iwnnwn rwu - - Weather l N- Caiifoiia 1kw 4tit 43j IU 4aitMA Editorial Complacency Evident in Latin Aaerica. ., VOL. LI. No. 121 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1942 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Revision Plan Gains Senate And The Draft Numbers Come Out Here 'Straw Vote' Allies Name MacArthur To Command In Pacific; New Nazi Drive Foreseen Endorsement Proposal Would Bolster Representative Control Of University Student Government Functions Final Action Set For Next Meeting By DAN BEHRMAN A unified representative student government-strong in support and, strong in action-came into the realm of probability yesterday when the Student Senate gave almost unan- imous approval to a plan for cutting its membership to a policy-making group of nine and setting up a separ- ate merit-motivated administrative staff. Although the plan was constitu- tionally tabled for a final vote next Tuesday, it received whole-hearted backing in a "straw poll" aimed at sounding senate opinion on the pro- posal brought up by Don O'Con- nor, '42.. Last night's meeting w'as confined to straw voting on many motions as only 19 members of 30 were present. Constitutional procedure calls for a majority vote on every amendment, and only two dissenters were needed to invalidate most of the voting. The reorganization faced its great- est struggle on the issues of elections and status of present senators. Off- -the-minutes voting saw the senate decide to start afresh on the new plan with all present incumbents dropped. A yearly instead of semi- annual election received the same tacit approval. As presented by O'Connor and ap- proved for final discussion next week, the reorganization scheme sets up a Student Senate of nine members- chosen from the campus at large un- der the Hare system of proportional representation. These nine senators-both men and women are eligible-will formulate policy but will not be encumbered by committee and administrative functions. A new staff, pyramided Turn to Page 2} Col. 6 FDR Defends 40-Hour Week When the national draft lottery began, this mec hanical mixing machine was used for the first time in Washington, D. C. It rotates and tilts from end to en d. A. W. Clime, building superintendent at the inter- departmental auditorium, where the lottery is being held, inspects the installation and points to hole from which mixed capsules will drop into. the historic fish bowl, which has been used for every draft drawing since its first use in the World War draft. Secretary Stimson Goes Fishing: Number 3,485 Wis Drat Sweepstakes Green, Union Murray Reaffirm No Strike Pledge WASHINGTON, March 17. -()- President Roosevelt spoke out em- phatically today against proposals to repeal the statutory 40-hour week and overtime pay provisions as re- newed demands ;for such action were made in both Houses of Congress. The President put his foot down on the proposals at a press confer- ence, remarking that things are go- ing pretty well now and that there has been "an amazing state of pub- lic misinformation" on the problem. This expression of his views fol- lowed a call at the White House by Philip Murray and William Green. presidents of the CIO and AFL, and other labor leaders, at which labor's no-strike pledge was renewed. The union spokesmen reaffirmed their agreement to settle wage and other disputes through bargaining and con- ciliation without resort to work stop- pages. These developments brought no immediate evidence, however, of any abatement of the determination of Congressmen to proceed with legis- lation. Chairman Vinson (Dem.- Ga.) of the House Naval Committee set a hearing for Thursday on the bill by him and Representative Smith (Dem.-Va.) ,to suspend all maximum hour laws covering war production and called Secretary of the Navy Knox as the first witness. BOMBER SCHOLARSHIPS Contributions to the Bomber- Scholarship Fund-plan to socially mobilize the University for a $100,000 bomber now and scholarships to stu- dent World War II veterans after the (Editor's Note: Because the drawing of the draft numbers will not be com- pleted until 5 a.m., it is impossible for The Daily to furnish a practical list from the partial results which we now have.) WASHINGTON, March 17.-(/P)- Number 3485 bobbed up tonight as the first drawn in the new war's first draft lottery, intended, said Briga- dier General Lewis B. Hershay, selec- tive service chie.f, to add "millions to that pool of men who stand ready for selection for the necessary tasks, whatever they may be." Hershey stressed that some of the 9,000,000 men involved in the lottery might be drafted to man factories while their comrades manned guns. One Of 7,000 Slips The first number was drawn by Secretary of War Stimson from among 7,000 slips encased in opaque green St. Patrick's Day capsules. It mans that, among the men who reg- istered on Feb. 16. Those holding that serial number would be the first in their districts to be called for pos- sible service. Navy Secretary Knox drew the sec- ond number,. 2850, and the third, 4301, was pulled out by Rep. May (Dem.-Ky.) of the House Military Committee. The brief opening ceremonies found General Hershey referring to Campus Heads To Nominate ForBDMOC Announcement was made yesterday of the committee which will select the 10 candidates to vie for the posi- tion of Michigan's BDMOC. Representing a cross-section of campus activities, the eight include Robert Sibley, '42E, Union secretary; William Slocum, '42, Men's Judiciary Council; Don Stevenson, '42, presi- dent of the IFC; Richard Shuey, '42, Congress; Dan Huyett, '42, business manager of The Daily; Margaret' Sanford, '42, League president; Jean Hubbard, '42, president of Assembly; and Patricia Hadley, '42, president of Panhellenic. Ten Men To Be Nominated This committee will choose a field of 10, but other men are free to enter competition by submitting a petition signed by 25 names to the Student Offices at the Union. All pe- titions must be turned in to the Union by this weekend. Beginning Monday, students will be able to cast their votes for the BDMOC, and results of the election will be announced at the Zoot Suit Stuff style show which will be held in the Union Thursday, March 26. Daily, Union Sponsor Search The search for Michigan's best dressed man is being conducted un- der the joint auspices of The Daily and the Union in collaboration with Esquire magazine. At Zoot Suit Stuff, the possibility that men might be drafted to man the factories. "Modern war, mechanized war, yes, total war-demands a great variety of tasks from the citizens of a na- tion," he said. "Men are selected to fly airplanes; they may be selected to build air- planes. Men should be selected to man ships; they should be selected to build ships. Men have been selec- ted to drive tanks-to gain victory on the battle fields. Men have been selected to drive tractors-to produce food in the grain fields. "This is everyone's war. Each of us has a stake in it, each of us must do an essential job to win it. No- Thrillers Will Leave Fraternity Libraries Campus fraternity house libraries, loaded with unused adventure fiction of the Rex Beach species, will be able to aid the Victory Book campaign today when an Alpha Phi Omega pick-up truck makes collections be- tween 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. This new drive, opened by the Phi Gamma Delta house's promise of 76 books for servicemen, is aimed to serve men in the armed forces while at the same time depleting no libraries of essential reading mat- ter. According to Buck Dawson, '42, of Alpha Phi Omega and Phi Gamma Delta, "this drive allows fraternity men to give something away with- out losing anything. And it's about time you stopped reading that stuff anyways." thing must hinder the systematic and orderly procurement and training of our armed forces. Nothing, not even the procurement of our armed forces, must interfere with the time-table of production of the means by which the enemy will be defeated." Major George H. Baker turned the mixing device for nearly 10 minutes. Then a second gadget, a funnel-like device, was produced with which the capsules were channeled into a huge gold fish bowl, the same bowl used in the draft lotteries of the first World War and in the two lotteries which have been conducted since the defensive drive began. Then General Hershey, accompan- ied by Stimson and Knox came to the platform in the interdepartmental auditorium. Without introduction Hershey stepped to the amplifier and delivered his address, then Stimson was blindbolded and dipped his hand into the bowl.j Stimson To Hershey He handed the capsule to attend- ants who opened it, jotted the num- ber it contained on a slip of paper, and handed the paper to Hershey. He announced the number. The five Ann Arbor residents whose numbers were drawn first in the na- tional lottery are George E. Ping- ston of 1105 Spring St. whose serial number 441 was the fourth number to be pulled from the goldfish bowl; Richard H. Kingery, 1600 Morton St., serial number 1103, the twenty-first number to be chosen; Bruce G. Scott of 204 W. Jefferson, the twenty-sixth in order; Walter E. Just, a resident of the Huron Hotel, twenty-ninth; and Gordon L. Hunter, 1404 Wakefield, order number 43. German Closing Of Ports In Norway Seen As Signi Of Far Northern Action British Lose Track Of Raider_'Tirpitz' LONDON, March 17. - (P) - All Norway's ports from North Cape to Alesund had been closed by the Ger- mans today, presumably to screen even from the suppressed but restive Norwegians a stealthy marshalling of Nazi military and naval forces which indicated that those far Northern waters were about to be- come a newly active major war thea- ter. Speaking just after a disclosure that the mighty German battleship Tirpitz "appears to have avoided" a recent British torpedo-plane attack off Narvik and thus even now is pre- sumably loose upon the high seas, a responsible London informant spec- ulated that the Germans were pre- paring attempts to isolate Russia's Arctic ports, cut her supply lines from the Allies or even move against American and British-garrisoned Ice- land. Another informant in constant communication with the Norwegians suggested a second possible interpre- tation-that the Nazis were worried about the possibilities of Allied re- sponse to Russian calls for the open- ing of a second front. And in this connection he declared Norway was literally seething against the German conquerors. Among the day's accumulating in- cidents pointing to major action in the North, the sharpest and most. alarming in British eyes was news that the Tirpitz, a listed 35,000-ton- ner had not been run to cover. Germans also have in Northern waters the 10,000-ton pocket battle- ships Admiral Scheer and Luetzow. Propagandists Hit By Nelson WPB Head Warns Nation AgainstAxisAgents WASHINGTON, March 17.-()- Production chief Donald Nelson de- clared tonight that Axis propaganda agents were attempting to wreck the government's production speed-up drive, and cautioned that "groundless fears of a few people could bog down the whole effort." Nelson did not describe the specific propaganda line being followed, but it was understood that he referred to continued allegations by the Berlin radio that the production drive- which involves establishment of joint labor - management committees in war plants-was a scheme to "Soviet- ize" American industry. The WPB chairman declared em- phatically that the effort to increase armament production promptly was "not intended to further the special interests of a group." Speaking briefly on a special four- network nation-wide broadcast, ar- ranged hurriedly over the week-end, Nelson asserted that the production drive "is not a scheme to promote company unions" and "it is not a device to add to or tear down the power or position of any existing unions." "It is not a mangement plan, a labor plan or any other plan," Nel- son declared. "It is the War Produc- tion Board plan. It is a perfectly sim- ple, straightforward effort to increase production. I have said this before and I am saying it again for the simple reason that a few people do not seem to understand it." Slosson Will End Lecture Series; To Speak On War Possible spring campaigns on the battlefronts of the world will be dis- cussed by Prof. Preston Slosson, of the history department, in a lecture at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Auditorium. Van Paassen Will Discuss Issues Of War Alumnae Council To Give Profits To Emergency Fund For 'U' Women Pierre van Paassen. famous foreign correspondent who will speak at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow at Hill Auditorium, will be serving a double purpose by his address. First, he will speak on "The War of the Hemispheres" bringing into play his wide experience and his eye witness accounts from the capitals of Europe, and second, his address here will provide a means of raising funds for the War Emergency Fund to help women students whose incomes have been cut off by the war. Alumnae Are Sponsors Sponsored by the Alumnae Coun- cil, proceeds from the ticket sales will be turned over to the Office of the Dean of Women, and women stu- dents in need of financial assistance will be helped as much as possible. Need for a War Emergency Fund is stressed by Alumnae Council mem- bers, who cited several cases of wo- men now in need of funds to help keep them in school. One girl reported, that her par- ents have been arrested in Manila, several others have been forced to apply for aid because their par- ents' businesses have been stopped by the war, such as automobile sales- men, and still other women stu- dents whose families have lost their homes and sources of income in Europe are badly in need of aid. Wel-Known Author As for the lecture, Pierre van Paas- sen is well known both by his jour- nalistic career and as the author of the best sellers, "Days of Our Years" and "That Day Alone." "We stand today on the threshold of one of the major transformations in history: a civilization is passing, but a new .world is in genesis," van Paassen has said regarding this war. He offers little encouragement for the immediate future, but he is con- fident that out of the chaos, a better world will come. Tickets for the lecture may still be purchased at the box office, the Alumnae Council Office or from stu- dents who are selling them. Local Display OpensToday New Architectural Exhibit Directed By Prof. Mundt Invasion on a local scale was ac- complished yesterday when hordes of artists and art students descended upon the Rackham Building's display galleries in preparation for their lat- est exhibition entitled "An Introduc- tion to Architecture" which will open with an informal reception from 8 to 10 p.m. today. This show was produced under the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Art Association in collaboration with the University and was directed by Prof. Ernest Mundt of the College of Archi- tecture and Design. When practically the entire archi- tecture college rolled up its collective sleeves to pitch in and make a suc- cess of what it termed a "climax show," the first of the exhibition's galleries began to take shape. Here a stand-out feature of the display will be found in the "Peek Show," a series of four abstract space models of the world's chief architectural styles. The second gallery which consists of a history of the American home was designed right on the walls by charcoal-drawing. Prof. Donald B. Gooch of the design department who was advised on stylistic problems by the Association's president, Walter W. J. Gores, also of the architecture college. A second section of this gal- lery has been given over to a full- size modern room intended to indi- cate the modern tendency to inte- grate indoor and outdoor spaces. Russians Reach German Strongpoints In Drives Near Kalinin, Kharkov Soviet Air Attack Downs 47 Planes MELBOURNE, Wednesday, March 18.-O)-General Douglas MacAr- thur's arrival to assume the United Nations command in the southwest Pacific was hailed jubilantly by the Australian press today as the most important and most welcome move yet by the Allies for defense of this Commonwealth bastion. "It will be regarded as the best single piece of news since the out- break of the Pacific war," said one editorial. "His gallant stand in the Philippines has fired the imagination of Australians, who love a fighter, and his command of Australians in addition to American troops will be an inspiration to the fighting forces." 'Considerable' Forces In Australia The selection of such a high United States officer for the important post, it was pointed out, gives emphasis to the statement by Secretary of War Stimson that "considerable" Ameri- can forces are here. "It is also an indication," the news- paper added, "of President Roose- velt's realization of how important is the southwest Pacific in this global war and of what aid the administra- tion intends to pour into Australia. "The appointment of MacArthur always has been warmly advocated and Prime Minister Curtin again his read the wishes of the people corg- rectly in urging MacArthur's trans* fer to Australia." Allied Morale Lifted Meanwhile, Washington reports that the dramatic transfer of Gen, eral Douglas MacArthu, hero of Ba- taan, to supreme command of United Nations forces in the southwest Pa- cific gave a lift to Allied morale t - night and stirred hopes of early of- fensive blows against the Japanese foe. And in Chungking, China, elated Chinese viewed General MacArthur's appointmhent to the Allied command in the southwest Pacific as presaging the turning of the tide against the Japanese. Russians Reach Major German Strongholds MOSCOW, March 17.-()-In a flaming eruption of land, sea and air fighting, the Russians reported to- night their forces have beaten for- ward to the gates of two major Ger- man strongpoints on the upper and lower land front and destroyed four German ships, including two trans- ports, in Arctic waters. A giant battle raged on the south- western front before a vital city- possibly the great industrial center of Kharkov-and in one sector of that area the Germans were declared re- treating after losing a defensive posi- tion and more than 1,000 dead. Fighting In Kharkov Suburb (A roundabout report heard in Lon- don and attributed to the Moscow radio said fighting was progressing through Kharkov's suburbs.) The night communique added that 500 Nazis were killed by Soviet forces which occupied a number of places in the Kalinin sector, 90 miles north- west of Moscow. An earlier report told of the capture of a height com- manding Staraya Russa, below Lenin- grad, where remnants of the trapped 16th German Army are being whit- tled to pieces. Nazi Dead Litter Field On another undisclosed sector of the front the communique said hun- dreds of German dead were left on the battlefield after an unsuc- cessful tank-supported counter-at- tack against Soviet positions. It gave the scene of this fighting only as in the vicinity of the populated point "D."), The Germans were declared to have lost heavily in other attempted coun- ter-thrusts, while in a spurt of aerial warfare the comi .niquc 'listed 47 German planes downed yesterday against 15 Soviet losses. (By The Associated Press) Tributaries of the Saginaw Riv- I Prof. Alt Declares Organization Best Protection From Bombing (Editor's Note: This is the first of two articles on the most efficient de- fense against air raids. The suggestions are those of Prof. Glenn L. Alt of the civil engineering department who studied air raidD recautions in New York City.) By GEORGE SALLADE Thorough organization and plan- ning of local air raid defense is the best possible protection against bombing attacks in the opinion of Prof. Glenn L. Alt of the civil engi- neering department. Professor Alt recently completed a study of air raid precautions at a conference in New York City and last night presented a paper on the "En- gineering Aspects of Air Raid Pro- tection" at a meeting of the Ann Ar- bor Engineers and Architects Club. Recommends Central Control He recommended central, one-man control of all defense measures as an absolute essential to successful air raid protection. The controlling local group must, of course, have proper liaison between itself and the respon- sible state and military authorities. the direction of a single head, should be divided into several divisions to handle the varied problems. Possible subdivisions would include branches for administration, intelligence and liaison, finance and supply, personnel enrollment and assignment, protec- tion of utilities, industries, and pub- lic works, and education of the pub- lic. According to Professor Alt, detail- ed plans for emergency health con- trol, emergency fire control, first aid, policing of an area, and repairing utilities should be made by each com- munity as early as possible. Best Raid Guarantee Professor Alt warned that the best guarantee against devastating bomb- ing assaults was to provide sufficient fighter planes to prevent the enemy bombers from reaching their objec- tive. Even with fighter strength, how- ever, there is always the possibility that some bombers will succeed in slipping through the protecting cover of planes. It is the duty of all engi- neers, architects and municipal au- thorities to have a complete under-