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March 28, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-28

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $500.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
r .College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941.42

Editorial Stafff

Emile Gelb . .
Alvin Dann
David Lacheubruch
Jay McCormick .
Gerald E. Burns
Hal Wilson . ,
Janet Hooker .
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright .

. . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
' Sports Editor
Women's Editor
. . Astant Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor


,ess Staff
Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Mayer Article Is
Challenge To America.. .
claims its heritage from one of the
fathers of American democracy, Benjamin
Franklin. This week that magazine published
an article that should make every real American
feel ashamed.
It was as much of an antithesis of democracy
as anything could be. Journalist Milton Mayer,
who has a reputation as a liberal and noted
magazine writer, took a leaf from Adolf Hitler's
own notebook and delivered one of the most
Fascistic, anti-semitic tirades to appear in the
nation's press since the beginning of the war.
Labeling his attack, "The Case Against the
Jew," Mayer singles out the Jewish race as a
separate segment of the population that must
mend its ways before it will be an accepted part
of the national community. A return to right-
eousness is the way he phrases it. While admit-
ting that gentiles have not acted the part of
Christians, Mayer's appeal for a return to Jew-
ish-Christian ideals seems strangely directed to
only one group of the population. It would be
good advice for everyone.
BUT Mayer's whole thesis implies a further
increase in the racial barriers rather than an
elimination of segregation. His article is an
insult to American democracy. The Saturday
Evening Post shares the blame with him. It is
responsible for stirring up agitation on the
Jewish question by publishing a series of arti-
cles, of which Mayer's is one, on the problem.
Today America's sons of all races and creeds
are fighting a battle to the death. They are
fighting for something that has taken genera-
tions to establish. It is the idea that all men
are created free and equal. In America, the hope
of an enslaved Europe, there is no discrimina-
tion on any basis religious, color or rac.
Now, at this crucial hour, this dream is being
shattered by criticism of a group that is giving
its all for the war effort and that has contributed
men like former Supreme Court Justice Louis D.
Brandeis to the nation. The whole incident
leaves one with a bad taste.
What will come of it? A post-war collapse, as
Mayer says, that will "remind a bitter and be-
wildered nation that the Jew got us into the
war?" Not, if the thousands of Americans fight-
ing in Australia, the Philippines and in the cold
North Atlantic have anything to say about it.
They will not have their purpose defeated by
their own countrymen.
P ERHAPS, the editors of the Saturday Eve-
ning Post and Mayer do not realize the full
extent of their crime. They are, whether con-
sciously or not, aiding in destroying the unity
of a determined people at a time when that peo-
ple faces the gravest threat since their nation
was formed. They have merely repeated the
criticisms of the past-those same criticisms
which have already been made and recognized.
Everything America stands for is being chal-
lenged. The people wdl not remain idly by, how-
ever. They will not allow themselves to follow
one of the very policies, that of racial discrim-
ination, which the are fighting to eliminate.
No criticism of the Saturday Evening Post or
Milton Mayer can be too strong. Their action
was uncalled for. The one ray of hope is that

SO FAR I have not visited the beatifully colored
motion picture palace which has just opened
on State Street. Lounging about the street
corners nearby, I have looked with longing many
times at the green doors, the red walls, and some
of my intimates have come back after visiting
there of an evening, with Genghis Khan stories
of the fabulous luxury of the place, unequalled
elsewhere in occidental civilization. There are
splendid mirrors, Brazilian Walnut trimmings,
and rumors about the men's room. It has been
uncomfortable, this waiting-but I shall continue
to wait-until they start showing movies.
No tribute to my virility, I realize, is my
marked ennui at the saronged sight of Miss
Dorothy Lamour, and equally am I exposed as
the weary snob I am often called, when I admit
that having seen one Abbott and Costello offer-
ing, in which they played the three shell game
on board a battleship, I did not choose under my
own power to attend further goings-on. I am
devastated to admit it, but until there is some-
thing slightly more than good wholesome enter-
tainment in the offing at this new temple of
mirth, I shall confine my architectural mean-
derings to the devout corridors of the Rackham
TO REVIEW the screen offerings hereabouts
during the past month would scarcely be
worth the passes. A new theatre has been added
to the Ann Arbor scene, has taken an almost
brilliantly prominent place in our humdrum,
lives, searing'our eyeballs with pyrotechnic vivid-i
ness, and one feels nevertheless slightly un-
moved, as if it was all scarcely worth doing. Per-
haps Hollywood is to blame. It practically
always is. But there is some catch phrase, about
coals and Newcastle. I am still, at this writing,
in hopes that I shall be able, without too much
compromise, to see with these rheumy old eyes,
that decor.
FROM the New Republic I reprint here an ex-
change of letters in re the new Steinbeck
Dm wPediso
WASHINGTON - Listeners who heard War
Production Chief Donald Nelson's latest broad-
cast may have wondered why he went to such
pains to defend his plan for joint management-
labor committees to increase production in war
plants. There was a very good reason.
For several days before, Nelson was deluged
with letters and long distance calls from busi-
ness men expressing great concern that his plan
would "sovietize" U.S. industry.
One of the telephoners, a nationally known
auto manufacturer whom Nelson has known for
many years, approached the matter this way:
"Of course, Don, I know there isn't anything to
it, but the story is going around that this joint
committee plans of yours is for the purpose of
giving labor a voice in management and is a
first step toward 'sovietizing' industry. As I said,
personally, I know that isn't so. But that's what
is being said and I thought you ought to know
about it."
Not even remotely a leftist, Nelson was dumb-
founded. His plan has nothing to do in any
manner with plant management. Its sole pur-
pose is to provide a handy channel for the con-
sideration'of suggestions to step up production.
Studying the letters and telephone calls, Nel-
son was struck by the similarity of their story.
So he came to the conclusion that the rumors
were being "planted" from one or more sources
for the deliberate purpose of discrediting his
plan and forcing him to abandon it.
Nelson called in government sleuths. Their
investigation is still incomplete. But they. have
definitely located one source of this runor-
It is a former official of a big business or-

ganization now employed in the Navy Depart-
ment as the aide of a former Wall Street banker
with extensive industrial connections.
Note: Secretly, Navy brasshats were vigorously
opposed to Nelson's plan, insisted that the com-
mittees consist only of management represen-
Sugr Shortage
EVIDENCE CONTINUES to leak out of Ca -J
inet circles that the current sugar shortage
could have been averted. Chief trouble has been
lack of long-distance planning.
Here are some of the inside facts:
1. Oil Administrator Ickes has been urging
War Chiefs to make alcohol out of petroleum.
This is cheaper than making alcohol out of sugar
cane and molasses, and would save Cuban cane
for sugar.
2. Somebody among the War Chiefs has been
playing the game of the big Eastern alcohol
companies, with big investments in Cuba, as
against the Midwest whiskey distillers, who
could use up the surplus grain crop of the West.
Corn belt senators contend that responsibility
for this latter situation rests with $1-A-Year-
Man Fraser Moffat of U.S. Industrial Alcohol,
one of the big Eastern giants which leans toward
Cuban sugar cane. Moffat heads the Alcohol
Division of WPB where his decisions count.
Lack of long-distance planning may also rest

book, in lieu of reading it myself. Mr. James
Thurber needs no introduction, and Mr. Mar-
shall A. Best's identity is revealed in the course
of the discussion:
5IR: The Thurber review of Steinbeck's "The
Moon Is Down" (The New Republic, March
16) is a slap in the face for all the decent people
who have been moved by the book's shining sin-
cerity. Thurber's is the sot of softy cynicism
that might yet lose us the war. Luckily Stein-
beck knows, better than the parlor intellectuals,
the kind of ammunition that we need; and the
people are with Steinbeck rather than with
Thurber. Give us more dynamite and chocolate,
and fewer owls in the attic!
As to "what the people of Poland would make
of it all," it is interesting that three good writers
-who know Europe at least as well as Thurber
does-independently made the same recom-
mendation: translate "The Moon Is Down" into
all the languages and scatter it broadcast over
the occupied countries.
New York City Marshall A. Best
SIR: Mr. Best will not have to look far to see
that the question of what the people of Po-
land would think of "The Moon Is Down" has
been brought out of the subjunctive into the
present indicative. He will live., I think, to see
many more letters protesting against Mr. Stein-
beck's gentle fable of War in Wonderland, not
only from Poles who have endured German con-
quest, but from Jugoslavs, Greeks, French, Dutch
and all the rest. Mr. Best is quite right when he
says that we might yet lose the war. Nothing
would help more toward that end than for
Americans to believe the Steinbeck's version
of Nazi conquest instead of its true story of hell,
horror and hopelessness. This true story may
be found, to name Just one place, on page 10 of
The New York Times for March 19, in a sum-
mary of a Polish White Book dealing with the
German conquest of Poland. The mass rape and
systematic debauchery of the women of a con-
quered country stand in curious contrast to Mr.
Steinbeck's idyllic picture of a lonely German
officer who simply wants to talk and hold hands
with the widow of a man the Nazis have mur-
dered. I should like to send a clipping of this
article to Mr. Marshall A. Best, Managing Edi
tor, The Viking Press (publishers of "The Moon
Is Down", by whose fuzzy mental distress and
public heartbreak I am approximately as deeply
moved as I would be by the tears of a real-estate
I am sorry about that slap in the face. I didn't
realize my hand was open.
New York City Tames Thurber
I rQW Jazz 1To(Clypso
Ani Sck In New Albums
Attention, class. Today we will discuss three
widely divergent forms of music as exemplified
by three recent Decca albums.
1. Calypso Music. Many of you, no doubt, are
unfamiliar with this weird and haunting type of
music. For your benefit, I shall attempt to
arrive at some sort of a definition.
This music originates in the Caribbean island
of Trinidad it is a Jorm 01 singing which sounas
halfway like the rhumba and halfway like Amer-
ican ,jazz. It is like neither. There are calypso
singers who specialize in making up these songs
(words are oftn improvised) , and they are sung
to the accompaniinent of a small tropical band.
Words are usually inspired by some phase of
the everyday life of the Calypsonians: movie per-
sonalities, the radio, news events. The Calyp-
sonians represented in Decca's new Calypso Al-
bum include Atilla, the Hun (one of the very
few white Calypsonians , King Radio, the Growl-
er, Mighty Destroyer and the Lion. They are all
accompanied by Gerald Clark's very eompetant
Ca lypo Orlestrad
Upon first hcaring of (,lyp omumsic, the Is-
Snier cannot find much sense. 'hen a few
hours later he finds thee tune running around

in is ind and he is cag-hIl benatI, the spell
of calypso.
Best 'recordinigs ill the present Decca set
are t iose by Atilla, the Hun. Titles include
Roosevelt's Election, 'li Red Cross Society,
Bing Crosby, Ugly Woman, Old Lady You Mash-
ing My Toe.
2.. "Alto Saxology." Although -this Decca Al-
bum is pri'inarily intended for students of the
alto sax it is a welcome volume to any jazz fan.
It includes orch estrail featuring the work of
jazzdom 's finest alto liien i sokoa ind enise'i i1c
The cast of c 'arcIrs sii ks for iIself: Jim-
imiy Dorsey in lRomance and Tailspin; Benny
Carter in Serenade to a Sarong; Johnny Hodges
with Duke Ellington's orchestra in Chicago; Pete
Brown playing a sax solo; Louis Jordan in
Waiting for the Robert E. Lee; Willie Smith
with Jimmie Lunceford's orchestra; Russell Pro-
cope with John Kirby's boys; Rudy Williams
with Al Cooper's Savoy Sultans; and Murray
McEarhern soloing in Glen Gray's famous Rock
Island Flag stop,
For sone really exl)(ert alto technique, these
samples cannot be beat. And they make fine
listening, too.
3..Count Basic piano solos. This album is not
so recent. It is mentioned 'because of its ex-
cellence. The Count and his nimble fingers
are accompanied by bull-fiddle and drum, which,

(Continued from Page 2)
persons going to the same place at
the same time may ride in the same
car and save both tires and expense.
A record of such plans will be kept
in the President's Office, and those
who find it necessary to make a trip
may inquire there as to the possi-
bility of riding with others. Waste
is sabotage.
Gardens: Arrangements have been
completed for the use of several acres
of land at the Botanical Gardens
for any University employees, or
faculty members, who may be desir-
ous of plantinggardens this summer.
It is planned to have the land plowed
and fitted ready for use at the proper
If interested, kindly contact the
undersigned by telephone or mail for
your garden space. As the available
acreage is limited, applications will
be accepted in the order received.
O. E. Roszel,
Storehouse Department
Phone: 4121-Ext. 337
Choral Union Members: Will those
members of the Choral Union who
have not already done so, please re-
turn the John Church copies of the
Beethoven Ninth Symphony at once,
and 'receive in exchange new copies
of the Schirmer edition, at the offices
of the University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President

Biochemical Lecture: Professor
David M. Greenberg, Professor of

Biochemistry, University at Califor-
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- nia, will lecture on "Factors in Bone
tificate for May and August 1942: A Metabolism as Studied with Radio-
list of candidates has been posted on active Isotopes" in the East Lecture
the bulletin board of the School of Room of the Rackham Building this
I kIU r 6 n. 2. fJ*

Education, Room 1431 UES. Any!
prospective candidate whose name
does not appear on this list should
call at the office of the Recorder of
the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
Biological Station: Application for
admission for the coming summer
session should be in my office before
April 15, when all applications will
be considered. An announcement
describing the courses offered can be
obtained at the Office of the Summer
Session or from the Director. Appli-
cations should be made on forms
which can be secured at Room 1073
Natural Science from 2:00 to 5:00
p.m., Monday through Friday.
A.IH. Stockard, Director


By Lichty

G lIlo lllllg ab O .Vu. j


Events Today
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the public from 8:30 to
10:30 this evening. The moon and
the planets, Jupiter and Saturn, will
be shown through the telescopes.
Children must be accompanied by
The Pre-Medical Society will taqkel
a trip to Ypsilanti State Hospital
today. All Pre-Meds interested
should meet in front of the Michigan
Union at 1:30 p.m. A small fee will
be charged.
Michigan Outing Club will go on
an afternoon hike to Barton Hills

Concerts today, leaving the Women's Athletic
Building at 1:30 p.m. All students
Jessie Copp, '42SM, will give a re- are welcome to attend.
cital in partial fulfillment of the de-
gree of Bachelor of Music in Hill Graduate Dance for all graduate
Auditorium at 4:15 p.m. on Sunday, students, sponsored by the Gradu-
March 29. A student of Palmer ate Council, tonight, 9:00-12:00, in
Christian, Mrs. Copp has arranged a the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
program including works of Marcello, Building. Refreshments.
Bach, Franck, Karg-Elert and Mulet.,
The public is cordially invited. Frosh Project Publicity Committee:
There will be a meeting of the Frosh
The University Symphony Orches- Project Publicity Committee at 3:00
tra, under the direction of Thor John- p.m. today at the League. The room
son, will present a concert at 8:30 number will be posted on the bulletin
p.m. Tuesday, March 31, in Hill Audi- board behind the main desk.
torium. Mr. Johnson has arranged a
program to include works of Bach,
Brahms, Delius, Dvorak and Wag-oi L E e t
ner's Good Friday Spell from "Parsi- German Club will mbet at 8:00 p.m.
fal." Mrs. Maud Okkelberg, pianist, on Tuesday, March 31, in the Michi-
of the faculty of the School of Music gan League. The program will con-
will appear as soloist. sist of recorded German music.
The public is cordially invited.

4 1 / '_ te
"--and giving up girdies, silk stockings, cars, is not enough--.we must
make the supreme sacrifice-we'll have to keep secrets to ourselves!"

struction classes for those about to
enter the church.
5:30 pm. Ariston League, high
school group, in Pilgrim Hall. The
group's leader, Erston Butterfield,
will lead a discussion on "The True
Meaning of Easter." Refreshments.
7:15 p.m. Student Fellowship in
church parlors. Dr. Parr will give
an interpretative reading of a play.
Thursday, 8:00 p.m. Annual Can-
dlelight Communion Service and re-
ception of members.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
9:00 a.m. Parish Communion Break-
fast, Harris Hall (call 8613 for reser-
vations); 10:00 a.m. High School
Class; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, Har-
ris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church;
11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Ser-
mon by the Rev. Henry Lewis; 4:00-
6:00 p.m. H-Square Club Meeting,
Harris Hall (speaker: Mrs. Francesca
Thivy, subject :"Religions of India");
6:00 p.m. Choral Evensong (Men and
Boys Choir); 7:30 p.m. Episcopal Stu-
dent Guild Meeting, Harris Hall.
Speaker: The Rev. Hillis Duggins,
Assistant Minister, Christ Church,
Grosse Pointe. Subject: "The Young
Christian Movement in Europe."
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Reality." Sunday School
at 11:45 a.m.
The Church of Christ will meet for
Scripture study on Sunday at 10:00
a.m. in the Y.M.C.A. At 11:00 a.m.
the worship service will be held, the
sermon subject for which is "Living
Epistles." The evening service, be-
ginning at 7:30, will feature a ser-
mon on the theme: "A Baptism With
a Purpose." The midweek Bible study
is to be Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. All
are cordially invited.
Unitarian Church: Sunday, 11:00
a.m. "Sacrifice at the Cross-roads,"
sermon by Reverend Marley.
6:00 p.m. Student Supper.
7:30 p.m. Student Meeting. Dr.
D. K. Bagchi will discuss "India and
the Problem of Independence."
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples): 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship,
Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister.
6:30 p.m., Disciples Guild Sunday
Evening Hour. A student symposi-
um on "The Meaning and Purpose
of Life." A social hour and tea will
follow the discussion.
Zion lutheran Church: Church
r Worship Services at 10:30 with ser-
mon on "Jesus, Our Challenge to
Victory" by Rev. E. C. Stellhorn.


"Under the Gaslight" by Augustin
Exhibtion sDaly will be presented next Wednes-
day through Saturday nights as the
Exhibition: An Introduction to final bill of the season by Play Pro-
Architecture. An elaborate edu'ca- duction of the Department of Speech.
tional exhibition produced by the The box-office of the Lydia Mendels-
Ann Arbor Art Association in collab- sohn Theatre will be open from 10:00
ora4ion with the College of ArchIitec- a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday and
ture and Design. This exhibition is Tuesday, and 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
intended to give the layman a better the rest of the week. Phone 6300 for
understanding of the meaning of reservations.
architecture, to demonstrate the-
modern techniques of museum dis- Wyvern meeting on Sunday at 6:30
play of visual materials as instru- p.m. in the League. Important that
ments of education, and for its ap- you be there. This is not a supper
peal to those interested in art. The meeting.
exhibit is in the Rackhawm Galleries,
;md will continue through April 1. Semiair sponsored bLy Avukab, Stu-
Open daily,2-5 mid 7-10, excett i' -l dent Ziolist Organization, will take
day:s. T' public is cordially invited. hlacC at the Hillel Foundation, on"
Sunday, March 29, at 2:30 p.m. feat-
!Exhibition, College of Architec- uring Professor Preston Slosson who
hire and Design: Color schemes and will speak on "Minorities After the
arrangemnets by the Interior Design War," and Mr. Philip Slomovitz,
classes. Weaving by primitive Mexi- prominent Detroit editor, who will
can Indian tribes, from the collection talk on "A Jewish Army Now." The
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lippold. talks will be followed by panel dis-
Ground floor cases, Architecture cussions and a communal supper.
Building. Open daily 9 to 5, except Reservations for the supper may be
Sunday, until April 4. The public is made by calling 3779.
invited. ---

University Lectures: A lecture byI
l)r. Carl F. Cori of the Department of!
Pharmmiology, Washington Univer-
sity Medical School, on the subject,
"The Enzymatic Conversion of Glu-
cose to Glycogen, (illustrated) will
be given today at 11:00 a.m. in the1
Rackham Amphitheater. This is un-
der the auspices of Biological Chem-
istry and the Medical School. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lectures on War Proh-
lems: Professor Preston W. Slosson of
the Department of History, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Why America Is
at War," under the auspices of the
University War Board, on Tuesday,
March 31, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The public is
cordially invited,
- -i Tnr tnhn A1

First Methodist Church and Wes-t
ley Foundation: Student Class at
9:30 a.m. with Professor Kenneth
Hance. Morning Worship Service at9
10:40 o'clock. Dr. Charles W. Bra-
shares will preach on "Facing the
Future." Wesleyan Guild meeting
beginning with refreshments at 6:00
p.m. Communion Service in the
Chapel at 6:30 p.m.
First Methodist Church: Mendels-1
sohin's oratorio "Elijah" will be pre-
sented by the Senior Choir of the
First Methodist Church on Palm
Sunday evening, March 29, at 8
o'clock in the Sanctuary, Soloists:
Bonnie Ruth Van Deursen, Soprano;
Beatrice Brody Larsen, Contralto;
Avery Crew, Tenor; Mark Bills, Bari-
tone; and Beatrice Nesbitt Ruthven,
Soprano. Mary Porter Gwin is or-
ganist, and Hardin Van Deursen of

Trinity Lutheran Church: Church
Worship Services at 10:30. Sermon
by Rev. Henry 0. Yoder on "Christ
and The Cross for the Crises of Life
When, Pride Would Puff Us Up."
Lutheran Student Association will
meet at 5:30 p.m. in Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall. Supper will be served
at 5:30 p.m. this week. Mr. Kenneth
Morgan will address the Association
on "The Church in Time of War."
First Presbyterian Church: Morn-
ing Worship, 10:45 o'clock. "The
Consolations of God," Palm Sunday
sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon.
Westminster Student Guild wor-
ship service at 7:15 p.m. in the Lewis-
Vance Parlors. Miss Hypatia Ycas
will have an interesting message
based on "The Church in Eastern
Europe Today." Refreshments.
Sunday Evening Club for gradu- 4
ate ' and professional young people:
Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacPeek will be
hosts at their home, 2020 Penncroft
Ct. Meet at the church promptly at
6:00 p.m. for transportation. Phone
reservations 2-4833.
The First Baptist Church: 10:15
a~m UnTndergra~duatpte cass with Rev.

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