*E ~UUU TH E MICHIGAN DAILY S I U UU NDAY, MARCH 22, 1942 c re Atr4tgzzu Ballyt Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. Ali rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESeI..;a JfR NATION.L A0VE1TI31NG 8Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MAoisoN AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON " Loa AnGELS SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Emnile Ge6 . . . . Managing Editor Alvin Dann . . . Editorial Director David Lachenbruch . . . City Editor Jay McCormick . . . . . Associate Editor Gerald E. Burns . . . Associate Editor Hal Wilson . . S . . . sports Editor Janet Hooker. . . . Women's Editor Grace Miller . . . Assistant Women's Editor Virginia Mitchell . . . . . Exchange Editor Business Stafff Daniel H. Huyett . n . . Business Manager James B. Collins . . Associate Business Manager Louise Carpenter . . Women's Advertising Manager Evelyn Wright . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HOWARD FIENSTEMAKER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. LCTTCRS TO THE EDITOR Is Management's Plea Valid? To The Editor: IN THE MIDST of all the Allied struggling to stop the Axis wave, one menace looms up, a menace so huge, that if we do not take care of it soon-we may well seal our own fates. That is the present smear campaign against labor. The smear itself is important enough all right, but like all smears its main purpose is to cover up something else. And in this case, it is the terrifying way in which the manufacturers are hindering our own defense effort. In Friday's Detroit Free Press, appears a lead- ing article, describing the clash of views be- tween General Motors and the UAW concern- ing the new contract that is to be signed by them. In the Free Press are outlined the basic points as made by C. E. Wilson, President of GM, of what they demand in this new contract. They demand, in brief, that "unions discon- tinue attacks on management" so that the mor- ale of the employes won't be undermined. Also is the demand that the union recognize the right of the management to establish any system of shifts which the management decides nec- essary to speed up war production, plus the elimination of any requirement for the payment of double-time under any circumstances. An- other point demands the elimination of 50 per cent of the present number of committeemen in the plants who have been selected by the union for handling complaints. In short what Mr. Wilson and GM ask is that labor mind its own business and let management handle the rest. But what Mr. Wilson seems to forget, is that business is not handling the rest-certainly not to satisfaction. We all know how business block- ed the Reuther Plan for conversion of auto- mobile plants, so that the plan had to wait fully 15 months before any response was felt. We also know that it was General Motors, Knudsen's own firm that balked at conversion. This same Charles Wilson, president of General Motors, not only insisted that automobile pro- duction be maintained, but that it be increased to take full advantage of the rise in purchasing power. Not until last December did General Motors begin to change its attitude. But business is not content to merely smash any progressive idea that may mean a decrease in profits. A far unhealthier attitude prevails, in that they are still refusing and sabotaging ideas that the country has already accepted. In the February issue of Nation's Business, offi- cial magazine for the U. S. Chamber of Com- merce, appears an article entitled, "Move Over Managers." The article itself is nothing more than a harangue seething with hatred for labor. On the same page of the article appears a car- toon showing a tough, cigar-smoking, bullying racketeer, with the letters CIO on his vest, tell- ing timid John Public, "You need a new manager and I'm the guy." Typical of the article is the passage: "To many people, this plan (Reuther's) just brought forward more than a year ago for making warplanes in automobile factor- ies, is nothing more than a patriotic effort to speed production. But it can only be un- derstood as part of a much bigger idea in the minds of the CIO chieftains. That idea is union control of industry. Every move in its furtherance edges the labor leaders another step closer to the director's table." Is this, then, what perturbs business? Is it because labor, in spite of its good ideas, is having something to say about our war effort. Is this why General Motors demands that the union discontinue criticism-even if it be a Reuther Plan? This continual sabotaging of defense efficiency must cease; it smells too much like France of 1939. The people of this country are willing to do their share; the Big Boys had better get statd -Harry Levine --A C~he Drew Pemruo GRIN AND BEAR IT WASHINGTON-The heat's on in inner publican circles to make Alf Landon tional Committee Chairman. Re- Na- John L. Lewis Must Be. Stopped. 0 * By Lichty BACK a few short years ago, John L. Lewis did do something for labor. He gave hope to the millions of exploited, unor- ganized and unskilled laborers in American in- dustry. Credit must be given where credit is due. But John L. Lewis' record has always been colored with the wrong tinge. He used the rough qnd ready methods to get what he wanted. In the twenties and early thirties nothing stood in his way as he rose to the presidency of the United Mine Workers. Threats, actual coercion and illegal control of conventions were familiar Lewis tactics. In 1933 and in later years these things were forgotten as he allied himself with Roosevelt and the New Deal and began to or- ganize the unskilled industrial workers. The Congress of Industrial Organization followed. It was after the presidential election of 1936, however, that John L. Lewis changed again. He gradually broke with the President. In 1940 he staked his CIO leadership on the election of Wendell Willkie and then fell from power with the defeat of the Republican nominee. Other recent Lewis ventures were his speculation in Mexican oil and his promise to organize Latin- American labor. In foreign affairs he took a strong isolationist stand. IT HAD SEEMED THEN that Lewis would be forced from the labor picture. But the Amer- ican people, their government and American labor underestimated him. Yes, he gave his post as president of the CIO to Philip Murray, but Lewis never intended to surrender power. Mur- ray was to be nothing but his mouthpiece. Fortunately, for everyone concerned, Philip Murray had no such intentions. He became leader of the CIO in fact as well as name. He is a man of whom labor all over the country can feel proud. Lewis, nevertheless, has not given up and is on the march once more. He is tight- ening his control of the United Mine Workers Union. All anti-Lewis sentiment is being 'purged.' BROTHER DENNY'S United Construction Workers Union has been raiding everything in sight. Daughter Kathryn and her Gas, By- Products, Coke and Chemical Division of the U. M. W. (famous District 50) is attempting organization of dairy farmers, munitions, cos- metics and electric*utility workers. She even threatens Murray's Steel Workers' Organizing Committee. Recent charges claim that Lewis organizing tactics include employment of gang- sters and varied brands of strong-arm men. One thing is certain. John L. Lewis has be- come a threat to labor and to America's free institutions. He is in a position to cause juris- dictional disputes that will give impetus to the anti-labor campaign now under way, perhaps to the extent that anti-labor laws can be pushed through Congress.-I There is a flaw in his carefully laid plans, however. He did not reckon with the true feel- ings of the American working man. Those feel- ings support the war and favor a unified labor movement. The American Federation of Labor under William Green and Murray's CIO are already growing closer together because of the national emergency. Representatives of the two groups meet weekly with the President. They .- - - , 1 tai TPv Senator Robert, Taft, runner-up for the 1940 GOP presidential nomination, is a leader in this undercover drive. For a long time after the Philadelphia conven- tion, the disappointed Ohio Senator was sore at Landon. Taft felt that if Landon had backed him in the final neck-and-neck tussle with Will- kie, he would have won the nomination. But these peeves now seem to have evaporated and Taft is strong for Landon to replace Rep Joe Martin as GOP chief in the coming crucial elec- tion battle. Taft laid his cards frankly on the table about this to Martin personally. Heading a group of other Republican Con- gressmen, Taft went to Martin and told him they felt he should relinquish the National Chair- manship to a party leader who could give more time to the job. "Whom have you got in mind?" asked Martin. "We think Landon would be the right man," said Taft. The meeting was very friendly. The delegation emphasized they had nothing against Martin personally and lauded his long years of service to the party. But they pointed out that he was carrying a double load as House Floor Leader and National Chairman and that the political situation required a full-time executive for the latter job. Martin told the group he would think the matter over and give them his answer later. Note; After Alf Landon conferred with Taft in Washington, he went on to New York where he talked with Wendell Willkie, Tom Dewey, Herbert Hoover, and Mrs. Ogden Reid, of the New York Herald Tribune. What they advised is their secret, but subsequently Alf seemed very discouraged about becoming chairman of the Republican National Committee. Bathtubs Or Battleships? flOW is your supply of bathtubs? If you are building a new house and want a couple of bathtubs in it, or if you have grown tired of the four-legged "antique in your bath- room and want to replace it with a neo-angle tub in rose or lavender-act fast, or the WPB will catch up with you. War Production Board is debating the question of halting the manufacture of bathtubs. Enough steel, would be saved (56,000 tos) to make a couple of war ships. Army Goes To Sea A HOT, backstage fight between the Army, Navy and Maritime Commission has devel- oped over Brig.-Gen. Charles P. Gross, and his ambitious plan for the Army to take over all war shipping. The row has even gone up to Harry Hopkins and to Transportation Czar Joe Eastman, so far without settlement. Crux of the battle is that General Gross, an infantry officer recently placed in charge of Army transport, is eager to take over docks, ships, rail and inland transportation, operate all of the supply ships which now sail under the Maritime Commission and the Navy. The Maritime Commission and the Navy, how- ever, claim that the job of the Army is to remain on the land, and they will handle water transpor- tation. Before the sea-dogs realized what was happen- ing, however, General Gross had quietly written out an order and taken it to Joe Eastman, who was on the verge of signing it. Gross is under General Somervelle, the Quartermaster General, who was New York WPA administrator under Harry Hopkins, and Somervelle has pushed the plan with his old friend in the White House. However, ex-Budget Director Lewis Douglas, newest addition to the Maritime Commission, so far has blocked the Army grab. He claims the Army has enough to do fighting, without sailing ships. Note: Douglas, now acting as right bower to Admiral Land, chairman of the Maritime Com- mission, has put new life into the organization. erland and exposed Scandinavia, the proportion with purpose to those without it is small. In these rich United States, the proportion is large. Vast numbers ride on the moral backs of their alert fellows or are carried unconsciously along by nature. In social affairs, that is, in the developing of society, in the hammering out of patterns, con- cepts and institutions, the story is similar. You are a contributing member or a burden to the body politic. Worse still, in this sphere one purpose may cross other purposes: The few may use their abilities not just to ride along but to divert the enterprise, to select a contrary destiny, to prostitute to private use the force good for all and bring confusion where order otherwise would have been maintained. When that is done, the correction in human society apparently can come about not by na- ture taking the life of the offending men, not by the pack of wise persons falling upon the unwise and the vicious, but the innocent must suffer for the guilty. The noble must give their lives for the ignoble, the righteous go to a cross for the unrighteous. Today, because many who were endowed join- ed forces to divert institutions from the course which spelled benefit for all to directions sup- posed to enhance a few, we have an inexorable worua .Our hnos not in anv remote nrerah- offices of the University Musical on Thursday, March 26, at. 8:00 p.m., Society, Burton Memorial Tower. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The The assignment of performers is as public is cordially invited. follows:- The Philadelphia Orchestra will Sigma Xi Lecture: Professor E. C. participate in all six concerts. Case of the Department of Geology Wednesday evening: Marian Aln- will speak on the subject "The Pale- derson, contralto, soloist. Eugene ontologist. What and Why?", before Ormandy, conductor. the Michigan Chapter of Sigma Xi, Thursday evening: First half- on Tuesday, March 24, at 8:00 p.m. "King David" (Honegger>; soloists, in the amphitheatre of the Rackham Judith Hellwig, soprano; Enid Szan- Buildings. Members may invite guests. tho, contralto; Felix Knight, tenor; ____ and Rabbi Barnett R. Brickner, nar- rator. University Choral Union, .E vents Today Thor Johnson, conductor. Second Varsity Glee Club: Second basses Part: Emanuel Feuerman, Violon- will attend part rehearsal today at cellist; Thor Johnson, conductor. 3:45 p.m. The entire Club will re- Friday afternoon: First part: "Wal- hearse at the regular time. First rus and the Carpenter" (Fletcher) basses will not rehearse at 3:45 p.m. Youth Chorus, Juva Higbee, Con- This corrects the bulletin of yester- ductor. Second Part: Carroll Glenn, Thi rl violinist; Saul Gaston. conductor. day. Friday evening: Helen Traubel, so- prano, soloist. Eugene Ormandy, Graduate Outing Club will hike conductor. along the River today if the weather Saturday afternoon: Sergei Rach- permits. Supper in the clubrooms maninoff, painist, soloist. Eugene afterward. Meet at the clubrooms, Ormandy, conductor. northwest door of the Rackham Saturday night: Ninth Symphony School at 2:30 p.m. (Beethoven). Soloists: Judith Hell-- wig, soprano; Enid Szantho, contral- "Socialism and the War" will be to; Jan Peerce, tenor; and Mack topic of an open discussion held to- Harrell, baritone. University Chor- day in the Michigan Union, Room al Union, Eugene Ormandy, con- 304, at 3:00 p.m. Auspices of Young duetor. Pples' Sociallst League. All are N~ 4 J 3 ( C 1 ,y" } _ -1 '"-'Reg tI! 5. IL.Of_. AUlRtS. tRea. "No-I didln't run any~thing during the blackout-but afterwards, the argument as to whether or not planes were seen was a honey!" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN, r i (cGlntiituf'(Ifrom Plage 2) mations", illustrated, under the au- spices of the Department of Geology, Churches Memorial Christian Church (Dis- iples): 10:45 Morning worship, Rev. rederick Cowin, Minister. 6:30 p.m. Disciples Guild Sunday vening Hour. Mr. Kenneth Morgan, )irector of the Student Religious kssociation, will speak on "The- Re- igious Man: Superior to Anything Which Happens to Him" A social tour and tea will follow the discus- ion. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:00 .a.m. Confirmation Breakfast, Harris Hall; 11:00 a,m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Junior Thurch; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer, Sermon by the Rev. Frederick W. Leech; 4:00-6:00 p.m. H-Square Club Meeting, Harris Hall; 7:30 p.m. Chor- al Evensong, address by the Rev. Michael Coleman, Vicar of All Hal- lows Church, London, England; "College Work Program," Sunday, 7:30 p.m. the Student Guild will meet at the Church to hear Mr. Cole- man. After the service there will be opportunity to meet Mr. Coleman at Harris Hall; Monday noon there will be a luncheon at Harris Hall in honor of Mr. Coleman. Please call 8613 for reservations. First Church of Christ, Scientist: Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Matter." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. First Methodist Church and Wes- ley Foundation: Student Class at 9:30- a.m. Prof. George E. Carrothers will lead the discussion. Morning Wor- ship at 10:40 a.m. Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach on "Christian Family." Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m. Robert Worgess, '42 and Gre- gor Hileman, '44, will speak on "What I Believe," preceding a discussion on this subject. Supper and fellowship hour following the meeting. First Methodist Church: Mendels- sohn's oratorio "Elijah" will be pre- sented by the Senior Choir of the First Methodist Church on Palm Sunday evening, March 29, at 8 o'clock in the Sanctuary. 'Soloists: Bonnie Ruth Van Deursen, Soprano; Beatrice Brody Larsen, Contralto; Avery Crew, Tenor; Mark Bills, Bari- tone; and Beatrice Nesbitt Ruthven, Soprano. Mary Porter Gwin is or- ganist, and Hardin Van Deursen of the School of Music is Director. The public is invited. The Church of Christ will meet for Scripture study Sunday in the YMCA at 10:00 a.m. The morning worship at 11:00 will include a sermon on the theme: "Be Strong and of Good Courage." At the evening service at 7:30 the sermon topic will be: "What Is Baptism?" Midweek Bible study is to be Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. All are invited. First Congregational Church: 10:45 a.m. Services of public worship. Dr. Leonard A. Parr, minister, will preach the first of a series of three sermons on the theme, "The Christian Affirm- atives," entitled, "I Believe." 3:30 p.m. Pastor's instruction class in Pilgrim Hall, for purpose of pre- paring young people for church mem- bership. 5,:15 p.m. Ariston League in Pil- grim Hall. Dr. Parr will conduct a tour through the church, and explain the symbols in the windows. 7:15 p.m. Student Fellowship in the church parlors. Thor Johnson will speak on "Music and the Mora- vians" Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m. Church Service, Rev. H. P. Marley will speak on "The New Trinity, or Fundamentals for a Religion in the New Order." 6:30 p.m. Student Supper. 7:30 p.m. Discussion on "Problems of the Consumer." 9:00 p.m. Social Hour. Zion Lutheran Church: Church Worship Services Sunday at 10_:30 a.m. with sermon by Vicar Clement Shoemaker on "Testing Your Faith." Trinity Lutheran Church: Church Worship Services Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Sermon by Rev. Henry 0.°Yod- er on "Christ and The Cross for the Crises of Life-When Fears and Doubts Torment." The Lutheran Student Assciation will meet Sunday evening at 5:30 at the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Stu- dent Supper served at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Hsing Tien will speak on "The Pres- ent Chinese Situation and Student Life." Lutheran Students of Wayne University will be guests for the eve- ning. First Baptist Church: 10:15 a.m. Undergraduate class with Rev. C. H. Loucks at the Guild House, 503 E. Huron St. Graduate class with Pro- fessor Charles Brassfield at the Church. 11:00 a.m. Sermon: "Christian Fellowship." 6:30 p.m. The Roger Williams (Guild will meet in the Guild House; Mr. Benjamin Morales, pastor of the Mexican Baptist Church of Phoenix, Arizona, will speak on "Mexican Christians in the United States." Michigan Christian Fellowship will meet this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in the Fireplace Room of Lane Hall. All students are cordially invited =to be present for the program. x Dr e liominie Says p - --- N HIS PRIZE-WINNING book "Christianity", H. F. Hall declares that to have a good world requires the existence of: (1) Freedom; (2) Struggle and resistance; (3) An order that is universal and dependable, (4) Social relations and social solidarity; (5) Achievement; hence, suffering and pain. We readily grant that a characterless world, purely passive and wholly non-resistant, would offer no opportunity and be of no value. But is it necessary for innocent persons to suffer for the guilty? Apparently it is. If there is to be heroism, valor, triumph, every type of suc- cess, all the qualities of achievement and those emotions which are stirred by great stakes, blood-stirring risk, danger dauntlessly faced, and defeat turned into victory, we must have a volun- tary giving of life for an ideal. These are the social facts which rest beneath biography, litera- ture, adventure, and statesmanship. The Christ- ian religion partakes of this same contradictory involvement. More important, what are the personal values which may be attained? Strength of purpose is the first one. He is immature indeed who does not apprehend this truth, yet it will take him a lifetime to experience the victories which are possible. In purpose, this holding in mind the end from the beginning, human society takes Charles A. Sink, President The regular Tuesday evening pro- gram of recorded music in the Men's Lounge of the Rackhamn Building at 8:00 p.m. will be as follows: Brahms, Symphony No. 1; Franck, Prelude, Choral and Fugue; Haydn, Symphony No. 13 in G major, Ravel, Quartet in F. Exhibitions Exhibition: An Introduction to A rcitec(ture. An elaborate edu'a- tiona0 exiblit ion p orduced by the Ann Arbor Art Association in collab- oration With the College of Architec- ture and Design. This exhibition is intended to give +he iyman a better understanding of the meaning of architecture, to demonstrate the modern telinaiiues of museum di,- play of visual materials as instru- ments of ducation, and for its ap- peal to those interesmed in art. The exhibit is in t he Packham Galleries, and willr continue through April 1. Open daily, '-5 and 7-10, except Sun- days The uwbic is cordially invited. Lectures Uarivr sity I-ure: Ralph W. Chancy, Professor l Pileontology and Curator, University of Califor- nia, will lecture on the subject, "For- ests on a Cmnging Earth" (illus- trated>, under the auspices of the Department of Botany, on Wednes- day, April 1, at 4:15 p.m. in the Na- tural Science Auditorium. The pub- lic is cordially invited. University Lectures: Lectures by Dr. Carl F. Coi and Di. Gerty T. Cori of tie Tl)('urt~n7 at 01 Pharmacol- ogy, Wasliingl on University Medical School, will be given as follows: "The Role of Enzyvmes in Carbo- hydrate Metaholism," by Dr. Carl F. Cori, on Friday, Ma rch 27, at 4:15 p.m. "The Isolation and Properties of Some Enzymes Concerned with Car- bol iydrate Metabolism," by Dr. Gerty T. Corl, on Friday, March 27, at 8:15 p.m. "The Ninzymat ic Conversion of Glucose to Glycogen," by Dr. Carl F. ori.on Saturdav. March 28 at 11:00 welcome. Westminister Student Guild meet- ing today at 7:15 p.m. in the Lewis- Vance Parlors. A Lenten-Chalk-Talk by Mr. Arthur Sinclair of Detroit will be of special interest. Refreshments. Gamma Delta. Student Club will have its regular fellowship supper at 5:45 p.m. today at St. Paul's Lu- theran Church.1 Coming Events Botanical Journal Club will meet on Tuesday, March 24, at 7:30 p.m. in Room N.S. 1139. Reports by: S. A. Gordon, "Environmental Re- action of Physiologic Races of Puc- cinia triticina." John R. Hardison, "The Sexual Behavior of Several Plant Rusts. An Aberrant Strain of Puccinia Helian- thi." Floyd Shuttleworth, "Crossing and Selfing Studies with Physiologic Races of Oat Stem Rust." Mary Wharton, "Longevity of Ure- diospores of Cown Rust of Oats." "Longevity of Teliospores of Puc- (inia graminia under Laboratory Coidi tions." German Table for Faculty Mem- bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room Michigan Un- ion. Members of all departments are cordially invited. There will be a brief talk on "Mathematische Para- doxien," by Mr. G. Y. Rainich. Acolytes: Prof. C. H. Langford, of the Philosophy Department, will pre- sent a paper on "An Analysis of Ana- lysis" at 7:45 p.m. on Monday, March 23, in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Anyone in-I terested is invited. Phi Delta Kappa Coffee hour on Thursday, March 26, at 4:15 p.m. in the West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Captain Keith Houston will discuss tactical organization of the Army. JGP make-up committee will meet at the League at 6:00 p.m. on Mon- dav.