THE MICHIGAN DA-LY W EDlNJEpA Y, MARCH 2a. x942 Daily ."*0Vermont Papers Please Copy By TOM THUMB GI IN AND BEAR IT By Lichty Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to 'he use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein alsd reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mal matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPnESE6NTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. e College P&6lisbers Representatie 420 MADISON AV.. NEW YORK, N. Y. CPA, ssoBosTOe C-Los AgELES PSAPFsAcisco Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 E Editorial Staff Emile Gelb f Alvin Dann . David Lachenbrucl Jay McCormick Gerald E. Burns, Hal Wilson . Janet Hooker . Grace Miller . , Virginia Mitchell Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright . . . . . Managing Editor . . . . . Editorial Director h . . . . . City Editor * , . .Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor . , . . . Women's Editor . . . Assistant Women's Editor . . . . . Exchange Editor Business Stafff . . . . Business Manager . . Associate Business Manager . . Women's Advertising Manager * . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: GLORIA NISHON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Stop Inflation With Forced Savillgs- W ITH THE HOPE that pro-labor as- sertions by the nation's war chiefs, characterized by Nelson's statement that "there were of March 3 no stoppages which signifi- cantly affected war production," have squelched the smear campaign against union actions, we find it necessary to criticize one point in the labor program-the wage policy. The General Motors Division of the UAW recently announced demands for $1.00 a day raises and wage adjustments every 90 days based on the cost of living index. These demands are in line with labor's long unquestioned right to maintain its standard of living in the face of rising prices, and in normal times the justice of such a plan should not be questioned. But economists are unanimously agreed that the standard of living must fall, that any con- siderable increase in cash wages can only lead toa the evil of inflation. There is no financial legerdemain by which we can postpone the sacri- fices which the war effort must evoke, sacrifices which will appear in the decrease in the avail- able amount of consumers' goods. It is true that individual groups, by increasing their earnings more than those of the general public, can better their financial position, but the war is certainly not the time to seek selfish benefits. The fact that excess profits are not Iuitably controlled does not deny this argument. And any general prosperity is simply impossible. The best course for labor to follow is the vigor- ous endorsement of a compulsory savings pro- gram. Wage increases, overtime pay, bonuses, should all be paid in bonds, and production could be stimulated without stimulating infla- tion. The doubling of social security taxes and corresponding increases in future payments should be urged by unions. This follows the realization that to prevent inflation any wartime financial policy must be devised to drain off much of the purchasing power of thie laboring groups who are responsible for two-thirds of consumption. Any exceedingly high tax program calculated to collect the total cost of fighting the war would keep prices down and would not lessen the real income of the lower income groups. BUT apparently fear of the disastrous psycho- logical effect of a high tax rate will prevent any total financing of the war through taxation. England claims to raise 54% of her war budget in direct levies, and Germany is not getting more than half her war funds that way. With the probability that half the victory budget will be met by borrowing, compulsory savings become imperative. It is important to remember that bonds repre- sent claims on future national income, that be- cause people are sacrificing now the country will repay them at some future date. If the distribu- tion of bonds is attempted on a voluntary basis, upper income brackets will be getting the enor- mously greater share of these claims. Their greater earnings and accumulations enable them to divert much greater sums to the purchase of bonds than the lower income groups. Intent on minimizing his personal sacrifice, the laboring individual will spend his income on as many goods as possible. IN the small village of Cheltenham Condensed, Vermont, Alben G. Conklin, 25, a tool and die maker, asked Jay McTwigg, a sales clerk in an adding machine factory, for a match. McTwigg, slightly under the influence of huckleberry wine, punched Conklin in the nose. McTwigg was fined ten dollars for disturbing the peace, which he paid rather than spend ten days in jail. FROM the Cheltenham Condensed Courier, March I: Beezie McTwigg won't engage in any more fights with Al Conklin, because Al socked him in the snoot. Al claims that it all started in a friendly political discussion. Beezie bailed him- self out of jail with ten dollars. FROM This Week magazine, March 3: A strange example of New England justice was garnered from The Cheltenham (N. H.) Courier-Journal. Breezy Twigg started an argu- ment by saying that the United Nations wouldn't win the war this year. To which friend Al Conk- lin thrashed friend Breezy thoroughly. Breezy, not Al, was jailed. The charge-assault and battery, and disturbing the peace. FROM Time magazine, March 5: Middlewestern spirits become riled, dis- turbed, at examples of unpatriotism, defeatism. Last week Heltenham, Nebraska, (pop. 200) be- came riled, disturbed, at town blacksmith Ber- tram "Breezy" Twiggs, who boasted, as he spat rich brown streams of tobacco juice, that he was betting on a Japanese victory in Australia. Up rose swarthy, heroic Albert Franklyn, who buys defense bonds, stamps, and used several jiu jitsu tricks on Twiggs, much to the enjoy- ment of patriotic, rustic, twig-whittling citizens of Heltenham. To Twiggs came possible investigation by Dies Committee; to Franklyn, a letter from the Presi- dent. FROM PM, March 6: Congressman Dies' unAmerican commit- tee's latest fraudulent embezzling, racketeering, dishonest log-rolling scheme was revealed yes- terday when Burton Trigs, middlewestern black- smith who expressed opinion that Russia would h~e Dr n Pemm~o ad Q RobetS.AIes (This is the second in the series of Merry-Go- Round articles on the inside of the War Produc- tion Board.-Ed.) WASHINGTON-One big criticism of Donald Nelson's new War Production Board is that he gas blanketed into his new setup all the barna- cles from the old, including battalions of $1-a- year men. This includes many top-notchers, but also many who seem to be representing the companies at home which still pay them lush salaries. Here, for Instance, is one concrete illustration of how the system works: At Vinita, Okla., the Government recently took over the Grand River Power project pre- viously operated by the State of Oklahoma. The Government did this under special war powers, which give it the right to take over such plants; also because Governor "Red" Phillips was hav- ing labor troubles. Having taken over the project, it would seem natural that the Government should supply its own power to its own army cantonment at Cookson Hills, thus saving itself some money. However, it now turns out that the Government rejected its own low bid of under 5 mills to sup- ply electricity to Cookson Hills, and atcepted the high bid of the Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of a big holding company, at 10.8 mills. Thus the Government, by refusing to buy power from itself, will lose for itself--and for the taxpayer-around 5 to 6 mills per kilowatt hour. Army Vs. Federal Works Now let us see how this strange decision was arrived at. First, investigation rv('eals tIia t two Lwralch(s of the Government were not cooperating. When Judge Davidson, counsel for the Federal Works Administration in Oklahoma, went to see Col. H. A. Montgomery, district Army engineer at Tulsa, Montgomery refused to show him the power contract for Cookson Hills contonment. Furthermore, the Army had hired Carl Ger- hardt, who had been previously asked to resign by Federal Works because of the contracts he negotiated with utilities. The excuse officially given for accepting the higher bid of Oklahoma Gas and Electric was that the Grand River project would have to construct eleven miles of line, and copper was scarce. However, Oklahoma Gas and Electric now has stated that it also will have to put up eleven miles of wire. But the crowning irony of the deal is that the beat the Nazis, was slated for investigation by the arch-enemy of democracy. Trigs said in an exclusive statement for PM: "It's a helluva shame, dammit." FROM The New York Times, March 7: WASHINGTON, D. C. - It is reported here that Burton Trigs, whom reliable sources accuse of being an agent for the totalitarian states, will be investigated by the House Committee to In- vestigate UnAmerican Activities, with the possi- bility that he will face a Federal Grand Jury trial for being a salaried enemy representative. FROM New York Daily Mirror, March 8: ENEMY AGENT TRUG IN LOVE NES'T WITH BEAUTEOUS B'WAY BABE Sensational new evidence has been brought to light in the Federal Jury investigation of Bertin Trug, alleged enemy agent. It is reported by usually reliable sources that Trug is the same as Bertrand Trug who was shot in New York in 1926 in the apartment with Caroline O'Dell, Broadway Chorus Cutie. Miss O'Dell appeared in "Nudities of 1927" (Picture on Page 16). FROM International News Service wire, March 9: NEW YORK-(INS)-The Federal Bureau of Investigation is sifting new clues in the 1939 hatchet death of Carrie O'Dell, alias Veronica Gedeon. Latest suspect is Merwin Grud, reported to be "an agent." f { 14, t ~ =r Sr' . E may DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ART The Spacious Stones .. . ART SHOWS are of two classes: that of ob- jects rare or curious, and that of ideas. Unless the objects shown are really meaningful the display of ideas is of more reward. The Ann Arbor Art Association's current exhibition in the Rackham Building, An Introduction to Architecture, is no exception. This show is planned to give the average man a bowing ac- quaintance with the field and its relation to the human animal's several functions. The question 'what is architecture? is answered with a dis- play of the aspects of the builder's art in a bril- liant attempt at visual education. There are,, of course, a few points where one would differ with the ideas presented. The gist of the exhibition is that buildings are objects in a space which must be designed and related to man. To prove this, attention is called to the painter's space at which one may look, the sculptor's space around which one may see, the architect's space into which one may move. The second room relates of architectural space as it has appeared in the past, from Egypt to the almost immediate present-there is no reference to the war-by way of Greece, medieval and baroque Europe. The third room describes the evolution of the American house, from Jamestown to this current year, in some char- coal mural drawings which constitute the best painting seen so far this season in Ann Arbor. This story culminates in a full-scale show of the elements of an interior. The last gallery mounts a provocative selection of photographs to illustrate the history of architecture as it emphasizes space. This review can give scant idea of the show and no notion of its punch; one can only urge everyone in the community to go, both of stu- dents and faculties. The points with which one would quarrel are matters of interpretation: against the questions here raised, there are ardent champions. The first objection is to the apparent scorn put upon Greek feeling for architectural space. The state- ment is made that that feeling was sculptural. non-architectonic, proofcited in the disorder of the Acropolis of Athens. The Acropolis was a sacred site; Greek sensibility permitted no tam- pering with the home of God. This valid reli- gious reason for seeming chaos is ignored, as is, too, the magnificent spatial planning of such great Hflcllnistic cities of Seleuia or Pergamon 'The bewildering confusion of present-day. civilization shows the need for a new pIattern of life.' This is the label pinned on a mass of ma- terial that includes everything from Superman to some of the greatest paintings of this century, arranged in an inexcusably tasteless fashiona Chaos is one thing, but an exhibit designed to illustrate it ought not of itself be chaotic, else it is a bad exhibit. It is too bad that the show here appears to approve of the confusion which modern architects hold between themselves and St. John Baptist. The third room merits complete praise, save in (nedetail whichshows the log cabin as part of the main trend in Amnrican building, a notion long disproved by such scholars as Kimball, Shurtleff or Morison. The Delaware cabin shown was built in 1638, but the type was unknown outside of Delaware and isolated parts of Penn- sylvania till after 1700, too late to be pat of the main tradition of building as established in Vir- ginia, New York and New England, In spite of the limited available material, one takes violent exception to the suggestion that certain monuments shown in the fourth gallery lack spatial considerations. One is the New York City Hall, which in its original environment paid heed to its setting and was a lovely part of a gracious whole. To include the poor surviving third of Seth Geer's Colonnade Row in this group is to misunderstand the one great American example of that kind of civic organization seen in London's Piccadilly Circus or the Crescents (Continued from Page 2) as a Faculty member of the Univer- sity of Michigan, except for instruc- tors of less than three years' stand- ing for whom the provision is option- al, that such Faculty member shall purchase an old age annuity from the Teachers Insurance and Annu- ity Association. The object of this annuity is provision for the teacher after he shall have passed the re- tirement age. The annuity premi- um payment required from each Fac- ulty member is 5% of any annual sal- ary not exceeding $5000, or thus a maximum premium of $250. Faculty members may devote as much more of their salaries to annuity premi- ums as they desire. The University matches the annuity premium up to an annual sum not in excess of $250, thus within the 5% limit doubling the amount of the annuity purchased. 2. Any person in the employ of the University may at his own cost pur- chase annuities from the Association in any amounts. The University it- self, however, will contribute to the expense of such purchase of annui- ties only as stated in (1) above. 3. Life Insurance. Any person in the employ of the University, either as a Faculty member or otherwise," unless debarred by his medical ex- amination, may, at his down option and expense, purchase life insurance from the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association at its published rates. All life insurance premiums are borne by the individual himself. The University makes no contribu- tion toward life insurance and has nothing to do with the life insurance feature except that it will if desired by the insured, deduct premiums monthly and remit the same to the Association. 4. Monthly Premium Payments. The University accounting offices will as a matter of accommodation to faculty members or employees of the University, who desire to pay either annuity premiums or insur- ance premiums monthly, deduct such premiums from the payroll in month- ly installments. In the case of the so-called "academic roll" premiums for the months of July, August, September and October will be de- ducted from the double payroll of June 30. While the accounting of- fices do not solicit this work, still it will be cheerfully assumed where de- sired. 5. The University has no arrange- ments with any life insurance or annuity organization except the i Teachers Insurance and Annuity As- sociation of America and contribu- tions will not be made by the Uni- versity nor can premium payments be deducted except in the case of an- nuity or insurance policies of this Association. 6. The general adninistration of the annuity and insurance business has been placed in the hands of the Secretary of the University by the Regents. Please communicate with the un- dersigned if you have not arranged for any and all annuities required under your appointment. herbert G. Watkins Students who intend to study law and who will enter the Law School with the Bachelor of Arts degree or its equivalent, or on one'of the com- bined curricula, should commence the necessary procedure for admission. It will be necessary to file an appli- cation on a form furnished by the Law School. Attentio is caled to the fact that undel' the new three- term pln it i.will be posil to begpin on Student Affairs on or before April 1. (2) Requests for any tag days to occur in the first month of the sum- mer term must be submitted to the Committee on Student Affairs on or before May 1. (3) Requests for tag days for any part of the summer term not provid- ed for in (2) must be submitted to the Committee on Student Affairs, by the end of the first month of the1 summer term. (4) Requests for tag days to beE held during the '42 fall term, and the '43 spring term must be submitted to the Committee on Student Affairs on or before November 7, 1942. (5) Each request for a tag day should be dealt with as a separate case-no precedent being set by action taken on dny case. Senior Engineers: Orders will be taken for commencement announce- r ments today, Thursday, Friday, and Monday, March 25, 26, 27, and 30, 1:00-5:00 p.m., outside the library in the West Engineering Building. Please| pay in full at the time of placing : your order. Down payments will not be accepted on any orders less than one dollar. Literary Seniors: Deadline for pay-I ing class dues is Friday, March 27. They can be paid in Angell Hall Lob-1 by 1:00-4:00 p.m. Monday through, Friday, and in the center of the di-, agonal 9:00-12:00 a.m. and 1:00-4:00 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. Dues are $1.0W _ The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing Civil' Service Examinations. Student Instructor, $1,620; Junior Instructor, $2,000, Air Corps Techni- cal School, and Aviation Service Schools, United States Navy, An- nouncement open until further no- tice. Principal Physicist (any specialized branch), $5,600. Senior Physicist, $4,600. Physicist, $3,800. Associate Physicist, $3,200. Assistant Physicist, $2,600. (War Department, Navy Dept., Department of Commerce, Federal Security Agency, Office for Emerg- ency Management). The announcements for Physicist is open until further notice. Further information may be obtained from the announcement which is on file at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours, 9-12 and 2-4. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Academic Notices Zoological Movies will be shown Thursday, March 26, at 4:10 p.m. in the Natural Science Auditorium. The program includes: Snapping turtle (sound); Thrushes and their rela- tives (sound); Frogs and toads (ko- dachrome); Salamanders (koda- chrome). Dr. F. H. Test will lecture along with the last two films. Kothe-Llildner Sophomore compe- tition to be held, Thursday, March 26, 2:00-4:00 p.m. in Room 301 U.H. Doctoral Examination for Herbert Kapfel Brown, Mathematics; thesis: "The Resolution of Boundary Value Problems by Means of the Finite Fourier Transformation." Thursday, March 26, West Council Room, Rack- ham Building, 3:00 p.m. Chairman, R. V. Churchill. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members "We have an air raid shelter, but what good is it?-After Herkimer drives the car in, there's no room for any of us!" oration with the College of Architec- ture and Design. This exhibition is intended to give the layman a better understanding of the meaning of architecture, to demonstrate the modern techniques of museum dis- play of visual materials as instru- ments of education, and for its ap- peal to those interested in art. The exhibit is in the Rackham Galleries, and will continue through April 1. Open daily, 2-5 and 7-10, except Sun- days. The public is cordially invited. Lectures University Lecture: Lieut. Wallace Howell of the U.S.A. Air Corps, will lecture on the subject, "Cloud For- mations", illustrated, under the au- spices of the Department of Geology, on Thursday, March 26, at 8:00 p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. Lecture, College of Architecture and Design: Mr. Eric Mendelsohn will speak on "Architecture in a Rebuilt World" on Thursday afternoon, March 26, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. University Lectures: Lectures by Dr. Carl F. Cori and Dr. Gerty T. Cori of the Department of Pharmacol- ogy, Washington University Medical School, will be given as follows: "The Role of Enzymes in Carbo- hydrate Metabolism," by Dr. Carl F. Cori, on Friday, March 27, at 4:15 p.m. "The Isolation and Properties of Some Enzymes Concerned with Car- bohydrate Metabolism," by Dr. Gerty T. Cori, on Friday, March 27, at 8:15 p.m. "The Enzymatic Conversion of Glucose to Glycogen," by Dr. Carl F. Cori, on Saturday, March 28, at 11:00 a.m. All the above lectures will be given in the Rackham Amphitheater and will be illustrated. This series is un- der the auspices of Biological Chem- istry and the Medical School. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Ralph W. Chaney, Professor of Paleontology and Curator, University of Califor- nia, will lecture on the subject, "For- ests on a Changing Earth" (illus- trated), under the auspices of the Department of Botany, on Wednes- day, April 1, at 4:15 p.m. in the Na- tural Science Auditorium. The pub- lic is cordially invited. Events Today Transportation Club will meet to- night at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1213, East Engineering Building. A film en- titled "Steamer James Rand in Ac- tion" will be shown. All engineers are invited. Program' of Recorded Music, In- ternational Center: The usual Wed- nesday program of recorded music will be omitted today because the Center will be used for another meet- ing. German Roundtable, International Center, will meet tonight at 9:00. Dr. Wolf will lead the discussion with the topic "Deutsches Studentenleben." All students who can carry on a con- versation in German or need aid in conversational German are welcome. Professor Throop will lead a dis- cussion on post-war possibilities to- night in Lane Hall at 7:30. Special Meeting of Union Mem- bars: All members of the University of Michigan Union are hereby noti- fied of a special meeting tonight at 7:00 for the purpose of acting on suggested revision of the Michigan Union Constitution. Alpha Phi Omega will meet to- night at 7:30 in the Michigan Un- ion. The Faculty Women's Club will hold its annual tea at the home of Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven from 3:30 to 5:30 this afternoon, Coming Events La Sociedad Hispanica Conversa- tion Group will meet Thursday, March 26, at 8:09 p.m. in the Michi- gan League. It is an opportunity for students of Spanish for oral prac- tice. Everyone is urged to attend. See Bulletin in League for room number. Phi Eta Sigma luncheon meeting at 12:15 p.m. on Saturday, March 28, at the Union. Reservations must be made with Karl Reed by 5 00 p.m. today. This is the last meeting for the class of 1944. Hillel Players: Elections for new officers of the Players will be held at the Foundation on Tuesday, March 31, at 7:30 p.m. First Methodist Church: Mendels- sohn's oratorio "Elijah" will be pre- sented by thet Senior Choir of the First Methodist Church on Palm Sunday evening, March 29, at 8 o'clock in the Sanctuary. Soloists: Bonnie Ruth Van Deursen, Soprano; Beatrice Brody Larsen, Contralto; Avery Crew, Tenor; Mark Bills, Bari- tone; and Beatrice Nesbitt Ruthven, Soprano Mary Porter Owin is or- ganist, and Hardin Van Deursen of