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March 08, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-08

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~i4ton D~ian diy

Washington Merry-Uo-Round


By Lichty

Jdated and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc,
College Publishers Representative
420 MADISON Ave. NEw YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

Needed Labor Reform
R ECENTLY Governor Herbert Lehman of N.Y.
ordered an investigation of numerous charg-
es of corruption and kickbacks on a $300,000,000
State project by officers of the Hod Carriers and
Common Laborers Union, one of the big AFL
building trades units. The probe was long over-
The Hod Carriers is one of the worst ruled
unions in the United States, but there is a deep-
er significance to Lehman's probe than airing
its alleged racketeering.
The investigation will bring to light powerful
evidence of the urgent need for clear-cut legis-
lation compelling a democratization of union
management and regular public accountings of
union finances.
Organized labor has become big business in
the United States. Yet, unlike business, unions
are under no real public control. Their finances
are handled in strictest secrecy, sp that only in
a few unions, can even the members find out
what is done with their dues. Also, with a few
exceptions, unions are boss-ruled, by officers
who in some cases were not even originally elec-
ted by the members. Many unions have not had
conventions for years.
The Hod Carriers Union is one of these. ,Its
autocrats did not hold a convention for 30
years - from 1911 to 1941. - and its present
head, beefy Joe Moreschi, "assumed" the presi-
Nepotism among union officials is even worse
than it is in Congress - where it is rampant.
John L. Lewis, for example, has four members
of his family on his union payroll and it's a rare
labor big-shot who doesn't have at least one
relative drawing a. fat union salary.
Both the AFL and CIO have violently fought
all legislative attempts to force them to clean up
their internal affairs and to democratize their
management. But that isn't all.
Pure hctatorshjp
MANY UNION MOGULS also resort to dic-
tatorial measures to prevent outraged mem-
bers from seeking legal relief from plundering.
War Of Hatee


itorial Staff

Emile Gel .
Alvin Dann . .
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Gerald E. Burns
Hal Wilson,
Janet Hooker.
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright


. . . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Assistant Women's Editor
. . .Exchange Editor

Business Staff
.. . . Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
* Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Congress Persists
In Anti-Social Views . - -
HUNGRY PEOPLE don't matter; the
defense effort is of little import-
ance; post-war reconstruction deserves no
thought or planning. All that matters, all that
is important is that the wicked, scheming New
Deal is not allowed to sneak through any of its
"sociological" objectives under the guise of emer-
gency war measures.
Thus, Congress has almost consistently disre-
garded the pleading of the President and the
advice of Sidney Hillman. Our representatives
choose instead to listen to the unwarranted
cries of their reactionary fellows and to the
frantic bleats of the Chamber of Commerce. And
the war effort is forgotten in the mad rush to kill
any half-way humanitarian or progressive legis-
lation which is introduced by the administration.
The House Ways and Means Committee recent-
ly rejected by a vote of 16 to 8 the propose
$300,000,000 appropriation for unemployment
relief of workers who have lost their jobs as a
result of industrial conversion to war produc-
tion. Not much later, the entire House defeat-
ed, 249 to 104, a bill authorizing ex-
penditure of Federal funds for development by
Federal, state and local. agencies of plans for
public works which are intended to meet the
shock of a post-war economic crisis.
At the present time, the same men who were
responsible for the defeat of these two proposals
are marshaling their forces for an all-out effort
against the latest request of President Roose-
velt - an appropriation of $100,000,000 to the
WPA to provide work and training for persons
who are laid off because industries are being
converted to wartime production.
BJECTIONS to these proposals have been
long and loud and have varied from the
ridiculous to the idiotic - they would supposedly
be "socialization" and "federalization." They
would be "putting a premium on idleness," using
the "candy-stick approach" and "impeding the
war effort." Rep. Leland Ford claims adminis-
tration backing of the bills stems from the fact
that "the Government is shot through with
mealy-mouth, half-baked, socialistic, racketeer-
ing incompetents." If by Government you mean
Congress, Mr. Ford, and if you strike out "social-
istic," we might almost agree with you.
Actually, all of this name-calling on the
part of reactionary Congressmen falls piti-
fully wide of the mark. The plans to give
aid to wartime unemployed do not put a
premium on idleness. People are not out of
work because they want to be so - when a
man's job is ready for him again he will take
it and take it gladly. He would rather be
working for $50 or more a week than sitting
around for $16 or $20 or whatever his relief
allows him.
Increased aid along the proposed lines will
help us to keep our manpower available for the
war work in which it is most efficient, will en-
courage the temporarily unemployed to remain
in their own community while their previous
employer is retooling and will provide facilities
for training unskilled men in skilled jobs.
fits of the program, however, there exists a
certain humanitarian duty to those persons who
- through no fault of their own - are thrown

Will Be Grave Error.

. 0

T HE CONTENTION that "we must
learn to hate" in order to effective-
ly fight this war recently published in PM under
the byline of foreign correspondent John K.
Weiss, may well develop into one of the most
serious mistakes in world history unless the
idea is immediately and completely forced out
of consideration.
Prof. John F. Shepard of the psychology de-
partment has already attacked a proposal that
U.S. Naval cadets be given psychological train-
ing to "engender a hatred of our enemies" on
the grounds that it would lower morale in the
armed forces by making the men cynical of our
entire war effort. But upon further considera-
tion it becomes apparent that the effects of such
a program would probably be much more* far-
reaching than that.
It was hate, greed and envy and the like
which smouldered after the last war and even-
tually flared up in the present conflict. Are we,
then, to propose that this same hate be culti-
vated now, so we can have yet another world
war, even greater and more deadly than this
one, after another 25 years of "peace?"
any form if we are to ever return to a world
of peace, even though it may be argued that one
could hardly profess to love our enemies. But
it must be remembered that it isn't personal-
ities we're fighting, but rather principles which
have developed as a direct result of the hate
which was fostered by the last war.
Hate, even more so than other emotions, can-
not be turned on or off at will, and a hate gen-
erated at the present time would at best die
a very slow death after the war. In the mean-
while peace efforts would be hampered if not
halted altogether by that same hatred, and
once again we would have won the war and
lost the peace.
We must remember that we are not fighting
only to bring Germany and her allies to their
knees so we can enjoy a few more years of dub-
ious peace while hatred again prepares the way
for a third world war; anyone who believes that
to be our goal is sadly mistaken.
Our aims must be much more broad; we are
fighting for not just a few years' peace, but for
a permanent one. And that peace, in order to
be permanent, must of necessity be based not
on hate but upon love - upon the "Good Neigh-
bor" policy so successfully used in South Ameri-
TfHERE IS NO NEED to create a "will to die
for their country" in the men fighting for
America's future; true Americans already have
that will, and the few others would be as im-
pervious to psychological attention as they are
to the many heritages for which they already
owe America.
Instill a feeling of active patriotism? By all
means; but leave hatred for our enemies out
of the picture. Hatred put us into this war; only
overcoming that hatred will get us out of it
and prevent yet another.
-Charles Thatcher
shelter. Since at least 1932 we have accepted
the idea that the federal government has a

The HCCLU is one of the unions that uses such
An example of such tactics occurred recently
at Key West, Fla., where extensive government
building operations are in progress. Without
even going through the motions of consulting
their members, the Hod Carriers' organizer in
Miami ordered a consolidation of the two locals
in Key West and installed several of his hench-
men as officers of the combined unit.
When, after months of battling, the Key
Westers called a meeting, elected their own
officers and demanded an accounting, the or-
ganizer set aside the election as illegal and his
henchmen refused to turn over the books.
When the members hired a lawyer, the or-
ganizer issued a ukase that unless they dropped
the legal action he would fire them from the
union - and thus, in effect, deprive them of
their means of livelihood. The members, how-
ever, refused to scare, and court hearings brought
out some very interesting facts.
It was disclosed that at the HCCLU conven-
tion last September, dictatorial provisions were
written into the union's constitution without
knowledge of the membership at large. Also
that although monthly meetings are prescribed
for all Locals, none had been held in Key West
for months. Also that, without previous know-
ledge by the members, dues were jumped from
$1 to $1.50 a month.
When some members refused to pay the boost,
the organizer had them discharged from their
jobs under threat of pulling a strike unless they
were fired. Further, one of the rebel officers
testified that before the consolidation his Local
had a ,979 bank balance, but that afterwards
he could find no trace of the money.
No evidence was presented in court of what
had become of these funds - taken out of the
pay of the workers in the form of dues.
Note: Senator Elbert Thomas, of Utah, chair-
man of the Senate Labor Committee and a friend
of labor, is quietly working on legislation to com-
pel unions to make public financial reports.
Dominic Stays
A SECOND MALVERN has just closed its ses-
sions. This meeting of Churchmen to pro-
ject a basis for peace was called at Delaware,
Ohio. Their findings will be presented within
a few days.
The Church and the war is a theme which,
to the man outside the church, is being discus-
sed on secondary issues. While the statesmen,
the engineers, the armed forces, and the defense
leaders are struggling to prevent a determined
enemy from Nazifying humanity and writing
their specifications for the future, the organized
religious forces seem to be diverting thought
and lessening the total striking power. How true
or how false that apparent fact is will be de-
cided by time. It is well to consider that a defi-
nite understanding of the issues is needed if we
expect our people to work unitedly - that the
emotions which can be mobilized and directed
by leaders in religion, once centered upon an
acceptable ideal, give a people coherent force-
that one of the four freedom's, that of worship,
has always been under the direction of the
clergy and there is need to increase the apprec-
iation of worship as well as the practice of it
in families and congregations if this interest is
to serve either the men in action or the people
at home. These considerations should cause even
the skeptics to look with favor upon efforts to
decide how we reached a world war, which evils
need to be corrected and what aims should en-
gage us as we enlist for the duration.
Also, there are inquiries as to range of interest
on the part of clergymen and religious laymen.
They "get adrift," spill over their spiritual and
ethical disputations into the fields of economics,
politics, production, commerce and what not,
says the critic. In so saying the critic betrays
his desire to confine religion to its "priestly" ele-
ment. He would have churchmen stick to adora-
tion of the deity, the conduct of worship, min-
istry of the sacraments, care of the sanctuary,

consecration of marriage and burial of the dead.
To be certain these are functions of the clergy
and a phase of every religion. But, which relig-
ion can ever separate itself from the ethics of
its people, be deaf to the cries of the oppressed,
ignore the behavior of the strong and the weak
in a free concourse, or wisely fail to look ahead
toward the social and bread-and-butter conse-
quences of any social movement? There is al-
ways the "prophetic" or the creative element
in religion, the code which follows faith.
LIKEWISE, there is impatience on the part
of many because Christians differ so widely
between pacifism at one end of the scale and
a use of force at the opposite end. This spread
will become a means of strength if we can main-
tain good will and come to specific objectives.
Just now we are at the stage when that search
for objectives is going forward with intensive
zeal. One cannot fail to be inspired by the deep
sincerity and sturdy will with which Jews,
Catholics and Protestants, in spite of their lack
of communication ordinarily in peace time, are
dealing with issues raised by the World War.
It should be the part of University men and
women to give time to social phenomena. To do
so we will all have to read more widely than the
Time magazine or even the liberal weeklies. The
religious magazines, the information sheet from
the Federal Council of Churches, the messages
fln*A t-A icnn i Cfhli Ficnn~orMth_


(Continued from Page 2)E
sics, radio electronics. For O-VP)C
majors in mechanical, electrical,
chemical, industrial, administrative,s
radio engineering, physics with back-F
ground mathematics including dif-
ferential equations. For D-V(P) ma-
jors in business administration or4
com m erce._ _
Schools of Education, Forestry andv
Conservation, Music, and PublicV
Health: Students who received marksV
of I or X at the close of their last
term of attendance (viz., semester or ti
summer session) will receive a gradeL
of E in the course unless this work F
is made up by March 12. Students
wishing an extension of time beyond
this date should file a petition ad- f
dressed to tje appropriate official int
their school with Room 4 U.H., where P
it will be transmitted.o
Robt. L. Williams i
Assistant Registrarr
Concentration Advisers, College of
SL.S. and A.: Any adviser wishing toF
have courses outside the departmenta
or division counted in the C average
required in the field of concentra-
tion for tentative May seniors should
notify the Registrar's Office, Roomc
4, U. Hall. The office will assume
that no courses outside the depart-
ment are to be included unless ae
report is filed by March 20, 1942.
Requests should be in writing giv-9
ing the names of the individual stu-c
dents to be affected and the specificv
courses outside the department to bef
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar.C
Students, College of Literature,C
Science, and the Arts: Students
whose records carry reports of I or
X either from the first semester,
1941-42, or (if they have not been in1
residence since that time) from anyC
former session, will receive grades oft
E unless the work is completed by
March 9. l
Petitions for extensions of time,
with the written approval of the in-e
structors concerned, should be ad-1
dressed to the Administrative Boardt
of the College, and presented to Roomr
4, University Hall, before March 9.<
E. A. Walter 1
Faculty of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts: The five-
week freshman reports will be due
Saturday, March 14, in the Academ-
ic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason1
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman.
Mentor Reports: Reports on stand-I
ings of all Engineering freshmenx
will be expected from faculty mem-
bers, during the 6th and again dur-
ing the 11th weeks of the semester.
These two reports will be due about
March 11 and April 15. Report blanks
will be furnished to Miss Buda, Of-
fice of the Dean, (Extension 575),
who will handle the reports; other-
wise, call A. D. Moore, Head Mentor,
Extension 2136.
Senior Chemists, Chemical, Me-
chanical and Industrial Engineers:
Mr. E. W. Oldham of The Firestone
Tire & Rubber Company will inter-
view Seniors in the above groups on
Wednesday, Mar. 11, and Thursday,
Mar. 12.
The March 11 interviews may be
scheduled in the Chemical Engineer-
ing Department, 2038 East Engineer-
ing Building, and on March 12 in the
Mechanical Engineering Department,
221 West Engineering Bldg.
Application blanks and booklets
are available in each Department and
blanks must be filled out in advance.

Engineering, methods analysis, and s
design, or in the Procter & Gamble 1
If interested, sign the interviewp
schedule on the bulletin board near
Rm. 221 W. Engr. Bldg.u
Mechanical, Industrial, Chemical,
& Metallurgical Seniors: Mr. H. M.
Washburn of The Prest-O-Lite Co.,u
Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana, will inter-
view Seniors in the above groups on
Wednesday, Mar. 11, in Room 218
West Engineering Building.
Those interested may sign the in n
erviewv schedule on the Mechanical n
EngineeringBulletin Board, nearb
Rm. 221 W. Eng. Bldg.
Graduate Students withdrawingi
from the University after at least
two weeks of a semester for the pur-
pose of entering the armed forces
of the United States (including clerks
n civilian service) are entitled to pro-
rated refund of semester fees and
pro-rated credit on the recommenda-
tion of the department concerned.I
For further information please call
at the office of the Graduate Schooo
C. S. Yoakum o
Graduate Students: Attention is
called to the regulation that diploma
applications .must be received early
in the semester in which a degree is
expected. Applications filed in any
previous semester in which the de-
gree was not awarded will not be
carried over for a May degree and it
will be necessary in such cases toI
file another application this semester.
Doctoral students are remindedC
that dissertations will be due in the<
office of the Graduate School ons
April 6 instead of April 20 as previ-
ously announced.
C. S. Yoakum G
Kothe-Hildner Annual Germanr
Language Award offered students inI
Course 32. The contest, a transla-
tion test, carries two stipends of $20
and $30 and will be held the latter
part of this month. The fund from
which the awards are payable was
established in 1937 by Herman W.(
Kothe, '10L, in honor of lately re- I
tired Professor Jonathan A. C. Hild-
ner, under whom Kothe studied. Stu-
dents who wish to compete and whof
have not yet handed in their appli-
cations should do so immediately in
204 U.H.
Caroline Hubbard Kleinstueck Fel-
lowship: This award of $500 is of-
fered by the Kalamazoo Alumnae
Group for the year 1942-43. It is'
open to any woman with an A.B.
degree from an accredited college or
university and is available for gradu-
ate work in any field. A graduate
of the University of Michigan may
use the award for study wherever she
wishes but a graduate of any other
college or university must continue
her work at Michigan. Candidates
showing ability for creative work will
be given special consideration. Ap-
plication blanks may be obtained at
the Alumnae office in the Michigan
League or at the Office of the Dean
of Women and should be returned
not later than March 15.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments wishes to announce that rep-
resentatives of the Post Products Co.
in Battle Creek, Michigan will be in
our office on Wednesday, March 11,
1942, to interview Mechanical Eng-
ineers. Appointments may be made
at the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall. Office hours 9-12 and
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Mechanical Engineers: Member-

"Any of yo' folks care to secede from the Union?"


t vou coL L ro Z a
GtitANG-E I c vtr.svE
l.-EFF - -
;- ..
t .,t. ON A3 Yl.

,raduate competition for cash prizes
t the next meeting of the society on
4areli 18. These should be turned
n to J Templar, '42E, or W K ffel,
2E, as soon as possible.
Academic Notices
The Bacteriological Seminar will
eet in fRoom 1564 East Medical
3uilding, Monday, March 9, at 8:00
.m. The subject will be "Dysentery,"
kl interested are cordially invited.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
)e held on Tuesday. March 10, at
:30 p.m., in Room 319, Wet Medi-
zal Building. "Protein Hydrolysates
in Nutrition - Problems in the Re-
'eneration of Blood and Tissues" will
e discussed. -All interested are in-
University Oratorical ('ontest: Pre-
liminary contest will be held Friday,
March 13, at 4:00 p.m. in room 4203
Angell Hall. A five-minute talk on
the subject of the oration will be
required. Contestants will please reg-
ister in the Speech Department of-
ice, 3211 Angell Hall.
Economies 52 make-up final ex-
unnation Friday, March 13, at 3:00
p.m., in Room 207 Ec.
Student Recital: Edward Ormond,
violinist, will present a recital at
1:15 p.m. Sunday, March 8, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree. His pro-
;ram will include works of Brahms,
Chausson and Glazounov. .
The public is cordially invited.
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
University Organist, yill conclude the
Wednesday afternoon series for the
season with his recital in Hill Audi-
orium at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday,
March 11. le plans to give his usual
programr on Good Friday, April, 3,
nd another on Easter Sunday. These
wvill be followed by a series of Sunday
afternoon recitals by other members
of the faculty of the School of Music
and Claire Coi, guest organist, who
will appear oan April 2).
Exhibit of Illustrations, University
Elementary School: The drawings
made by Elinor Blaisdell to illustrate
he book "The Emperor's Nephew,"
y Marian Magoon of the English
Department of Michigan State Nor-
mal College, Ypsilanti, are on display
in the first and second flor corridor
cases. Open Monday-Friday 8 to 5,
Saturday, 8-3 through March 14,
The public is invited.
University Lectures: Lectures by
Dr. Carl F. Cor iandDr. Gerty T. Con
of the Department of Pharmacol-
ogy,' Washington University Medical
School, will be given as follows:
"The Role of Enzymes in Carbo-
hydrate Metabolism," by Dr. Carl F.
Cori, on Friday, March 27, at 4:15
"The Isolation and Properties of
Some Enzymes Concerned with Car-
bohydrate Metabolism," by Dr. Gerty
T. Cori, on Friday, March 27, at 8:15
"The Enzymatic Conversion of
Glucose to Glycogen," by Dr. Carl F.
Cori, on Saturday, March 28, at 11:00
All the above lectures will be given'
in the Rackham Amphitheater and
will be illustrated. This series is un-
der the auspices of Biological Chem-
istry and the Medical School. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club: The second ten-
ors will rehearse at 3:30 p.m. to-
day, and the full rehearsal will be-
gin at 4:30 p.m. Tardiness will con-

stitute an unexcused absence.
All members who have not yet
checked out music folders are asked
to bring their deposit Sunday.
Michigan Outing Club will have a
hike this afternoon and will leave
the Women's Athletic Building at
2:30 p.m. All students are welcome to
attend. Each one should bring his
own supper. The group will hike to
the old windmill out Geddes Road.
The Lutheran SItndent Association
will hold its regular supper hour at
5:30 p.m. and its Forum H our at
7 o'clock this evening. Mr. Eric Lis-
sell will speak on "The Influence of
Christianity on the Scandinavian
Way of Life."
Hillel Foundation: 'There will be a
party celebrating the Jewish holiday
of Purim this evening at 7:30, at the
Hillel Foundation, sponsored by Avu-
kah. Brief discussion, traditional re-
freshments, group dancing, commun-
ity singing and choosing of a modern
Queen Esther make up the program.
Everyone is invited.
Episcopal Students: The Reverend
John G. Dahl will speak on monastic-
ism at the meeting of the Episcopal
Student Guild at 7:00 tonight in Har-
ris Hall. Compline and refreshments.
All students invited.
Gamma Delta Lutheran Student
Club will have its regular fellowship
supper at 6:00 tonight at St. Paul's
Lutheran Church. A discussion on

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