THE MICHI4GAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, &j~g trt~i a iIu Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter.- Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIJNG SY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers RepreseKtYive 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941.42 Editorial Staff Emile Gel6 . . . . . . Managing Editor Alvin Dann . . . . . Editorial Director David Lachenbruch . . . . . City Editor Jay McCormick . . . . . Associate Editor Gerald E. Burns. . . . . Associate Editor Hal Wilson . . . . . . Sports Editor Janet Hooker . . . . . . Women's Editor Grace Miller . . . . Assistant Women's Editor Virginia Mitchell . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Daniel H. Huyett . . . Business Manager James B. Collins . Associate Business Manager Louise Carpenter . . Women's Advertising Manager Evelyn Wright . . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: EUGENE MANDEBERG The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Complacency Evident In Latin America . . IF there are any Americans who have forgotten the complacent "cash- and-carry" attitude of pre-war United States, they can find a much too striking parallel in news reports coming from several South Ameri- can republics. Chile in particular has been the source of many neutrality declarations, bolstered by war profits and soaring exports to the United States. Although Chilean opinion seems to point to a war declaration several weeks after Juan Ricet April 2 inauguration as presidsent, the Com- munist "Siglo" has been the only paper to advo- cate any measures which might incite Axis reprisals. According to a special correspondent of the New York Times, writing from Santiago, "In Chile you would not know that a war is going on except for the money that everybody is making." Chile is shipping copper and nitrates to Ameri- can war industry in record-breaking volume. It also ships only on condition that U. S. firms pay F.O.B., with delivery strictly the concern of American vessels. N RIO DE JANEIRO the same attitude is evi- dent, as President Getulio Vargas refuses to declare war against the Axis or even arm Bra- zilian merchantmen. At the same time, much criticism from official quarters has been directed against lack of protection given Brazil's shipping by the United States Navy. The raids and arrests of Nazi agents in Rio are the direct result of Axis U-boat attacks on Brazilian vessels. However, the crowds along the Avenida Rio Banca were burning German books while their government was willing to await developments. It may be justice of some perverted sort to watch American isolationism from afar. Up to four months ago, this editorial could have ap- peared in any Allied paper with slight changes in names and cities. Senators Wheeler and Nye, (remember?) were blocking far-sighted anti- Axis moves with the same ease and obstinacy which seems evident in many politicians below the line. ASSUMING that we are getting a deserved overdose of our own medicine, there is still no justification for the stand taken by Chile and Brazil. They are even more vulnerable than the pre-Pearl Harbor United States, especially Chile, which is blessed with 2,600 miles of unpro- tected Pacific coastline. Their interests are the same as ours at present, unless our Good Neigh- bors think they still have a Chicago Tribune choice in front of them. The isolationism and hedging of these South American nations is almost as myopic as the viewpoint taken by Eire. This war cannot be fought by fending off attacks and stalling for time. If it is-to be carried to the enemy, it needs the united power of every free nation in this hemisphere to even kludge it. --Dan Behrinan Loss Of Pliilippines Is Econoiiic Bow . CAPT. JOHN D. CRAIG'S keen evalu.- ation of the imnortance of the Phil- che Drew Penos ed y RobertS.Alle WASHINGTON-Secretary Jesse Jones was very wise in insisting that he be heard behind closed doors when he testified before the Senate Banking Committee on the Murray bil to aid small business. The RFC czar ran into some hot grilling that would have made front-page stories had reporters been allowed in. Democratic Leader Alben Barkley and Sena- tors Robert Taft of Ohio and James H. Hughes of Delaware supplied most of the fireworks, with charges that the RFC was giving speedy clearance on loans to big war contractors, while small firms begging for sub-contracts were cold- shouldered, "The big fellow never has much trouble get- ting financing for a war order," Taft asserted, "but you will argue with the War or the Navy Department for a month about extending a loan to a little business man." "I deny that, sir," replied Jones indignantly. "We will argue about ten minutes." "The RFC always is raising the argument that loans to small business may not be repaid," re- torted Taft. "Well, you make plenty of loans to big concerns with no more chance of repayment. I notice you loaned an airplane company $90,- 000,000. If the need for airplane engines should fall off, you will not get that back. "The government is protected," parried Jones. "We will own the plant." "Yes," shot back Taft. "That's the main thing you always think about, making or losing money. If you aren't aware of it, Mr. Jones, allow me to inform you that we are beyond that point. The big question that faces us now is winning the war. That's the only thing that counts." The Run-Around Jones hardly had time to recover from this panning when Hughes and Barkley began work- ing out on him. The Delaware Senator bitterly criticized the "run-around" given little business by the RFC. "Under the present setup," Hughes said, "small business has to get a contract from the War or Navy Department before it can get a loan from you, and you will not grant the loan until it gets the contract." "That's right," chimed in Barkley hotly. "And that's exactly why we need legislation like this bill for the little fellow. The RFC already is taking care of the big fellow. If a small busi- ness man tries to get a contract from the War Department and needs finances to carry out the contract, they tell him, 'We will let you have the contract if you can get an RFC loan.' Then he goes to the RFC and is told 'We will let you ha the money if you can get the contract.' "There ought to be some place where the two things meet. Maybe this legislation, which sets up a special division for small business under the War Production Board, with power to makel loans and assist the little fellow in getting con- tracts, is the answer. The record shows that small business is getting little, if any, help from the RFC." More RFC Stalling Latest case of RFC penny-pinching stalling of a vital defense contract that has come to the committee's attention and aroused hot indigna- tion is that of the Northern Pump Co., Minne- apolis, Minn. Last year the company was given a $23,000,000 Navy contract for some urgently needed ord- nance. To finance this rush order the firm asked the RFC for a $3,000,000 loan. After weeks of time-marking the RFC finally offered to lend $1,000,000 provided the company put up more than $2,000,000 in assets, its valua- ble patent rights, and notes signed personally by its executives. In other words, despite the fact that the com- pany had a $23,000,000 Navy ordnance order, which the Navy was clamoring for, Jesse Jones' RFC would not lend the concern more than $1,000,000 to fill this contract-and even then only if the company signed away its eye-teeth. America's shocking apathy toward exploiting them. But certainly American industrialists have not been ignorant of the Philippines' vast de- posits of iron, tin, manganese and chromite. Certainly they have not been ignorant of the gigantic waterfalls, one of which could develop three times as much power as mighty Niagara. Certainly they were not ignorant of these facts. Today we know that Philippine industry could have been the backbone of General MacArthur. The stark fact that there is no Philippine indus- try leads to the conclusion that American indus- try and capital's so-called "enterprising spirit" has gone the way of the "pioneer spirit." The backers of that slogan, "priority is the mother of invention," might be ? interested to know of Capt. Craig's warning: "If the Japa- nese take the Philippines, they will be able to produce a Buick car for $100, a Ford for $50." In that sentence lies the central point of Capt. Craig's thesis; if we lose the Philippines, we not only lose a strategic military area, we give to the Japanese a land which will enable them to become the world's most powerful industrial nation 10 years after initial consolidation of resources. Ambitious Japan will not let those resources lie idle. - She will not let the mighty waterfall remain unharnessed. She will not let land 11Z;_. e An American Folk Opera By TOM THUMB T HIS is the sad, sad pattle, the third. story of Aguinaldo Corns- (Sweet low music) Aguinaldo Cornspattle, the third, whose friends merely called A.C.-3, was the scion of the great Cornspattle fortune, and was president, like his father and his grandfather before him, of Cornspattle Industries, Incorporated. (Moaning, accompanied by zither and dulcimer) Every morning, Aguinaldo Cornspattle, the third (known to his friends and great family of employes as A.C.-3), walked from his limousine to the elevator of the great Cornspattle building. (Old Black Joe, sung in Polish by the Don Cossack Chorus) But one morning Aguinaldo Cornspattle, the third (usually known as A.C.-3), looked at the tires of his limousine and said, aloud, "Oh, my! What is this world coming to?" The chauffer said to the doorman, "Oh, my, what is this world coming to?" The doorman repeated to the bodyguard, "Oh, my, what is this world coming to?" (Blues In the Night, played on the bagpipes) That same morning in the elevator, Aguinaldo Cornspattle, the third, read his newspaper. "Oh, my," he said, "what is this world coming to? War, chaos, and priorities-no materials for Cornspattle Oija Boards," for such was the product of the Cornspattle Industries, Incor- porated. (Doleful rendition of Humoresque, on the kettle-drum) "Oh, my," said Aguinaldo Cornspattle, the third. "If only I had no earthly worries. If only I could frolic with the flowers and the birds and the bees." (Second movement of Pzighitti's Con- certo for Flute) Suddenly, Aguinaldo Cornspattle rocked in his boots. "If I want to, why can't I frolic with the flowers and the birds and the bees?" The very idea made him quake (it was Tuesday). (Chorus of "Big Fat Mama," sung by Giovanni Martinelli) "Down!" he said to the elevator boy (they were passing the 63rd floor). "Down?" asked the elevator boy? "Down!" repeated Aguinaldo Cornspattle, the third. (Barbara Fritchie, recited by mixed chorus) The elevator went down. Aguinaldo Corns- pattle, the third, walked out of the Cornspattle Building onto the busy street. He walked to his limousine. "To the meadow," he told the chauf- feur. "To the meadow?" repeated the chauffeur "To the meadow," said the bodyguard. (Country Gardens, played by theBerlin Symphony Orchestra) Finally the chauffeur found a meadow. It was a middle-sized meadow, in Putnam County. "Wait here," requested Aguinaldo Cornspattle, the third, "while I frolic with the flowers and the birds and the bees" (Thundering chord, played on jew's harp) Aguinaldo Cornspattle emerged from his limousine. He located a bed of wild violets, a young bluejay couple and a beehive. (Sound of inchworms dropping onto a hydraulic ram)' He frolicked with the flowers.' (Medley of Debussy's airs played by Count Basie) He frolicked with the birds. ("Playmate. Come Out and Play With Me," sung by Kirsten Flagstad, accom- panied on harpsichord and electric guitar) He frolicked with the bees, which bit him seven times on the left hand, twice on the right, 33 times on the face and once on the belly. (Tuba refrain, played pizzicato) Aguinaldo Cornspattle. the third (known as A.C.-3) died of second degree wounds that night at the Mount Sinai Hospital. (Funeral March, boogie woogie) The simple moral of this plain tale is: (1) You can frolic with the flowers; (2) You can frolic with the birds; (3) But as soon as you start messing around with those gosh darn bees, you're sure to get stung. (Odor of fresh jello, accompanied by string section) SDRAMA La Independencia, this year's Spanish play, had a bit of everything, including some honest- to-goodness real food. The play's action centers around the efforts of an aging housekeeper to win a handsome, mustachioed caballero who leaves the city to find "independence" in a small town of Spain. As things finally turn out, the hero picks out a spouse who is blonde and pretty and the housekeeper is sent packing her suitcase. Professop Staubach did a good job of selecting the cast and the colorful costumes helped the play along considerably. The opening scene started slow and was so monopolized by women's voices that we were praying for a good, solid male basso before long. The actors used frequent soliloquies to good advantage throughout and best acting of the evening was turned in by Mary Lyle Gunn, who played the part of Dona Nicanora, the house- keeper with illusions. Emil Hurtik, as Don Agus- tin, the dandy from the big city, was top man among the males, but even his precise diction had to take a back seat to John Falconieri's ex- cellent Spanish. Marian Edrnr iir a creditable ioh of nortrav- gin 9'9 ay? DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, MARCIx 18, 1942 VOL. LII. No. 121 Publication in the Daly Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. All students registered with the General Employment Bureau, in the Dean of Students Office, are request- ed to bring their records up to date by adding thei second semester schedules, and also any changes of address. THIS IS IMPORTANT. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students Prospective Applicants for the Com- bined Curricula: Students of the Col- lege of Literature, Science and the Arts wishing to apply for admission to one of the combined curricula for September 1942 should fill out ap- plications for such admission as soon as possible in Room 1210 Angell Hall. The final date for application is Ap- ril 20, 1942, but early appication is advisable. Pre-medical students should please note that application for admission to the Medical School is not application for admission to the Combined Curriculum. A separate application should be made out for the consideration of the Committee1 on Combined Curricula. Edward H. Kraus1 Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Courses drop- ped after Saturday, March 21, by students other than freshmen will be recorded with the grade of E. Fresh- men (student's with less than 24 hoursr of credit) may drop courses without penalty through the eighth week. Exceptions to these regulations mayt be made only because of extraord- mary circumstances, such as serious or long-continued illness. E. A. Walter Mechanical, Industrial and Electri- cal Engineering Seniors: Mr. R. K. Williams, District Manager, of the Elliott Company, Detroit, Michigan,I will interview Seniors in the above groups, today, in Room 218 West En- gineering Bldg. Interview schedule may be signed on the bulletin board of the Mechan- ical Engineering Department, at1 Room 221 West Engineering Bldg. Seniors in Mechanical, M'etallurgi- cal, Chemical, Electrical, and Indus- trial Engineering: Mr. W. S. Idler of Aluminum Company of America, will interview Seniors in the above groups in Room 218 West Engineering Build- ing, Thursday, Mar. 19.t He is not interested in interviewing men who have taken advanced mili-; tary work. Interview schedule may be signed on the Mechanical Engineering bul- letin board, outside of Room 221 W. Engr. Bldg. Questionnaire and book- lets are also posted. Fellowship in Religion: The Mar- garet Kraus Ramsdell Fellowship en- ables one Michigan student to pursue graduate study in Religion. Secure application blanks at Rackham School of Graduate Study. Graduate Study: A scholarship in Religion at Chicago Theological Sem- inary is available for a superior sen- ior. Consult the Counselor in Re- ligious Education, Room 9 University Hall. Academic Notices The Botanical Seminar will meet today at 4:30 p.m. in room 1139 Na- tural Science Building. Mr. Thomas J. Cobbe will demonstrate "Airbrush Technic for Botanical Illustration." All interested are invited. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet today in Room 410 ChemistryI Building at 4:15 p.m. Dr. Kasimir Fajans will speak on "Structure of Benzene." Chemical and Metallurgical En- gineering Dept: Dr. T. H. Running will speak on Ch. E. 109 Seminar in Room 3201 E. Engr. Bldg. today on the subject: "Graphical Solutions of the Cubic, Quartic and Quintic Equa- tions." Graduate Students in Speech: The Graduate Study Club will meet at 4:00 p.m. today in the East Confer- ence Room of the Rackham Build- ing. School of Education Students, other than freshmen: Courses drop ped after Saturday, March 21, will be recorded with the grade of E, ex- cept under extraordinary circum- stances. No course is considered offi- cially dropped unless it has been re- ported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. Physical Education for Women: Registration for the outdoor season will be held in Barbour Gymnasium on: Friday, March 20, 8:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 5:00. Saturday, March 21. 8:00 to 12:00. Kothe-Hildner Sophomore compe- tition to be held. Thursday, March 26, 2:00-4:00 p.m. in Room 301 U.H. /. k .. . -- N ) ..., "++ ,, ; > GRIN AND BEAR IT ,-q.. ',. , .r/ By Lichty l Jl / ' . , -, . , :.; T" Re. 2 , a . Off . llfits I . e. 5 "Chief Big Bear remember when there was filling station every 500 feet on road!" through Friday pf this week, at which time Professor Percival Price,i University Carillonneur, will present an informal program. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: City planning in and about Detroit, showing street and medium and low cost housing pro- jects, population and industrial studies. proposed recreation areas. Assembled by the Detroit Institute of Arts. Third floor exhibition room, Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5, through today. The public is invited. Lectures University Lectures: Lectures by Dr. Carl F. Cori and Dr. Gerty T. Con of the Department of Pharmacol- ogy, Washington University Medical School, will be given as follows: "The Role of Enzymes in Carbo- hydrate Metabolism," by Dr. Carl F.' Cori, on Friday, March 27, at 4:15 p,m. "The Isolation and Properties of' Some Enzymes Concerned with Car- bohydrate Metabolism," by Dr. Gerty T. Cori, on Friday, March 27, at 8:15 p.m. "The Enzymatic Conversion of Glucose to Glycogen," by Dr. Carl F. Cori, on Saturday, March 28, at 11:00 a.m. All the above lectures will be given in the Rackham Amphitheater and will be illustrated. This series is un- der the auspices of Biological Chem- istry and the Medical School. The public is cordially invited. Lecture, College of Architecture and Design: Eric Mendelsohn, archi- tect and writer, will give an illustrat- ed lecture on "Architecture Today" in the Rackham Amphitheatre to- day at 4:15. The public is invited. Lecture: The Reverend Mr. Brad- ford Abernethy will lecture on "The Bases of a Just and Durable Peace," in the Rackham Amphitheatre on Friday, March 20, at 8:15 p.m. Mr. Abernethy is the head of a commis- sion of the 'Federal Council of Chur- ches in charge of research on post- war problems. French Lecture: Professor Edward B. Ham, of the Department of Ro- mance Languages, will give the sev- enth of the French Lectures spon- sored by the Cercle Francais -today at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Me- morial Hall. The title of his lecture is "Curiosites Medievales." The lec- ture is open to the general public, Current Events Lecture will be giv- en by Professor Preston Slosson to- day at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Single tickets may be secured at the door. Events Today The Research Club will meet in the Rackham Amphitheatre tonight at 8:00. The papers to be read are: "Techniques in Syntactic Investiga- tion" by Professor Hayward Keniston and "Observations on Vitamin B Complex Deficiency" by Dr. Henry Field. A.S.M.E., Student Branch will be the host to the Detroit Section at a meeting tonight at 7:30 at the Union The Prize Paper Competition will be held at that time. This is an import- ant meeting and all members should make aneffort to be present. The Ann Arbor Library Club wil meet at the Ypsilanti High Schoo Library at 7:45 tonight. A discussion of county library serv ice, and particularly of library serv ice to defense areas, will form th program. irs. Loleta D. Fyan, Librarian o the State Library, will speak o "County Library Service in th A good attendance is strongly urged. The Pre-Medical Society will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the Michigan Union. Dr. Max Peet will discuss the films: "Tumor of the Cerebello-pontile angle" and "Lumbar Ganglionecto- my."1 All pre-medics are invited. Polonia Society will meet this eve- ning at 7:30 in the recreation room of the International Center. Plans for folk dancing lessons will be re- vealed. The Institute of Aeronautical Sci- ences will meet in Room 1042 E. Eng. Bldg. at 7:45 this evening. A paper will be given by Charles Ranson on "Jet Propelled Autogyros." The pub- lic is invited. Quarterdeck: There will be an im- portant meeting of all members to- night at 7:30 in room 336 West En- gineering building. Program of Recorded Music at the International Center tonight at 7:30. The program this week is: Brahms: Hungarian Dances No. 5 and No. 6. Brahms: Songs, including "Alto Rhapsody" sung by Marian Anderson. Brahms: Symphony No. 1. Orientation Advisors: All men stu- dents interested in serving as ori- entation advisers next fall report to room 304 of the Union between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. today. German Roundtable, International Center will meet tonight at 9:00 in Room 23. The leader will be Peter Blumenthal, with the subject "Ich lernte fliegen in Ann Arbor." Stu- dents interested in conversational German are invited. Professor Throop will lead a dis- cussion on post-war probabilities in Lane Hall tonight at 7:30. Michigan Dames Drama Group will meet at Mrs. Roy Cowden's resi- dence, 1016 Olivia Ave., at 8:00 to- night. Coming Events Varsity Glee Club: Important re- hearsal Thursday night at 7:30. Those who have flashlights are asked to bring them to rehearsal. The Society of Automotive Engin- eers will meet on Thursday, March 19, at 7:45 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Mr. Joseph Gescheln, Tech- nical Editor ofd the Chilton Publica- tions, will present an illustrated lec- ture on "The Future of the Auto- mobile and War Production." All en- gineers are invited. Members are urged to attend as several important announcements will be made. Reser- vations for the dinner preceding the meeting may be made by contact- ing Bob Sforzini at 2-3738. Attention Speech Societies: Delta Sigma Rho, Sigma Rho Tau, Alpha Nu, Zeta Phi Eta and Athena invite you to hear Professor Howard Erh- nmann speak on "The Causes of the Present War" on Thursday, March 19, at 9:00 p.m. in the Kalamazoo Room of the League, Michigan Sailing Club will have a business meeting on Thursday eve- l ning at 7:45 in room 318 of the Union. 1 All members please attend. La Sociedad Hispanica will present - Mr. Hartweg as the next lecturer, e on Thursday, March 19, at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. f He will speak on "Mexico Meridion- n al."