it A
Labor Baiters
Playing Nazi Game . .,
Rayburn Asks
Overtime Pay
Be Restricted
Till 48_Hours
Huge War Profits Shown
In Congressional Probe;
Violation Of Tax Laws
Charged To Ohio Firmin
Naval Committee
Hears Testinony
WASHINGTON, March 23.-)-
The movement to alter the wage-
hour law received powerful support
tonight when Speaker Rayburn ex-
pressed the opinion that time-and-
half pay should begin after 48 hours,
instead of 40, as at present.
"I endorse the resolution posed
yesterday in Dallas, calling for a
48-hour work week," he said.
"I think that time and a half
should be paid for employment after
48 hours"
Nelson Warns Labor
Amid an increasing clamor at the
Capitol for new labor legislation,
Donald M. Nelson delivered a warn-
ing to labor today that both it and
management must sweep aside obsta-
cles to maximum arms production or
expect rigid controls imposed by an
indignant public.
For one thing, Nelson told a meet-
ing of CIO leaders, labor must give
up for the duration extra pay for
Sunday and holiday work falling
within a regular work week.
For another, the war production
chief said, it must eliminate any pos-
sible basis for charges that union
restrictions retard production.
Two Week Recess
"You will police your own organi-
zations in that respect," he said. "You
will see to it that all such restrictions
are removed and that no worker any-
where does less than his best for fear
that his union will punish him."
The CIO meeting was assembled by
President Philip Murray primarily
for the purpose of mapping opposi-
tion to the. yariqus elnin propos
for labor legislation.
While it proceeded, House leaders
touched off a series of demands for
action on labor - legislation by an-
nouncing they had made tentative
plans for a two weeks recess begin-
ning next Monday.
Ruse To Avoid Tax
Charged Against Firm
WASHINGTON, March 23.-(P--
A story of fat salary and bonus
checks paid employes of an Ohio firm
making airplane parts for the Army
and Navy-the president received
$145,845 and his secretary drew down
$39,356 in 1941-was related to the
House Naval Committee today.
Edmund Toland, committee coun-
sel, charged that Jack and Heintz,
Inc., Bedford ., paid huge bonuses
to employes and officials in order to
decrease profits and thereby avoid
excess profits levies.
"And all the money came from the
government," remarked Chairman
Vinson (Dem.-Ga.)
Jack and Heintz, manufacturers
of airplane motor starters, has been
awarded government contracts to-
taling $58,000,000. Toland said
James V. Forrestall, Undersecretary
of the Navy, recommended an inves-
tigation of the firm. Toland added
that there had been "willful dissipa-
tion of government money" on some
defense production contracts.
New Gargoyle
A dA T
ppears Today
Traditions Will Be Broken'
In 'Screwball Issue'
Breaking away from tradition and
decorum-offering the things you
have always wanted to see printed-
that's the new Screwball Gargoyle
which blew onto campus today before
a heavy gale and is expected to be
blown out of circulation quite as sud-
In all respects, this March "Garg"
is expected to break every record for
the nuttiest magazine ever put out by
a college staff. Standing high among
re .sons for this is the way in which
Gargoyle has turned topsy-turvy to
give the student body a new slant on
all the old stuff.
For instance, revolutionary tactics
Leaves University
New Student
War Board
Is Proposed
Student Affairs Committee
To Select 9 From 15
Campus Nominiees
A clanking student war effort re-
ceived its preliminary overhaul yes-
terday when a group representing
every man and women on campus
met with the University authorities
to set up new machinery for co-
ordinating wartime administration
and student activities.
This group of 50 campus leaders
will nominate 15 students as possible
members of what has been called a
"student war board." From these
nominees, University Committee or
Student Affairs will select six men
and three women to function as a,
policy-making group.
The major aim of this new plan
which is an implied obituary of the
Committee of '42, will be to channel"
all student war projects through one
centralized body that will be able to
prevent any duplication or mal-ad-
ministration of activities.
Powers of this group p bly will
be of a delegating nature, in order to
use existing facilities to their besta
advantage and eliminate past "secre-
cy" in projects proposed by organi-
The "student war board" will work
in close cooperation with the original
University War Bard in bringing ad-
ministration proposals before the
campus. Past defense acitvities have
suffered because of the need for one
group with enough standing to repre-
sent the entire student body.
Final results of the nominations
will be announced some time this
week, with Wednesday noon set as
deadline for the 15 candidates' names
Turn to Page 2, Col. 4
Fifty Speakers
To Participate'
lin State Meet
Fifty students from nine Michigan
colleges and universities will meet
here tomorrow in order to participate
in the state contest of the National
Extempore-Discussion Contest.
The afternoon sessions will be held
in the Michigan Union, beginning
at 2 p.m. and the evening session will
take place at 8:15 p.m. in the Lecture
Hall of the Rackham Building. The
contestants will attend a tea in the
afternoon at the International Cen-
ter. In the evening, they will again
meet together in a banquet which
will be held in the Union.
The colleges and universities that
will be represented are Adrian, Al-
bion, Alma, Hillsdale, Hope, Kala-
mazoo, Michigan State, the Univer-
sity of Michigan and Wayne Uni-
versity. The delegates from the Uni-
versity are Albert Cohen, '44, Her-
man Hudson, '44, Thomas Johnson,
'43, Charles Murphy, '43, Richard Or-
likoff, '44, Stuart Park, .'42, Max
Pearse, '43, and Rosebud Scott, '42.
This contest will be in the form of
an extemporaneous and discussion
meet. In the afternoon session, the
contestants will be divided up into
seven round tables.
At the end of this period the con-
testants will present a five to seven
minute speech, stating their own sol-
ution to the problem, or some phase
of it, derived from their previous
study and the round table discussions.
The participants' performances dur-
T1r1 to Page 6, Col. 1
Navy Drafts
Mat Mentor
Coach To Teach Wrestling
At New Training Base;
Will Become Lieutenant
17 Year Career
Here Terminated
The Navy called Cliff Keen Sunday
Today the man who has been the
Wolverine wrestling coach since 1925
is in Annapolis preparatory to re-
ceiving four weeks of instruction be-
fore being commissioned a lieutenant,
senior grade, and taking charge of
the wrestling program at the Univer-
sity of Georgia. Georgia is one of'
the four American colleges at which
the Navy Bureau of Aeronautics has
established instruction of its pilots
in eight branches of physical educa-
Three weeks ago Cliff went to
Chicago to offer his services in the
Navy's new program. He was given
a physical exam and told to stand
by pending assignment. And at 11s
p.m. Sunday night, without a breath
of warning, the assignment came via
telephone from Chicago: Report at
Annapolis Monday at 10 a.m.
With the mat season's grand fi-
nale, the National Collegiates, coming
up this weekend Cliff requested a
week's grace if such were possible.
He was told that it was not because
the other seven coaches for the Navy's
University of Georgia athletic pro-
gram were due in Annapolis Monday
and there could be no delay in con-
ditioning the eight man coaching
unit in their duties.
Without even being able to person-
ally see the men who have been up-
holding both his and Michigan's pres-
tige on the mat this season then,
Keen called each one of them up,
told them so long, and told them too
what he hoped to read in the papers
about them after the Nationals are
over Saturday night. Then he left
immediately for Annapolis and the
Cliff Keen will enjoy himself at
Georgia. The seven other coaches in
Turn to Page 3, Col. 2.
Tag Day Rules
Are Clarifiled
Drives Need Permission,
Committee Announces
In a move designed to clarify pres-
ent University policy on charity
drives, a new set of regulations for
campus tag days was announced yes-
terday by the Committee on Student
Six rulings have been laid down
upon the recommendation of the
Committee of '42 dealing with tag
days up torand including any planned
for the spring of 1943.
Firstly, all requests for permission
to conduct tag days during the re-
mainder of this semester mst be
submitted to the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs on or before April 1.
May 1 has been set at the dealine
on requests for charity drives pro-
posed for the first month of the sum-
mer semester, while permission for
any other summer tag days must be
brought before the student affairs
committee by the end of the first
months of that term.
Tag days to be held during the
'42 fall term and the '43 spring term
must be submitted to the Committee
on Student Affairs on or before No-
vember 7, 1942, it was also an-
Final rule laid down by the student
affairs committee stipulates that
each request for a tag day will be
dealt with as a separate case thereby
discounting any use of previous cases
as precedents.
~i~~tiates Inited
.1o /1 t ,u Dinner
New initiates of campus frater-
nities will gather for the annual In-
terfraternity Council banquet at 6
p.m. tomorrow in the main ballroom
of the Union.
Mo're than 500 arc expected to at-
tend the informal dinner at which
Frank Sparks, editor of the Grand
Rapids Herald will be the principal
speaker. Other highlights of the pro-
gram will be the presentation of the
Comniunique Says
Other Freighters,
Soviets Smash
Nazi Regiments
WASHINGTON, March 23.-(/)-
The Navy announced tonight three
enemy merchant vessels had been
sunk in Japanese waters by United
States submarines.
In addition, two 2,000-ton freight-
ers were damaged and one enemy de-
stroyer or anti-submarine vessel was
attacked and probably sunk.
The Navy said the vessels involved
had not been reported in any previ-
ous Navy announceipent.
The communique (No. 60) issued
at 8:30 p.m. said:
"Far East-U.S. submarines operat-
ing in Japanese waters have recent-
ly added the following to the list of
enemy merchant vessels sunk or
damaged in that area:
"One 7,000-ton tanker sunk.
"One 6,000-ton ship sunk.
"One 5,000-ton freighter sunk.
"Two 2,000-ton freighters dam-
Russians Annihilate
Two Nazi Regiments
MOSCOW, March 23.-UP)-The
Russians indicated their forces were
encountering stiffened German resis-
tance all along the line today, but
reported local successes on the cen-
tral and northwestern fronts and an-
nihilation of two enemy regimentsj
fiercely counter-attacking in one
undisclosed .sector.
The morning communique, report-
ing no important change in positions
overnight, told of particularly heavy
fighting on the Kalinin front, be-
tween Moscow and Leningrad and
west of the capital.
On the northwestern sector, it
listed one "important place" and a
smaller settlement captured by Red
forces which killed 300 Nazis and
captured quantities of booty in two
stubborn engagements.
Three hundred Germans were de-
clared wiped out in another undis-
closed sector and three populated
places captured on the central front.
Supply Route For Alaskan Air Bases
-on Riv
:!s-EiALD *
..............- . NEA f ORT
MILES *".'"J
Broken line indicates where American engineers hope they will be
able to build more than a thousand mile road along a line of airports
through Canada to Alaska. Dawson Creek will be the southern base for
construction supplies, Whitehorse the northern. From Whitehorse, a
route is traced to Boundary, north of the Yukon to Big Delta, where it
may link with the highway between Fairbanks and Valdez. Much of the
Yukon territory above Whitehorse, however, has never been suryeyed.
Losses Of Enemy
Fail To Halt Raids
On Port Moresby
Central Burma.
Struggle Rages
MELBOURNE, Australia, March 23
-(P)-In the face of heavy losses in-
flicted by powerful Allied counter-
action that had damaged or de-
stroyed nearly 50 enemy planes in
four days, the Japanese Command
LONDON, March 23. -,(-- The
Rome Radio broadcast a Shanghai
report tonight saying a strong Jap-
anese fleet had been sighted in the
Bay of Bengal.
This roundabout account said a
landing in Bengal can be expected
"at any moment."
This report said the Japanese
intended to land at a point where
they could reach the. Chinese bor-
der via Assam. It was added that
Calcutta would be included in these
Nipponese Hurl Heavy Bombers
At Bases In Australia, New Guinea;
Three Japanese Frihte rs Sunk
Defense Volunteers
Will Hear Lecture
All members of the University
staff who have volunteered for ci-
vilian defense work have been
asked to meet with town and
county volunteers in a lecture pro-
gram at 8 p.m. today in Hill Audi-
The purpose of the meeting is to
instruct the protective services and
the auxiliaries of Washtenaw
County in their duties. Films will
be shown and lectures given on
fire protection, the handling of
bombs and police work.
The program will not be open
to the general public.
More Than Five Hundred Vote
First Day Of BIJMOC Contest,
Kehoe, Raw don Lead ' Race
For Campus Title;- Poll
Opei Until Thursday
More than 500 students took a
minute off yesterday to cast their
vote for Michigan's BDMOC.
These smart duly registered stu-
dents with identification cards drop-
ped in, at University Hall, the first
floor of the West Engineering Build-
ing or the lobby of the main library
to scratch their heads, think, and
make scrawls on the ballots. This is
what happened:
James Kehoe leads the field with
90 votes; Richie Rawdon follows
closely with 88 votes; next, Ralph
Mitchell is in line with 44 votes;
and then in rapid succession, John
Rookus, 35, Keith Watson, 31; Nor-
man Kohlenberg, 30; Ira Wilson and
Cary Landis with 23 each; Tom Cof-
field and Claude Hulett, 20 votes
Ale, Conja, 18; frving Griffel and
Bob Titus, 17; Dick Denycs, 16, Fred
Bryan, 12; Bob Shedd, 10; Don Scott,
8; Chuck Dillman and Richard John-
ston, 7 each; George McDermott, 4;
Lindly Dean, 2; and Walter Bury,1.
At their own request Roger Kelly
and Art Marion have withdrawn from
Student Senate To Sell
Defense Stamups Today
the contest, sponsored by The Daily,
the Union and Esquire magazine.
Voting will continue through
Thursday at 3 p.m. and the man with
the most votes, the BDMOC, will be
named at Zoot Suit Stuff, all men's
style show to be held at 8 p.m. in
the main ballroom of the Union.
At the style show, to which the
entire campus is cordially invited,
male models will present latest styles
from Ann Arbor merchants. Here,
too, the complete wardrobe donated
by Von Boven's, Wagner, Wild and
Saffel and Bush stores will be pre-
sented to the winner, plus and en-
graved gold watch given by Esquire.
All that is needed for voting is an
identification card--your own-and
selection is open to both men and
women. As is customary in demo-
cratic countries, students will be al-
lowed only one vote.
Alex Dow's Rites
Speech Group
Will Give Last
Play Of Season
Old-Fashioned Melodrama,
'Under The Gaslight',
To B'egin Run April 1
Written In 1867
A hair-raising melodrama of the
"Courage, Laura, I will save you"
variety will be the next presentation
of Play Production of the Depart-
ment of Speech as it closes its winter
drama season with Augustin Daly's
"Under the Gaslight" April 1 through
4 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The old-fashioned drama has a
galaxy of unfortunate heroines, mus-
tache-twirling villains and recklessly
courageous heroes; but the plot and
dialogue serve to raise it from the
village barn level.
Although Daly wrote the play in
1867, the old-style melodrama is su-
perior to most of those of the period
for the playwright evidently had a
feeling for the legitimate comedy of
Among the sensational scenes in
the thriller is the one in which the
heroine is thrown into a ship-filled
river to drown and the hero dives
into to rescue her shouting "Courage,
Laura!" In another scene the heroine
is locked helplessly in the station-
house as her hero lies tied to the
railroad tracks with a train ap-
Valentine B. Windt is director of
the play which is being performed
seriously though with a conscious-
ness of the cliches and over-melo-
dramatic passages.
Patrons are urged to buy their tick-
ets early and for Wednesday and
Thursday's performances, if possible,
to prevent turning away patrons on
tHei weekend. Season ticket holders
must turn in their coupons by Thurs-
day of next week.
Senator Demands
Abolition Of NYA
WASHINGTON, March 23.-()-
Senator McKellar (Dem. - Tenn.),
contending that the federal govern-
hurled its. bomber squadrons today
at the whole of the northern Aus-
tralian defense periphery and Allied
pilots replied with far-ranging at-
tacks upon enemy bases above the
Wyndham, on the western Austra-
lian mainland, was under assault for
10 minutes by a medium force of
enemy bombers and to the east Port
Moresby on southern New Guinea, an
advanced Allied position which the
Japanese for days had sought in vain
to reduce, was attacked by 19 heavy
bombers which dropped 67 bombs.
Again, it appeared, the Port Mores-
by airdrome was the target of targets.
Four Japanese fighters dipped to
200 feet with their machine-guns and
cannon blazing, and ran into a steel
barrage. One plane swerved sharply,
crashed into a hill and bounced 20
yards up its -side. The pilot was
hurled more than 400 feet.
Immediately before, bombers had
attacked their objectives in two waves
of ten and nine machines. Many higi
explosives and scatter bombs were
The extent of the raid, together
with the known heavy losses the Jap-
anese have suffered in recent weeks,
indicated the enemy had built ex-
tensive air power in New Guinea and
might be expected to use it for an
air base against the mainland.
Japs, British Battle
In Central Burma
CHUNGKING, China, March 23.-
(A)-Heavy fighting has been raging
on the Burma front along the Pyu
River, 35 miles south of Tougoo,
since last Friday when Chinese forces
smashed a Japanese attack, General-
issimo Chiang Kai-Shek's military
headquarters announced today.
In this action, reported briefly 3n
a New Delhi communique Saturday,
the Chinese said their forces counter-
attacked along the Japanese flanks
and inflicted 200 casualties upon the
Meanwhile strong Japanese plane
reinforcements were being rushed in-
to Burma as blow and counter-blow
against airdromes signified the vast
importance attached by both sides to
control of the skies.
The British Command reported
that for the second successive day
heavy Japanese bomber formations
dealt serious damage to a British
flying field in central Burma, while
the British themselves pounced down
on a Japanese base on lDingaladon.
Wainwright Reports
Lull In Philippines
WASHINGTON, Marc1 23.-0P)
An apparent lull returned to the
Philippine fighting front today after
two days of intensive Japanese at-
tacks which prompted the defenders
to brace for a full-scale enemy offen-
From Lieut.-Gen. Jonathan M.
Wainwright came no further reports
of aggressive enemy patrol attacks
or siege hammering of the Manila
Bay forts following his disregard of
To Cie
rI tiiitorrow
Al S t.Andref 's
Funeral services for Alex Dow, 79
year old president of the Detroit Edi-
son Company who died Sunday in
University Hospital will be held to-
morrow in St. Andrew's Episcopal
A victim of pneumonia, Dow was
taken to the hospital from his Barton
Hills home after the ailment had
reached the critical stage.
Dow played a large part in the