THEMICHIGAN IDAILY i7w Strijigattu3aty Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mal $500. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTi1NG6 VY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CRICAGO * OSTO - LOS ARGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941.42 THE REPLY CHURLISH By hOUCHSTONE ADD to your encouraging notes on the news- sound brick will be laid in the foundation of an front the fact that both Preston Slosson and educated, reasoning democracy. James Pollock are now 'interpreting the news over Detroit radio stations. This link between AND while I'm being so damn nice, let me take the news and the people who know the history this opportunity to apologize to Dr. A. J. and framework behind the news has been a long Stoddard, about whom I had some nasty things to say a week ago. The source of my information time toming, but I hope it will continue. Inter- was an Associated Press story which appeared in pretation is necessary in order that events over the Detroit Free Press the preceding Sunday, the entire world may be fused into something but maybe some day I'll learn never to trust the meaningful to people who have neither the time Free Press, for although I have known for some nor the training to focus as these men do, the time that the orders are out to all reporters to drag the defense angle into any story where it sciences of geography, history, political theory' is at all possible, I took the story at face value, on a group of facts such as accumulates during and gave Dr. Stoddard hell for something he did any one of our days. not mean at all. It seems that a panel discussion Too often the new commentator is strictly was dragging too much, and Dr. Stoddard made news-minded, and the result of this treatment, is his remarks about the teaching of hate in our usually the playing up of the longest and appar- schools with his tongue in his cheek, simply to ently biggest story of the day, without much get the argument started. So, although he no linking of one day's news to the next. The doubt never got word of my mud slinging, I now scholar, if he be at all capable of translating his take it all back, and advise the state news edi- observations into the idiom, and both Slosson tors of the Detroit papers to read their copy a and Pollock can do so, affords a valuable com little more carefully. Around here when we plement to the stock in trade of the news man don't check a story we feel the stinging sensa- gone announcer, and too the effect of such men tion of scalding water rather promptly. One of can be and probably is extremely valuable in the boys says it was all the reporter's fault, not relation to the all-important matter of public to blame the Free Press, but I have heard that morale. Their words carry weight because they one before, as the saying goes. are able, as few deadline-ridden newsmen are, to back them up with sound historical precedent, TO CONCLUDE with the ridiculous, I'll reprint with a thorough study of what they are talking here a short quote from a brochure on cigar about, sans interruptions to cover murder trials smokers, who are also called lusty. "They are or the world series. In sho'rt, someone in the possessed of completely healthy appetites for radio game has at last seen the value of spe- love, and not infrequently for work, as well as cialization, and if college professors in all fields for eating and drinking." The boldface print is are brought to the public in this way, one more mine. So long until soon. WDEAshRON igtBAEnMG By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN Editorial Stafff Emile Alvin David Gel . Dann Lachenbruch Managing Editor Editorial Director .. . . City Editor Jay McCormick Gerald E. Burns hal Wilson Janet Hooker GraceMViller7 virgiP~nia 1Mtchell Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright . Associate Associate Sports; Women's Assistant Women's Exchange Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) this meeting, which will be for in- structive purposes for all regulars and volunteers in training for civilian de- fense, several films will be shown followed by lectures on fire protec- tion, handling of fire bombs, police work, etc. Edward C. Pardon, co-chairman, University Committee on Plant and Personnel Protection. Detroit Armenian Women's Club Scholarship: The Detroit Armenian Women's Club offers a scholarship for $100 for the year 1942-43 for which young men and women of Armenian parentage, living in the Detroit metropolitan district who demonstrate scholastic ability and possess good character and who have had at least one year of college work, are eligible. Further information may be obtained from me. Dr. Frank E. Robbins, 1021 Angell Hall Students, College of Engineering: The final day for REMOVAL OF IN- COMPLETES will be Saturday, April 4. Petitions, for extension of time must be on file in the Secretary's Of- fice on or before Thursday, March 26. A. H. Lovell, Secretary Literary Seniors: Deadline for pay- ing class dues is Friday, March 27.c They can be paid in Angell Hall Lob-j by 1:00-4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and in the center of the di-1 agonal 9:00-12:00 a.m. and 1;00-4:00 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. Dues are $1.00.7 Students who intend to study law and who will enter the Law School with the Bachelor of Arts degree ors its equivalent, or on one of the com- bined curricula, should commence the necessary procedure for admission. It will be necessary to file an appli-t cation on a form furnished by the Law School. Attention is called to the fact that under the new three- term plan it will be possible to beginp the study of law either on June 15,1 October 5, or February 8.C Tag Days: At a meeting of the Committee on Student Affairs held; March 20, 1942, the following recom- mendation of the Comittee of '42 was adopted: (1) Requests for permission to conduct tag days during the remain- ing part of the present semester must be submitted to the Committee on Student Affairs on or before April 1. (2) Requests for any tag days to occur in the first month of the sum- mer term must be submitted to the Committee on Student Affairs on or before May 1. (3) Requests for tag days for any part of the summer term not provid- ed for in (2) must be submitted to the Committee on Student Affairs by the end of the first month of the summer term. (4) Requests for tag days to be held during the '42 fall term, and the '43 spring term must be submitted to the Committee on Student Affairs on or before November 7, 1942. (5) Each request for a tag day should be dealt with as a separate case-no precedent being set by action taken on any case. 1 9 * t hi'. _ ' w ;. F re-- ., r f /f t Tay 4 ' v ?" }C 5 1 , 1 ' . a a' > , C 5 9 } '+i rt N :S. L' f ,,:, K f- '( U \ A 1t r 3.JZ4 1 3 1142 chlcgo r ~im m - /5 ' x fter U.S. Pat Off. All Rt. Res. "Wilbur, if you don't know the answers to Junior's questions why don't you say so--instead of telling him it's a military secret!" 1 < .,-.. ,gig ,E , ,,, i . -r \ , r 'rf '.,i " q t" 7 1 F l 'Yr . l L _ y ' v I Business Staff Business Manager Associate Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON MINTZ The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily, staff and represent the views of the writers only. Labor ai-ers I GRIN AND BEAR IT ByLichty s';7; . Playing Nazi Game . . I F the latest Smith bill-which would repeal all wage-hour legislation and outlaw all overtime-pay cliUseS in union con- tracts-is passed by Congress, the reason will be that the American people have been subjected to one of the most reactionary and under-handed campaigns of wholesale lies in the history of our country. It is a cocentrated and intentional campaign by a combination of labor-hating businessmen, radio commentators, congressmen, columnists and conservative newspapers to smear union labor in every possible way and to destroy any progressive New Deal legislation which they can get their hands on. In some cases these persons are American Fascists; others of them are merely still feeling the death pains of a laissez-faire economy which, although they do not realize it, died in 1929; and a few of them are usually sincere and honest democrats who have inexcusably failed to check their facts and have refused to see the labor situation in its right perspective. Whoever they may be or what their motives, all of them are playing Hitler's game by stimulating and carry- ing on a domestic war at a time when the entire nation should be concentrating on the wa< abroad. THE most obvious and most popular lie which the reactionaries and conservatives are at- tempting to put over on the American public is that the 40-hour week is holding up production of essential war materials. That the assertion has been vigorously denied by every production chief who has testified before Congress makes no difference - the conservative newspapers merely overplay the lies and underplay the facts. And facts are all that are needed to disprove nearly every contention of the lie distributors. For instance, their contention that because of the wage and hour law American workers are working only 40 hours a week is easily branded an absolute and deliberate lie by merely glanc- ing at the actual figures which are available to anyone interested in knowing the truth. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR statistics prove that the average number of hours for the 8,000,000 workers in war industries is 46.8 per week, and in some plants the men are working all the way up to 70 and 80 hours. Separate figures for the more important war industries show average hours worked per week as follows: machine tools, 55; engines and turbines, 51; aircraft, 48.7; shipbuilding, 48.2; iron and steel, 41.3. It is obvious, then, that the 40-hour-week law is not limiting the work week of the war laborer to anything like 40 hours. Where there is not complete utilization of plant capacity it is not blamed by the businessmen themselves upon the wage and hour law. In a recent survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 650 employers were asked to indicate what in their opinion was hold- ing up production. Only two of the men replied tha.t overtime pay after 40 hours contributed in any way to the problem. The main trouble most of them felt was the lack of delivery of requested materials. Another outright fallacy of the anti-labor crusaders is their comparison of the 40-hour WASHINGTON-One of the most needed labor reforms today is a law compelling unions to make annual certified public reports of their finances, just as corporations must report to stockholders and the SEC. Labor's exemption from this rule is one of the chief factors respon- sible for the dictator rule rampant in some of the biggest unions. Most labor office holders are opposed to this reform; they are against any proposal to curb their personal power or tenure of office. But there is strong sentiment for it among the union rank-and-file. This column has received hun- dreds of letters from workers everywhere strongly approving compulsory accountings oft the millions they pay in dues. Probably the big-gun labor leaders by them- I selves would not be strong enough to prevent enactment of such legislation, but so far th'y have been able to block it with the potent aid of a strange ally. This extraordinary bedfellow is the National Association of Manufacturers. The NAM is the oldest, most tireless and effec- tive foe of organized labor in the U. S. A. Its hand is behind every bill to curb union privi- leges. But on the issue of public financial re- ports, the Manufacturers Association sees eye- to-eye with its traditional foe. It is just as violently opposed to this reform as the labor chiefs. Reason: The manufacturers fear that such a law would be applicable also to them and, ap- parently, like the labor moguls, they don't want the public to know where the Association gets its money and what it does with it. Unr-eported Speech For more than a week the halls of Congress , have echoed with heated demands for legisla- tion abolishing the 40-hour week and prohibiting strikes in war plants. These speeches have been widely reported. But there was a speech made in the House the other day about which not one line went out. As far as the public is concerned, the speech was never made. But if you'll turn to pages 2687-91 of the Congressional Record you'll find the hot- test, most sensational charges heard on Capitol Hill in a long time. The speaker was Representative Clinton P. Anderson of New Mexico, who was a successful business man before he came to Congress. These are the bombshells-so mysteriously unreported -which he tossed: 1. That the labor crack-down furor was a carefully planned scheme initiated by certain business elements. 2. That its purpose was to divert public atten- tion and anger from the disclosures of huge war profiteering, refusal to convert plants to war that it does exist it exercises a stabilizing influ- ence on industry. It has decreased the requests by labor for increases in the basic wage rates; it has encouraged the employers to hire an extra shift of young people and train them rather than using the more experienced workers an extra number of hours; and it has tended to keep the number of overtime hours per worker down to a reasonable and a healthy limit. All the statements of fact made in this edi- torial are correct. They come from official sources and have been taken in large part from the testimony of Donald Nelson, chairman of WPB, Secretary of Labor Frances 'Perkins, L. Metcalfe Walling, of the Department of Labor and several production chiefs from the Navy and War Departments. The truth is sometimes difficult to uncover but it is nearly always avail- ahle: it is being hidden and distorted by nower- production, and the undercover operations of key-placed dollar-a year men to protect the private interests of industries from which they are drawing big salaries. 3. That Arthur Bunker, head of the WPB Division of Aluminum and Magnesium, is'receiv- ing $60,000 a year from a New York banking firm, and that he has prevented the construction of a low-cost magnesium plant while vigorously, aiding a high-cost project owned by the giant Dow Chemical Co. Anderson told the House he was firmly con- vinced that much of the uproar against labor was instigated by secret organized activity. Edi- torials were "planted" and Congress was deluged with inspired letters demanding drastic meas- ures, he declared. "The chambers of commerce in my state, and I suppose in yours," said Anderson, "are being harried into special meetings to damn labor for not working 24 hours a day. But what is labor to produce? War goods? Oh, no. To produce enough radios, refrigerators and rayon hose to stock stores throughout the war, from factories that have not been converted to military pur- poses. Do our people know that today, 3% months after Pearl Harbor, and for a month andf a half yet to come, there are hundreds of vital plants that will not make desperately needed war supplies?" Now It Can Be Told One amazing incident of the Pearl Harbor attack can now be told. Already announced in the Roberts report was the fact that a small Japanese submarine was sunk off the entrance of Pearl Harbor at 6:33 a.m., about one hour before Jap airplanes came over. The submarine has since been raised, and its navigation chart and log, translated into Eng- lish, showed a remarkable voyage. The submarine had actually made a complete tour inside this vital naval base, had escaped unseen, and the captain had noted the location of each U. S. vessel together with the time he passed it. The chart showed the Jap sub had arrived off the entrance of Pearl Harbor at 1:50 a.m., Dec. 7-a few hours before the air attack. It waited at the harbor's mouth until 4:20 a.m., when the net was lowered to let a garbage scow out. Then the sub sneaked in. The commander noted the location of the battleships Utah ar/l the West Virginia--the former announced as sunk. He marked down the positions of twelve destroyers,- which he said were huddled close together; also three gunboats, and the cruiser Trenton. In another place he noted "large white man's house." About the only thing the Jap commander failed to put in his log was that at 6:33 a.m. he was sunk. TO THE ED ITOR ductor. Second Part: Carroll Glenn, violinist; Saul Gaston, conductor. 1 Friday evening: Helen Traubel, so-l prano, soloist. Eugene -Ormandy, conductor. Saturday afternoon: Sergei Rach-, maninoff, painist, soloist. Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Saturday night: Ninth Symphony (Beethoven). Soloists: Judith Hell- wig, soprano; Enid Szantho, contral- to; Jan Peerce, tenor; and Mack Harrell, baritone. University Chor- al Union, Eugene Ormandy, con- ductor. Charles A. Sink, President The regular Tuesday evening pro- gram of recorded music in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building at 8:00 p.m. will be as follows: Brahms, Symphony No. 1; Franck, Prelude, Choral and Fugue; Haydn, Symphony No. 13 in G major, Ravel, Quartet in F. Exhibitions Exhibition: An Introduction to Architecture. An elaborate educa- tional exhibition produced by the Ann Arbor Art Association in collab- oration with the College of Architet- ture and Design. This exhibition is intended to give the layman a better understanding of the meaning of architecture, to demonstrate the modern techniques of museum dis- play of visual materials as instru- ments of education, and for its ap- peal to those interested in art. The exhibit is in the Rackham Galleries, and will continue through April 1. Open daily, 2-5 and 7-10, except Sun- days. The public is cordially invited. Lectures University Lecture: Lieut. Wallace Howell of the U.S.A. Air Corps, will lecture on the subject, "Cloud For- mations", illustrated, under the au- i spices of the Department of Geology, M. Gomberg Scholarship and Pauli F. Bagley Scholarship in Chemistry:p These scholarships of $150 each are open to juniors and seniors majoringj in chemistry. Preference will be giv- en to those needing financial assis- I tance. Application blanks may bee obtained in Room 212 Chemistry Bldg. and must be filed not later than April 10. f Academic Notices Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet on Thursday, March 26, in' Room 410 Chemistry Building at r 4:15 p.m. Professor G. E. Uhlen- beck' will speak on "Diamagnetism of1 Free Electrons." Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet tonight at 7:30 in Room 319, West Medical Building. "The Liver -Function and Metabolism" will be discussed. All interested are invited.. History 50 midsemester: Thursday, March 26, 10:00 a.m. Adams-Hunter, 231 Angell Hall; Izard-Zahn, B, Hav- en Hall. V. W. Crane Kothe-Hildner Sophomore compe- tition to be held Thursday, March 26, 2:00-4:00 p.m. in Room 301 U.H. 1 Concerts May Festival Concert: Students or others desiring to have copies of the; announcement of the May Festival sent to their parents, friends or musical acquaintances, will please leave names and addresses at the offices of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. The assignment of performers is as follows: The Philadelphia Orchestra will participate in all six concerts. Wednesday evening: Marian An-I derson, contralto, soloist. Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Thursday evening: First half- on Thursday, March 26, at 8:00 p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Thet public is cordially invited. University Lectures: Lectures by Dr. Carl F. Cori and Dr. Gerty T. Cori of the Department of Pharmacol- ogy, Washington University Medicalr School, will be given as follows: 1 "The Role of Enzymes in Carbo- hydrate Metabolism," by Dr. Carl F. Cori, on Friday, March 27, at 4:15 p.m. "The Isolation and Properties of Some Enzymes Concerned with Car- bohydrate Metabolism," by Dr. Gerty T. Cori, on Friday, March 27, at 8:15 P.m. "The Enzymatic Conversion of Glucose to Glycogen," by Dr. Carl F. Cori, on Saturday, March 28, at 11:00 a.m. All the above lectures will be given in the Rackham Amphitheater and will be illustrated. This series is un- der the auspices of Biological Chem- istry and the Medical School. The public is cordially invited. Sigma Xi Lecture: Professor E. C. Case of the Department of Geology will speak on the subject "The Pale- ontologist. What and Why?", before the Michigan Chapter of Sigma Xi, tonight at 8:00 in the amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Members may invite guests. Lecture, College of Architecture and Design: Mr. Robert B. Mitchell, of the National Resources Planning Board, Washington, D.C., will speak on "Neighborhood Planning, Con- servation and Redevelopment" today at 4:15 p.m., in Room 101, Architec- ture Building. The public is invited. Lecture, College of Architecture and Design: Mr. Eric Mendelsohn will speak on "Architecture in a Rebuilt; World" on Thursday afternoon, March 26, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. Botanical Journal Club will meet [night at 7:30 in Room N.S. 1139. eports by: S. A. Gordon, "Environmental Re- ,ction of Physiologic Races of Puc- inia triticina." John R. Hardison, "The Sexual ehavior of Several Plant Rusts. An .berrant Strain of Puccinia Helian- Floyd Shuttleworth, "Crossing and elfing Studies with Physiologic aces of Oat Stem Rust." Mary Wharton, "Longevity of Ure- iospores of Cown Rust of Oats." "Longevity of Teliospores of Puc- inia graminia under Laboratory onditions." Varsity Glee Club: Special rehear- ali at 5:00 p.m. today in the Assem- ly Room of the Rackham Building. Student Senate will meet tonight i the Michigan Union at 7:30. The oom will be posted on the bulletin ioard. It is important that all sena- ors be there because final reorgani- ation plans will be made. AGENDA: Roll call and minutes; >resident's report; old business; new Business. League House Council Representa- ives are required to attenti a meeting >f the Council in the League at 5:00 ).m. today. Caps and gowns for Senior Supper will be sold today in the Social )irector's office in the League. Christian Science Organization will meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel of "he Michigan League. Episcopal Students: Tea will be erved for Episcopal students and heir friends thiscafternoon, 4:00 to 5:30. Michigan Dames General Meeting tonight at 8:00 'in the Kellogg Found- ation Institute. 'Mrs. R. W. Hammett, the guest speaker, will talk on "Inter- ior Decorating." Unity: Young Peoples Group will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Unity Reading Rooms, 310 S., State St., Room 31. ComingEvents Special Meetlg of Union Mem- bers: All members of the University of Michigan Union are hereby noti- fied of a special meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25, for the pur- pose of acting on suggested revision of the Michigan Union Constitution. Women's Athletic Association Board: There will be a WAA meeting on Thursday, March 26,. at 4:45 pm. Reports are due then from all pres- ent board members. Forms for these reports are obtainable in Miss Hart- wig's office at Barbour Gym. Phi Eta Sigma luncheon meeting at 12:15 p.m. on Saturday, March 28, at the Union. Reservations must be made with Karl Reed by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday. This is the last meet- ing for the class of 1944. Phi Delta Kappa Coffee Hour on Thursday, March 26, at 4:15 p.m. in the West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Captain Keith Houston will discuss tactical organization of the Army. German Roundtable, International Center will .meet on Wednesd y, March 25, at 9:00 p.m. Dr. Wolf Will lead the discussion with the topic "Deutsches Studentenleben." All stu- dents who can carry on a conversa- tion in German or need aid in con- versational German are welcome. The Faculty Women's Club will To the Editor: While we may tend toward one side or th6 other of Captain Denfield's opinions, I am sure we can join with him in rejoicing that the United .Nations now have a monopoly on civil- ization. . . . we must not lose sight of the fact that only on the soil of the United Nations will you find civilized men." Most of us had no idea the recent importations from, Axis and neutral countries have been so extensive. The United