THE MICHIGAN DAILY L ltr 311 S tlln% .'r2 lu, l t! 5,424 Defense-Conscious Students Enrolled In 110 War Information Courses Bridge Blasted In Jap Raid On Australia ESMDT Graduates 850 As Sherloek Arranges Series Starting April 6 Qrdnance Program Has 76 Trainees Demonstrating their desire to en- ter wholeheartedly into the national war effort, 5,424 students have en- rolled in the 110 war training and informational courses offered this semester by the University. Eight hundred and fifty of the reg- istrants are men students who are anticipating military or naval service and, thus, have signed up for one or more of the 22 courses designed par- ticularly for them. Included in this category are courses in accounting and cost ac- counting, courses for chemical labor- tory technicians and courses in ge- ology, ' mathematics, photography, aerial mapping, radio communica- tion, surveying, mapping and type- 4riting. Proving that coeds are also anx- t'.ious to do their part in the war ef- fort, 636 women enrolled in the eight war training courses which have been set up for them. These include first aid, motor me- chanics, home nursing, child care, hutrition, Braille and typewriting. The 80 courses which have been designlated war informational courses have a total enrollment of 3,939. Sci- ence, social science, modern lan- guage, business administration, law, philosophy and physical education are all included in this group. Es- pecially important to the prosecution 'f the war are the courses in Japa- ,ese, Russian, Malay, navigation and industrial problems. ISMDT Graduates 850 Even as more than 850 men com- plete their instruction under the En- fineering, Science and Management Defense Training program this week, plans for yet another series to be started on or about April 6 are being formulated by course coordinator Prof. R. H. Sherlock of the civil en- gineering department. Total enrollment for the present series, now being concluded, is 935, but included in that figure are 76 men enrolled in the campus Ord- nance Materials Inspection course, which will be concluded April 10, while over 60 additional inspection. trainees started instruction only last week. Started Jan. 12, the 31 eight-week courses have been conducted in Ann Arbor, Detroit, Ecorse, Jackson, Royal Oak, Flint and Dearborn, instruction being carried on by University fac- ulty men and men from industry. Courses Offered Ann Arbor courses were offered in mechanical drawing, under Prof. Maurice Eichelberger of the engi- neering drawing department, and de- sctiptive geometry, under Prof. J: C. Palmer of the same department, in addition to the current ordnance ma- terials inspection courses. Also being conducted in Ann Ar- bor is a special University credited course in Ultra-High Frequency Techniques under Prof. L. N. Holland of the electrical engineering depart- ment, open to selected sernior and graduate electrical engineers. Conduoted In Detroit Largest of the training courses opened in January was a course in ordnance inspection, conducted in Detroit. Prof. O. W. Boston of the metal processing department opened this course. The second series of ESMDT courses this year, the current courses were preceded by another section held last fall, while plans are now being made for yet another series in April. All courses, including the Ordnance Materials Inspection work and the - Ultra-High Frequency Techniques course, are sponsored by the U. S. Office of Education, working through the University Extension Service and Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the en- gineering college. Iloyoni Will Plead For Sutpport Of Worlds War Zoie Children '1'e ipoiLace l 1 niaional Union." at a lee(t ure at 4:15 physical and mental well-being of'p rdy nteRchmAd children in Eureopean war zones, torium. who have before them the "great task Martha G. Colby, professor of psy of reconstruction," will be explained (h10o0Y. will inroduce the speaker by Dr.^Andree V. oyon. delegate of whose visit to Ann Arbor is being the Geneva "Save the Children Inter- sponsored by the psychology depart ment. There will be no charge fo the lecture. D eade Set Dr. Colby's lecture will be a fea Iure of the current Ann Arbor drive V or tors. al under the co-chairmanship of Mrs F or uratorica s gn e Edward W. Blakemian and Mvrs. Pres- ) * ton W. Slosson, to solicit funds fo refim inaries the American Save the Children Fed eration. Contributions will be utilized by the Federation to maintain coun Winner To Deliver Speech try nursery retreats for British chil Before National Contest dren rendered homeless by the wa or temporarily orphaned with parent Given At Northwestern in the service. An additional portio of the money will be used to giv All eligible students except fresh- supplemental aid, in the form of foo men who wish to participate in the clothing, and medical supplies t oratorical speech contest, which is needy children in their own homes. being sponsored by the Northern Or- Representative of the nurserie atorical League, should register be- sponsored by SCF is Trevince Hous fore Friday in the Speech Office, in Redruth, Cornwall. To date th Room 3213 Angell Hall. local group has contributed $150( The preliminary contest will be toward the support of the "Ann Ar held at 4 p.m. this Friday in Room bor Shelter," recently revealed a 4203 Angell Hall. From this group the ancestral home of Prof. J. Ral of contestants, the speakers who will eigh Nelson, Director of the Interna take part in the finals meet will be tional Center. selected. Each student must present a five- + minute oration on some topic of pub- Cii Theatre lic interest. A limit of two thousand words has been set as the maximum, but 1,800 words is the preferable length. The winner of the University con- For Defense test will compete in the League con- test at Northwestern University May 1. Prizes for first and second place All-out for defense, the local Jun Winners will be $100 and $50 respec- ior Chamber of Commerce will spor tively. Theduniversities that are being sor last year's Broadway play-sensa represented in this contest are Iowa, tion, "Man Who Came To Dinner Michigan, Minnesota, Northwestern' to be acted by the Ann Arbor Civ Western Reserve and Wisconsin. eate by t Ann Arm. Civ ____ _____Theatre group at 8:15 p.m. MVar( 19 on the stage of the Ann Arbi SRT Meeting High School Auditorium. The play's royalty has been waive W illThplyiBe T da the auditorium has been rented grat -and the entire proceeds will 1 Japanese bombers which raided Darwin, vital def ense base on Australia's north coast, blasted this bridge. Note the bridge flooring sagged into the stream. The p icture was radioed from Australia to London and from London to New York. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1942 VOL. LIE No. 114 Publication in the 'Daly Official Bulletin Is constructive notice to all rMiembers of the University. Notices To the University of Michigan Community, -=- Faculty, Employees, Students, et al: I am asked to place before our community the need for savings in supplies and materials,- in fact savings in everything that costs money or time, and that the University or the country uses, es- pecially if there is or may be a short- age. I attempt this duty with great dif- fidence. The United States seems to me to be over-run today with men and women telling other people what to do on the home front. I greatly dislike seeming to add to this emo- tionalism, for I am sure this war is not going to be won by wastepaper and rubber bands, but by blood and steel and sweat and sustained pur- pose. Nevertheless wastepaper and rub- ber bands, for example, are in their own small way important. The ma- terial in them is needed. Moreover, they cost money and money can pro- vide supplies of all kinds. When sup- plies are lacking, as airplanes of spe- cialized sorts, blood and steel and sweat can't win though men's pur- pose may endure till death. It is un- patriotic to waste anything, any- where: materials, money, or time. Yet requisitions coming across my desk, to say nothing of the time- wastes anybody can see whenever he looks around, afford examples of noisy spigot-saving and quiet bung- hole-losing. I think it is wasteful in the extreme to save paper by making oral 'arrangements which will later give rise to misunderstandings and disputes. There is no economy in wrecking a whole filing system by using scraps which don't-fit, get lost, and have to be hunted for without success.; For us of the University these ques- tions of economy have a special Uni- versity significance. This institution is required to take on added burdens at lessened income. The simplest arithmetic shows what that means in widely ranging fields. Anything said below is not to be taken as an effort to give an order,- which could not be enforced anyway. What is said =is- rather to be taken as suggestions for the ,consideration of every one -who, in view of the needs of the University and the country, desires to save. AUTOMOBILES All University automobiles are be- ing allocated and administered by Superintendent Pardon with the pur- pose of making their use last to the greatest possible limit. -The number of Storehouse deliveries is being 'cut down; don't find fault with this but anticipate your wants (Continued on Page 4) Vichy Reported GivingGermans Naval Vessels (Continued from Page 1) during the German drive in the spring of 1940 into France. The ship was scheduled to have been a 35;000-tonner. The Germans claimed just before the French armistice that they had seized as prizes of war the incom- plete French battleships Richelieu and Clemenceau at Brest. This report later proved untrue as far as the Richelieu was concerned, that vessel having escaped to Dakar. It probably was correct on the Clem- enceau, which was not near enough completion to be moved. The Vichy Government announced on Feb. 21 that the ,Dunkerque, crip- pled by the British at Oran in July, 1940, had reached Toulon under her own steam. The Jean Bat and Gascogne, sister battleships of the Richelieu and Clemenceau, were under construction at St. Nazaire when France fell. Whe- ther they were destroyed or also were seized has not been disclosed.- If seized befre the armistice, they undoubtedly would be classed by the Germans as useable spoils of war; if not, they would come under the arm- istice terms immobilizing the French Fleet. In January, 1940, the last time offi- cial reports were available on French naval building, it was announced that 126 warships of all classes were under construction. 'Perspecitves' Sets Monday As Deadline For Literary Work Humor and serious thought, fiction and essay and poetry of all types come within the domain of Perspec- tives, the University's student liter- ary magazine, which is issuing a last call for manuscripts, with Monday set as the deadline. Since almost a week remains for students to look over their creative works and turn them in to the edi- tors of the supplement, opportunity still remains for any student in the .University to submit material for consideration. "You don't have to be a genius," insist Perspectives' editors. The- mag- agine serves as an outlet for your own work. All students with original ideas along any line are encouraged to hand in their, favorite creations-by Monday-to the Perspectives desk in the Student Publications Building, the English office in Angell Hall or the engineering English office. New Naval Affairs Club Will Discuss Sea Power Sea power, controversial issue of recent years and vital issue in the war, will be discussed in meetings of the "Naval Affairs Club," newly formed campus organization which will hold its first meeting at 7 p.m. today in Room 16, Angell Hall. The discussions, as described by Edward W. Mill, of the political sci- ence department, adviser of the club, will seek to present a broad picture of present-day naval strategy and policy. 'Westerners' Find Legal Sugar-Rationing Dodge Natives of California and Nevada have a made-to-order "dodge" for sugar rationing-and it's a legal one. According to Volney H. Jones, an ethnologist in the University Museums, there is a kind of "su- gar" or "honey" in that section of the country which is free for the gathering and does not come un- der the jurisdiction of the ration- ing boards. This sweet food is formed by a species of plant lice which swarm in great numbers on a certain kind of reed grass, sucking sap from the grass and excreting the saccharine material on the plant. Called a "kind of manna" by the early missionaries, the food was prized by the Indians cen- turies ago and up to fairly recent times, although it is probably lit- tle used today. Exact information on this phe- nomenon, never before published, has lain for several years in the files of the late Dr. Melvin R. Gilmore, former University an- thropologist. It was only recently turned up by Volney H. Jones. New Business Plan Explained Pierpont Says Standards Will Be Maintained Student Rule Faces Crisis In, Wartime (Continued from Page 1) sponse to blood donor drives, and the solution to that question of "where do we go from here." The unity of opinion achieved since Pearl Harbor has been questionable because there has been no true means of sounding it. Five thousand people jammed Hill Auditorium a week after war was declared, but 50 came to the opening session of a winter par- ley discussion on "America At War." University opinion has come up against a stone wall on the major issue of faculty-student relationship. By cutting red tape and getting word into every classroom, the University has achieved results in such moves as the recent survey of prospective summer session students. Similar surveys, sponsored by stu- dent organizations, have not been nearly as successful. The question has arisen, therefore, of whether fac- ulty influence in student affairs is the cause of student apathy or whe- ther student apathy caused the fac- ulty-or anyone willing to take re- sponsibility-to start getting things done. It is the aim of this series of arti- cles to investigate such questions, in addition to presenting the functions of the present student government. There are issues coming up every day, issues requiring immediate ac- tion, and some of them may be turned over to student governing bodies. But no war is willing to wait on piddling parliamentary procedure, and obstructionist protection of peacetime privilege. (This is the first of a series analyz- ing student government as it is now constituted on the University campus.) Elementary CPT Course Graduates 25 Students The University's Civilian Pilots' Training Course has announced the graduation of 25 students from the Elementary Course and 12 from the Secondary Course. Upon successful completion of the Elementary Course, a student re- ceives a private pilot's license for small aircraft up to 80 horsepower. Graduates from the secondary course are eligible to take the consecutive course, cross-country and instructor. Wilbur K. Pierpont, instructor in the School of Business Administra- tion, described its new, accelerated program before a buffet supper meet- ing of Alpha Kappa Psi, professional fraternity in the field of commerce Sunday. Addressing his remarks primarily to the freshmen and sophomores present, Mr. Pierpont said that ad- mission to the business school, after two years in the literary college, would be based on interviews and ex- aminations. He stressed that despite the shortened schedule the present standards of the school would be maintained. Following two years of satisfactory work in the School of Business Ad- mninistration, a B.B.A. degree will be given, and further specialization in any field will lead to a M.B.A. degree. Mr. Pierpont assured students work- ing for the master's degree under the old program that every effort would be made to preserve their equity. Although it is necessary to rear- range the course material now being presented, Mr. Pierpont stated that the work would not be made easier. Students interested in the new B.B.A. program may inquire at the business school office in Tappan Hall for information applicable to indi- vidual cases. FROM \1984~ CLLEGE I Engineers' Speech Group Invites Newcomers An opportunity to get acquainted with the organization will be offered all engineers and architects, especial- ly campus newcomers, by Sigma Rho Tau, engineering speech society, at a regular meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. Drawing card for the evening will be a talk by Prof. W. S. Housel of the transportation engineering de- partment, who will speak on "Soil Mechanics in Airport Construction," a topic which has always been of concern to air field designers and contractors. Following Professor Housel's talk, the society will be subdivided into its regular discussion groups for speech practice, impromptu speeches being the order of the day. Interested students are invited to attend the meeting even though they have had no speech work or practice, as the purpose of the society is to develop the qualities of good speech in engineering students. Printing Exhibit Held Over Of interest to booklovers among the faculty and students, the exhi- bition of Pynson Printers, a display consisting of books, panels, labels and posters, will remain in the ground floor display cases of the Architec- ture Building a few days longer, the art school announced yesterday. Last Times Today! REACHED TO TEAR THEM FROM EACH OTHER'S ARMS. Thrill to this blazing adventure of the R.A.F. -of twowho ha4ca day to live, an hour to love! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I MICHIGAN I HELP WANTED FRATERNITY JEWELRY SALES- MAN. Must be college fraternity man. Car necessary. Reply, Box 13, The Michigan Daily. ' 264c LOST and FOUND MAN'S BULOVA WRIST WATCH- Near Waterman Gym, Thursday afternoon. Reward. Robert Lind- ner. Phone 2-1018. 265c LOST-Leather notebook. North- western seal on cover. English notes invaluable to owner. L. Cameron, 415 E. Jefferson. 268c LOST-Light horn-rimmed glasses between Lydia Mendelssohn and West - Quadrangle. Will finder please return to Mrs. K. M. Wy- gant, 113 Winchell House? I FOR SALE I CANARIES, Hollywood singers, Par- rakeets, Lovebirds, Cockatiels, bird supplies. Mrs. Ruffin, 562 S. Seventh. Phone 5330. 266c TAILORING and SEWING STOCKWELL and Mosher-Jordan residents-Alterations on women's garments promptly done. Opposite Stockwell. Phone 2-2678. 3c MISCELLANEOUS MIMEOGRAPHING-Thesis bind- ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S. State. 60 WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company, phone REA D MORE! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FOLLETT'S E XACTLY 646 smart girls from 198 colleges are today taking Katharine Gibbs secretarial training -preparing to apply their college education in a very practicable and profitable waV to the victory program. There are a ways enviable positions open to the college woman qualified as a Gibbs secretary. +*College graduates have choice of 1 Jul %" .' [ieru fidptSOi4 ' It I I I 0 THWAS MIRKI I i AIRn'.r.ARAR - M i