PACT SI~X TII MIIC i iN hA ly TtTRD~:. afrtCf 4, 1A42 t M a. i V il. 1. 4Y F i A. " l.! A. 1 L{ l r* e Michigan Academy Notes, Scholars' Discussion Includes Plant Control, Labor Shortage, Sand Dunes, Commodity Prices And Forest Management ASSOCIATED PRESS PICTURE NEWS V Blakeslee Explains Conscious Plant Control Dr. Albert F. Blakeslee, world- recognized biologist and director of the Cold Spring Harbor Botanical Station, explained in a talk yester- day how life processes and evolution in plants are becoming increasingly subject to conscious control by gen- etic experimenters. Using the Jimson Weed as an ex- ample, he showed that Colchicine can effect changes in the number of chromosomes and that radium, X-rays and aging seeds have been used to induce hereditary changes in the ultimate genes. Dr. Blakeslee stated that increased knowledge of the processes involved in chemical regulation of plant growth should enable us to exercise control over these processes. Forestry Experts Agree On Wild-Land Problems There was little or no clash of opinion between speakers at the sec- ond session of the Forestry Section yesterday when G. S. McIntire of the Michigan Department of Con- servation spoke of the problems for- esters must face in giving total man- agement to the land of which they find themselves administrators and was followed on the program by Prof. Paul Herbert of Michigan State College, who propounded a similar thesis. McIntire's topic was "The For- ester's Responsibility in Wild-Land Management," while Professor Her- bert's was "The Multiple-Use Prin- ciple in Forest Land Management." Topography Hinders Southern Neighbors Discussing the effect of topography upon the lives of our "good neigh- bors," Prof. Mark Jefferson of Michi- gap State Normal College stated yes- terday that the South American peo- ples have been hindered by their en- vironment in developing a more pro- gressive civilization. Although North Americans speak df the South American peoples as their neighbors,, the northern coun- tries of that continent are as far from us as Dublin, Ireland, while the squthern limits of South America are as distant as Moscow. Hitler's Ideas Traced a By Prof. J. W. Eaton Tracing National Socialist ideas back beyond their supposed origin in Der Fuehrer's mind, Prof. John W. Eaton of the German department declared that the 18th century Ger- man philosopher, Fichte, developed these ideas in 1807 after the terrible shock of seeing his homeland over- run by the Napoleonic invasion of the previous year. It was not until this Napoleonic invasion that the Viennese profes- sor, who in 1799 had been discharged from the faculty for his marked lib- eralism, turned to political thoughts. It wras not until then that he felt the need of developing some system which would insure freedom for Ger- many. At that time this goal seemed to him to lie in complete individual subordination to the state. 'leaching, religion, scholars, com- mon citizens, everyone were to be the servants of the all-supreme state. No foreign travel, no foreign ex- changes were to be conducted except by governmental permission. Academy President Discusses State's Iitnes Defense priorities have even in- fringed on the latest scientific means of charting the Great Lakes dunes with overlapping air photography, Prof. Irving D. Scott, president of the Academy said in his address last night in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The study of dunes has gained im- portance, he said, because it reveals facts on water currents and. winds, and has also shown geologically that there have been five major flood stages of the lakes since the Glacial, Age. Michigan dunes, erroneously com- pared to the dry, dusty moving sands of deserts in other regions, are really moist and clean with a pronounced vegetation cover, he continued. ThereI is actually only one small region of shifting "desert" sand in Michigan, and ordinarily dunes are only grad- ually built up, sometimes to the height of 260 feet. Aside from their rather disastrous effect on the land, Michigan may well be proud of its dunes, for no other region in the United States has a comparable number or size. Prof. Landuyt Warns Of Mounting War Debts "Man must pay in sacrificing both material and human resources for the war effort." With these words Prof. Bernard F. Landuyt, of the University of De- troit, told members of the section in economics that there is no "financial legerdemain" by which we can post- pone payment of increasing war debts. He stated that it is necessary to plan a tax program which will take care of raising and spending money and cause the least distress to the country. One of the desirable effects of taxation, he added, is that it raises low incomes and lowers high in- comes. Furstenberg Emphasizes Need For Army Doctors The need for doctors today is ap- palling, especially in the armed forces, Dr. A. C. Furstenberg, Dean of the Medical School, pointed out yesterday at a meeting of the medi- cal science section. Six and a half doctors are needed for every 1,000 soldiers in the Army and thus, 45,000 medical officers will{ be required by the time an army of seven million men has been recruit- ed. The demands of the Navy are lower but no less significant. For every 1,000 men, six doctors are needed, and to fit the goal of half a million men 3,000 doctors will have to be recruited. There are now 12,500 medical offi- cers in the Army. 62,000 medical men are between the draft ages and of this number 17,000 will be dis- qualified because of physical inabili- ties. Consequently, 33,000 more doc- tors have to be recruited from the 45,000 now available and physically fit. S E A T 0 Fi A U S T R A L I A N C O V E R N M E N T--sheep graze on the lawns of Australia's parliament at Canberra, capital of this "down-under" continent threatened by the Japs. Australia's parliament consists of a senate and a house of representatives, Farm Labor, Is Explained Shortage By Ulrey #4: Plowman-Poet Describes Own 'Horatio Alger' Success Story By BERYL SHOENFIELD Speaking in round Kentucky ac- cents at so rapid a pace that it defied even shorthand, Jesse Stuart, plow- man-poet, brought the aura of his native Greenup County to the League yesterday. The rumple-haired author, looking a trifle worn ("Had to walk five miles from W-Hollow to the train station, and then sit up all the way"), des- cribed his own glorified Horation Al- ger story with mountain dialect, hu- mor and a flurry of gesture. "In my youth," Stuart declares, "the one thing that did somethin' to me was books; made methe most dis- satisfied man in the world. I had to know what was beyond those hills." Leaving his folks in W-Hollow, Stuart became employed in a steel mill, "where I picked up steel faster 'n any man they had in there" de- spite his having been so young he had to lie about his age to get in. No youngsters had been wanted so Stuart claims to have put a slip of paper marked "21" in the heel of his shoe. "I'm over 21,". he told officials. He was hired. A boisterous friendship with one "Hog" Morton, begun when Stuart "doubled him up with a pitch fork," accompanied his college education, toward which his impoverished par- Round Table's Topic Centers On War Aims The question of intervention of the United States in the internal affairs of other sovereign states' claimed most of the attention of the round table discussion in the Michigan Academy's history and political sci- ence section. Prof. William C. Johnstone of George Washington University called attention to the United States' treat- ment of China as an absolute equal since the outbreak of war with Japan. Prof. Earl Pritchard of Wayne Uni- versity, however, declared that after the war we must not treat China in this manner but that the United ate ng with other nations. ents had contributed $2.00. Then there was the "teachin'" epoch of his life, where the young school mas- ter couldn't get his algebra problemsI until his students "worked 'em out," and the struggle against poverty and faculty at Vanderbilt University, where he worked as "the only white janitor" and lived on one meal a day. But throughout the years Stuart had been. wiiting. "My name looks good in print," the author affirms, and others must have liked it too, for his poems and short stories have appeared in Harpers, Esquire, and a host of other publications. Assigned to write an 18-page auto- biography at Vanderbilt "showing how I stood spiritually," Stuart com- pleted 320 pages, handing them in pinched together with a rubber band, so the document wouldn't look so thick." Stuart failed the course-and six years later the mnanuscript was published. Stuart read selections from his col- lection of poems, "Man with a Bull- Tongued Plow," some of which were written "sittin' on the one-horse plow, drivin' the cows, and one was written on the back of a Hershey bar wrapper." These poems are "the thoughts in a man's mind; they don't aim at social significance-things jest made; of good, solid stuff," the poet an- nounced. Stuart always draws his material from fact and then fictionaizes. "The truth alone won't go over," he con- tends. And with few exceptions, Stu- art's works have been about life in Greenup County, in the Kentucky hills, where men are "all scared up from fightin'." MoVie To Explaini Cooperative Plan "Here Is Tomorrow," a film demon- strating the workings of consumers cooperatives in the United States, will be shown at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow in Room 222 of the Union under the sponsorship of the Intercooperative Council. The movie presents a graphic view of how men and women in communi- ties all over the country are able to operate industries, stores and other agencies of production and distribu- tion at no profit to anyone but them- In explaining the position of farm- ers on control of agricultural prices, Prof. O. Ulrey of Michigan State Col- lege emphasized the serious labor shortage in rural areas resulting from the difference between wages which farmers can offer and those paid by industry. "The farmers maintain," said Pro- fessor Ulrey, "that because of rising costs and the labor shortage it will be difficult to obtain the production of farm products desired in 1942 un- less farm prices are near parity." In discussing governmental plans to sell supplies in the Commodity Credit Corporation at prices below parity, he stated that although such a scheme may be necessary to pre- vent a disastrous inflation, the farm- ers, because of the gap between real incomes of the industrial and agri- cultural blocks, cannot be blamed for opposing it. Geologists Valuable In National Defense Declaring that trained geologists can be most valuable to their country in war time by learning to interpret aerial photographs, Prof. A. J. Erdly of the geology department spoke yes- terday to the geology session. Professor Erdly said that by study of aerial photographs and prepara- tion of aerial maps, bomb targets can be located and the type of bomb to be used determined. "One well aimed bomb is more effective than six or seven dropped near the target," he said. Church Plans OrganRecital Lecture By Prof. Smith Included On Program Tomorrow's highlights in Ann Ar- bor churches will include not only a special organ recital by George Faxon, organist of St. Andrew's Epis- copal Church, but also a lecture by Prof. T. V. Smith of the University of Chicago in the Methodist Church on "Discipline in Our Democracy." Faxon's recital which is his first of this semester will begin at 6 p.m. in the church. Bach's "Prelude in E minor" will lead off on the program and will be followed by "Fantasia and Fugue in' G minor" and "Sonata No. 1." Faxon will also play Bruno Weigl's "Out of the Depth" and two choral variations of "Now The Day Is Ended" and "O Jesus Christ, My Light of Life" by Max Drishner. Sponsored by the Henry Martin Loud Lectureship, Professor Smith will speak at 10:40 p.m. in the W A R C L O U D S O V E R A U T O L O T-Cushions, woodwork and combustible material on autos is burned at Norfolk, Va., junk yard as part of process of turning junked autos into war scrap. ON BATAAN - Dean Sched- ler, Associated Press reporter with General MacArthur's forces on Bataan Peninsula, Philip- pines, is an Oklahoman. 0 RELEASED - Mrs. Ruth Stale3 Hunt, 39-year-old Highland Park .. Ill., sportswoman, whose attempt s,..wa to drive into Fort Sheridan Army SAGINAW GIVES CANNON IN SCRAP DRIVE -A souvenir of American victory in the first Post resulted in the accidental World War, this cannon was scrapped by the City of Saginaw to help win the second World War. wounding of a soldier, was re- The state defense council and the state salvage committee said the gun was sold by the city to a leased from jail on $2,000 bail on junk dealer, cut up with torches and shipped to a steel mill producing war materials, all in three a charge of driving while under days. J. H. Ramsey (left), chairman .of the Saginaw County Salvage Committee, and Kenneth M. the influence of intoxicating Burns (right), of Detroit, state salvage committee chairman, watch a workman reduce the scrap liquor. with a torch at Saginaw. ~ ~ .. - l. ,"" xr:c: : :: ':qtr:: ; iY':S T6 rat{f{i. .__.r' .':v,...o-";.:v.:", .v,.: nr.,ft.