PAE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY; A IE'A 1; 194 Them Movies Is Sinful T hings, Mississippi Sencuors Revead' Edward C. Beatty Is Presidet i, Ushers Absent As Night Owl Sarong-Wrapped Dottie Cannot Compare With Old Theatre Ads IA)SeS I li:t"11go Mkis Lamour Ain't Nothin' Legislators Tell Sad Tales4 Of Sunday Picture Evils In Blue laws Discussion Gloomy Sunday is a 120-year-old tradition in Mississippi. An 1822 blue law still forbids Mississippians to at- tend bearbaiting, cocktails, bullfights and any other routine amusements of a Sabbath. Sunday movies are taboo -to the intensified boredom of some 110,000 soldiers training in the State. They wander aimlessly up and down the dead, empty streets of Missis- sippi towns, honing for something to do, and usually finding it only in honky-tonks and back-street bor- dellos. Last week the Mississippi Senate, for the third time this session, fear-, lessly faced the issue. The opposi- tion thundered that a bill permitting Sunday movies would "open the gates of hell." Roared Senator Joe Daws of De Kalb (pop. 866): The Pearl Har- bor tragedy came about because sail- ors were not at their posts. "They were attending Sunday movies!" This was too much for Senator Earl Richardson of Philadelphia (pop. 3,711). Senator Richardson stopped his whittling, brushed the shavings off his lap and his desk. He snorted: "Do you know what time Pearl Harbor was attacked? It was about 7:15 o'clock in the morning. That's a mighty funny time for sol- diers or anybody else to be in the movies." Up rose Senator Olen C. Hull of Lawrence (pop. 400), a lay evangelist. He warned his colleagues that pas- sage of the bill would mean "religious suicide for Mississippi"; that "the downfall of every nation so far has ;been due to two things-first, dese- cration of the Holy Sabbath, and sec- :ond, loss of the virtue of its woman- hood." Members spat rich brown Any Resemblance 4s Also Coincidental Anything in the way of innovation being able to get considerable rise out of the general populace, it is ex- -pected in these parts that waiting lines inside and before the State The- ater will be a common sight for somre time to come. A look into the future and a com- prehension of such a possibility ,brings out the question of remedy or alleviation of the condition. Remedy being somewhat out of the question ,t this point, about all that remains is to offer some suggestions for alle- viation of the tedious aspects of wait- ing in line for the movie. Try that on your ouija board. streams of tobacco juice at the shiny brass spittoons. Senator Hull warm- ed up. He had been summoned, he said, "to come at once" to the home of a friend 80 miles away. He "raced" there in his automobile to discover that his friend's daughter-"a beau- tiful young woman"--had confessed to losing her virtue. "And where do you thing it happened? Where do you think it happened? It took place in a picture show!" This was too much for white- haired Senator Dave Crawley of Kis- ciusko (pop. 4,291). "I don't dispute the story," said he, "but I do observe a picture show is a hell of a place to lose it." After the fireworks, th bill passed: 29-to-1.0, went to the House, which has twice killed asii- lar bill. The measure was strictly class legislation, Even if the House should pass the bill, cockfights, bull- fights, and bearbaiting will still be illegal in Mississippi on Sundays. -Time Magazine Film IHistw Shows Effeclt Expurgators Have Worked Since First Experiienal' Films Were Introdueed Motion picture censorship is not a new thing, but has been with us since the first experimental films were pro- duced. The history of movie censorship has origins in common with that of literature and of the drama. Censor- ship of the stage and of the. printed word did not, as is commonly believ- ed, begin with the tight puritanical concepts of the Victorian era, Anglo-Saxon Game Expressions of' the principles of that, a famous American lawyer has called the "Anglo-Saxon Game" (ob- scenity censorship) which was first evident in'the late 17th century with the publication of Jeremy Collier's "Short View of the Immortality of the English Stage." During the Victorian era we added to the English language the verb "to bowdlerize," meaning to censor or expurgate, from the name of the im- mortal Thomas Bowdler who, in an introduction to his ten volume "The Family Shakespeare" wrote: "It cer- tainly has been my wish, and it has been my study to exclude from this publication whatever is unfit to be read alound by a gentleman to a company of ladies." He also wanted' to expurgate the Bible. Motion Picture Era The cry for censorship in the mo- tion picture era came with the ex- perimental motion picture produced by Thomas Edison, "The Kiss." It was merely a photographic record of one kiss, but the Comstockians threw the term "libertine at the great in- ventor. With World War I came a great change in the motion picture indus- try. Technical advances had made it possible forthe screen to adequately reflect the times in which it lived. Unfortunately, however, this devel- opment had to come during the "Roaring Twenties" when, to say the least, there was quite a good deal to reflect. Thus motion pictures became "daring," "spicy," and the resulting roars of the morality leagues, the up- lift societies, and the churches, brought to the foretnone otherdthan the Hays Office that we know today. i 1 I I t t !44 I i3 1 i I ('A)riy Kernel atins Wild; M isses Seat, alcony i Screeno' victory The adventure of Cornwallis Ker- nel is one of the strangest in the an- nals of theatre balcony lore. Corny, a country lad of tremen- dous shoulders and even bigger feet, took the afternoon off from barn- cleaning to go to the city. Before he left he was dutifully warned by his boss, the other hired hands, four horses and a sheep to stay away from the haunts of "bad women" and city slickers. Kernel remembered the admoni- tions of his friends and dutifully stayed away from the crimson paths of temptation. Ie celebrated his day off by going to the movies. Golden-Haired Hero The balcony looked inviting to our hero of the golden hair and broad shoulders so he went there. In the darkness and dimness of the upstairs all was confusion for Cornwallis. He fell down the stairs. Four hundred and three peanut- eaters shouted as one: "Quiet, down there!" Cornwallis shame-facedly picked himself up leaving three teeth where he fell. He looked around for a seat but could see nothing. After three hours and 11 minutes of accustoming his eyes to the gloom he saw a seat near the back. He crawled up the difficult -tairs to the place and sat down. He thought it was comfortable to sit down, but hs had no place to put his feet because an inconsiderate old lady in front o him objected to having them in her lap. He sat on his feet. Pahdon Me! After a few moments he felt an arm creeping around his shoulder When he jumped a voice whispered, "Pahdon me, I thawt youse was my woman." Kernel looked at the sid just in time to see the speaker mak a pass in the other direction. Cornwallis had had enough. He stood up, kicked four people in the shins and got out ,of the aisle. He looked for an exit. He movec toward it guiltily and fell down four more times. But he would let nothirn stand in his way. He opened a door and walked into a brightly lighted room. A mar look edat him, sneered, told him tc keep quiet and to get out. Kei'nel jumped back only to fin that his stocky legs were entwined b5 a snaky object. He became confused fell down again and rolled to the door which opened again. Today only the body of Cornwalliq Kernel is living, living in a home fo the insane. His mind died, murderec in the balcony. Movie Viewing Titles Of . atchy '30s Imaginative students still whistle and yell when they see Dorothy La- inour swathed in romanti sarongs and swooning 'neath tropic moons in pictures termed 'Pagan Passion' and matronly ladies give the expected disapproving clucks of the tongue and settle back to enjoy the show. But calling these movies 'Erotic, Ex- otic!' is sheer exaggeration when you glance over the local theatre ads of yesteryear. In the 'Risque Thirties', analogue of the 'Gay Nineties,' a show was what they called it, and what they called it was enough to make the Hays Office die in its tracks. Sons' didn't ask father embarrassing ques- tions in those days, they just wept to the movies. What appears in di- luted form today as 'Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory' popped out red hot as 'Syrnthetic Sin.' MmM! Mmm! If you don't believe me glance back at a rpllicking little number in '27 billed as 'The hilarious story of an unmarried wife!' entitled 'Slightly Used.' Or if you're particular, 'Find- ers Keepers', describing 'Love in a soldier's training camp.' Say what you will of fraudulent stockbrokers and imaginary gold mines, you've gotta admit you were never cheated in the movies. When they had an ambiguous title, like 'Man, Woman, Sin' they came right out and said, 'This is not a western.' Marital advice? Why with the I movies around it's a wonder that cupid's little interpreters had any business at all. Just look at these, 'Beware of Married Men,' 'What ,Ev- ery Qirl Should Know,' 'Adam and Evil?' 'Naked Truth' or 'Men not fit to marry.' Pretty complete, wouldn't you say? Don't Blame Maw You may have laughed at mother checking up on where dad spent the evening, but can you blame her with these pictures showing? 'Why Sail- ors Go Wrong?' 'Bare .Knees.' 'Silk Stocking' with the short but explicit explaination, 'Nuf Sed,' 'The Great Necker', find 'Ladies Night in a Turk- ish Bath.' Well, if every mother doesn't hail Will Hays as the savior of her childs morals, something is wrong. But if not, I'll bet she has a good idea what father means when he sighs for the good ole days. Edward Beatty, president and treasurer of the Butterfielod Theatres and long-time executive in the theatrical world, to whose integrity and foresight much of the growth of the Butterfield circuit may 1U attributed. I/le, ih ANN ARBOR MILK DEALER'S * x: Ed~Wand Beatty Has Iavele(1 Far And Wide For Butterfield Born in a small town in southern the United States, comprising more Indiana, educated in the schools of than a hundred theatres, all located in Michigan. The Butterfield Thea- Indiana and the University of Ken- tre organization is a Michigan insti- tucky, and during the summer tution, owned and controlled by months touring the country in an Michigan men ... E. C. Beatty, pres- executive capacity with 'variout tent- ident and treasurer; E. C. Shields, ed organizations-such was the early vice-president, of Lansing; and L. E. career of Edward C. Beatty, presi- Gordon, secretary, of Battle Creek. dent and treasurer of W. S. Butter- A considerable part of the success field Theatres, Inc., and the Butter- and growth of the Butterfield circuit field Michigan Theatres Company of theatres can be attributed to the and affiliated companies. Having de- foresight, integrity and showman- cided upon the theatrical business as ship of Mr. Beatty, who is considered a livelihood, he managed theatres in in amusement circles as one of the the Blue Grass state and also was outstanding showmen in the country. company manager of traveling legiti- mate attractions, handling well known stars on tour throughout the ots Lrowd s country. Mr. Beatty, a thorough showman, became first associated with the late A re N em ises Col. W. S. Butterfield as manager of the o1 Bijou Theatre, Bay City, which was later remodeled and is O f M ovie als now the Bay Theatre. He was not in Bay City long as Colonel Butter- Audiences are funny things, and field knew he was too good al show- made up of a great many types of man to leave in one place and funny people. Take yourself for in- brought him into the general office stance. Is your conduct always com- at Battle Creek where he later be- mendable when you attend a theatre? came general manager and secretary- Do you sit and whisper to your com- treasurer. panion (s) and/or violently chew pop- At the time of Colonel Butter- corn? Do you stick gum on the field's death, Mr. Beatty was elected seats? Do you rattle paper or cello- president and treasurer of the But- phane bags in the show? And lastly terfield Theatres, the largest inde- and the most important do you sit in pendently owned group of theatres in the balcony and throw your trash ~ - down on bald-headed gents seated on the lower floor? OldVaudevilleThis last one is undoubtedly the worst, for the unfortunate old geezer A ur eted ]VJwho gets a half empty bag of popcorn cted M any unscrupulously dumped on the upper extremity of his shiney pate has no (Continued from Page 1) comeback. First, he wouldn't know who to throw it back at and second- Lamarr are on the screen, it is un- ly he could hardly throw it way up necessary to present the local cherry where you are sitting. Is this fair? queen or, whatever the case may be, This type of theatre menace should on the stage to sing "The Last Rose be exterminated once and for all of Summer." People should have a higher respect It is to be regretted that this is no for' others. more, but the vaudeville will go down Another favorite pastime of the as one of the greatest and most pros- inconsiderate movie goer is his' atro- perous eras of the show and movie cious habit of having to continually industry. Most people will long re- munch popcorn or candy. This an- member the old stars such as Sena- noys the rest of the audience no end. tor Murphy, the Pat Rooneys, and If you have to eat please do it before Mack and Moran who were billed as your movie and not during it. the "two black crows." Another great menace to the dyed- Some of the oldtimers have trans- in-the-wool screen fan is to have ferred their talents to one of the some jerk sit close to him and go to newer phases of entertainment, that great pains to explain to some of his of radio. Some of the older gang will companions the entire show before it remember when Fibber Magee and happens on the screen. He always Molly were only a small time act in explains, "I saw this shown down- the third rate theatres. town last month." 8K end our !ooI 1/14iIA to l4e &Stae 4ii.Jealre /rcontinou6 io uccei. ANN ARBOR MILK DEALERS , . _ . ,, MALTEDS - this BIG Marshall's next to the new' STATE THEATRE ADVANCEMENT' III file s f a Y 1 1 1' 1 r 0 v t. t e Y 1. e e a s ,t I b, A 21-GUN SALUTE TO THISE 6!n lerlainmeni .--7IBtGl New STATE THEATRE We of Goodyear's are happy and proud to welcome you as a new addition to the State Street business district. Your bright and attractive building is a cheerful challenge for all of us to "keep up appear- ances" to the utmost, no matter how dark the times may seem. f We feel that the opening of the STATE THEATRE iS a fine step in the right direction. In troubled The New limes like these the American people need more lener!ilm ?en and 'movies are the best wiy to ive itto then. State Theatre is a tribute to the Progress of State Street. To he Owivne and Management We 1, x (tend Ow Note to Theatre-Goers! After the Matinee Complete Your Afternoon With A Delicious Snack At Our Snack Bar .. . Aiist Next Door to the Theatre Goodyear's, Agents for the MOHAWK CARPET and KIRSCH VENETIAN BLINDS Used in the New State Theatre 11 I iI 1