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March 12, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-12

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Not Muth Chiange.



4 iIM

Spring Housecleaning
And Ourr Services,,

W" 7


Irresent race
Will Not Bring
Allied Victory,
FDR Declares
President Tells Congress
'What Has Been Done
Falls Shor' Of Peak
Necessary For Attack


Congress Lacks Power,
Of Democratic Bodies

Lend-Lease Help
Totals 2 BillionQ
WASHINGTON, March 11.- P)-
Reporting a total of $2,570,452,444
Lend-Lease help for the United Na-
tions in the last year, Presiden
Roosevelt bluntly told Congress today
that "what has been done falls fa
short of what is needed to turn th
tide toward victory."
The war will be won, he asserted.
"only by contact with the enemies,
and by attack upon them." It takes
time and "more and still more equip-
ment and transportation" to organ-
ize the offensive, he said. "Success
will come dearly at the price of de-
feats and losses," he added, and:
"The offensive that the United Na-
tions must, and will drive into the
heart of the Axis will take the entire
strength that we possess."
Fraction of Lend-Lease Total
The $2,570,452,444 in' assistance
extended is but a fraction of the to-
tal Lend-Lease funds of $48,006,650,-
000 authorized by Congress, and
when broken down, it includes but
$1,411,000,000 in actual transfers of
Of the remainder, $448,000,000 is
awaiting transfer or use, $128,000,000
is in process of manufacture, $126,-
000,000 was in repairing and servic-
ing ships of United Nations, $243,-
000,000 was in the rental or charter
of ships, and $170,000,000 was in-
vested in production facilities in the
United States.
However, nearly $12,985,000,000-
the total of the first two Lend-Lease
appropriations--has been obligated
or is covered by contracts already let.
Further progiss lies in the rapidity
with which American industry can
convert itself to war time production.
Mr. Roosevelt repeatedly emphasized
that the combined and total effort
of the nation is needed.
Roosevelt Praises Program
Transmitting the report to Con-
gress, as required periodically by the
Lend-Lease law, Mr. Roosevelt prais-
ed the program as having sustained
the nations which were fighting the
aggressor and prevented a situation
which would otherwise have seen the
Axis nations attacking the United
States directly by now.
The fact that the program was in-
augurated nine months before Amer-
ica's entry into the war, he said, had
enabled us to increase our industrial
capacity for the manufacture of war
materials, and have them tested in
actual combat; with resulting im-
provements in design.
United States To Send
Lend-Lease Aid To Peru
WASHINGTON, March 11.-(A)-
The United States and Peru signed a
Lend-Lease agreement today provid-
ing for an undisclosed amount of
arms and armament for the South
American republic.
Acting Secretary of State Welles
and Peruvian Ambassador Freyre y
Santander signed the document at
the State Department for their re-
spective countries.
At the same time the two officials
signed an agreement by which a sec-
ond United States Army officer will
go to Peru in an advisory capacity.
Van .Paassen,
Noted 'Writer,
To T alk Here
Pierre van Paassen is going to be
a determining factor in aiding wo-
men students on this campus who are
facing financial difficulty because of
the industrial reorganization of the

country for war, or who come from
foreign countries now occupied by
the Axis.
Because the proceeds of the March
19 lecture will go to the Student War
Emergency Fund, Panhellenic has
presented each sorority with eight
tickets to be distributed by the vari-
ous house presidents. Sponsor of
the fund is the Ann Arbor Alumnae
Club, under whose auspices van
Paassen's address has been arranged.

(This is the third in a series of sur-
vey articles on student government as
now constituted on the University
Congenitally hampered by scat-
tered distribution of its membership,
Independent Men's Congress has few
governing powers to supplement its
function as a "service organization."
Congress was set up five years ago
as a group to represent every inde-
pendent male student, but it has
failed to fulfill the legislative and
judiciary functions of a democratic
representative body. And like nearly
every other organization on campus,
this failure can only be traced to the
students represented.
Body's Capability
According to Dick Shuey, '42E,
President of Congress, the indepen-
dent men's body is capable of what-
ever governmental action that it can
take through the University. Plans
to improve lighting in rooming
houses, Shuey pointed out, would
have to be approved by the Dean of
Students before going into effect.
Shuey went beyond some quarters'
criticism of independent's lack of
400 Educators
To Meet Here
For Academy

power to deal with rooming house
problems. Men living in rooming
houses actually have rights that they
never exercise merely because they
are unaware of the rights' existence,
he asserted.
Out of the entire body of indepen-
dent men, only fifteen have brought
cases ofrooming house difficulties to
the attention of Congress this year.
"We hear of a lot more cases after
they've been dropped than those we
discover early enough to take any
action," Shuey declared.
Congress' Record
Congress' record is one of complete
disinterest on the part of its con-
stituency. Last year insurance com-
panies were approached by Congress
officials and finally consented to in-
sure individual students against fire
and theft at low rates. Not one in-
dependent took advantage of this
farsighted plan.
Another instance of Congress'
problems in performing even a serv-
ice function can be found in its final
examination file in the main library.
Student response to this service is
such that faculty contributions must
make up nearly all of the file.
Independent Disinterest
Shuey laid some independent dis-
interest to wide geographic distri-
bution (Congress staffmen find typ-
ing, filing, and mailing a major duty)]
and the fact that many non-affili-
ated students work their way through
school. Only one member of the pres-
ent Congress Executive Council is
not partially or completely self-sup-
Shuey did not find full justifica-1
tion for apathy in these reasons.
"The campus attitude on the whole
question of student government,"t
Shuey declared, "can well be com-i
pared to the average engineering stu-
dent's ideas on economics and politi-1
cal science."
Hockey Team
e SI
To Meet Ilir

Speakers Plan Discussion
Of Recent Scientific,
Literary Achievements
Nearly every field of scientific and
academic achievement from econom-
ics and philosophy to forestry and
medical science will be discussed at
length tomorrow when over 400 edu-
cators convene here for the 47th an-
nual meeting of the Michigan Acad-
emy of Science, Arts and Letters.
Seventeen nearly-continuous dis-
cussion sessions, divided according to
subject matter, are scheduled for all
day tomorrow and Saturday morn-
ing. More than 300 papers reporting
recent developments in research and
investigation will be read at the vari-
ous section meetings.j
Lectures On Reconstruction
Lectures in many of the sessions
will deal with problems growing out
of the present war efort and the re-
construction which must follow. The
economics division, meeting in Room
101 of the Economics Building, is
particularly concerned along these
At 9 a.m. Friday Prof. John Riegel
of the School of Business Adminis-
tration is scheduled to speak on
"Management, Labor and Techno-
logical Change" and at 10:30 a.m.
"Wartime Consumer Problems" will
be discussed by Prof. Emil Leffler of
Albion College.
Ulry To Speak
Prof. 0. Ulrey of Michigan State1
will talk at 2 p.m. on controlling ag-
ricultural prices and immediately fol-J
lowing, the problems of financing the1
war are to be investigated by Prof.
Bernard F. Landuyt of the University
of Detroit.
Adding its part to the discussionc
of war policy, the section on historyt
and political science will conduct a
Turn to P. 2, Col. 2


Ten Chanpionlship
Stake In Series

As Convoy
Brazil's Va:
Leader Tells Natiol
He Has Authority,
Calls Ships Home To C
(By The Associated Pres) To
RIO DE JANEIRO, March 11. -!
Brazil was given pointed notice to-
night that President Getulio Vargas The Bomb
holds single-handed power to de- ceived its fi
care war, and further indication of contribution
his nation's approach to open hostili-
ties appeared in the withdrawal of Michigan Al
all Brazilian merchant ships from it a share of
seas where at least four have been Paassen's le
sunk by the Axis. in Hill Audit
President Vargas by decree reiter- According
ated his constitutional powers to de- Acodn
lare war or a state of national em- man of the S
ergency and cleared the way for seiz- ship Commit
ure of Axis subjects and property will donate
without further ado. scholarships
Anger Indicated Emergency F
Brazil's anger toward the Axis wasFE tern
indicated by headlines on the latest Further i
known sinking, news of which was plan at a m
withheld until early tonight. senting the l
Diaro Da Noite carried the big sembly, Inte
line: "Reich Goes On Assassinating Student Set
An editorial in the government- Council. It v
controlled A Noite was headed: "One tickets to
More Axis Crime." through soror
O Globo blamed the sinkings on itories and co
fifth columnists, "who spread along Meanwhile
the whole coast and who are supply- toanohe
ing Hitler's submarines." took another
Confiscation of Axis property in with the Un
Brazil was expected, orders on what graphing of:
to seize already having been drafted These will b(
Brazil broke relations with the Axis Thganizain
on the last day of the Pan-American organizations
Conference, which in January unani- Friday or Sat
mously recommended such a rupture,
Japan Accused
Accusations against Japan of im- Naz
proper treatment of Brazilian diplo-
mats have followed, but it is the D riv
sinkings of Brazilian ships in the At-
lantic in the pa &three weeks which
have brought Brazil to the sharpest LONDON,:
of cross-purposes with the Axis. 50,000-ton si
Sailings of Brazilian merchant- pitz, ghost sh
men to the United States were sus- has been spot
pended and all those en route were British torped
recalled. It was on this route that refuge in Nor
Axis submarines sank the four Bra- nounced tonig
zilian vessels. The bare f
battle withC
Hit finest battles
0, A FL H itfive - sentence
suggested tha
both sides wem
Bill Registering bt ie e
in the openin
boT' 8 pected to bee
for control o
WASHINGTON, March 11--P)- The Nazisi
The CIO and AFL sought today to Tirpitz and p
defeat a House measure requiring best warship
government registration of labor upon a Brit
unions, trade and business associa- sources said t
bions, as the Senate heard a request one carying w
by Senator Lee (Dem.-Okla.) for the The Admir
immediate passage of anti-strike leg- "As a resul
islation. became know
In statements to the House Judi- tle ship Tirpi
ciary Committee, both William (Norway) an
Green, president of the AFL, and northerly dire
Philip Murray, CIO chieftain, de- Norway."
riounced the registration measure
roposed by Chairman Vinson
Dem.-Ga.) of the House Naval Afn Luzon Co
airs Committee.
"We cannot afford," Muray said, Capt.
to take time out fron our drive to +e
ictory in order to engage in a revi- e
al of the petty sniping and labori
)iting which a bill of this type rep-

Green asserted that the bill would By M
destroy the voluntary character of It's so time
abor unions and would not "remove swim.
my instance of labor racketeering Audiences t
hat may exist." said this abou
. Meanwhile, Lee was telling the latest up-to-tt
Senate that the question of."racket- a complete do
Bering" in labor unions should be Philippines, ir
tudied and prevented. lecture accom.
-sented by the
. at 8:15 p.m. t
Intlaed ale Ticket um. Tickets
a Auditorium bc
D~eriand Expected until lecture ti
F SIni i Americans
ForSlid e Ritle B ll "Tie Philippir
produced. Th
Engineers who intend to be present to the fact 1
t the annual Slide Rule Ball,"to be documentary
eld Friday, March 27, in the Union lands in 19 ye
Ballroom, would do well to get their only one in th
ickets soon after they go on sale at But tonight
p.m. today in the lobby of the East vinced it won
,ngineering Building, according to to demonstrat
3urr J. French, '42E, Ball chairman, easy-going pec
Always a sell-out irr the past, the He will reve
lide Rule Ball will this year feature time occupatic
he trumpeting of Bunny Berigan and miral Nomura
is orchestra, and advance interest jects there-at
za, ah-PsadvindiaotPo aother nrnh- and training s


rgas May Declare


(Special to The Daily)
CHAMPAIGN, March 11- Two
hockey teams with but a single idea
come to grips here tomorrow night
to begin the final series which might
easily decide the Big Ten hockey
championship-Michigan vs. Illinois.
A month ago this final two-game
series for both squads might have
pictured a totally different story. At
that time the Illini were high and
mighty in collegiate hockey circles.
But that was a month ago.
Sporting but a slim framework of
his original squad, Coach Vic Hey-
liger will ice a Black and Orange
sextet with one determination-that
of retaining the Conference title
which it took last year. Still one
fact sticks out: gone is that great
line composed of the Palazzari
brothers and high-scoring Roland
DePaul. That was the same starting
front ne that paced the Illini in the
two sound lacings handed the Wol-
verines earlier in the season, 10-0I
and 6-2.
Since the high-powered depletion
of the Illinois team at the turn of
the first semester, the champs have
won two and tied the same number
Turn to P. 3, Col. 1

nae Club
New Fund
er-Scholarship Fund re
rst officially-announce
yesterday when th
umnae Club voted to giv
profits from Pierre Va
ture Thursday, March 1
to Art Rude, '42, chair
tudent Bomber-Scholar
tee, the alumnae grou
all profits to bomber
and the Student Wa
npetus was given thi
eeting last night repre
League, the Union, As
rfraternity Council, th
ate, and Panhelleni
was here decided to sel
Van Paassen's lectur
ities, fraternities, dorm
operative houses,
bomber - scholarship
step towards realization
iversity Press's mimeo
200 copies of the plan
e distributed to campu
and committees eithe
urday, Rude announced
en To Port
March11.- (P) -Th
uper-dreadnaught Tir
ip of the German Navy
tted at sea, attacked by
o planes, and chased to
way, the Admiralty an-
acts of this first known
Germany's newest and
hip were contained in a
a communique which
t strong naval forces of
re operating off Norway
g phases of what is ex-
ome a prolonged battle
of the supply lane to
in this case risked the
robably others of their
s in a futile attempt
ish convoy, Qualified
he convoy was a large
'ar materials to Russia
alty communique said:
t of reconnaissance it
a that the German bat-
tz had left Trondheim
d was proceeding in a
ction up the coast of
fres To Arn Arb
John D. Cr
rely Philij
ly it'll make your head
he country over have
t Capt. John D. Craig's
he-minute production-
cumentary film on the
color. His film, with
paniment, will be pre-
Oratorical Association
oday in Hill Auditori-
will be on sale in the
x office from 10 a.m.
made little fuss over

es Today" when it was
ey paid little attention
that it was the first
film made of the Is-
ars, and that it was the
e United States.
Captain Craig is con-
i't be much of a job
e what a lot of smug,
ople we have been.
al the Japanese peace-
on of Davao-and Ad-
visiting Japanese sub-
nd the Japanese school
vtem in Minannan




Jap Ships

American Flyers Escape Without Loss
After Dealing Enemy Heavy Blow;
British Anticipate New Burma Attack
(By The Associated Press)
CANBERRA, Australia, March 11.-The aerial defenders of Australia,
- beating back at the gathering peril to their homeland, reported today the
d destruction of at least seven and perhaps nine ships from Japanese invasion
e trains but amid the wreckage of his transports the enemy still came on.
re (The United States War Department in Washington announced the
n raids, on the New Guinea Coast, were made by eight heavy American bomb-
9 ers which dropped 18 tons of bombs on the hostile vessels. An earlier Royal
Australian Air Force communique had referred merely to "our bombers,"
without specifically stating their nationality.)
Enemy Is Hard Hit
Hard hit off the area of lodgements on the northeastern coast of New
p Guinea Island, the enemy appeared next off the south coast of the island,
- and large new convoys were reported heading for Port Moresby, the nearest
r major harbor to the mainland, lying across only 300 miles of water froi
Cape York on the northern Australian tip.
is It was to the north, around Salamaua in Huon Gulf, that the invader
had suffered his greatest known loss.
There it was announced officially, two of his ships definitely sink in
the first phases of Australian counteraction; four were left aflame, and one
e __ -,was beached and abandoned. More-
c . over, two other enemy ships-cruisers
11 Trapped Nazi or big destroyers-were attacked and
e believed damaged in this raid, which
-eowas begun yesterday.
Fse No estimate was attempted of en-
semy loss of life.
e Junction All over the waters of New Guinea
- and New Britain, where the invader
sometime ago also had obtae "
. Russian Fighters Destroy beachheads in thesarea of Gasmata4
s Ferry Reinforcements the skies were disordered with aerial
r In Lake Ilme Area assault and counter-assault.
. rea Port Moresby Attacked
Port Moresby, the most likely m -
MOSCOW, Thursday, Feb. 12.-(tP) or marshalling point for the fWl-
-A apeca So 40":viet*cmnqeao scale spring upon this sub-continent
been killed on the Kalinin front now expected at any time, was at-
nothwest of Moscow between Feb.5 tacked during the day by 12 enemy
ndtwestrof Mocbombers which perhaps had the ob-
and March 8. jective of seeking to reduce the de-
In the month-long fighting the fenses there for the apparently ip
e Russians recaptured 161 inhabited minent attempt at landings from the
- points, the Soviet bulletin stated. sea. The damage wrought was un-
Kalinin itself is 95 miles northwest determined.
V of Moscow.
In the fighting reported today the At Gasmata, an enemy flying boat
Russians brought down or destroyed was set afire. Elsewhere, Japanese
on the ground 277 German planes, airdromes were bombed.
and captured 78 tanks and 172 guns. Australia's entire strategy became
Red Army troops were reported to one of attack and yet attack; the
have captured a key junction in the great necessity was at all cost to
Lake Ilmen area where Soviet fighter prevent the accumulation of enemy
pilots have steadily destroyed big strength on New Guinea sufficient to
Nazi transport planes trying to ferry enable him to leap the Torres Strait.
reinforcements to the trapped 16th No More Withdrawals
German Army under General von War Minister Francis Forde, mak-
Busch. ing plain that only aggressive and'
Dispatches from the Staraya Russa not defensive action was now being
sector said the Germans were using considered, declared to the country:
a transport route from Lienigsberg in "There should be no more talk of
eastern Germany via Riga, Latvia, in withdrawals."
an effort to shuttle plane-loads of 30 (The Japanese appeared to be
to 35 men to the encircled garrison, vainly attempting to frighten Aus-
Forests and airdromes along the tralia into some form of capitulation,
last leg of this service were littered and obliquely offered some sort ofan
with the burned-out wrecks of these agreement-this an indication fla
big planes, the Russians said. Tokyo was aware of the great diffi-
Tass also reported that the number culties confronting any campaign to
of suicides of privates and officers conquer that sub-continent of pion-
alike in the besieged army were in- eers.
creasing. (A Tokyo spokesman declared that,
Australia would suffer the fate of
,or.; the Dutch East Indies if she "con-
tinues her present attitude toward
aig To Show This spokesman, added however,
a that it would be possible for Japan
ppm eFils . T day and Australia to "coe to terms,"
ppine Filh Today th hnot by a separate peace since
that would be barred by the Axis Alli-
(All this was ignored by the Aus-

Clurchill Tells Of Plan:
Cripps To Go'To-India To Pave
Way For Full Self -Government

(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, March 11. - Britain's
War Cabinet has agreed unanimously
on a plan to smooth the way for
eventual dominion status for India
and Sir Stafford Cripps, trusted
friend of the sub-continent's 390 mil-
lions, is going to India to determine
if the plan will work, Winston
Churchill announced today.
Making his eagerly-awaited state-
ment to the House of Commons, the
Prime Minister called the plan "a
strong contribution to aid India in
the realization of full self-govern-
ment." But he Said that it was not
yet being announced lest its rejection
by essential elements of the Indian
'population "provoke fierce communal
disputes at the moment when the
enemy is at the gates of India."
United States Interested $
Most members of Parliament be-
lieved the Churchill plan offered less
than the immediate independence
demanded by some Indians but more
than post-war introduction of self-

dominion status for India as soon as
possible after the war. Now, he said,
the War Cabinet, "in order to clothe
these general declarations with pre-
cision and to convince all classes,
races and creeds in India of our sin-
cere resolve, . . . have unitedly agreed
upon conclusions for present and fu-
ture atcion."
These conclusions; he explained,
would avoid "the alternative dan-
gers: either that resistance of a pow-
erful minority might impose an in-
definite veto upon the wishes of the
majority, or that a majority decision
might be taken which would be re-
sisted to a point destructive of inter-
nal harmony and fatal to the setting
up of a new constitution."
New Plans To Be Made
Asked if Cripps, in seeking Indian
agreement to the plan, would proceed
on the basis of the 1940 promise of
post-war dominion status, Churchill
replied sharply that the envoy's talks
"will proceed on the basis of the new


Burma Expects
New Jap Assault
MANDALAY, Burma, March 11.-
(IP)-British - s some 150 miles
north of lost Rangoon braced them-
selves today for expected assaults on
Toungoon and Prome by Japanese
who already have gained possession
of the broad Irrawaddy Delta of
Lower Burma.
The two cities are 80 miles apart
and about one-third of the distance
from Rangoon to Mandalay.
Unofficially the Japanese were re-
ported to have reached a village 16
miles south of Toungoon and to have
established contact with bands of re-
bellious Burmese along the .Irrawad-
dy River for an attack on Prome.
Although a northward offensive
along the general line from the .Bay
of Bengal on the west of the Thai-
land border on the east would leave

these things out, he led his "expedi-
tionary force" in a land, sea and air
patrol of the Philippines for six
His hair thinning a bit because of
strenuous life as a deen-sea diver

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