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March 11, 1942 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-11

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VOL Lt. No. 115



Spring Fashions Harmonize ithPrii


Spring Suits
Will Feature
Long Jackets
Patch Pockets Outdated;
Flannels And Shetland
Will Predominate
Comes a muddy drenching when
you forget to jump, not step, from
the nearest curb; comes a day when
it makes no "I don't care" if the sec-
ond button on your coat is missing-
then you know it's spring in Ann
Arbor ! -
As always, spring'brings the olditch
to slip into a new suit, to bolster your
deflated ego by the realization that
you look really smart. And mnanu-
factu rs aren't neglecting this na-
tural desire, in spite of national de-
fense and all of its ramifications.
There's still a fine selection of suits
for all occasions, and tlie wise man
will get in on this while the getting
is good.
Here's How
Now a few tips to the college man
who wants to be truly well dressed
this spring:.
Everything is offered, fro the
colorful comfort of the Shetland sport
suit to the smooth simplicity of the
tropical worsted. Patch pockets are
leavirig the market, as directed, and
lines will be straighter for the dura-
tion, but there is certainly no cause
here for alarm. Vests always out-
lasted their partner pieces anywy,
so let the government check off a
mere bother.
Coats are long this year, but with
the center vent there's trimness plus
added comfort. Rol your lapels; to
the second button on your single-
breasted suit and show that you
know the score and that warm
weather to come will incite only a
snicker up the proverbial sleeve.
: ..wo.isAre. PopuJar
These hints past, we move on to
the more specific topic of materials,
which run down a long line to meet
every occasion and taste.
Sletland wools are as popular as
ever, with something new coming in
this season in the way of color, the
covert shade. There are also weaves
of every descrpton--diagonals and
herringbopes making up a great part
of the selection.
Flannel is still a good, substantial
bet (and we'll stake our best pipe
that you'll really like the Glen plaid
in flannel). Twills, always-popular
checks of various types, gabardine
and its rival covert cloth add to the
variety. And for dress wear on those
warmer evenings which are still a
long way off, a tropical worsted ans-
wers every call. It's tailored simply,
with low, inset pockets.
Colors Varied
Colors are as many and as varied
as the materials and weaves. Covert
shades, as mentioned before, have
found their way into the Shetland
wools-a great and smart comprom-
ise. Although green has just about
screamed itself out of the running,
it can still be found in lovely, toned-
down shades, mixed with brown or
Blue-and-brown still rates tops for
color combinations, and the differ-
ent forms in which this is offered give
the man of discriminating taste a
wide berth for choice. In the diagon-
al weave, cool blue-and-white and
warmer brown-and-white form per-
fect backgrounds for the spring
Oardrobe. '
All of which narrows down to this:
gone is the "flashy" type of suit and
into its place steps the more conserv-
itive outfit. For all your contacts,
if you keep conservative and keep
comfortable, yu'll keep cool under
any fire-exams, those demanding

extra-curricular activities and, of
course, the social calendar.
Socks Are Shorter,
But They're Varied
With a shortage of cloth, and cuff-
less panes predicted for wartime
wardrobes it seems inevitable that
socks are going to play a more out-
standing part in men's attire than
ever before.
Though the shortage of materials
will somewhat limit the supply of
men's socks the variety will be as ex-
tensive as usual.

Gone For Duration

New Styles
Of Topcoats
Comfort Will Be Stressed
To Meet All Variations
In TrickyLocal Weather
Gabardine, Tweed
Gain In Popularity
Regardless of whether March is
lionish or lambish the great variety
of this spring's light-weight top-
coats will enable the well-dressed
collegian to present a debonaire ap-
pearance as well as be warm and
comfortable beneath that smooth ex-
Covert Scarce
Since covert cloth is becoming
scarcer as Army uniforms demands
increase, gabardines in shades of tan
are the thing for spring. Some co-
vert coats will still be shown but
these will be in the shorter finger-
tip jobs. Gabardines which will also
be shown in some blues and greens
have such dressy features as military
stubbed collas, fly-fronts and raglan
shoulders. These are primarily util-
ity coats being durable as well as
Most startling change in coat styles
will be a return to the longer coats.
Because most of the civilian popula-
tion is now on foot due to tire short-
ages, the male animal is demanding
longer drapes for more warmth. Fin-
ger-tips, the fashion experts decree,
are definitely on the wane.
Another feature of the wartime
wardrobe will be the long-wearing
topcoat with a zip-in lining. This
can be used as either an overcoat or
a spring coat. Although it comes in
m~n diffeTeit fbrics tweeds will
head the list.
Tweeds Gain sFavor
Light camel hairs, so long popular
in college circles, are now being en-
rolled among the campus has beens,
while narrow herringbone tweeds
are gaining fast. Ift the latter a
light-weight three button job with
'large flapped patch pockets and a
notched collar is one of the better
feminine eye-catchers.
Reversibles, the campus perennials,
will of course be found but this year
they will be sort sporty models with
cavalry twill on the outside and a
processed cotton poplin on the in-
side. Railroad stitching is' a fashion-
able "must" with this outfit. '
Men Practically
Fit'To Be Tied
When a woman wants to celebrate
she picks out a new spring hat, but
a man can hardly expect to get the
same lift with the traditional con-
servative chapeau-so why not turn
to ties?
Polka dots, pin wheels, paisley
splotches and splashy prints are all
potential gloom-dispellers. The new
large designs, probably derived from
sarongs and Hawaiian prints, come
in bright, warm spring shades and
women will go for them.

WPB To Set
lien' 'Styles
During War
Priority-as it music to all-came
last week to the haberdashery, this
time in the shape of a WPB suit that
threatens to outstrip even the old
BVD's in popularity.
Head man Donald Nelson spared
nothing in paring men's suits down
to their essentials and is threatening
to do the same with women's hats
any day now-having been tempo-
rarily delayed by morale considera-
Spring styles in clothing will be
largely governed by War Production
Board orders, and here is just what'
you can expect to see on the sharpies
this spring.
A suit that has no spare patch-
pockets, no vest-what to do with
professors' thumbs-, and no cuffs-
not even one of those chiseling
French jobs. A suit that takes all
the joy out of pants that just man-
age to cover the Adam's apple, and
coats which could make a man out of
Baby Sandy.
It is possible to go a little further
and imany of the leading campus ex-
ponents of the latest thing on the
waist front are doing just that. Led
by the defense-conscious Betas, pants
have taken an upward surge, and al-
most any day now students should
see the Michigan premiere of knob-
knees with vari-colored garters.
Campus protest Zooms
In typical wide-awake style the
campus has risen in protest against
this latest restriction of their right to
wear what they please as is testified
by Bob Mathews, '44, who said in-
dignantly, "Well -now - I don't -
know - maybe."
Others still more belligerent-their
fever reached such a pitch they gave
The Daily carte ,blanche-cried out
Mwih Ievor agaast te chang..
Since the new men's formal wear
is also to be modelled drastically, ad-
verse comment comes from feminine
as well as masculine quarters and
here are some of the comments not
volunteered, entirely unsolicited, in
fact supplied by a Daily reporter who
is tired of the inevitably boring re-
marks of an uninformed, disinter-
ested, and foolish populace.
Listen To Michigan Talk
Said F. C. Wellington, '44E, "I had
trouble before p dded shoulders, and
if Don Nelson thinks that he's going
to make a wall-flower out of me, he's
Replied Kay Ruddy, 45E, "Now
we'll see men in their true colors. I've
often suspected Jack Grady's tailor
of doing things for him. I'll bet WPB
look like * ! *&?!? on him."
The inevitable Horace P. Frisbee,
'47Garg, had the last word. "What
would George Washington have
Murph Swander, '43, fool extra-
ordinary, made a remark which is
not worth quoting here, not because
of what he said, but of what he did
not say.
Noother reactionary opinion being
available, Jack Wiessler, 44E, con-
sented to go out on the limb. "From
what I understand about the situa-
tion the Union will take care of
things adequately. Well all be all
right if we don't lose that member-
ship card."

U. Of M. Men -Get Ready For Sprin

Spring Shirt
Will Featur
Bright Color
Sussex, Oxford Colk
To Top Men's Style
English Colors Lea
In 'Doubler' Fashio
White Broadcloths
Remain Favoritt
Keep your shirt on, bub-yo
need it.
Frayed collars may not be fas
ionable yet, but if the general sup
on shirts cuts down any more, yo
be lucky if you can get B.V.D.'s. A
that seems to be the consensus
opinion along the State Street ha
erdashers these days.
Of course this doesn't mean tl
University men won't be wear
spring styles this year, but if y
wear a size 19 collar or have a fla
pole neck, you'd better start look
for a good muffler now.
Light Colors
For those of us that have avera
neck sizes, the new spring shirts'w
feature traditional bright colors a
light weights. Foremost in this fi
is the heavy play being given car
stripes. Sussex collars, which were
popular this winter in white and so
color Oxfords, are being carried o
into spring styles in lively can
stripes with French cuffs.
Another stripe which is entir
new for this spring is a rough

C4d1r. w'
Rubber for military tires, tank
lining and machine gun mounts"
not for the college :man's .rain-
coat ..
Army Takes'!
All Rdubber-
No Raincoats
To the list of war casualties should
be added the rubber raincoat, but
style-conscious Michigan men will
hardly notice the loss.
Even before recently developed pro-
cesses created water-proof fabrics
that could seriously compete with
rubber and oiled-silk as rain protect-
ors, the superior eye-appeal of gab-
ardines and twills had led to their
wide-spread use.
Most popular coat is the fly-front-
ed gabardine job in a natural shade,
with plenty of pockets, and with rag-
lan and set-in sleeves apparently
equally desirable. In response to the
increased tendency to wear raincoats
in all weather, slashed pockets have
been patched and the more attractive
set-in affair has been made roomier
and more comfortable.'
But with rubber on priorities, and
the Army seizing all the gabardine,
the future looks mighty damp. Oiled-
silk slickers, which have successfully
stood the test of time and the ele-
ments only to flunk the stern trial of
fashion, may be an acceptable sub-
stitute, but there is no knowing whe-
ther present stocks of oil will be re-

Left to Right: Fly-front covert topcoat over a tweed suit, the girl,
faint-stripe double-breasted shetland with snap brim hat. All are tops
for 1942 spring wear.

Electric Shaver Steals Glamour
From''Old-Fashioned Tonsorial



The days of the lather shave
cream are numbered, if we to be-
lieve the clairvoyant State Street
merchants, and the two-a-day had
better begin taking care of that soft
beaver bristle brush, because it may
be the last one they will get for a
long time.
It isn't the unpopularity of the
lather cream that will cause the
changeover to other methods that
wlil rival Detroit's, but the advent
under forced draft of the glass jar
as successor to the tube. The rigors
of national offense have necessitated
the allocation of tin to more essen-
tial uses than shaving cream tubes,
and the shavers of the nation are
going to have to take theirs in jars
or not at all.
Get It In Jars
The glass jar is not the most con-
venient container for lather cream
because its airy consistency will tend
to make the process of getting the
cream from the jar to brush 4 messy
one, and 'the increased exposure to
the air will not improve the cream's
texture at all. Thus for neatness
and economy's sake many men will
probably turn regrettfully to brush-
less cream, shaving bowls or electric
Then there' is the brush situation
to add further to the woes of the
poor lather cream shaver. All the
best brushes are 100 per cent Chinese
badger bristle, and most of the cheap-
er ones contain a good percentage of
these hairs. However the Japanese
didn't let these facts interfere with
their growing pains, and the mer-
chants expect fibre bristles to be used
Covert - King Of Slacks,
Get'Em While They Last
Covert! Covert! Men yearn for it.
Merchants rush to fill their stock
of it.
Yes, covert is "king of slacks" this
spring. Covert in natural and soft
green. Running a close second is the
perennial favorite, flannel. Most pop-
ular colors here are brown, gray and'
blues. And, of course, gabardines
and tweeds still make their appear-
Elsewhere you have been informed

after present stocks are -consumed.
The one cheerful note in the whole
brush business is the furnishing of
many of the new brushes with trans-'
parent Lucite handles.
For Tough Beards
For the fellow with the 'tough
beard and the tender skin there is a
new product that can be used as a
brushless shave cream or a lather
base, and promises a cool shave to
even the fastest operator, since it
contains menthol, camphor, and oil
of eucalyptus.
Finally, the electric ,shaver-aside
from the' production of more and
more heads on each shaver by some
companies and the introduction of
a talcum powder stick which saves
time and muss but has a rather heavy
feminine scent, this field has reached
its level. Experimentation has tap-
ered off somewhat, and the models
are becoming more standardized,
much to the satisfaction of the users,
who can more or less rest assured
that they won't be called upon to
trade in their shavers exery six
months on a "new, vastly improved
Are Essential
To Romance
Handkerchiefs may seem like only
a small part of men's wardrobes, but
in reality they play a very important
When the girl friend starts sob-
bing and sniffling it is very embar-
rassing to pull out an old "tattle-
tale" grey handkerchief and offer it
to her. Handkerchiefs also play a
great part in removing spots and
splashes, as well as to remove tell-
tale make-up after woo pitching ses-
sions that go on right under your
Styles Varied
Styles of men's hankies vary as
much as do their uses. Still number
one on the hit parade is the plain, all
white linens and cottons which serve
every day uses and run in low prices.
But if it's local color you are look-
ing for there are plenty of styles,

shirt is being featured in button-
down -collars and tabs. For those of
us who like to wear tabs and feel
squeamish about wearing the same
white tabs about the campus during
the spring, this new double stripe tab
fills the bill.
Long, Flowing Collars
The most noteworthy thing about
the spring shirts is a tendency to-
wards either a very long, flowing col-
lar or the short tab-less kind. The
former is being offered mainly in
the "doubler" type of shirt and also
in the solid color Oxfords with either
the button-down or slotted collar;
the latter in a more exaggerated Sus-
sex-type broadcloth, featured under
the trade-names Kent, Arden; or
what have you.
This last named type of collar is a
lulu for having on a more dressy
white shirt. Although the white Ok-
ford Sussex made use of solid knitted
ties to match for winter styles, this
broadcloth type of sussex is worn
with a silk tie and makes a very natty
combination for Sunday afternoon
in the spring.
If you like unstarched shirts, your
best bet is the white affair with a tab
color. At the same' time it is easy
on your neck and it presents a neat
appearance. To keep those collar
points down without resorting to
starch try a shirt with removable
celluloid supports. Remember ex
cessive starching cuts shirt life by
about 40 per cent.
It's Form Fit
For The Males
Gaily Decorated Swim
Suits AgainFeatured
March, month of stormy skys, may
hardly seem to be the proper time to
mention swimming and surf riding,
but it is the time to talk about corn-
ing trends in the line of swim trunks.
Styles in beach wear for men will
not be very different from those fea-
tured last year. Form fitting woolens
in solid colors of red, brown, blue,
white and other shades will still be
,seen on beaches everywhere.
a la Dotty Lamour
Sarong type trunks will again be'
popular with masculine bathers this
year. Made of a smooth, lastex ma-
terial, these trunks come in various

rThis Will Sooth You, Baldy:
Hair: Stuff Which You're Lucky' To Have

Any discussion of men's hair on this
campus immediately runs into diffi-
culty for the gruesome reason that
there is so little to work on, and any-
way the subject is constantly reced-
We were also going to add that you
just can't brush the subject off, how-
ever, but now that we think of it,
and look at the boys, we're not so
sure. Any carpet sweeper in town can
tell hair gets the brush off every
Where Do They Go?
Ever since the University opened
its portals, allowing the industrious
to come in and tear off hunks of cul-
ture, hair has been leaving before the
graduates. And as long as there is
water in Ann Arbor, hair will keep

lem, all in vain. Freshmen 'use goose
grease, sophs go to the Health Serv-
ice, juniors ask their barbers, seniors
have stopped inquiring, they feel silly
asking about nothing, and fraternity
men buy secret formulas in gay color-
ed bottles, feeling that cool sensa-
tion as the excelsior works its way
dowh to the roots of the hair; the
cool sensation is air.
And do you seek a remedy? Man,
there is no remedy. Nothing can save
you from that spotlight appearance,
Neither your barber, nor your room-
mate, nor your massages, nor your
stocking cap. Your forehead receeds
in adverse proportion to your educa-
You might, with due caution, see
your neighborhood toupee-maker.
This course is open to severe criti-

~ ~ '
Hot Sun Doesn't Keep
The Hair Either ...




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