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March 17, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-17

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By Lichty


I dl

NOW I have always observed, in poker games
and fist fights-other people's of course-
that the cool guy won. Allowing a certain under-
standable excitement in the midst of the event,
if a man stayscalm, measures what he has to
do, and then does it with his head as well as his
fists or the ace in the hole, he generally gets
considerably farther than the hothead.
But apparently I have been wrong, or at least
not in the right places. For there is at present
arising a growing- school of thought, contagious
among the increasingly irritating group of older
men who enjoy making threats and waving their
fists, which advocates teaching soldiers and

Edited and manage by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session,
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not other$'Ise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Servie, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff
Emile Gelh . . . . . Managing Editor
Alvin Dann . . . . . .Editorial Director
David Lachenbruch . . . . City Editor
Jay McCormick . . . . Associate Editor
Gerald E. Burns . . . . . Associate Editor
Hal Wilson . . . . . . Sports Editor
Janet ooker. . . . . Women's Editor
Grace Miller . . Assistant Women's Editor
Virginia Mitchel . . . . . Exchange Editor
Business Staffs
Daniel H. Huyett . . . Business Manager
James B. Collins . . Associate Business Manager
Louise Carpenter . . Women's Advertising Manager
Evelyn Wright . . Women's Business Manager
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
W.S.S.F. Drive
And War Ideals.. ..
J MERICA AT WAR is likely to forget
certain things-things of which the
World Student Service Fund intends to remind
us in its drive which begins today.
We are likely to forget that, though at war,
we students do not have to retreat thousands of
miles westward to continue our education and
to escape from an invader as do Chinese stu-
dents. We are likely to forget that we are not,
at least not yet, victims of ,cruel persecution in
our own land and do not have to run away to a
safer country, as students in Germany have had
to do. We are likely to forget that we American
students are not yet war prisoners, as are many
former students abroad.
The W.S.S.F. reminds us that there are
ideals at stake in this war. We are not fight-
ing the war merely for the sake of military
victory or for the subjugation of a group of
nations. We learned the bitter lesson from
the last war that a planned and a just peace
must follow this conflict if there is to be any
permanently peaceful order. And the
W.S.S.F. is fostering, in its campaign, those
very ideals of preserving the leaders of youth
throughout the world for the post-war re-
construction era and of giving concrete ex-
pression to the feeling of world brotherhood
by aiding students and war prisoners every-
WHEN you buy defense stamps or bonds, you
are investing in the winning of the war.
When you contribute to the W.S.S.F., you are
investing in the concrete expression of the ideals
for which the war is being fought and in the
justice and peace of the world order to follow
this conflict.
-Irving Jaffe
Poll Tax Laws
Must Be Repealed . .
ATTACK on one of the real bastions
of anti-democratic tendencies in
this country opened last week in a caucus room
of the United States Senate. Under consideration
of the Senate Judiciary Sub-committee was a
bill submitted by Senator Claude Pepper of

Florida to abolish poll taxes in Federal elections.
The poll taxes, existent in eight Southern
states, disenfranchise more than 10,000,000
Americans of botlh the white and colored races.
They reauire the payment of one or two dollars
within a specified time limit before a citizen is
permitted the right to vote. To the self-satisfied
Northerner this amount may seem reasonable
and hardly worth the age-long controversy that
has developed over it. In the South, however, a
dollar may mean, to more families than it is
pleasant to imagine, the difference between the
right to vote and the purchase of some of the
bare necessities of life.
PART AND PARCEL of the racial discrimina-
tion that grew out of the enfranchisement
of the Negro following the Civil War, the poll.
tax is one of the varied methods used by the
Southern states to control the vote. Others in-
rllui +he fnmnim "grnandfathnreaones" and the




Room For New Ideas?
To the Editor:
A system as time-honored as this University's
method of education should certainly have some
defender in the dark hour of R. B. McKinley's
bitter onslaught against it. Its deficiencies, we
are told, are many, but for the primordial one
seems to be that we students are given no room
for originality or for doing our own thinking. It
seems that we are spoon-fed certain things, and
that for the entire period of our higher learning,
we are expected to spoon them, unmodified, back
into the oracular mouths from whence they
came, without the benefit of their being improved
at all by our own additional knowledge.
Can it be that Mr. McKinley has slipped up
on his opportunities for asserting himself? Has
he never seen an instructor begging the class
with tears in his eyes to please, please come
forth with some new idea, just any little idea,
no matter how small or how wrong? Has he
never heard one ask imploringly for comments
on some subject-any comments at all? True,
we must learn definitions and laws anj postu-
lates, and points one, two and three under point
A, but are these not, after all, a more or less
necessary medium through which we can feel
fairly sure we are all talking about the same
thing? Our own definitions, were we allowed to
make them, would be very fine indeed, I am sure
-as fine as any that were ever put in textbooks,
but it would be somewhat confusing to discuss
paleontology or the fourth dimension on the
basis of original definitions submitted by even
one class of thirty. True, we must learn the
opinions of accepted historians, even though our
calling in life be to write better histories. We
must learn how Napoleon won his battles, even
though we have thought up much better ways.
But your instructor, when he walks into the
room, will look around hopefully and say, "Are
there any questions?" Now, ah now, is the time
for the student of Mr. McKinley's caliber to
wave his hand wildly until acknowledged, and
then to pour from his troubled soul all the things
that have been tormenting him. Now is the time
for him to offer his own solutions for the world's
problems, or his own theory about the expanding
universe if he doesn't like Eddington's.
I know an instructor who bore the expression
of a wounded animal after reading the brutal
accusations of Mr. M.'s editorial. Then he asked
what Wordsworth was talking about in a poem.
Now we could have said anything, granting that
we did not stray too far from nature, immortal-
ity, or philosophical reflection. But we did not
say anything' at all. Nothing happened. He
looked around the room with a sort of despairing
futility, a crushed defeat. "You see." he said,
"nothing happens."
Most of us find many, many more openings for
ideas than we have ideas to put in them. Even
if some of our "individualism" is stifled and our
"breadth of vision" somewhat restricted, are
there not still various things which this Univer-
sity can teach us? After all, we came here to
find out what other people know, and to take
advantage of our social heritage, not to air our
own little opinions. Perhaps some day we shall
promulgate some discoveries about evolution
that will blow the lid off all that has ever been
written about it. But why'not, while we're here,
look into what Darwin knew?
Augusta Walker
fusal to allow the Negro to participate in its
primaries has effectively blocked his deserved
share in determining government.
Continuance of the poll tax has also furthered
the nefarious purposes of local political ma-
chines. The machines can buy up poll tax re-.
ceipts and distribute them among their sup-.
porters. In one machine-bossed county in Ten-
nessee, according to Silliman Evans, the pub
lisher of the Chicago Sun and the Tennesseean
who testified before the sub-committee, there
are proportionally fewer "no" votes than there
are in Nazi Germany." Official government tabu-
lations show that while 76 percent of the eligible
voters went to the polls in the states without
restrictions in the last presidential ballot only 27
percent did so in the eight Southern states using

the tax.
MANY Southern leaders have finally seen the
lack of any real justification for the poll
taxes and have advocated their abolition. Flor-
ida, North Carolina and Louisiana have actually
removed that voting requirement.
That the poll taxes were consistent with the
Constitutional guarantee of universal suffrage
is incomprehensible. They are the tools of poli-
ticians and a disaistinx attemnt at rnadis-

civilians alike, to Hate the Enemy. In a news
story Sunday Dr. A. J. Stoddard, superintendent
of Philadelphia schools, was quoted as urging
American educators to take an aggressive stand
in the war, "suggesting they 'quit this over-
emphasis of tolerance towards the enemy.' "
When Dr. J. C. Parker, director of Michigan
secoidary school study objected to Stoddard's
remarks, which took place at a panel discussion
during the State Conference on School Curric-
ulum at Lansing Saturday, Dr. Stoddard replied:
"I don't see anything undemocratic about
shooting rats. We must do without philoso-
phizing and rationalizing because it is high
time that American schools find a dynamic,
virile part in this war."
RIGHT HERE I might point out that it is the
custom of men of Dr. Stoddard's sort to be-
gin insisting on virility in public life after certain
personal but inevitable physiological changes
have taken place, by some obscure but no doubt
just law of compensation. Emotionally the same
process may be observed. The non-fighter usu-
ally yells the loudest, the little guy defends his
principles even when they are no more princi-
ples than his insufferable conceit and gall. This
sort of banquet bravado leads nowhere, unless
there are enough pip-squeaks who feel that stir
of martial blood in their varicose veins when
they hear Stoddard, or read Ham Fisher, the
Joe Palooka one-man-army cartoonist. The en-
couraging note in the proceedings at Lansing
was the sound thumping Stoddard got not only
from Dr. Parker, but from Dr. Eugene Elliott,
State superintendent of public instruction.
THOUGH there was very little else of interest
in the book, Arthur Guy Empey's Over the
Top afforded those who can take their trench
fighting straight a good example of how much
the home guard's hate program amounts to when
men are fighting. Come Christmas time, Empeq
said, and the boys ir the trenches started paying
calls, the Americans leaving cigarettes and choc-
olate at a designated spot in no man's land, the
Germans accepting the Christmas presents, and
leaving beer and sausages in return. Times have
changed, the Stoddards say. Not so much. Or-
ders, from the brass hats, Empey says, came
down next day, and the boys started firing at
each other as usual.
DON'T EXPECT to read about anything in
the line of romantic attachments between
our soldiers and those of the enemies. The idea
in a war is to shoot the other guy and not get
shot yourself. But the guys who are doing the
shooting are not, I feel assured, quite so loud-
mouthed and positive about the game as the
stay-at-home patriots. Maybe, as I- have often
heard, a soldier hates the enemy when he has
to charge, or in the middle of battle. However,
wars are not all battles. Much of the time the
soldier sits around, waiting for another battle.
It would be wise of the educators if they teach
him the positive virtues of what he is fighting
for, teach him what the Stoddards apparently
are trying to duck, the definition of democracy.
It will probably do a lot more to carry on the
war than the jingo metabolism of hate. So long
until soon.
Drew Pecusoi
WASHINGTON-It looks as if John L. Lewis
is getting ready to do another bolt act.
Significant under-cover signs indicate that
the miner czar is preparing the stage for a
walkout of the CIO, which he took the leading
role in founding six years ago.
The United Mine Workers, which Lewis rules
with an iron fist, has not paid its CIO per capita
tax for several months, and he has been sum-
moning UMW leaders before him and "ultima-
tuming4 them with a blunt demand that they
declare themselves for him or Phil Murray,

president of the CIO and vice-president of the
Also last Thursday, in Lewis' office, there was
a meeting of UMW executive board members
that was steeped in mystery.
But word of the proposed meeting leaked to
newsmen who began asking Lewis questions
about it. Thereupon, According to insiders, he
hastily dropped his original plan for a head-on
showdown and resorted to strategy.
At his behest the board voted that a special
committee of five be sent to West Virginia to
investigate alleged operator violations of the
UMW contract and "certain other matters."
Insiders say the investigation is a smoke screen
to mask the real purpose of the committee, which
is to axe Bittner and to torpedo a big state
miner rally that Murray is scheduled to address.
CIO insiders tell a sensational story of Lewis'
tactics in pressuring UMW leaders into line.
It is related that he summoned Tom Kennedy,
little, mild-mannered veteran UMW secretary-,
treasurer, and bluntly demanded, "Tom, you've
got to choose between Phil Murray and me.,
Stunned for a moment, Kennedy finally re-
gained his breath and protested.
"That isn't fair, John," he said. "You ought
not to do that to me. This isn't a question of
personalities. It's a question of principles. After
all von Phil and I have worked hard together

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"I've thought of enlisting for war work, but I've decided I can
do more good by staying home and being on hand when some
of the boys get furloughs!"

TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1942 1
VOL. LH. No. 120E
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.i
Ruthven will be at home to studentsb
Wednesday afternoon, March 18,c
from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Home Loans: The University In-r
vestment office, 100 South Wing, willA
be glad to consult with anyone con-s
sidering building or buying a homec
or refinancing existing mortgagesi
and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans.
Detroit Armenian Women's Clubn
Scholarship: The Detroit Armenian
Women's Club offers a scholarship
for $100 for the year 1942-43 for0
which young men and women of
Armenian parentage, living in the
Detroit metropolitan district who
demonstrate scholastic ability and4
possess good character and who havet
had at least one year of college work,1
are eligible. Further information
may be obtained from me.
Dr. Frank E. Robbins,F
1021 Angell Hall
Students, College of Literature,C
Science, and the Arts: Courses drop-a
ped after Saturday, March 21, by2
students other than freshmen will be
recorded with the grade of E. Fresh-
men (students with less than 24 hours
of credit) may drop courses without1
penalty through the eighth week.k
Exceptions to these regulations may'
be made only because of extraord-
inary circumstances, such as serious
or long-continued illness.1
E. A. Walter 1
Prospective Applicants for the Con-
bined Curricula: Students of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and thel
Arts wishing to apply for admission
to one of the combined curricula for
September 1942 should fill out ap-
plications for such admission as soon
as possible in Room 1210 Angell Hall.s
The final date for application is Ap-
ril 20, 1942, but early application
is advisable. Pre-medical students
should please note that application
for admission to the Medical School
is not application for admission to
the Combined Curriculum. A separate
application should be made out for'
the consideration of the Committee'
on Combined Curricula.
Edward lt. 1Kraus
Mechanical, Industrial and Electri-
cal Engineering Seniors: Mr. R. K.
Williams, District Manager, of the
Elliott Company, Detroit, Michigan,
will interview Seniors in the above
groups, Wednesday, March 18, in
Room 218 West Engineering Bldg.
Interview schedule may be signed
on the bulletin board of the Mechan-
ical Engineering Department, at
Room 221 West Engineering Bldg.
Seniors in, Mechanical, Metallurgi-
cal, Chemical, Electrical, and Indus-
trial Engineering: Mr. W. S. Idler of
Aluminum Company of America, will
interview Seniors in the above groups
in Room 218 West Engineering Build-
ing, Thursday, Mar. 19.
He is not interested in interviewing
men who have taken advanced mili-
tary work.
Interview schedule may be signed
on the Mechanical Engineering bul-
n . * . .

letin board, outside of Room 221 W. s
Engr. Bldg. Questionnaire and book- t
lets are also posted.
Academic Notices n
Bacteriological seminar will meet o
in Room 1564 East Medical Build-
ing tonight at 8:00. The subject will
be "Dysentery." All interested are I
cordially invited. n
The Botanical Seminar will meet
Wednesday, March 18, at 4:30 p.m. in V
room 1139 Natural Science Building. 2
Mr. Thomas J. Cobbe will demon-
strate "Airbrush Technic for Botani-
cal Illustration." All interested are
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will 2
meet on Wednesday, March 18, in t
Room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15
p.m. Dr. Kasimir Fajans will speakc
on "Structure of Benzene..
Graduate Students in Speech: The a
Graduate Study Club will meet at
4:00 p.m. on Wednesday in the East
Conference Room of the Rackhame
Physical Education for Women: r
Registration for the outdoor season t
will be held in Barbour Gymnasium t
on: Friday, March 20, 8:00 to 12:00 T
and 1:00 to 5:00. Saturday, March @
21, 8:00 to 12:00.
School of Education Students,
other than freshmen: Courses drop
ped after Saturday, March 21, will
be recorded with the grade of E, ex-
cept under extraordinary circum-
stances. No course is considered offi-
cially dropped unless it has been re-I
ported in the office of the Registrar,1
Room 4, University Hall.
Carillon Programs. The bell cham-
ber of the Burton Memorial Tower1
will be open to visitors interested in,
observing the playing of the carillon '
from 12 noon to 12:15 p.m. daily
through Friday of this week, at
which time Professor Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
an informal program.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: City planning in and
about Detroit, showing street and
medium and low cost housing pro-
jects, population and industrial
studies, proposed recreation areas.
Assembled by the Detroit Institute
of Arts. Third floor exhibition room,
Architecture Building. Open daily
9 to 5, through March 18. The pub-
lic is invited,
Lecture, College of Architecture
and Design: Eric Mendelsohn, archi-
tect and writer, will give an illustrat-
ed lecture on "Architecture Today"
in the Rackham Amphitheatre on
Wednesday, March 18, at 4:15. The
public is invited.
French Lecture: Professor Edward
B. Ham, of the Department of Ro-
mance Languages, will give the sev-
enth of the French Lectures spon-
sored by the Cercle Francais on Wed-
nesday, March 18, at 4:15 p.m. in
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The
title of his lecture is "Curiositls Med-
ievales." The lecture is open to the
general public.

Events Today
The Political Science Journal Cub
ill meet at 8:00 tonight in the East
onference Room of the Rackham
uilding. Dr. Jan Hostie will speak
n "Winning the Peace and the Uni-
German Club will meet tonight at
:00 in the Michigan Union. Mr. J.
V. Eaton will give a talk in English
n "Intelligence Work in the Last
Var." All interested are invited.
Sigma Rho Tau will meet at 7:30
onight in the Union. Hall of fame
peech practice will be featured, all
nembers being expectedkto attend
uepared to give a short talk of this
La Sociedad Ilispanica will present
La Independencia," a comedy in
our acts, tonight at 8:30 at the
lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. All seats
-eserved. Phone 6300.
The regular Tuesday evening pro-
ram of recorded music in the Men's
ounge of the Rackham Building at
:00 tonight will be as follows: Ros-
ini: Semiramide Overture, London
Philharmonic; Purcell: Four Part.
antasia and Fantasia on One Note,
String Quartet; Mozart: Symphony
in D Major ("Prague"), Chicago
Symphony; Handel: Faithful Shep-
rd Suite, London Philharmonic.
The League House Council will
neet today in the League. Nomina-
ions for officers will be in order.
Orientation Advisors: All men stu-
ents interested in serving as ori-
ntation advisers next fall report to
room 304 of the Union between 3:00
ind 5:00 p.m, today.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
erved for Episcopal students and
heir friends at Harris Hall this
afternoon, 4:00 to 5:30.
Christian Science Organization will
meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel
f the Michigan League.
Michigan Dames Swimming Group
will meet at the Michigan Union to-
ight at 8:15 p.m.
The Bibliophiles Section of the
Women's Faculty Club will meet at
:30 p.m. today at the League.
Coning Events
The English Journal Club will
meet at 7:45 Tuesday evening, March
24, in the East Conference Room of
he Rackham Building. Mr. E. A.
Schroeder and Mr. Donald Pearce will
discuss aspects of the poetry of
Swinburne. Graduate students in
English and other interested persons
ae welcome.
The Society of Automotive Engin-
eers will meet on Thursday, March
19, at 7:45 p.m. in the Michigan
Union. Mr. Joseph Geschelin, Tech-
nical Editor of the Chilton Publica-
tions, will present an illustrated lec-
ture on "The Future of the Auto-
nobile and War Production." All en-
ineers are invited. Members are
urged to attend as several important
announcements will be made. Reser-
vations for the dinner preceding the
meeting may be made by contact-
ing Bob Sforzini at 2-3738.
The Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ences will meet in Room 1042 E. Eng.
Bldg. at 7:45 Wednesday evening. A
paper will be given by Charles Ran-
son on "Jet Propelled Autogyros."
The public is invited.
American Institute of Electrical
Engineers will meet on Thursday,
March 19, at 8:00 p.m. in the Union.
Major Renner of the Military Science
Department will speak on, "Ord-
nance in the Army." Refreshments.

German Roundtable, International
Center will meet on Wednesday,
March 18, at 9:00 p.m. in Room 23,
The leader will be Peter Blumenthal,
with the subject "Ich lernte fliegen in-
Ann Arbor." Students interested in
conversational German are invited.
Program of Recorded Music at the
International Center on Wednesday,
March 18, at 7:30 p.m. The program
this week is:
Brahms: Hungarian Dances No. 5
and No. 6.
Brahms: Songs, including "Alto
Rhapsody" sung by Marian Anderson.
Brahms: Symphony No. 1.
Polonia Society will meet Wednes-
day eveningat 7:30 in the recreation
room of the International Center.
Plans for folk dancing lessons will
be revealed.
Quarterdeck: There will be an im-
portant meeting of all members on
Wednesday, March 18, at 7:30 p.m. in
room 336 West Engineering building.
Episcopal Students: There will be
a celebration of the Holy Communion
at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday morning in
Bishop Williams Chapel, Harris Hall.
Breakfast will be served after the
Michigan Dames Drama Group
will meet at Mrs. Roy Cowden's resi-
dence, 1016 Olivia, Ave., at 8:00 p.m.
on Wednesday March 1R

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