? Weather Slightly Colder With Possible Snow Flurries Y t 4a i4J Editorial Sacrifice Needed To Gain Victory . . 1 VOL. LI. No. 110 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1942 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS MacArthur' s Planes Slash At Jap Ships In Subic Bay Second Troop Contingent From U.S. Disembarks In Northern Ireland Por Amid Citizens' Cheers 'Thousands' Of Men Brought To Ulster WASHINGTON, March 4. -(P)- Sweeping over the mountains of Bataan in a sudden attack that caught the Japanese completely off guard, the small air force of Gen. Douglas MacArthur destroyed over 30,000 tons of enemy shipping and set supply concentrations afire at Subic Bay, the War Department an- nounced today. Heavy explosions occurred after fires were started on the docks at Olongapo and Grande Island, in- dicating that ammunition dumps were destroyed in the swift raid. Ships Destroyed A morning communique declared that one ship of 10,000 tons, another of 8,000 tons and two motor launches "of 100 tons each were destroyed, and many smaller vessels damaged, Later in the day another com- munique, based on further informa- tion, added a 12,000-ton vessel to the toll, thus emphasizing the smashing nature of the raid. Subic Bay lies just north of Bataan Peninsula not more than 15. miles from the front lines of MacArthur's BULLETIN- NEW YORK, March 4. -()- Thirty planes, their nationality not specified, have raided Minami Torishima Island in the Bonin Group about mid-way between Guam and the Japanese main- land, the Tokyo radio said to- night in a broadcast heard by CBS. The broadcast identified the islandf as 'tie most remo1o a~ °tie Bonin Group southeast of Tokyo, and acknowledged that one build- ing was destroyed and eight casu- alties suffered. Seven of the raid- ers were shot down, Tokyo said. ground forces. Grande Island is at the entrance of the bay and Olonga- po, formerly a United States Naval Station, on the southern shore. Since MacArthur completed the withdrawal of his forces into the na- tural fortress of Bataan, where for 1nore than a month he has stopped all efforts of the Japanese to ad- vance, the enemy has used Subic Bay as a terminal for landing troops and supplies. Convoy Arrives On February 18 the Army reported the arrival of a fairly large convoy of transports at Olongapo, bringing reinforcements to the already huge Japanese forces on the Island of Lu- zon. Subic Bay was also the scene of two daring raids against Japanese shipping by motor torpedo boats. The exact size and composition of the remnants of an air force still operating with MacArthur has never been disclosed. It was believed, how- ever, to consist largely of pursuit planes of the Curtiss P-40 type, known to the British as Tomahawks, MacArthur has used them largely for observation purposes, avoiding com- bat with the overwhelming superior- ity of the Japanese. Thousands' Of Men Brought To Ulster With U.S. Troops in Northern Ire- land, March 4. --(P)- The arrival in Northern Ireland of a second con- tingent of U.S. troops, numbering in the thousands with full field equip- ment and their guns ready, was an- nounced today after all had been safely disembarked and scattered to posts thoughout Ulster's six counties. (The new American contingent was described in London as being larger than the first. Washington announced the arrival only briefly, withholding details.) This second contingent, reaching here a little more than a month after arrival of the first, was, like it, com- posed mostly of Mid-Westerners who for the past year had been trained in Southern camps in the United States. The commander of the force is a white-haired colonel from the Mid- dle West; and the first man in the r t 3 t f t f l 'Bomber City' Awaits Government Action Allies Wreck Java Riches As Japs Score First Important Advances; - Daily Photo by Bob Killins Bomber City-the Art School's miniature "greenbelt" model com- munity designed to solve Willow Run's housing problem-lies between Ypsilanti and Belleville just south of Ford Lake (on extreme right). The heavy white line cutting across the center is the Washtena Wayne County line. At the extreme left is the Wabash Railroad, which runs diagonally upward and -forms a triangle outside of the city limits. The bomber plant is beyond the range of the picture, on the right. Coming down from the north (right, in the picture) Rawsonville Road and Ford Road run into the city and afford easy access to the plant. * * * * B.om ber City' Affo rds Solution To Willow Run Art School's Model Community Being Considered By Government For Housing Workers s z f s 1 c t c i k r a t a t r x f z C British Lose Key Burma Position RAF Causes Severe Damage Dutch Government Changes Indies Land, fI4A a O Sububa. Naval Commanders As Crisis Nears; In____ ______________ s Japanese Take West Bank Of Sittang important F actories Hard along both banks of the Seine. It said BANDOENG, Java, March 4.-(IP)-The Japanese have thrown back the Hit, Vichy Says; Welles precautions against injuring French Allied line in some sectors in their first advances of consequence since the 1)sRcigimiary or damaging civilian prop- beginning of the invasion, the Dutch command acknowledged today, and Calls Raid L egititnate erty were so strong that bombers were ordered to return with their so imminent was this island's peril that the defenders already had com- LONDON, March 4.-(IP)-In one loads if there were any possibility of pleted most of the job of demolishing all upon it that would be of value to of history's greatest air raids the a mistake. the enemy. RAF last night s)read ruin in the Meanwhile, Vichy admitted that But, stripped though they were of much of the Dutch fleet strength Paris suburban area where French three of France's biggest motor and and outnumbered aloft and aground, the Allied forces yet fought savagely arms plants are working for the Ger- aircraft works were damaged severely on-holding the offensive in their unbroken aggressive spirit, tragically mans, thus signalling the end of kid- by the tremendous British night bQm- unable though they were to hold it in fact. glove treatment of the Vichy regime bardment of the German-occupied (The Netherlands government in London announced a drastic change and the start of a new campaign to Paris industrial area, with 600 or in the Indies command by which the Governor General, Gen. A W. L weaken the expected Nazi spring of- more persons killed and 2,000 iec t Grn renrghntaho- fensive against Russia. wounded. Captain Jean Fontaine, naval offi- wer, transfers command of the land The raid lasted only two hours, cer and chief of Vice-Premier Dar- Soviet Troops fighting forces to Lieut.-Gen. Hein and was made by a force which lan's secretariat, who watched theA t Ter Poorten, and Admiral C. m . L. spokesmen said was not exceptionallyr Fidasa Last Hedfrihetakest"aspecial ision large, but judged by French figures and Farman plants as heavily hit by aS la i with Rear Admiral J. J. A. Van Sta- of 600-odd dead and possibly 2,000 RAF bombers which swooped so low " m -~ veren commanding the remaining wounded it was more devastating he thought they might plunge f az Arm y naval forces in Indies waters. tha any of the all-night and all- through the roof of the 5th-floor (At the same time the government day bombings by which the. Germans apartment in the Auteuil section of '" nice alduo vr uc omne vainly sought to knock out Britain prmntnthAue stinf'Rem at' Of Encicld called upon every Dutch, commander vinl sg t no otParis from which he witnessed the 'ennants e-e in Java and elsewhere in the archi- Returning RAF pilots and bom-attack Tuesday night. Foe BiA hilated pelago, even those cut off from help, barergaidth t stead'boR-- The Renault plant, which was to "fight on to the last." aies aid nthat k g t R turning out trucks for the Germans, State Russian Reports Command Shift Is 'Ineidentar' airplane engines and trucks for the burned so fiercely that the whole MOSCOW, Thursday, March 5.- (The communique said the com- 3ermans, their bombs scattered (Turn to Page 6, Col. 2) (M)-Russian troops are "destroying mand shift was incidental to depar- buildings "like packs of cards." the remnants" of General. Von ture of General Sir Archibald P. Only two British planes were lost, Foru Hears Busch's 16th German Army which Wavell, erstwhile United Nations su- i clear indication of weak opposition, numbered 96,000 men before it was preme commander In Java, to resume In London, informed political quar- ) trapped more than a week ago at his former India command, but au- ters said London and Washington - Slosson s Plan Staraya Russa below Lake Ilhen, thoritative Dutch quarters said that now were convinced that Vichy could dispatches direct from that front said the Allied powers had taken "a trip- not be won away f rom German in- today. pling blow" with the loss of two luence by further wooing.ermnn-or 'ra This was the first time that Soviet Dutch cruisers in the Java Sea naval As for the French people, the Brit- dispatches used the term "remnants" battle last week-end, that a counter- sh government expressed "sincere t O in referring to the encircled Nazis offensive at present was out of the hope" that any French lives had been New International rder who were reported desperately trying question and that "it is therefore a dnvl byn d d i ' Will B Ft a t o .in a.ir-horne reinforements. bitter struggle, but the Netherlands By BOB MANTHO Bomber City, they're calling it ... And if Frederic A. Delano, chair- man of the National Resources Plan- . ning Board, persuades the President that this is the model community which will solve Willow Run's hous- ing problem, four months of hard work will gain the University's Art Schocl nation-wide acclaim. The idea for the project was con- ceived by George Ross, former pro- fessor in landscape architecture who is now a member of the State Plan- ning Commission charged with mak- .ing yrom dations for the housing of laborers around the Willow Run defense sector. Following his lead, Karl Belser, visiting professor of landscape archi- tecture, began an intensive study of the regional planning for the pro- posed community. With him worked four efficient students of art. Jean Hebrard, professor of archi- tecture, and his students constructed Sextet Min u s Captain, Faces Michigan Tech Hockey Squad Revamped To Meet Visitors T oday; Goldsmith On Sick List, By STAN CLAMAGE Playing without the services of their captain and play-maker, Paul Goldsmith, Michigan's hockey team tangles with an indifferent Michigan Tech sextet at 8 p.m. today at the Coliseum in the first tilt of a two- game series. In the wild battle with Minnesota last Saturday, Goldie cracked against the boards late in the final period and spent the remaining minutes on the bench watching his teammates fight a losing cause. The injury, sim- ilar to that which versatile Frank McCarthy incurred in the Pittsburgh track meet, put Goldsmith on the in- active list. Yesterday the lanky cap- tain was put away for good when the rapidly growing measles epidemic added another to its toll. With his big captain on the sick list, Coach Eddie Lowrey will be forced to revamp his first and second lines. The first trio to see compe- tition looks to have Bob Kemp and Roy Bradley on the wings, with Max Bahrych in the center slot. Kemp has seen Varsity action only since the start of the second semester, but he has been rapidly rounding into shape. Bradley has brought himself up from an uncertain position earlier in the season to a regular on the team. The defense, which remains in- tact, finds Johnny Gillis and Ed Reichert in their customary slots. Gillis has turned into one of the big- gest offensive threats on the squad, and his defensive play has been out- standing. In the Gopher series his1 the miniature little city which stands on a corner table in one of the rooms of the art school building. A five-section "greenbelt" model communiy, Bomber City straddles the county lines of Washtenaw, and Wayne counties and is based on Sid- ney Hillman's statement made at the CIO convention in Detroit this fall: "What is needed is a fifty-million dollar, 10,000-unit community to house the laborers who will be em- ployed at the bomber plant." Roosevelt Confirms Hillman President Roosevelt confirmed this statement a4ew days later.. Located between Ypsilanti and Belleville south of Ford Lake, the model city "that impressed Mr. De- lano when he saw pictures of it" is designed to be a permanent com- munity which will guarantee no ghost town after the boom is over at the Willow Run bomber plant. It is situated on flat ground and is so arranged that it can be speedily constructed with a maximum of effi- ciency. At the same 9me, its loca- tion assures an easy access to the bomber plant and reduces the traffic congestion problem to an every-day affair. Bomber City is laid out within a radius of three miles from the plant where the powerful B-24 bombers are scheduled soon to roll off the assem- bly lines. On the southernmost tip, the Wabash Railroad extends diagon- ally upward and forms a triangle just outside of the city. To Cost $50,000,000 All the houses-10,000 of them -i have been planned at an estimated cost of less than $5,000 per unit and they will be built to Federal Hous- ing Authority standards. With the servicing included, this economically- planned community will carry a price-tag of fifty-million dollars. Most of the units are Row houses, with party walls separating Mr. Jones and his family from the next-door neighbor. The ground floor of every house will contain hall, living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom fully equipped and closets. The second floor will have space for bathroom (Turn to Page 6, Col. 1) save y aavanwce rai o warningsG hat targets -in-the Partarea might be. attacked at any time. But Britain left no doubt that this first big-scale blow at Paris environs would not be the last, even at the iisk of open hostilities with Vichy. The British air ministry reported that in bright moonlight enhanced by flares the bombers had no trouble ip finding the war-plant targets Church Lea der To Speak Hee Dr. Paton Will Discuss ReligionOfEngland Dr, William Paton, well-known church leader of Great Britain, will speak on "Religion in Wartime Eng- land" in the second lecture of the series sponsored by the Student Re- ligious Association at 8:15 p.m. to- morrow in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Dr. Paton has.had a long and dis- tinguished career in religious activity throughout the world, For a decade after his education at Oxford and Cambridge he served as secretary of the Student Christian Movement in Great Britain. Onetime general secretary of the National Christian Council of India, Burma and Ceylon, Dr. Paton has been an official of the International Missionary Council since 1928. He is also general secretary of the World Council of Churches. 1'".11" e a c e ure ul For Permanent l'e'ace By BUD BRIMMER Complete abolition of war and the relegation of nations to the status of individuals in a well-ordered society were the basic features of a post-war international order which Prof. Pres- ton Slosson of the history depart- ment propounded before a student- faculty audience yesterday in the first of the Union-sponsored war forums. Emphasizing the urgency for the Allied peoples to prepare their minds for receiving new and broader prin- ciples which will makefor a lasting peace, Professor Slosson proposed under his topic, "Winning the Peace." a system of collective security. This plan included an international tri- bunal representative of the world which would be able to decisively settle disputes and enforce its de- cisions by all-out war. Also, in this speech which was pre- 'liminary to a general audience dis- cussion, the war-analyzing professor included an indictment of neutrality as well as an investigation of such issues as disarmament, the drawing up of new boundaries, and the inter- nationalization of the colonial world. Regarding neutrality, he bitterly condemned it as "intolerable in the post-war world inasmuch as it has failed in every instance during the last 20 years." "There must be po part of the world where a bill of rights does not exist," said Professor Slosson as he denounced the dictatorships for be- ing conspiracies to wage war and went on to advocate complete free trade in the colonies of the world. Following the talk was a period of questions and answers in which the audience raised difficult problems of minority rights. Although this forum was an experi- ment in the clarification of war issues for the students, said Robert Temp- lin, '43, who is in charge of the Un- ion project, its results were encour- aging enough so that more forums will be had in the near future. Ehrmnai T o Speak Before SRA Group Continuing its Thursday night se- ries of discussion seminars, the Stu- dent Religious Association will pre- sent Prof. Howard Ehrmann of the history department in a Lane Hall talk at 7:30 p.m. today on "The LU ga .11 '[111 V u t. * .. l... , . food and material. An official report also said that the Red army driving westward on 'the central front toward Smolensk had broken into an important German defense zone. "Two regiment headquarters of this division were smashed," the re- port said in supplementing the regu- lar midnight communique. "Prisoners and rich spoils were taken." The Red Army was reported to have destroyed some 50 German po- sitions in the Leningrad area in the unceasing campaign to free com- pletely that long-besieged Baltic city. In the continuing battle in the Smolensk area, the Russians said a small group of guerrillas destroyed two German arms and munitions dumps, destroyed nine trucks in at- tacks on behind-the-lines supply convoys, and cut 3,000 feet of tele- phone wires. (The German High Command, claiming Russian attacks in the northern and central sectors were "without success," said Red Army men trying to break Nazi siege lines on the Sevastopol front in the Crimea were annihilated and that Russian cavalry made a vain assault in the Donets Basin.) La Materme li To le ,Shown Twice Sunday A Parisian maternity ward where the children of the poor spend their days, while their parents are out try- ing to scrape up enough money for the evening meal, will set the scene for "La Maternelle," which will be shown by the Art Cinema League at 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Sunday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets to the second program in the Sunday night series may be pur- chased at Wahr's bookstore and the League desk. Two short subjects will also be shown, "Spotlight on Indo- China" and "The Lucky Duck." Paulette Plamert plays the part of the unfortunate child whose mother, a Montmartre prostitute, leaves her forever in the care of the ward. Rose, played by Madeline Renaud, is the nurse who finds in Paulette a fitting object for her love. Acclaimed by the New York Times as "the best picture presented any- HONOLULU, March 4. -(P)- The Army announced today that "what was believed to be an en- emy plane flew over Oahu Island early today and dropped three medium sized bombs on the out- skirts of Honolulu. There were no casualties and no damage except a few broken windows." army will fight to the bitter end." It was estimated that at least 85,000 Japanese were pitted against only 50,000 Allied troops. (There was no explanation of Hel- frich's "special mission." He had taken over the Allied naval command on Feb. 11 from U. S. Admiral Thomas C. Hart. (An authorized Netherlands state- ment issued in London said the Jap- anese had sent an immense number of cruisers, destroyers and submar- ines to Java; that the two Dutch cruisers lost ran across a submarine line after carrying out a successful attack and that the Japanese fleet had successfully risked "leaving Ja- pan itself uncovered.") Situation Is Grave The afternoon communique from Dutch military headquarters made no effort to conceal the rising na- ture of the crisis. "About fighting in the invasion area of Java," this bulletin said, "it can .only be reported today that our troops fight with stubborn resistance and in offensive spirit. "Nevertheless, the enemy succeed- ed in making some headway at some points as a result of his numerical superiority, especially in the air." Volunteer British home guard troops who had participated in the fighting at Soebang, 40 miles south of the enemy's central beachhead at Indramajoe and within 30 miles of Bandoeng itself, declared that when their detachment had left that scene of action half the village had been recaptured by the Allies and that Japanese infiltration troops were be- ing encircled and destroyed. Japs Force Crossing Of Sittang River MANDALAY, Burma, March 4.- (I)-The British have lost the west bank of the Sittang River near its mouth in the Gulf of Martaban and the Japanese have reached Waw, halfway between the river and Pegu and 9 miles by road from the semi- Hate Will Lower Morale: Shepard Attacks Plan To Instill Enemy Hatred In Flying Cadets Vigorously attacking a U. S. Navy plan to hire psychologists to "engen- der a hatred for our enemies" in avi- ation cadets, Prof. John F. Shepard of the psychology' department clTarged yesterday that such a pro- gram would lower morale in the armed forces by making the men "cynical of our entire war effort." "They will come to despise every- thing this country stands for," Shep- ard declared, "because they will find that we have fooled them and have been dishonest with them. You can- not expect these young men to haveI one is fighting for a just cause, Pro- fessor Shepard emphasized that "the men in the armed forces need, more than anything else, a critical under- standing of the basic issues of the present struggle." Although he strongly objected to the proposed "fake psychology train- ing, Shepard admitted that there is a need for some sort of lecture pro- gram in Army and Navy camps, for "too many of the soldiers and sailors are in a daze as to just what we are fighting for." "Ilp.v . lk h ixe r rntc.