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March 12, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-12

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TiliRSIMY , ', A 'r~1I2, 1942

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'Tough T ommy' S peaks:
Effett Of Jap Air Superiority
Told By Admiral Thomias Hart

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WASHINGTON, March 11.-(/P)-
Smashing Japanese aerial superior-
ity that showed up at every crucial
phase of battle was credited by Ad-
miral Thomas C. Hart today with
having produced victory for the en-
emy in the first great campaign of
the Pacific war.
The former Asiatic Fleet Chief and
Commander of Allied Naval Forces in
the Western Pacific declared, how-
ever, that the enemy had paid such
a high cost in ship losses for the
vast, rich territory captured that he
must have "great concern" for the
Slight, grayish "tough Tommy
Hart" told his story of the tragic
failure of the American, -Dutch and
British Allies at -Secretary Knox's
press conference. Beside him sat
Admiral Ernest J. King, Supreme
United States Naval Commander.
The recital left no doubt among
Hart's hearers that, in his view at
least, America's first big task in re-
conquering the Western Pacific must
be to concentrate overwhelming air
power there.
By coincidence, emphasizing what
air power can do, the War Depart-
ment announced a short time after
Hart had spoken out, that eight
heavy American bombers had sunk
two Japanese ships, set four on fire
and beached another in a raid on
the Harbor of Salamaua, New Gui-
nea, a. Japanese-held port.
The force which blasted these
seven Jap ships was under command
of Major Richard H. Carmichael, the
Department's communique said, add-
ing that 1 tons of bombs had dropped
State Defense
Corps Geared
LANSING, March 11.-(P)-Michi-
gan's civilian protection services soon
will be geared to emergency tempo,
Capt. Donald S. Leonard, State Com-
mander of the Citizen Defense Corps,
informed the State Defense Council
Although air-raid warden organi-
zation still is lacking in 17 of Michi-
gan's 83 counties, Leonard disclosed
'that plans for a state-wide temporary
alert system would be perfected this
The system, he said, would be
based upon coordination between the
War Department, the state police
and local police and sheriff depart-
Local police authorities are being
notified by State Police Commissioner
Oscar G. Olander that any Army
warning of approaching enemy air-
craft will be spread by means of the
State Police communications system,
via posts in each of the eight State
Police districts. .. .
."It may sound complicated,"
Olander told the Council, "but it only
entails eight or 10 message relays at
each point of transmission."
Once local authorities are con-
tacted, Leonard said, hospitals, pub-
lie utility sources and fire fighting
departments could be notified to
stand by for emergency service.
If the warnings occur at night,
blackouts will be ordered, Leonard
said, adIing that although few prac-
tice blackouts have been held in the
state, it would be only a matter of
"pulling a few switches" to achieve
satisfactory blackouts.
"The whole idea," the Commander
declared, "is to give Michigan some
air-raid precaution until our regu-
lar protection service is completed."
Elliott To Talk

Here Saturday
SRA To Sponsor Speech
In RackhamBuilding
Roland Elliott, ekecutive secretary
of the National Council, Student
Christian Associations, will speak on
"Students in War Areas" at 7:30
p.m. Saturday in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
Elliott's talk is the fourth in the
series sponsored by the Student Re-
ligious Association. He is in Ann
Arbor in conjunction with the World
Student Service Fund, which is rais-
ing money to aid Chinese and Euro-
peace war students, prisoners of war
and refugees in this country.
One of the principle figures in the
Christian Student Movement, Elliott
has just returned from a trip to
Graduates To Hold
Coffee flour Today
Graduate students and faculty
members are invited to attend the
first of a series of weekly coffee hours
snonsored by the Graduate Council

i t .ittck, and "allou lan';
returned to their base undamaged."
Previously Japan's ship losses by
American action had been 138 vessels
of all types.
Hart, who was relieved of his com-
mand because of ill health, has just
returned to Washington, Knox gave
over almost the entire press confer-
ence to him.
His statement was the first offi-
cial exposition of Japan's Western
Papific victories. It was a recital of
almost constant defeats, but Hart,
eyes flashing and head held high
over his tall, old-fashioned stiff col-
lar, told it with proud emphasis on
the Asiatic Fleet's accomplishments
against overwhelming odds.
"The American Asiatic Fleet has
been involved in the loss of a cam-
paign," he said. "But the war con-
tinues and much of that fleet, with
what is now a veteran personnel, re-
mains to assist in carrying it on."
Dent Students
Urged To Stay
In University
Dean Bunting Sees Future
Shortage; Draft Boards
Will Grant Deferment
Students enrolled in the School of
Dentistry are urged to remain in
school because of an imminent short-
age of dentists for both military and
civilian work, Dean Russell W. Bunt-
ing of the dental school declared
Although the dentists now in the
Army Medical Reserve Corps have
not all been taken, Dean Bunting as-
serted, in time there will nct be
enough to serve our rapidly increas-
ing armed forces. Before the end
of the war, he added, 10,000 or more
dentists may be needed for military
Local draft boards have been in-
structed by national headquarters to
defer all dental students until grad-
uation. None have been taken from
the University, and there is no in-
dication that any will be removed
through selective service.
Even before the war, Dean Bunt-
ing commented, the demand for den-
tists for civilian use alone was far
greater than the number that could
be supplied.
The Navy has made provisions for
dentists in its Vi program, in which
Uoth pre-dental and dental students
may enroll.
According to the niunber of ap-
plications coming in, the University
dental school will probably have a
capacity enrollment of freshmen
next year, entering for the fall term.
Daily Scoops Spring -
Robin Gets The Bird!
In this time of crisis, in this period
of vast spending, in this era of bat-
tling forces, the tides of Nature have
taken a back seat, and the first robin,
realizing that bustling Ann Arbor
would ignore his annual arrival,
perched out in frott of the Michigan
Daily bIilding yesterday until some
passig reporter would notice him.
After repeated ruffling up of his
feathers, our red-breasted hero was
finally recognized, and .4o it is that
we wish to give our friend the bird:
The first robin of spring has arrived.
health Campaign Starts
LANSING, March 11. (P)- The
state's campaign to immunize 750,000
children against smallpox and diph-
theria started in Wayne County to-

day, the state health department an-
nounced. By May 1, the campaign is
to be spread to the entire state as
part of a program to prevent disease
resulting from war-time population
shifts or possible urban evacuations.
"Theres o good

C 0 U R S E-only "on the basis
of Indian freedom" can the prob-
lem of India, as it relates to
svar support of Britain. be ap-
proached, says Pandit Nehru
(above), nationalist leader.

B 0 M BS C 0 M 1 N C U P-A formidable B-17 bomber hov-
ers in the background while a ground crew at a field In Hawaii
cautiously lifts one of the bombs brought up on the trailer. The
bomber is one of the planes on patrol in the llawaiian area.

C U E F OR E A S T E R--Forerunner of Easter's fashion pa-
rade is this simple but charming stole of black Alaska sealskin
worn over a pearl gray wool gabardine suit. with mtching hat.
The white corsage adds an interesting contrast.


B 0 0M ?-Sir Stafford Cripps
(above), former British ambas-
sador to Moscow, is. mentioned
as a possible successor to Wins-
ton Churchill--if and when the
latter loses premiership.

W A L K-DON ' T RUN-TO THE. NEAREST EX I T-Tom and.Jerry are the names of these glowering Bengal-tiger'
cubs born at Fleischhacker zoo in San Francisco six months ago, but there regemblance to an alcobolic tipple ends. What dispositions!

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