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March 01, 1942 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-01

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U.S. War WeekNo.12..


Summarizing briefly the earlier developments of this twelfth week
of United States involvement in World War, which brought the first
attack on the U. S. mainland:
Feb. 22-Stalin on 24th anniversary of Red army promises Soviet
will regain all territory lost to Germans, but warns against overcon-
Feb. 23-Enemy submarine shells California oil refinery, attack
coming during President Roosevelt's war report pledging United Nations
strategy will be one of attack, not defense.
Feb. 24-U.S. Navy announces loss of destroyer Truxton, supply
ship Pollux with heavy loss of life in gale off Newfoundland; Russians
report encirclement of 16th German Army, smashing of three Nazi divi-
sions in Staraya Russia trap.
Feb. 25-Secretary Knox lists 65 enemy ships, including 20 war-
ships, sunk or damaged by U.S. naval action alone in Pacific, and three
submarines believed sunk and four damaged in Atlantic.
Feb. 26-U.S. submarines torpedo four Japanese ships, get probable
hit on warships in Dutch East Indies waters; Dutch disclose "many
thousands" of American, Australian and British troops now are in Java.
Feb. 27-U.S. warships join Allies in major naval battle with Japa-
nese in Java Sea; Secretary ,Stimson lists 50 Japanese ships sunk or
damaged by U.S. Army fliers, 410 enemy planes destroyed.


Spaiish Group
Talk Thursday
Mexico Of Pre-Conquest
Days To Form Topic
Of Hammett's Speech
Stressing the art and architecture
of pre-conquest Mexico in relation to
the religion and life of the ancient
Indian tribes, Prof. Ralph W. Ham-
mett of the architecture college will
present the fourth lecture in La So-
ciedad Hispanica's 1941-42 series at
4:15 p.m. Thursday in Room D,
Alumni Memorial Hall.
These Indians, explained Professor
Hammett, believed in an uncompro-
mising religion of blood and fear.
Their are developed with the purpose
of conveying these religious ideas
through it. Consequently, the art dis-
plays extreme cruelty in style and
subject matter.
In connection with the lecture Pro-
fessor Hammett will display a per-
sonal collection of fetishes and idols.
This collection contains some inter-
esting specimens, and has aroused
much enthusiasm among spectators.
The lecture will be delivered in
English, and will be accompanied by
the presentation of colored slides, re-
cently filmed by Professor Hammett.

Speech Contest
Registration Is
Due Tomorrow
All students who are going to enter
the Pan-American extempore-discus-
sion contest should register in the
Speech Office, Room 3211, Angell
Hall, by 5 p.m. tomorrow.
The contest will be held at 4 p.m.
next Monday, in Room 4203 Angell
Hall. The general plan for this intra-
school meet has already been ar-
ranged. All students will be required
to give a short speech dealing with
any phase of inter-American rela-
tions. After the addresses have been
presented, a forum period patterned
after the plan of the future contests
will be held.
Winners Eligible
Those students who place at the
top of this contest will be eligible to
participate in the state-wide inter-
collegiate meet which will be held in
the University March 25. The win-
ners of this contest will enter the
regional conferences, and from this
meet, representatives will be sent to
the National Intercollegiate Confer-
ence at Washington, D. C., May 1.
According to present plans, the six
finals winners will be awarded a. tour
of the South American countries.
The local directors. of this contest
have emphasized the fact that all
eligible students of the University are
permitted to participate. It is an all-
campus affair and not restricted to
members of the speech department.
Special Shelf Reserved
In order to make the research work
of the students more complete, a
special shelf in the first floor study
hall of the General Library has been
reserved for books on Pan-Ameri-
can affairs'
The arrangements for the contests
at the University are being directed
by Prof. Kenneth G. Hance, of the
speech department and Prof. J. Ral-
eigh Nelson, director of the Interna-
tional Center. Judges for the meet
will be taken from the Speech, His-
tory, Political Science, Economics,
and Spanish departments.
Students may obtain further in-
formation of this contest from the
Speech Office or from Professor
Hance. A booklet has been prepared
for prospective contestants.



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Twit White Mice
C Wuse Near Riot,
Wind Up In Clink
Joe and Elsie, white mice extra-
ordinaire, wound up in the University
clink yesterday following a thrill-
packed career which would make any
ambitious mouse green with envy.-
Destined to be social climbers when
first they became part of Sigma Chi's
Power Vermin Exterminators, Inc.,
firm two weeks ago, their versatile
careers were snapped short when they
pranced proudly and simultaneously
into two Jordan Hall dining halls,
caused a near-riot and were prompt-
ly interned.
Presented to Power Vermin Exter-
minators when that corporation was
in its glory, Joe and Elsie passed on,
when bankruptcy overtook the com-
pany to a fraternity brother who sub-
sequently presented them to his sis-
ter, a Jordan Hall resident.
Pet intentions folded when the
twin mice developed B.O. and it was
discovered that they weren't house-!
broken. The flip of a coin determined
the method of disposition.
Joe and Elsie are headed back for
the psych department.
Soldiers' Perfect Host
Causes Complications
PASO ROBLES, Calif., Feb. 28.-
(/P)-Four soldiers speeding through
town at 5:45 a.m. in a luxurious,
custom-built automobile aroused the
suspicion of police officers.
Flagged down, the four men in uni-
form related:
Two of them left Los Angeles,
hitch-hiking. At Santa Barbara a
man took them home for dinner.
Learning they had to make reveille
at 6:05 a.m. at Camp Roberts, near
here, he suggested they drive one of
his cars and return it next week. He
even gave them his gasoline credit
card. On the way here they picked
up two more soldiers.
Still dubious, the officers checked
with Edward Hillman, Jr., of Santa
Barbara, owner of the car. He veri-
fied every detail.
Major Radio Networks
To AppealFCC Ruling
NEW YORK, Feb. 28.-UP)-Two
major radio networks filed notice to-
day they would appeal to the Su-
preme Court a special statutory court
ruling dismissing their suits to enjoin
the- Federal Communications Com-
mission from enforcing restrictions


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