TlE--MICHIGAN DAILY Scientifie Age' To Be Subject Of Hillel Talks Morgan, Prof. Shepard Will Lead Discussions At Town Hall Meeting Scientific progress and its relation to religious thought will be discussed at Hillel Foundation's Town Hall, to be led by Kenneth Morgan, director of the Student Religious Association, and Prof. John F. Shepard of the psychology department, at 8:15 p.m. today. The subject, "Religion In an Age of Science," 'will be introduced by the members of the panel. Further dis- cussion will come from the audience in town hall fashion. The question will involve a study of whether religion has outlived its use- fulness and what religious thought is consistent with modern ideas. The views of the scientist will be represented by Professor Shepard, whose experiments in the field of psychology have gained wide notice, and who teaches a course in the psy- chology of religion. Religious divergence from the pragmatic views of science will be furnished by' Mr. Morgan. Head of the SRA, Mr. Morgan has wide ,knowledge of religious thought. Seniors To Continue Announcenent Sale Commencement announcement or- ders will continue to be taken from senior engineers today and Monday on the second floor of the West En- gineering Building, ove: the Arch. Class dues may be paid at the same time. Orders will be taken from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. as announced by class Vice-President Bill Collamore. Three different types of announcements are available and any orders of one dollar or more will be taken and the distribution will be' some time in May. Phones Can't Be Used FORT DIX, N. J., March 26.-(P) To prevent leakage of information from this military post, the com- manding officer ordered all public telephones throughout the area placed "temporarily out of order." Soldiers cannot call girl friends and post telephone operators will not be allowed to accept personal calls to the soldiers. See our SPRING SPECIALS Navy Discloses Raids On Japanese-Occupied Islands KC A . JAPAN i IOKYO CHINA . SHANGHAI RONIN VOMOSA S r 4 520 1400 MILES - AT EQUATOR North Pacific Ocean MARCUS S.WAKE SMIDWAY HAWAIIAN HONOLULU II JOHNSON$ ,. PHLIPA N MARIANAS "GUAM .'DAVAO * * . . . " - CAROLINE IS. *' * ... INAURU* -NEW. NEW , -. R - MORESBY AR W IN WYNOHAM W 7DH.-BIRDUM ::::: a: .CAROWE LL ~AICE. .De it SPRINGS :::::;~.:: .Highwy ...., .. SMARSHALL * 1 IS. PALMYRA * HOWLAND * GILBERT - --'-E IS. QATOR , . POENI s " " IS-. South Pacific Ocean SAMOA s~ ri~ji I 4 NEW CALEDON IA -:TONGA m1 IS. .9, I S. The Navy has reported that a Pacific fleet force raided Japanese occupied Wake (1) and Marcus (2) Is- lands, destroying enemy small boats, seaplanes and nu merous shore installations. The raid on Marcus Island, which occurred on March 4, took American warships, i ncluding an aircraft carrier, 2,600 miles northwest of Honolulu and within 990 miles of Japan. The Wake Is lard raid took place on Feb. 24. Big eTen Highlights... By PAUL KEENAN The man with the "Sweetest trum- pet in the world," Charlie Spivak, will return to the Purdue campus for the Junior Prom April 17. Appearing fob the second time this year, Spiv- ak's outstanding popularity as a re- sult of his work at the Homecom- ing dance last Oct. 25 influenced the committee in his favor. Note to Matt Mann-Dick Pap- enguth, Purdue swimming coach is subject to an early draft call since his number, 1817, was one of the first drawn and was the second number drawn of those held by [ Purdue students and faculty. Five University of Wisconsin en- gineers are in the running for the honorary "St. Pat" title, to be be- stowed at the engineering college's annual dance Saturday. Despite the varying growths of the plumages, the title will probably be decided by what is beneath the beards, as the judges will be three of the campus beauties. Only one of the five contestants is an Irishman. Illinois Senator "Curly" Brooks, after being awarded a plaque nam- ing him "One of the University's most distinguished fighting Illini," in recognition of his World War I services with the Marine Corps said 'War doesn't do anybody any good. It's bound to get you physically and mentally after a while. You can't tell me there's a person any- where who doesn't get a bit fright- ened when he's being used as a tar- get for all the enemy's fireworks." C'iting the importanice of airpower in peace and watrtime, hie said, "We've got to air-condition Ameri- ea for America's future living." The first national network radio program to be heard from the Audi-, torium of Indiana University will be presented today when Tommy Dorsey broadcasts over the Mutual network at 9:30 p.m. EWT on the Spotlight Band Program. The broadcast will be part of a swing concert to be pre- sented under the auspices of the, Council of Fraternity Presidents. Kehoe Wmins Best-Dressed Prize In Campus Style Show At Union Wartime Jobs Will Be Topic Of Conference Defense Industry Work, Civil Service Positions Will Be Enumerated A guidance and occupational infor- mation conference on wartime oppor- tunities in state and federal govern- ment work and in defense industries for men and women will be held un- der the auspices of the University's Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information Wednesday and Thursday in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The purpose of the conference is to answer the questions of students, educational leaders and the public regarding openings for men and wo- men in federal and state civil service and other government positions and' in defense industries. All meetingst will be held in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. "Federal Civil Service Positions for Men and Women" will be discussed by Dr. L. J. O'Rourke, director of research of the United States Civil Service Commission, at 4 p.m. Wed- nesday. The opportunities for men in defense industries will be explained by John Haien of the Chrysler Cor- poration at the 7:30 p.m. meeting on Wednesday. Thomas P. Garrity, as- sistant director of vocational train- ing for war workers in Detroit will view the openings for women in de- fense industry. Thomas J. Wilson, personnel direc- tor of the Michigan State Civil Serv- ice Commission, will speak on state government opportunities for men while Edward H. Litchfield, chief of the division of research and training of the state civil service commission, will present the corresponding situ- ation for women at 4 p.m. Thursday. Further program details will be an- nounced in The Daily. New Deadline For Hopwood Contest Is Set Reminding University students planning to enter the spring Hop- wood contest that the deadline has been advanced from April 22 to April 13, due to the three semester policy, Prof. Roy W. Cowden, director of the Hopwood Room, urges all would-be contestants to complete their manuscripts as soon as possible. Inaugurated in the spring of 1931, after Playwright Avery Hopwood, '05, bequeathed his estate to the Regents of the University "for the encourag- ing of creative work in writing," the Hopwood contest offers more prize money than "any university in the world gives to its students." In the ten years the awards have been given, they have amnouted to nearly $10,000 annually. Any student enrolled in at least one course of English composition and rating "C" or better in each of his courses, is eligible to submit en- tries in the fields of dramatic writ- ing, fiction, poetry and essay. Qualified senior and graduate stu- dents may compete for the major awards, with $2,000 top money. Prize money ranging up to $250 is offered in the minor award division, open to all undergraduates. Particulars may be found in the contest pamphlet available in the Hopwood Room, 3221 Angell Hall. Technic Hit Hard By Priorities, Shortage Of Advertisements Wartime Demands Take Toll Of Contributors, To EngineMagazine 5 By CHARLES THATCHER, The war is striking home at The Michigan Technic, engineering col-1 lege publication! Already hard hit by priorities, speeded-up production and the myr- iad other elements of war prepara- tion, The Technic is going to have even tougher sledding next year, ac- cording to the predictions of retiring senior'editors Burr J. French, '42E, and John S. Burnham, '42E. Perhaps the problem of advertis- ing, the life-blood of any publication, is most serious. "National advertis- ing is good and will probably remain, so until after the war," Burnham. noted, "but local advertising is being snuffed out by either too much busi- ness caused by expanding industries near here or a lack of merchandise caused by priorities." Articles Department An equally troublesome problem arises in the articles department, French observed. Formerly, The Technic tried to balance the ratio of articles written by students, faculty members and industrial men from the outside. "We're on the spot now, however," he said. "The industrial men are all in Washington, the faculty members are all doing extra work for the de- fense effort, and the students are just too busy trying to keep up with the speeded-uk curriculum. Even with a third semester in the summer, summer publication is out of the question, it was pointed out, because all national advertising con- tracts are made on an eight-month basis. "The summer term is going to have its effect," Burnham predicted. "With students coming and leaving at the middle of the year the new staff is going, to have to devise some sort of one-semester subscription plan to supplement the full-year plan now in operation." Common to all organizations on campus, the problem of staff appoint- ments is also making itself felt. Should appointments be made for one semester, one year, or what plan should be followed? "We don't know," the out-going editors admit. Slide Rule Ball Job The role of chairman of the annual Slide Rule Ball has always gone to The Technic editor-in-chief. "But what about the man who serves from March to the following February?" the seniors ask. It was suggested that maybe the date of the Ball might be changed to the fall, but even that would have its drawbacks. Priorities, indirectly felt through advertising, also make 'themselves felt directly. The paper shortage is obvious, but less apparent is the need for chlorine, used for bleaching pa- per. "The Technic will probably get grayer as the war goes on," French said. Meeting To Be Held For Fliers Of Future With the cumulative Washtenaw County air corps quota. still unfilled, an open meeting for men interested in flight enlistments will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Union under the auspices of the local Junior Chamber of Commerce. The meeting will feature sound movies and a talk by Lieut. George Conte, public relations director of the traveling air corps examining board. The examining board will return to Ann Arbor next week. (Continued from Page 1) it was lost in the shuffle of throat clearing and other signs of acute nervousness exhibited by the emcee. Final blow to the dimming prestige of Doug came whcn he appeared very, very late fort the presentation of awards to the prize winners of the BDMOC contest. Gould dispairingly muttered something to the front row about standing on two tables and then trying to get down in a hurry, but the alibi was too flimsy to stand the scruntiny of the awfully yellow spotlight. (Mind you, Doug, this never would have had to be written if you hadn't Rnssian Relief Donates $250 To United RallyI Ielresen tatives of the student Rus- sian War Relief group will leave to- morrow with Chairman Harry Stutz for- R;WR's "United Nations Victory Rally." at Detroit's Olympia, where celebrities Mne. Litvinoff, Ambassa- dor Joseph Davies and John Garfield will speak in behalf of the cause. The campus RWR unit will present $250 to the organization at this time, collected in tli current drive. This sum will suipplemnent the $800 col- lected previously toward the $1,500 goal. Medical supplies to "save the lives of at least 100 wounded Red Army soldiers" is the aim of the University coinmit tee, according to Stutz. A Victory dance will be held at 9 p.m., April 4, in the Michigan League Ballroom and all proceeds will be turned over to RWR, Bette Geltner, '42, in cha wrge of arrang ements, an- nouned. ,JohM ny 1-eberd's colored swing band will furnish the music and the Hughes will present a group of folk dances. Also featured on the program will be "The Story of Dnie- perstroi," dramatized by Marvin Lev- ey, '42, and Margaret oCtton, '42. A RWR bazaar, directed by Mrs. George Rainich and Mrs. Lila Parg- ment, of the Russian language de- partment, will be held in the League at the same time, and the proceeds will be used (t) purchase knitting ma- terials. taken those sideshots at the paper, and our boy Axelrod.) Special attraction in the all male show was Jane Connell, who is a female of the species. While taste- fully attired, Miss Connel neverthe- less wore costumes which no red blooded man would exactly like to be seen in. In cahoots with the attractive Jane was one Hal Cooper who showed up briefly several times during Zoot Suit Stuff wearing what we hope was not sold to him, but rather presented as a gift by a fellow who could not pass the Army color test. Music for the occasion was sup- plied by Tom Snyder's orchestra, adding life to the show and confusion to the plight of Doug Gould by play- ing a Navy song when the model in the Army uniform walked up the aisle. Credits for the show and contest go to Bob Templin of the Union, Dan Huyett of The Daily and Bill Bree of Esquire, who were the men behind the scenes; to the four stores, Van Boven, Saffel anid Bush, Wild and Wagner, who provided both the prizes and the clothes for the show, and Follett's Bookstore in whose window the prizes were displayed. Lildbergh Takes Position At Willow Run Factory DETROIT, March 26. -(/1)-- Charles A. Lindbergh will work in the engineering research department of the Ford Motor Company's Willow Run bomber plant, company officials said today. They said Lindbergh advised them from Washington that the War De- partment had approved his accept- ance of Henry Ford's offer of the position. _ _ _ .. Tere just are't I*words to tell yo. / t , Yes, there aren't words to tell you how much we want to serve you. We believe that we have everything that can be desired in fine beverages. Just drive in or call, for service that is never lacking . D.ial8200 The DEER UVAUFLT-1 303 North Fifth Avenue I _ .- -. " Eyt -this Arthur Murray Step to Daintiness! ._._ 1 ? 1.+ Waterproof Wind breakers just the thing when you take off that top coat. All styles. $3.85 to $1O.95 .7 -1 I! 'Ii I ..---..----- - _____ Ws3O eass or W:3O date, guard your sweetness and charm the way Arthur Murray dancers do-with Odorono Cream. Non-irritating, non-greasy, non-gritty, no trouble to use- Odorono Cream ends perspira= tion annoyance for 1 to 3 days! Follow this easy Arthur Murray step to daintiness- (/ om 0,/t Di F 0 , JEA TES sU qrini a d f ; ; , ;. ;;s ,,;. "' - vnfAiy o:yri w', ,'., Our New Spring Hats. . .$3.85 They're versatile, good-looking, One of these new floral prints is just what you need to make you feel and look springy. **4 'NA' * '\ 4a Choose now from an ar- ray of blouses the values of which you can't pos- sibly match. Wonderful rayon crepes for school or dress with your suits. ELEGANTLY styled Jemberg slicers and batistes with tiny tucks and val late trims. LONG; and short sleeved clas- sics for glamorous wearing with your suit and slacks. Sol-0 $4.0 A '7 get Odorono Cream to 10¢, 39 , 59¢ sizes (plus .NTHEO YRONOCO.,INC NE~W YORK oday! tax). rc. II