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March 08, 1942 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-08

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>l iYU ,i 1 , 111 r 4- 1t11 1 4

Needs Of War Zone Children
To Be Discussed By Dr. Royon

The need for maintaining "physi-
cal strength, mental balance and
moral courage" among children in
European war zones will be discussed
by Dr. Andree V. Royon, child psy-
chologist and delegate of the "Save
the ' Children International Union"
at Geneva, in a lecture 'scheduled
for Friday, March 13, in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Thirty-two countries are now affil-
iated with the Union, .organized at
Geneva, during World War I to aid
war unfortunates. It is the aim of,
the Save the Children Federation,
the American branch of the Union
collaborating with the British branch,
to give supplemental aid to individual
children through a god-parent plan,
whereby an American contribution
of $30 will "adopt" a child-support
him for one year.
Another major project of the Fed-
eration is supporting residential nur-
sery homes in the country, where 45
children may be maintained at a
cost of $4,500 for the year.
The local drive in the interest of
the Federation was inaugurated last
spring under the co-chairmanship of
Mrs. Edward W. Blakeman and Mrs.
Preston W. Slosson.
To date, Ann Arbor citizens have
been responsible for 200 "adoptions"
and have sent in addition $1,500 to-
ward the support of Trevince House,
in Red Ruth, Cornwall, where it is
known as the "Ann Arbor Shelter."
Lady Robert Mayer, envoy of the
British branch, in Ann Arbor last
April, explained the extreme need
for aiding children in England. Be-
cause of danger and lack of facilities
only 3,000 children could be evacu-
Dictator's Effects
On Justice Shown
In Law Magazine

ated to th
States fo
child for
Our o'
dren in
aided by
P. R. Fin
of the di
er, whos

his country, although 200,000
were sent from the United
or the privilege of taking a
the duration.
wn underprivileged are not
d, however, with 50,000 chil-
five Southern states being
the same Federation. Mrs.
ch, of this city, is chairman
a G. Colby of the psychology
ent will introduce the speak-
visit to Ann Arbor is being
d by the psychology depart-


Roland Elliott
Will Talk Here
On Student Aid
National Christian Leader
Will Discuss Relief
Work In Europe
Roland Elliott, executive secretary
of the National Council of the Stu-
dent Christian Associations, will
speak here March 14 in behalf of the
World Student Service Fund drive
to aid Chinese and European war
students, war prisoners in Europe
and Asia and refugee students in
this country.
Mr. Elliott, who has been instru-
mental in the Christian Student
Movement, recently returned from a
trip to Europe, undertaken in re-
sponse to a cabled invitation from
people who are working against odds
for student relief in countries dom-
inated by Germany.
He reported that on two points
the sentiments of these European re-
lief workers were in unity: acknowl-
edgement of joint responsibility for
the conditions which made possible
the present world war and deter-
mination to be ready to share in the
planning for the peace that will fol-
Mr. Elliott made his way through
Portugal and Spain to Switzerland,
meeting people in homes, on streets
and in secret places hidden from
Gestapo eyes and ears.
"The food shortage," according to
Mr. Elliott, "is taking a toll in health,
and the effects will be felt by many
generations to come." He also
stated that "there is a growing lack
of confidence in Hitler . . . whose
policy of reprisals hat outraged the
Mr. Elliott's return trip was a
complex journey, by, slow train
through Spain back to Lisbon where
he finally managed toget a plane
home via ,Africa, South America,
Bermuda and New York. He is now
on a tour of visits to colleges in the
United States.

Dr taubach
Directs Play
By Telepathy
"I have taken to carrying aspirin
to help me through rehearsals, but
the cast uses them before I have a
chance," Dr. Charles Staubach of the
Spanish department claims in refer-
ence to "La Independencia" rehear-
Such an incident as directing by
mental telepathy is cause enough for
Dr. Staubach's headache. Dr. Stau-
bach spent an entire afternoon at
the Romance Languages Building di-
recting the cast which was rehearsing
at the Union!
Commenting on the story in Thurs-
day's Daily concerning the difficulty
the cast experienced in learning the
Spanish embrace between men, Dr.
Staubach said, "Even the more nor-
mal embrace between lovers seems
an effort to the Michigan student,
who retains a stiff "poker-face" be-
fore the audience!"
However, aside from the technical
difficulties involved in staging a
large production, the play is pro-
gressing rapidly. In fact, La Socie-
dad Hispanica promises that this
will be the "best and largest pro-
duction" in its history.
"La Independencia;" written by
Manuel IBretondenlos Herreros, is
La Sociedad Hispanica's annual
Spanish production, and will be pre-
sented at 8:15 p.m., March 17, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Although the mnain cast has been
chosen, there are many parts open
for the crowd scenes. Technicians
will also be needed, as the produc-
tion lies in the hands of students,
and all students who are interested
are urged to see Dr. Staubach, who
is the faculty director.
Test Date Set
Annual German Contest
To Be Held March 26
The Kothe-Hildner annual con-
test for students in German 32 will
be held March 26, Prof. H. W. Nord-
meyer, chairman of the German de-
partment, has announced.
The coitest consists of translation
tests from German to English and
English to German and carries two
stipends of $20 and $30. The fund
from which the awards are payable
was established in 1937 by Herman
W. Kothe, '10L, in honor of Prof.
Jonathan A. C., Hildner, under whom
he studied.
Professor Hildner, of the German
department, retired in 1938 °after
having taught for half a century. He
was also adviser to foreign students
on campus for more than 20 years.
Affectionately referred to as "Dad"
by many of his students, Prof. Hild-
ner believed that students in ele-
mentary languages could learn best
by having the subject presented in-
terestingly; thus, he taught German
by means of folk songs and other
informal methods.
Recent winners of the award are
Sidney Milgrom, '45M, and Ann
Costikyan, '44.
Students who wish to compete
should hand in their applications
imrediately in Room 204 U. H.

Marine Board
Will Examine
More Recriuts
Corps Will Enlist 28 New
Applicants For Training
As Candidate Officers
Beginning tomorrow a Marine
Corps recruiting party will be at
North Hall, headquarters of the Na-
val ROTC unit, to enlist applicantst
for training in the recently an-
nounced Officers' Candidate Class I
for Commission
The party, headed by Lieut. Wi-
liam L. Batchelor, will remain here
a full week not only to complete thet
enrollment of the applicants pre-
viously interviewed, but also to fill,
the increased quota assigned the Uni-1
In addition to the 25 seniors, 15
juniors and two sophomores orig-
inally called for, the University may
now admit 13 more sophomores and
15 freshmen. It was indicated that
since some of the previous applicantst
may not be finally accepted new in-
terviews with members of all classesf
will be held.
Students enrolling in the program
will be enlisted in the Marine Corps
Reserve and deferred from active
duty until graduation except in case
of urgent necessity.1
Claude Williams'
Life To Be Given
As Drcmaizahion
The dramatization of the life of
Claude Williams, head of the Insti-
tute of Applied Religion, will be given
by the students of the Liberal Stu-
dents Union at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Unitarian Church Parlors.
Mr. Williams, interested in the
conditions of the share cropper's life
and religion, went South a few years
ago and has been working since then
with preachers and their congrega-
tions of this strata of society.
He has endeavored to show them
that religion is not merely an effort
to get to a better world but should be
utilized by the clergymen as a prac-
tical application to better present
living conditions here on earth. Mr.
Williams feels his task is to encour-
age their social outlook.
The play, directed by Maida Stein-
berg, '45, will illustrate Mr. Williams'
life and problems during his stay in
the South.
All contributions to this cause will
be in charge of Prof. John Shepard, of
the psychology department, who will
give out furtherinformation tothose
interested in Mr. Williams' work.
Jean Warnshuis To Talk
On Friends' Work Camps

VOL. LI. No. 113

Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the uivdersity.
Income-Tax Consultation: The lo-
cal office of the Internal Revenue
Department will furnish consultation
service on questions relating to the
income tax at the Main Street offices
daily to' March 16. Telephone in-
quiries cannot be answered from the
banks. This information has been
furnished by the local office of the
Internal Revenue Department for
the benefit of members of the fac-
ulties and staff who may desire ad-
vice in connection with the pre-
paration of their federal incomhe-tax
Shirley W. Smith
To the Members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
March 9, at 4:15 p.m., in the Rack-
ham Amphitheater. All members of
the University Senate may attend
the meeting.
Minutes of the meeting of February
9, 1942'.
Subjects offered by members of
the Council.
Report of Committee on Educa-
tional Policies concerning Intermedi-
ate Staff Positions, R. Schorling.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Choral Union Members: There will
be a sectional rehearsal of the Choral
Union Chorus Sunday afternoon,
March 8, in the School of Music
Auditorium, as follows:
Men: 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Women: 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Thor Johnson, Conductor.

(P), and CC-V(P). Also Seniors who
are candidates for degree in Business
Administration or Commerce for ap-
pointment as Ensign D-V(P). Qual-
ified applicants to be commissioned
immediately. Designation to be
changed to special service upon re-
ceipt of degree. Seniors and Juniors




CANARIE(, Hollywood singers, Par-
rakeets, Lovebirds, Cockatiels, bird
supp~lies. Mrs. Ruffin, 562 S.
Seventh. Phone 5330. 266c

of accreditedron-tecnical colleges
who are candidates for anyv college
deg"ee provided they are majoring
inl subjects related to the classifica-
tion applied for, namely: for A-V t P)
majors in aeronautical, electrical
specializing in high frequence radio
electronics, communications, mechan-
ics specializing in internal combus-
tion, civil engineering, meteorology,
architecture. geology. For CC-V(P)
majors in architecture. For E-V(P)
majors in electrical, mechanical, die-
sel, civil, chemical engineering, phy-
iContiunud on Page ai

Must be college fraternity man.
Car necessary. Reply, Box 13, The
Michigan Daily. 264c
LOST-Light, shell-rimmed glasses
between Chemistry Bldg. and State
St. on North 'University. Call 8381.
Near Waterman Gym, Thursday
afternoon. Reward. Robert Lind-
ner. Phone 2-1018. 265c
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 5c
suits, overcoats, typewriters, musi-
cal' instruments, ladies' furs, Per-
sian lamb, mink, watches, dia-
monds. Pay from $5 to $500.
Phone Sam, 3627. 229c
LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c

STOCKWELL and Mosher-Jordan
residents-Alterations on women's
garments promptly dlone. Opposite
Stockwell. Phone 2-2678. 3c
TAILORED SUITS and coats, cus-
tom-made. Daytime and evening
gowns made and remodeled. Phone
3468. 252c
PERMANENTS. $3.00-$7.00. Sham-
poo and set, 65c all week, Gingham
Girl Beauty Shop, 302 S. State.
Phone 2-4000.
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 0c
12riveway gravel, washed pebbles.
K Ilins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
TYPING: L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., phone 5689.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public., Phone 6327 706 Oakland.


Applicants for Commissions in Na-
val Reserve: Members Senior Class-
es will be recommended for appoint-
ment Ensigns E-V(P), O-V(P), A-V

A partial answer to the question of1
what becomes of the regular agencies
of justice and law enforcement under1
a dictatorship is contained in ther
March issue of the Michigan Law
Review to be published tomorrow.
In an article entitled "Italian Ad- ,
ministrative Courts Under Fascism,"
Paul B. Rava, former lecturer in the
university .at Padua and now at thq
Washington University School of
Law in St. Louis, shows how the
Italian supreme administrative court
has been -maintained, but "is now
restricted in its functions to minor
matters and subject to curtailment
'whenever 'the ~administration deems
that an important issue is at stake."
. In another article entitled "Tort
Liability of Suppliers of Defective
Chattels," Prof. Paul A. Leidy of the
University Law School discusses the
possibility that retailers may be held
liable for injuries resulting from de-
fects in articles sold by them.
"With very little expense or incon-
venience they could discover the de-
fect, whereas there is little likelihood
that the user will make an effective
inspection, and the presence of the
defect might result in serious harm.
Heading' the student section of the'
Review'is an exhaustive treatment
of the control of interstate migration
of indigents, which is particularly
timely in view of the recent Supreme
Court decision declaring invalid a
California law making it inlawful to
bring into the state any non-resident
indigent person.
Ormond Will Give
Graduation Recital
Edward Ormand, '42SM, violinist,
will present his graduation recital at'
4:15 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Ormand, principal violinist of the
University Symphony Orchestra and
of the Little Symphony, is a pupil
of Wassily Besekirsky, head of the
School of Music violin department.
He formerly studied under Samuel
Gardner of the Juilliard School of
Particularly featured in the recital
program will be Glazounov's Con-
certo in A minor (opus 82), composi-
tion in three parts to be played with-
out accompaniment. Ormand will
also present Sonata No. 1 in G by
.Brahms and Poeme by Chausson.

An entirely new thrill lecture
by the author of


Thu rsday,


12... 8.15 P.M.

Captain Craig's Smash Hit. Our far flung
first line of defense now the center of world news.

IIcKrTs $1.10-83c-55c
(tax included)

Alumnus Commended
For Hawaiian Service
Not all Americans in Hawaii slept
last Dec. 7.
One of the wide-awake sailors there
was Ensign Stanley Caplan, '39, who,
assuming command of a destroyer,
pursued an enemy ship out to sea
during the Japanese attack on the
Hawaiian naval base. His work as
temporary commander of the war-
ship has been commended as dis-
tinguished service to his country by
Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox.
Caplan, the senior of four naval
reserve ensigns, only surviving offi-
cers on board the destroyer, held the
command for 36 hours "in a most
outstanding manner."
Enrolled in the naval reserve in
1940, he was stationed aboard a de-
stroyer of the Pacific fleet on April
Debate Squad To Meet
JewellCollege Today
Members of the men's debate squad
will meet William Jewell College of
Liberty, Mo., at 8 p.m. today in the
Union in a symposium on the vari-
ous stages in Civilian Defense.
Making a tour of the East at the
present time, the college will present
two speakers, and the University
squad will be represented by John
Muehl, '44L, and Walter Germain
'43, Arthur Secord, the debate coach.

Box office opens March 1 1 and 12, 10 a.m.

Jean Warnshuis, a representative
of the American Friends Service
Committee, will speak on the sum-
mer service projects of the committee
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Lane Hall.{
Miss Warnshuis will illustrate her
talk with movies of the summer work


SHOWS at 1-3-5-7--9 PM.
ADULTS 40c inc. tax



TO1NIGHT at 6:30 and 8:30
(with English titles)
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ed atnywhere in the world"
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Today at 1-3-5-7-9 P.M.

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Spotlight on Indo-China
The Lucky Duck (in color)

- .. t : ... :...




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