THE MICHIGAN D A ILY WENaE MAIU ,14 C' 4P Alr4lgatt jDallij Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the PostOffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESBNTRO FOR NATION .IL ADVURTING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Reprentative 420 MADISON AvE. NEW YORx. N. Y. rNICAO - BPSTON . Los AfeNGLEs * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Emile Gel . Alvin Dann . . David Lachenbruch Jay McCormick . Gerald E. Burns . Hal Wilson . Janet Hooker . Grace Miller . Virginia Mitchell Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright . . . . . Managing Editor . .Editorial Director . . . City Editor S .Associate Editor . . Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Assistant Women's Editor . . Exchange Editor Russian Relief Questions Answered. T IOSE OF US who have hesitated contributing to Russian War Relief during the current drive, on the grounds that we do not understand specifically what the organization is, nor how the funds will be em- ployed, may now allay our fears. Any program collaborating with Red Cross and endorsed by the President's Committee on War Relief, the State Department, Lend-Lease, and the Surgeon General's Office can be no racketeering organization. Any program sponsored by 500 well-known Americans, among whose ranks are Norman Bel Geddes, Pearl Buck, Katherine Cornell, Major George Fielding Eliot, Jascha Heifetz, Serge Koussevitzky, Thomas Mann, Archibald Mac- Leish, Dorothy Thompson, Orson Welles and Stephen Wise can be no graft. ANY PROGRAM so warmly received by our own faculty must be "on the up and up." To those of us who have balked at contribut- ing, suspecting something politic about the organization, it must be made clear: RWR is solely a humanitarian group, created for the specific purpose of bringing relief to Russian people now occupied in the defense of their families and homeland. RWR has no political affiliations of any kind. Its only contact with the Russian government is with the agency de- signed by them to receive and distribute the supplies we ship. To those of us who do not understand the medium of aid, it must be pointed out that pri- marily funds are needed to buy surgical and medical supplies which include field tents, anes- thesia, wound clips, sterilizers, rubber tubing and gloves, materials for bandages and dressings, saccharin and vital drugs. In addition, RWR solicits medical reference books, clothing, food concentrates and vitamin compounds. TO THOSE OF US who wish to know how the goods will be delivered and distributed, the answer is that shipping facilities are provided by the Russian government with full cooperation of United States shipping authorities. All ship- ments are insured. Upon reaching the Soviet relief materials are consigned to VOKS-Com- mission for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries-which distributes the supplies to Red Cross and other agencies in Russia. To those of us who are unaware of the activi- ties of the student division of RWR, credit is due to Chairman Harry Stutz and his commit- tee, who have collected to date $800 through relief movies, bazaars and drives, and promise to boost this above the $1,200 mark by the end of the semester. The aim of the University unit is a modest one and a worthy one-to save the lives of 100 wounded Red Army soldiers. And now that we all understand the scope, the goal, and the sincerity of RWR, we hope that there will no longer be any "contributionary inhibitions." These funds are not destined for some remote and abstract cause, but for a peo- ple who are fighting the same Fascist scourge we are fighting, for a people now hard-pressed for supplies. "Remember," said President Roosevelt in an address to Congress on the state of the Union, "we are fighting on the same side with the Russian people. - Beryl Shoenfield Business Staff Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: WILL SAPP The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Vichy 'Trade' Climaxes U. S. Appeasement . . IG DEALS in battleships are taking place between the Vichy govern- ment and Berlin. Trading navies is not an easy thing to do for anyone except Vichy's fascist satellite, Admiral Darlan. That this move would come was obvious to almost everyone except our State Department, whose idea of running a war seems to be collab- oration with everyone who collaborates with fascists. This basic policy still continues in spite of the signs of change in the protest over send- ing supplies to Africa. WE HAVE, officially, been talking like a friend to Vichy. Our State Department appeased her, talked softly with her, while Vichy did ex- actly the same thing with Germany. We can claim that our efforts in putting a pacifier in Vichy's "heiling" mouth kept the French fleet out of the Mediterranean. Berlin can show that it can have the French fleet intact, in good repair (we gave them plenty of time) and has good ships being built in French shipyards. Germany's acquisition of the part of the French fleet still in manufacture only empha- sizes the urgent need for complete, sweeping reorganization in the State Department. Its policy was no more effective than Chamberlain's odious appeasement at Munich. Our total gain was a diplomatic defeat. THE State Department appeasers have consis- tently determined policy which should have been repudiated long ago in light of the outcome of British appeasement. But our diplomats failed to learn from these disastrous examples. How can we shout about following the pro- democratic line consistently when our State De- partment sees fit to postpone a definite divorce from Vichy? Why does President Roosevelt tol- erate the appeasers who have courted every pro- fascist "neutral?" No nation ever gained anything, helped a war effort, with such a course. Continuation of ap- peasers in power can mean only more blunders. Our long record of diplomatic failures should allow no further delay in remaking the State Department. We need vigorous policy makers who will plan action every bit as opportunistic as Germany's. The inflexible minds of the ap- peasers should have no further part in America. The only way open is to revamp the State De- partment. - Leon Gordenker LaGuardia Ignores Interests Of Public . . N EW YORK'S Little Flower is having his troubles lately, and it appears that his troubles are not entirely of other peo- ple's making. The man who two years ago was regarded as one of the nation's great liberals has gotten into one too many scrapes of late-not all attributable to his famous fiery temper. For the first time since he became mayor, Fiorello H. LaGuardia has done things-which no matter how examined-do not appear to be in the public interest. The regrettable incidents which have led to growing disapproval of his cWhe Drew Pecisos a RobertS.Alea WASHINGTON-Some time has passed sincet the President finally centralized U. S. war in-r dustry in a single executive, but the problem oft war labor administration is still an unsolved mess.f One great trouble is that supervision of this vital field is divided among a number of offi- cials, each jealous of the others and all scram- bling to be top dog. Chief scramblers are Secretary Frances Per-4 kins, whose record is one of the sourest botches in the Administration and whose retention in the cabinet is one of the great mysteries of Washington. The other scramblers are: Federal Security Administrator Paul McNutt, restless and ambitious for a big-place war job; Sidney Hillman, ex-OPM boss and head of the labor division of the War Production Board. Also in the tangled picture is War Production Chief Donald Nelson, who insists that war labor administration be under his control. And then there are the AFL and CIO, who want to get their hands on control, so they have cooked u the strategy of demanding that war labor be put in the Labor Department where they rule the roost. However, Nelson and Hilman, who see eye- to-eye, plan to establish a Man Power agency inder Nelson, which would have supervision over all problems of labor relating to war pro- duction except the settlement of industrial dis- putes. This is being handled by the War Labor Board. This plan, approved at a closed- door session of the War Production Board last week, is being formally submitted to the Presi- dent now. This will put squarely up to him the choice between Nelson-Hillman and the political scheme demanded by the AFL-CIO with the secret backing of Miss Perkins. AFL-CIO Politics On the surface, AFL-CIO moguls are united in advocating that war labor administration be placed in the Labor Department-from which it was once taken because of Miss Perkins' genius for bungling. But privately they differ widely on who is to be the ultimate boss. Certain ClOers are quietly pushing Dr. John R. Steelman, head of the U. S. Labor Concilia- tion Service, to replace Miss Perkins as Secre- tary of Labor. Steelman is a good friend of John L. Lewis, who owes his closed-shop victory in the captive mines to Steelman. AFL men, on the other hand, are backing As- sistant Labor Secretary Dan Tracy, former head of the AFL electrical workers. The inner Administration word is that while Roosevelt finally has decided to accept Miss Perkins' long overdue resignation, he insists that some other good-paying job be found for the lady. So the directorship of the International Labor Office has been suggested for Miss Perkins. It pays $18,000 a year, $3,000 more than her pres- ent salary. But when foreign members of the Labor office were queried, here was the reply of one: "I don't see why an organization dedicated to the mission of promoting international labor cooperation should become the dumping ground of an unwanted American political appointee- and a not very competent one at that." Note: Undercover hand that put over the ap- pointment of L. Metcalfe Walling, young Rhode Island socialite, as Wage-Hour Administrator was Lee Pressman, left-wing general counsel of the CIO and close intimate of John L. Lewis. Churchill, On 'Courting' Officials of the British Supply Council are still chuckling over an unrecorded incident of Winston Churchill's visit to Canada, There is a deep plush rug in the Government House at Ottawa, famous for generating static electricity in the human body, so much so that sparks are sometimes visible when two persons shake hands. The phenomenon fascinated the British Prime Minister. "I've never seen anything like it before," he told a naval aide. "We don't have such phe- nomena in London." While the officer was explaining that the hu- man sparks were partly due to Canada's cold, dry climate, the attractive young wife of a gov- ernment official trotted up and introduced her- self. As they shook hands, the Prime Minister felt a sharp shock. Wheeling, he asked that officer! "I say, doesn't this sort of thing make court- ing rather difficult in Canada?" Who Defeated France??? Pierre Cot, former Air Minister in, the Blum cabinet, is living in exile in Washington. If he returned to France, he would be killed. Of the Riom trial of his colleagues, Cot says: "The trial is a mockery. These men have al- ready been condemned to life imprisonment. Petain condemned them last November. Their only hope is the liberation of France. The trial was designed to place responsibility for defeat on the Popular Front. Instead, it is being trans- formed into an accusation of Petain himself. "Throughout the changing governments of France, Petain is the only man who has re- mained in constant authority in recent years. He made no protest against policies of the Popu- lar Front. In fact, he once actually vetoed a proposal for increased defense. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1942 VOL. Lit. No. 115 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices University Council: A meeting of the University Council, open to all members of the faculty, will be held at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, March 12, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, for the consideration of the three-term plan for the University. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary Applicants for Commissions in Na- val Reserve: Members Senior Class- es will be recommended for appoint- ment Ensigns E-V(P), O-V(P), A-V (P), and CC-V(P). Also Seniors who are candidates for degree in Business Administration or Commerce for ap- pointment as Ensign D-V(P). Qual- ified applicants to be commissioned immediately. Designation to be changed to special service upon re- ceipt of degree. Seniors and Juniors of accredited non-technical colleges who are candidates for any college degree provided they are majoring in subjects related to the classifica- tion applied for, namely: for A-V(P) majors in aeronautical, electrical specializing in high frequence radio electronics, communications, mechan- ics specializing in internal combus- tion, civil engineering, meteorology, architecture, geology. For CC-V(P) majors in architecture. For E-V(P) majors in electrical, mechanical, die- sel, civil, chemical engineering, phy- sics, radio electronics. For O-VP) majors in mechanical, electrical, chemical, industrial, administrative, radio engineering, physics with back- ground mathematics including dif- ferential equations. For D-V(P) ma- jors in business administration or commerce. Choral Union Members: Members of the University Choral Union who have not yet exchanged their John Church edition of the "Beethoven Ninth" for new Schirmer editions are requested to do so at once at the offices of the University Musical Soci- ety in Burton Memorial Tower. Charles A. Sink, President Faculty of the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: The five- week freshman reports will be due Saturday, March 14, in the Academ- ic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. Arthur Van Duren, Chairman. Concentration Advisers, College of L.S. and A.: Any adviser wishing to have courses outside the department or division counted in the C average required in the field of concentra- tion for tentative May seniors should notify the Registrar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall. The office will assume that no courses outside the depart- ment are to be included unless a report is filed by March 20, 1942. Requests should be in writing giv- ing the names of the individual stu- dents to be affected and the specific courses outside the department to be counted. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Schools of Education, Forestry and Conservation, Music, and Public Health: Students who received marks of I or X at the close of their last term of attendance (viz., semester or summer session) will receive a grade of E in the course unless this work is made up by March 12. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date should file a petition ad- dressed to the appropriate official in their school with Room 4 U.H., where it will be transmitted. Robt. L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Mechanical Engineers: Member- ship in the Student Branch, Ameri- can Society of Mechanical Engin- eers may still be obtained up to March 15. No applications will be accepted after that date. Applica- tion blanks may be obtained at the bulletin board near the W. Engin- eering library or at Room 221 West Eng. Bldg. A.S.M.E. Members: Papers are stil being accepted for entrance in un- dergraduate competition for cash prizes at the next meeting of th society on March 18. These should be turned in to J. Templar, '42E, o W. Koeffel, '42E, as soon as possible The Bureau of Appointments ha: received notice of the following Unit ed States Civil Service Examinations Addressograph Operator, $1,260 ti $1,440,;until further notice. Radio Inspector, $2,000 to $2,600 April 21, 1942. Further information may be ob tained from the announcement which is on file at the Bureau of Ap pointments, 201 Mason Hall, offic hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information The Aberdeen Proving Ground War Department, located four mile from Aberdeen. Maryland. is seek .A J--f" -- "We won't have to go out of our way-there's the very same block as the income tax+ a pawn shop in office!" GRIN AND BEAR IT I I . , ;. , molkv=,. *Willi - "Wow " .tk i:: K L C r . ,., , ~ . By Lishty TTCRS TO THE EDITOR To the Editor: I would like to add my protest to that of Mr. Cuthbert about the Platt Village article carried by The Michigan Daily of February 22nd. Al- though my name and that of Mr. Robert Cam- eron, our sanitary engineer, were the only two mentioned in the article, I would like to point out that the only information we gave to Mr. Mantho concerned the water supply and sewage disposal facilities. We did not say that the ground water of Platt was polluted with septic tank effluent; we did not say that 25 percent of the wells were unsanitary. Our studies of the community have indicated that the ground wa- ter under Platt is not polluted. Only one or two wells at the most have shown unsatisfactory re- ports on sampling. The cause of trouble in these cases was not attributed to the ground water but to defective well construction. Mr. Cuthbert, village president of Platt, has been working with the Health Department for the past two or three months in an effort to- assure the safety of the Platt ground water supply. His interest has been matched many times by that of other citizens in Platt who have demonstrated a desire to work with this Depart- ment to protect the public health of the com- munity. The only significant home construction going on in Platt at the present time meets FHA standards according to the information on hand at this Health Department. FHA homes con- templated for the subdivision are modern, well built and attractive. Their water supplies will be safe and their sewage disposal will meet State and County Health Department standards. We here at the Health Department are of the opinion that the schools in Platt are efficiently administered. The physical equipment of the schools is as good if not better than the average found in a cross section study of the county. This Department is concerned about housing developments in Platt as well as other areas where these developments may be expected. We feel, however, that in Platt we will have the cooperation of an intelligent, wide-awake com- munity. A condemnation of the water supply of a community like Platt is a serious thing. I hope you will publish this communication in your lowing vacancies now exist: 25 As-j C sistant Computers, 25 Junior Comput- H ers. p Further information may be ob- 0 tained from the notice, which is on n file at the Bureau of Appointments, T 201 Mason Hall. Office hours 9-12 T and 2-4. t Bureau of Appointments and b Occupational Information T The Bureau of Appointments has received notice of the opening of psi- tions for men and women as psychia- tric aides at the Neuro-Psychiatric Institute of the Hartford Retreat, m Hartford, Connecticut. Although this 2 is a position in which the psychology A or sociology student is most apt to ti be interested, it is not essential that a: the persons selected for openings here have majored in the field of social 4 studies. Further information may be v obtained from the announcement which is on file in the office of the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason w Hall. Office hours, 9-12 and 2-4. 3 Bureau of Appointments and a Occupational Information si The Harvard School of Dental Medicine has announced an acceler- a ated schedule. A course in dental o medicine is offered at Harvard Uni- i versity. Training in medicine and A dentistry is given in a five-year t course, at the completion of which' c the degrees of M.D. and of D.M.D. will be awarded. All students are enrolled in the Harvard Medical a School as well as in the Harvard R School of Dental Medicine. c Further information may be ob- tained from the announcement on file in the office of the Bureau of Ap- H pointments, 201 Mason Hall. Office d hours, 9-12 and 2-4.i Bureau of Appointments and L Occupational Information t( A cademic Notices Chemistry Colloquium will be held C today in 303 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Dr. Norman Bauer will b speak on "Dispersion and refraction S of light by free and bonded ions," and Prof. K. Fajans on "Hydrogen g bond, boron hydrides and other val- i ence anomalies."C The Short Course in Mathematics on "Algebraic Methods in Topology" i to be given by Professor S. Eilenberg,g will meet on Wednesdays at 2 o'clockp and Fridays at 3 o'clock in 3011 A.H. University Oratorical Contest: Pre- j liminary contest will be held Friday, March 13, at 4:00 p.m. in room 42033 Angell Hall. A five-minute talk onn the subject of the oration will bes required. Contestants will please reg- ister in the Speech Department of-Q fice, 3211 Angell Hall. t Economics 53 make-up final ex- i amination Friday, March 13, at 3:00 p.m., in Room 207 Ec. English 32, Sec. 10 will meet inr Room 209 AH on Friday, March 13.. E. T. Calver. d e d English 301E will meet Thursday . from 2-4 instead of 3-5. N. E. Nelson s , Concerts . Organ Recital: Miss Frieda Op't< Holt, a member of the faculty of the School of Music, will present a pro- gram of compositions for organ at, 4:15 p.m. today, in Hill Auditorium. ,-Miss Op't Holt is substituting for] t' Professor Palmer Christian, who is ill. e - Exhibitions Exhibit of Illustrations, University 1 Elementary School: The drawings { made by Elinor Blaisdell to illustrate ' the book "The Emperor's Nephew," s by Marian Magoon of the English raig Thursday evening at 8:15 in ill Auditorium. Capt. Craig will ap- ear here under the auspices of the wrAtorical Association as the seventh umber on the current lecture series. ickets may be purchased today and hursday at the box office, Hill Audi- orium. Box office hours today will e from 10 to 1 and from 2 to 4; hursday the office will be open from 0 a.m. to 8:15 p.m. - Events Today The Anatomy Research Club will eet today at 4:30 p.m. in Room 501 East Medical Bldg. Dr. Lois . Gillilan will present a paper en- tled, "Some Applications of Neuro- natomy." Tea will be served from 4:00 to :30. All interested are cordially in- ited. The Junior Mathematical Society 'ill meet this evening at 8 o'clock in 201 A.H. Discussion of probability nd games of chance, with demon- trations. German Roundtable, Internation- J Center: Miss Jo Reischer will speak n "Lieder zur Laute" tonight at 9:00 a the International Center, Room 23. ,l persons interested in improving heir conversational German are wel- ome. House Presidents will meet today t 5:00 p.m. in the Grand Rapids oom of the League. Attendance is ompulsory. A compulsory meeting of the louse Presidents of all women's resi- lences will be held today at 5:00 p.m. n the Grand Rapids Room of the ieague. Attendance will be taken. Program of Recorded Music, In- ernational Center: The program for onight at 7:30 in the International Center is: Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Haydn; Toscanini and the NBC Symphony. Beethoven: Symphony No. 9. Wein- gartner and the Vienna Philharmon- c with Chorus of the Vienna State Opera. Beta Kappa Rho will meet tonight n the Michigan League at 8:00. All girls on campus who are wholly or partially self-supporting are invited. Coming Events The Slavic Society will meet on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Inter- national Center. The program con- sists of an informal lecture on "The Slavic Races of Today," a program of Slavonic music, and refreshments. All members are asked to attend, and an invitation .is extended to all interested students of Slavic origin or descent. La Sociedad Hispanica will hold its regular meeting Thursday evening, March 12, at 8:00. There will be an election for the vice-presidency of the club so all members are urged to attend. See Bulletin in League for room number. Professor William H. Hobbs will speak on "The Nitrate Industry of Chile" in Room 2054 Nat. Sci. Bldg., at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 12. The Ushering Committee of J.G.P. will meet in the League on Thurs- day at 4:30 p.m. Those unable to at- tend should call Mary Ellen Alt at 2-4547, or they will be dropped from committee. Seminar: Professor Preston Slos- son will speak on "The Political and Historical Questions of a Peace Set- tlement" as part of the series of the Bases of a Just and Durable Peace Seminar, in Lane Hall, at 7:30 p.m. n" rrha ~,