yWeather Very Warm for March. itv 4ati4 Editorial Pact With Brazil Brings Hope To .. . VOL. LIL No. 111 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1942 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Cinder Team Seeks Crown In Conference Tilt At Chicago Sextet Outplays Miehigan Tech, But Only Garners Tie In Overtime Struggle Ohio State Favored To Win Track Meet By BOB STAHL Grimly determined to regain the title relinquished to the Indiana Hoosiers last year, Michigan's knights of the cinder track set out for Chi- cago this morning on the trail of their 12tk Western Conference in- door track crown. Undismayed by a torrent of pre- meet publicity and predicting which has practically figured them out of the picture, the Wolverine thinclads are pinning their hopes on tradi- tional team balance and power to overcome the tremendous threat of an Ohio State crew which has been overwhelmingly favored to sweep all opposition aside on its way to the title. Wright Leads Buckeyes Led by their sensational hurdler and dash star, Bob Wright, the Buck- eyes have been the talk of the Con- ference this year with their five con- secutive dual meet wins. Always con- sidered a strong contender for the Big Ten crown, Ohio State has never yet been able to wrap up the cup and store it in its luggage for the trip back to Columbus. But the track ex- perts have picked this as the Buck- eyes' year and, like everything which comes to those who wait, the long elusive title might finally fall into the Bucks' outstretched hands. But the Wolverines cannot be counted out so easily. Also unde- feated in dual meet competition this season, the Michigan squad has dem- onstrated strength aplenty, and with a few breaks in the right direction, the Wolverines might very well sweep to an -upset win over the favored Buckeyes and a powerful crew from Illinois. Unpredictable Angles Like all competitive sports, track abounds with upredictable angle and it is just these unpredictable angles which might give the Wolver- ines their win. In a meet as close as this one promises to be, the second and third place winners might very well decide the ultimate victor and if the other Big Ten schools take enough runner-up places away from the Buckeyes, Michigan might con- ceivably work its way through to the title. Frank McCarthy looms as one of the most important unpredictable (Continued on Page 3) hockey Team Ties Michigan Tech, 2-2 By STAN CLAMAGE Copy flows easier today, the first time since they re-treaded the rib- bons on the typewriters up here in the Daily last December. True, the Wolverines didn't win last night against the visiting Miners, but the tie in overtime is their best record on Coliseum ice this season. The facts on the case go some- thing like this. Eddie Lowrey's sex- tet out-pushed, out-skated and gen- erally out-played Michigan Tech. Michigan scoring punch, heretofore lacking, netted a couple of markers, but with a few more breaks, the Maize and Blue score might have been greater-with a possible vic- tory. Give credit to Tech goalie Fred Meyer, who turned in some 34 spark- ling saves to hold down the Wolverine score. Three Michigan men played princi- pal roles in garnering the two mark- ers. Bill Dance was credited with a counter and an assist, Johnny Cor- son pounded in, another, while Bob Collins cleared the puck for Dance's score. Captain Bob Petaia and Art Dorffi scored for the Tech cause. - The Wolverines, playing without their lanky captain, Paul Goldsmith, were not at their best, but as for fighting spirit-well, they had it. Hank Loud had his best night this year in the nets, turning into duds countless Tech attempts. The first period was a see-saw af- fair, with neither team having any particular advantage. Only one pen- (Continued on Page 3) Production Board Stops Sales Of Tvnewriters Swing Concert Planned By Committee Of 1942 Faculty Scholarship Committee Sanctions 'Bomber- Scholarships'; Committee Of '42 Approves By DAN BEHRMAN Amidst a deluge of defense savings, vocational guidance and blood donor proposals, the Committee of 1942 unanimously went on record yester- day to approve plans for a Cab Callo- way swing concert to be held here April 15 with proceeds going to the new "bomber-scholarship" fund. The committee enthusiastically heard Bck Dawson, '42, outline the Alpha Phi' Omega proposal which would present to students three hours of swing, a radio musical quiz pro- gram, and an opportunity to back one of the University's most far-sighted war moves. Plans Tentative Plans for the concert are still in a tentative stage, according to Dawson, but they only await final confirma- tion by the theatre or auditorium where it will be held. Student apathy to the last drive for blood donations was deplored by the Blood Bank committee which also announced March 31 as the next scheduled arrival of the Red Cross's mobile unit. Although smaller schools in the East have pledged as many as 2,000 donors, the committee was informed, University men have not turned out in large enough numbers to permit a two-day visit by the Red Cross unit. One thousand three hundred Michigan students have signified a willingness to give blood, but only 165 actually contributed. Defense Stamp Drive In a report by the defense savings committee, Michigan's war-emergen- cy student organization was told of increased preparation for continuing defense stamp sales. In addition to permanent booths on campus, a "di- agonal-of-dimes" drive was also out- lined--subject to further discussion. The "square peg in a round hole" student will be eliminated, if a Com- mittee of 1942 vocational guidance plan offered yesterday is put into efect. This proposal is aimed both at Agent 'Vie rec k Found Guilty In Short Trial WASHINGTON, March 5.-(A')- George Sylvester Viereck, alleged master mind of German propaganda in the United States, was convicted by a jury in Federal District Court today of withholding essential infor- mation when he registered with the State Department as an agent of German interests. The jury of two women and ten men had deliberated about two hours before reaching its decision. Viereck was accused of violating the foreign agents registration act by failing to throw full light on his propaganda activties.' The penalty for violation of the act is two to six years imprisonment, a fine up to $3,000, or both. The jury was given the case after argument by the defense that the government had made no showing that Viereck had engaged in unlawful or un-American activties. In reply, special prosecutor William Power Maloney said there was clear evidence the defendant was "the American mouth-piece of the Nazis in Berlin-the American apostle of the murderous, lying rogues of the Wilhelmstrasse." increasing wartime supply of engin- eers and placing freshmen with er- gineering aptitude into the engineer- ing college. 'Bomber-Scholarships' Gain New Support "Bomber-scholarships," aimed at social mobilization of the campus for immediate defense expenses and fu- ture aid to returning student war vet- erans, received another impetus yes- terday with its approval by the Com- mittee of 1942 and the Faculty Schol- arship Committee of the literary col- lege, First to support the plan originated by the Abe Lncoln Cooperative (Turn to Page 2, Col. 4) No New Tires Retreads Seen By Henderson, Crude: For Car Rubber Unavailable Civilian Motorists ; Lay-UpPredicted WASHINGTON, March 5.-(AP)- Owners of 22,500,000 automobiles now operating in this country re- ceived a blunt and gloomy warning today that they cannot hope to get any new or retreaded tires in the next three years or longer, barring unforeseen war victories or miracles. Leon Henderson, Director of Ci- vilian Supply and Price Administra- tor, announced the startling details of the critical wartime rubber short- age at a public hearing of the special Senate committee investigating na- tional defense. 'Not A Single Pound' After grimly testifying that there would not be a "single pound of new crude rubber" available either for new tires or retreads on some 30,000,- 000 automobiles of ordinary citizens, Henderson said "that means starkly and simply that the majority of these cars are likely to be laid up when their present tires are worn out and the ingenuity of their owners has been exhausted." Later the chunky defense official modified this a bit by saying officials still hoped to keep some 7,400.000 of these cars operating for defense workers, on tires made largely from reclaimed rubber during the next three years. However, this still would leave 22,500,000 cars of ordinary citi- zens without tire replacements. Supply Picture Dark Questions from Senators on the in- vestigating committee who previously had gone over the extensive rubber data failed to brighten the supply picture. Henderson said it would be a "near miracle" if synthetic rubber produc- tion could reach 'the hoped-for goals of 300,000 tons next year and 600,000 tons by 1944. He specifically cau- tioned agaisnt expecting any sub- stantial rubber production from Bra- zil, or guayule plants in this country and hemisphere. 'ENSIAN MEETING There will be an important meeting of the Tryout and Junior Editorial staffs of the Michigan- ensian today at 4:15. Feb.16Draft Group To Get Call In June Stimson Announces Plan To Fill Army Quotas From All Registrants Induction In Order Of Ages Is Dropped WASHINGTON, March 5.-( (EP)Men who registered last month for Selective Service will begin getting their induction orders early in June, Secretary Stimson said today. Saying that the Army did not plan to call for induction by age groups, the Secretary said Selective Service headquarters and War Department officials had agreed on a plan which in effect would integrate last month's registrants with the men registered previously, while avoiding the me- chanical difficulties and delays of re- assigning order numbers. Stimson made it clear that the or- iginal group of registrants would not be exhausted before calls were made on the new group, and said also that "there will be no 20-year-old class, 21-year-old class, and so on, with the drafts made on the younger class until it is exhausted, and then on through the succeeding classes." Lottery March 17 Men in the 20-21 and 37-44 age groups, who registered Feb. 16, will be given their order numbers on the basis of a national lottery to be held March 17. As soon as administrative details of this process have been completed, Stimson said, local boards will receive their quotas for induction, probably about June 1. These quotas will be filled by tak- ing men from both groups-those who registered last month, whom Stimon referred to as the "X-group," and those of the original registration, whom he called the "Y-group,"- in proportion to the number of men available in each. The Secretary made this an- nouncement in the course of a gen- eral discussion of the nation's mili- tary affairs. Air Corps Important He said that the impending Army reorganization was intended to give the Air Corps a position of impor- tance so that the present world con- flict-"very largely an air war" - would not be waged on the pattern of "past or obsolete wars." He em- phasized the transcendent impor- tance of the air arm and disclosed that: Great Britain and the United States would continue their "intense support" of the Dutch in the East Indies and that American aid there had increased heavily in the last week. Troops of the Engineer Corps were on their way to lay out pioneer roads for the Alaskan defense highway which will link the United States and its strategic northern territory through Canadian soil. Detroit Project To Stay Empty 'Sojourner Truth' Awaits End Of Racial Dispute WASHINGTON, March 5-(IP)- Detroit's Sojourner Truth housing development will remain empty until federal and city' officials find a way to end a racial controversy which caused a riot between white persons and Negroes last Saturday. This was learned today after a conference called to consider pro- tests against Negro tenancy of the big development located in a section populated mostly by white persons. Attending the meeting were John B. Blandford, Jr., National Housing Administrator; Leon H. Keyserling, acting Commissioner of the Federal Housing Authority; Mayor Edward J. Jeffries, of Detroit; Charles Edge- comb, secretary of the Detroit Hous- ing Commisssion, and Representative Tenerowicz (Dem.-Mich.) 'Batty' Dive Bomber Makes Coeds Squeal Wide-eyed and screaming, stu- dents in the Conference Room of the main library last night lifted their noses from their books and discovered they were in the midst of an air raid. A lone bat was soaring over= head. Immediately the anti-air-- craft defoenewent into action. Bataan Army Takes Heavy Toll Of Japs Soviet Troops Recapture Yukhnov In Break-Up Of Nazi Defense WASHINGTON, March 5.-(P)- Add to the score of General Douglas MacArthur's forces on Bataan Pen- insula: "thousands" of Japanese sol- diers believed killed in the recent surprise air raid on enemy ships in Subic Bay. The three large vessels, sunk were transports, a War Department com- munique announced, These were loaded with enemy soldiers, many of whom were killed in the explosion of ammunition on board the ships or were drowned as their craft settled to the bottom. Meanwhile, Secretary Stimson an- nounced at a press conference that "material" airplane reinforcements had been sent to Java in the last week. He declined to go into details, but did say that the withdrawal of General Sir Archibald Wavell as Al- lied commander-in-chief in the southwest Pacific meant no slacken- ing of American and British support for the Dutch. "Not only has that support not been diminished by withdrawals," he said, "but in the past week we have increased our air support materially." The Secretary of War grinned his satisfaction at word of MacArthur's unexpected coup. The surprise at- tack was made, presumably, by the remuiants of the American air force on Bataan. This consists, it is com- monly supposed, of a limited num- ber of pursuit planes, many of them thrown together with salvaged parts from a number of destroyed planes. Soviet Takes Yukhnov As Advance Continues MOSCOW, March 5.-(P)-Clean- ing up a stubborn pocket of German resistance 125 miles east of Smo- lensk, the Red Army in its westward offensive has recaptured the town of Yukhnov, on the highway from Mos- cow to Warsaw, the Soviet Command announced tonight. This town lies 50 or 60 miles be- hind the points of farthest Russian advance in this region and its recap- ture apparently eliminates a seri- ous hazard to the rear of the advanc- ing Soviet troops, in view of the im- mnence of a German spring offens- ive. Evidence of the tenacity of the German resistance in this region is the fact that as long ago as Jan. 10 the Russians recaptured the town of Mosalsk, which is 20 miles south of Yukhnov, and yet until now had not cleared up the Yukhnov picket. New Russian tanks battered today through ice-hardened snow forts erected by the Germans on the Stara- ya Russa front in an unrelenting drive which already is reported to have reduced the desperate Nazi 16th Army from 96,000 to 60,000 men. Javanese People's Council Told Of Fight 'Practically Alone' Against Heavy Odds; Invaders Only Ten Miles From Batavia BANDOENG, Java, Friday, March 6.-(P)-With Java being virtually torn apart by the rampant invader, the Dutch East Indies Government held out today the hope of a MacArthur-like defense and the chance of a count- er-stroke against Japan "at any moment . . . from another side." Addressing the People's Council, Javanese legislative body, in a session which lasted almost to midnight, Lieutenant Governor-General Dr. Hu- bertus J.Van Mook called for continuation of "the courageous and tenaci- ous resistance." Face Numerically Superior Enemy The fall of Singapore, he said, had left the Netherlands Indies to face a numerically superior enemy practically alone-"I say practically alone, for it is not true that our Allies have left us altogether. "This is not true, and it may be expected that at any moment the at- tack on the enemy will be launched from another side. "There are American, Australian and British forces in this country which are fighting just as bravely as our men." The foe stood within 10 miles of the capital city of Batavia. He was beating forward upon this Dutch military headquarters of Bandoeng. Van _Mook gave up for lost, by the very inequality of power between the de- To peak Here Today fenders and the attackers, the "little- defended outer provinces" along Java's northern shore. "Against this force we cannot pit a force which at all points simultane- ously can defend our country," he said. "In this case we must find our strength, as MacArthur did, in Jap Troops Strike Deeper Into Java As Dutch Seek ,MacArthur-Like Defense I II DR. WILLIAM PATON * * * British Religion Will Be Subject Of Paton Talk "Religion in Wartime England" will be discussed by Dr. William Paton, British religious leader, at 8:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Dr. Paton's talk is the second in a series of lectures given under the auspices of the Student Religious As- sociation on religion in the war and its role in the peace after the war. The British churchman is in this country to participate in several im- portant church conferences. Dr. Paton has studied at both Ox- ford and Cambridge. Shortly after his education he served as secretary for the Student Christian Movement of Great Britain. Later he acted as general secretary for the National Christian Council of India, Burma and Ceylon. Since 1928 Dr. Paton has held a post in the International Missionary Council. Editor of the International Review of Missions, Dr. Paton is also the author of several religious works. His latest book is "The Church and the New Order." -BULLETIN-- SAN FRANCISCO, March 5.-(R) -The Columbia Broadcasting Sys- tem listening station said tonight Radio Tokyo had proclaimed the fall of Batavia, capital city of Java. The broadcast, was in Japanese and stated that the Java capital had been "completely occupied" by the invading forces since 9:30 p.m. Japanese time March 5. There was, however, no confirmation of the claim. concentrating and defending certain areas where nature gives us an op- portunity to resist the superior forces." Meanwhile the enemy, casting his air arm out over the southern island, had opened aerial attacks upon Tjil- atjap, the single port on that shore that could be used to disembark Allied reinforcements. General Allied Reverses The Dutch Command told a story of tragically general Allied reverses, of an enemy force thus far irresist- ible (and aforce which London un- derstood, although the Dutch there had no confirmation, had been strengthened by new landings on the west coast of Java in the face of Allied counter-attacks.) This was the position on the three main fronts: Batavia, in northwest Java--a Jap- anese movement of envelopment ap- parently was proceeding unhalted. Krawang, 30 miles east of Batavia, had fallen while a complementary enemy thrust from the west had reached Tangerang, only 10 miles short of the capital. Bandoeng, inland in the western section of the island and southeast of Batavia-Poerwakarta, 25 miles north-northwest of that city, has been overrun; the airdrome of Kali- djati, 25 miles north of Bandoeng, was in enemy hands and under Allied attack; from the Soebang area to the northeast a second enemy col- umn was seeking to close the trap. Last Railroad Cut Soerabaja, in the eastern island- the last remaining railroad to the west had been cut by the enemy in overrunning Soerakarta, 70 miles in- land and the point of the deepest en- emy thrust from his initial beach- heads; Bodjanegara, 50 miles west of Soerabaja and on the first of the two east-west railways to be reached, also had been captured by the enemy. Here it appeared that he was driving to cut the island in two. Australkmns Warned Against Possible Invasion' MELBOURNE, March 5.-(AP)-The Japanese already are feeling out the Australian coast for invasion and may attempt early landings 'in the north, northwest and east, Australi- ans were told today. The Melbourne Herald said the government was studying the possi- Globe Trotter Takes A Day Off: Pierre Van Paasseii To Discuss America's Role In The Future A Realist Views The Future: Elirmann Warns Against U.S. Isolationist Policy After War By EUGENE MANDEBERG Pierre van Paassen, famous foreign correspondent who resembles more a member of the Canadian Mounted Police rather than the traditional picture of the suave journalist, will speak at 8:15 p.m. Thursday, March 19, at Hill Auditorium under the aus- pices of the Michigan Alumnae Club on America's role in a future world. Always in a hurry, the author of "Days of Our Years" insists that there is still so much left in the world to see, after wandering through Eur- ope, Asia and Africa, that he intends to see and do everything he can de- spite the war and other international complications. Journalism as a profession hap- pened entirely by accident to van of the first correspondents to inter- view Mussolini and Hitler and to see in their rise a dangerous threat to the future freedom of the world. Among his other journalistic "clas- sics" can be listed his interview with Captain Dreyfus, trying to get him interested in the Sacco, Vanzetti case, his account of the Pope's visit to No Man's Land during the World War, and his encounter with Ai Hameen el Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem when van Paassen defied him to deny his responsibility for the Palestine riots. Pierre van Paassen might well be described as a man who "has been around a bit." He has traveled through France, Morocco, Spain, Italy, Syria, Palestine, Russia, the By GEORGE SALLADE United States must not again with- draw into its isolationist shell at the conclusion of the present world con- flict if a stable peace settlement is to be established and maintained, Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann of the history department told an audience at a Student Religious Association discussion seminar last night in Lane Hall. Offering his views as a basis for the group discussion on possible peace plans, Professor Ehrmann warned that "making elaborate blue prints for world reorganization now is unrealistic." He said that it was a stable element in the European state system. He stressed the neces- sity of combining these national groups into regional confederations. As independent states they were too weak to exist and constitute a source of temptation to their neighbors. Professor Ehrmann emphasized that an important cause for the Sec- and World War lay in the dissatis- faction of the great powers with the peace that they had made. France was the only one interested in main- taining the conditions of the peace treaty intact because that settlement gave her a measure of security against Germany. The British be-