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March 25, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-25

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Somewhat Warmer
With Light Showers





Stop Inflation
With Forced Savings

<., :



FDR Charges
Pay Level Cut
Will Be Result
Of HoursBill
President States Campaign
Behind Smith Proposal
To Change Work Week
Is 'Organized' In Part
Increase Opposed
In HighBrackets
WASHINGTON, March 24.-W)
-President Roosevelt reiterated
today his opposition to atering the
40-hour work week on grounds it
would reduce average pay and he
told a press conference he believed
part of the campaign against the
40-hour week was organized.
The Chief Executive would not
say to what extent he thought this
campaign was organized, remark-
ing that some of it was and some
FDR Definitely Opposed
But on suggestions that a 48-
hour week be inaugurated, with
time and a half being paid for all
hours in excess of that figure, Mr.
Roosevelt's opposition was definite.
He told reporters he had told them
all about that before and said he
thought we did not want to reduce
pay envelopes for the average per-
son employed in this country. He
added he did not think there should
be any increase in pay, moreover,
in the high brackets.
Replying to a question, the Presi-
dent said he did not know any-
thing about the idea of an "incent-
ive pay" system suggested by Don-
ald M. Nelson, War Production
WASHINGTON, March 24.-(P)
-The executive board of the CIO
recommended to affiliated unions
tonight that they forego overtime
pay for Saturday, Sunday and holi-
day work when such work is per-
formed within a 40-hour week.
Simultaneously, William Green,
president of the AFL, issued a
statement saying his organization
"has assured the Government that
it will waive double-time payment
for Sunday and holiday work in all
war industries for the duration."
WASHINGTON, March 24.-(G')-
A compromise version of the Smith
War-Labor Bill emerged on Capitol
Hill tonight, but its principal provi-
sion drew the opposition of Presi-
dent Roosevelt.
Informed House quarters said the
Wage-Hour Bill would be revised in
the House Naval Committee to re-
quire time and one half pay after
48 hours of work instead of 40, pro-
vided in present law. Originally the
Smith Bill merely called for suspen-
sion of the Maximum Hours Provi-
Nelson Opposes Change
Earlier in the day, Donald M. Nel-
son, chairman of the War Production
Board, reiterated his opposition to
any present change in the labor laws.
Such a change, he added, would cre-
ate disturbances that might impede
production. He asked a 30-day grace
period in which to seek labor's agree-
ment to abandon the practice of pay-
ing double-time for weekend and
holiday work.
Indications that the modified plan
was receiving consideration were
demonstrated by the questions direct-
ed by committee members at both
Nelson and Secretary of Labor Perk-

ins who also was a witness today.
No Double Pay On Sundays
Nelson and Miss Perkins recorded
themselves in favor of eliminating
double-pay for Sundays and holidays;
and agreed that jurisdictional strikes
should be prevented. Both also have
expressed themselves in favor of bon-
us-incentive payments.
Miss Perkins, however, expressed
belief that the 48-hour plan for war
workers would result in a "drift" of
skilled labor to civilian production.

Senate Votes To Create
New Rpresen ative Unit
Complete Revision Of Constitution Is Approved;
Membership Reduced To Nine In Wide Change

Japs Send


Of Warplanes

To Strengthen Australian Front;
Battles Rage Anew In Philippines

In what was termed "the biggest
boost ever given to representative
government on this campus," the
Student Senate almost unanimously
signed its own death warrant last
night by adopting a new constitution
which will require top-to-bottom re-
vision of the existing set-up.
The new constitution strips the sen-
ate to 9 members from 30, sets up a
separate administrative staff, and
throws overboard present senate per-
sonnel and even the very name "Stu-
dent Senate." Elections to this new
body, as yet unchristened, will be held
April 24.
Don O'Connor, '42, proposed the
all-embracing constitutional revision
after increasing criticism had been
directed against the senate for a "do-
nothing" policy and general lack of
results. The plan had been approved
last week in an informal straw vote.
Only Representative Body
This new representative group will
retain only one feature of its ances-
tral Student Senate-it is still the
only governing body on campus
chosen by an unrestricted election.
It will also represent both men and
According to O'Connor, the mem-
bership was reduced to nine because
of the inefficiency and disinterest
shown by the present body of 30. "A
McNutt To End
Non-War Work
Roosevelt Opposes Effort
Of Senator McKellar
To Kill Youth Agencies
WASHINGTON, March 24.-(AP)-
Federal Security Administrator Paul
V. McNutt today promised to strip
youth-training agencies of all non-
war activities as he reported that
I President ,Roosevelt opposed the ef-
fort of Senator McKellar (Dem.-
Tenn.) to abolish the National Youth
Administration and the Civilian Con-
servation Corps.
"I'm perfectly willing to liquidate
anything that has nothing to do with
the winning of the war," McNutt told
the Senate Labor Committee.
McKellar and Senator Byrd (Dem.-
Va.) demanded that both agencies,
which operate under McNutt, be ter-
minated as non-essential and criti-
cized the spending of millions of dol-
lars on the youth programs.
McNutt read to the committee a
letter in which Mr. Roosevelt said,
"I feel that the youth agencies have
a definite place in the all-out war
effort. I cannot agree with those
who-take the position that these
agencies should be terminated."
McNutt reported that he had
placed all his youth training pro-
grams - NYA, CCC and defense
training under the Office of Educa-
tion-under a single administrator
many months ago. He added that the
McKellar bill would tend to disrupt
and delay these programs.
The administrator had no objec-
tion to merging the CCC with the
NYA but he disputed Byrd's conten-
tion that the Office of Education
youth training program was dupli-
cating work being done under the
other two.

smaller group will centralize respon-
sibility and it won't have to memor-
ize Roberts' Rules of Order before
getting anything done," he declared.
When elected, the new body will
have a fresh injection of personnel
with only two or three members of
the present Senate remaining in a
non-voting, advisory capacity. In no
way will these advisers cut down on
the number of men and women to
be chosen by the entire campus.
Other features of the constitution
include the elimination of proxies
and the "senatorial courtesy" system
of replacing members that drop out.
The new system will fill vacancies
in accordance with results of the pre-
vious election.
Separate Staff
The highly-technical work of ad-
ministration-past stumbling block
of many a campus politician-will be
handled by a separate staff made up.
of freshmen, sophomores, juniors and
seniors on a "city manager" plan.
This body will work under the nine
policy-forming members elected by
the campus.
If a death rattle marked last
night's meeting of the present sen-
ate, then it was an unusually loud
one. The senate with only one dis-
senting vote went on record as op-
posed to the "unrepresentative sys-
tem" proposed to select the new "stu-
dent war board."
At the same time, however, the
senate offered its support without
reservation to this body which will
attempt an acceleration of the stu-
dent war effort.
The senate defense committee also
reported adequate results in its two-
day defense stamp drive in Angell
Hall lobby which sold approximately
seven dollars in stamps. A recom-
mendation was made that one day a
week be set aside for the sale of
stamps to the entire campus.
RWR Meeting
To Hear Fram
Detroit Rabbi To Address
Student Division Today
Rabbi Leo Fram, of Detroit's Tem-
ple Israel and President of the non-
sectarian Religious Education Associ-
ation, will lead the first estate in a
discussion of "Russian Offensive and
the Increased Need for Russian War
Relief," at the meeting of the stu-
dent RWR division, scheduled for 8
p.m. today in the Michigan League
Rabbi Fram's address, stressing the
humanitarian aspect of war relief,
will be supplemented by talks of local
clergy representatives Rev. Edward
Blakeman, University Counselor of
Religious Education; Rev. H. P. Mar-
ley, of the Unitarian Church; Rev.
Leonard Parr, of the First Congre-
gational Church, and Rabbi Jehudah
Cohen, of Hillel Foundation,
Another feature of tonight's pro-
gram will be the enactment of the
"Story of the Dnieprostroi," by Mar-
garet Cotton, '42, and Marvin Lever,
'42. This tale of Russians who blew
up a dam to prevent Nazi victory was
written for RWR's successful Pag-
eant of Nations held in October at
Madison Square Gardens.
Everyone interested in the RWR
project is invited to the meeting by
Harry Stutz, Grad., chairman of the
University RWR unit.

Two Old-Style Destroyers
Lost In Waters Of Java,
Navy Department States
Island Fortresses
Suffer Air Attacks
WASHINGTON, March 24.-(Al)-
A furious renewal of the battle of
the Philippines was reported today
by the War Department, with the
Japanese launching a major air as-
sault against Corregidor and Bataan
and American-Filipino troops spring-
ing a successful attack on an enemy
motor column at Zamboanga on the
southern island of Mindanao.
The Japanese losses in the Minda-
nao fighting were heavy, the de-
partment said, but the attacking'
troops lost only one soldier.
Floating mines have been encount-
ered in large numbers in Philippine
waters, the department's communi-
cue added, apparently sown by the
Japanese in an attempt to disrupt in-
ter-island shipping.
Start Of Enemy Drive
The aerial assault on Corregidor
and Bataan, in which 54 heavy bomb-
ers participated, appeared to ,be the
start of the long-expected enemy at-
tempt to silence the island forts at
the entrance of Manila Bay and drive
the American-Filipino forces from
It was the first major aerial as-
sault in more than two months.
Despite a report that the damage in-
flicted by the bombers-three of
which were shot down-was of slight
consequence, the -reappearance of-
heavy enemy air strength indicated
to military observers here that the
Japanese would try to "finish off"
the Philippines before pushing their
drive toward Australia.
Japs Await Air Support
Air support is what the Japanese
have been waiting for, said one ex-
pert. He added that apparently they
now believe their offensives in Bur-
ma and the South Pacific have
reached such a stage that planes
can be spared for an all-out drive in
the Philippines.
Two U.S. Destroyers
Lost Ini Java Water,
WASHINGTON, March 24.--UP)-_
Loss of two more old four-stacker
destroyers of the U.S. Asiatic Fleet in
the enemy-dominated seas around
Java was announced tonight by the
Navy Department, raising to 21 the
total of American Naval vessels de-
stroyed since last fall.
The ships were the 1,190-ton Pills-
bury and Edsall, each of which had
a normal complement of about 145
officers and men. The number of
those on board when they were last
heard from was not given. The de-
stroyers had been missing since early
50 Students
Enter Speech

A mericanVolunteers SurprLse
Jap Airmen, Smash 40 Planes

KUNMING, China, March 24.-(P),
-"Flying Tiger" pilots of the Amer-
ican Volunteer Group smashed 40
Japanese planes at the Thailand air-
port of Chiengmai today in a dawn
attack which caught the Japanese by
surprise, it was announced here.
Dropping down from the sky at 7
a.m. the U. S. airmen caught the
Japanese pilots as they were running
to the cockpits of their planes and
pumped 3,500 rounds of ammunition
into both grounded planes and per-
Seven Jap Planes In Flames
Seven Japanese planes were seen 1
bursting into flames, and the re-
mainder of the planes were riddled
with machine-gun bursts, dispatches
Most of the Japanese pilots were
reported killed.
Meanwhile, Chinese troops holding
the Allied left in Burma were vio-
lently engaged tonight by the Japa-
nese in an area only seven miles be-
low the important position of Toun-
goo, toward which the enemy had ad-
vanced 40 miles up the Sittang River
in a week's operations.
A communique from Chinese GHQ
Civilians Will
Get 500,000
Tires In April
OPA Plans To Distribute
Recaps Among Certain
Classified Car Owners
WASHINGTON, March 24.-(R)---
Nearly 500,000 recapped tires will be
made available next month for lim-
ited numbers of taxi drivers, defense
workers, traveling salesmen and cer-
tain other civilians, the Office of
Price Administration announced to-
The April supply will represent the
first release of tires for passenger
cars other than those listed as eligi-
ble under the rationing program for
new tires.
In addition to 470,317 recapped
tires, the April quota will release
101,636 new tires for passenger cars.
For trucks, 275,523 new tires and
246,442 recapped tires will be made
The passenger car quotas in April
will permit tire replacements at less
than one-fifth of the rate replace-
ments were made a year ago. If the
April quota rate is continued, OPA,
added, only enough tires would beI
available to keep about 5,000,000 pas-
senger cars in operation.
OPA officials said the new quota
purposely specified recapped rather
than retreaded tires, as part of a
move to discourage retreading. The
latter process uses slightly more rub-
ber, it was explained, since new rub-
ber is added to the sides as well as
to the top of a retreaded tire; in re-
capping, new rubber is applied only
to the surface of the tire which
touches the highway.

disclosed this sharp forward move-
ment upon the barrier to the ap-
proaches to Mandalay and the left
anchor of an Allied line stretching
westward to Prome, on the Irrawaddy
south of the central Burmese oil
It was also revealed that the de-
fenders were without local air sup-
port and that Toungoo itself hadl
been raided six times in a day's op-
It was made clear, however, that
this had occurred in earlier opera-o
tions; not in the last two days had
the Japanese made any progress.-
Despite word that Chinese troops,
at Toungoo were finding no support,
Allied aviation was elsewhere in
heavy and effective action, princi-
pally against the rearward bases of
Japanese air power, and the enemy in
turn was striking with heavy force.
Allied Air Bases Damaged
For the third successive day dam-
age to Allied air bases was acknow-
ledged, but the enemy appeared to be
suffering even heavier.
Chinese headquarters in Burma
announced that American volunteer
group squadrons had delivered "two
powerful and simultaneous attacks"
on enemy air fields in Thailand.
In one of these, on the major en-
emy base at Chiengmai, seven to 10
enemy planes were wholly disabled,
several others probably disabled and
many damaged. Forty to 50 Japanese
planes were caught on the ground;
when the Americans left there were
seven fires on the field, and a single
fire consumed three planes.
The second attack was on the Jap-
anese airfield at Lampun 10 miles
southeast of Chiengmai.
The results of this raid had not
been reported.
Shows Kehoe
Results of the second day's ballot-
ing for BDMOC found James Kehoe
still leading the field with Richie
Rawdon, Ralph Mitchell, Cary Lan-
des and John Rookus following in
quick succession.
Winner of the competition, which
is being sponsored by The Daily, the
Union and Esquire magazine, will be
unveiled at Zoot Suit Stuff, men's
style show to be held at 8 p.m. to-
morrow in the main ballroom of the
0. E. Schoeffler, fashion editor of
Esquire will present the prizes to the
Once again, voting will be carried
on at University Hall, the first floor
of the West Engineering Building
and the lobby of the main library
from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 until
3 p.m. All you need to puzzle over a
ballot is your identification card.
All models and others connected
with Zoot Suit Stuff are requested to
report for rehearsal at 8 p.m. today
in Rooms 319, 321 and 323 at the

Nippon's Navy Spokesma
Tells Countrymen They
Are Now On Defensive
Invaders Renew
Violent Assault
MELBOURNE, March 24.-(P)-
Countered; hammered and for the
first time facing the possibilities of
aerial defeat, the Japanese tonight
were pouring all their available war-
plane strength into the primary Pa-
cific war zone-Australasia-in a vio-
lent effort to strike down the growing
strength of the American-Australian
air forces.
Two waves of enemy bombers, ac-
companied by a cloud of "zero" fight-
ers, smashed for the second consecu-
tive day in heavy force at ,Fort
Moresby, the stubborn New Guinea
outpost 300 miles across Torres Strait
from the Australian mainland, form-
ing the anchor of the Great Barrier
Reef defenses of the northeastern
part of the continent.
Port Moresby Attacked
The first assault was directed again
at the Port Moresby airdrome, the
second on other targets near the
The Port Moresby correspondent of
the Sidney Herald reported there.
were no casualties and said the Jp-
anese had dropped 300 bombs on the
area in the last two days without
causing a single injury.
Losses are mounting as the air wa
for control of New Guinea increases
in ferocity, but with the, growing air
strength of the Allied forces and the
adoption of American Lieut.-Gen.
George H. Brett's aggressive policy
of "go out and find the enemy," U. S.
and Australian machines. and guns
are dealing out a savage punishment
for which the enemy has yet to find
an effective answer.
It is becoming apparent here that
the outcome of the air struggle for
New Guinea in the next week or two
might well decide the fate of north-
east Australia.
Japanese Passage Barred
So long as the Allies hold Port
Moresby with strong air forces, Japa-
nese passage around the northern
and of the reefs for a seaborne attack
on the northern Australian coast
from the east can be barred.
These coral reefs, skirting Austra-
lia at a distance varying from a few
miles to 125 miles from the coast,
reach for more than 1,200 miles from
north of Sidney nearly to the Fly
River mouth in New Guinea.
Monday's raid on Port Moresby by
19 heavy bombers which dropped 67
bombs about the Port Moresby air-
drome was a triumph for infantry
machine-gunners who, in the face of
blazing guns from four Mitsubishi
fighters diving down at 400 miles an
hour, stood by their guns and met
the raiders with a searing hail of
Japs Claim They Are
'Now On Defensive'
BERLIN, (from German broad-
casts), March 24.-kI)-The Japa-
nese were warned today by a Navy
spokesman that Japan "now is on
the defensive;" that the United Na-
tions have taken the offensive and
may well assault Nippon from air-
craft carriers and island bases alike.
As quoted by the German radio,
Capt. Hideo Hiraide, writing in the
Tokyo newspaper Yomiuri, acknow-
ledged that Japan is not invincible
and urged that it strike out for Aus-
tralian and Indian Ocean bases in
preparation "for future wholesale
military operations." He said:
"Defenses alone ... cannot win the
victory. Japan must therefore win
the present war in all circumstances
by offensive measures."

The High Tribunal:
L.S.A. Administrative Board
Holds Right To Expel Students

Stump Speech Society
Initiates 20 Engineers
Twenty neophytes of Sigma Rho
Tau, engineering stump speakers' or-
ganization, became full-fledged nov-
ices yesterday when the society fol-
lowed an afternoon informal initi-
ation with a formal initiation cere-
mony last night in the Union.
Newly initiated freshman engi-
sn - ," rn*%kv nea .11in . or

(Editor's Note: This is the eleventh
of a series on University student gov-
erning bodies.)
One of the most powerful student
governing bodies-and at the same
time one of the most representative-
the Literary College's administrative
board is entrusted with the right to
expel L.S.A. students for academic
breaches of University regulations.
The board proper deals only with
faculty actions, but a special sub-
committee made up of two faculty
members, three students, and chaired
by Assistant Dean Erich A. Walter, is
used to rule on cases of student dis-
Cases handled by this sub-commit-
tee include such infractions as dis-i
-+. i a - i*.d itq riaisaI

dents meet with the full administra-
tive board-composed of eleven fac-
ulty men-only when a change of
policy directly affecting the student
body is being considered.
Up until ten years ago, for exam-
ple, the administrative board had a
policy of publishing the names,
charges and punishments of all stu-
dents guilty of dishonest action. This
practice was abandoned by joint ac-
tion of students and the full admin-
istrative board.
Present policy calls for the publi-
cation of "blind notices" in the Daily
Official bulletin along the line of "a
student was expelled yesterday for
dishonesty in writing an examination
in the department." This practice,

Representing nine Michigan col-
leges and universities, 50 students
will participate in the district meet
of the National Extempore-Discus-
sion contest today in the Union and
Rackham Building.
The afternoon sessions will be held
in the Michigan Union beginning at
2 p.m., and the evening session will
take place at 8:15 p.m. in the Lec-
ture Hall of the Rackham Building.
This contest was started by the
Office of Coordinator of Inter-Amer-
ican Affairs in order to stimulate
interest among the college students
of the country in Pan-American re-
lations. The meet will be in the form
of an extemporaneous and discus-
sion contest.
In the afternoon, the contestants
will be divided into seven round tables
which will be conducted by gradu-
ate students of the University de-
p'artment of speech. One student will
be chosen from each of these discus-
sion groups to participate in the eve-
ning session.
Prof. G. E. Densmore will be the
chairman of this evening forum which
has been divided into three parts. The


With The Nazis On Two Fronts:

Germans Bomb British Coast;
Nazis Stopped At Leningrad

LONDON, Wednesday, March 25.-
(i)-German bombers again attacked
the southeast coast last night and
early today after Britons were
warned anew of invasion dangers.
Following up Monday night's as-
saults which were the most destruc-
tive since the major raids of 1941,
the Nazi airmen dropped bombs on
several moonlit areas, but prelimi-
nary reports said damage was slight
and there were no casualties.
British bombers, counter-attacking
across the Channel with an escort of
fighters yesterday afternoon, at-
tacked a power station at Comines,
northwest of Lille, France, and other
objectives, the Air Ministry said.

MOSCOW, March 24.-(A)--The
Germans have hurled 600,000 re-
serves into a massive but futile effort
to wrest the initiative from the Red
Army, the Russians reported tonight,
and a special announcement said 16,-
000 of the enemy had been killed on
the Leningrad front alone.
More than 38 newly-arrived Nazi
divisions were declared to be taking
part in fighting raging from one end
of the front to they other with battles
in some areas as savage as any wit-
nessed in this war.
But despite this gigantic effort by
the Germans, tonight's regular Soviet
communique said tersely that during
the day "no substantial changes oc-



Constitutional Revision
Of Union Faces Vote


The student body will have an op-
portunity to take part in the constitu-
tional revision of the Union in %
gigantic and unusual meeting at 7
p.m. today in the main ballroom of
the Union.
More than 600 persons-the num-

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