Moderately Cold.
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Campus Gets Dose
Of Bad Tasteg
VOL. LII: No. 131
-- - - i
Yale Captures
National Tank
Title, 71-39;
'M' Is Second
Four Records Shattered
As Elis Break Michigan
Jinx After Eight Years'
Quest For Championship
Michigan Grapplers
Take Fourth Place
(Special to The Daily)
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 28.-
Amidst a breath-taking onslaught
upon existing records, a gallant crew
of Yale natators scored 71 points and
won its first National Collegiate
swimming championship in history
tonight here in the Harvard pool.
For eight years, the Elis have been
trying to pry loose the Michigan
strangle-hold on the coveted trophy.
Tonight they did it in a manner
which left no doubt in any mind as to
Yale's overwhelming supremacy.
Coach Bob Kiphuth's Blue Wave
garnered five first places, four
seconds and four thirds while ending
the eight year title-quest.
Michigan, the defending champion,
finished second in the meet with a
total of 39 points. Ohio State was
third with 34 tallies, leading Michi-
gan until the final 400-yard free
style relay. Princeton and Rutgers
were tied for fourth with nine mark-
ers apiece.
Although four records fell during
the course of the two-day meet, Yale
only broke one of them, the pool
mark in the 440-yard free style.
Coach Matt Mann's battling Wolver-
ines smashed the others in the 200
yard breast stroke, the 400-yard free
style relay and the 220-yard free
style, the latter broken by Jack Pat-
ten last night.
As last night, it was again a Michi-
gan man who gave the huge crowd of
1500 screaming fans its greatest in-
dividual performance. Jim Skinner,
exerting every ounce of effort, bulling
his way don' the 'laie in spectacu-
lar fashion and butterflying through-
out with the same.rhythmical stroke,
broke the Harvard pool record as he
successfully defended his 200-yard
breast stroke crown in the time of
2:23.7, the fastest recorded time this
Leading at the end of 150 yards,
but half, a body length behind the'
flying Johnny Meyer of Yale at the
175 post, Skinner staged the most
miraculous last lap sprint of the en-
tire meet to speed past the streaking
Eli and win the race by over a yard.
And as the husky Wolverine made
his sensational bid, the bellowing
crowd rose as one man to shower ac-
claim and admiration upon the na-
tive Ann Arborite. Meyer could not
Turn to Page 3, Col. 1
Aggies' Wrestling Team
Retains National Mat Title
(Special to The Daily)
EAST LANSING, March 28.-This
is of course no man bites dog but
Oklahoma A&M took its sixth con-
secutive National Collegiate mat title
here tonight with a total of 31 points
as it placed individual champions in
the 145, 155, 165 pound and heavy-
weight divisions.
Michigan State with 26 points was
runner-up for the second straight
year, based almost entirely on the
stupendous performance of its trio
of lower weight lads, 121 pounder
Cut Jennings, 128 pounder Bo Jen-
nings and 136 pounder Bill Maxwell.
Cut and BO both retained the na-
tional titles they won last year by
repulsing the strong bids of Purdue's
Malcolm MacDonald and Oklahoma's
Sid Marks respectively. Maxwell cap-
tured his first National crown by pin-
ning Fred Bishop of Cornell with
such a colorful and unorthodox exhi-
bition of mat work as to bring back
memories of Michigan's erstwhile
Harlan Danner. Maxwell's fall was
effected in 5:16 by an indescribable
Penn State was third in the team
rankings with ten points and Michi-
gan followed with eight.
Of the four Wolverines who went
into the semi-finals this afternoon
only Johnny Johnson won through
to a shot at the title. He had been
paired with Penn State's rough
wrestling captain Glenn Alexander
and had to keep the heat on all the
way to pile up a 5 to 0 win. Then in
the evening, with 'the glory of being
acclaimed the best in the nation ly-
ing within his grasp he poured all his
All-Campus Post-War
Conference Scheduled
Troops Blast
Four Panel Discussions To Take Place April 17,
Meetings Will Review Various Problems
With a personal letter from Vice-
President Henry A. Wallace testify-
ing to the importance of its program,
the Michigan Post-War Council yes-
terday announced the discussion pan-
Iels for the all-campus Post-War Con-
ference scheduled for April 17 and 18.
The conference will open with a
general session the first day, to be
keynoted by a nationally-famous
speaker, and will continue the follow-
ing afternoon with tour panel groups
which will discuss various phases of
the post-war problem.
Chairman Outlines
As outlined by Chairman Cliff
Straehley, '44, the four panels are:
International Problems After the
War; Relations of Capital and Labor
After the War; How to Combat Ele-
ments of Fascism Now and Insure
Democracy After the War; Social
Rehabilitation After the War.
Straehley emphasized that the two-
fold purpose of the Post-War Coun-
cil is first to combat student com-
placency, concerning the problems'
British Forces
Straighten Out
Burma Lines
of both the war and post-war recon-
struction, and second to assimilate
and corelate the feelings of the cam-
pus into specific ideas and action.
He said that representatives of
business, labor, agriculture, religion
and government will be present at the
conference panels, but that the dis-
cussion itself would be done by the
students, while the experts would act
only in an advisory capacity.
At the conclusion of each panel
votes will be taken in an attempt to
determine what the majority opinion
is on solutions to the various prob-
lems. The results will then be an-
nounced at the concluding session in
the evening.
The Council is composed of repre-
sentatives from 13 major campus or-
ganizations, including the Student
Senate, the Intercooperative Coun-
cil, the Interfraternity Council, Pan-
hellenic, Congress, Assembly, The
Daily, the Union. Hillel, the Dormi-
tories, the Student League of Ameri-
ca and one independent member.
Finest Committee
It boasts of one of the finest facul-
ty advisory committees of any cam-
pus organization. Headed by Presi-
dent Alexander Ruthven, it includes
Prof. Harlow Heneman, director of
the War Board, Prof. James K. Pol-
lock of the political science depart-
ment, and Prof. Arthur Smithies of
the economics department.
Straehley said that the Council is
a permanent organization based up-
on the premise that "universities
comprise the intellectual center of
the nation and if a decent post-war
settlement is to be achieved those of
us in the universities must plan for
it now."
Munition Plant
Has Explosion;
Deaths Feared
(By The Associated Press)
BRIDGEPORT, Conn., March 28.
Six persons were missing, presum-!
ably killed, after an explosion and'
fire that demolished today a small:
brick building of the sprawling Rem-
ington Arms Company plant, one of
the nation's biggest munitions cen-
A company official reported to-
night, seven and a half hours after
the explosion, that no bodies had as
yet been recovered from the wrecked
building, but added that a careful
check had failed to locate any of the
Anzac, American Troo
Concentrate In AustrY
To Repel Jap Invad
Nipponese Planes
Bomb Port Mores]
(By The Assof lated Press)
The survivors of five torpedo
vessels have reaqhed the safety
widely scattered Atlantic po
MELBOURNE, March 28.-(-
Huge Allied planes'ranged hund
of miles to sea at the northern, e
ern and western approaches of I
tralia today in a vain search fi
Japanese invasion armada as
continent prepared for what
might come.
Allied bombers striking aga
Koepang in Dutch Timor, 300 ni
off the northern port of Darwin,
set a Japanese ship afire.
The enemy, using ever-weaker
bomber formations, attacked ]
Moresby in southern New Guinea
the 21st time but did little dam
Two marauding planes were dowi
there yesterday and an Allied c
was lost.
Darwin had its seventh raid shc
after noon but the bombs droppe(
seven planes caused no matE
damage, an Australian communi
New Zealand troops and fl
joined Australian and United St;
troops massing to repel any Japa
invasion attempt and their c{
mander, Gen. Sir Thomas Blar
declared that "next year will de
whether Australia will live or di(
a nation."~
(The Sydney correspondent of
London Star, quoting "authorita
sources," said United States subn
ines preying on the long-ten
Japanese Pacific supply lines
sunk five destroyers, an aircraft <
rier and about 30 transports and s
ply vessels were damaged "aro
A full Netherlands Indies divis
armed and eager to fight, was
ported by the correspondent to 1
arrived in Brisbane.)
The New Zealand and Austra'
Hunt Ja~p
Nazis Try Open-Field Tactics
In Spring-Push Preparations
Troops, Bolster
Flank Of Allies
Prome Sector
(By The Associated Press)
NEW DELHI, India, March 28.-
The British defending the Central
Burma oil fields effected a straight-
ening of their lines today in the
Prome area on their right flank but
reported that the situation on their
left-about Toungoo-had improved
greatly as the result of stoic resist-
ance by the Chinese.
The British maneuver about Prome,
involving a slight withdrawal caused
by earlier Japanese advances on the
Allied left, was effected without a
major contact with the Japanese-
only "large parties of mixed Bur-
mans, Japanese and local freeboot-
ers" were reported active in the area.
But the Allied lines in that sector
had stretched approximately 40 miles
south of a line through Toungoo and
were endangered by the possibility of
a sudden westward thrust.
The British lines were said to be
still well in front of Prome, protect-
ing the Yenangyaung oil fields to the
A Chinese communique said the
fighting for Toungoo, 120 miles north
of Rangoon, was growing fiercer and
that some Japanese troops had infil-
trated the southwest corner of theI
railroad town. Bitter hand-to-hand
fighting, in which the Chinese in-
flicted considerable losses, had been
in progress for two days.
The Chinese said the main Jap-
anese pressure was from the south.
The arrival of reinforcements for the
Chinese troops commanded by the
United States Lieut.-Gen. Joseph W.
Stilwell improved the position of the
These forces were encircled Wed-
nesday when Japanese, penetrating
the Yoma area, circled behind Toun-
goo and captured an airport to the
north of that defense center.
Germans Counter-Attack
In Desperate Attempts
To Regain Lost Initiative
HELSINKI, Finland, March 28.
-(P)-The Finnish High Com-
mand reported tonight that its
forces had captured the Island of
Suursaari, in the middle of the
Gulf of Finland, north of Estonia
and west of Leningrad.
MOSCOW, March 28.-.P)-Driven
back upon the defense of fortified
villages and cities by the crushing
waves of the Soviet winter offensive,
the German armies have switched
tactics to open-field fighting in say-'
age counter-attacks aimed at shak-
ing off the Russians' iron grip and
gaining fresh footholds for a spring
That was the picture of the mili-
tary situation as it was drawn to-
night both by an authoritative for-
eign military source who has been
with the Red Army at the front, and
by the army newspaper Red Star.
Nazis Counter-Attack
Each conceded that the Nazis, on
all sectors of the huge front, are
counter-attacking furiously at tre-
mendous cost in this all-or-nothing
effort to regain the initiative. But
both agreed that the initiative still
was firmly held by the Russians and
that the present German Army can-
not compare in power to the divisions
which blasted their way into Russia
last summer.
While the foreign military obser-
ver expressed the utmost confidence
in the current Soviet campaign with
its constant threat of out-flanking
and encircling the Germans, he de-
Prof. Slosson
To Inaugurate
War Lectures
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department will speak on
"Why America Is At War," at 8 p.m.
Tuesday in the Rackham Lecture
The lecture will be the first of
six to be presented weekly under the
auspices of the University War Board
on topics of interest in a nation at
On April 7 Prof. John Dawson of
the law school will speak on "War
and Civil Liberties." He will be fol-
lowed by speakers who have not yet
been chosen but who will discuss
"War and National Health," "Objec-
tives of American Foreign Policy,"
and "Mobilization of Inventions,"
and other topics centering on the
problem of defense.
The speakers, soon to be an-
nounced, will be experts in the fields
which they will discuss. All of the
~lectures will be held on successive
Tuesdays in Rackham Lecture Hall.
The lectures will be open to the gen-
eral public as well as students and
clared that it would be essential for
the Allies to open a second front
against the Nazis in order to enable
the Red Army to deliver a knockout
blow this year.-
(Most observers consider an Allied
drive through northern Norway and
Finland as the most feasible means
of creating a new front-one that
would attack the rear of the Ger-
mans' far northern flank and simul-
taneously aim at union with the
Russian forces in that area.
Possible Russian Move
(The possibility that the Russians
already may be paving the way for
such an operation was indicated in
reports that Soviet warships have
carried out a surprise troop landing
behind the German lines in the Mur-
mansk area north of the Arctic Cir-
cle. Murmansk itself is a vital Soviet
receiving port for supplies from Brit-
ain and the United States.)
U.S. To Cease
For Duration
Government Will Defer
Pending Investigations
To Help War Effort
WASHINGTON, March 28.-(A"-
President Roosevelt has approved a
plan under which all pending and
future Federal Court investigations,
prosecutions or suits under the anti-
trust laws would be temporarily de-
ferred where it was shown the action
would interfere with the progress of
the war effort.
The President's action was made
public byrthe White House today in
an exchange of letters showing that
the plan had been worked out by
Attorney General Francis Biddle, War
Secretary Henry L. Stmson, Navy
Secretary Frank Knox and Thurman
Arnold, assistant attorney general in
charge of anti-trust prosecutions.
The four officials notified the Pres-
ident of the plan in a memorandum
March 20. Mr. Roosevelt gave his
approval the same day.
The memorandum said that in the
present all-out effort to produce,
quickly and uninterruptedly a maxi-
mum amount of weapons, antitrust
investigations, suits and prosecutions
"unavoidably consume the time of
executives and employes of those cor-
porations which are engaged in war'
"In those cases," the memoran-
dum added, "we believe that contin-
uing such prosecutions at this time
will be contrary to the national in-
terest and security."
The memorandum asserted, how-
ever, that care would be taken to
see that no one who had violated
the law would escape ultimate in-
vestigation and prosecution, and
that no such persons would be per-
mitted to postpone investigation or
prosecution under a false pretext that
his undivided time is necessary to
the war effort.
Arm ada
U.S. Destroyer Is Turned
Into Giant Time Bomb,
Blown Up At Main Gate
Bulgaria Promises
War Against Russia
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, March 28. - Britain's
combined force of commandos, air-
men and sailors making their most
spectacular raid yet upon the Ger-
man-occupied French coast convert-
ed a former United States destroyer
into a giant time-bomb, laden with
five tons of explosives, and blasted
the main dock gate of the big Ger-
man submarine base at St. Nazaire
early today.
In a special communique tonight,
the British said "there is every hope"
that through this daring assault the
gate of the large dock at St. Nazaire,
BERLIN, (from German broad-
casts), March 28.-(P)-The Ger-
man High Command, in a special
statement tonight on the British
raid at St. Nazaire, said it was
modeled after the "Zeebrugge en-
terprise" of the World War-a
British naval action which bottled
up the Germans in the Belgian
(Noteworthy in this third offi-
cial German story of the raid is
the fact that the Germans re-
frained from repeating the earlier
specific claim that nine motor
torpedoboats and four larger tor-
pedoboats were sunk.
(The statement declared, how-
ever, that none of the British
craft which entered the bay at St.
Nazaire "was observed to have es-
caped." Several British destroyers
which lay at the, mouth of the
Loire, however, admittedly made
a getaway.)
A Berlin newspaper said the
raiders were "accounted for before
they were able to inflict heavy
damage." (The High Command
earlier had acknowledged not even
the slightest damage to the oc-
cupied French naval base.)
the largest on the Atlantic Coast, was
Special service troops were landed
and carried out pre-arranged demoli-
tions in the dockyard before the
1,090-ton destroyer Campbeltown,
formerly the U.S.S. Buchanan, was
sent nosing toward the main gate
with her giant load of explosives.
"This ex-American destroyer had
had her bows specially stiffened and
filled with five tons of high explo-
sive," the communique said. "A de-
layed action fuse had been fitted to
give our forces sufficient time to
complete other demolition work and
withdraw before the main explosion
took place."
The British acknowledged the sortie
was made "not without some casual-
ties" and indicated some of those
lost may have been aboard the de-
Premier Pledges Aid;
Fails To Mention Troops
BERN, Switzerland, March 28.-(W)
-Bulgaria was pledged in principle
to war against Russia today by her
Premier, Bogdan Philov, but he
avoided an outright promise of the
troops which Adolf Hitler has de-
manded of King Boris.
"Thanks to our army," Phil6v told
the Bulgarian Parliament," "the lit-
tle Balkan kingdom could fulfill her
tasks in the Axis and was ready for
all sacrifices." He declared "the de-
struction of Bolshevism" was essen-
tial, the French news agency Havas
reported from Sofia.
"Although we are not fighting we
are in a state of war with all its
dangers," Philov declared. The Pre-
mier added that Bulgaria's duty was
to "increase as much as possible our
production by exploiting all possi-
'Eyes Of The Navy'
Featured At Union
i 4 ~ fl 1. T nn t' ,rn.flc ,t I ,irning
six missing workers, three women " '" "' "' " "'"'" 1
and three men, either at their homes defend their homeland after two
or in hospitals years campaigning in such places as
More than 25 other workers were Tobruk, Crete, the Libyan Desert,
listed as injured in the blast which Malaya and Singapore, included con-
shook the huge munitions plant about tngents of the army, air forces and
2 p.m. (EWT), sent bullets whizzing navy. New Zealand pilots were among
dangerously through the vicinity, the first arrivals.
touched off a general fire alarm and
brought a rush of ambulances to he
scene. A freight car and an auto- Ra fl ia ie
mobile were also destroyed.
Most of the injured, cut by flying Air Corps
glas, worked in an adjoining build-
ing where windows and skylights
were shattered. Wahea ony Lg
About 25 other employes were treat- Washtenaw County Lags
ed for shock at the company's emer- In Enlistment Goal
gency hospitals.
The first explosion, followed by a Still lagging behind its set goal, the
series of smaller blasts, started a drive for Washtenaw County air
fire in the ruins of the building, corps enlistments will be stepped up
Trust Prosecution During War
Advocated By Prof. Peterson
(Editor's Note: The interview below
was set in type before the President's
decision on trusts suits was announced
in Washington. It is entirely con-
sistent, nevertheless, with the White
House observations.)
Prosecution of combinations which
restrain trade and do not aid the war
effort must not be postponed during
wartime to "lure" recalcitrant cor-
porations into greater production,
Prof. Shorey Peterson of the econom-
ics department contended yesterday.
Critical of reports that the War
Department made "desperate at-
tempts" to stop the Standard Oil
and other anti-trust suits on grounds
that Thurman Arnold's charges
would hamper the war effort, Pro-
fessor Peterson, a specialist in public
control of industry, declared: "En-
forcement of the anti-trust laws can
have just the opposite effect."
He asserted that strict enforce-
ment of the laws before the war and
pared to cope with trusts after theJ
Concerning cases in restraint of
trade which developed before the
war, Professor Peterson expressed his
belief that a policy of moderation
and discretion based on standards
applicable to the war situation is ad-
visable. He stressed, however, that
there should not be "a general cessa-
tion of activity by the Anti-Trust
Citing the additional value of the
anti-trust laws in their latent capac-
ity as a "big stick" over inflated
prices, he said that Leon Henderson
is likely to find the cooperation of
the Division useful in controlling
them. "Henderson wielded this 'big
stick' before specific price control
legislation with apparent effect when
voluntary methods failed," Professor
Peterson commented.
He credited Thurman Arnold with
"outstanding foresight and perspec-
tive about the situation." Turning to
with a rally of all men interested in
flying cadet positions at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the Union.
The rally, co-sponsored by the
Junior Chamber of Commerce and
the Washtenaw County Air Force
Sponsors Association, will feature a
talk by Lieut. George Comte, public
relations director of this area's air
corps examining board. The board
will be in Ann Arbor Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday at the Health
With the waiving of all educational
requirements, opportunity for air
corps enlistments has been opened
up to a much larger group. Univer-
sity students, however, still have the
prerogative of finishing their semes-
ter before induction.
ROTC Will Train
In Summer 'Term
The University's year-round sched-
ule will be extended to the Depart-
ment of Military Science and Tactics
when,' for the first time, the ROTC
unit offers academic training during
the summer.
With this announcement comes the
information from the War Depart-
Wartime Vocational Guidance
Will Be Offered At Conference
The University's Bureau of Ap-'
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation will sponsor a guidance and
occupational information conference
on government and industrial work
for men and women in a period of
wartime on Wednesday and Thursday
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The conference is divided into three
sections: opportunities in United
States government employment, in
defense industries and in Michigan
State government employment. These
fields are being emphasized because
of their importance to the war ef-
fort. At the present time civil serv-
ice commissions in municipal, state
and federal government units are
at George Washington University.
He is a recognized authority in
governmental, industrial and educa-
tional examination methods. He has
spent the greater part of his life
studying the nature and require-
ments of government positions and
devising the best means of determin-
ing the possession of the necessary
John Haien, director of youth
training and aircraft training for the
Chrysler Corporation, will speak at
7:30 p.m. Wednesday on jobs for men
in defense industries. Thomas P.
Garrity, assistant director of voca-
tional training for war workers in
Detroit, will discuss defense industry
jobs for women.