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March 03, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-03

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By Lihty

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347 V Nerweoc .o ..ie..r... ,.

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941.42



Emile G6 .
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Gerald E. Burns
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Looker .
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell

. . . . Managing Editor
* . . Editorial Director
. . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
* . . .Women's Editor
. Assistant Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

Business Staff
.* . . . Business Manager
. . Associate Business Manager
., .Women's Advertising Manager
. . Wmen's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Demnocracy Ended
In Argentina . . .
IF the Castillo regime received the
support of the Argentine populace
in the election Sunday; and from all present
indications it did, it may mean the eclipse of
democracy in that South American republic.
For the first time Acting President Ramon S.
Castillo made himself and his foreign policy an
election issue. His party, the Partido Democrata
Nacional, used as a campaign slogan:' "Castillo
needs a majority in Congress to assure order
and prosperity."
One-half of the members of the Argentine
Chamber of Deputies were elected Sunday in
13 out of the 14 provinces. The results of the
vote will influence not only the trend in the
domestic affairs of the nation but the entire
question of hemispheric solidarity. The Govern-
ment Party clearly made the Castillo policies
the main issue in the contest. Castillo himself
was highly publicized from one end of the nation
to the other, but individual candidates of the
Partido Democrata Nacional were hardly men-
TI foreboding significance of the election in
'Argentina lies in the steps taken by the
government to stifle the opposition party, the
Union Civica Radical Socialista. The Castillo-
declared "state of siege" hampered the activities
of that group from the very beginning. In a
last-minute outburst, the leader of the party,
Deputy Raoul Damonte Taborda, charged that
it was "impossible to continue its drive because
of arbitrary actions and the lack of guarantees
of free speech and free criticism of the govern-
ment." He cited the breaking up of public
meetings by the government strong-arm men
and asked the electorate to "repudiate those
tampering with their liberties."
These attempts on the part of the Castillo
Government to limit the opposition party have
a remarkable similarity to the methods used by
Hitler in the Reichstag election of 1933. A presi-
dentiaal decree shortly after the Nazi leader be-
came chancellor subjected freedom of press and
assembly to severe restrictions. The democratic
German political parties were curbed in the use
of the press, assembly and radio while the Nazis
monopolized the exercising of civil liberties and
even resorted to violence. With these tactics,
Hiter received his desired support and a chance
to bury German democracy forever.
PERHAPS it is too rash to accuse Castillo of
any such intentions. But the similarity can-
not be denied. Coupled with hints that the vot-
ing system in Argentina is not all that it might
be, the actions of the government seem to fore-
cast an ending of democracy in that country.
While the majority of the people are essen-
tially democratic and pro-Allied, the will of the
anti-democratic minority may eventually dom-
inate them. Collaboration with this country
may now be an impossibility. No doubt the Axis
is pleased. The totalitarian forces have won a
temporary victory in Argentina, but unless the
character of the people of that nation has been
misjudged the victory will not last.
- George W. Sallad
TV- E~b Aw~u

SOME TWELVE HUNDRED Detroiters enjoyed
themselves over the week-end throwing bricks
at the moving vans of Negro families trying to
move into a newly opened Federal Housing pro-
ject. The brawl lasted about twelve hours, lap-
sing into comparative quiet for awhile then flar-
ing up again, once stopping respectfully to let a
funeral procession drive down the street which
marked the line of battle. Several Negroes were
taken into protective custody by the police, and
later, though the newspaper accounts did not say
whether they were the same group, the police
booked several Negroes for carrying concealed
weapons of one sort or another. The newspaper
accounts also did not mention whether or not
any white brawlers were taken into custody
either protective or otherwise.
Many people were seriously hurt, including
several policemen, who evidently charged into
the crowd at times with their billies in action,
and a Free Press photographer got hit by a
brick. Little editorial comment on the mess
has appeared as yet, while the metropolitan
sheets sit on the fence waiting for pro bono
publico to give voice to the sentiments which
will be theirs.
NOW THE MATTER of Jim Crow has in-
creased greatly in importance during the war
months. It has been the subject of considerable
comment on the democratic nature of our army
and navy, it has been a sore point when the
subject of blood donors is brought up, and fin-
ally, as in Detroit, it has also appeared when
defense workers were under discussion. The
most open and unapologetic forms of color dis-
crimination have appeared on the picture, and
except for a few editorials appearing in esoteric
publications there has been no comment on the
part of what we in a joking mood sometimes
refer to as the press.
Of course it is not a simple problem. You
can't just toss off a careless party line phrase
about it, like "all men are brothers," and let it
go at that. Because as living works out you will
Drew Pecrso
obrt rAe
WASHINGTON-When you get them out of
official earshot, exiled members of the old
French cabinet now in Washington, are very
suspicious of what the Vichy Government is
doing in Martinique and Guadeloupe.
Guadeloupe is a less publicized French island
near Martinique, and certain coded messages
have been intercepted indicating pro-German
activities on both islands. Suspicion is strong
that Guadeloupe is being used as a submarine
refuelling base for Nazi submarines operating
in the Caribbean.
But when the State Department officially
denied this recently, French ex-cabinet exiles
"Your State Department is still playing the
gentlemen's game of diplomacy. You bow gra-
ciously and believe what is told you. But gentle-
men do know how to deal with gangsters."
French friends warn that the French Navy is
fascist-minded, that Admiral Robert, command-
ing Vichy Martinique is pro-German; that there
will be sabotage against French ships in Martin-
ique harbor if they should be threatened with.
seizure by the Allies. These same sources sug-
gest that there be quiet encouragement of pro-
Ally groups in the French islands who could
easily take them over.
New GOP Chairman?
It's very shush-shush, but in certain inner
Republican circles there have been secret pow-
wows on replacing Representative Joe Martin as
\ational Chairman.
The hardworking little Bay Stater wanted to
quit last year, but party chiefs decided that .the

wisest course would be to persuade Martin to
stay for the sake of harmony.
Now some of the strongest advocates of his
retention are after his scalp. The hostile fire
is from two sources.
One is from mid-west leaders, sour on Mar-
tin, (1) for his failure to give them recognition
in national headquarters; (2) for his secret
financial wooing of Pennsylvania oil millionaire'
Joseph Pew and Pennsylvania steel millionaire
Ernest Weir.
In the farm belt the two big-money contrib-
utors are political dynamite and the mid-west
GOP chiefs can't understand why Martin is
palling around with them. So they feel the time
has come for one of their group to be named
either National Chairman or Executive Director
and they have decided that it's time that Martin
was checked out.
The other group gunning for Martin are anti-
isolationists, long opposed to his strong isola-
tionist leanings.
ing and combat group will be composed of Mich-
igan students and other residents of Washtenaw
Both this organization and the air corps are
to be praised for offering this opportunity to
students here. If present plans are successful,
it will be nossible for Michigan men to continue

find that all men are not brothers, or at least
that it's going to take a lot of convincing to get
some of them around to that point of view. There
is no use playing ostrich about color or racial
discrimination. The only result of that is an un-
unvoiced minority opinion which shies away from
yelling out loud simply because it realizes what
some of the more evangelical liberals fail to
consider - that many racial groups do not want
pity and that smug tolerance which is dished
out to them. They would like, a great many of
them, just such a chance as the Negroes had in
Detroit last week, to pick up a few bricks and
heave them back at their great white brothers.
ON THE OTHER HAND, because in reality
there is considerable basis for the bias of the
whites in such a neighborhood, you cannot care-
lessly say that the mayor of Detroit should fol-
low a strong and unprejudiced line, move the
Negroes in, and protect them there. You may end
by saying just that, but first consider the issue
as any administrator of a city must. He is faced
on the one hand with something he considers
a needed and good project, decent homes for
Negroes. On the other hand he is faced with a
large group of white people who feel not only
that their lives are about to be invaded merci-
lessly, but also that their homes will depreciate
in value. They are not thinking people espec-
ially, but on the other hand they are not villains
and Simon Legrees. Their opinion carries as
much weight as that of the Negroes.
WELL WHAT'S WRONG? It all boils down to
this: the circumstances which have made the
whites leery of having Negroes in their neigh-
borhoods are circumstances which the whites
forced on the Negroes. The trouble with Negroes
is environmental, not hereditary, and the fact
that much hell is raised in black belts of big cities
may be offset by the fact that much hell is
raised in any slum section in the same big
cities. And where Negroes live in decent homes
in decent districts there is no cause for com-
plaint, their conduct is at least as good as that
of their neighbors. Every time the nation, or
any city, plays Jim Crow tactics, the problem
grows just that much more. Why shouldn't any
group which is set off as a group by its neigh-
bors, stick together and use what power it may
have to gain greater advantages? The way to
settle all this is once and for all to take a strong
stand against discrimination, step on the toes
of all the hill billies and Kentucky moonshiners
who carry the fiery torch highest, and put the
Negroes in their new homes, and also protect
their right to be there. It will certainly cause
considerable unrest among those fine white folks
in Detroit, and the squirrel hunters who have
taken the shilling for the armed forces, but then
as I always say, this democracy business comes
almighty hard to some of the people, in fact to
all of the people. Each housing project though
is a step toward proving the Negroes are able
to live respectably and well when given an even
break. The step after that, if I may be permit-
ted to dream a bit, is to do away with the housing
projects and their air of segregation. I repeat,
some fine old Southern toes will have to be
stepped on, but the deep South has done nothing
much to deserve a great deal of consideration
when a society is trying to figure out how all
its people can live together peacefully and mor-
ally. So long until soon.
Civic Pride To The Fore
To the Editor:
It is with considerable interest and approval
that I note your new policy of describing pro-
gressive communities in the Sunday issues of the
Daily. While the village described in your last
Sunday issue undoubtedly ranks high among
progressive communities of the nation, I feel
that my own town is well worthy of mention.
Consequently, I shall take this opportunity to
give you a brief sketch of conditions there in
hope that you may soon desire additional infor-
mation for an article.
This bustling little community from which I

come is Pinpoint, Ohio. It was organized in 1871
under the auspices of the Audubon Society for
the purpose of supply a resting place for pen-
guins in route from the north pole to the south
pole to take advantage of education by travel.
At present, the population is 257; but we are
looking forward to considerable increase (2
additions, according to "Doc" Defo) within the
next month. I point with pride to our enviable
church membership average of 22.35% of the
total population - a record surpassed in this
nation only by the Sing Sing Prison Farm Com-
munity, which has an average of 45.2%. Our
educational facilities include a three-room (one
school room with two closets) school house with
hot air heating. W6 have had only one case of
typhoid fever during the 71 years of our exist-
ence. Our government is headed by the chair-
man of the board, an office held by Everett C.
"Ever" Reddy, although he is now on leave. My
conscience does not permit me to give you this
outline of our good points without adding the
one blight on our record; in 1891, one of our
school teachers married a man who had been
absent from Sunday school four times in fifteen
years without the excuse of sickness. I can as-
sure you that such laxity in the selection of
teachers has since been eliminated.
In closing, I might'add as a point of interest
that, because of the location of a new defense
industry near our town, our population will

VOL. LII. No. 108
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to stu-
dents Wednesday afternoon, March
4, from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Home Loans: The University In-
vestment office, 100 South Wing, will
be glad to consult with anyone con-
sidering building or buying a home
or refinancing existing mortgages
and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans.
Public Health Students: Dr. Henry
F. Vaughan, Dean of the School of
Public Health, will meet with all Pub-
lic Health students today at 4:00 p.m.
in the Auditorium of the W. K. Kel-
logg Building. All students in the
School are requested to be present.
Detroit Armenian Women's Club
Scholarship: The Detroit Armenian
Women's Club offers a scholarship
for $100 for the year 1942-43 for
which young men and women of
Armenian parentage, living in the
Detroit metropolitan district who
demonstrate scholastic ability and
possess good character and who have
had at least one year of college work,
are eligible. Further information
may be obtained from me.
Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
1021 Angell Hall
Choral Union Members: Members
of the Chorus whose records are
clear, will please call for pass tickets
to the Vronsky-Babin concert today
between the hours of 10 and 12, and 1
and 4, at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
Charles A. Sink, President.
Certificates of Eligibility: All par-
ticipants and chairmen of activities
are reminded that first semester eli-I
gibility certificates are good only un-
til March 1. Certificates for the sec-
ond semester must be secured before
that date.
Office of the Dean of Students
Certificate of Eligibility: At the be-
ginning of each semester and sum-
mer session every student shall be
conclusively presumed to be ineligible
for any public activity until his eli-
gibility is affirmatively established
by obtaining from the Chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs, in
the Office of the Dean of Studets, a
Certificate of Eligibility.
Before permitting any students to
participate in a public activity, the
chairman or manager of such activity
shall (a) require each applicant to
present a certificate of eligibility, (b)
iign his initials on the back of such
certificate, and (c) file with the
Chairman of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs the names of all those
who have presented certificates of
eligibility and a signed statement to
exclude all others from participation.
Blanks for the chairmen's lists may be
obtained in the Office of the Dean of

Seth-it amounts t' broadcastin'

8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. The;
program will consist of numbers for
two pianos. A limited number of'
tickets are still available at the offices
of the University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President.
Organ Recital: The public is in-
vited to attend a recital by Palmer
Christian, University Organist, at 4:15
Wednesday, March 4, in Hill Audi-
torium. The program will include
compositions by de Heredia, Cleram-
bault, Couperin, Mendelssohn, An-
driessen, Williams, Maquaire, and an
arrangement by Professor Christian
of Debussy's Prelude to "La Demoi-
selle elui."
Ann Arbor Art Association: An ex-
hibition of regional art and craft as'
represented by the work of Jean Paul
Slusser and Charles Culver, painters,
and of Mary Chase Stratton and
Grover Cole, potters. The Rackham
Galleries. Open daily 2-4 and 7-9
except Sunday through March 4. The
public is cordially invited to see this
important exhibition. No admission
Exhibit of Illustrations, University
Elementary School: The drawings
made by Elinor Blaisdell to illustrate
the book "The Emperor's Nephew,"
by Marian Magoon of the English
Department of Michigan State Nor-
mal College, Ypsilanti, are on display
in the first and second floor corridor
cases. Open Monday-Fridayr8 to 5,
Saturday, 8-3 through March 14.
The public is invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Carl G.
Tiaruxn Dn, I-rui ofr 01.ryiuivry o

Season Ticket Subscribers for Play t
Production of the Department of ]
Speech. Stubs are to be exchanged r
today through Thursday for "Caval- o
leria Rusticana." Because of the t
heavy demand for seats, it is advis--
able to get your tickets immediately, t
and, if possible, for Wednesday or d
Thursday nights. Holders of student '
tickets are reminded that these tick-
ets entitle them to seats on the main
floor on Wednesday or Thursdayj
nights._ _
Academic INotices
Biological Seminar will meet onD
Wednesday, March 4, at 7:30 p.m.,t
in Room 319, West Medical Build-l
'ing. "Vitamin C - Ascorbic Acid"c
will be discussed. All interested are
The Botanical Seminar will meett
Wednesday, March 4, at 4:30 p.m. in
room 1139 Natural Science Building.t
Dr. L. E. Wehmeyer will give a paper1
entitled, "The Genus Thyridaria." Allt
interested' are invited.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet on Wednesday, March 4, in
Room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15
p.m. Prof. R. H. Gillette will speak
on "Statistical and Thermodynamici I
Interpretation of Ethane."
Mathematics Short Course (350a).;
Dr. S. Eilenberg will give a shortl
course this semester on "Algebraic
Methods in Topology," to runfor five
weeks, three hours a week. A pre-;
liminary meeting will be held on Fri-
day at 4 o'clock in 3011 Angell Hall.
Graduate Students in Speech: All
applicants for advanced degrees in
Speech will be required to take the
qualifying examinations in Speech on
Friday, March 6, starting at 3 p.m. in
room 4203 Angell Hall.
Speech 31 and 32: Speech and
movie by Air Corps Examining Board
in room 302, Michigan Union, at 7:30
tnnirht may he used for a lecture re-

- -
P 999-
"You'll have t' stop coniplainin' in publie about yer rheumatism.

weather information, nowadays!"

Hartman, Professor of Physioiogy aL
he University of Illinois, will lecture
on the subject, "Two Decades of Pri-
mate Studies and Their Influence
on Gynecological Thought and Prac-
ice" (illustrated), under the auspices
of the Department of Anatomy and
the Medical School, at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The public is cordially invited.
French Lecture: Professor Antoine
J. Jobin, of the Romance Language
Department, will give the sixth of
the French lectures sponsored by the
Cercle Francais on Wednesday, Mar.
4, at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni
Memorial Hall. The title of his lec-
ture is: "L'Epopee francaise de
L'Amerique dans la litterature cana-
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department of Romance Lang-
uages (Room 112, Romance Langu-
age Building) or at the door at the
time of the lecture for a small sum.
Holders of these tickets are entitled
to admission to all lectures, a small
additional charge being made for
the Annual French Play.
These lectures are open to the gen-
eral public.
Events Todtay
- -1.
U. of M. Flying Club: There will b
a very important meeting tonight a
9:30 in the Union. It is extremely im
portant that all members be present
Sigma Rho Tau will meet tonigh
at 7:30 in the Union. Speech prac
tice will be resumed featuring as
signed defense talks and imprompt
speeches. All members are requester
to attend.
The regular Tuesday evening con
cert of recorded music in the Men'
Lounge of the Rackham Building wil
be as follows:
Paganine, Concerto No. 1 in D ma
Strauss, Til Eulenspiegels.
Tchaikovsky, Nutcracker Suite.
Debussy. Pagodes and L'Ile Joyeus

and for the American Friend's Serv-
ice Committee is continuing every
Tuesday afternoon in the Interna-
tional Center at 2:30 p.m. All for-
eign women and their friends are
welcome to come.
Merit System committee will meet
today in the League at 3:00 p.m.
Please be prompt.
League House Council will hold a
meeting at 5:00 p.m. today in the
League. Attendance is required.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends at Harris Hall this after-
noon, 4:00 to 5:30.
Christian Science Organization will
meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel
of the Michigan League.
Girls' Basketball: Only one game
is scheduled in Girls' Basketball to-
day. Garrels' team plays Johnson's
team at 5:00 o'clock.
The meeting of the Bibliophiles
Section of the Women's Faculty Club
will be held at the League at 2:30
p.m. today.
Michigan Dames Swimming Group
will meet in the Michigan Union to-
night at 8:15.
Michigan Dames Art Group will
meet tonight at 8:00 with Mrs. C. V.
Wellers, 1130 Fair Oaks Pkwy.
Coming Events
"Cavalleria usticana" and "The
impresario" will be presented Wed-
ne~day through Saturday nights at
6:30 in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre as the fourth production of the
season by Play Production of the De-
partment of Speech. .This bill of
opera is being presented in co-opera-
tion with the School of Music, the
University Symphony Orchestra, and
the University Choir. The box-office
will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to-
day, and from 10a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
the rest of the week. Phone 6300 for
reservations. Tickets are $1.10, 83c,
and 55c.
Program of Recorded Music, Inter-
national Center, Wednesday, March
4, 7:30 p.m. The program this week
consists of:
Strauss, Richard: Don Juan.
Rachmaninoff: Rhapsody on a
Theme by Paganini, with Rachman-
inoff at the piano.
Tschaikowsky: Symphony No. 6.
German Roundtable, International
e Center, will meet on Wednesday eve-
ning at 9:00 in Room 23 of the Inter-
national Center. Captain Nevzat
Gurbuz will speak on "Mascagni und
Cavalleria Rusticana" and will illus-
trate his talk with records by the solo-
ists, chorus, and orchestra of La
Scala, Milano.
The Slavic Society will hold a meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the
e International Center. All members
t are urged to attend this important
- meeting.
A.I.A.: On Wed., March 4, at 7:30
t p.m. in Room 304, Michigan Union,
- there will be a general meeting of the
- Student Branch. The guest speaker
u will be Mr. Linn Fry, of the firm Fry
d and Kasurin, who will speak on "The
Relationship Between the Architect
and the Client."
s Polonia Society will meet Wednes-
11 day evening at 7:30 in the recreation
room of the International Center.
- Plans for second semester social func-
tions will be discussed. Refreshments.
Beta Chapter, Iota Alpha: Business
e. meeting on Wednesday evening.

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