_________1TE -DCHGA ATLY us 4P Str4igaxun &3dil Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. tntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mal $5.00. REPRESENTEO FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisbers Representative 420 MAoisON AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * Los ANGELES * SAN FANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Emile Ge. Alvin Dann David Lachenbruch Jay McCor mick Gerald E. Burns Hal Wilson. Janet Hooker . Grace Miller Virginia Mitchell I Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright * . Managing Editor Editorial Director . City _Editor * .Associate Editor * .Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Assistant Women's Editor . . Exchange Editor THE REPLY CHURLISH By ToUCHSTONE AM NOW READING a wonderful collection the long dead voice droned on, Johnathan lis- of fantastic stories, gathered together by one tening closely. For this was Johnathan Twist's Phil Stong, which was a surprise to me because secret. Forty years he had worked, crazily, the last thing I remember about Mr. Stong, he without method it seemed, but at last, in that was doing the great cornbelt novel, called State clear crystal globe, he had the essence of things. Fair, about a hog called Blue Boy, I think. Any- the electric agent by which all things could, how, this book he has edited contains twenty- speak, aloud and understandably, buildings, five fantastic stories, and is called Twenty-Five trees, books, living or dead. Modern Stories of Mystery and Imagination- "What do ye meane, 'feem fickle'?" Johna- The Other Worlds, and it does not include any- than asked. thing by Poe or Bierce or DeMaupassant. The "I can't fay," the voice replied. "That'f not stories have been called from such present-day in ye boke." pulps as Wonder Stories, Astounding Stories, The strange dialogue across the centuries went etcetera etcetera, and one from Esquire. Mr. on, far into the night. It was after three o'clock Stong scorns the scientifiction sort of thing, and when Johnathan closed the dusty volume and only includes one time machine yarn in the col- stood up. He looked at the laboratory. "How'd lection to show what is being done in that field. all this mess get here?" he said aloud. His rules for the fantastic story are simple and "You were busy reading and we boiled over," clear. Ghosts per se are ruled out. Superman the objects in the ruined laboratory replied. is ruled out. Interplanetary space patrols are "Well, can you clean yourselves up?" ruled out and rocket ships too, which should "Certainly, boss," the laboratory said, and it show Buck Rogers where he stands. The fan- cleaned itself up. tastic story, Mr. Stong says, should consist of a Johnathan Twist went outside to breathe logically worked out story, the initial of all im- some fresh air. He stood gazing up at the stars, portant premise of which is impossible. The and to his mind there flashed a simple little author should, if he is the right sort of man, verse from his childhood. "Twinkle, twinkle, show at the beginning of the story what that little star, how I wonder where you are-" he impossible premise is, and not save it to get out breathed. of a tight spot. "Quite a way, 2,308,675,943-light years," the star said. AND NOW I am going to try to write a fan- "And what is your name?" Johnathan asked, tastic story for you. Short, but according bemused. to Hoyle and Stong. We will assume that I am "Ursa" really a respectable professor of ancient hiero- "How nice," Johnathan said, and moved on glyphics at a large college, and I write under I down into the dense wood at the foot of the hill. the nom de plume of Donald T. von Van Der He thought he would talk to a tree for awhile! Touchstone. and then go on into the village and talk to the Under TLe DodarS bank and some hitching posts he knew. Une The tree said it was a dog's life, and the bank fr Love's Last Shift asked Johnathan if he needed money, and John- HE RETORT BOILED OVER. Poisonous athan said no. The hitching posts were asleep, fumes filled the low vaulted laboratory of and Johnathan walked softly away, trying not Johnathan Twist, known as a crank to the popu- to disturb their gentle snores. He stood in front lace of the small village of Oomlaut. The whirl- of the general store, talking to the cracker barrel ing centrifuge broke, and jets of molten metal for awhile and then he went and talked to the flew through the dense atmosphere. At a table Civil War monument, and the soldiers fired in the corner, immersed in an ancient calf-skin their guns for him to show they really worked. volume, one of many such which lined the over- A policeman came up to Johnathan and moved flowing shelves of the laboratory, sat Johnathan his lips, but Johnathan could not hear him. He Twist, immersed in an ancient calf-skin volume said so, and the policeman cupped his hand to which he was reading. In one hand he held a his ear. He could not hear Johnathan either. crystal globe, of some strange material other They stood there for quite awhile trying to make than glass. themselves understood, but Johnathan realized Johnathan Twist only appeared to be read- that the crystal ball was to blame, that he could ing though. The crystal globe was the secret of not expect to hear humans if he heard all other it all. The book spoke-unbelievably, across all things. After awhile the policeman went away. the centuries which had elapsed since the au- Johnathan walked slowly back up the hill to thor's words had been written on the paper, the his house, holding the crystal ball and talking voice of the long dead savant sounded clear and to the grass. It was going to be nice from now strong in the silent room. on, Johnathan thought. "Ande yf thefe fudden fitf feem fickle to ye," So long until soon. Washington Merry-Go-Round By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN Business Stafff s S.a. Business Manager Associate Business Manag'er . Women's Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HOWARD FENSTEMAKER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Rep. Dies Raises His Head Again . . T HE SAGA OF MARTIN DIES and his "Committee to Investigate Un- American Activities" has reached a new climax. When the savant of subversion recently asked Congress for $100,000 in appropriations, he blundered into a number of contradictions sufficiently revealing to rouse at least certain portions of Congress and the press to belated in- dignation. In order to thwart complaints that he had done almost nothing in the way of investigating Fascism, the cornered Representative claimed that last year he was in possession of informa- tion which might have prevented the Pearl Harbor attack, but which the Administration re- fused to let him use. Investigation brought to light actual corre- spondence showing that the Department of Justice, on its own initiative, had asked Dies to submit any information which he might have concerning Japanese activities, and that Dies refused to do so, saying the Department of Jus- tice had hundreds of agents and could get its own evidence. Caught flat-footed, the embar- rassed Congressman later tried to squirm out of it by claiming that he had given the informa- tion to the intelligence branch of the War De- partment, a claim which appears equally groundless. FORCED ever more deeply into the corner, Dies made another effort last Saturday to redeem himself-an effort which fizzled so completely that even the blindest were able to see that the whole affair was a big sham-as have been the rest of the projects of Mr. Dies', committee. For on that day the Representative submitted to Congress his much-talked-of 285- page report on how Japan plans to conquer America. There is nothing in the voluminous report which all well-informed government officials did not already know-including the fifteen- year-old Japanese volume on how to conquer America. Who does not know that many of the Japanese on the west coast are either potential or real enemies? What kind of obscure secret is, it that these Japanese have little love for the United States? How new and startling a fact is it that many of them side with their homeland in the present war? Such was the nature of Mr. Dies' evidence. BUT the resourceful Congressman finally pulled his chestnuts out of the fire, and it appears now that he will get his $100,000. For there were cheers when he made his speech on the floor of the House Thursday, in which he denied the charge that he was a "liar," and stated that he was planning to investigate Fasc- ist propaganda directed against President Roose- velt. In that hour of impassioned oratory-that last and, unfortunately, probably successful, at- tempt to get his appropriation-Congressman Dies added nothing valid to his defense against the charges made against him. He equld back up his denials with no concrete evi- dence, and was able only to rant on in a tone of righteous indignation about his patriotism and his 11 years of service in Congress. And the mention of his alleged plans to investigate Fascistic propaganda against Roosevelt was clearly a last-minute expedient to win enough PAIY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1942 VOL. 111. No. 112 Publication in the Daily Offical Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the university. Notices To the Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council on Monday. March 9, at 4:15 p.m., in the Rack- ham Amphitheater. All members of the University Senate may attend the meeting. AGENDA : Minutes of the meeting of February 9, 1942. Subjects offered by members o the Council. Report of Committee on Educa- tional Policies concerning Intermedi- ate Staff Positions, R. Schorling. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. Choral Union Members: There willt be a sectional rehearsal of the Choral Union Chorus Sunday afternoon, March 8, in the School of Music Auditorium, as follows: Men: 2:00-3:00 p.m. Women: 3:00-4:00 p.m. Thor Johnson, Conductor. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Students whose records carry reports of I or X either from the first semester, 1941-42, or (if they have not been in residence since that time) from any former session, will receive grades of E unless the work is completed by March 9. Petitions for extensions of time, with the written approval of the in- structors concerned, should be ad- dressed to the Administrative Board of the College, and presented to Room 4, University Hall,Ebefore March 9. E. A. Walter Mentor Reports: Reports on stand- ings of all Engineering freshmen will be expected from faculty mem- bers, during the 6th and again dur- ing the 11th weeks of the semester. These two reports will be due about March 11 and April 15. Report blanks will be furnished to Miss Buda, Of- fice of the Dean, (Extension 575), who will handle the reports; other- wise, call A. D. Moore, Head Mentor, Extension 2136. Graduate Students withdrawing from the University after at least two weeks of a semester for the pur- pose of entering the armed forces of the United States (including clerks in civilian service) are entitled to pro- rated refund of semester fees and pro-rated credit on the recommenda- tion of the department concerned. For further information please call at the office of the Graduate School. C. S. Yoakum Graduate Students: Attention is called to the regulation that diploma applications must be received early in the semester in which a degree is expected. Applications filed in any previous semester in which the de- gree was not awarded will not be carried over for a May degree and it will be necessary in such cases to file another application this semester. Doctoral students are reminded that dissertations will be due in the office of the Graduate School on April 6 instead of April 20 as previ- ously announced. C. S. Yoakum Caroline Hubbard Kleinstueck Fel- lowship: This award of $500 is of- fered by the Kalamazoo Alumnae Group for the year 1942-43. It is open to any woman with an A.B. degree from an accredited college or university and is available for gradu- ate work in any field. A graduate of the University of Michigan may use the award for study wherever she wishes but a graduate of any other college or university must continue her work at Michigan. 'Candidates showing ability for creative work will be given special consideration. Ap- plication blanks may be obtained at the Alumnae office in the Michigan League or at the Office of the Dean of Women and should be returned not later than March 15. Kothe-Hildner Annual German Language Award offered students in Course 32. The contest, a transla- tion test, carries two stipends of $20 and $30 and will be held the latter part of this month. The fund from which the awards are payable was established in 1937 by Herman W. Kothe, '10L, in honor of lately re- tired Professor Jonathan A. C. Hild- ner, under whom Kothe studied. Stu- dents who wish to compete and who have not yet handed in their appli- cations should do so immediately in 204 U.H. A.S.M.E. Members: Papers are still being accepted for entrance in under- graduate competition for cash prizes at the next meeting of the society on March 18. These should be turned in to J. Templar, '42E, or W. Koeffel '42E, as soon as possible. Mechanical Engineers: Member- ship in the Student Branch, Ameri- can Society of Mechanical Engineers may still be obtained up to March 15 GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty "how about a fin until Tuesday?" ' k p i't, UR4 t '$5 WASHINGTON--Here is the inside story on how the Army finally got permission to improve and develop a new short-cut air route over the prairies of Canada to Alaska. Last Sunday night, Senator Scott Lucas of Illinois telephoned to Undersecretary of War Robert Patterson. "If the Army doesn't act on this immediately," Senator Lucas said, "I'm going to start a Senate investigation within 24 to 48 hours. It's about time we knew whether the Canadians were with us or not. I'm a friend of the President's and a strong administration supporter, but if he doesn't act, the Senate is going to." The Senator from Illinois was referring to the fact that two days before, a Northwest Air- lines plane had left to pioneer the new air route over Canadian prairies, had been stopped by Canadian officials, impounded for 48 hours and, then forced to return to the United States. Lucas' threat was sufficient. Early next morn- ing, White House Secretary Marvin Maclntyre phoned him to "hold his horses," that every- thing would be OK. A few hours later, the Northwest Airlines plane flew back to Canada to begin setting up ground crews, radio equipment, and technicians, not for a commercial route, but on behalf of the Army. Canadian Yankee The man who has caused countless delays to the Army in getting a commercial airline to pioneer this route is C. D. Howe, Canadian Min- ister of Munitions and Supply, and Acting Min- ister of Transport. C. D. Howe is a native American, born in Witham, Mass., and educated at the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology. Later he migrated to Canada and applied his New England shrewd- ness to building grain elevators and pulp mills. Today he and Premier Mackenzie King are the two strong men of Canada. Howe has no objection to the U. S. Army flying over Canada, but like a good many U. S.-British businessmen, he is looking beyond the war. And he seems adamant against a U. S. commercial airline getting a foothold over any part of Ca- nadian territory-especially a route which after the war will be the short-cut over Alaska to Asia. And he haggled for several weeks, while precious time passed, vital to the strengthening of Alaska. On the other hand, the Army finds that a commercial airline, accustomed to flying under winter conditions, can develop air routes quickly and efficiently, permitting the Army to concen- trate on other things. That is why Northwest Airlines finally will do the job for the Army. Note: On the American side of the negotia- tions, the Air Corps got only the most dignified and circumspect help from General Stanley Em- bick, a coast artilleryman, who feels toward the Army's ground forces as the Admirals do toward the battleship. 'Office Of Good Grammar' Archibald MacLeish, noted poet, Librarian, of Congress and Chief of the Office of Facts and Figures, now has the job of censoring all speeches of Roosevelt cabinet members et al. Since MacLeish has several famous writers on his staff,rthey have not been able to resist correcting a bit of bad grammar in the speeches' of cabinet members. The question of split infinitives especially seems to offend the boys in the Office of Facts and Figures. So when they went over a proposed speech by Assistant Secretary of State Adolf Berle the other day, they returned it with a couple of split infinitives noted on the margin. It happens, however, that Mr. Berle is quite a stylist himself. He taught for many years at Columbia, has written two or three books, and has assisted the President with many of his. speeches. So Berle is now suggesting that the State Department set up a board to correct the punctuation and grammar of Mr. MacLeish's poetry. Note: New nickname for the OFF is Office of Facts, Figures and Good Grammar. 40-Hour Fight The furious battle over the bill to suspend the 40-hour week in war plants caused a personal rift between two House leaders that may take a long time to heal. When Representative John McCormack, Mass- achusetts liberal, was elected Democratic Floor Leader, one of his strongest supporters was a colleague who had nothing in common with McCormack except friendship-anti-New Deal, anti-Labor Representative Gene Cox of Georgia. It was with hushed astonishment, therefore, that the House listened to Cox's bitter attack against McCormack during the stormy debate over the anti-40-hour proposal. His voice stri- dent with anger, Cox denounced McCormack on the ground that his opposition to abolishing the 40-hour week was "not good sportsmanship, and I wonder if it is good leadership." "I have hoped," the Georgian thundered, "that at some time the gentleman from Massachusetts would come to a realization that he is supposed to speak for the majority of this House rather tIt IJANt' 01 rrl, V t - y ,' logr Wednesday, Mar. 11, in Room 218 West Engineering Building.£ Those interested may sign the in- c terview schedule on the MechanicalF Engineering Bulletin Board, nearP Rm. 221 W. Eng. Bldg.X Seniors in Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, and Industrial Engineer- ing: Mr. David M. Watt of Procter & c Gamble Company will interview Sen-P iors in the above groups Tuesday,r March 10, in Room 218 West En-r gineering Building.N Positions are open in a subsidiarys shell-loading plant for men interest- ed in production management, plant Engineering, methods analysis, and design, or in the Procter & Gamblec Company. If interested, sign the interviewI schedule on the bulletin board near 1 Rm. 221 W. Engr. Bldg. Senior Chemists, Chemical, Me-c chanical and Industrial Engineers:C Mr. E. W. Oldham ofaThe Firestone Tire & Rubber Company will inter- view Seniors in the above groups on Wednesday, Mar. 11, and Thursday, Mar. 12. The March 11 interviews may be scheduled in the Chemical Engineer- ing Department, 2038 East Engineer-l ing Building, and on March 12 in the Mechanical Engineering Department, 221 West Engineering Bldg. Application blanks and bookletsk are available in each Department and1 blanks must be filled out in advance.1 Academic Notices The Bacteriological Seminar will meet in Room 1564 East Medicalu Building, Monday, March 9, at 8:00 p.m. The subject will be "Dysentery." Alfminterested are cordially invited. Sociology 51: Make-up Final Ex- amination will be given today at 2:00' Ip.m., in Room D Haven Hall. Robert C. Angell. Concerts Student Recital: Edward Ormond, violinist, will present a recital at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, March 8, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree. His pro- gram will include works of Brahms, Chausson and Glazounov. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Exhibit of Illustrations, University Elementary School: The drawings made by Elinor Blaisdell to illustrate the book "The Emperor's Nephew," by Marian Magoon of the English Department of Michigan State Nor- mal College, Ypsilanti, are on display in the first and second floor corridor cases. Open Monday-Friday 8 to 5, Saturday, 8-3 through March 14. The public is invited. Events Today Fundamentals of World Reorgani- zation Study Group will meet at the International Center at 2:30 p.m. to- day. ' The Suoini Club will meet tonight at 8:00 in the International Center. Religious Drama: Marionette mak- ing will take place this evening at 7:30 at Lane Hall., Sophomores interested in trying out for baseball managership should report to the Field House between , 2:00 and 5:00 this afternoon. Coming Events Varsity Glee Club: The second ten- sors will rehearse at 3:30 p.m. Sun- day, and the full rehearsal will be- * gin at 4:30 p.m. Tardiness will con- Dr. Adolph Keller, of Geneva, Switzerland, will speak on "The Pres- ent Religious Crisis in Europe" in the Rackham Lecture Hall, Tuesday, March 10, 8:15 p.m., under the aus- pices of the Student Religious Asso- ciation. The Cercle Francais will meet Tues- day, March 10, at 8:00 p.m., at the Michigan League. Professor Tala- mon, of the French Department, will read selections from great French writers. Miss Mildred Stern will pre- sent a violin recital. A benefit performance of "Caval- leria Rusticana" will be given Mon- day night, March 9, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets, $1.10 per person, may be obtained at the box office. Faculty Women's ClubS The Mon- day Evening Drama Section will meet on Monday, March 9, at 7:45 p.m. at the Michigan League. Churches First Presbyterian Church: Morn- ing Worship, 10:45, "The Present Victory" is the subject of the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon. Westminster Student Guild: Meet- ing at 7:15 p.m. Professor C. B. Vib- bert will speak on "Philosophy and Religion." The meeting will take place in the Lewis-Vance Parlors. Refreshments. The Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers) will meet for worship Sunday after- noon at 5:00 in Lane Hall. All are invited. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:00 a.m. Parish Communion Break- fast, Harris Hall; 10:00 a.m. High School Class; 11:00 a.m. Kindergar- ten, Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Herman R. Page, Chaplain at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana; 4:00 p.m. H- Square Club Meeting, Harris Hall; 5:00 p.m. Confirmation Class; 6:30 p.m. Choral Evensong; 7:30 p.m. Episcopal Student Guild Meet- ing, Harris Hall. Speaker: The Rev. John G. Dahl. Topic: "Monasticism: The Faithful Remnant." First Church of Christ, Sunday morning service Subject: "Man." Sunday 11:45 a.m. Scientist: at 10:30. School at The Church of Christ will meet for Bible study at 10:00.a.m. Sunday in the Y.M.C.A. "Not Forsaking the Assembling" will be the subject for the sermon at the morning worship at 11:00 a.m. The evening service will be held at 7:30, at which time the sermon on "Baptism-A Com- mand of the Lord" will be delivered. Mid-week Bible study will be at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Everyone is in- vited. Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples): 10:45. Morning Worship, Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister. 6:30 p.m., Disciples Guild Sunday Evening Hour. Professor Arthur Smithies will speak on "Political and Economic Bases for a Just and Dudr- able Peace." A social hour and tea will follow the discussion. First Methodist Church and Wes- ley Foundation: Second Annual All- Methodist Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. at the Michigan Union. Morning Wor- ship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach on "Be- yond Must." Wesleyan Guild meet- ing at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Frederick G. Poole of Detroit will be the speaker. Fellowship hour and supper follow- ing the meeting. fi iw ft_ il, r a _ "'1miwn " ( "hirn'