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March 29, 1942 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-29

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Petitions Due
For Uiversity
Applications Must Be Filed
In Dean Woodburne's
Office By Wednesday
Deadline for the submission of all
applications for scholarships in the
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts to the office of Dean Lloyd S.
Woodburne in Room 1208 Angell Hall
has been set for Wednesday.
Students interested may still obtain
application forms, including requests
for summer session scholarships,at
Dean Lloyd S. Woodburne's office
and should do so as soon' as possible.
The following scholarships com-
plete the list which appeared in yes-
terday's Daily:
Noyes, La Verne:
Eligible: Deserving, needy students!
who were honorably discharged from
the Army or Navy of the United
States or who are descended by blood
from someone who served in the
Army or Navy prior to May 11, 1918.
Amount: Income from $69,660. Num-
ber: Not specified.
Phillips Scholarships:
Eligible: Freshmen in College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts pro-
ficient in classical language. For fur-
ther qualifications see pamphlet oni
Scholarships, page 14. Amount: $50.
Number: Three. Apply to Dean of
Collegesof Literature, Science, and
the Arts..
Platt, Samuel J.:
Eligible: Law students and pre-law'
students in College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts taking combined
curriculum in letters and law.'
Amount: Not specified. Number:
More than one. Apply to Dean of the
College of Literature, Science, andl
the Arts or to Dean of the Law |

i 1

Giant Slipstick
May Be Priize
At Crease Ball
The rumor that ruthless law stu-
dents-kidnappers of the eight-foot
Slide Rule Ball slide rule on Friday-
intend to raffle it off at their own
Crease Ball on May 1 yesterday fan-
ned the flame of a fast growing engi-
neer-lawyer feud as revenge-hungry
engineering vigilantes roamed the
campus in futile search of their em-
Speaking for the engineers, Ball
chairman Burr J. French, 142E, de-
clared thatu"Ifrthe slide rule isn't re-
turned before May 1, there just won't
be any Crease Ball this year!"
That prediction took on a dditional
ominous significance with the an-
nouncement by engineering senior
class president, Ted Kennedy, that
the engineers' annual senior class
picnic would be held May 1.
Still organized only informally, the
vigilantes yesterday searched a law
quad kitchen in response to a report!
that the rule was hidden there, and
then combed two law fraternity
houses, but without success.
In spite of all precautions taken to
avoid a recurrence of the thefts of
past years, marauding lawyers broke
into the Union Ballroom shortly after
6 p.m. Friday, lowered the slide rule
through a Ballroom window and
made off to the law quad with their
Adding insult to injury, the fiend-
ish barristers then sent a special mes-
senger to the Slide Rule Ball carrying
the slide off the rule and a telegram
saying "Deepest sympathy in your
great loss; if there is anything we can
do don't hesitate to call on us. Signed,
The Lawyers."
It was not a slide rule-less Slide
Rule Ball, however. Quick-thinking
engineers borrowed a smaller six-foot
rule from Col. H. W. Miller of the
engineering drawing department for
use at the dance.
The lawyer who purloined the rule
was hanged in effigy at the Ball as
an example of what might happen
to any of the culprits who are appre-
Avukah Seminar
To Be Held Today
A subject involving the basic prob-
lems and conflicts of the Jews, "Jew-
ish Realities," will be the topic of a
seminar sponsored by Avukah, stu-
dent Zionist organization, at 2:30
p.m. today at Hillel Foundation.
The foundation of a Jewish army
in Palestine will be advocated by
Philip Slomowitz, editor of the De-
troit Jewish News. This question has
been discussed by the British govern-
ment and Zionists since the begin-
ning of the war when Jewish citizens
of Palestine announced their eager-
ness to begin such a venture.
Power politics of the Near East will
be analyzed by Prof. Preston W. Slos-
son of the history department, in a
second speech.+


'Ensian Salesman Sells 2,100th Copy Choral Works
To Highlight
"N Palm Sunday

Melodrama Will Close Season


An 'Ensian salesman is shown above selling the 2,100th order for
the yearbook as the last campus drive for subscriptions opens. The
attractive purchaser is Charlotte Riff, '42.

Rackham, Horace H.:
For freshmen. See
Scholarships, page 10.

pamphlet on

Spaulding, Stephen:
For member of Beta Theta Pi. Ap-
ply to president of the fraternity. See
pamphlet on Scholarships, page 10.
Stevens, Anne E. Shipman:
For resident of Martha Cook. See
pamphlet on Scholarships, page 11.
United States Army Veteran Scholar-
Eligible: Honorably discharged sol-
diers of United States Army qualified
for admission whose discharge is not
more than five years previous to ap-
plication for scholarship. Commis-
sioned officers not eligible. Amount:
Tuition for one semester. Number:
Five. Apply to Adjutant General of
Army, Washington, D. C.
University Scholarships in Profes-
sional Schools:
See pamphlet on Scholarships,
page 11.
Brazil Arrests
Disguised Jap
RIO DE JANEIRO, March 28.-0P)
-Two Japanese naval officers posing
as agriculturists were arrested at the
port city of Belem and large caches
of Japanese arms uncovered today in
the interior state of Sao Paulo, hot-
bed of fifth columnists, by Brazilian
authorities pressing a nationwide
drive against Axis subversive activi-
The Japanese, identified as Iossio
Yamata and Krota Ushi, were found
in possession of their officers' uni-
forms, photographs of ships and stra-
tegic Brazilian developments, maps
and spy reports. Arresting officers
said they long have been carrying on
espionage around Belem, strategic
coastal city at the mouth of the
Amazon River.
The hidden arms and a large quan-
tity of propaganda were seized in
Sao Paulo just a week after disclosure
of Japanese fifth columnist plans for
conquest, first of that rich state and
finally all Brazil.
This haul was made in a raid of
a huge Japanese farm, described by
authorities as the nerve center of the
Japanese nucleus in that inland re-
Even before today's raid the re-
moval of Japanese from strategic Sao
Paulo areas was under way. The first
were cleared away from the vicinity
of the explosives plant of the Nitro-
chemical Company, biggest munitions
factory in South America which now
is turning out supplies exclusively for
the Brazilian Army.

Engine School Will Open Third
Section Of Ordnance Training
Swelling the ranks of ordnance j unnecessarily high requirements for
inspection trainees at the University E application.
to more than 200, approximately 75 "We have found in our operation
new men will arrive on campus to- of the course that the only require-
morrow to open the third section of ments needed are one year of resident
the Engineering, Science and Man- study in an accepted college or uni-
agement Defense Training course in versity, and one year of high school
ordnance materials inspection, physics, high school algebra and trig-
Already enrolled in the course are onometry, and either one year of
groups of 76 and 62 which began high school chemistry or four sem-
training in the 12-week course in ester hours of chemistry at a Univer-
mid-January and early March, re- sity or college," he revealed.
spectively. It is expected that eventual re-
Scheduled to graduate Friday, quirements, though probably not com-
April 17, the first such group will be ing all the way down to that sug-
employed in industry by the begin- gestion, will still be much lower than
ning of the following week, so great those in force at the present.
is the need for ordnance inspectors, Present Qualifications
Col. H. W. Miller, University admin- Present qualifications specify that
istrator of the course, predicted. the applicant be credited with one
Need Is Great year in an engineering college or two
Designed to fill an almost continu- years in a literary college, with six
ous need for additional inspectors in hours of credit in chemistry, physics
industry, the course offers special in- and mathematics.
struction in mathematics, blueprint During the period of instruction
reading, industrial processes, pro- the men are paid a monthly salary:
cedure manufacture, machine tool of $120, and upon completion of the
operation and inspection practices, course, they take positions as ord-
and also includes visits to nearby in- nance inspectors in industries super-
dustries as well as inspection trips vised by the Detroit Ordnance Dis-
through the various laboratories. trict.
The custom-smashing announce- Unlike other ESMDT courses ad-
ment that women might soon be en- ministered by the University Exten-
rolled in the inspection course was sion Service, the ordnance materials
made Saturday, and Colonel Miller inspection course is a full-time prop-
noted that even now the Civil Service osition, requiring approximately eight
Commission is having trouble re- hours of study a day, five days a
cruiting enough trainees because of week.

Local Churches To GiVe
Special Presentations
of 'Elijah',_'Crucifixion'
Palm Sunday, the most revered
part of the Lenten season, will be
celebrated today throughout the
churches of Ann Arbor with special
sermons, ceremonies and choir per-
The "Crucifixion," famous work
by Stainer, will be put on by the Zion
Iutheran Church's 30 voice choir at
7:30 p.m. today in the church, direct-
ed by Miss Frieda Op't Holt.
Tenor soloist will be Charles Math-
eson, a senior from Albrion's Univer-
sity School of Music and Donald
Plott, a music school sophomore from
Greencastle, Pa., will sing the bass
Mist Op't Holt is at present a stu-
dent of Palmer Christian, University
organist, and a theory instructor in
the music school.
Also to be presented in Ann Arbor
will be "Elijah," the Mendelssohn-
Bartholdy two-part oratorio, by the
Methodist Senior Choir at 8 p.m.
today in the church.
Directed by Hardin Van Deursen,
the choir will be assisted by several
guest soloists and accompanied by
Mary Porter Gwin.
Bonnie Ruth Van Deursen, who
sang a solo part in Chicago's North
Shore May Festival performance of
"Elijah" with the Chicago Symphony,
Orchestra, will take the leading sopra-
no part. She will be assisted by
Beatrice Nesbitt Ruthven in the other
smaller parts.
Beatrice Brody Larsen, now teach-
ing voice at Michigan State, will sing
contralto. Avery Crew, tenor, and
Mark Bills, baritone, a teaching fellow
in the University School of Music,
will also take part.
Mrs. Jesse Copp
Will Give Recital
Mrs. Jesse Copp, director of music
at Trinity Lutheran Church, will play
in the first organ recital of a new
series at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill
The program which will be given
in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of
Music degree requirements will feat-
ure Marcelle's Psalm XVIII; a Bach
sinfonia and sonatina and also his
Fifth Trio-Sonata in C major and
Prelude and Fugue in E minor;
Franck's Fantaisie in A major; Karg-
Eert's "Abide with us, Our Saviour,"
and Mulet's Toccata, "Thou Art the

Cream of Mushroom Soup
Tomato Juice, Grapefruit Juice
Pickle Slices, Celery, Radishes
Roast Spring Chicken, Savoury Dressing ... or
Grilled Beef Tenderloin Steak, Fresh Mushrooms
Whipped Potatoes, or Frenchfried Potatoes
Corn Saute Mexicane or Buttered June Peas'
Head Lettuce and Tomato Salad and Thousand Isle's Dressing
or Jellied Fruit Salad
Hot Rolls and Butter
Tea Coffee Milk Ice Cream
GuestsPrice°55 C
She will love its fresh Patricia styling . ..
with a way of flattering - not flattening - ,
- her bustline. She'll love the way its
sculptured waistline eliminates needless w
bulkiness . . . the grace of the form-fit-
ting back that follows the curve of her
own. She'll love it because it's so precious.
And she'll be thrilled because it bears a *
label that's honored throughout the land.n.i'

Anold-fashioned hair-raising mel-
odrama will be the next and final
feature of Play Production's winter
bill as the drama group presents
Augustin Daly's "Under the Gas-
light" Wednesday through Saturday
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The play is similar to the old-style
dramas in which the helpless heroine
is thrown in rivers to drown or tied
in a stationhouse while her brave
hero is tied to the railroad tracks on
which a train is approaching.
However, the melodrama is super-
ior to many of these old-time stories,

for Daly had a flare for comedy such
as is used on the legitimate comedy
stage today., h
Valentine B. Windt, Director of
Play Production, is in charge of the
presentation. Robert Mellencamp is
art director and Emma Hirsch is
Tickets for this final production
may be obtained at the box office
anytime from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to-
morrow and Tuesday, and until cur-
tain time on the evenings of the per-

II !

I' j


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