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Sessions Open Today
For Michigan Academy
Favored A
Sub Sinks Four Japanese
Ships In Western Pacific;
Soviet Starts New Drive
Opens Here Today
~. -_______-- __________~~-____________
Big Ten Wrestlers To Vie
For Crown At Chicago ;
MichiganIs Dark Horse;
Illini Sextet Stops
HockeySquad, 6-2
The natatorialeyes of the Midwest
will be focused on Ann Arbor today
as favored Michigan opens a two-
day stand in defense of its Western
Conference Swimming Champion-
ship in the Sports Building Pool,
At 2:30 p.m. today the preliminary
heats of the 50-yard freestyle and the
qualifying diving trials will be con-
ducted in the spacious Wolverine
natatorium. Tonight, beginning at 8
p.m., qualifying tests in every other
event and the semi-finals of the 50
will hold the center of the stage.
Only Ohio State, of all the Big
Ten teams, is conceded a chance to
end the Maize and Blue reign, and
Tickets for the Conference
swimming finals tomorrow night
are priced at $1.10 for reserved
seats, 75 cents general admission
aind 40 cents to students with
identificatios cards. Admission is
free this afternoon, while all seatsc
well for 30 cents tonight.
Will Head
Technic Staff,
Seventeew Discussion Groups To Cover Almost Al
Pursuits In Literary, Scientific Fields
By HOMER SWANDER istration discuss "Management, La-
More than 300 papers covering bor and Technological Change."
nearly every field of scientific and
literary achievement will be read Continuing the program in the
here today and tomorrow at the 47th same room, Prof. Emil Leffler oj
annual meeting of the Michigan Albion College is scheduled to speak
Academy of Science, Arts and Let- on "Wartime Consumer Problems" at
Subjects to be discussed by the 400 1:0am
visiting educators range from post- The ever-troublesome problem of
war reconstruction to Thomas Wolfe wartime control of agricultural prob-
and his critics. The meeting is to lems will be investigated at 2 p.m. by
be divided according to subject mat- Prof. 0. Ulrey of Michigan State Col-
ter into 17 discussion sections, the lege. Immediately following this talk
majority of which will convene at Prof. Bernard F. Landuyt of the Uni-
9 a.m. and last throughout the day. versity of Detroit will consider the
Sections which will probably prove important question of financing the
most interesting to a war-minded war.
public are those on economics and Looking beyond the present job of
history and political science. winning the war, Prof. Arthur Smith-
The first of these, meeting in Room ies of the economics department will
101 of the Economics Building at 9 discuss the problem of winning the
a.m. today will hear Prof. John Rei- peace. His talk will be given at: a
gel of the School of Business Admin- luncheon meeting at 12:15 in the
Anderson Room of the Union.
Other sections whfch will hold two-
State Christilanday parleys in their respective sub-
jects include anthropology, botany,
fine arts, folklore, forestry, geo-
Student Groups graphy, geology and minerology and
landscape architecture.
T o eet Here The listcontinues with sections in
language and literature, mathemat-
ics, philosophy, sanitary and medi-
Conference Emphasizes cal science, sociology and zoology.
Youth's Role In Sharing General addresses will be delivered
before the entire Academy by Dr.
Of World War Suffering Turn to Page 2, Col. 1
( t .)
* * *
New blood surged through the veins
of The Michigan Technic, engineer-
ing college publication, last night as
out-going senior ' staff members
passed their responsibilities down to
a junior s)aff headed by William
'Hutch' Hutcherson, '43E, new edi-
even that is a chance so slight that
no bets are being taken or asked by
the Buckeye supporters. Coach Mati
Mann's Michigan crew is expected tc
hurl enough power and balance at
the challengers to sweep at least
seven of the nine first places as they
paddle merrily along the road lead-
ing to their fourth consecutive Con-
ference crown.
For up to date the Wolverine ag-
gregation has posted faster times.
than any of its opponents in every
event but one,'excluding the diving
Turn to Page 3, Col. 4
Big Ten Wrestlers To Vie
For Crown At Chicago
The payoff begins today.
The Big Ten Wrestling Meet opens
at 4 p.m. in Chicago, with Illinois,
Purdue, Iowa and Michigan the
choices in descending order to cop
team honors.
Wolverine chances in the title
scramble should be a very moot point
because the Varsity was practically
untested in Big Ten meets against
feeble Ohio State and Indiana out-
fits. But going into to~e tourney un-
der this rather dark horse guise Cliff
Keen's men have a neat chance of
bringing home the Conference bacon
tomorrow night.
It takes about 22 points to win.
The system of scoring is complex
enough to require an extra column to
explain it. But based on the points
each man may bring in, here are our
chances of starring in the big show.
Jim Galles ought to retain the 175
pound crown he won last year. Jim
is his team's captain and this is his
last Conference match, which fac-
tors are enough to give any man the
incentive to come through. That
should be five points right there.
Nobody exactly knows what's what
in the 145 pound section. But we
know that Johnny Johnson has been
doing great things since he started
performing a month ago and it is not
at all improbable that Johnny can
give the cause three or even five units,
Illinois' Ted Seabrooke is the apple
Turn to Page 3, Col. 5
Mini Sextet Stops
Hockey Squad, 6-2
(Special to The Daily)
CHAMPAIGN, March 12.-If any-
one had any idea that Illinois was
to be dethroned as Big Ten hockey
champion, it wasn't Vic Heyliger's
sextet, for tonight the Illini turned
back a desperate Michigan squad for
the third straight time this season,
6-2, and therefore assured itself of
at least a tie for the Conference title.
Pacing the Black and Orange. were
Captain Joe Lotzer and hard-check-
ing Amo Bessone, each getting a pair
of tallies apiece. Lotzer was a third-
line player when the two teams met
last, but in the between-semester
shakeup he was relegated to first-
line duty. And the switch produced a
new scoring punch, aiding the Illini
in trouncing the helpless Wolverines.
Simultaneous appointments made
C. Freeman Alexander, '43E, business
manager for the coming year, while
Demott D. Riley, '43E, will assume
the duties of associate editor.
As outgoing staff members, editor-
in-chief, Burr J. French, '42E; man-
aging editor, John S. Burnham, '42E,
and busness manager, Bob Imboden,
'42E, were presented with engraved
gold keys by Prof, F. N. Menefee of
the engineering mechanics depart-
ment, chairman of the faculty advis-
ory committee to The Technic.
Further staff announcements, made
at a banquet meeting of The Tech-
nic staff were: Paul S. Kennedy,
'44E, articles editor; Peter Krailo,
'44E, features editor; Richard Spath,
'44E, publication editor; George
Sloane, '44E, illustrations editor; Ed-
win F. Lau, '44E, advertising man-
ager, and George Snow, '44E, circu-
lation manager.
Because of the unsettled conditions
occasioned by the war, assistants
were also appointed for most of those
departments. Named to these posts
were Kenneth Moehl, '43E, features;
Karl Brenkert, '44E, publication;
Joseph Silversmith, '44E, illustra-
tions; Robert Reisdorf, '44E, circula-
tion, and Frank Murphy, '44E, ac-
In recognition of the service ren-
Turn to Page 6, Col. 2
Andree Rayon
To Talk Today
Psychologist Will Discuss
War-Zone Children
A plea for the security of Europe's
war-zone children will be delivered
by Dr. Andree Royon, Belgian child
psychologist and representative of
the Geneva Save the Children Inter-
national Union, at 4:15 p.m. today,
in the Rackham Auditorium.
Dr. Royon. who "defended" her de-
gree at the Sarbonne, saw the tra-
gedy of the children of France in the
fateful summer of 1940; saw, too, jL-
venile privation in England.
With this eye-witness picture of
conditions as an incentive, Dr. Royon
came to this country to work with
the American Save the Children Fed-
eration, cooperating with a sister
branch in England. She has been re-
sponsible for obtaining hundreds of
"god-parents" for young British ref-
Dr. Royon will be the supper guest
this evening of the Stockwell Hall
girls, who have just "adopted" three
war orphans through the SCF.
'The Fleet's In' Chosen
To Open State Theatre
More than 200 students and fac-
ulty members from different colleges
in the state will attend the Michigan
Student Christian Conference which
will open at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow in
the Rackham Building,
The theme of this conference will
be "Constructive Action in a World
at War," and will emphasize what a
Christian student can do to share the
sufferings of the conflict. It is spon-
sored by the student Young Men's
Christian Association, the Young
Women's Christian Association and
church groups of Michigan.
Highlight in the meeting will be
a wdiscussion by Roland -Elliott;, na-
tional student secretary of the
Y.M.C.A., at 10:30 a.m. on the topic,
"The Task of the Student Christian
Movement in Wartime," and a talk
at 2 p.m. by Dr. T. T. Brumbaugh,
executive secretary of the Detroit
Council of Churches, on the subject,
"What the Christian Student Faces
in the Orient." Dr. Brumbaugh's talk
will be of especial interest as he was
the last Christian missionary to leave
Japan, having been in charge of stu-
dent work in Tokyo under the aus-
pices of the Wesley Foundation.
After the general registration of
delegates the conference will separate
into groups at 9 a.m. to discussthe
them. A luncheon will be held at 1
p.m. at the Michigan Wolverine and
more discussion groups will follow in
the afternoon.
Fraternity Volumes Aid
Victory Book Campaign
Major and hitherto untapped
source of soldier reading matter,
campus fraternity libraries will be,
given an opportunity to aid the Vic-
tory Book Campaign, it was an-,
nounced yesterday.
The Phi Gamma Delta house has
already jumped the gun with its of-
fer of 76 books, mostly of the adven-
ture-fiction species. These books will
be collected Wednesday by an Alpha
Phi Omega pick-up truck covering
every fraternity.
According to Phi Gam president
Norm Call, '42, "nearly every house
has a large number of these books
that are no longer used by most of
the members."
"As far as the Phi Gam house is
concerned," Call declared, "we're
certain the servicemen's gain will be
far greater than our loss."
Craig Warns
Of Huge Jap
Industrial Rise
American Laxity Bitterly
Condemned By Lecturer;
Fears Post-War Nippon
Danger that Japan will mushroom
into the world's '"reatest industrial
power" within 10 years after initial
consolidation of the Philippines' im-
mense resources was warned by Capt.
John D. Craig last night in Hill
Bitterly condemning America's dis-
astrous laxity in harnessing the gi-
gantic waterfalls, the huge deposits
of tin, chromite, manganese and
iron of Mindanao Island, he ex-
pressed his fear that these riches will
be given no rest by the Japanese.
Captain Craig declared our way of
life will be shaken to its foundations
by a victorious Japan. Heralding
General MacArthur as America's
"chief defender," he urged sending
all possible aid against the day when
the Japanese, unifying natural riches
and cheap labor, will be able to "pro-
duce a Buick car for $100, a Ford for
Stimulating the enemy will be fac-
tors of almost fantastic advantage.
He cited, for example, the "incred-
ible" earth of Mindanao which bears
top-soil 40 feet deep and which never
needs replanting.
With documented color film as evi-
dence, he showed how the Japanese
have goose-stepped their school chil-
dren and inculcated them with rever-
ence for their Emperor while still in
American schools.
Airmen Attention
WASHINGTON, March 12.-
(P)-An increase of more than 100
per cent in pilot training by the
Civilian Aeronautics Authority
was ordered today as part of the
program to expand the Army Air
Forces to 2,000,000 men.
By agreement with the War De-
partment, tose CAA will undertake
to give elementary pilot training
to 45,000 students annually.
Million And Half Reported
In Southern Attacks
f From Sea To Kharkov
Japaiese Appear
To Be Reorganizing
RIO DE JANEIRO, March 12.-
(P)-Furious throngs of Brazilians
assaulted big German department
stores and other Axis enterprises
on Rio's main avenues today.
LONDON, March 12. ----W)- The
Soviet southern armies were report-
ed attacking a million and a half
strong tonight on the Southern Front
from the sea of Azov northward to
Kharkov in the Ukraine and other
great Russian offensives were break-
ing the German lines at vital points
all the way up to Lake Ilmen on the
front below Leningrad.
In the south, Marshal Semeon
Timoshenko was declared to have
cast more than 90 armored and in-
fantry divisions into the great strug-
gle, his immediate objectives being
Kharkov, Stalino and Taganrog and
his apparent ultimate aim to throw
the invader back across the Dnieper
River, tearing from him every lodge-
ment from which he might attempt
to mount a fair-weather drive to-
ward the Caucasus oil fields.
Advices from the front said the
Russians had broken strongly-held
German lines at several places and
seized two large junction points in
two days of deadly fighting that
forced the Nazis to call vainly on
The exact locations werenot iden-
Simultaneously, heavy Soviet tank
forces were smashing ahead in the
Orel sector 250 miles north of Khar-
The German High Command ad-
mitted over the Berlin radio that
the Russians had broken through the
line northeast of Orel and that the
mass attack had put the Germans
entirely on the defensive.
On the Central Front, Red Army
dispatches said heavy offensive blows
had endangered the German posi-
tions in a vast area north of the
key city of Smolensk, costing the
Nazis tremendously in lives, muni-
tions and food.
Nipponese Forces Pause'
To Consolidate Position
(By The Associated Press)
CANBERRA, Australia, March 12.
-The Japanese, having sufferedi
heavy losses among their initial in-
vasion fleets in the waters of New
Guinea above the Australian main-
land, appeared today to be taking
breath for new efforts to consolidate
and extend their positions on that
Allied air power, which was de-
clared here to have dislocated the
enemy's time table in two days of a
strong, running counter-offensive;
meantime was being marshalled for,
heavier attacks, particularly in de-
fense of Port Moresby, the southern-j
most major New Guinea harbor lyg
ing only 300 miles above Cape York{
in Australia proper.1
There was no further word of new
enemy convoys previously reported1
heading for Port Moresby.
A recapitulation indicated todayt
that at least 13 enemy transportsl
had been knocked out off New
Guinea and nearby New Britain.
Elliott To Give
SRA Lecture
One of the nation's noted student
relief workers, Rolland Elliott, direc-
tor of student work for the Young
Men's Christian Association, will
speak on "Students in War Areas"
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Delivering the fourth lecture in the
series given under the auspices of
the Student Religious Association on
religion in the war and its role in
the peace after the war, Elliott is in
Ann Arbor to aid in the World Stu-
dent Service Fund drive. That serv-
ice group is trying to secure funds
to help war prisoners in Europe and
Asia and refugee students in the
United States.
Elliott, in addition to his work for
the World Student Service Fund and
in the YMCA, is secretary of the Na-
tional Council of the Student Chris-
tian Associations. He was one of the
early organizers of the Christian Stu-
dent Movement.
He recently went to Europe at the
request of the people working for
student relief in the German-occu-
pied countries. Elliott traveled
through Portugal, Spain and Swit-
zerland. He reports that the food
scarcity is having a serious effect on
the health of the continental peoples,
At the present time' he is on a coast
to coast tour that will take him to
a large number of American colleges
and universities.
'The Thirteen'
To Play Sunday'
Daring Raid Deep In Jap
Territory Raises Toll
Taken By U.S. To 149
Axis Subs Destroy
Four More Ships
WASHINGTON, March 12. --()
-Selective Service officials esti-
mated today that it will be a little
more than two months after next
Tuesday's draft lottery before they
draw on this new manpower pool
for Army selectees,
WASHINGTON, March 12.--()-
An American submarine venturing
deep into Japanese territory was re-
ported officially today to have sunk
three enemy freighters and a passen-.
ger-cargo ship, raising to 149 the to-
tal of vessels of all types damaged
or destroyed by United States forces
in the Western Pacific.
This latest blow at Nippon's ability
to keep her far-flung forces supplied
was matched, however, by a simul-
taneous announcement that two Jap-
anese four-engined seaplanes had
been intercepted by American fight-
ers west of Midway Island Tuesday
and one was shot down.
The only reported costs of these
actions to United States forces wp
the damaging of one fighter plane,
and the wounding of its pilot, who
managed, however, to return safely
to the base on Midway.
Today's was the first word of en-
emy activity in the vicinity of Md-
way, 1,300 miles northwest of Pearl
Harbor, since Jan. 29, when a Navy
communique said two Japanese sub-
marines had been driven off by ar-
tillery fire which damaged one of the
The impression in naval circW
here, however, is that the whole vast
area of the Pacific lying west of the
Hawaiian Islands and east of the
area where Japan is now dominant
has become something of a "no man's
land," where enemy air and sea pa-
trols and American planes and ships.
are constantly on the rove, feeling:
out each other's strength and seek-
ing the advantage of surprise for
sudden thrusts against the islands
which dot that part of the ocean.
Axis Subs Destroy
Four More Ships
WASHINGTON. March 12.-(-
Sinking of four additional vessels in
or near the Caribbean area was dis-
closed today and survivors of one told
of seeing a craft which they believed
was a supply ship for Axis submar-
The lost ships were the American
steamship Oregon, two vessels identi-
fied only as a medium sized British
tanker and a small Swedish freighter,
and a fourth described merely as a
Two men were known to be dead
as a result of the attacks, and per-
haps 11 missing.
The craft identified only as "a ves-
sel" was torpedoed last Friday off the
Bahamas. British authorities at Nas-
sau announced that 38 survivors
reached that port Saturday, to be
met at the docks by the Duke and
Duchess of Windsor. The Duke is
governor of the colony.
Cinema To Pres
Story Of Red Army
Judiciary Council Governs
General Con duct Of MHichigan Coeds
(Editor's Note: This is the fourth in
a series of articles on student govern-
ment as now constituted at the Uii -
versity of Michigan.)
There is not one University un-
dergraduate woman student-wheth-
er grind, glamor girl or "activities
major"-who can complete a resi-
dence here without coming under the
the heads of every woman's project
and council, and it also chooses the
membership of Women's Judiciary
In writing house rules for women,
the judiciary committee sets up reg-
ulations on telephone use, quiet
hours, special late permission, and
deadlines for every night in the week.
These rules must be approved by the
raine Judson, '43, and Betty New
man, '43. Under its appointment
system, there are always three seniors
and two juniors on the committee.
Out-going seniors choose one of the
juniors as succeeding chairman, and
the next council is made up of the
remaining senior, a new senior, and
two more juniors.
The committee is therefore self-
Two new Lachine guns of a foreign
make, plenty of ammunition and a
slow trickle of water, all well-covered
with sand, set the scene for "The
Thirteen," thrilling film of Red Army
men on a dangerous desert mission,
which will be shown at 6:30 p.m. and
8:30 p.m. Sunday in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre by the Art Cinema
Tickets for the movie, which will
be shown with short subjects, "What
a Little Sneeze Will Do," and "Rodeo
Goes to Town," are on sale at the
League desk and Wahr's bookstore.
Acclaimed by critics the country
over, "The Thirteen" tells the story
of 10 Red Army men, their former
commander, his wife and an old ge-
ologist who start out on horseback
across the desert in Russia. Before
their intended "easy-going" trip is
over, death and destruction at the
hands of desert bandits befalls their
company. Before final rescue, only
one Russian remains alive, keeping
the charging bandits at bay with
his machine gun.
Soldiers With 110 I.Q.'s
Offered Officer Training
FORT CUSTER, March 12.-(IP)--
Fourteen officers were named today
to the Fort Custer officer examining
board by Lieut.-Col. George T.
Groups Are Sent
Student 'bomber
Scholarshi p' Pl an
One hundred twenty campus or-
ganizations will be able to act today
on possible contributions to Bomber
Final copies of the plan were
mailed last night to fraternities, sor-
orities, cooperatives, dormitories and
other University groups able to join
this "social mobilization" for a bomb-,
er now and future schdlarships to re-
turning student war veterans.
According to Art Rude, '42, chair-
man of the Student Bomber Schol-
arship Committee, "these copies of
the plan have been mailed out in
answer to many requests for infor-
mation about Bomber. Scholarships
and how contributions may be facili-