Weiather Better And Better it xit Editorial. Double Pay Concession Shoals War Sphrit . . VOL. LII. No. 128 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1942 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS League Ocials icAssume Postions. For Coming Yea r Lorraine Thompson Fills Judiciary Post; Charlotte ThompsonIs President Other Appointments Will Be Announced Charlotte Thompson, '43, of Paint- ed Post, N. Y., and Lorraine Judson, '43, of Sandusky, 0., have been ap- pointed through the League merit system to serve respectively as presi-. dert of the League and chairman of the Women's Judiciary Committee for the school year 1942-43. Announcement of the appoint- ments by the retiring League Council and the Executive Board was made yesterday at a special Council meet- ing to which the new League heads were invited to confer on prospective League officer and committee head appointments which will be revealed Monday at the annual Installation Banquet. Miss Thompson, who is affiliated with Alpha Xi Delta sorority, has worked on Freshman Project and Sophomore Cabaret, is a member of Choral Union, and has been vice- president of Crop andsSaddle. She has also worked on Panhellenic Ban- queteand Ball, the PAC Committee, the Merit, Theatre Arts, and Social committees of the League, and is now program charman for JGP. Has Splendid Record Miss Judson, a resident of Martha Cook Building, has been a member of the judiciary committee for the past year, is participating in JGP and acts as secretary of Wyvern. She has also served on the Assembly Execu- tive Board, was president of Alpha Lambda Delta, a Jordan adviser her sophomore year and an orientation adviser last fall. In addition Miss Judson was active in Freshman Pro- ject, the freshman glee club, Sopho- more Cabaret ,Assembly Banquet and the Christmas Come-Across Dance. First duty of the new president will be to act s cg-misress of ceremonies of the Installation Banquet along with Margaret Sanford, '42, retiring League president. At this time Miss Thompson and Miss Judson will be installed officially in their new offi- ces prior to announcement of other Council appointments for next year. To Name Other Heads As the Banquet program proceeds, new officers will move to the speak- saraogo Buo8-no aaulda o alga sa and the chairmen of League stand- ing committees. Announcement will also be made qt that time of the new presidents anl executive boards of Assembly, Panhellenic, and the WAA as well as fall orientation advisers and the three junior women winning the Ethel McCormick scholarships. Margaret Sanford, retiring presi- dent, said "I am sure Charlotte will make a wonderful president, and she has my sincere good wishes." BOMBER SCHOLARSHIPS Campus response to the Bomber- Scholarship Plan began to gain mo- mentum yesterday as eight more organizations offered support while two contributed. Donations as announced by the Dean of Students office are as fol- lows: P1 Lambda Phi . .$18.75 Mosher Hall . ,....... , .. $25.00 The plan has been adopted by the following organizations since last; Saturday: Zeta Beta Tau, Delta Gamma, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Allen-Rumsey House, Muriel Lester Cooperative, Chi Omega. Thet , Delta Chi, Con- gress Cooperative House. Fletcher Hall has also promised $10. Returns on action taken by the 200 campus organizations on this plan are far from complete, and it is urged that replies be sent to the Office of the Dean of Students. Head Coeds.. . CHARLOTTE * * THOMPSON * House Naval Group Seeks Profits Curb Committee Hears Reports Of Earnings Increases In Defense Industries Business Is Scored By Representative WASHINGTON, March 25.-()- New testimony of mounting compen- sation paid executives of corporations with defense contracts reached the House Naval Committee today as Congress sought a method for curb- ing war profits without jeopardizing production. Edmund Toland, counsel for the committee, reported that a sample survey of 15 companies handling nav- al contracts had shown that the sal- aries and bonuses of their officials in 1941 ranged 22 to 1,331 per cent above that of 1934. Representative Gore (Dem-Tenn. who had presented another list of what he called "scandalous" increas- es in corporation salaries and bonus- es, commented that "the government is being filched and robbed." Meanwhile the Treasury opposed a proposal to limit all war profits to six per cent as proposed in a bill pending before the committee, thus lining up with War Production Chief Donald Nelson and Army and Navy officials. Randolph Paul, tax adviser to Sec- retary Morgenthau, maintained that the Treasury's proposal for sharply- increased excess profits taxes, now pending before the House Ways and Means Committee, would prove a far more efficient way of holding down war profits. Jurist Poses War Problems To SLA Today Prof. Jan F. Hostie of the political science department, internationally famous Belgian jurist, will lead a Student League of America discus- sion on "Problems Created by the War" at 8 p.m. today in Room 323 of the Union. Serving with the League of Nations since its inception, Professor Hostie represented the League in the consid- eration of the Danzig Postal Case and the jurisdiction of the Danube Com- mission. He was also a member of the Permanent Legal Committee of the Organization for Communica- tions and Transit. A Belgian citizen, he came to the United States because of the work in which he was involved. At the time of the invasion of his country in 1940 he was in America for the Purpose of settling a dispute which had arisen between the United States and Can- ada. Student Senate Sponsors Forum On Revised Policy Aimed at providing weekly open forums for all shades of campus opin- ion, the first in a series of round- table discussions will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday in the Union, Room 304. Saturday's discussion, sponsored by the Student Senate Parley Commit- tee, will attempt to sound various views on the method used in choos- ing the new "student war board" nominating committee. Hirsute Countenances Encouraged By WPB WASHINGTON, March 25.-(P)- The War Production Board intruded into the very personal matter of male whiskers today with an order sharp- ly curtailing the manufacture of razors and razor blades. Males who have long cherished the idea of a moustache, a neat Van Dyke or long sideburns may now, it appears, have considerable support in any arguments with their wives over the facial decoration. The WPB order cutsdown blade production to a quantity sufficient to supply each shaver "an average" of one blade weekly. Whereas three billion blades were manufactured last year, the, 1942 production was limited to 2,400,000,000 - the same number manufactured in 1940. Straight-edge razors were limited also to the 1940 output. During the next 90 days, WPB directed, production of safety razors must be held to 70 per cent of the average monthly production in 1940, when 12,000,000 were manufactured. Ford Proffers Lindbergh Job At WiloRu Flier Expected To Accept Engineering Position It Giant Bomber Plan DETROIT, March 24.-(A')-Char- les A. Lindbergh, whose help Henry Ford once said he would like to have to put airplanes into mass produc- tion, has been offered a job by Ford in the engineering department of the huge Willow Run bomber factory now nearing completion. The famous trans-Atlantic flier has the offer under consideration but DETROIT, March 25.-(A)-If the War Department approves, Charles A. Lindbergh will go to work in Ford's new Willow Run bomber plant. Harry Bennett, Ford personnel director, said tonight the famous trans-Atlantic flier had accepted Ford's invitation4o devote his engi- neering abilities to Ford's vast armament program and only per- mission of the War Department is needed to complete the arrange- ment. sources close to Ford intimated he was expected to accept. What Lindbergh's precise duties might be in the big Willow Run plant were not disclosed. Some productive activity already is under way in the: factory some 20 miles west of here. Ford sources have said that in full capacity it would turn out at least one of the great four-motored aerial battle craft an hour. Union BIy-Lrns Revised --1iii st Unanimous More than 700 students gathered at the Union yesterday to approve the proposed revisions of the Union By-Laws by an almost unanimous vote. Vote on the by-laws was taken fol- lowing the annual Interfraternity Council banquet held by the Union where more than 500 new fraternity initiates saw Dean of Students J. E. Bursley award the scholarship cup for the freshman class having the highest scholastic average to Kappa Sigma. Kappa Sigma freshmen main- tained the unusually high average of 2.88 points. JGPs And They Called This Acting Andaman Islands Seized As5 Jap~s Thrust At India; Strike Heavily In Bum Hudson Is Chosen State Winner In Nation-Wide Speech Contest LORRAINE JUDSON Navy Attacks 'Wake, Marcuts Raids On Japanese Flank Caus - Tokyo Blackout WASHINGTON, March 25.-(U)-- Striking powerfully at the flank of Japanese supply lines into the south- west Pacific, an American task force raiding within 1,000 miles of Yoko- lIo.aa ha s vitually wiped out enl- emy installations on Marcus and Wake islands, the Navy announced today. Although th w operation thrust ships and planes of the Pacific Fleet deep into enemy territory only slight opposition was encountered and the total American losses were but two1 aircraft. Advices from Pearl Harbor said the raids threw such a scare into Tokyo that that city's lights were blacked out for several nights. The action, conducted by Vice Ad- miral William F. Halsey, 59, who was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for similar attacks on the Marshall and *Gilbert Islands Jan. 31, was hailed by Naval authorities here. South American Problem Is Discussed By Victor;. Wins TripTo Cleveland Herman Hudson-nearly blind Ne- gro student whose heroic struggle against physical and financial handi- caps to get an education has inter- ested the entire campus-captured first place in the district contest of the National Extempore-Discussion held yesterday in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Chosen for his mastery and super- ior ability in expressing his ideas on the subject "The Americas Against the Axis," Hudson won out against fifty speakers who came to compete from all over the state. In his speech, Hudson declared that, although the reports of pres- ence of Germans and their propa- ganda are quite accurate, the United States can best eradicate the menace of the Axis powers by altering its own attitude. 'Improve Opinions' "If we improve our own opinions and knowledge of the South Ameri- can peoples," Hudson stated, "it will do more good to bring about a con- dition of security than if we tried to change the status of the Germans in the Latin American countries," Second place in this contest was given to Ralph Henard of Adrian College who spoke on ". . . More Than an Emergency Undertaking." Both Hudson and Henard will be sent to the Western Reserve University, Cleveland, 0., April 14 with all ex- penses paid to participate in the re- gional contest. Charles Murphy, '43, for the deliv- ery of his speech "From Aztec Canoe to Pan-American Clipper," was selec- ted alternate. The other contestants in this final state meet were Paul Lawrence of Albion College, George Menendez of Wayne University, and Richard Orlikoff, '44, and Stuart Park, '42 of the University. Final State Contest This final state contest was under the chairmanship of Prof. Kenneth T. Hance of the University speech de- partment. The seven judges for the meet were Prof. Joseph P. Kelly and Prof. Frederick B. McKay of Michi- gan State Normal College; Prof. Charles R. Layton, Muskingum Col- lege, Ohio; Prof. Harry N. Williams, Miami University, Ohio, and Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, Prof. Hayward Ken- iston, and Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the University. Air Corps Claims T.D. 'Ace' Harmon Tommy Harmon, Michigan athlete turned businessman, has put his pri- vate affairs in order long enough to join the Army Air Corps. Yesterday the former gridiron No. 1 man was granted permission by the War Department toenlist as an avia- tion cadet at the Detroit recruiting station. An Army captain said that Harmon would probably report at Santa Anita, Calif., next week for pre-flight training. Harmon had applied for entrance into the Air Corps in November but the final O.K. was put off pending time for Tommy to fulfill a few busi- ness contracts and see that his par- ents were well settled in their new $18,000 Ann Arbor home he built for them. Curtin Cites Aussie Stake, In War As Port Moresby Is LightlyHitBy Bombs Sino-British Flanks May Be Turned Back (By The Associated Press) NEW DELHI, India, March 25.- Japan reached out for India by sea tonight, occupying the Andman is- lands in the Bay of Bengal, barely 500 miles off the United Nations' Ceylon-to-Calcutta supply route, and struck by land toward- the riches of Central Burma in heavy fighting which partly outflanked the British- Chinese positions at Toungoo. The government of India disclosed the seizure of the Andaman group, first actual Indian territory to go to the enemy, in a communique which said the blow was struck two days ago, March 23, and was not opposed. The small British-Indian forces had been withdrawn "some days previ- ously." Convicts Removed Much of the population and some of the convicts in the penal settle- ment on the islands also were re- moved, the communique said. The position of the Andamans hat been defenseless since the Japanese occupied Malaya, Rangoon and til lower Burmese delta. At their nearest point, the 204 islands lie about 124 miles from the Burmese mainlan4 Cape Negrais. Their real significance, howeve~r lies in the fact that they afford e cellent anchorages-Port Blair and others-and air bases for combined sea and air attacks on Calcutta, Ce- lon and the vital ship lanes in be- tween. Giant Pincers The occupation was part of a giant sea-land pincers on India, at a tlmq when Britain is feverishly endeavor- ing to organize its military defen and to soothe its troubled politic through the mission of Sir Staffor Cripps. The invaders' land arm of the scis- sors was closing slowly today on th eastern road to Mandalay. Air action was heavy in the Bur-. mese theater, with mounting losses on both sides. Japanese bombers with fighter escorts made heavy at- tacks on the remaining RAP air- dromes, one coastal landing ground having been bombed yesterday. Port Moresby Bombed Lightly In 19th Raid MELBOURNE, March 25.-(-)- The Japanese bombed Port Moresby weakly and warily from the respect- ful altitude of 25,000 feet today * 1e Prime Minister Curtin told the AusV tralian House of Representatives that the turning point of the war might well be the general Allied recognition of Australia's high importance, It was the 19th raid on Port Mores- by, principal city of the Island of New Guinea and obviously regarded by the Japanese as the key to any invasion of northern Australia. Only three bombers and four fight- ers participated. Most of their 1x bombs fell into the sea, an Australian communique said, crediting accurat§ anti-aircraft fire with keeping the Japanese too high for effective aim. In his address to the House in Can berra, Prime Minister Curtin ex pressed confidence that Port Moresbv not only would be held but would, serve as a base from which to hid. back at the outstretched Japanese. He said the Australian government had given authority of "the highest order" to the American General Douglas MacArthur. MacArthur Is Awarded Highest National Honor WASHINGTON, March 25.-(P)- The award of the Congressional Med- al of Honor to General Douglas Mac- Arthur for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against the in- vading Japanese forces in the Philip- pines was announced today by the War Department. The citation awarding the medal, the highest decoration for valor which the Army can bestow on a soldier, said: T he Italian Fleet -'Puzzled, Whipped, Wounded': Sensational Naval Battle Told By Dare-Devil Reporter By PRESTON GROVER A lEXAN DRIA , March 25.U--(/)-We feinted and bluf fed, dodged in and out of smoke scretns, fired our guns-although it was something like shooting peas at a barn-took time out for tea in the midst of ba ttle, and rot our convoy safely to Malta after a naval engagement in which valor triumphed over might as it seldom does, even in the most romantic of fiction. Our light squadron of British cruisers and destroyers sailed head-on into an overwhelmingly powerful Italian fleet in the Central Mediterranean, three times drove it away from the convoy and ultimately delivered our supplies to the beleaguered island of Malta. It was a battle which will go down in naval annals, for not in the recollection of any officer present had such a prolonged fight been won by so small a force against such great odds. (EITOR'S NOTE one of the most sensational naval engage- teiits of the war, the rout by light British warships of a strong it;aiam naval force in the Mediterranean atnd the torpedoing an firing >1o a 35,0J0-ton Italian htifeshipt, is described In eyv-wt- rtF , gdetailinit the following (i,jatch by Preston Grover, Asmweiat- f( Ires war correspondent, who risked death to deliver his story.) class, four six-inch cruisers of the Condottieri class and a screen of destroyers. Against them we had a six-inch cruiser and anti-aircraft cruisers whose heaviest guns were five-and-a-quarter-inch and 16 destroyers. There wasn't a single gun in the British squad- ron which could more than make a minor dent in the Italian battleship. Nor were the British ships fighting surface vessels alone. Throughout the battle and long beforehand, Axis dive-bombers had attacked the convoy and the escorting vessels incessantly. The convoy started from Alexandria March 20 to get muni- to sea and intercept us somewhere between Greece and Malta. Both happened. The air-raiding began the next day with torpedo-bombers swinging in from all side. One narrowly missed a destroyer, which turned in time to dodge it. Throughout the forenoon these kept coming in, but were repeatedly driven to dropping torpedoes from a high level or from a great distance. Twice more, around 'noon, we were attacked by high and low level bombers. Then at 2:25 p.m., there came ominous word from a neighboring cruiser: "Four suspicious vessels to the starboard." We were then south of the toe of Italy. Without a moment's delay four cargo vessels were sent in the opposite direction, accompanied by part of our squadron, and the rest of us headed for the enemy. This light squadron had a tremendous task to perform. It was six hours until darkness would permit the convoy to steal away to Malta. During that six hours our light squadron had