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March 06, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-06

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IU -

i ' t t46 t D

0 Racially 'Pure'
* 6' Music for America?

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addressee, if it coincides

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press -is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, us
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42



Emile Ge16 .
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Gerald E. Burns
Hal Wilson
Janet Hooker. .
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

. Managing Iditor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . .- City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
* . . .Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. . Assistant Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor
Business Staff
. . . Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
. Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Pact With Brazil
Brings Hope To U. S
T HE multi-million-dollar series of
agreements signed by Brazil and the
United States this week should put hope in the
hearts of Americans who have been wondering
when the government was going to get busy and
start helping the South American countries to
produce the materials we so vitally need.
This need becomes more and more alarming
with each step that Japan takes forward in
Java and in the East Indies as a whole. That
the industrialists in this country at one time
saw fit to carry on most of their trade in stra-
tegic materials with the Far East, Africa and
the Soviet, ignoring the vast potentialities of
the Latin American nations is regrettable, but
a thing of the past. Beggars can't be choosers
now, though; we must have defense materials
and we must get them from South America.
T HE United States has long been described
with pride as a nation rich in natural re-
sources of every kind. However, there are sev-
eral materials we do not have, the lack of which
could cause a serious and irreparable slowing-
up of defense production. Included among these
are rubber, cinchona (for quinine), abaca (ma-
nila hemp .for high grade rope) and quartz
crystal (for radios) of which we have none, and
ferrograde manganese (for the making of steel),
chromite and nickel (for alloys), tin (for can-
ning and other purposes), block mica (for elec-
trical equipment), antimony (for storage bat-
teries and chemicals), mercury (for explosives
and drugs) and tungsten (for the making of
high speed tool steel) all of which the United
States has very little.
For these materials which we now import al-
most totally from other parts of the world, we
could go to the rich mines and plantations of
Latin America. Up to this time, ridiculous
though it may seem, the bulk of our trade with
Brazil has been in coffee, cocoa, skins and hides.
We could, however, procure from that republic
almost all of the manganese we need so badly.
(The rest could be obtained from other Latin
American nations, notably Cuba.) In addition.
we could get the nickel for our alloys from Bra-
zil, and the mica and quartz crystal.
W E have not mentioned the all-important
rubber. This we obtained-up to now, we
might add-entirely from Java. It is ironic that
the seed that was used to start the plantations
of the East Indies was taken from the rubber
growths of Brazil. Unfortunately, nothing was
done to help that nation to develop her own
rich potential supply at that time.
It is also regrettable that at this stage of the
game, when rubber is in such huge demand, it
will take at least seven years to bring Brazilian
plantations up to full productive capacity.
However, we have made a big step forward.
With the $100,000,000 credit which we have just
extended to Brazil for the development of her
natural resources, we have started the ball roll-
ing toward our goal-getting from this hemi-
sphere all our war-vital materials.
NEVERTHELESS, we should not stop with
the Brazilian pact. Argentina, Peru,. Chile,
Cuba, Bolivia and Venezuela (to mention a few
of the "have" republics) should all be recipients

Mr. Percy Grainger,
Stockton, California
Dear Mr. Grainger:
I see by an International News Service dis-
patch that you, as a "noted pianist and com-
poser," have come out in public as oposing
"the playing of music of composers from enemy
"Music is the most insidious form of propa-
ganda," you said. "To listen to the music of
enemy composers is to hear from the enemy in
the strongest possible words." It is impossible
to believe that a composer-one who knows mu-
sic-would, or could, mouth such prejudicial
and fascistic words.
In Germany they have burned all books by
Jewish authors, and have disclaimed scientific
and artistic achievements of so-called "non-
aryans."Wh yhon earth would you have us do a
similar thing here?
The first four notes of Beethoven's Fifth Sym-
phony ring around the civilized world as the
booming champions of democracy-the reassur-
ing sign that Victory shall be ours. Would you
have us give this up, Mr. Grainger?
Felix Mendelssohn, a poor Jew, hounded by
the prejudice of Nazi-like tyrants, wrote the
unbelievably beautiful Midsummer Night's
Dream Music. Mozart and Haydn, whose music
keeps us delighted at home while abroad we
fight to preserve a world in which the sweet
music of liberty can play forever-would you
have us give this up, Mr. Grainger?
Johann Sebastian Bach, great founder of the
music we know today-Brahms; mighty, dra-
matic Wagner; Handel; Hindemith-these great
men and their works would all be lost to us.
Sibelius, called the greatest modern composer,
would be lost. Dvorak, Smetana, and the great
French composers, Franck, Bizet, Debussy, Ra-
vel-they would disappear from our lives-be-
cause they, too, represent Axis-dominated coun-
WE would have a new, "pure" music, like that
of Germany. Perhaps all music would have
to be patterned after Percy Grainger's.
Forgive me, Mr. Grainger. I don't mean to
drag your music into this. This is more impor-
tant than you, or your music. This is the ques-
tion of whether we are democrats or fascists.
The next step would be to repudiate science
that originated in Axis-dominated countries.
Schick, Koch, Pasteur-Galileo and his telescope
-Torricelli and his barometer-all that would
be lost. I don't know much about science, but
I know that most of the truly great scientific
books are written in the German language.
When they get all the great music from the
countries which are now under the cloud of
Nazidon, and light the big fire in Times Square,
they will be burning all the ideals of democracy
too, Mr. Grainger.
On that day there will be' no difference be-
tween our country and Nazi Germany-and there
will be no use of fighting.
You see, Mr. Grainger, most of us are fighting
with a conviction-we really and honestly wish
some day to have freedom and brotherhood of
man. We know that hate and race-prejudice
and narrow-mindedness are tools of the Nazis.
On that day when the greatest music in all
the world-the music of the great masters-
whether they are from Germany or Russia or
Italy-on that day when the four Victorious
notes of Beethoven are thrown into that big
fire, you can throw all true, honest Americans
in with them, Mr. Grainger-for you will al-
ready have thrown in liberty.
Tom Thumb
Civilian Apathy Criticized
To the Editor:
tion of apathetic nonchalance which still per-

meates Ann Arbor in regard to the war. Whether
citizens generally think the manifest destiny of
the United States insures its military success, I
do not know. I am sure that has been the stereo-
typed attitude of many acquaintances of mine.
There has been time by now for the civilian air-
raid wardenship to have organized its neighbor-
hoods and decided upon its shelters. Yet I have
heard no mention of the subject, except a sep-
aration of the college community into four parts.
What is more, less people than should, seem to
This is only one detail but it, ipsa res, is sym-
tomatic of a serious general insouciance. I sug-
gest that some of the ability to organize, which
we are supposed to be acquiring in an institution
of higher learning, be used constructively be-
ginning today -- rather than waiting for the air
raid siren, which people incidentally will probably
not recognize because they have had not exper-
ience with it. I do not say people are ndt think-
ing, perhaps, of the serious consequences that
will be ours if we lose; I .do say they are con-
demning their congressmen and at the same
time denying their right to condemnation by

I bPDrewoP
reW ed" 3 0
Robert .Alles
WASHINGTON-If Jesse Jones had not in-
sisted on the dual role of Secretary of Commerce
and Federal Loan Administrator, he would not
be such a brake on our war effort.
Originally it never was intended that one man
should hold these two all-important jobs. Roose-
velt didn't intend it, and Congress didn't intend
it. In fact, it was specifically required by law
that one man could not hold both offices.
However, when the President first offered Jesse
the Commerce Department, FDR consented in a
weak moment to let him remain as Federal Loan
Administrator - if Jesse could get permission
from Congress. The President thought, of course,
that Congress never would give it.
But he forgot that Jesse Jones, as Loan Ad-
ministrator, had passed out juicy financial tid-
bits to the constituents of almost everyone on
Capitol Hi. Congressmen remembered that.
Also they figured that some day they might want
more. So Jesse actually got a special resolution
through Congress permitting him to hold both
It was a great day for the ego of one man, but
a tragedy for the 129,99,999 other citizens of
the U.S.A.
BRanker Jones
FEW PEOPLE realize how important loans are
to the American war machine - and even
less do they know what a throttle-hold the man
who controls those loans has upon war produc-
tion. Reason is that most of the companies man-
ufacturing war supplies have to receive loans
from the Federal treasury. Even such giant com-
panies as Curtis, Packard, and General Motors,
have received war loans from the Government.
Therefore, the speed of granting those loans,
and the decision as to who gets them not only
means defeat or victory, b~t vitally affects the
future economy of the United States.
That is why Jesse Jones today, as Federal
Loan Administrator, is more powerful than the
Chief of Staff, the Commander of the Fleet, the
War Production Board, the Secretaries of War
or Navy - in fact everyone in Washington save
the President of the United States,
How Jesse Works
HERE, for instance, is a concrete illustration
of how it works. The Marine Electric Cor-
poration of Portland, Oregon, is making ex-
tremely important war instruments. In fact, it
is the only factory on the West Coast which can
make them. It has a payroll of around 1,000
men and an excellent reputation, but was up
against the fact that the Navy had not inspected
a lot of instruments and therefore had not paid
for them.
So, a short time ago, the company urgently
needed a defense loan, and was in a position
where it would have to close down if it got no
money to meet its payroll. All it needed was
$80,000. But to getythisthrough Jesse Jones'
RFC ordinarily requires about two months.
In this case, however, the War Production
Board went over the head of Jesse Jones, tele-
phoned direct to Portland, asked William Ken-
nedy, manager of the Portland RFC office, to
forward the papers immediately, and after a lot
of bulldozing in Washington, finally got the
Subsequently, however, the WPB Finance Di-
vision was warned not to allow anything like
that again.
"We had to keep our men here until 11 P.M.,"
RFC officials complained.'
And as a result of the loan, Jesse Jones, Loan
Administrator, has a mortgage even on the life
insurance of the Marine Electric Corporation's
executive and a provision that his plant can't
spend more than $1,000 without RFC consent.

Boss Bottleneck
CHIEF TROUBLE with Jesse Jones is that he
has spent most of his 68 years as a banker
and this is a time when the nation needs red-
tape-cutters, not bankers. Yet you can't teach
an old dog new tricks. And today, with the war
going worse and worse, and production more
and more necessary, Jesse is still keeping his eye
glued to the balance sheet. Sometime he almost
seems more interested in saving a few pennies
than in saving the nation.
Last summer, for instance, when American
ships were rushing rubber from the Dutch East
Indies, the Navy and Maritime Commission
wanted to unload the rubber at San Francisco,
instead of taking it all the way through Panama
to New York. This meant a slightly more expen-
sive rail -haul over the Rockies, but also it meant
about a month saved in rushing vessels back to
Singapore for another load of rubber.
But Jesse Jones wouldn't pay the extra rail
charge from San Francisco to New York. He
insisted that the ships go all the way through
the canal. And since he made the loan to buy
the rubber, Jesse was boss. He was both boss and
bottleneck. And that one little saving of about
6c a pound on rubber will cost the American
people thousands of tires one year hence.
Again Jesse Jones refused to pay Mexico more
than $100 a flask for mercury. Japan was paying
as high as $230 a flask, but Jesse wouldn't budge
a cent higher.
It happens that mercury, not only is essential
to shells and explosives, but also is "poor man's
gold" in Mexico, being mined by Indians on small
farms. When the price is high they work, when
it is low they do something else.

VOL. LI. No. 111
Publication in the Dally Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
memtbers of the University.
Home Loans: The University In-
vestment office, 100 South Wing, will
be glad to consult with anyone con-
sidering building or buying a home
or refinancing existing mortgages
and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans.
To the Members of the UniversityI
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
March 9, at 4:15 p.m., in the Rack-
ham Amphitheater. All members of
the University Senate may attend
the meeting.
Minutes of the meeting of February
9, 1942.
Subjects offered by members of the
Reports of the Standing Commit-
Program and Policy, J. P. Dawson.
Educational Policies, R. Schorling.
Report on a Survey of Special Serv-
ice Positions in the University.
Student Relations, O. W. Boston.
Public Relations, I. M. Smith.
Plant and Equipment, R. W. Ham-
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Concentration Advisers, College of
L.S. and A.: Any adviser wishing to
have courses outside the department
or division counted in the C average
required in the field of concentra-
tion for tentative May seniors should
notify the Registrar's Office, Room
4, U. Hall. The office will assume
that no courses outside the depart-
ment are to be included unless a
report is filed by March 20, 1942.
Requests should be in writing giv-
ing the names of the individual stu-
dents to be affected and the specific
courses outside the department to be
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar.
Mentor Reports: Reports on stand-
ings of all Engineering freshmen
will be expected from faculty mem-
bers, during' the 6th and again dur-
ing the 11th weeks of the semester.
These two reports will be due about
March 11 and April 15. Report blanks
will be furnished to Miss Buda, Of-
fice of the Dean, (Extension 575),
who will handle the reports; other-
wise, call A. D. Moore. Head Mentor,
Extension 2136.
Choral Union Members: There will
be a sectional rehearsal of the Choral
Union Chorus Sunday afternoon,
March 8, in the School of Music
Auditorium, as follows:
Men: 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Women: 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Thor Johnson, Conductor.
Graduate Students: Attention is
called to the regulation that diploma
applications must be received early
in the semester in which a degree is
expected. Applications filed in any
previous semester in which the de-
gree was not awarded will not be
carried over for a May degree and it
will be necessary in such cases to
file another application this semester.
Doctoral students are reminded
that dissertations will be due in the
office of the Graduate School on
April 6 instead of April 20 as previ-
ously announced.
C. S. Yoakum
Graduate Students withdrawing
from the University after at least
two weeks of a semester for the pur-
pose of entering the armed forces
of the United States (including clerks

in civilian service) are entitled to pro-
rated refund of semester fees and
pro-rated credit on the recommenda-
tion of the department concerned.
For further information please call
at the office of the Graduate School.
C. S. Yoakum
Caroline Hubbard Kleinstueck Fel-
lowship: This award of $500 is of-
fered by the Kalamazoo Alumnae
Group for the year 1942-43. It is
open to any woman with an A.B.
degree from an accredited college or
university and is available for gradu-
ate work in any field. A graduate
of the University of Michigan may
use the award for study wherever she
wishes but a graduate of any other
college or university must continue
her work at Michigan. Candidates
showing ability for creative work will
be given special consideration. Ap-
plication blanks may be obtained at
the Alumnae office in the Michigan
League or at thesOffice of the Dean
of Women and should be returned
not later than March 15.
Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships: The
National Phi Kappa Phi Honor So-
ciety each year awards a certain
number of Graduate Fellowships with
stipend of $500 to be devoted to study
in some American College or Uni-
versity. Undergraduate members of
Phi Kappa Phi of the University of
Michigan, elected during the first
Where Ahab Sailed
To a very large audience this new
war-theatre in the Orient is the land


By Lichly

semester of the present year are eli-
gible to apply for one of these fel-
lowships. The closing date for ap-
plications to be received by the localg
chapter has been extended to Marchr
13. Further information and appli-'
cation blanks may be secured from
the secretary, Mary C. Van Tuyl, in
Room 3123 Natural Science BuildingC
from 2 to 5 daily. s
Mechanical, Industrial, Chemical,
& Metallurgical Seniors: Mr. H. M.
Washburn of The Prest-O-Lite Co.,
Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana, will iffter-r
view Seniors in the above groups onF
Wednesday, Mar. 11, in Room 218
West Engineering Building.
Those interested may sign the in-t
terview schedule on the Mechanical
Engineering Bulletin Board, near2
Rm. 221 W. Eng. Bldg.
Seniors in Mechanical, Chemical,I
Electrical, and Industrial Engineer-
ing: Mr. David M. Watt of Procter &
Gamble Company will interview Sen-
iors in the above groups Tuesday,r
March 10, in Room 218 West En-c
gineering Building.e
Positions are open in a subsidiary I
shell-loading plant for men interest-I
ed in production management, plantt
Engineering, methods analysis, andE
design, or in the Procter & Gamble
If interested, sign the interview5
schedule on the bulletin board nearF
Rm. 221 W. Engr. Bldg.t
Academic Notices
Botany I Make-up final examina-
tion will be given today, 4:00-6:00c
p.m., in room 1005 Natural Science.r
K. L. Jones
Sociology 51: Make-up Final Ex-
amination will be given Saturday,
March 7, at 2:00 p.m., in Room D
Haven Hall. Robert C. Angell1
Graduate Students in Speech: All
applicants for advanced degrees in
Speech will be required to take the
qualifying examinations in Speech
today, starting at 3 p.m. in room
4203 Angell Hall.
History 12, Lecture I, Sections 11
and 13: Mr. Usher. Make-up and ex-
amination for Tuesday exam must
be taken Saturday, March 7, in Room
B, Haven Hall, 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Mathematics Short Course (350a),
Dr. S. Eilenberg will give a short
course this semester on "Algebraic
Methods in Topology," to run for five
weeks, three hours a week. A pre-
liminary meeting will be held today
at 4 o'clock in 3011 Angell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Law-
rence Edward Vredevoe, Education;
thesis; "A Study of the Theory and
Practice of Public School Admin-
istration in Twenty-Six Cities of the
Great Lakes Region." Today, East
Council Room, Rackham Building,
1:30 p.m. Chairman, A. B. Moehl-
By action of the Executive Board,
the chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examina-
tion and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
lwish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Student Recital: Edward Ormond,
violinist, will present a recital at
4:15 p.m. Sunday, March 8, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater, in partial ful-
fillment of thehrequirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree. His pro-
gram will include works of Brahms,
Chausson and Glazounov.
The public is cordially invited.

Events Today
R.O.T.C. Freshmen who were not
given opportunity to complete their
record firing (rapid) may report at
1:00 tonight at rifle range.
French Roundtable, International
Center, will meet in the Internation-
al Center, Room 23, tonight at 8:00.
Miss Alice Jernazian will speak on
"L'Armenie et les Armeniens." Ad-
vanced students of the French lan-
guage as well as students whose
native or secondary language is
French are invited.
Theta Sigma Phi pledges will take
their examination for initiation Mon-
day, March 9, at 5:00 p.m. in Room
210, Haven Hall. The pledges will
meet today at 5:00 p.m. in Room 210,
Haven Hall, for a review of the ma-
terial for the test.
Dr. William Paton, British Clergy-
man, ;who recently arrived in this
country, will lecture on. "The Experi-
nce of Religious Groups in Europe
During the War," in the Rackham
Lecture Hall tonight, at 8:15, under
the auspices of the Student Religious
Graduate Council meets today at
5:00 p.m. in the West Conference
Room, Rackham Building. The activi-
ties schedule for the semester will be
the major consideration. This meet-
ing is open to all graduate students.
Sophomores interested in trying
out for baseball managership should
report to the Field House between
2:00 and 5:00 p.m. any afternoon
this week.
The Scenery Committee for J.G.P.
will meet in the League today at 4:30
p.m. The room will be posted.
Interviewing for League Council
positions is being held through today
from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Under-
graduate Office of the League.
Hillel Foundation: There will be a
panel discussion by the Hillel foren-
sics team on the subject "Jews in
the Post War World" this evening at
8:15 at the Hillel Foundation, Oak-
land at East University. Fireside dis-
cussion will follow. Everyone is cor-
dially invited. Conservative religious
services start at 7:45 p.m.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends at Harris Hall this
afternoon, 4:00 to 5:30.
Wesley Foundation: Open House
tonight, 9:00-12:00, for all Methodist
students and their friends.
Westminster Student Guild: Dr.
Lemon's Bible Class meets tonight in
the Lewis Parlor from 7:30-8:30.
"How to Know the Bible," is the sub-
ject of the evening.
Westminster Student Guild: Quiz
Party tonight, 8:30-12:00. All stu-
dents are invited.
Corning Events
The Economics Club will meet on
Monday, March 9, at 8:00 p.m. in the
West Conference Room, Rackham
Building. Professor J. W. Riegel will
speak on "Wage and Salary Deter-
German 'Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. Members of all departments
are cordially invited. There will be
a brief talk on "Ueber die malaiische
Sprache" by Mr. Maurice W. Senstius.
Michigan Outing Club will have a

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1V,3 7 -US V L ,r:,Allt ill., F,.
"Cadwell's been voting 'yes' on appropriations all afternoon-I just
know he'll vote no' to any proposal I'll make to spend the evening."

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