Weather Rising Temperature- Few Snow Flurries Y it qan 4 mitj Editorial Paris Raid Ends Appeasement Era . . I I VOL. LIL No. 114 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1942 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS King Takes Over Full Command Of Fleet Soviet Thrust May Eneirele Nazi Soldiers Red Capture Of Sychevka Perils German Forces Northwest Of Moscow Russians Attacking Before Leningrad LONDON, March 9. - (P) - The Russian capture of Sychevka in a deep wedge between Rzhev and Vy- azma was belieyed tonight to have virtually completed a second huge- scale encirclement of German forces on the front northwest of Moscow. The new thrust 125 miles due west of Moscow apparently hemmed in, but for a narrow bottleneck to the southwest, the German forward posi- tion at Rzhev. In addition it added to the peril of the Nazi hold on Vyazma and pos- sibly cleared the way for the setting of a third trap there. Rzhev Position Imperiled Observers here regarded the Ger- man position at Rzhev, on the upper Volga, as in greatest peril. Rzhev had been flanked to the north and partly cut off to the west earlier by the Red Army's advance past the. Valdai Hills. Broadcasts from Axis sources said strong units of the Nazi air force had been thrown into the fight in an attempt to save the 16th German Army, caught in a tightening trap in the Staraya Russa area farther north. Despite the blows by the German bombers, the Russians were said to be attacking the fortified siege lines east and south of Leningrad with increasing power and massing for a cleanup at Staraya Russa. Renforcements In North Qualified London sources said the Russian had moved substantial re- inforcements into the area southwest of Lake Ilmen and had massed a strong army farther south behind the frozen Kholm Marshes. Thus, these sources said, Premier Stalin's forces were in position to smash telling blows at any German attempt to save the trapped 16th Army by a power drive from the Baltic States. The Russian communique said 2,500 German soldiers had been wiped out in three days of fierce fighting around Leningrad. Huge Blizzard Sweeps State; RoadsClosed (By The Associated - Press) The worst blizzard of the winter swept across Michigan yesterday, carrying with it death, floods, and heavy property damage, and isolating nearly a score of communities. Communications were disrupted in many places. Petoskey was without light or power for five hours. High- ways were clogged and in some in- stances snow plows were forced to discontinue operations. In Detroit, temperatures fell from 51 to 27 degrees in a five-hour period and the wind increased to a velocity of more than 40 miles an hour. The sections hardest hit, however, appeared to be the Saginaw Valley and the thumb district in the Lower Peninsula and practically all of up- per Michigan. By mid-afternoon yesterday 17 communities in this area were with- out telephone communication. They were Vassar, St. Charles, Bayport, Sebewaing, Mayville, Chesaning, New Lothrop, Au Gres, Cass City, Munger, Montrose, Unionville, Fairgrove, Ak- ron, Millington, Caro, and Gagetown, Schools were closed in many areas. At Quincy, temporary sleeping quar- ters were set up in the high school gymnasium for rural students unable to return to their homes. *Sadie' Silverware Catches Criminal Vichy Gives Warships To Nazis, Russia Says LONDON, March 9,-(/P)-The Russian news agency Tass reported from Cairo tonight that about 40 French warships still building at the time of the French armistice of June, 1940, have been handed over by the Vichy Government to Germany. Among them, said the account from Tass' Cairo correspondent, was the battleship Clemenceau, which was at Brest, and an 8,000-ton cruiser. "Many" submarines also have been transferred to the Germans, it reported. "An agreement between Vichy and the Germans for gradual trans- fer of a large part of the French Navy to the Germans was reached a long time ago," it said. The Clemenceau was begun at Brest on Jan. 17, 1939. Its hull, according to Jane's Authoritative Fighting Ships, was understood to have been wrecked by high-explosive charges before the evacuation of Brest Turn to Page 2, Col. 3 ColonelMiller{ Predicts Victory For United Nations Next Year Military Will Expert Declares Be Next Move Of. Attack On Eastern Siberia Japanese Armed Forces By MORTON MINTZ Startling predictions-designed to explode "unfounded pessimism" about the war and clarify United Nations' strategy-were made yesterday by Col. Henry W. Miller, author of sev- eral books on military subjects and chairman of the mechanism and en- gineering drawing department. Colonel Miller predicted: * 1. The United Nations will win the war by the end of summer, 1943. " 2. The Japanese will concentrate neither on Australia nor on India, but will instead strike at Eastern Siberia, These predictions, made despite present apparently contradictory cir- Bomber'Plan Gets Approval Of' Committee Collection Of $100,000 For Plane - Scholarship Will Be Launched Soon The Committee on Student Affairs -headed by Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley-joined a campus chorus of approval yesterday when it unani- mously voted to pass, the projected Bomber-Scholarship plan for Uni- versity social mobilization. Mimeographing of the plan and its distribution to some 150 campus or- ganizations will be undertaken this week, according to Art Rude, '42, chairman of the Bomber-Scholarship Committee. The proposed drive for $100,000 in defense bonds, price of a bomber now and source of future scholarships to returning student World War II vet- erans, will be launched within the next two weeks, Rude declared. Although actual procedure ma- chinery has not yet been set in mo- tion, contributions to the Bomber- Scholarship fund from last week- end's social functions will be accepted at the Dean of Students Office in Room 2 University Hall, it was, an- nounced. Suggested procedures will be sent out along with copies of the plan to every campus organization holding "social functions." Such groups in-' elude fraternities, sororities, dormi- tories, cooperative houses, the League, the Union, and athletic organiza- tions. Eight Are Chosen For Semi-Finas Of Speech Contest From a group of 21 contestants, eight speakers cane out victorious in the intra-school meet of the national Pan-American extempore-discussion contest held yesterday in Room 4203 Angell Hall. Not all of these winners were rep- resentatives of speech classes, but came from many sections of the Uni- versity. They were Albert Cohen, '44, Herman C. Hudson, '44; Tom John- cumstances, were emphasized by fur- ther declarations: 0 3. America, regardless of the con- victions of selective service admin- istrators, needs an expeditionary army of not more than 500,000 fully-equip- ped and supplied top-notch soldiers to insure Axis defeat on all fronts by fall, 1943. 0 4. The Russians will stop the German spring offensive. A "grand strategy," with the Unit- ed Nations centering their attack on four main fronts, was outlined by Colonel Miller, who served as Lieut.- Col. of ordnance in charge of a heavy artillery section during the World War. He stressed repeatedly that this is a "war of equipment, not of men, and that history, demonstrates- beyond- doubt that building a stockade and retiring behind it means defeat." The strategy embodies these plans : * In the South Atlantic, the Unit- ed States must take over North Afri- ca, "clean out Dakar" and relieve the British for efficient defense of Suez and movement of men and supplies to Turkey, if necessary. * In the North Atlantic. Green- land must be used in the same way as North Ireland. Eventually a joint invasion of Norway must be under- taken, facilitating the bombing of Germany. 0 In the North Pacific, Japan must be bombed day-in, day-out for a longer period and more thoroughly than Britain ever was. 0 In the South Pacific, the Dutch East Indies, the Philippines and Japan's other conquests must be re- gained. Supporting his belief that the war will end in 1943, Col. Miller main- tained that "at the rate which ma- Turn to Page 6, Col. 1 Keller To Give Lecture Today Will Speak On Europe's ReligionIn SRA Talk Dr. Adolph Keller will deliver the third lecture in the series sponsored by the Student Religious Association at 8:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. Keller will speak on "The Pres- ent Religious Crisis in Europe." A noted European Protestant leader, Dr. Keller has studied at the Univer- sities of Basel, Geneva and Berlin. He taught for three years at the International School in Cairo and acted as associate pastor for the in- ternational parish in that city. Now Honorary Lecturer for the Universal Christian Council, Dr. Kel- ler was elected secretary of the Swiss Church Federation when it was founded in 1920. Knox Says Six Enemy Vessels Hit Admiral Stark Replaced, Given New Post; Move Believed 'Streamlining' Toll Of Jap Naval craft Reaches 138 WASHINGTON, March 9. - () - Secretary Knox announced today that Admiral Erest J. King, Com- mander in Chief of the United States Fleet, would absorb the duties of Chief of Naval Operations, heretofore exercised by Admiral Harold R. Stark, and that Stark would take a new post, Commander of U. S. Naval forces operating in European waters. The shakeup in the Navy High Command was the first since Admiral King became Commander-in-Chief of the United States Fleets Dec. 20. Control Streamlined It was described authoritatively as a streamlining of control of the Navy with King having absolute direction under President Roosevelt and Sec- retary Knox. From the time King became a Fleet Commander until the present time, he had shared with Stark authority for naval operations, immediate di- rection of the fleet being in King's hands and Stark having control of long-range planning and supply mat- ters. - The Navy announcement of the change said: "Admiral Harold R. Stark, Chief of Naval Operations since August 2, 1939, has been relieved of that post to be 'designated Cofimander, U~S. Naval forces operating in European waters, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox announced today. Duties Consolidated "Admiral Ernest J. King, Con- mander in Chief, United States Fleet, will absorb the duties of Chief of Naval Operations, thus consolidating the two duties under one officer. "Admiral Stark will go to London as relief of Vice Admiral Robert L. Ghormley, who is at present senior U. S. Naval officer in Great Britain. "Admiral Ghormley will go to sea after a period of temporary duty in Washington." Subu Attacks Cripple Six Jap War Vessels WASHINGTON, March 9. - 1) -- United States submarines steadily slashing away at Japan's long supply line in the Western Pacific have sunk a large destroyer and naval tanker, and put an aircraft carrier and three cruisers out of action with torpedo hits, the Navy reported today. This bag of enemy warships re- sulted from actions during the week ending March 6, and made up prob- ably the most succesful seven-day period for American undersea craft since the war in the Pacific began three months ago. Naval authorities here noted es- pecially that every ship sunk or dam- aged except one was a warship. The general area of the sinkings was not given, but these authorities specu- lated that it probably was in the vicinity of Java, where the enemy last week had concentrated his forces for the attack on that Netherlands islands. They also said that this rate of loss for the Japanese was extremely high in view of their constantly in- creasing problem of protecting their supply lines which now extend 3,000 miles from Yokohama to Batavia. The succesful attacks against these six raised to 138 the total of Japanese vessels of all types sunk to date by American armed forces in the Pacific. Roosevelt Urges Nation, To Act Against Inflation, President Stresses Need For Cooperating In Fight AgainstPrice Rise Harmful To War Effort WASHINGTON, March 9. - /P) - President Roosevelt told the nation tonight that a fight against inflation was as vital as the fighting on the war fronts and that it "calls for co- operation and restraint on the part of every group." "It calls," Mr. Roosevelt said in an address prepared for radio broadcast in connection with the ninth anni- versary of the national farm pro- gram, for "mutual good will and a willingness to believe in the other fellow's good faith. It calls for un- flagging vigilance and effective ac- tion by the government to prevent profiteering and unfair returns, alke for services and for goods." The President made no direct ref- erence to demands by the Congres- Health Service Plans System For Air Raids First Aid, Hospitalization Will Be Made Available To Students, Civilians By GEORGE W. SALLADE Plans for immediate first aid and hospitalizationin case of an Axis bombing attack on the Ann Arbor area are being made by the Univer- sity Health Service. During any emergency the Health Service, under the present arrange- ments, will serve as an auxiliary hos- pital to the entire city. Its facilities will lbe a1'ai1abk not only to students but to all civilians in the event of an air raid. Other aspects of the emergency program call for two mobile first aid units. Each unit will include six per- sons: twocdoctors, two nurses and two orderlies. The equipment for emer- gency first aid will also be provided. Cases that cannot receive adequate treatment from the mobile units will be brought to a casualty station man- ned by members of the Health Serv- ice Staff at the Health Service Build- ing. This station will give more ade- quate treatment and make the final disposition of cases. Persons seriously injured will be hospitalized in the Health Service In- firmary which will be able to handle as many as 60. Emergency food sup- plies will be distributed by the Health Service to rescue and first aid work- ers. The Health Service program is a part of the general University air raid precautions. These precautions are under the over-all supervision of a sub-committee of the University War Board, the Plant and Personnel Protection Committee. Aid Arouses Hopes Of Blind Scholar Herman C. Hudson, '44, is a hap- pier and more optimistic student to- day. The nealy-blind scholar who only three days ago thought he might have to leave school in June has received many offers of help from persons who read of his plight in Saturday's Daily. The Abe Lincoln cooperative house offered Herman room and board free of charge if his present funds ex- pired. Numerous persons have of- fered to read aloud to Herman for a total of approximately 30 hours per week-more than he had dreamed he would get of this, his only form of study. And Herman hopes a Univer- sity tuition and textbook scholarship is in the offing. sional farm bloc that government- held crop surpluses not be disposed of at less than parity prices. But he declared firmly that "if all prices keep on going up, we shall have in- flation of a very dangerous kind- we shall have such a steep rise in prices and the cost of living that the entire nation will be hurt." "That," he added, "would greatly increase the cost of the war and the national debt, hamper the drive for victory, and inevitably plunge every- one-city workers and farmers alike -into ruinous deflation later on." Mr. Roosevelt referred to "a con- siderable amount of discussion lately about the alleged complacency of the American people" but said that he was certain "that the American peo- ple are not now, and have not been, complacent." "Americans are preparing with all possible speed to take their places on the battle fronts," he declared. "Workers in the mills and mines are laboring long hours, under great pressure, to turn out the weapons and equipment without which the war cannot be won. Men and women in' thousands of communities are giving their time and energy in the work of civilian defense. And out in the country, farmers are straining every effort to produce the food which, like the tanks and planes, is absolutely in- dispensable to victory." Mr. Roosevelt observed that the members of these groups know the extent of their own work but do not always know what the others are do- ing and that situation "gives an op- portunity to the eneny to spread malicious words." 400 Educators rWill Assemble 'ForAcademy Coming from the laboratories, re- search rooms and libraries of Michi- gan's schools and colleges, more than 400 educators will assemble in Ann Arbor Friday and Saturday to share with fellow scholars and with the public the results of their years of study. At this, the 47th annual meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters,over 300 papers will be read reporting the development of research and investigations in 17 scientific and academic fields. General addresses are to be de- livered by Dr. A. F. Blakeslee of the Carnegie Institution and by Dr. I. D. Scott of the geology department and president of the Academy. Dr. Blakeslee is scheduled to speak on the "Control of Evolution and Life Processes in Plants" at 4:15 p.m. Fri- day in the Natural Science Auditor- ium. The Presidential Address, to be delivered by Dr. Scott at 8:00 p.m. Friday in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building, will deal with "The Coastal Dunes of Michigan and Correlated Problems." The 17 sections of the Academy, which will hold meetings all day Fri- day and Saturday, include anthro- pology, botany, economics, fine arts, folklore, forestry, geography and ge- ology and minerology. Others are history and political sci- ence, landscape architecture, lan- guage and literature, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, sanitary and medical science, sociology and zool- ogy. Marines To Interview All Applicants Today Having lost a day because of an automobile break-down, the recruit- ing party for the Marine Corps Can- didates Class for Commission will really be at North Hall starting to- day. Members of all classes are re- minded that there is an increased quota available and that those who missed interviews on the Liaison Of- ficer's first visit may still be ac- cepted. Those accepted will be en- listed in the Marine Corps Reserve Rangoon Falls To Jap Drive; Patrols Clash Over Highway Last Great Dutch Positio On Java Lost; 98,000 United Nations Troops Surrender,_Tokyo Says Australia Prepares SecurityProgram MANDALAY, March 9. (9:20 p.m., Burma Time-10:50 a.m. Eastern War Time).-(/P)-The British Arm has evacuated Rangoon, it was an' nounced here tonight. The Japanese had by-passed Pegu in their haste to occupy the strate- gic supply port of the road to China. Presumably they drove on Rangoon both from the north and the east. Reports reaching here tonight said that Japanese patrols also had been encpuntered near Tharrawaddy, about 70 miles north of Rangoon on the road to Prome-the only main high- way left to the United Nations in Burma. The' British reported they had mopped up this patrol, but new infil- trations were expected. Public utilities at Bassein, about 90 miles west of Rangoon on the Ir- rawaddy River Delta, have already been destroyed, it was understood here. This indicated the British were conceding the loss of all southern Burma. Handicapped since the start of the campaign by insufficient troops and equipment and lacking air power for a counter-offensivp, the British Com- mand's defense of Rangoon and the rest of southern Burma has been a series of withdrawals in the face of heavy odds. The arrival of a British armored force served to prolong the battle near the defensively vital Sittang River, but here the enemy succeeded in establishing a bridgehead near the river's mouth after 10 days of severe fighting and eventually brought anti- tank guns to meet the British tank sorties. Allied Troops Surrender At Ilandoeng, Japs Say (By The Associated Press) LONDON, March 9.-The last great Dutch position on Java, BandoenR on the high plateau, has fallen and the Japanese enemy, now having overrun substantially all the island, appeared tonight to be stamping out the last bright, gallant sparks of Dutch resistance. The Imperial Japanese headquart- ers officially claimed that the main Allied bodies-93,000 Dutch and 5,000 British and American troops-had surrendered unconditionally about Bandoeng and Soerabaja, the latter the great naval base in the eastern island. Of this, there was no confirmation here, but there could be no certain disproof of it for again there was only silence from the far, tortured battleground of Java. Still, based on their prior informa- tion of the defenders' plans and on their firm belief that only death could make the capitulation, Nether- land authorities here rejected the idea of any such total surrender and ex- pressed the conviction that Dutch- men still were fighting whenever and wherever a single company could make a useful stand. The Netherlands exile government in London issued a categoric state- ment that any arrangements toward cessation of hostilities with Japan were "out of the question." Australia Prepares Scorched Earth Plans MELBOURNE, Tuesday, March 10. -/P)-Spurred by the big-scale Jap- anese invasion of New Guinea, the Australian government today took over broad powers to put private and public property to the torch, kill live- stock and remove civilians from any threatened area of this continental commonwealth. The scorched-earth policy embodied Demands On System Of Conrhittees: Student Government Faces Wartime Crisis i By DAN BEHRMAN Student government at the Univer- sity of Michigan, from committees to large through active, constructive policies, there was little recognition of any group as having the power to fairs have not been conspicuous by their absence. But the growing trend of Univer-