THE MICHtGAN DAILY __ c41' t 'Hate Indoctrination' Defended In Naval Spokesman's Letter Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches Credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI31NG DY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. cwcAGO - BosToR - Los AiLaES . SAN FARACISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 E Emile Gel . Alvin Dann David Lachenbruch Jay McCormick Gerald E. Burns Hal Wilson Janet Hooler . Grace Muler Virginia Mitchell. Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright Vditorial Staff . . . . Managing Editor S . . . Editorial Director . . . . .City Editor * . . . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . Assistant Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff . . . Business ',Manager . Associate Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: CHARLES THATCHER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. U.S. Aids Education In War . ARAY OF HOPE to war-burdened University budgets has revealed it- self this week in a $50,000,000 subsidy proposed by the United States Office of Education. In its present form and stage of realization (it is awaiting consideration by the Bureau of the Budget and Congress) this plan proposes to aid 135,000 students in 200 colleges and universities operating on the three-year graduation schedule. Projected assistance will be given to fields of engineering, chemistry, physics, production su- pervision, medicine, dentistry and pharmacy. There has been no administration set up for this plan, since the education office will be taking requests from institutions included on its subsidy list. By leaving allocation of grants open to the universities themselves-a move aimed at debunking charges of "regimentation"-the gov- ernment will be hazarding several purposes of its investment. IN THE FIRST PLACE, students have been as hard hit as their universities. It would be difficult to find any benefits to education if universities were assisted in maintaining full facilities while their students stayed out of school because of insufficient tuition funds. Juggling budget appropriations for a three- semester year is no more a problem than stretch- ing two semesters' tuition over three with no income-producing summer vacation. If this education office project is approved- and its deficiencies do not outbalance its basic soundness-then the universities will have to strike a medium between aiding their students and aiding their own facilities. Subsidized facul- ties and laboratories operating at a peace-time rate will be merely wasting government money if some means is not found to enable a sufficient number of students to continue in school during a three-semester year. THE EDUCATION OFFICE is also considering plans for subsidizing liberal arts courses along with such fields as adult education and com- munity work. Although the engineer and the physicist are of more material value in war-time, there will be surely a need later on for men trained in the humanities. Education, particu- larly in colleges and universities, is one of the most powerful forces towards fulfillment of whatever idealistic war aims we have set up. No government planning to aid education can afford to skim the original purpose of educational. institutions. The office of education is faced therefore with two major wrinkles that must be smoothed out before its plan can be completely workable. Firstly, it should give students some assurances that this subsidy will help solve their education problems either by more scholarships or reduced tuition. And secondly, it cannot lose sight of the very foundation of colleges and universities- liberal arts education. "Trade school" training is adequate and should be emphasized in war- time, but hopes for a decent future cannot rest solely on slide-rules and test tubes. - Dan Behrman German Labor Shortage Hitler is troubled because he can't have a man (Editor's Note: We feel that this exchange of letters between Homer Swander, president of the Student League of America, and a Navy spokes- man in regard to Navy plans to engender hatred of the enemy in aviation cadets deserves the atten- tion of college men.) The Honorable Frank Knox, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: ACCORDING to a recent issue of the New York World-Telegram, the Navy is planning to retain psychologists to imbue aviation cadets with war-time thinking--"engendering a hate for our enemies and their methods." The Student League of America-whose mem- bers were interventionists long befoe Pearl Har- bor, are now solidly behind anything which will help in the war effort-vigorously objects to such a program of "psychological" training. Those of us who are going to fight this war do not now, and do not want to, hate the German, Italian or Japanese people. We hate their ideas and what they stand for, certainly. But we also realize that after the war is over we are going to have to live in a world community with the very persons we are now fighting; and we know that engendering hate today will only pave the way for a break-up of that community and eventually another war. FURTHERMORE, this is not a battle which must be fought with a concept as negative as hate. We will have a far greater chance for vic- tory if our soldiers and sailors are taught that the United Nations are fighting for the positive concept of freedom. When a man comes to understand the real. basic issues of liberty versus slavery, of prosperity versus poverty, he will fight with a vigor and a courage unmatched by any hate-filled man on earth. We appeal to you, then, in the interests of victory and' permanent peace to immediately stop any program of the Navy's which is designed to instill hatred in the men of our armed forces. Very sincerely yours, (Signed) Homer D. Swander, Jr., President, Student League of America Drew Pearsos dd Robs.Alls WASHINGTON--Now that Gen. MacArthur has left the Philippines, some of the secret facts about moves to get him out can be disclosed. Around the middle of February, the General Staff in Washington suggested to MacArthur that he leave the Bataan Peninsula, They "sug- gested," because MacArthur is a full general, and there is only one other full general in the Army, the Chief of Staff, Gen. Marshall. Gen- erals do not usually order each other, especially when one is in the field and is considered the best judge of what he is to do, unless he comes to long range strategy. The proposal of the General Staff had the full sanction of the President, and a submarine actu- ally was ready to take MacArthur and his family from Bataan. However, MacArthur replied that he was not ready to leave yet. So the only way to transfer him was by a direct order from the commander- in-chief, namely Roosevelt. At that time Gen. Wavell was still the supreme commander of Allied forces in the Southwest Van Paasseli rTalk My dear Mr. Swander: YOUR LETTER of February 21st, addressed to the Secretary of the Navy, was referred to the Bureau of Navigation for reply. I quite agree with you that hate is evil, hate is the currency of the devil and finally-if not checked-it can be self-destroying. Modern war means the suspension of sportsmanship and chivalry-the Marquis of Queensberry rules are destroyed. Yet, it would be very difficult for me to conceive of U. S. Naval personnel participating in such an act of treachery as that perpetrated and executed by the Japanese on December 7th against any potential enemy. Heretofore our Navy has trained its men to fight honorably and valorouisly for the Flag and Country. It is to stir the fighting instincts of not only our armed forces but our civilian population that we are exerting every effort to point out the dangers of the continuance of the amateur attitude toward this life and death struggle, viewing it as though it were an athletic game, contested under set rules of sportsmanship. Ours is a difficult job and the responsibility great. In these times, be- cause of our psychological and ethical training, it is hard to determine what conduct is accept- able to civilized man and what would be con- sidered beastly. We have always felt that the noble thing was the right thing. We now pause to question its adequacy. I AM NOT as much concerned about our neigh- bors and our own condition in the world community after the war as I am about the ethic of officially "engendering a hate for our enemies." Yet, we are in a desperate struggle for survival and though the proposition of engen- dering a hate for our enemies will be frowned upon by all cvilized men, we must not lose sight of the fact that only on the soil of the United Nations will you find civilized men. From your and my point of view, the idea of engendering hate for our enemies is not acceptable. Yet. no one definitely knows, we only think we do, what is the best psychological training for the purpose of winning this war; for win it we must-even if it means the official engendering of hate for our enemies and their methods and leaving fu- ture world community problems to the future world community. I suspect you agree with my personal point of view on this. Sincerely yours, (Signed) L. E. Denfield, Captain U. S. N. Assistant Chief of Bureau . Pacific, and the defense of Australia had not yet started. Moreover, there were few American troops in Australia to command. Later, however, the President sent word to MacArthur to prepare to leave the Philippines as soon as he could readily do so, and take com- mand of all the Allied forces in Australia. Note-Meanwhile, certain anti-Roosevelt Sen- ators were berating the President for allegedly keeping MacArthur in the Philippines because, they said, he feared the general as a political opponent. One Democratic Senator, whose re- nomination Roosevelt vigorously opposed in the famous purge of 1938, actually remarked at a dinner table: "We are demanding that Roose- velt bring MacArthur back, but I hope he keeps him there and MacArthur is taken prisoner. Then the resentment of this country will be such that we can sweep this man out of the White House." .Jadam Secretary Secretary Perkins appeared at a secret Senate Labor committee meeting the other day, follow- ig which Chairman Elbert Thomas told re- porters that she had testified on "labor coopera- tion" in the war effort. However, the Utah Senator took care not to disclose that another matter had been discussed which would have made a much hotter news story. Miss Perkins was asked bluntly when she was going to resign. Further, she was asked the question by New Deal Senator James Murray of Montana. Mt- ray tossed this bombshell while the Secretary of Labor was chattering away about the efforts of her conciliation service to end disputes in war plants. "Most of the letters 1 receive criticizing labor can be traced to business interests," Murray sug- gested at this point. "Don't you think that this is all part of a cleverly-devised propaganda cam- paign by some of the big industrial leaders to stir up trouble and undermine public confidence in labior?'' "No, T wouldnt go so far as to accuse industry of trying to stir up, trouble," replied Miss Per- kins, apparently nettled by the interruption. "'I'm als ge~tting a lot of letters about you, Madam Secretary," continued Murphy unper- turbed. "Workers in my state and elsewhere are not satisfied with your administration of the Labor Department, and frankly would like to see you get out. Both factions of labor are agreed on this, but apparently you have not been im- pressed by their wishes." By this time the room was as silent as a tomb and Murray, looking Miss Perkins squarely in the eye, asked bluntly, "When do you plan to resign?" Miss Perkins' reply was a defiant toss of her head and an angry glare at Murray. That was all. She said nothing. Chairman Thomas, startled speechless by Murray's question, hastily came to Miss Perkins' rescue. le changed the subject with a request that she submit a report on the number of man- hours lost because of labor disputes last year. Merry-Go-Round In Montana, bets are being offered at 5 to 1 odds that Renresentative Jeannette Rankin. who DAILY OFFICIAL1 BULLETINI SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1942 VOL. LIT. No. 124 Publication In the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Staff Travel by Automobile: As a measure of economy it is requested that faculty and staff members who have occasion to travel on Univer- sity business by personally owned or University owned automobile report their plans in advance to the office of Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to the President (Campus telephone 328), in order that, when feasible, persons going to the same place at the same time may ride in the same car and save both tires and expense. A record of such plans will be kept in the President's Office, and those who find it necessary to make a trip may inquire there as to the possi- bility of riding with others. Persons on the University payroll may hereafter, until further notice, purchase defense savings bonds through deductions from salary pay- ments. These deductions must be in amounts of $3.75 or multiples there- of. The University will on request make such deductions and hold them until they amount to $18.75 or the multiple thereof named by the pur- chaser. When such accumulation is reached, the University will purchase the proper defense bond (Series E, ten-year appreciation bond) which will be delivered to the purchaser either directly or through one of the local banks. The installment arrange- ment herein described makes it pos- sible for anyone to cafry out with the least possible effort on his or her part the patriotic purpose of sup- porting the Government during the war by the purchase of defense bonds. Blanks authorizing the pay- roll deductions may be had at the Cashier's Office, South Wing of University Hall, the Cashier's Office on floor one at the University Hos- pital, or at the office of the Super- intendent of Buildings and Grounds. The orders for deductions from payroll herein provided for may be cancelled at any time at the discre- tion of the signer thereof, in which case any accumulations not suffi- cient for the purchase of a bond will be returned. Shirley W. Smith Faculty, School of Education: The March meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, March 23, in the University Elementary School Libra- ry. Tea will be served at 3:45 p.m. and the meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m. University Building Wardens and all members of the University staff who have volunteered for University civilian defense work are strongly urged to attend the meeting to be held in Hill Auditorium at 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 24, for all protective services and auxiliaries in Washte- naw County. At this meeting, which will be for instructive purposes for all regulars and volunteers in train- ing for civilian defense, severalfilms will be shown followed by lectures on fire protection, handling of fire bombs, pjice work, etc. Edward C. Pardon, co-chairman, University Committee o Plant and Personnel Protection. Notice to non-forestry students who applied for summer work: A new ap- plication form has been received from the U.S. Forest Service and addition- al data requested from all applicants. Please call therefore btween 1:45 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. at Room 3052 Natural Science Building on March 24 or 26, or on Saturday mornings, March 21 and 28, from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. A short interview is required. If your draft status or intention to attend the summer term have changed your plans so that you wish to cancel your application, please call 4121, Ext. 502, and give this in- formation. Please do not phone this number for general information about summer forestry work. S. T. Dana, Dean A cademic Notices Physics Colloquium on Monday, March 23, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041 Randall Laboratory. Professor Sleat- or will speak on "Interesting Prop- erty of the Catenary; The Path of a Rolling Hoop: B and H in College Physics." The Bacteriological Seminar will meet in Room 1564 East Medical Building on Monday, March 23, at 8:00 p.m. The subject will be "Up- per Respiratory Infections." All in- terested are cordially invited. Anthropology 162 and Anthropol- ogy 101 will not meet today. M. Titiev Department of Music Education: All transfer students (graduate and undergraduate) must validate music education, vocal or instrumental me- thods, and practice teaching by tak- ing the comprehensive examination This examination will be given in Room 206 of the Tower at 1:30 p.m K t Y. Pal Oft. AuL . Res. . - 2 .' "Here you can raise your own fruits, vegetables, chickens-so no matter what happens you and yours will never hunger-and in a real emergency there's the best little hamburger stand, only a mile down the road!" k a> Av'All- t :- -. 1~ '~ Nl GRIN AND BEAR IT Schol of Education Students, other than freshmen: Courses drooped after today will be recorded with the grade of E, except under extra- ordinary circumstances. No course is considered officially dropped un- less it has been reported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Courses drop- ped after today by students other than freshmen will be recorded with the grade of E. Exceptions to this regulation may be made only be- cause of extraordinary circumstances, such as serious or long-continued ill- ness. E. A. Walter May Festival Concert: Students or others desiring to have copies of the announcement of the May Festival sent to their parents, friends or musical acquaintances, will please leave names and addresses at the offices of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. The assignment of performers is as follows: The Philadelphia Orchestra will participate in all six concerts. Wednesday evening: Marian An- derson, contralto, soloist. Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Thursday evening: First half- "King David" (Honegger); soloists, Judith Hellwig, soprano; Enid Szan- tho, contralto; Felix Knight, tenor; and Rabbi Barnett R. Brickner, nar- rator. University Choral Union, Thor Johnson, conductor. Second Part: Emanuel Feuerman, Violon- cellist; Thor Johnson, conductor. Friday afternoon: First part: "Wal- rus and the Carpenter" (Fletcher) Youth Chorus, Juva Higbee, Con- ductor. Second Part: Carroll Glenn, violinist; Saul Gaston, conductor. Friday evening: Helen Traubel, so- prano, soloist. Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Saturday afternoon: Sergei Rach- maninoff, painist, soloist. Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Saturday night: Ninth Symphony (Beethoven). Soloists: Judith Hell- wig, soprano; Enid Szantho, contral- to; Jan Peerce, tenor; and Mack Harrell, baritone. University Chor- al Union, Eugene Ormandy, con- ,ductor. Charles A. Sink, President Exhibitions Exhibition: An Introduction to Architecture. An elaborate educa- tional exhibition produced by the Ann Arbor Art Association in collab- oration with the College of Architec- ture and Design. This exhibition is intended to give the layman a better understanding of the meaning of architecture, to demonstrate the imodern techniques of museum dis- play of visual materials as instru- ments of education, and for its ap- peal to those interested in art. The exhibit is in the Rackham Galleries, and will continue through April 1 Open daily, 2-5 and 7-10, except Sun- days.' The public is cordially invited Lectures University Lecture: Ralph W Chaney, Professor of Paleontology and Curator, University of Califor- nia, will lecture on the subject, "For ests on a Changing Earth" (illus- trated), under the auspices of the Department of Botany, on Wednes- day, April 1, at 4:15 p.m. in the Na tural Science Auditorium. The pub lic is cordially invited. Biochemical Lecture: Professo David M. Greenberg, Professor o I Biochemistry, University of Calfor nia, will lecture on "Factors in Bon Metabolism as Studied with Radio ' active Isotopes" in the East Lectur z Room of the Rackham Building, o . Saturday, March 28, at 8:00 a.m. seum. Members desiring to go as a group, please meet at 2:15 p.m. at the International Center. The reglar meeting of the Suomi Club will be held this evening at 8:00 in the Inter" national Center. Public Health Students: A party for the students in the School of Public Health will be held this eve: ning at 8:30 in the Assembly Hall, third floor, of the Rackham Build- ing. There will be games and danc- ing; and all students are urged to be present. Graduate Square Dance, sponsored by the Council and Outing Club, to- night, 9:00-12:00, in the Outing Club Room of the Rackham Building. All- graduate students welcome. Instruc- tion. Refreshments. Ushering Committee for Theatre Arts: Sign up for the Art Cinema League film, "The Girl From Lenin- grad." This is being shown today with a special maitnee this after- noon. The lists are posted in the League Undergraduate office. Coming Events Varsity Glee Club: First basses will rehearse at 3:45 p.m. on Sunday. Reg- ular rehearsal at 4:30 p.m. League House Council will meet in the League on Tuesday. All coun- cil representatives are required to attend. "Socialism and the War" will be the topic of an open discussion held by the Young-Peoples Socialist League on Sunday, March 22, at 3:00 p.m. in the Michigan Union, room 304. All are welcome. Senior Women: Caps and gowns for Senior Supper will be on sale Monday, March 23, from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the League Ballroom. No one will be admitted to the Sen- ior Supper without cap and gown. Gamma Delta Student Club will have its regular fellowship supper at 5:45 p.m. Sunday at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Churches Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples): 10:45 Morning worship' Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister. 6:30 p.m. Disciples .Guild Sunday Evening Hour. Mr. Kenneth Morgan, Director of the Student Religious Association, will speak on "The Re- ligious Man: Superior to Anything Which Happens to Him." A social hour and tea will follow the discus- sion. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:00 a.m. Confirmation Breakfast, Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten,, Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m. Morning Pryer, Sermon by the Rev. Frederick W. Leech; 4:00-6:00 p.m. H-Square Club Meeting, Harris Hall; 7:30 p.m. Chor- al Evensong, address by the Rev. Michael Coleman, Vicar of All Hal- lows Church, London, England; "College Work Program," Sunday, 7:30 p.m. the Student Guild will meet at the Church to hear Mr. Cole- man. After the service there will be opportunity to meet Mr. Coleman at Harris Hall; Monday noon there will be a luncheon at Harris Hall in honor - of Mr. Coleman. Please call 8613 for reservations. r First Church of Christ, Scientist: f Sunday morning service at 10:30. - Subject: "Matter." Sunday School e at 11:45 a.m. 'e First Methodist Church: Mendels- n sohn's oratorio "Elijah" will be pre- sented by the Senior Choir of the By Lichty P~rovides (Xnirasf f . long suffering University lecture au- dience was amply rewarded the other night for two patient years of waiting, two years during which a vast majority of Hill Audi- torium speakers had big names and little infor- mation, imposing mniners md trivial subject matter. Not since some two years ago when It. I. Knickerbocker told approximately the same au- dience that the world was going to pot and they with it, has a inan like Pierre van Passen taken his place as fa ' as speaking abilitV is concerned. Lecturers like Anne O'hare McCorlmick, Sinclair Lewis and fHugh Gibson to name some of this year's crew said ntothini g tiat wasn't said in yesterday's newspapers and: said it poorly at that. Archduke Ferdinand and his lectures were a standard campus joke of last year. However, only when a man like van Paassen speaks are the shortcomings of his predecessors thrown into such relief as they were Thursday evening. much-less-than capacity audience-others were no doubt discouraged by previous dis- appointments-heard van Paassen strike with new information and real intelligence at the heart of world problems. They heard for the first time that there were 75,000 Americans working night and day in Eritrea to keep the RAF in Libya and the Rus- sians well supplied with the latest makes of American planes. Still more important, many heard for the first time criticism of the British which was not petty