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March 04, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-04

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LE4e £tHr~rtgzrn atti,

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
eofrepublication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions dpring the regular school year by car-
rier $4,00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

Emile -Gelb .
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormack .
Gerald E. Burns
Hal Wilson .
Arthur Hill
Janet Hooker
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

Editorial Stafff
. .. Managing Editor
* . . .Editor'al Director
S . . .' City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . Associate Editor
* . . . Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
* . . .Women's Editor
. .Assistant Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor
Business Stafff
*s *e . Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
. Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
FHA Is Unfair
To Negroes . . .
APICKET LINE around Sojourner
Truth Housing Project in Detroit
is the culmination of months of protest by
white landowners in the district around the
project. Their obstruction has become very vio-
lent and dangerous.
Protests about the project began when it
was revealed that it was destined for Negro
occupancy. A decline in property values was
given as the reason for keeping the housing
project under non-existent Jim Crow laws.
The working class district where the project
was put up is one of individually-owned homes
paid for from the salaries of working men. It
is not easy for them to see the values of their
dW1lling cut in half.
blame for the drop in prices even more than
the proposed occupants of the project. The PHA
r.ofused to loan money to the property holders
on anywhere near a fair value basis. This mis-
step by the PHA has intensified the falling of
market values and has increased the home owners
ers' resentment against the Negroes who were
promised the new living quarters.
The problem must be settled so as to gtop
further rioting and cut resentment to a mini-
mum. To take the project from the people to
whom it was promised will create resentment
in that quarter and more than ever the Negro
will be left out of the war effort, for Sojourner
Truth Project is a defense housing project for
Negro workers.
There is nothing to be gained by moving the
Negroes into Sojourner Truth Project under an
armed guard, for this will only make matters
worse. The first thing that might be done to-
ward the relief of they problem is to set up a joint
Negro and white commission to make some
This commission could try to peg the prices
of property in the section with government
aid. Special problems of mixed sections could
be dealt with by this committee.
THIS METHOD of settlement will not mean
the official segregation of changing the use
of the project, it will mean a democratic settle-
ment coupled with education of both parties.
The basis of the settlement will be under-
standing, not foree.
A mutual understanding will settle the prob-
lem without further riots. Much of the resent-
ment already aroused will vanish if the settle-
ment is made on an equal basis. There has been
too much force involved in the Sojourner Truth
Project where understanding is needed.
-Leon Gordenker
Give The P resident
'Section' Veto Power . .
very nature of their governments,
move at a leisurely pace. In time of peace this
fact is usually more beneficial than not, for
counter-balancing the increased lobbying and
hedging, there is more time for due thought and
consideration. It is hardly necessary, however,
to point out that during a war the time-out, the
breathing spaces must be eliminated. We are

Drew Pedrso
kbert S.Alle
WASHINGTON-Harold Moskovit, hard-hit-
ting head of the New York State Affiliated Young
Democrats, went in to see Mayor Fiorello La-
Guardia the other day and suggested that the
Mayor attend a cocktail party at which Governor
Lehman also would be present.
"You don't have to put your arm around
him," said Moskovit. "Just come to the party
and go through the motions of patching up the
old campaign wounds."
The Mayor turned and looked out of the win-
do*. Moskovit, who had worked hard for La-
Guardia's re-election, continued to plead for
political peace between the two political lead-
ers of New York who once had been such good
"Harold," said the Mayor finally, "haven't you
enough troubles of your own?"
"I suppose so
"Then why do you take on somebody else's?"
Note: Real reason Governor Lehman got sore
at LaGuardia, and nearly accomplished his de-
feat for re-election, was not so much that La-
Guardia called him a "goniff", which is Jewish
for "thief", but because LeGuardia insinuated
that the Lehman family, with Judge Irving Leh-
man head of the New Court of Appeals, con-
trolled both the executive and judicial branches
of New York government.
THE MORNING after his fireside chat, the
President fired another shot at "rumor
mongers" and "poison peddlers" that wasn't re-
This time 'he had a listening audience of one,
New Deal Senator James E. Murray of Montana,
who called at the White House to discuss a pro-
posed expansion of public power facilities and
the establishment of aviation training schools
in his State.
"What did you think of the broadcast, Jim?"
the President asked.
"It was the most effective speech ypu have
ever made, in my opinion," answered Murray.
"What you said cleared up a lot of phoney
"It's a serious problem," admitted the Presi-
dent. "We've got to nail every whisper that
poisons or befuddles the public mind about the
war - and nail it hard. But we can't lick this
problem unless every man, woman and child
in America does his part."
The President added that he was convinced
that the general public was waking up to the
dangers to'morale and unity inherent in false
rumors and defeatist whispers.
"Yes," said Senator Murray, "the people are
going to begin turning, on whisperers who are re-
tarding the war effort and interfering with na-
tional unity. They are going to begin telling the
rumor-mongers to cooperate with you, the Com-
mander-in-Chief, or else keep their mouths
lation which are laid on his desk. He must either
accept the whole bill, or reject it entirely; there
is no middle course. That hindrance to the Chief
Executive has no place in our government, and
the sooer it is eliminated, the better legislation
we shall have.
NOW it can be argued that this is no time to
begin revising laws concerning the staid and
traditional powers of the President, especially in
regard to his veto power. It can be pointed out
that we have done pretty well by ourselves 'with
the veto power limited as it now stands. But the
inescapable fact remains: The limitations placed
upon the President under the existing veto
powers have, and will continue to have, a re-
tarding force on war legislation.
Specifically, we have in mind the riders at-

tached to the military appropriations bill, which
turned out to be a sectional plan to shoot-up
farm prices, and the attempt to choke labor
included in a bill intended to broaden the Presi-
dent's wartime powers. Neither of these riders
had any business being included with the legis-
lation proposed. Fortunately, the labor-gagging
rider was caught and rejected; but the military
appropriations bill was not so lucky. In each
case, the amendment added, or the attempt to
add it, was definitely party politics, serving the
purposes of a small group of Congressmen, their
re-election purposes.
YET, President Roosevelt must make a deci-
sion, in the case of the military appropria-
tions bill, on the entire piece of legislation. He
cannot reject the parity clauses and still retain
the legitimate portions of the bill. If the Presi-
dent uses his power of veto, he will be need-
lessly delaying some part of necessary military
action. If he signs the bill, he will have to do
so with the realization that the inflated farm
prices will counteract the intended effect of
the bill so that it loses its object. Had the labor
amendment been tacked on the other bill, the
Presidlent would have been placed in the peculiar
position of having to veto his own needed broad-
ening of powers in order to safeguard labor's
Two examples have been mentioned. But
there have been hundreds of other attempts,
many successful, to put riders on otherwise
useful legislation. Clever devises, such as sneak-
ing an amendment through when many of the
Congressmen are temporarily out of the cham-
ber, or, as in the present instance, hanging the
rider on an essential bill so that the veto would
delay immediately needed legislation.

k Please, Henderson
Bundles for Bungles
SOME LETTERS I've been dying to write and
now find I have time for. I am in hopes that
some of you will clip these missives out and mail,
telegraph or present personally to the addressee:
Mr. Leon Henderson, Price Administrator,
Washington, D. C.
Dear Mr. Henderson:
I see by the papers that you have put ceilings
on the rents in Detroit and 19 other communi-
ties, and profiteering landlords must restore
rents to their April, 1941, levels.
Mr. Henderson-Leon, Leon, dear-we need
you out here. Washtenaw County needs a ceil-
ing. The world's biggest bomber plant is going
up in Willow Run, Mr. Hepderson, and so are
rents in Ann Arbor. Ypsilanti, three miles from
Willow Run, is out of the question. You cannot
rent a gopher hole for $95 plus utilities.
In Ann Arbor, the rents have been going up
by the week. A dingy, smelly, rickety back room
in an old shanty will rent for $45, plus utilities,
if the owner will add a 1903 icebox and a sleep-
ing bag. Last week an "apartment" like that
would rent for $40, and in April, 1941, the land-
lord couldn't have forced anybody to live in
there for love or money.
Please, Mr. Henderson-please, for the sake
of the people who just can't even afford to pay
the price it takes to live like pigs, and yet would
like to maintain some of their self-respect-
please Mr. Henderson, slap a ceiling on Ann
Arbor before it blows sky high. We all have
confidence in you, Mr. Henderson, and it cheers
us up to see that you are putting rent ceilings
on some communities. We know that you will
do your best to stop this merciless profiteering
oh our country's war emergency.
You see, Mr. Henderson, University employes
haven't received blanket wages to keep up with
rising rents, and as a result some of them are
paying two-thirds of their month's wages for
From yesterday's Ann Arbor News classified
ads, Mr. Henderson, we read about the following
apartments, none of them in bona fide apart-
ment buildings: 3 room unfurnished, $50
(adults); 3 room furnished, $60; 3 room fur-
nished, "'bus service to town," $55; 3 room fur-
nished, $55. Every one of these apartments had
been rented by 6 p.m. last night!
Compare those prices with the following taken
at random from the Chicago Daily News ads
(Chicago is supposed to be an expensive place
to live in): 6 room furnished, plus sleeping
porch, $50; 5 rooms, furnished, free gas, elec-
tricity, refrigeration, $50; 4 room furnished,
$42; 4 room modern, garage, $35.
Mr. Henderson, we have confidence in you.
Please; Mr. Henderson, give us a ceiling-or else
give us priorities on trailers.
Tom Thumb
* Y
U. S. House of Representatives,
Washington, D. C,
MARTIN DIES and his Un-American Com-
mittee are asking another $100,000 this
year, so my paper tells me. I understand that
a bomber also costs $100,000. To beat the Axis,
I suggest that the money be appropriated for
the purchase of one bomber.,
Rep. Dies has been named as the most fre-
quently praised American on the Axis radio.
Instead of appropriating the $100,000 for the
Axis, let's appropriate it against them.
Last year the Dies Committee's great accom-
plishment was proving that Hans Thomsen,
German Embassy's Charge d'Affaires, was pro-
German. This year's great expose revealed be-
yond question that Japan has spies and imperi-
alistic ambitions.
Let's have no more "bundles for bungles."
Tom Thumb

Good Commercial Tunes
In Latest Popular Releases
AN IMPRESSIVE LIST of good commercial
tunes is scheduled for release this week;
Perhaps the top novelty tune is Les Brown's
Everybody's Making Money Bit Tschaikowsky,
which is a sad commentary on the music-writing
racket. It contains a good fragmentary medley
of all of Tschaikowsky's tunes which have at-
tained the Hit Parade. (Okeh).
Horace Heidt has put out his version of
Moonlight Cocktail, a ,Sunrise Serenade-ish sort
of number, on Columbia, and Tommy Tucker is
featuring an Okeh disc of Pretty Little Busy-
body and Sometimes, which is smooth and as
danceable as Tommy Tucker can be. Somebody
Else Is Taking My Place is Claude Thornhill's
latest Columbia waxing, and it contains some
mighty tricky instrumentation. The reverse side
is Ya Lu Blu, lifted bodily from Mozart's Sym-
phony No. 40.
T. Dorsey has a new whammo version of What
Is This Thing Called Love on a Victor disc, back-
ed by Love Sends a Gift of Roses. Miller's newest
for Bluebird is also an oldie, Let's Have Another
Cup of Coffee with Chip Off the Old Block, a
rhythm-number, on the reverse side.
Artie Shaw and his latest band have put their
stamp on two of the latest pop tunes, Absent-

~ l~Sd~nf. AlCc- Rc





By Lichty


"If they start rationing

clothes, I don't
do for pants!"

know what Otis will



(Continued from Page 2)
weeks, three hours a week. A pre-
liminary meeting will be held on Fri-
day at 4 o'clock in 3011 Angell Hall.
Botany I Make-up final examina-
tion will be given Friday, March 6,
4:00-6:00 p.m., in room 1005 Natural
Science. K. L. Jones
Sociology 51: Make-up Final Ex-
amination will be given Saturday,
March 7, at 2:00 p.m., in Room D
Haven Hall.. Robert C. Angell
History 12, Lecture 11, Sections 11
and 13: Mr. Usher. Make-up and
examination for Tuesday exam must
be taken Saturday, March 7, in Room
B, Haven Hall, 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Home Nursing Classes: The classes
in Home Nursing begin this week,
the Wednesday classes on the 4th
and the Thursday classes on the 5th.
Students are again reminded that
attendance at all classes is compul-
Organ Recital: The public is in.
vited to attend a recital by Palmer
Christian, University Organist, at
4:15 p.m. today in Hill Audi-
torium. The program will include
compositions by de Heredia, Cleram-
bault, Couperin, Mendelssohn, An-
driessen, Williams, Maquaire, and an
arrangement by Professor Christian
of Debussy's Prelude to "La Demoi-
selle elui."
Ann Arbor Art Association: An ex-
hibition of regional art and craft as
represented by the work of Jean Paul
Slusser and Charles Culver, painters,
and of Mary Chase Stratton and
Glover Cole, potters. The Rackham
Galleries. Open daily 2-4 and 7-9
except Sunday through today. The
public is cordially invited to see this
important exhibition. No admission
Exhibit of Illustrations, University
Elementary School: The drawings
made by Elinor Blaisdell to illustrate
the book "The Emperor's Nephew,"
by Marian Magoon of the English
Department of Michigan State Nor-
mal College, Ypsilanti, are on display
in the first and second floor corridor
cases. Open Monday-Friday 8 to 5,
Saturday, 8-3 through March 14.
The public is invited.
French Lecture: Professor Antoine
J. Jobin, of the Romance Language
Department, will give the sixth of
the French lectures sponsored by the
Cercle Francais today at 4:15 p.m. in
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The
title of his lecture is: "L'Epope fran-
caise de l'Amerique dans la littera-
ture canadienne."
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department of Romance Lang-
uages (Room 112, Romance Langu-
age Building) or at the door at the
time of the lecture for a small sum.
Holders of these tickets are entitled
to admission to all lectures, a small
additional charge being made for
the Annual French Play.
These lectures are open to the gen-
eral public.
Professor Harold Wethey, of the
Department of Fine Arts, will lecture
on "Christian Art in the Renais
sance" at Lane Hall tonight at 8:00
Dr. William Paton, British Clergy-


Seminar on "The Bases of.a Just and'
Durable Peace" at Lane Hall onf
Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
La Sociedad Hispanica will pre-a
sent Professor Ralph Hammett as
the fourth lecturer in the current
series on Thursday, March 5, at 4:15
p.m. in Alumni Memorial Hall. Thist
lecture will be in English, with lan-c
tern slides. ___
Professor Adolph Keller, of Geneva, s
Switzerland, will speak on "The t
Present Religious Crisis in Europe"c
at the Rackham Lecture Hall onc
Tuesday, March 10, at 8:15 p.m. un-
der the auspices of the Student Re-I
ligious Association.~
Events Today
AnatomyResearch Club Meetings
will be held at 4:30 pm. today int
Room 2501 East Medical Bldg.t
Dr. N. R. Kretzchmar and Dr. H.
A. Towsley will present a paper en-
titled: "Studies on Foetal Respira-
tion," illustrated with moving pic-r
Tea will be served in room 3502
from 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. All interestedt
are cordially invited.
A.I.A.: Tonight at 7:30 in Roomt
304, Michigan Union, there will be
a general meeting of the Student
Branch. The guest speaker will be
Mr. Linn Fry, of the firm Fry andt
Kasurin, who will speak on "Thei
Relationship Between the Architect
and the Client."
A.S.M.E. - S.A.E.: The student1
branch of A.S.M.E. will be hosts tot
S.A.E. tonight at 7:30 at the Union.
There will be an illustrated talk by I
Mr. L. R. Twyman of Vickers Inc. on
the subject "Design and Application
of Oil Hydraulic Controls as used on
Production Machinery.'
Student League of America will
meet today at 5:00 p.m. in the Michi-
gan Union.
Quarterdeck Society: C. Carnicelli{
will speak on "The Analysis of Sta-
tically Indeterminate Frames With
Variable Moments of Inertia" at the
regular meeting to be held tonight at
7:30 in Room 336 West Engineering
Building. All members of the de-
partment are invited to attend.
Beta Chapter, Iota Alpha: Business
meeting this evening at 7:30 in the
East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building.
Program of Recorded Music, Inter-
national Center, tonight at 7:30. The
program this week consists of
Strauss, Richard: Don Juan.
Rachmaninoff : Rhapsody on a
Theme by Paganini, with Rachman-
inoff at the piano.
Tschaikowsky: Symphony No. 6.
Polonia Society will meet this eve-
ning at 7:30 in the recreation, room
of the International Center. Plans
for second semester social functions
will be discussed. Refreshments.
German Roundtable, International
Center will meet this evening at
9:00 in Room 23 of, the Inter-
national Center. Captain Nevzat
Gurbuz will speak on "Mascagni und
Cavalleria Rusticana" and will illus-
trate his talk with records by the solo-
ists, chorus, and orchestra of La
Scala, Milano.
German Club will meet at 8:00
this evening, March 4, in the League.
e Mr. John Ebelke will give a talk in
German on "A Bicycle Trip through
. Germany." Slides will accompany
the talk. All students interested in
German are invited.

11,03, Sonata ill G; Bach, Jesu, Joy
or Man's Desiring;: Busoni, Duettino
conertnte, after :Mozart; Rachmanin-
ot', Second Site, Op. 17; Bain, Three
1:irc Rhy thmrns.; Saint-tSaens, Seherzo,
Op. 8; infante, 1 1itm): Strauss-Babil,
W ilt' s froi llr"D I oselk:va ier."
hi a beautiully played conlcert.
Vitya Vronsky and Victor Babin last
ight proved thlems elv es probably the
most capable and outstanding two-
piano team at present in existence.
:ndividually they uphold to the limit
the traditional Russian magnificence
of technique, for not once during the
entire performance was there any
apparent difficulty of execution,
though some of the most technically
taxing of compositions were played.
"Perfection" is probably the sole
word which can adequately describe
their ensemble. At most times it was
difficult to distinguish between the
two pianos, so perfectly coordinated
was their playing in regard to tempi,
dynamics, color and style. There was
absolute unity in such ensemble dif-
ficulties as ritardandi, perfect tim-
ing of rubato, and homogeneity of
tone color and volume in the ex-
tremes of the dynamic range. This
last point might seem to be rather
difficult to attain due to the differ-
ence in sex of the two pianists, yet
there seems to be very little differ-
ence between the two in any phase
of their playing, which is one of the
main reasons for their fine ensemble.
The opening number, J. S. Bach's
Sonata in G, which was in reality a
transcription of the Organ Trio Son-
ata No. 6,was excellent, Bach. Though
the strict classical style was main-
tained throughout, real feeling was
imparted to the work by well placed
and delicately executed shading; es-
pecially notable was the vigorous Al-
legro, which was given a strength
and cohesiveness which must certain-
ly have been Bach's conception.
In the "Suite" of Rachmaninoff,
Vronsky and Babin seemed to capture
the exact mood and temhperament of
their countryman; and what is an-
other evidence of their perfect un-
derstanding of each other and en-
semble as well as their musical sta-
ture was the presence in this music
of the improvisatory feeling which is
characteristic of Rachmaninoff's mu-
Particularly outstanding was Mr.
Babin's transcription of the Strauss
"Rosenkavalier Waltzes." Frankly,
we hardly missed the orchestra at
all, so varied was the tone coloring,
so fine the shading and balancing of
themes between the pianos. This was
truly magnificent.
Six well chosen and finely execut-
ed encores sent the audience home
still enthusiastically applauding for
-Kenneth W. Rhoads

through Friday from 3:30 to 5:30
p.m. in the Undergraduate Office of
the League.
"Cavalleria Rusticana" and "The
Impresario" will continue tonight
through Saturday night at 8:30 p.m.
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
This is the fourth production of the
season by Play Production of the
Department of Speech. The bill of
opera is being presented in co-oper-
ation with the School of Music, the
University Symphony Orchestra, and
the University Choir. The box-of-
fice is open from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Phone 6300 for reservations. Tickets
are $1.10, 83c, and 55c.
Michigan Dames Book Group will
meet tonight for a pot luck supper at
6:30 with Mrs. L. Thomy,2504 Ged-
des Ave.
Women'is Archery Club will meet
today at 4:00 p.m. in the small
lounge of the Women's Athletic
Building. Discussion of spring plans.
Coming Events
Zoological Movies will be shown
Thursday, March 5, at 4:10 p.m. in
Nat. Sci. Aud. The program includes:
The Protozoa; Beach and sea ani-
mals; and Fertilization in marine
eggs. Open to all interested.
Varsity Glee Club: All members
are informed that their presence is
required Thursday night with no ex-
ceptions whatsoever. Any man wish-
ing to remain an active member in
the future must be present, as matters
of utmost importance to the club will
be discussed. Failure to see this
notice will not be considered an ade-
quate excuse in view of repeated
warnings. Meeting will begin prompt-
ly at 7:30 p.m.
There will be no meeting of La
Sociedad Hispanica Thursday eve-
ning, March 5, due to the rehearsal
for the Spanish play "La Independ-
Can Can Chorus from the Mimes
Opera will meet on Thursday at the
Union at 5:00 p.m. The meeting will
be short but important. The room
number will be posted on the bulletin
Dream Ballet from the Mimes
Opera will meet on Friday at 5:00
p.m. at the Union. ,
The Facuilty Alumni Dance will be

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