THEI MTCJIIGAN DAILY- F. _ _ _ _ v ...« Rnnuai Military Bcill Will Be Held april 24 In Union Lindley Dean Is Chairman Of Committee General Ticket Sale To Be Held April 15; Exclusive Sale Is On Today For Advanced ROTC Retrieving the elegance of all the balls of former years and yet ob- serving the simplicity compelled by war economy, the University's Re- serve Officers Training Corps will present its annual Military Ball Fri- day, April 24, in the Union Ballroom. Added to the natural color sup- plied by decorations, formal dresses, and lighting effects, will be the sparkle of polished brass and gold braid, backed by the olive of the Army and the blue of the Navy, all making the Military Ball one of the most attractive of campus dances. Chairman Is Elected Chairman of the Ball. committee this year is Lindley M. Dean, '42, who was elected to the committee as a representative of Scabbard and Blade, national military honor so- ciety. Although in the past the cadet colonel has automatically assumed the role of bal chairman, the post was elective this year because of the postponement of the selection of the cadet colonel. Other committee members, their duties and the groups they represent include: Ivan R. Schafer, '42E, sen- ior engineets corps, and William Strickland, '4E, senior signal corps, decorations; Charles M. Thatcher, '43E, junior ordnance department' publicity; John R. Scheibe, '42M, senior medical corps, music. ConMmittee Is Listed Also serving are Robert W. Ehr- lich, '43E, junior signal corps, secre- tary; Dean F. Thomas, '42, senior in- fantry, programs and favors; Robert Snow, '43E, junior engineers, and Francis Anderson, '43M, junior medi- cal corps, patrons and guests, and Ray Gauthier, '42, senior ordnance and, Phllip Levy, '43, Junior infan- try, entertainment. No band h1as yet been named for the annual dance, but, Scheibe re- ports that negotiations are being un- dertaken with several big name bands. Tickets Ont Sale Tickets for the dance have already been placed on sale to members of the advanced corps of -the ROTC, and- will continue on exclusive sale to them until April 1. The following two, weeks the tickets will be 'made available totall ROTC students, after which they will be placed on general sale. Decorations and entertainment plans are proceeding satisfactorily, the committee has announced, and details will be available shortly. Tentative plans for this year's dance call for a USO recreation cen- ter thome, while the possibility of a bomb shelter has also been men- tioned. Advanced corps members may purchase tickets from any man on the ball committee. Lieut. L. W. Peterson of the military science de- partment is faculty adviser to the committee.. Record Dance Wil Be Held By Wolverine. Wolverine will sponsor a record dance which is open to the public from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday. Chaperons for the dance are. Prof. and Mrs. Paul Mueschke, and Mr. Dominic Dascola. The committee and Mrs. Teutant, and Mr. and Mrs. which is in charge of the affair con- sists of Paul Gardner, '44, Murray Gotleib, '42; Gerry Moskowitz, '45E; and Edward Sosnowski, '43. Composed of almost 700 members of this student body, the Wolverine is one of the largest student coopera- tives in the country. Not only does the Wolverine provide three meals a day for a great number of the student body at unusually low prices, but for many of these students it forms the nucleus of their social life. The dance this week-end is only one of the many social affairs which the Wol- verine sponsors for its members and for the other Michigan students as well. The Wolverine is run on a non-pro- fit basis entirely by students. It is controlled by a board of directors which is annually elected. by the members of the Wolverine. The pres- ent board of directors includes John Scheibe, '42M, Robert Sibley, '42E, Irving Ralph, '45, Ray Dietz, '42, and Tudor Thomas, '43. Present advisers are Prof. Paul Meuschke and Prof. Charles W. Spooner. Seven years ago, the cooperative was merely a small cafeteria in Lane Pleaisan~tly Peasantry F loods Of Unusual Door Prizes Slide Rule Ball . . s / /' * S $}+ , ' \ :. Q i t, ; .. ft ' hY To Be Qiven / 'Michigan Lucky Number Hop' To Feature Bill Sawyer's Band In Union Ballroom March 20 Swelling floods of door prizes gath- e red, by the sundry committees spon- soring the first annual "Spring Blow- out" or "Michigan's Lucky Number I-lop" to be held from 9 p.m. to mid- night, Friday, March 20, at the Un- ion, have threatened to change the dance into a three-hour Bingd\game. Added to the previous list of prizes which included: Ten tickets to miscellaneous athletic events. Five dance passes to the Union. "What Every Coed Should Know," by Myrtle Eirsatzgirtle (misspelling of Miss Ersatzgirtle's names as " Ersatsgirtle" in Sunday's Daily was discovered and protested by the Ann. Arbor Raincoat and Rub- ber Committee, a local conserva- tion agency and one of the spon- soring groups). Athletic equipment autographed by prominent players. Tickets to the U. of M. Night in De- trait. kt incl scr cil for 'Spring Blowout Tickets lude among the novelty prizes the E n Sale ewdriver used by the League Coun- in tightening up the regulations Dance Will B women's hours. The committee To Go' Today e Held March 27 has also been endeavoring to per- In Union; Decorotion Theme Even a band leader can be as tem- suade Bill Sawyer's orchestra to wear To Be 'Engineers In Defense' peramental as a concert soloist when nightgowns and yarmelkes for sug- it comes to his favorite instrument- gestive reasons. kcons lt}ue; r om page i at least that's the way Red Norvo --__.____-_ __.__._ -_- feels about his "pets," the "sticks" or Panhellenic P resents in addition to the 12-foot slide rule lers" o hus xsy beat out sweet C OftR^h - which has reigned over all the Slides w.l Su rveyCOf Rush ingNrohstemjrt fhssik Rule Balls of the past, will be based Norvo has the majority of his sticks At Mass Meetin on an "Engineers in Defense" theme, made by a drummer in Radio City. Af as et-9 to be introduced by a large magazine He has a pair that he uses only for Rushing, deferred and concen- lica at one end of the ballroom. one night engagements that contain trated, was discussed at the Panhel- ! Ballroom wall panels will be decor- a certain loudness evidently pleasig e ated with appropriate drawings and to the jitterbug element in his audi- illustrations, one side being devoted ences. changes have to be made to remedy to the engineer's position in industry Special Broadcast Sticks the following problem: only 25% of and the other portraying the work of A special pair he reserves to use the girls who sign up as interested in the engineer in the armed forces of exclusively during broadcasts as they the United States. are not so woody and more resonant sororities, pledge. ench -which makes for better tonal qual- No definite decision was reached in lChaif of th ichigan Techndito ity over the ether. Still a third pair as to what would be done, but the engineering college publication which Norvo keeps for recording purposes results of a survey of rushing on 60 presents the dance each year. as they are made to produce a def- campuses, where the number of sor- iOther Technic staff members serv nite volume and finer music on the orities is about the same as here, ing on Ball committees are John S. disc. were given as a guide in coming to a Burnham, '42E, Robert L. Imboden, Besides the separate sets of sticks, decision in the near future. '42E, Robert S. Sibley, '42E, Robert Red uses two xylophones, one to re- The results of the survey show L. Summerhays, '42E, Ted Kennedy, hearse at home, while the other is that on the average 75% to 80% of '42E, Bud Keetch, '42E, William Hut- strictly for his professional engage- those who sign up for rushing, pledge cherson, '43E, C. Freeman Alexander, ments. His favorite seems to be the a sorority, as compared to 25% on '43E, and F. Carter Taylor, '43E. one at home. "It's in a broken down Norvo Beats Out Subtle Swing On Xylophone By JEAN GILMER Fashion Show To Open Today Spring Styles To Be Shown At League Through Tomorrow Spring styles in all their glory will be on exhibition from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow in the Grand Rapids Room of the League, according to Virginia Morse, '43. The second stle show to be held at the League this year, it will exhibit sports clothes, afternoon dresses, late shoe styles and spring accessories of all kinds. Although the clothes will not be worn by models, there will be attendants on hand to offer any in- formation requested. A special pre- sentation of gift suggestions is also to be included and various favors will be given to all attending. Housemothers, townspeople and faculty members are cordially invited to attend the exhibit, as well as stu- dents, said Miss Morse. Assisting the firm putting on the show will be the following women: Elizabeth Luck- ham, '42; Helen Van Dyke, '42; Ag- nes Crow, '42; Barbara Amsbar, '43; and Mary Habel, '42. There is no charge for admittance to the show, but for every person at- tending, the League will receive 10 cents. This money will be turned over to a scholarship fund. The free tick- ets for admittance may be obtained at the main desk in the League lobby. Photographers from Detroit are ex- pected to, be on hand to catch those unaware while they are looking at the clothes. I Peasant embroidery and full skirts are still seen accentuating the most collegiate apparel. The outfit above is gray flannel, bright- ened for spring with red, yellow, green and blue flowers worked on a black background. A black ba- bushka with the same decoration can be added. Ticket to( the Senior mall.. J)aily, (Gargoyle and 'Ensian sub- scriptions. Qalaxy of amazing novelty prizes. were: Funeral wreaths donated by local Eflower shops. Assorted sweets donated by a local sweet shoppe. Record albums donated by local mu- sic shops. The record albums will include a privately recorded and as-yet-un= released group of eight variations by Duke Ellington on "I Said No." For the most active of the spon- soring committees, the Early to Bed Committee (abr.) has arrranged to. this campus. The survey also showed Ruled out this year was the tra- that on most of the campuses Pan- ditional feud between engineers and hellenic information was sent to girls lawyers who used to hold their an- before they came to college. nual. Crease Ball the same night as On half of the campuses to which the engineering function. As the questionnaires were sent, rushing lawyers will be preparing for Michi- starts a week before school and on Ian Bar Exams to be held in April, the other half it starts during the they have postponed their dance first week of school and continues, until early in May. on the average, a week to ten days. Furnishing the music for the eve- A two-week rushing period is the ning, Berigan is hailed as "The Mir- exception and there were only three acle Man of Music," and is credited reports of deferred rushing. Most of as one of the greatest trumpet players the schools answered quite emphat- the world has ever known. His play- ically, "no," to the question of de- ing will mix the sweet numbers with ferred rushing. the "hot stuff." Dancing will be from 9 p.m. until JGP Ushers Committee will meet 1 a.m., women being given late per- at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the League. mission. condition but I've been banging on it for so many years that I play bet- ter music on it than any other." Bought Pony As Youngster As a youngster, Red, born Kenneth, was stuffed with piano lessons by his musical family, but he didn't like the piano and rebelled. With some money he had saved he bought himself a pony. The pony got traded in for a xylo- phone and Red proceeded to teach himself to play the instrument. This was all quite a while ago, of course, and since then the name of Norvo, who will bring his band here Friday to play for Frosh Frolic, has become practically synonomous with the xylophone. DON'T BE AN OSTRICH! No need to bury your bead in a trivial temiporary job). A worth-while aireer is yours through Gibbs secretarial training. Current enrollment incuds 648 college woen, Send for booklet, "G i i s Gi R,5 NAT WORD," ' .1 KATHARINE GIUBS SCHOOL 90 MALOROUGH STREET 230 PARK AVENUE BOSTON NEW YORK - - Women Invade Press Relations Services Of Army And Navy By. MARILYN MAYER It's really time to chalk one up for the women when the Army re- sorts to adding a "woman's, page" angle to their press relations serv- ices! The "woman's page" release is specially designed to circulate infor- mation, thus giving out material for radio and newspaper writers, ac- quainting women's organizations with what women and women's clubs are doing for the draftees and even per- sonally answering letters from the families of enlisted men coming un- der the women's department. Chairuken Are Named Mrs. William P. Hobby is the chief of the Women's Interests Section of the War Department while Mrs. Lou- ise Daniels is Women's Page Editor for the Navy. Subjects included in the weekly releases edited by these women in- clude "recreation for Army soldiers," "consumption of tea and coffee by, the Army," "Army schools for cooks and bakers," "soldiers' new khaki work uniforms, replacing the old blue denims," "new Army nurses' uni- forms" and "Thanksgiving Day din- ners for the Army." Squibs Kept On Hand A "filler" service kept by Mrs. Daniels for women's pages includes two- and three-inch squibs to fill in small holes in the pages. Two collections of "favorite recipes of Navywites" have been published by the department, as well as knitting instructions for Navy sweatersand helmets asked for by the Red Cross. Both Mrs. Hobby and Mrs. Daniels employ large staffs to collect, ar- range, and disseminate the necessary information, and to keep them still busier, radio programs, bulletins, pamphlets and specially conducted field trips through the various Army and Navy establishments for radio and newspaper women fill out their schedules. All-Star Basketball Team To Challenge YpsiJanti Six Today From the people playing in Club Basketball, an all-star squad has been picked to play Ypsilanti at 5 p.m. to- day in Barbour Gymnasium, Betty Steffen, '42, chairman, announced. Those selected were Betty Steffen, Helen Garrels, '44, Annette Kemper, '42Ed, Arline Ross, '43Ed, Doris Son- ner, '44, Helen Wilcox, Jean Mills, '44, Barbara Wallace, '45Ed, Patricia Kammerer, Ed, and Nancy Bercaw, '43Ed. The games between the teams headed by Misses Hall and Johnson, and Elser and Garrels are to be post- poned until a later date. The re- vised schedule is posted in Barbour Gymnasium. (..Ctmpus Casucals I t 'Slp Wit/i I < rI 1 " - r ! S - A A i Y~y ~ .Av ;. r 5 .5 71 V' w) 0 id5 iI t4 fl Comes the first hint of Spring . . . comes the desire for bright and shining sloes in the heart of every coed. Here in our new-for-Spring collection,.. . time-proven classics in sturdy leathers (all your favorite navy or brown with white combinations included). And ours exclusively in Ann Arbor . . . casuals by Joyce of California in an array of leathers and rainbow-color fabrics. Make sure of yours soon! SuititYourself is Spring'sus gayest s, Colors j, GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT and your spirit a lift with one of our I exquisitely styled spring suits. We have a variety of styles, loose and fitted jackets, and both pleated and flared skirts. Soft shetland materials in all the new spring shades and plaids. Top- coats to match or contrast. r; ', N I / 7i .' / 's-'I- ' 7<. --. I' 445 to 6.50 55 0 1 41 r \ l 6.50 4 f s %/