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March 14, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-14

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4.AL i4

Students Should Back
Bomber Scholarships. .




Ohio State Places

13 Men To


State Academy To Hold
New Sessions, Elections
W. H. Auden Will Address Assemblage Of Educators
Today At Luncheon Following Morning Meetings

Australians Lose Cruiser
As Japs Start Naval Push;

Swimming Lead

Wolverines Come Second
With 12 Finalists; Race
For Title To End Today
Michigan Qualifies
Four In Wrestling
An embattled Ohio State swim-
ming team, that refused to believe all
the reports of Michigan's Big Ten
superiority, led the field today after
the Western Conference Champion-
ship qualifying heats held yesterday
afternoon and evening in the Sports
Building Pool.
The Buckeyes, who gave their all
and gave it well in every event,
placed 13 men and two relay teams
among the finalists, while Michigan
fell one short of this with 12 men
and two relay aggregations. Minne-
sota captured 12 of the positions,
Iowa six, Northwestern five, Purdue
two and Chicago one. The finals for
the Conference crown will take place
at 8 p.m. today.
Individual Honors
Individual honors for the day must
be shared by Ohio State's Jack Ryan
and Northwestern's Bob Amundsen.
Ryan paced the qualifiers in both the
220 and 440 yard freestyle races, post-
ing times of 2:14.8 and 4:56.6 re-
spectively. Amundsen headed the
pack in the 50 and 100 yard free-
style battles, with respective clock-
ings of 23.6, the fastest 50 swum this
year in the Big Ten, and 53 flat.
But in spite of the Buckeye flavor
attached to the qualifying trials, the
Wolverines still rule the favorite to
win their fourth consecutive Confer-
ence title. In four of the eight swim-
ming events, Michigan turned in the
fastest times, while Ohio State can
be given the stopwatch's edge in only
two. The Scarlet and Gray crew,
however, also snared top honors in
the diving preliminaries.
Michigan LeIs Medley Relay
Michigan was the leading qualifier
in the 300 yard medley relay, with
the Wolverine trio of Dick Riedl, and
thestwo Sharemet brothers, John and
Gus, blazing to a 2:57.7 clocking,
just nine-tenths of a second short of
the Big Ten record. Minnesota, Ohio
State, Iowa and Purdue, in that or-
der, captured the other positions in
the finals.
Favored Jack Patten; swimming in
the first heat, was caught in 2:15.7
for runner-up qualifying laurels to
Ryan in the 220. But Patten was the
only one of Coach, Matt Mann's en-
tries to earn a place. Both Lou Kivi,
who was rated a sure place winner
Turn to Page 3, Col. 1
Michigan Qualifies
Four In Wrestling
(Special to The Daily)
CHICAGO, Ill., March 13.-Michi-
gan's bright beacon of hope for the
Conference wrestling crown was
measurably dimmed as a result of the
opening day's competition in the two
day Big Ten meet.
On the basis of their seven men
who have reached the semi-finals,
Purdue is now reigning choice to take,
the team title. Iowa still has six,
lads in the running while Minnesota;
has so far showed absolutely un-
expected power in advancing five en-
tries through the first day's elimina-
Michigan is next in order with four,
men still eligible for a shot at their
respective weight titles. Illinois has
f or some reason been astonishing1
dumped from its pre-tourney posi-
tion of favorite and now has but aJ
trio of contestants still in the stretchl
race which takes place this afternoon3
and tonight. Chicago withtwo, and'

Indiana, Ohio State and Wisconsin
with one apiece round out the field
of 30 which still remains.
Michigan may now have lost the
team title but we still have a possible
chance for four individual cham-
pionships and a strong probability
of coming through in two of them.
Jim Galles turned back the strong
bid of Illinois' Bill Berry in such
thorough fashion in a 11-6 triupmh
that he remains as the favorite in his
175 pound division and is expected
to retain the title he captured a year

1Random Shell
Causes Crash
On WallStreet
NEW YORK, March 13.-(-')-A
random shot from an anti-aircraft
battery, whose gunners accidentally
let go with eight shells, today chipped
a piece of one of New York's financial
towers with a crash that brought the
war into Wall Street's citadel.
The "direct hit," which sent dozens
of police cars and fire trucks into
action and caused at least one air
raid warden to prepare to lead some
200 workers to shelter, knocked pieces
of brick from a ledge between the
37th and 38th floors of the 40-story
Equitable Building at 120 Broadway.
Brick dust particles and fragments
of steel fell into the street below.
Fragments showered on window
ledges of the Bankers Club, on the
38th floor, and flew into opennwin-
dows on the lower floors, but no one
was reported injured and no windows
were shattered. Luckily no one was
struck by the two-inch sections of
steel which detectives discovered on
the pavement.
Maj. - Gen. Sanderford Jarman,
commanding the Anti-Aircraft Artil-
lery Command, Eastern Theater of
Operations, issued this statement late
"At about 3:30 p.m. this date, one
of the automatic anti-aircraft wea-
pons located along the East River
accidentally discharged eight rounds.
WSSF Plans
Drive To Aid
War Victims
"A Penny a Meal" will be the cry;
of the World Student Service Fund
next week when it holds its cam-
paign to collect money for the aid
of Chinese students, European war
prisoners and student refugees inI
this country.
Talks have been given in behalft
of the drive in Helen Newberry, BetsyI
Barbour, Mosher-Jordan and Vic-
tor Vaughn dormitories. Pamphlets
showing the needs of war students
were distributed in the other men'st
Book-marks will be given to con-
tributors o . Tuesday, "Help a Wari
Student Day," as symbolic of the sup-
plies which are made possible by the
contributions. Further contributions
will be taken during the rest of the
week in banks stationed around the
Bomber Drive
Fulfillment Of Plan Awaitsx
Postal CardReplies
With the mailing of 120 copies of
the Bomber Scholarship plan to heads
of major campus organizations, post-1
al card replies are the next step to
fulfillment of the plan.
These replies--containing the or-
ganization's name and decision made
on the plan-should be mailed to the
office of the Dean of Students, Room
2, University Hall, within the next
three days.
"Efficient and immediate admin-
istration of the plan can be accom-
plished only after replies have been1
received," according to Art Rude, '42,£

chairman of the Student Bomber
Scholarship Committee.
Since the plan has already gone in-
to effect, contributions from this
weekend's social functions will be ac- f
cepted at the office of the Dean of
Students Joseph E. Bursley.

Moving into the second day of its
47th annual meeting, the Michigan
Academy of Science, Arts and Let-
ters will hold several more section
meetings in the morning and go on
to election of officers in the after-
The language and literature divi-
sion will link that field of study with
the war effort in its four morning
Prof. Julio del Toro of the romance
languages department is scheduled to
discuss "Literature and War Propa-
ganda in South America" at 9 a.m. in
Room 2029 Angell Hall. Following
this, at 9:15 a.m., Prof. Robert Adams
of Michigan State College will speak
on human values during wartime.
The program will continue with
State Christian
Group To Open
200 Expected To Discuss
Action In. War World;'
Brumbaugh Will Speak
More than 200 faculty members
and students from all over the state'
are expected to attend the Michi-
gan Student Christian Conference,
which will open at 8:30 a.m. today
in the Rackham Building.
"Constructive Action in a World at
War" will constitute the topic for the
meeting, which is sponsored by the
student Young Men's Christian As-]
sociation, the Young Women's Chris-
tian Association and various church
groups of Michigan.
The conference is to be highlight-
ed by a talk by Roland Elliott, na-
tional student secretary of the YMCA,
at 10:30 a.m. on the topic, "The'
Task of the Student Christian Move-
ment in Wartime," and a discussionr
at 2 p.m. by Dr. T. T. Brumbaugh,1
executive secretary of the Detroitt
Council of Churches, on the subject,,
"What the Christian Student Facest
in the Orient." Dr. Brumbaugh wasi
the last Christian missionary to leave
Japan, having been in charge of stu-
dent work in Tokyo under the aus-
pices of the Wesley Foundation. t
After the general registration ofI
delegates, the conference will separ-
ate into groups at 9 a.m. to discuss
the theme. A luncheon will be held'
at 1 p.m. at the Michigan Wolverine "
and more discussion groups will fol-
low in the afternoon.
Enemy Submarine Shells
British West Indies Islandt
CASTRIES, St. Lucia, British Westt
Indies, March 13. -(P)- An enemyc
submarine attacked Castries harborr
Monday night damaging two shipsE
and causing slight casualties, Brit-_
ish authorities disclosed today.
St. Lucia lies about 20 miles south
of the French island of Martinique
and is the site of one of the defense
bases obtained by the United States
from Great Britain in exchange for
50 destroyers.

talks by Prof. Bennett Weaver of the
English department on Shelly and
Byron and by Prof. Claude M. New-
lin of Michigan State College on
"Literature and Revolution."
After a short intermission and busi-
ness session, the language section will
reconvene to listen to a discussion of
of the contribution of the teacher of
literature to the national war effort.
It will be led by Prof. Hayward
Keniston, chairman of the romance
ilanguage department, and Prof. Louis
Bredvold, chairman of the English
The luncheon meeting of the ses-
sion at 12:30 p.m. in the Anderson
Room of the Union will feature the
world-famous poet, W. H. Auden of
the English department.
Sections meetings are also sched-
uled by the landscape architecture
division. The subjects to be discussed
are the master plans for Flint and
Detroit. The meetings will be held at
9:30 a.m. in the Architecture Audi-
Election of new Academy officers
will take place at the general business
meeting at 3 p.m. in Room 2003 of
the Natural Science Building.
Present officers are Prof. I. D.
Scott of the geology department,
president; Prof. F. W. Hann of the
botany department, secretary, and
Prof. Mischa Titiev of the anthro-
pology department, treasurer.
Latin-A merica
Given Support
By Committee
New Group Is Established
To Cooperate In Plans
For War Relations
Latin-American student have se-
lected a committee of five to coop-
erate with the University Committee
on Latin-American Affairs in mak-
ing plans regarding the relation of the
University to our southern neighbors.
This action follows their desire to
be of assistance to this country in
the war crisis. A declaration of this'
intent was sent several weeks ago to
President Roosevelt and President
The committee includes Luiz An-
tonio Severo da Costa, Grad., from
Brazil, representing the Portuguese-
speaking students; Dr. Alfredo Ces-
anelli of Argentina, representing the
East Coast; Miss Carmen Aidraca,
Spec., from Peru, the West Coast;
Alfonso Martinez, '44M, from Colom-
bia, the Caribbean Coast; and Mrs.
Ofelia Mendoza, Grad., from Hon-
duras, representing Central America.
The entire Latin-American group
will meet for a coffee hour at 4 p.m.
tomorow in the Anderson Room of
the Union, at which time plans forl
carrying out some of the suggestions
made by the Committee on Latin-
American Affairs will be discussed. -
All eligible freshmen are invit-
ed to try out for the Michiganen-1
sian Business Staff.. Meetings are'
held on Tuesdays at 4:15 p.m. at
the Student Publications Building.




'Biggest Raids Yet' Herald
New Offensive; Soviet
Troops 'Beat Forward'
Red Armies Seize
Ukraine Initiative
LONDON, March 13.-(P)--Squad-
ron after squadron of the Royal Air
Force swarmed over northern France
from the Belgian border to Paris
today in the biggest daylight raids
yet of the new spring offensive and
at least eight German fighters were
knocked down in one clash alone.
The round-the-clock assault con-
tinued without let-up tonight and
the coast from Boulogne to Ostend
was alight with exploding bombs and
anti-aircraft gun flashes. Clusters
of searchlight batteries fingered the
sky above Cap Gris Nez.
Five Fighters Lost
The British announced the loss of
five of their own fighters which swept
to the attack "in force" following a
fiery overnight assault upon the 26,-
000-ton Nazi battleship Gneisenau at
Kiel. No British bombers were lost
The biggest scrap of the day oc-
curred over Hazebrouck, about mid-
way between Armentieres and St.
Omer, where the railroad yard of this
industrial center was the target of
RAF bombers.
Other bombers and fighters made
daylight assaults upon the Boulogne
and Calais coastal areas and recon-
naissance planes scouted the Paris
industrial region.
Losses Indicate Opposition
The size of the British attacks and
the increasing Nazi opposition they
are encountering was indicated by
today's RAF losses, which brought to
13 the number of planes failing to
return from the day and night at-
Bombs loosed by the night raiders
started destructive fires mushroom-
ing among installations of the Kiel
naval -base where the already batter-
ed Gneisenau lay in drydock the Air
Ministry announced. Other British
formations blasted additional areas
of northwest Germany and strewed
mines in Nazi waters.
Without a pause, squadron after
squadron of RAF craft swept over the
channel today and heavily attacked
the Calais and Boulogne areas.
Russian Armies Seize
Initiative In Ukraine
MOSCOW, March 13.-(A)-Mar-
shal Semeon Timoshenko's massive
Ukrainian offensive was slowly beat-
ing forward tonight, a week ahead
of the return of calendar spring to
Russia, and in every other sector of
the front Soviet troops were simul-
taneously hacking their way west-
The official publication of the Rus-
sian armies, Red Star, declared that
Russian arms had so firmly seized
the initiative that the new season
would bring not the long threatened
German counter-offensive but rather,
a continuation of aggressive action
against Hitler's "worn out army."

Elliott To Give
SRA Lecture
On War Today
"Students in War Areas" will be
disdussed by Roland Elliott, execu-
tive secretary of the National Stu-
dent Committee of the Young Men's
Christian Association, in the fourth
lecture of the Student Religious As-
sociation's series on religion in the
war and its role in the peace at 7:30
p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture
Elliott, who is here in conjunc-
tion with the World Student Service
Fund drive, was one of the original
organizers of the Student Christian
Movement. At the present time he
is devoting himself to helping the
service group secure funds for pris-
oners of war and refugee students in
this country.
Onetime editor of "The Intercolleg-
ian," Elliott is a graduate of the Uni-
versity of Illinois. He has studied
at the University of Colorado and
at Westminster College in Cam-
bridge, England. He recently re-
turned from a trip to Europe which
was made at the request of the relief
workers attempting to alleviate the
suffering in German-occupied lands.
Two Lectures
Will Augrment
Senior Series
Dr. Margaret Mead, Noted
Authority On Marriage,
To Open Talks Tuesday
Two special supplementary lec-
tures to the regular marriage rela-
tions series will be given next week
by Dr. Margaret Mead, famous an-
thropologist and marriage relations
Dr. Mead will speak at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday in the Rackham Lecture
Hall on the "Social Basis for Mar-
riage," and at 4:15 p.m. Thursday,
also in the Rackham Lecture Hall,
on "Marriage in Wartime." Dr. Mead
had been scheduled to appear in the
series last fall, but illness prevented
her from coming to Ann Arbor.
Students holding tickets to the reg-
ular series may use them for these
lectures. Five minutes before the
beginning of the talks, the general
public will be admitted free of
At the present time Dr. Mead is
connected with the American Mu-
seum of Natural History and has been
studying the social bases for mar-
riage. She has traced the history
of marraige customs from early times
to the present.
Victors Are Named
In Speech Contest
From a group of 11 contestants,
four students came out victorious in
the preliminary oratorical speech
contest which was held yesterday in
Angell Hall.
The contestants presented five
minute orations on some topic of
public interest. The winners and
their speeches are Albert Cohen, '44,
"The Lesson of Last Time;" Paul
Lim-Yuen, '43, "The Pacific Charter";
,Richard Stewart, '44, "The Cynic and
the Saint" and Bennett Yanowitz,
'44, "Must We Learn To Hate."
The University oratorical meets
are being sponsored by the speech
department and are under the direc-
tion of Prof. Louis M. Eich. The
judges for this meet included Pro-
fessor Eich, Dr. Glen E. Mills and
Hugh Norton, all of the department.

The winners of this preliminary
contest will participate in the finals
to be held April 3. The victor of this
meet will represent the University
at the Northern Oratorical League
contest which will tkae place at
Northwestern University,May 1.
State Theatre Will Play
Continuously,_Says Mull
Announcing the policy of the new

Solomon Islands Are Next
Objective; Wavell Makes
Ready To Defend India
Burma Defenders
Fix Common Front
MELBOURNE, Saturday, March
14.-(P)-Apparent loss of the Aus-
tralian cruiser Perth and sloop Yar-
ra wih their 833 men in the with-
drawal from Java was announced by
Prime Minister John Curtin today
as the Japanese pushed new naval
forces into the Solomon Islands
northeast of this continent.
Curtin said the ships, both noted
for operations last year in the Middle
East, had fought successfully and
without damage in the battles of the
Java Sea- but had not been heard
from since they left a Java port for
home. Their fate is not known, but
they are presumed to have been
Japs Push Into Solomons
Announcement of the presumed
losses came as the Japanese were
pushing into the Solomon Islands, in
the Melanesian group which shelters
Australia and New Zealand on the
east and north. This thrust followed
battering of Japanese positions on
New Guinea and New Britain by
American and Australian bombers.
Apparently it was aimed at guard-
ing the right flank of any Japanese
venture against East Australia; in-
creasing the danger to supply lines
from the United States, and threat-
ening the stepping-stone Islands
which curve southward to New Zea-
An Australian Air Force communi-
que said a Japanese naval force had
been sighted three days ago off Kes.
sa, on the Solomon Island of Suka.
A landing was not definitely-an-
nounced, but such an intention sub-
sequently was indicated.
Jap Planes Scout, Bomb
Japanese planes scouted and bomb-
ed sporadically in the Solomons i4
January and February, and ther
were reports that a Japanese seaplane
crew on Jan. 23 entered the desert-
ed town of Kieta, on Bougainville,
largest of the group.
In an air battle which followed the
second raid in two days on the tropi-
cal island north of the Australian
continent, the long range bombers,
without suffering damage to them-
selves, shot down five enemy fighter
planes and wrecked ground installa-
tions, a communique said.
Wavell Discloses Plans
For Defending India
NEW DELHI, India, March 13.-
(P)-Britain's Wavell disclosed to-
night his plans for defending eastern
India with mobile ground forces and
a hard-striking air arm capable of
both defense and attack, and drop-"
ped the significant hint that from
the other side Soviet Russia, right
now, is "a pistol pointed at the
heart" of Japan.
Now general officer commanding
both India and Burma, General Sir
Archibald P. Wavell outlined in broad
detail his problems, tasks and hopes
at an unusual press conference.
Wavell termed the defense of India,
a problem "of very close cooperation
between the three services and of
treating it as such; of building up a
strong air force in northeast India
which will not content itself with
defense "but will attack the enemy
and will be one of our principal
means of safeguarding India"
New airdromes are being built and
the present air strength is being re-
inforced constantly, Wavell declared,
and regular naval forces are being
augmented by armed flotillas of ves-
sels requisitioned from civilian uses.
Preparation is being made to meet
the threat of a seaborne Japanese ex-
pedition," he added.

Burma Defenders
Fix Common Front
LONDON, March 13.-(MP)-British
and Chinese troops stood in common
line tonight some 80 miles above
Rangoon for the defense of central
Burma and for flank protection of
the approaches to India.
First actual contact between the
field armies of British Lieut.-Gen.
H. R. L. G. Alexander, last man to

/1e n


Judiciary Council Regulates

Elections, Honor Society Conduct

(Editor's Note: This is the fifth in a
series of articles on student govern-
ment as now constituted at the Uni-
Now in a process of revision by
President Bill Slocum, '42, the pres-
ent Men's Judiciary Council stands
as an example of implied University
control of student government before
any governing can take place.
Men's Judiciary has three general
functions-regulation of most cam-
pus elections, regulation of honor so-
ciety conduct and judiciary power
over cases referred to it-but it is not
a final arbiter in any of them.
Council Does Work
In the instance of election regula-
tion, the council announces the polls,
calls in petitions, selects candidates,
supervises the election, and an-
nounces the results. Its control in
this field is limited by two Univer-

"There are a few interested people
who occasionally cause trouble," he
told The- Daily yesterday "but there
aren't enough of them to warrant
council action."
If election control were the coun-
cil's only function it would have little
reason for existence. According to
Slocum, there are seldom any cam-
pus elections which arouse enough
votes and interest to - make rule-
breaking a necessity. The council
may disqualify candidates from elec-
tion, but has found no occasion to do
so this year.
The second function of the coun-
cil, honor society regulation, is sub-
ject to University review. Little
change, however, is usually made in
these rules set up for all tapping and
any initiation held on campus.
Control Of Honor Societies

pass any rules and regulations as it
deems necessary regarding other stu-
dent organizations and activities
which may fall within the scope of
its authority."
(The word "activities" is now so
construed as to allow the council jur-
isdiction over individual students.)
In actual practices, the council
takes only those cases referred to it
by the Dean of Students for prelim-
inary investigation and recommen-
dation. It haA no true enforcement
Cases Are Classified
Cases investigated by Men's Judi-
ciary usually fall into such classifi-
cations as student tag days, drunken
or disorderly conduct, and reinstate-
ment of student organizations on
One of the main flaws found by

Russian Film Reveals
Red Army Character
Typical soldiers of the valiant Red
Army will be revealed in searching
close-ups of character tested under


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