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March 24, 1942 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-24

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Michigan Mermen Will Defend
National Crown This Weekend

To Carry Colors ---

Crisler Faced
With Problem
Of Rebuilding

As 40

I In Nation's Service

Facing almost hopeless odds, sure
of the prospect of battling with its
back to the wall, and conceded little
chance of retaining its title, an un-
derdog Michigan swimming team will
meet a record-breaking assault of
the country's best mermen in the
National Collegiate Meet this week-
end at Harvard.
Only a mighty aggregation from
Yale has defeated the Wolverines
this season, handing them the worst
licking ever inflicted upon a Maize
and Blue crew during the 22 year
tenure of Coach Matt Mann. The
score was 59-16, and that same Eli
powerhouse, packing the same devas-
tating speed and punch, is favored
to sink the Wolverine natators once
again-this time relieving them of
the most precious symbol the swim-
ming world can offer, the National
Collegiate crown.
Second-Place Battle
Not only that, but the Michigan
mermen will have a battle on their
hands to salvage second place in this
aquatic World Series. - Both Ohio
State and Princeton are rated good
enough to give the Wolverines an
even fight, and both are hitting their
season's peak. The Buckeyes, dig-
ging deep into a seemingly unend-
ing reserve of unquenchable spirit
and sheer determination, gave theim
all and forced Michigan to the last
event on the program before finally
succumbing, 54-50, in the recent Big
Ten Meet.
And the Tigers of Princeton, were
it not for the presence of the great
Yale Bulldogs, would far and away
be the class of the East. Their times
to date stack up with those of the
Wolverines and give promise they will
be in the thick of the heated second-
place battle.
Yale Power
But to Yale, barring the accomp-
lishment of a natatorial miracle by
Michigan, Ohio State or Princeton,
will go the top spot and the coveted
trophy. Coach Bob Kiphuth's Elis
are deemed by many to be the great-
est collection of swimmers ever to
hit the water under one banner.
And their overwhelming streak of
victories this year, the most recent
coming in last week's Eastern Inter-
collegiate Meet, shows, more than
words ever could, the relentless power
of the growling Bulldog.
With a legion of stars from all over
the nation participating, Yale, de-
spite its tremendous balance, will
be extended to its utmost before vie-

tory is insured in this gigantic par-
ade of swimming ability passing in
review before the staid New England
fathers at Cambridge.
No event can be singled out as the
one which will provide the most ex-
citement. In the diving, five of
America's brightest stars will vie for
both low and high board champion-
Classy Diving Field
Ohio State's'Frank Dempsey and
'Charlie Batterman, Eli Jim Cook,
Wolverine Strother (T-Bone) Mart-
in, and Sammy Lee, the tiny Oriental
from Occidental College are all cap-
able of capturing at least one of the
springboard titles. Michigan's Mart-
in will be attempting a comeback
after his fourth place showing in the
Conference contest, and if he ap-
proaches his early season form it may
be he who will be proclaimed succes-
sor to Buckeye Earl Clark.
In every event it will be the same
thing. No man can be established
as the one who will churn home to
victory. Since it isn't a dual meet,
and since Yale may be upset in al-
most any race by almost any entry,
it is conceivable that Michigan may
sneak in the winner by virtue of valu-
able second and third-place points.
The possibility is there, but the prob-
ability is remote.
Keen Tob Traini
Navy Mtmen
Varsity Coach Takes( Post
At GeorgiaUniversity
(Continued from Page 1)
the southern unit of the Navy Air
Corps' program are also from the
South and Cliff understands that the
majority of them are even from his
Oklahoma A&M alma mater.
The Michigan mat coach's job will
be analogous to the one held by Min-
nesota's Bernie Bierman at the
Navy's mid-western school, the Uni-
versity of Iowa. Bierman is football
coach there and is in addition the
head of the entire coaching unit.It
is not yet known who will be chief
coach at Georgia.
. Cliff's departure was so sudden
that he did not have time to apply
for an official leave of absence This
he will immediately do and thus his
return to Michigan when the emer-
gency is over will be assured.
In his 17 years as coach here,
Keen's teams have compiled the
highly creditable record of 88 tri-
umphs as against 34 losses. In 1928,
1929 and 1938 his men took the Big
Ten title and in the former year four'
of his boys represented the United
States in the Olympic Games.
In the absence of their coach right
before the vital National Collegiates
the Varsity wrestlers are proceeding
through their preparatory paces with
a certain new light in their eyes. Ver-
satile Ray Courtright, Michigan's golf
coach, has assumed Cliff's coaching
duties, and Capt. Jim Galles is as-
sisting him to the fullest. Each mat-
man wants Cliff to be able to read
good things about him in the paper
Sunday morning.
W illiams' 44 0ai t
Takes Track Tile




Candidates Needed
Plug Up Holes Left
Graduating Seniors

Strother (T-Bone) Martin, ace
Michigan diver, will attempt to re-
gain his early season form and
walk cff with one of the N4tional
titles in the Collegiates at Harvard
this weekend. Martin will meet the
classiest field in the nation, and
nobody can be rated a favorite to
succeed Earl Clark.
* * 4

**In (;ollegiaius

Spring was kind to Fritz Crislert
yesterday, handing the head Wol-
verine mentor, his staff and some r°
40-odd grid hopefuls a brisk, bright
March afternoon on which to open -
play for a six-week spring football
Many of the old familiar faces are
gone-Bob Westfall, Joe Rogers,
Whitey Fraumann, Rube Kelto, Bob
Ingalls and others. But another crew
has rolled around from which Cris- For three years a member of
ler and his aides hope to mold an- Michigan's great football teams,
other great Michigan gridiron team. IHarlin "Whitey" Fraumann has
Two Problems Confront Crisler shifted his fighting spirit to the
Confronting Crisler as the spring bigger game of war. Fraumann
session gets under way are two tre- reported yesterday for ensign
mendous problems: 1 - replacing training at Annapolis.
many of his stand-outs of the past g____ na___is-_
season; 2-the possible call into mil-
itary service of some of his remain- Dodgers Defeat Detroit,
ing and coming-up prospects. These
are the obstacles which the Maize 7-2, In Exhibition Tilt,
and Blue coach will face before the
ten-game schedule gets under way LAKELAND, Fla., March 23.-UP)-
next September. I Two Brooklyn southpaws, veteran
"Bullet" Bob Westfall has vacated Larry Frenchand rookie Bob Chip-
the fullback slot, Ingalls and Ted man, held the Detroit Tigers to three
Kennedy leave the center post wide hits today-one an inside-the-park
open, and that's the way it goes right homer by Pinky Higgins-to give the
dlown the line. Hover, Crisler has National League champions a 7 to
a fine nucleus about which to round 2 victory.
out a team, and some promising
freshmen add to the possibilities. Brooklyn. 001 040 002--7 6 1
Light Werkout Yesterday Detroit ...... 000 000 200-2 3 2
Yesterday's play was typical of a French, Chipman (7) and Dapper;
first-day workout with the gridders Trucks, Herishaw (6),, Manders (9)
going through signal drills, trying to and Tebbets.
iron out kinks accumulatccd since-the
last pair of cleated shoes were hung
up in the Field HiOUst cage. Stiff, H1at Leters Awarded
sluggish muscles were given alight
going-over, with the only hard work To Nme Varity Men
handed out consisting of a half dozen
wind sprints. Varsity wrestling monograms were
Captain George Ceithaml and his awarded yesterday to the following
teammates will be ready to hit a fast nine men:
pace in the near future, but Coach Mauritz Anderson, Evanston, Ill.;
Crisler had one fact to note: many Herb Barnett, Ponca City, Okla.;
more prospects are needed if the Wol Mary Becker, Ann Arbor; Bill Court-
verines are to hit the high road next right, Ann Arbor; Ray Deane, Cresco,
fall. And making the team depends Iowa; Jim Galles, Chicago; Dick
on hard work right nxow! Kopel, Detroit; Manly Johnson, Tul-1
I sa, Okla, and Al Wistert, Chicago.
NATIONAL BASKETBALL RESULTS I Reserve awerds were presented to:
West Virginia 51, Toledo 391 Mel Becker, Ann Arbor; Harvey
W. Ky. State 49, Creighton 36 Littleton, Corning, N.Y.; Vic Werth-
eimer, Cleveland, and Ed Wight, Ann:

Wolverine Wrest
Collegiate Cro
You see, Cliff Keen didn't have
time to see his boys and talk to them
before he left. All he could do was
talk to them over the phone at mid-
night and tell him he was on his way.!
He told them something else too.
He said he wished he could have'
hung around just One more week be-
cause he would have liked to watch
his boys stack up against the best the
country has to offer in the way of
mat class. Mr. Keen thinks very
highly of his boys and he firmly be-
lieves that they will have to take no
lip from no one in the National Col-
legiates at East Lansing.
Six Wolverines Entered
And well may he believe it. There
will be six men representing the
Maize and Blue against the nation's
finest and not one timid soul among
them. This doesn't mean that Michi-
gan is going to have six national
titles by midnight Saturday. It does
'mean though that we may quite con-
ceivably have one, and further that
we may have several who blast their
way well up into the final playoffs.
Now take Johnny Johnson, our
welterweight Big Ten champ. Just to
get a line on Johnny's chances in the
big show,-listen to this.
Arndt Holds Title
Buddy Arndt is the national champ
at that weight. He's from Oklahoma
A&M, unsurprisingly enough. And
two years ago, when Johnny was at
the same institution, the Nationals'
came along and the Okie toach for
the life of him couldn't decide which
one of his two invincibles to enter.
So for three whole days prior to the
meet he had them wrestle it out and
kept track of each point made.
Buddy Arndt beat Johnny John-

lers Will Seek
wn In E. Lansing
son by one point. And two days later
he had won the national 145 pound
Mr. Arndt is to date still invincible.
But our Johnny had such a pie time
of it in the Conference meet that it
is safe to assume he has plenty in
reserve which has not yet been un-
loosed. And with this weekend being
the end of the line John is sure to
pull out all the stops. When he and
Buddy Arndt tangle it will be great
to watch.
Mary Becker and Ray Deane are
two other guys who are going to go
up at State. There are those who saw
the Big Tens who still say that Marv
can take Illinois' title-winning Ted
- Seabrooke and that with a break or
so he might have had the opportunity
to do so. Now Mary gets another
chance, which is all he asks.
Deane Out To Win
As for Ray Deane, one of the sour
notes of the Conference meet was his
nose-out loss of the 136 pound title
in the finals. In the semi-finals Ray
had absolutely drubbed a nasty little
customer from Chicago who had pre-
viously kleen butchering all oppo-
nents. And in - the title bout he
showed the same dynamiting stuff-
but in vain. Thus it is that Mr.
Deane has grown sick and tired of
dropping close decisions. This week-
end he aims.to cop a couple.
Pitt To. Play Great Lakes
PITTSBURGH, March 23.-(/)-
The University of Pittsburgh an-
nounced tonight it has scheduled a
football game with the Great Lakes
Naval Training team for October 10.
The game will be played at Cleveland
Municipal Stadium.

Colorado School .of Mines
Summer Session 'July 0Sp.2
Engweerig Courses May Be Completed
Epivalent to Half a Semester's Wor/
Chernistr); Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Petroleum Engineering;
1cSccriptive Geometry; Eugineering Drawing; Economics; English;
Geology; Mathematics; Mining; Physics; Metallurgy.
Also Field Courses in Geology, Metallurgy, Mining, Petroleum May 25 to
July 5; and Plane Surveying May 25 to July 3 and July 27 to Sept. 5.

For further inform'tion write
Director of the Summer Session.,
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colo.


Good Pitching
Outlook Raises,
Varsity Hopes
Coach Ray Fisher's biggest pre-
season headache, the pitching prob-
lem, seems to be gradually diminish-
ing because of the presence of four
promising sophomores and one cap-
able senior on the Wolverine base-
ball squad.
The senior is Mickey Fishman of
Detroit. Brother of Herman, who was
an ace left hander for Michigan sev-
eral seasons back, Mickey has plenty
of control and at the rate he is im-
proving should be one of the main-
stays of the Wolverine pitching
Boim Looks Promising
Sophomore Irving Boim, a right
hander from Chicago, is proving to
be a sensation among the sophomore
hurlers. "Pro" has plenty of speed
and needs only a little more of Fish-
er's efficient coaching before he can
be counted on for his share of vic-
The left hander who will probably
assume the pitching burden when-
ever the Wolverines need the serv-
ices of a southpaw is Phil Alix. The
sophomore flinger has been receiv-
ing much attention from many of the
local "predictors" as the dark horse
of the Michigan mound staff.
Smith And Savage Show Stuff
George Harms, Varsity baseball
captain, thinks that Don Smith and
Dick Savage are two moundsmen that
may be an all important link in the
Wolverines' quest for their second
consecutive Big Ten championship.
Fisher has cut his squad down to
22 players and plans to keep to that
number until lie announces the tra-
veling squad for the southern trip.

Mary Becker, scrappy Wolverine
grappler, will receive his chance to
garner a championship this week-
end at Michigan State when he
seeks the National Collegiate 155
pound crown.

There will be an important meet-
ing of all M Club members at 8
p.m. today in the Union. Election
of officers for the coming year will
take place at that time.
Gus Sharemet, President

I I ,



, ,I

Grabbing five of 10 firsts, a power-
f p1 Williams House track team com-
pletely overwhelmed all opposition
last night to win the Dormitory
track meet by 28 points with 44%
Almost as astonishing as Williams'
overwhelming triumph was the as-
sault the runners made on the rec-
ords. New marks were chalked up
in seven events. Jerry Lavender,
(W), ran the 60 yard dash in 6.6, Bill
Hanley (W), a winier in both high
and low hurdles, established a record
of 8.6 in the latter, Don Straka (W)
did the 440 in 55.6, Bob Taylor (C)
legged the mile in 5:23.9, Cecil Bo-
vee (W) also a double winner, jumped
18 feet 9 inches to set a new record
in the broad jump, Dick Coulton (C)
put the shot 37 feet and Ken Fryer
(F) set the other record of the meet
as he pole vaulted 11 feet 3 inches.
In the Independent League a close
meet ended with Forestry winning
with 39% points over Club 924 (35
points) and Robert Owen (26%
Fraumann, Flora Leave
For Annapolis Training
Harlin "Whitey" Fraumann and
Bob "Flop" Flora left for Annapolis
yesterday where they will receive en-
sign commissions after an extensive
training course.
Both of the Wolverine grid stars
of last year's great team will become
battalion commanders in the physical
education school for Navy air pilots.

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