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March 19, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-19

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Slosson Says Axis Will Attack
In Indian Ocean, Balkan Areas

Commands In Bataan

Prof. Preston Slosson of the history
department spoke out emphatically
on the, world's possible spring cam-
paigns yesterday in the last of a cur-
rent events lecture series, proclaim-
ing that the mastery of the Indian
Ocean is the most crucial element in
the present struggle for power,
The war-analyzing professor con-
sidered the possibilities of a German
Local Fraternities
Donate 'Thrillers'
Campus fraternities dug deep in-
to their collection of blood-and-
thunder literature yesterday and
came up with 1,000 volumes for the
Victory Book Campaign.
The books, collected by an Alpha
Phi Omega pickup truck, covered a
wide range of esthetic tastes in
content, ranging from Zane Grey
and Rex Beach to "The G-String
Murders," by Gypsy Rose Lee.
City Planning Exhibit
City planning in and about Detroit
is being currently explained and il-
lustrated for the general public by a
series of drawings and models in the
third floor exhibition room of the
Architecture Building.
+ : e + + : 4

attack in the Balkan area together
with those of a' Russian counter-
offensive, after tersely announcing
that whatever the campaign Hitler
will march in another month.
Even another likelihood, he said,
is that Germany may be now amass-
ing an armada in Norway to use
against the British Isles in a direct
spring offensive.
Pointing out that Japan has now
a row of East Indian stepping stones
from Asia to Australia, Professor
Slosson said that beyond interrupting
commerce between the Indian and
Pacific oceans this may lead to an
attack upon Ceylon or Madagascar.
"Another possible region for Japa-
nese attack is Dutch Harbor in the
Aleutian Islands," he said, "and this
might lead to the conquest of Alaska
and large scale attacks on the Pa-
cific coast of the United States." He
added that a Gisabling blow against
the Panama Canal is just as possible
as is also a Nipponese attack against
He then discussed American com-
placency in war production. "The un-
relieved disasters that we have faced
in this war," he said, "have saved
us from the most dangerous kind of
complacency-undue optimism."
After his analysis of war fronts in
this lecture, which was sponsored by
the American Association of Univer-
sity Women, Professor Slosson con-
tented himself by saying that "from
the standpoint of national interest
Brazil is 100% for the Allies" and
that there is a possibility that Vichy
France is not so pro-German as com-
mentators believe.
Alt Disparages
Bomb Shelterx

Major General Jonathan M.
Wainwright (above), senior officer
remaining in Bataan, has direct
command of the U. S. forces in the
Philippines now that Gen. Douglas

MacArthur has

taken command in

WSSF Drive
Will Continue


Already Collected
Aid War Victis

(Continued from Page 1)
glass could be depended upon to ab-
sorb energy and offer some resistance4
to blast and fragments. Cross wallsl
in buildings and basements tend to
localize the effects of blast, shock and
fragmentation while baffle walls 10
feet high aid in protecting workmen
and machinery in the factories.
Shoring of first floor beams will
increase the safety of the basement
as a potential air raid shelter. Office
workers in buildings of several floors
in height had best head for a floor
below the sixth from the top if in-
discriminate air war starts. Figures,
compiled by Professor Alt show that]
it takes on the average the roof and
four or five floors to stop the pene-'
tration of a medium size bomb.
Second and third floor interliori
rooms assure more safety from flying
fragments than do first floor rooms.
The best resistance to the complete
collapse of a structure subjected to
a direct hit, Professor Alt claims, is
given by steel frame and rein forced
concrete frame structures.f
Citing the fact that casualties fromj
flying glass during a raid may range
from 10 to 60 percent of all the
total casualties, Professor Alt stressedt
possible measures that would lessent
the danger from shattered windows.
He suggested as extreme steps mai-
sonry closures or boarding up of the
windows. Covering them with blan-
kets, wire netting, adhesive tape orl
stripping would also be helpful. t
Citizens' Co

By noon yesterday about $370 had
ben collected by the World Student
Service Fund, it was announced by
William Clark, '42, financial chair-
Clark urged that students and fac-
ulty members contribute as much as
possible during the rest of the week
in the banks placed in buildings on
The -WSSF funds are used to aid
Chinese students, European war pris-
oners .and refugee students in Amer-
ica. Aid is given impartially to needy
students and war prisoners of all na-
In the case of war prisoners, relief
can be administered even in Axis
countries because of the international
agreement in 1929.
61i~~~~ as' 't ~ *)*t li"

Funds Raised
For Foreign
S~trude ts' A id
Ein<;erge ncy Loans Eniable
Many To Stay In School
Dtiiring War Period
Serving University foreign students
in times of financial stress is the
Emergency Fund for Foreign Stu-
dents of the International Center.
Started several years ago by Prof.
J. Raleigh Nelson, director of the
Center and counsellor to foreign stu-
dents, the fund has enabled him to
have money available for emergency
help to students. Many students have
already been aided in staying in
school, getting needed medical at-
tention and even in obtaining suffic-
ient board money.
The drain on the resources of the
emergency fund has been incrased
because of the war. Foreign students
may no longer receive money from
their native lands. The fact that re-
payment of loans need not be made
until the debtor is financially able
has also increased the burden.
The emergency fund secured its
money in the past through the profits
of the annuainternational Dinners
held on Thanksgiving Eve. Other
sources were the University of Michi-
gan Club of Buffalo and various pri-
vate contributors. This year the pro-
ceeds from the International Ball will
be donated to the fund.
Po>pular Conedy
Presented To Aid
National Defense
"Man Who Came To Dinner"-
Kaufman and Hart's dizzy merry-go-
round about columnist Alexander
Woollcott-will be seen at 8:15 p.m.
today on the Ann Arbor High School
Auditorium stage when the Civic
Amateur Theatre group takes over
the footlights "for defense."
With Prof. John C. Brier of the en-
gineering department in the lead role
of Sheridan Whiteside and Patricia
Meikle, '44, as the quick-on-the-
trigger secretary, the play is expected
to draw a large audience.
Proceeds will be used by the Junior
Chamber of Commerce to set up an
information bureau where men can
find out about enlisting in the armed
services of the U.S.
e F:Ii' r A b)Ire.
R 11101011' I«w
Major William E. .Reinner, of the
ardnance department will address a
meeting of the student branch of the
American Institute of Electrical En-
gineers pt .8 p.m. tomorrow in the
Major Renner, a graduate of the
engineering school in the fields of
mechanical engineering and naval
architecture, will speak on "Ordnance
Personnel and Military"
Russ Kyser, 43E, new chairman of
the AIEE, will preside at the meet-
ing. Other officers are Robert Ehr-
lich, 43E, vice-chairman; John Duff,
'43E, sec'retary; Charles Goodell, '43E,
treasiurer; Jim Pierce, '43E, Engineer-
ing Counsel representative.




(Continued from Page 1)
tain Dreyfus, trying to get him in-
terested in the Sacco Vanzetti case;
his account of the Pope's visit to no
man's land during the World War,
and his encounter with Ai Hameen.
el Husscini, the Mufti of Jerusalem,
when he defied the Mufti to deny his
responsibility for the Palestine riots.
One of the first correspondents to

interview Hitler and Mussolini and
realize the danger to civilization in
their rise, van Paassen served time in
a Dachau concentration camp, had
some of his teeth knocked out by an
Austrian policeman, ahd has had his
life threatened many times.
For his espousal of the efforts of;
the Jews to create a homeland in
Palestine, van Paassen has been vot-

ed one of the greatest Christian
friends of the Jewish people,
Known for his eloquence, his con-
vincing presentation and above all his
penetrating judgment of the real
issues involved in the recent interna-
tional crises, van Paassen is also pos-
sessed of. a store of anecdotes on
world famous figures, told with a
thoroughly sophisticated humor.

Vat P~ariseji.


TELEPHONE LINES are always busiest in mid-morning
and mid-afternoon. Those are the peak periods for
business calls. Right now, with the state and nation on a
schedule of all-out production for war, this peak load is
far greater than ever before. It takes a lot of, telephone
calls to make a tank or a bomber, and it's vitally important
that such messages should not be delayed.
By doing your telephoning at off-peak hours and keeping
calls as short as possible, you'll give real help to America's
effort in the war emergency.

To Discuss Role Of U.S. In Present War






In Close Contest
For BDMOC ue
( COntnd noU rom Page
at Zoot Suit Stuff, all men's style
showv to be held at 8 pmn. Thirsdiy
in tihe Union.
'Tucre, where Mi,-hiemm mnal' wil
show Alm Albom r 1hanIts' best
spring clothlies, Itie award Ff1( a comn -
plet wardrobe, and a Waltham
wat 1Ic, presented by Esquire, national
style autliority, will be p)'tr'senlteI to
the lucky 111111m. Zoot Suit Stuff has
a dual purpose, both decided y worth
coming for. .
As for the actual voling, identifi-I
cation cards will be required, and no
one may vote by plroxy. As is custo-
mary in a democracy, only one vol (
per person is allowed.
The BDMOC contest aid the tyle
show are being sponsored by The
Daily and the Union, iin collaborn on
with Esquire.


f ,'
. ,':.
E _ ''
i .:
E :i l Q
i. 'I ''
r. -1 }
f ', f

,cZI ?k

incii Plugs 'Lie-Wire


Dedt ia tdios adaanc g tc
> cuainted with our exclusive collec-
tio of Printzess fashions. You'll seej
-litre t horough lbr ed styles smartly de-
tailed in beautifutl long-wearing fab-
rics. Choose your Printzess coat andj
t~suit and enjoy season after scasoti
s of satisfaction.
Sies for ntisses, IVOIIen1, juniors, petiles,
frvlm -17, 10-4I6, 16V--26V,,
tiz(44d t t
'round Ihe cormer on Stale

JDemnocra tic Policy I'Or A nn A rbor

Not to play favorites . . well,
not much anyway, we want to
call your rather special atten-
tion to "University Lounge."
It's style perfect with its .
3 4n sct length
loacw et pockets
Ce pntor vent
natural sotb ders
n arrow Ilap pockets
graceful lapet "roll"
soft, casual ot front
Te fabrics? . . A bonanza
of the best , , . Varsity-Town's
new color "Greystone," glens,
color -on-color stripes, "O.D,"
Putty and Sndstone.
g og yS, g *)gQ

'I Ann Arbor Citizens' Council,
organized in 1935 "to make democ-
racy work better in the community,"
gets little publicity but deserves much
credit for the worthwhile reform pro.j-
ects it has brought about by prod-
ding where a prod is needed.
When the small group of Ann Arbor
citizens met six years ago to talk
things over, they invited others to
join the new organization. Today
there is a working membership of
300, each one devoting "a little time
every week" in the interesting search
for desirable citizen a ctivities.
Tired Of Passivism
The Council was established be-
cause a few people were tired of the
routine "passive" assertion of citi-
zenship-the kind which is defined
as good-will toward government, oc-

i-asiona attemdi(lakIWr at publc ice. Som ir-i r l glSh Wade a long
igs and voting WI iiect io tiname the fine.
cr~rncmes a-oud.The prioblem of housing workers
mr no vIis around the Willow Run area was
why the Cns' o y recognized and steps begun to
secure an effective zoning ordinance
initiad a few innvain fo puposes of combating the over-
to arouse a willing interest in public nigh building of shacks.
auses oi the art, of local resid(nts. 'The Citizens' Council also prodded
FouL procedures have be develoe ti city to scre a new underwrit-
to date. These are: res r-port on fire rating. Ann Arbor
1) The intelligent asemili of is among the worst 25 per cent of
information relating to community cities in per capita fire losses.
problems. For this reason the "Citi- No Checkup
zen News" was founded. This bi- Te city had gone eight years
weekly paper has a sound editorial without a new check-up and it wasn't
policy which demands that both sides kown i tie city government what
of a controversial issue be competent- deficiencies existed in the fire-pro-
ly presented at all times. tection system. The new underwrit-
2) Regular attendanre at meet- ers inspection called for the neces-
ings of public bodies. Through this sairy survey,
system of observation, members of Reclassification of voting districts
special committees are learning first- in Arm Ar-bor was another important
hand how procedures, t-rs - move startedt by the Citizens' Council.
sonalities and public interests woV~rrk. Thec city's districts were larger than
3) The recommendation of sPeci- the state law required and poor vot-
fic solutions to community problems. ing turn-outs resulted. The decision
Members make independent studies of to conform to state law solved this
public problems and present their problem.
findings to the executive board for
discussion. Representatives ofin ter-
ested organizations are invited to
look over the assemblcd facts and )
they then tike the inititive in tdea-t
ing with the pIoblem at tiarid.
4) The sitimulat ion of ;l ative
participation in phublic affairs. Con
tinuous activity and constant, cons


7 nf-




I .

rr :$.: 2 !, . .; r"/:' j. "'rr i2

Investigate before you invest
We looked at them all . . . then
selected Tiffany Worsteds . , . be-
cause they are Rochester tailored by
Michaels-Stern . . . 22 hand tailored

. I



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