RE McIITG'ATb AI r Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer#Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights Of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by. mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTJING 9V' National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTOn . Los ANGELE5 . SAW FANncIsco Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Emile Gelb Alvin Dann David Lachenbruc Jay McCormick Hal Wilson ArthurHill. Janet Hitt , Grace Miller Virginia Mitchell Daniel H. Huyett James B. Coins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright Editorial Staff . . . . .Managing Editor . Editorial Director L . . . . City Editor . . .. .. Associate Editor Sports Editor . . . Assistant .Sports Editor * . .. . Women's Editor . . Assistant Women's Editor . . . Exchange Editor Business Stafff . . . Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDIOR: GEORGE W. SALLADE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. CompIacency Is Unjustified . . IF YOU HAD ASKED any one of the British students on this campus about the fate of Singapore two weeks ago, he would have told that there was almost no possi- bility of Singapore falling to the Japanese. And if you had asked any American student, or his parents about how the American war effort is progressing, he would have told you that since the clean-up of the Pearl Harbor inefficiency everything is coming along pretty well. The manufacturers of the nation are pretty well pleased for the most part with their con- tributions to war materials. In fact, every place you go, the attitude of the people is generally cheerful. They airily talk of sacrifice, and hurry out to buy 100 pounds of sugar before rationing begins. They admit the rubber shortage, but they're not awfully worried, for as soon as the war is over, they'll have plenty of rubber. FINALLY, if you drive through ,the country you run across signs with the legend "Amer- ica Has Never Lost a War." This sign expresses best the over-all sentiment of the majority of the people. They buy their defense bonds occa- sionally, and feel that they have done their part to win the war. They shake their heads at the American casualty lists and comfort themselves by saying that after all, you can't win a war without losing some men. And they smile con- tentedly when they hear reports of two Ja bombers shot down by American fighter planes, "attacking a numerically superior enemy forma- tion." General MacArthur is putting up an amazing resistance to the Japanese attack. but never should have been forced into the position he now uncomfortably occupies. Singapore has been rendered useless as a great Allied naval base, regardless of its future occupants. Burma is being threatened, and the Burma Road is no longer the "safe" route it used to be. The Dutch East Indies are in danger, so is Australia, and their possessions. American fighter planes, vi- tally needed in the battle of the Pacific, have not the flying range required to be effective from the bases now in Allied hands. We have enemy submarines off 'our coasts, and they are doing a land-office business. AND AMID ALL THIS the people of America read the signs that "America Has Never Lost A War" and they are reassured. There is abso- lutely no reason for us to feel that we are invin- cible until we prove ourselves to be such. Up to this point, we have definitely not been uncon- querable. The reasons for this are mostly our own fault. We did not fortify Guam, we did no build our pursuit planes with sufficient flying range, we had an ineffective army and navy system in the Philippine and Hawaiian Islands, *nd we have talked it into ourselves that we have never lost a war, and we shall not lose this one. But it is a little early to assume that we have the situation well in hand. It is not a question of assuming a defeatist attitude, but rather a sober attitude, an attitude of the realization of the problems we face. To win this war we must do more than simply believe we will win it. And it is not only we who must realize it but the workers and the manufacturers as well. Produc WASHINGTON-The House Foreign Affairs Committee heard some glowing reports of the bravery and tough fighting qualities of Chinese troops when Secretary of War Stimson and other cabinet officers testified behind closed doors on the $500,000,000 loan to)China However, the committee also got some in- formation about internal affairs in China which wasn't so heartening. Secretary Morgenthau warned that the morale of the Chinese civilian population was not the best. Initial Jap successes in the Pacific South- west had something to do with this, he said, but the chief reason was acute and protracted eco- nomic distress, which had brought inflation and widespread starvation. "We must take steps without delay to stabilize Chinese currency," Morgenthau held. "That's just as important, if not more so, at the moment than arms shipments." The situation has been greatly aggravated re- cently, the committee was told, by intensive fifth column activities to spread dissension in the Chinese army and distrust of the United States among civilians. In this connection, Assistant Secretary of State Breckinridge Long made some eye-opening dis- closures about secret Jap maneuvers to nego- tiate a peace with Generalissimo Chiang Kai- shek. The Chinese war lord indignantly rejected these overtures, Long declared, but Quisling elements in China were continuing their in- trigues among both troops and civilians. These traitorous forces are led by several high officers formerly on Chiang 'Kai-shek's staff. Long urged speedy and unanimous action by Congress because of the psychological effect it would have in the Orient. Orientals are very sensitive about the manner in which an offer of help is made, he explained. While the money is desperately needed, and while the Chinese are entitled to aid as our allies, the Japs would try to impugn our motives if Congress gave them the slightest opportunity. Heroic Chinese Stimson devoted most of his statement to eulogizing the Chinese army. "No army in the history of the world has braver or more resourceful soldiers than the Chinese," he said in effect. "The best proof of this is that they are continuing to fight, with unbelievable sacrifice and against almost insur- mountable odds, after five years of aggression by a ruthless invader. "Cut off from communications, supplies and shipping-with no financial resources to speak of-they have resisted the enemy with a heroism and tenacity that has won the admiration of free peoples everywhere." Questioned about the ability of the Chinese to hold out, Stimson insisted that, with U. S. and British help, they would more than hold their own against the Japs. The War Secretary also told the committee that there are many strate- gically located airports in China available for bombing raids on Japan. Commerce Secretary Jesse Jones also joined in acclaiming the Chinese. He particularly lauded their honesty, pointing out that the Chi- nese government has a splendid record of pay- ing its debts .to the United States. "The Chinese are a proud people who believe in paying their debts," Jones said. " A signifi- cant thing to me is the fact that they have not taken all the credit that has been available to them in loan authorizations by the Export- Import Bank." Glamor-Pusses Up on Capitol Hill a lot of people think that not even the Japanese themselves could have found a better way to hurt war morale than by the current epidemic of "Glamor-Pusses." "Glamor-Pusses" is the name given to the squad of actors, dancers and artists who have recently moved in on Washington, climaxed by Mrs. Roosevelt's dancing friend, blonde Mayris Chaney, who draws $4,600 for directing child health in the Office of Civilian Defense. Real fact is that the advent of Mayris Chaey merely touched off publicity regarding the fact that quite a list of Glamor-Pusses have been dancing their way through the defense pictur for many months. In all fairness it should be said that some of them have contributed more to the war effort than certain bungling $1-a-year big business- men. Even Mrs. Roosevelt's blonde dancing girl at a salary of $4,600 a year probably is less costly to the American taxpayer than certain National Defense business advisers who opposed setting up tin smelters in the U. S. A., and later were found to have been close to the British tin monopoly. Their cost to the nation was price- less months and millions of dollars in economic dislocation. Glamor Roll-Call Trouble with most of the Glamor-Pusses is that their specialty is glamor, yet they have been given important executive jobs where glamor is a, handicap. Here is the roll-call on some of them: Robert E. Sherwood-Pulitzer Prize winner; author of "Idiot's Delight," "Abe Lincoln In Illi- nois"; a great writer, but a man who should sit on a mountain top, isolated,, while he turns out masterpieces. Instead, he was given an impor- tant executive job with the Donovan Committee. Stephen Vincent Benet-famous poet; and Thornton Wilder, author of "The Bridge of San MUSIC LAST MONDAY EVENING in Grand Rapids there occurred an artistic achievement of no little import when Mr. Charles Matheson, tenor, appeared as guest soloist with the Grand Rapids Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Matheson is at pres- ent studying with Mr. Arthur Hackett of the University School of Music, and for a student to appear in concert with even one of the smaller symphony orchestras is, to say the least, a thing relatively unheard of. The Monday night concert of the Grand Rap- ids Symphony (which is, incidentally, the only self-sustaining orchestra in the country), a benefit concert for the Red Cross, was conducted by Mr. Thor Johnson, the regular conductor of the orchestra, whose recognition of Mr. Mathe- son's vocal talents was chiefly responsible for his engagement as guest artist. Mr. Matheson sang two selections, "M'appari" from Flotow's opera "Martha" and "Then You'll Remember Me" from Balfe's "The Bohemian Girl." WTE unqualifiedly state that Mr. Matheson is one of the most promising of young Ameri- can singers, and predict a completely successful career for him. Vocally he must take a back seat to no one, for he has a voice of tremendous range and power. He is a dramatic tenor in all that the name implies, with the ability to color his tone almost completely as he desires through- out the greater part of his range; yet he has a sotto voce of soft and flowing tone, under his absolute control. Probably the most outstanding feature about his voice is his ability to sustain almost indefinitely a tessitura near the top of his range, and in doing it to maintain an ease of production and complete fullness of tone. Also, his voice is capable of a really amazing power and intensity, though he has sufficient artistic stature to prevent this from becoming merely a means of display. One of the most reassuring things to us con- cerning Mr. Matheson's singing is the fervor and feeling with which he sings. He is completely sincere and loses himself in his song with his energy and passion, never regarding any piece of music as a means of display for his technical prowess, but only as music to be given the fullest possible interpretation with all the capability at his command. Such an attitude and approach can produce only a real artist, and that is what he is; young, certainly, and therefore with things yet to learn, but for him that should not be too long or difficult an achievement. For those who might wish to hear Mr. Mathe- son, their opportunity is not far away, for he is singing, the leading tenor role in Mascagni's "Cavalleria Rusticana," which is being presented March 4, 5, 6 and 7 by the combined talents of the School of Music and Play Production. - Kenneth W. Rhoads r -~'- session, will receive grades of E unless the work is completed by March 9. Petitions for extensions of time, with the written approval of the in- structors concerned, should be ad- dressed to the Administrative Board of the College, and presented to Room 4, University Hall, before March 9. E. A. Walter. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notification of the following United States Civil Service Examinations. The closing date is listed in each instance. Air Safety Investigator, $3,800, December 31, 1942. Metallurgist, $2,000 to $5,000, until further notice. Translator: Chinese, Modern Greek, Danish. Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, French, Portuguese, German, Rus- sian, Hebrew, Spanish, Italian, Swe- dish, Magyar, $1,800 to $2,300, March 17, 1942. Lithographers (Artistic & Mechan- ical) $1,440 to $2,000, until further notice. Further information may be ob- tained from the notices which are on file in the office of the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments .and Occupational Information The University Bureau'of Appoint- ments has received the announce- ment of a graduate fellowship pro- gram in Industrial Economics at M.I.T. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has made arrange- ments with a group of companies to make possible to place the students accepted with some defense industry during the summer for work. This is one of the requirements. Application will be limited to men under thirty, and to men who have had some train- ing in economics, but not necessarily those who have had undergraduate concentration in this field. Any further information desired may be obtained from the announce- ment which is on file at the Uni- versity Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notification of the following examinations. The closing date is listed in each instance. Detroit Civil Service Junior Construction Inspector, X1,860, February 11, 1942. Chief Smoke Inspector, see notice, February 18, 1942. Auto Repair Helper, $.75 per hour, February 10, 1942. Auto Repairman, $.90, February 10, 1942. Medical Attendant, $1,380, Febru- ary 13, 1942. General Machinist, $1.15 per hr., February 17, 1942. United States Civil Service Junior Engineer, Optional Bran- ches: Aeronautical, Naval Architec- ture and Marine Engr., $2,000, June 30, 1942. Further information may be o4- tained from the announcement, which is on file at the University Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fact that the Navy is in urgent need of Junior Engineers. Engineers whose courses adequately cover steel struc- tural design, mechanical engineering design, or electrical engineering de- sign will be enrolled in the technical division of the Supervisor's office and upon completion of training will be considered for promotion. All ap- pointments will be made under tem- porary United States Civil Service rating with an annual salary of $2,000.00. Apply to the University Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, for further information. Office hours, 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Academic Notices English 301C: The first meeting of this course will take place at 4:00 o'clock today in 3223 A.H. W. G. Rice 'My section of English 298 meets tonight at 7:30 in Room 400, Gen- eral Library, R. W. Cowdlen English 301E Seminar in Ancient and Renaissance Criticism will meet Thursday at 4:00 p.m. in 3223 A.H. N. E. Nelson English 212c will meet today, 4:00- 6:00 p.m., in 3224 A.H. i1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .. 0192 Cco Tmr n Reg U.5$Pat Off, AU RW-. Re..S "If Edwin does go to war, he'll see it through-you know how he is about leaving a party!" i. 1 j RECORDS~i~ Important New Firsts - Moussorgsky and Sibelius TWO of the recent Victor Red Seal releases are unique in that they represent the only orig- inal versions of well-known compositions on phonograph records. The first is Sibelius' symphonic poem, Tapi- ola, as recorded by Serge Koussevitzky and the Boston Symphony Orchestra. This is considered by many Sibelius' finest tone poem, and since the withdrawal of the Sibelius Society Set album containing Tapiola, there has been no recording of this worthy composition. A reviewer cannot evaluate the worth of a composition-that is up to the individual. Either you like Sibelius a lot or you don't If you do, Tapiola is for you. It is typical Sibelius, and Sibelius at his finest. The. reviewer can but evaluate the skill of the interpretive perform- ance. Dr. Koussevitzky plays the composition with deep understanding and complete sympa- thy and leaves little to be desired. On the whole, the technical recording job is good, but there are several spots where recording tends to be a little muddy. rTHEOTHER new Victor specialty is Mous- sorgsky's Pictures At An Exhibition, in the original piano version as performed excellently by Alexander Brailowsky. There is a superfluity of recordings of the various orchestral arrange- ments of this suite, and it is a safe bet that very few of those familiar with the composition have ever heard it in its original form. We are all familiar with the Ravel version or the Stokow- ski version or the Koussevitzky version. Anyone who has heard an orchestra version of the composition owes it to himself to hear it in the original. Less of the thinking is done for the listener in the piano version and it is refreshing to hear Moussorgsky's nisic ugarnished by elaborate orchestration. Mr. Brailowsky's playing is powerful, faithful and perfect. ANOTHER interesting "first" by Victor is the Red Seal recording of Flamenco Suite, by Soleares, as performed by guitar virtuoso Julio Martinez Oyaguren on a single record. No one can decide whether or not he enjoys guitar mu- sic until he has heard this virtuoso extract from the instrument his amazing range of color and variations of dynamics. The Flamenco Suite is excitingly Spanish, wild and stirring, calling for finger dexterity and musical skill of which only such a master as Oyaguren would be capable. Tschaikowsky's waltz, Eugene Onegin, has fi- nally been recorded by the Boston "Pops" Or- chestra for Victor. It is rhythmically joyful, melodically rampant and a welcome change from. Johann Strauss.- D. L. GRIN AND BEAR IT VEDNESDAY, FEBRUJARY 11, 1942 By Lichtty (Continued from Page 2) Malay language course: Dr. Sensti- us would like to meet prospective students for a conference today at 10:00 a.m. in Room 3055, Natural Science Building. Speech 31: Mr. Norton's 9 o'clock class (See. 4) will meet in 3116 Na- tural Science Building today. Speech 190 will meet in 4203 An- gell Hall. Women's Debate: The organization meeting of the second semester will be held today at 4:00 p.m. in 4206 Angell Hall. G. E. Mills Political Science 272 will meet to- night at 7:30 in room 215 Haven Hall. Mathematics 328, Seminar in Sta- tistics: Meeting today at 12 noon in 3020 Angell Hall to arrange hours. Russian 31, Section 1: T.Th at 10; S. at 1; 1018 AH. Section 2: T.Th.S. at 9; 1035 AH. Russian 52: (Intensive). M.W.F. 10; 18 AH; T. 7:30-10 p.m., Interna- tional Center; Th. 7:30-10 p.m.; 1020 AH. Russian 148 (Intensive): M.W.F. 3-5; 1018 AH; T. 8 to 10 p.m.; In- ternational Center. Holders of U.S.N.R. probationary commissions and those enrolled in Class V-7 and Class V-5: During the second semester on Wednesday and Friday from 4-5 p.m., it is proposed to conduct a series of lectures and instruction drills in Naval subjects at the Naval R.O.T.C. (North Hall) for the benefit of students now en- rolled in the U.S.N.R. with commis- sions; those in Class V-7, in Class V-5 and others interested. First one today. These lectures and instruction drills should be of value to the in- dividual in his future active duty in service. Attendance voluntary. Motor Mechanics: The first meet- ing of the Red Cross Motor Mechan- ics Course will be in the Michigan League Building today. All seniors who signed up for the course must attend Seniors and Graduate Students who wish to be eligible to contract to teach the modern foreign lan- guages in the registered Secondary Schools of New York State are noti- fied that the required examination in French, Spanish, German, and Italian will be given here on Friday, February 13, at 1:15 p.m. in room 100 R.L. No other opportunity will be offered until August, when sum- mer school attendance is a prerequi- site for admission to the examina- tion. Junior and Senior Women who are interested in a nurse's aide course, see Professor Reddig, School of Nur- sing Office, University Hospital, February 12 between 10 and 12 a.m. Women who are unable to see Pro- fessor Reddig at this time should call the School of Nursing Office for an appointment. English 298: Students who have registered for my section will meet Thursday at 4:00 pm. in Room 3216 Angell Hall. E. A. Walter successive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Na- tural Science Aud. Examination (fin- al), April 6, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci- ence Aud. Section No. II: First lecture, Tues- day, Feb. 24, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci- ence Aud. Subsequent lectures, suc- cessive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, Natural Science Aud. Examination (finad) Tuesday, April 7, 4:15-5:15, Natural Science Aud. Margaret Bell, M.D. Medical Adviser to Women Spanish Classes in the Interna- tional Center: The organizational meeting of the classes in beginning and advanced Spanish will meet in the International Center, Room 23, as follows: Beginning Class: 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 12, Advanced Class: 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 12. A small fee is charged and is pay- able in the office of the International Center. Concerts May Festival Artists as follows have been engaged for the Forty- Ninth Annual May Festival, consist- ing of six concerts, May 6, 7, 8 and 9, in Hill Auidtorium: Helen Traubel, soprano; Judith Hellwig, soprano; Marian Anderson, contralto; Enid Szantho, contralto; Jan Peerce, ten- or; Felix Knight, tenor; Mack Har- rell, baritone; Barnett R. Brickner, narrator; Carroll Glenn, violinist; Emanuel Feuermann, violoncellist; and Sergei Rachmaninoff, Pianist. The Philadelphia Orchestra, the University Choral Union, and the Youth Festival Chorus will partici- pate. The following conductors will be in charge: Eugene Ormandy, Thor Johnson, Saul Caston, and Juva Hig- bee. Orders for season tickets may be sent in by mail or left at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Prices, in- cluding tax: $8.80, $7.70 and $6.60. If Choral Union Festival coupon is re- turned in part payment, prices are reduced to $5.50, $4.40 and $3.30. Charles A. Sink, President. Alec Templeton, British blind plan- ist, will be heard in a special con- cert Thursday, February 26, at 8:30 in Hill Audtiorium. Reserved seat tickets at popular prices, including tax: 95c, 75c and 55c. May be pur- chased at the office of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Thomas Wheatley, violinist, will present a recital at "8:30 tonight in Lydia, Mendelssohn Theater, as par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree. A student of Wassily Besekirsky, Mr. Wheatley has planned a program to include works of Handel, Mozart and Respighi. The general public is in- vited. Lectures Vera Michees Dean, Research Di- rector of the Foreign Policy Associa- tion, will speak on "Democracy's New Horizon," in Rackham Audi- torium, on Thursday, February 12, at 4:15 p.m. She is presented by the Michigan Alumnae Club as a scholar- ship project and to raise funds for foreign women students stranded by the war. The lecture is free to mem- bers, Membership cards may be se- cured at the door. Events Today Anatomy Research Club will meet today at 4:30 p.m. in Room 2501 East Medical Bldg. Dr. Russell T. Woodburne will pre- sent a paper entitled "Anatomical Relations within the Petrous Portion of the Temporal ,one." Tea will be served in Room 3502 from 4:00 till 4:30. Everyone inter- i 1 Paul Mueschke Required Hygiene Lectures for Wo- men--1942: All first and second sem- English 190: Junior Honors, The ester freshmen women are required first meeting of the class will be at to take the hygiene lectures, which 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 12, in Room are to be given the second semester. 2218 A.H. Upperclass students who were in the Bennett Weaver University as freshmen and who did not fulfill the requirement are re- Preliminary examinations in French quiredutotake and satisfactorily com- and German for applicants for the plete this course. Enroll for these doctorate will be held on Friday, lectures at the time of regular classi- February 13, 4:00-6:00 p.m., in the fication at Waterman Gymnasium,