, shipping,
foreign policy and perhaps war stra-

Okkelberg To Feature Fourth
University Orchestra Concert

Prof. Slosson
To Open War
Board Series
'Why America Is At War'
To Begin Weekly Talks
On Present U.S. Position
Opening a series of six weekly lec-
tures on the United States at war,
Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the his-
tory department, will speak on "Why
America Is At War" at 8 p.m. today
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The lectures, which will be pre-
sented on successive Tuesdays, are
sponsored by the' University Wa
Professor Slosson will talk of the
historical setting of the American
part in the war. His lecture will an-
alyze shifting trends of thought in
America and the two war clouds of
the world-Germany in the East, and
Japan in the West.
On April 7 Prof. John Dawson will
speak on "War and divil Liberties."
He will be followed by speakers who
have not yet been chosen but who
will discuss "War and National De-
fense," "Objectives of American For-
eign Policy," and "Mobilization of
Vocation Talks
Will Be Given
Conference Will Describe
Wartime Opportunities
University students will have the
chance to hear a discussion on war-
time opportunities for men and wo-
men in government and industry at
a vocational guidance conference
sponsored by the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
tomorrow and Thursday in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
The conference will emphasize the
'openings for men and women in state
and federal civil service and in de-
fense industry. These fields are being
stressed because of their importance
to the nation's war effort. All pro-
grams of the two-day session will be
held in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Dr. L. J. O'Rourke, director of re-
search for the United States Civil
Service Commission will speak on the
opportunities in federal civil service
at 4 p.m. tomorrow. Openings in de-
fense industry will be discussed by
John Haien, director of youth train-
ing and aircraft training for the
Chrysler Corporation, and Thomas P.
Garrity, assistant director of voca-
tional training for war workers in
Detroit, at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Army Pay Raise
Passed By Senate
WASHINGTON, March 30.-VP)-
The Senate voted 73 to 0 today to
boost the starting pay of Uncle Sam's
"buck privates" from $21 to $42 a

for war action.
Citing examples, Wallace declared
that if three or four organizations
brought the same plan up to the war
board, this body would have the
power to decide which is most qual-
ified to carry it out.
Such projects as defense stamp
drives,'the Charlie Barnet swing con-
cert for the Bomber-Scholarship
Fund, and the Bomber Scholarship
fund itself have already come under
the jurisdiction of the new board.
Although all action taken by this
board must be approved by the Uni-
versity War Information Committee,
there will be no projects initiated
from without the student body, Wal-
lace asserted.
Wallace was also emphatic in lay-
ing down the relationship of the war
board to the student body proper.
Other action taken at yesterday's
meeting saw Virginia Frey, '42E,
chosen as secretary.

Thor Johnson To Conduct;
Concerto In C Minor
To Highlight Program
Featuring Maud Okkelberg, pian-
ist and member of the School of
Music faculty, the University Orches-
tra under the baton of Thor John-
son, conductor, will give its fourth
concert of the current season at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Mrs. Okkelberg will assist Johnson
in a performance of the rarely heard
Concerto in C minor for piano and
orchestra by Frederick Delius. In ad--
dition to this, as a tribute to the
Easter season, Johnson will lead the
orchestra in Richard Wagner's "Good
Friday Spell" from Parsifal. Also'on
the program are the works of Bach,
Brahms and Dvorak.
Frederick Delius, though born of
German parentage in England, and
spending most of his life in France
and the United States is nevertheless
considered an English composer and
his music is cited as being represen-
Film On Navy Fliers
Will Be Presented
Life of the Navy flier in training
at Pens&cola and on active duty
with the fleet will be revealed in
"Eyes of the Navy," first in a series
of defense movies, to be shown at
7:30 p.m. today in Roam 316 of the
Michigan Union.
Produced by the United States
Navy in cooperation with MGM,
"Eyes of the Navy" will be pre-
sented by the Michigan Alumni As-
sociation. There will be no charge
for admission.

League Officials, Campus Groupa
Preidets nstlle AtBaque

- to conduct Symphony
tative of the English spirit. However
this concerto was written in Florida
in 1897, when the composer was still
a comparatively young man. The
concerto is in one movement and
shows its American influence by the
appearance of a theme in the slow
section, reminiscent of a Stephen
Foster ballad or a Negro spiritual.
Of Wagner's popular Good Friday
Spell from "Parsifal," Dorothy Eck-
Choral Prelude . .Bach-Ormandy
Serenade in D major,
Op. 11 ...,.... .......Brahms
Good Friday Spell from
"Parsifal" .............Wagner
Slavonic Dance, No. 15 in
C major ..............Dvorak
Concerto in C minor for
piano and orchestra .....Delius
ert, program annotator for the Uni-
versity Symphony Orchestra says:
"The scene concerns Parsifal, who
after a long and grievous wandering,
at last arrives at Monsalvat on Good
Friday. Here he is told of the evil
that has befallen the Knights of the
Grail. Parsifal baptizes Kundry and
observes the peacefulness and beauty
of the spring landscape. He is told
it is the Good Friday Spell, a sign of
all creation's gratitude to the Re-
deemer on this day of universal par-
don; flowers, herbs and every grow-
ing thing seems to glow with new
uand radiant beauty."
Mrs. Okkelberg appears today as
the only faculty soloist to appear
with the University Orchestra this
year. Prof. Johnson, who is conduc-
tor of the Little Symphony and the
Grand Rapids Symphony as well as
:he University Orchestra, has also
conducted the Boston and Philadel-
phia Orchestras in the past, and will
conduct the Philadelphia Orchestra
here again at this year's May Festi-
Band To Play
New Concerto
Will Feature Composition
In ConcertApril 14
Offering the world premiere of a
new "Concerto" for band and piano,
probably the first composition of its
kind, the University Concert Band
will present its twenty-ninth annual
Spring Concert Tuesday, April 14, in
Hill Auditorium.
Composed by the well-known
American musician Roy Harris, the
piece will feature the playing of his,
wife at the piano. Mrs. Harris has
been recording for Victor Red Seal
The band will also feature Dukas'
The Sorcerer's Apprentice; Georges
Enesco's Roumanian Rhapsody, writ-
ten especially for band; Guaracha,
a selection from Morton Gould's
Latin-American Symphonette; and
Newsreel, a new composition by the
contemporary composer William
In addition to conducting his own
composition for the band and piano,
Mr. Harris will also direct "When

Ten Per Cent Of Enemy
Cruiser Strength Sunk
In New Britain Attacks
Jap New Guinea
Drive Washed Out
(Associated Press War Editor)
The Allies appeared last night to
have won the first phase of the bat-
tle for Australia, for American and
Australian air superiority over the
northern approaches to that conti-
nent was officially proclaimed, but
the position in Burma was at a deli-
cate balance foreshadowing an immi-
nent crisis.
Australian Air Minister A. S.
Drakeford, in the most heartening
declaration from that far rampart
since the enemy first appeared in the
outer islands, announced that the in-
vader was at least temporarily out-
mastered over both New Guinea and
New Britain and that he had suf-
fered a disaster of the first rank to
his sea power.
Jap Cruisers Destroyed
Probably more than 10 per cent of
Japan's entire cruiser' strength had
been knocked out of action by Amer-
ican and Australian fliers in attacks
off the single area of Lae in New
Britain, he said. This indicated that
four to five such ships had been crip-
pled, since the Japanese navy at the
start of the war had 40 to 50, aside
from about a score of other vessels
knocked out there in running opera-
tions since early March.
As to the struggle aloft, he stated
that in recent weeks at least 48 Jap-
anese bombers and fighters had been
destroyed, for certain or in all prob-
ability, aside from 15 more damaged.
In London Allied informants
brought forward official recapitula-
tions indicating that 1,025 Japanese
planes had been destroyed in all the-
atres since the start of the Pacific
war, or a fourth to a sixth of the
total enemy force.
Australia Quiet
The day, which remained quiet in
the Australian theatre save for new
enemy bombing attacks on Darwin on
the northern Australian mainland
and Port Moresby in New Guinea,
also brought a report that the in-
vader's one overland thrust of con-
sequence had been nullified.
This was in New Guinea, where
great floods were said to have forced
the Japanese columns to return from
the Markham Valley to the eastern
coastal areas from which they had set
out in the beginning. Thus washed
out was a,27-mile advance.
All available information sug-
gested, in summary, that while Allied
air superiority might not last it had
at the very least broken the invader's
initial thrust and disarranged all his
plans in that area.
Chinese Holding Out
In Burma, the Chinese on the Al-
lied left about Toungoo still were
strongly holding out after about a
week of the most violent fighting and
on the Allied right the British below
Prome were striking south in what
was apparently a strong counter-of-
fensive down upon the approaches to
the central Burmese oil fields.
The situation at Tungoo was cha-
otic, and the issue was touch and go.
The Chinese, under command of the
American general Joseph W. Stil-
well, controlled one part of the town
and the Japanese the other.
Williams To Tell
Of Future U.S.A.
In SLA Address
A picture of what he hopes Amer-
ica will be like after the war will be
drawn by Prof. Mentor L. Williams at
8 p.m. Thursday in Room 323 of the

Professor Williams, who is to ad-
dress the meeting to be sponsored by
the Michigan Chapter of the Student
League of America, will deal with the
social and economic opportunities
which he hopes will be open to youth
after this war.
The America. pictured, will not,
however, be that which Professor
Williams expects to see, but that

.. . WAA president
* * *
Newly selected League officers and
committee heads, and all campus or-
ganization presidents took theirI
places on the 1942-43 League Council
before a crowd of 1,100 students and
faculty guests assembled at Instal-
lation Banquet in Waterman Gym-
nasium yesterday, while outgoing
campus officers announced new aux-
iliary boards boards, and two women's
honoraries tapped their new mem-
Virginia Morse, '43, was installed as
the president of Michigan Panhellenic
while Elizabeth Newman, '43, took
her place as president of Assembly,
and Nancy Filstrup, '43, as president
of the Women's Athletic Associa-
tion. New secretary of the League is
Barbara MacLaughlin, '43, with Ele-
anor Rakestraw, '43, named as treas-
Committee Heads Named
Other junior members of the new
League Council include committee
heads Barbara Alcorn, tutorial;
Peggy Brown, social; Marjorie Ma-
hon, candy booth; Marallyn Mac-

. .. heads Panhellenic
man. New members of Panhellenic
Board as announced by outgoing
president, Patricia Hadley, '42, will
be Dorothy Cumming, '43, vice-presi-
dent and social chairman; Lorraine
Dalzen, '43, secretary; Elaine Barth,
'43, treasurer, and Jane Graham, '43,
rushing secretary.
Jean Hubbard, '42, retiring As-
sembly president, named the new
Assembly Board as follows: Dorothy
Schloss, '43, vice-president; Mary
Moore, '43, secretary, an d Roberta
Holland, '43, treasurer.
WAA Successors Named
Donelda Schaible, '42, outgoing
president of the WAA, announced
that the new WAA Board would be
made up of Betty Sachs, '43, vice-
president; Suzanne Cone, '43, secre-
tary;Gertrude Inwood,4'43,treasur-
er; Shelby Dietrich, '45, chairman
American Federation of College Wo-
men; Esther Stevens, '44, awards
chairman; Phyllis Present, '44, pub-
licity, and Lenore Bode, '44, inter-
house manager to be assisted by Ar-
line Ross.'43. in charge of rdormi-

... to lead Assembly
charge of hockey; Dorothy Lund-
strom, '45, outdoor sports; Sybil
Graham, '44, riding; Doris Kimball,
'43, rifle; Oriel Strahley, '45, swim-
ming; Helen Clarke, '43, softball;
Marcia Sharpe, '45, table tennis and
Josephine Lloyd, '44, tennis.
Senior Society Taps
Honors for service and leadership1
were bestowed upon the 15 junior1
women tapped by Senior Society, all
to be seen today wearing the tradi-
tional white collar and blue bow of
the organization. Initiation for the
group will be at 9p.m. tomorrow in
the League ChapeldRosebud Scott,
'42, retiring president announced,
adding that five more women will be
tapped by the present group in the
Tapped from Mosher Hall were
Miss GreenrLeanor Grossman and
Jeanne Cordell; Miss Capron, Dor-
othy Johnson and Miss Judson from
Martha Cook; Miss Newman and Miss
Inwood, Jordan Hall; Gloria Nishon
and Constance Gilbertson, Stockwell
Hall, and Miss Alcorn from Betsy

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