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March 04, 1942 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-04

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Drastic Changes Forecast
Need For Ordnance Inspectors
May Cut Course's Prerequisites






An increasingly urgent need for
trained men to serve as industrial
inspectors for the Detroit Ordnance
District may soon force drastic,
changes in the present rigid require-
ments for enrollment in the Univer-
sity's course in Ordnance Materials
Administering the course, Col. H.
W. Miller of the engineering drawing
department yesterday stated that
"we make no use of the chemistry
Student assistants are still needed
to help in the instruction of the
ordnance courses. Interested en-
gineering juniors and seniors, es-
pecially those who have had shop
experience and can work from 8 to
11 a.m., are asked to call at Room
414, West Engineering Building, as
soon as possible.
and physics credit which is now re-
quired of applicants, and I see no
reason why even the mathematics
stipulation can't be reduced.
Pledged to bringing about a gen-
cral change in the present enroll-
ment requirements, Colonel Miller
revealed that enrollment quotas are
unfilled in both the sections under
way at the present time, due to a
lack of qualified men.
Present requirements call for two
years in an engineering college or
one year in a literary college, with
six hours of credit in each of the
fields of chemistry, physics and
Mathematics requirements are
higher than is necessary, Colonel
Miller said, and it is hoped that the
eventual requirement will be only'
SLA Chapter
To Meet Today
Organization Will Discuss
Semester's Activities
The Michigan Chapter of the Stu-
dent League of America will meet at
5 p.m. today in the Union in order to
discuss the organization's activities
for the current semester.
The Student League of America,
formerly the Student Defenders of
Democracy, is a newly formed na-
tional progressive youth organiza-
tion, founded during the Christmas
vacation at a student convention at
Harvard University.
Most important topic on the agen-
da of the meeting will be the pro-
posed plan for bringing to Ann Arbor
speakers nationally known in many
important fields. Various outstand-
ing members of the faculty will also
be discussed as possible speakers at
future SLA meetings.
Homer Swander, '43, chairman of
the local chapter and national presi-
dent of the Student League of Amer-.
ica,' will give an account of the for-
mation of the SLA, and will give
members information as to its prog-
ress to date.
All members are urged to attend,
and all those interested in becoming
affiliated with the Student League
of America should come to this
Dr. Carl flartinan
Discusses Results
Of Primate Work
Supplementing his address with a
veriety of slides, Dr. Carl O. Hart-
man, professor of physiology at the
University of Illinois, spoke to a Uni-
versity Lecture audience yesterday on
the topic, "Two Decades of Primate
Studies and Their Influence on
Gynecological Thought and Prac-

Dr. Hartman, with 15 years asso-
ciation with the Carnegie Embryo-
logical Institute as a background,
discussed some of the results obtained
through experimentation with female
monkeys in relation to human repro-
Working witli three other promi-
nent doctors; Dr. Hartman contribu-
ted to the research through his know-
ledge of sex physiology and effects
of the sex hormones of monkeys.

that the applicant be credited with
high school algebra and trigonom-
In all, the new requirements as
proposed by Colonel Miller will de-
mand (1) only one year in any col-
lege, engineering or literary; and
(2) high school algebra and trig-
Over and above the scholastic re-
quirements, the regulations stipulate
that the enrollee agree to serve as
an ordnance inspector upon comple-
tion of the 12-week course. During
the period of instruction a monthly
salary of $125 is paid.
Original plans for the series, pre-
sented under tqie Engineering, Sci-
ence and Management Defense
Training program, called for the
arrival of the first 100 trainees in
mid-January. Actual figures showed
only 77 men available at that time.
A second section of 100, scheduled
to begin training one month later,
was postponed because of lack of
equipment, but even then got under
way yesterday with an enrollment
only slightly over 60.
The opening of the third section
will probably be largely influenced
by the number of men available. In-
terested students may obtain further
particulars in Room 414, West Engi-
neering Building.
French Canada
To Be Subject
Of Jobin Talk
One of the vital strongholds of
French culture, French Canada, will
be the subject of a lecture by Prof.
Antoine Jobin of the romance lan-
guages department at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in Room D, Alumni Memorial
Continuing the series of programs
in French and sponsored by the Cer-
cle Francais, Professor Jobin will
discuss "L'epopee francaise de 1'-
Amerique dans la litterature cana-
dienne." Since the fall of France in
1940 the maintenance of French tra-
ditions on the American continent
has become increasingly important
to scholars in the fields of language
and literature.
Recent trends in French-Canadian
letters have pointed to a new em-
phasis on the history and culture of
New France. Writers narrate the
accomplishments of Marquette, La-
Salle, Joliet and other explorers and
pioneer. settlers; radio groups have
revived numerous French plays and
elaborate programs have given a
new importance to the old folk songs.
Professor Jobin will discuss this
genre, partly historical and partly
literary, and will use selections from
recent works to illustrate his talk.
All members of the University are
invited to attend the lecture, upon
presentation of a ticket. Tickets may
be purchased from the secretary of
the romance languages department
or at the door of the lecture hall be-
fore the talk.
New under-arm
Cream Deodorant
Stops Perspiration
1. Does not rot desses or nej s
shirts. Does not irritate ski.
2. No waiting to dry. Can be
used right after shaving.
3. Instantly stops perspiration
for 1 to 3 days. Removes odor

from perspiration.
4. A pure, white, greaseless,
stainless vanishing cream.
5. Arrid has been awarded the
Approval Sealofthe American
Institute of Laundering for
being harmless to fabrics.
DEODORANT. Try a jar todayE
At all stores selling to-let ge"Elli
390 a also $n lee and 59e jars)

U . S. T R 0 0 P E R S I N T H E C A R I B B E A N-No laggards are here, among the American infantrymen hustling from dock site camp at Trinidad, to take up
defense positions. Trinidad is most southerly of the British West Indies, lies off north coast of South America. U.S. has defenses there, by arrangement with Britain.

D I V E I N T 0 F A M E-Three Navy dive bombers, Douglas SBD, skim through California skies,
powered by Wright-Cyclone engines. The Army's Douglas A-24 is an adaptation of. this plane. This
type bomber recently figured, along with P-40 fighters, in a successful attack by American air forces
on Japanese shipping massed off the coast of Bali, N.E.I.

B R I E F R0 M A NCE-For two such veterans in the stage
land of make-believe as James Pease and Frances Watkins, the
fact that their "lunch basket" is actually a brief case doesn't stop
the business at hand-rehearsal for an opera, "Ramuntcho."
They're deep in the Pyrenees mountains. Pease, a bass-baritone,
N from Indianapolis; Miss Watkins, from Dyersburg. Tenn.

i JtX zca i' Opera
"Cavalleria Rusticana"
preceded by "THE IMPRESARIO" by Mozart
Opens Tonight at 8:30

F I E R C E-Among General
MacArthur's forces defending
Bataan peninsula against the
Japs are !gorot t Ibestoen lik-e
thIs warrior, who even rode tanks
in a recent offensive action

M A M M Y S 0 N C-Out of the heavens will come that pon
foul Rookie Catcher Kenneth Sears is waiting for, at the Yankee
camp In St. Petersburg, Fla. He's un from Newark with a batting
average of .298. His fat-her is Umpire Ziggy Sears.

nremde (abovep), f. Is i ng and's
iew Archbishop of Canterbury,


' .. :.

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