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March 15, 1942 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-15

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SUNDAY, MARCH 15; 1942

THE - MICHU__ .GANL nA.F£ . .5

VAn t'

TflIas ~s MiCaiU. i i u 1'1 11I1)w11,.1 L .

Aub klvzY

Newofficers Go
To Be Named
At Ceremony Eight
Margaret Sanford And New Of St
League President To Preside;
'Departmentalizing' Is Theme Is \W
Installation Banquet, the annual AnotherF
inaugural ceremony for campus ca- from 4 p.m
reer women, will be held this year day at the
Monday, March 30, in the ballroom Mrs. Ruthv
and Grand Rapids room of the '43SM, wil
League. Co-chairmen ofthe affair eighth tea
will be Margaret Sanford, presenty An pes
League president, and the new presi- University
dent, whose name will be announced several gro
before the banquet. invited to t
League officers, the Judiciary Sigma Phi,
committee, heads ofrthe Leaguecomn Phi Epsilon
mittees and members of the Assem- chell Hous
bly, Panhellenic and WAA boards, Kappa Ga
will be announced and the womenWKamsaHG
officially installed at the banquet. Williams H
In addition, women to lead freshmen Assisting
and transfer orientation groups and Lue James
the three winners of the Ethel Mc- Ruth Johns
Cormick scholarships will be named. jorie Lovejo
Department Store Theme Marian Lu
The banquet theme around which Virginia M
the program and the decorations Theta; Mar
plans will center will be that of a Omega, and
department store, Virginia Appleton Freshman
and Dorothy Merk co-decorations the tea fo
chairnien, have announced. This Everyone on
theme will be carried out in naming tend the te
the new League heads and in "de- two unexcu
partmentalizing" the house groups from the c
to be seated in the banquet rooms. From 4 p
Outgoing League Council members Kniskein an
in charge of the arrangements also pour, while
include Elizabeth Luckham, assist- Mrs. Virgin
ant to Miss Sanford; Jean Hubbard Ruth Smith
and Patricia Hadley, patrons; Mar-
jorie Polumbaum and Phyllis Love- B
joy, programs. Tickets will be han- a'i o
died by Donelda Schaible and Betty Will P
Fariss, whil'e publicity work will be
done by Betty Bailie, Jane Baits and At In t
Janet Hooker.
To Be Surprise
All announcements of the new offi- The seco
cers will be a surprise at the banquet Ball will be
with the exception of those of the 1 a.m. Frida
new League president and the chair- Ballroom, R
man of the women's Judiciary Cor- of the Inter
mittee whose names will be revealed national Ce
beforehand. All jobs in the League selor to Fore
and the organizations of Assembly, yesterday.
Panhellenic and WAA are appointive The dance
by petition and interview with con- formal, is s
sideration given to the individual's formed Inte
previous work and scholastic record. ceeds will g
Tickets to the Banquet will be put fund for for
on sale in the League so that house yr's orchest
groups may make block reservations, play.
Klinger ad
Alpha Phi has announced the re- was a colorf
cent election of officers for next tumes worn
year. President is Jean Gilmer, '43; unique beca
vice-president, June Skinner, '43; social functi
secretary, Frances Rogers, '43; cor- American st
responding secrtary, June Sanden- an apprecia
BpULLETIN .m. wedn

. . . ..................... . .. .. .. .. ....



Be March 30 In ea e
lay At 'Wolverine Hop' Saturday



1 r

rdon Hardy

Will P

h In Series
udent Teas
Ruthven Tea will be held
. to 6 p.m. next Wednes-
home of President and
ven. Mary Louise Knapp,
l be in charge of this
in the year's series. j
son connected with the'
may attend the tea, but
ups have been specially
his one. They are Alpha
Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma
, Theta Delta Chi, Win-I
e, Kappa Delta, Kappa1
ma, Stockwell Hall and
Miss Knapp are Betty
, '43SM, Kappa Delta;
on, '44, Alpha Phi; Mar-
y, '44, Delta Delta Delta;
hrs, '44; Pat Moore, '44;
orse, '43, Kappa Alpha
ian Orth, '43, Alpha Chi
Janet Osborn, '44, Pi Phi.
women may sign up at
r the Sogial Committee.
the committee must at-
as and anyone who has
sed absences is dropped
.m. to 5 p.m. Mrs. Vera
d Mrs. Martha Rae will
from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
ia Harryman and Mrs.
will be pourers.
wyer's Band
a April 17
ernational Ball
nd annual International I
held from 9:30 p.m. to
y, April 17, in the Union
Zobert Klinger, president
club Board of the Inter-
nter and Assistant Coun-
eign Students, announced
e, which will be semi-
ponsored by the newly-
rclub Board, and its pro-
o to the emergency loan,
eign students. Bill Saw-
tra has been engaged to
dded that last year's ball
ul and unique success-
use of the numerous cos-
by foreign' students and
use it is the only major
on on the campus where
udents can mingle with
ble number of foreign

Lettermen Will
Sing Wistert's
Unnamed Song
League Ballroom Will Be Scene
Of Dance To Be Held March 21;
Joan Reutter To Be Featured
Featuring an illustrious quintet of
real "lettermen," directed by another
letterman and singing a song espe-
cially written for the occasion by
another, Gordon Hardy and his band
will present the "Wolverine Hop"
from 9 p.m. 'to midnight Saturday,
March 21, in the League Ballroom.
The number to be sung by the
"boys" was written by Albert Wis-
tert, '42, solely and expressly for the
Hop, but the name of it will not bej
released at present.
Singing the new ballad will be
Robert (Crosby) Kolesar, '43, Tippy
(Golden Voice) Lockard, '43, Thomas
Kuzma, '44, George Ceithaml, '43,
and "Whitey" Fraumann, Grad., all
of whom have indisputably sweet
voices. They will be directed in their
endeavors by Robert Westfall, '42.
Bill Rhodes, although not a letter-
man, has been seen around arranging
the song.
Since Hardy and his new eleven-
piece band have been heard already
at the "Defense Stomp" and lately
at the "Blackfoot Ball," the campus
is somewhat acquainted with his mu-
sic. Joan Reutter. '43, who won the
title "Miss Michigan of Song," is
featured vocalist with the orchestra,
while "Doc" Sprachlin furnishes the
male vocals.
The band is entirely a student or-
ganization and plays regularly in
the League Ballroom on Friday and
Saturday nights.
Information concerning the details
of the "Wolverine Hop" and the sec-
ret of the new ballad's name, will be
released later.
Jangling bracelets and necklaces,
seem to be the vogue on the college
campus. Even though they might be
a bit distracting in class, they Shouldj
be a help in blackouts!

Defense Bureau To Begin Work




,n: Will meet at 7:30
aesday and at 4 p.m.

(Continued from Page 4)
in the Founders Room, Michigan
Union. Members of all departments
are cordially invited. There will be
a brief talk on "Ersatzstoffe" by Mr.
W. F. Striedieck.
Special Meeting of Union Mem-
bers: All members of the University
of Michigan Union are hereby noti-
fied of a special meeting at 8:00 p.m.
on Wednesday, March 25, for the
purpose of acting on suggested re-
vision of the Michigan Union Con-
A.S.M.E., Student Branch will be
the host to the Detroit Section at a
meeting on Wednesday, March 18, at
7:30 p.m. at the Union. The Prize
Paper Competition will be held at
that time. This is an important meet-
ing and all members should make an
effort to be present.
Graduate Students in Speech: The
Graduate Study Club will meet at
4:00 p.m. on Wednesday in the East
Conference Room of the Rackham
La Sociedad Hispanica will present,
"La Independencia", a comedy in
four acts, on Tuesday, March 17, at
8:30 p.m. at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. All seats reserved. Phone

Friday in Barbour Gymnasium.
Basketball: Club will meet at
5 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday.
Pitch and Putt: Club will meet
at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday at the
Dance: Modern Dance Club will
meet .at 7:30 i.m. Thursday in
Barbour; Ballet Group will meet
at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and at
3:30 p.m. Friday.
Outdoor Sports: Group will
hike to Saginaw Forest; will leave
at 2:30 p.m. today from the
W.A.B. Bring your lunch.
Swimming: Club will meet at
8:30 p.m. Thursday at the Union
Fencing: 'Club will meet at 7:30
.nm. Tuesday and Thursday at


Uroderie Anglaise
on a
° sif
.$ 3.

At 5 p.m. tomorrow in the League
there will be a meeting of the Corre-
spondence Bureau of the Women's
Defense Committee on Campus,
Mary Brownrigg, '44, has announced.
All women who are interested in
working on the Bureau are invited
to attend the meeting of the com-
mittee, which, according to Miss
Brownrigg, "is beginning to take
shape and will go into operation very
The Bureau is operating in coop-
Advcance Sale
Of JQP Tickets
Is Announced
Advance ticket sale for JGP's "No
Questions Asked" will begin at 6
p.m. tomorrow when representatives
from the ticket committee will can-
vass all sororities, dormitories and
league houses, Marjorie Green, tick-
ets chairman, announced yesterday.
All tickets will be selling for the
same price, which is much lower than
last year and therefore first come,
first served as far as reservations are
concerned, Miss Green said.
For the convenience of men stu-
dents, there will be a booth open in
the Union from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Wednesday through Friday. Personal
coverage of sororities, dormitories
and league houses will continue
through Wednesday, March 25, and
the Lydia Mendelssohn box office will
open Thursday, March 26.
Mail orders are being accepted now
and will continue to be up to the
time of production. To acquire tick-
ets by mail, address Prof. Herbert
Kenyon at the League.
"No Questions Asked." by Kay
Ruddy and Allan Axelrod, will be
presented to senior women March 25
and to the public March 27. March
28, the entire production will bus up
to Fort Custer for two performances

* Conle in and learn the
latestdabout skin-care,
make-upf rh'ds, and
Dorothy Reed
Dorothy Gray
College COsUalt

Round as a buluo)n, and
so cute clapped on your
curls! Little felt casual
in pastels, red, brown,
navy, black.



eration with the Alumni Association
and both organizations have a fairly
complete list of University men in
the service. However, any additional
names will be welcomed at all times.
The purpose of the organization is
to keep the men in service in contact
with University affairs and to keep
a steady stream of correspondence
going to them as long as they may
be reached by mail. Every woman
on the committee will receive approx-
imately six names and addresses, and
she is expected to write to these men
on the average of every two weeks or
a month.
Health re-checks must be com-
pleted and eligibility cards signed
by 5 p.m. tomorrow, for all junior
women now working on JGP or
still wishing to participate in
some way, announced Peg Brown,
'42. This is the deadline for both.

At League Luncheon j
The announcement of the engage-
ment of Betty Johnson, '42Ed, daugh-
ter of Mrs. Irene B. Johnson of Ann
Arbor, to Ensign John L. Chapman,
'40E and BAd, was made at a lunch-
eon yesterday at the League.
Ensign Chapman is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Edmund S. Chapman of
Washington, D. C., where he is now
stationed at the Navy Yard. He is a
member of Psi Upsilon.
Miss Johnson is a member of Kappa
Alpha Theta and served as chairman
of the dancing class committee on
the League Council this year. She is
also secretary of Crop and Saddle,
is a member of Scroll Society and is
on the central committee for Senior
Ball. She has served as social chair-
man on the League Summer Council.
The wedding will take place this

or t





Opportunity is really knocking
on your door! Take advantage
of the special on silk chiffon
hose - YES, we said silk hose
- at Robert's Hat Shop this
week. With hosiery becoming
so hard to secure, you'll want
to stock up with several pairs
of these beautiful stockings.
And what's more, they are only
$1.00 a pair. Hurry - before
they are all gone.
At Calkins-Fletcher this week
there's a super-duper sale on
Tussy Cleansing Cream that
you shouldn't overlook. This
cream comes in three types -
for oily, normal, or dry skin.
So select the one best fitted
for you, and give your skin a
real treat. Usually at $1.75,
this cream can be purchased
this week for $1.00 a jar.
We've found something at Eib-
ler's that each and every one
of you would like! It's a brand
new shipment of Michigan
Jewelry - bracelets, compacts,
cigarette cases, lockets, keys,
pins galore - each adorned
with a "good ol' U. of M." seal.
If it's a gift for which you are
looking, or merely a "booster
upper" for your own ego, one
of these pieces is what you
At least she reigns supreme in
our exciting collection of new
spring cottons. You'll love their
perky freshness, whether it's in
stripes, seersucker, or pique.
And for Easter, our luscious
pastel prints will make you a
hit in any parade! Come in to
the Town & College Shop and
give your wardrobe a breath of

You'll want to lead a casual
life this spring, once you see
our stunning selection of sport
clothes. Heavenly shetland
sweaters, and skirts to match
or contrast, and clever jerkin
suits in checked wool. We have
all types of smart suits, too,
which you'll want to just live
in, and exquisite blouses to
compliment them at the Cam-
pus Shop.

'^ : i
, -_
,,, -, f;'
_.e}yt f IJ;w.J .; ...,rl if ,
' t

.- -
O'Brien, Clauer Plan
To Marry In June
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond P. O'Brien
of Queens Village, N. Y., announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Jane Thorne O'Brien, '41, to Lieu-
tenant Robert R. Clauer, son of Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Clauer of Indianapolis,
Ind. The wedding will take place in
While on campus, Miss O'Brien
was a resident of, Martha Cook. At
present she holds a teaching posi-
tion in Clio, Mich.
Lieutenant Clauer is an alumnus
of Culver Military Academy and the
Wharton Business School of the Uni-

Plaid Duet
Vest 'ni skrt combina-
tion in spring tonic plaids
. ... aqua, blue or yellow
with just a line of red on
beige. Nice change with
your skirts and sweaters;
wear the two pieces to-
gether or separately.

! ;<'' r
( F I t
t 4, h
rY +

Pi Lambda Theta will have a sup- I versity of Pennsylvania, where he
per meeting in the Russian Tea Room ( was elected to Sigma Chi. He is now
(Continued on Page 6' stationed at Camp Shelby, Miss.




onder of wnder
slips . .. straight cut, yet it
actually gives you etched-
to-your-figure fit. Puts an
end to the twisting and
riding-up nuisance. 'Very
lovely, very young-lookng.
Rayon and silk satin.
Regular and half sizes.




Easter Special
Complete Permanent Wavec
with Hair Styling . . . $5.00

Speciial Sundae
Inspired by 1942 J. .I'






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