Wfeather Cbontinued Cold.. Y Ia: 40 4 aitlj Editorial Complacency Is Unjustified ..., 1 Iw rl IOIIp1Y11MYIlYI11pIItlII IOe Ii AI 111Mllls IIIIIIO IA VOL. LIT. No. 92 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1942 Z-323 Dh DesperateSingapore Defenders igl PRICE FIVE CENTS It n Japs Tighten Java Pincers In New Move On Dutch Isle' Troops Land In Celebes Near Macassar; Close1 On Soerabaja Sea Base Strategic Burmese City May Be Lost BATAVIA, N. E. I., Feb. 10.-(P)- Japanese troops have begun landing in southwestern Celebes near Ma- c cassar, key port lying 500 bomber miles from Soerabaja, main Allied) naval base, in a steady pincers move- ment against the United Nation's Java stronghold, it was announced officially tonight. To the west across Macassar Strait,, Japanese troops on Borneo Island were striking overland from Balik-, papan toward Bandermasin, a port only 300 miles above Soerabaja, and from Pontianak, a base only 440 miles north of Batavia, this Dutch East Indies capital.1 Dutch troops on Celebes strongly engaged the invaders near Macassar while destroying installations in the' Celebes capital in pursuance of the "scorched earth" policy. But grave concern for the safety of Macassar was expressed by officials who pointed out that its capture would provide the Japanese with an-' other base, either to attack Soera- baja and the nearer island of Bali, or the Borneo port of Bandjermasin. ,JDutch communications with Band- jermasin were broken off yesterday. (A French report broadcast from Algiers said a Japanese fleet had been observed off Bandermasin, ap- parently preparing to put troops ashore there). The landings near Macassar, ap- parently in considerable force, rep- resented a successful Japanese push down Macassar Strait from Balik- papan, on the Borneo side, after American and Dutch forces had in- flicted costly casulaties on the in- vaders in the same waters last month. Strategic Burma City May Be Lost RANGOON, Burma, Feb. 10.-(P) -British troops smashed tonight at a small enemy force north of Mart- aban, and their commanders declined comment on an enemy claim that the city itself had fallen. Martaban, on the west bank of the treacherous Salween River where the defenders have stood firm for ten days, is of strategic importance. Its capture would mean that the Japa- nese had thrown a bridgehead across the Salween and had a relatively clear path ahead to the great port of Rangoon, less than 100 miles away. Coastal roads and a railway skirt the tideswept Gulf of Martaban to Rangoon, the much-bombed port of the vital Burma Road. Japanese bombers kept clear of Rangoon today, well aware of the fierce sting of American and British fliers who have made the approaches to the port a graveyard for Tokyo's planes. Union To Hold '45 SmokerI Dental Students Badly Needed, Claims Bunting Dean Says Draft Boards Should Defer All Now In DentalTraining Asserting that the annual total number of graduates from the na- tion's dental schools has been "barely large enough to compensate for the loss of practicioners through death and retirement," Dean Russell W. Bunting of the dental school spoke out yesterday against draft boards which question the advisability of de- fering students enrolled for dental training. Acknowledging that the Dental Re- serve Corps of the Army at the be- ginning of the war was proportionally large in number, he nevertheless de- clared that if the present Army is to be doubled, as announced, 7,000 to 8,000 dentists will be required, while only a scant 1,500 to 1,700 are grad- uated annually. DeannBunting emphasized that "tooth decay needs attention in war as in peace," and questioned the wis- dom of drafting dental students when, "in the near future, the de- mands of the armed forces will in- volve a serious impairmefit of civilian dental service and will take every new graduate who is fitted for mili- tary duty. "Every effort is being made to in- crease the number of graduates," Dean Bunting stressed, but the de- mand is increasing with extreme speed. He pointed out that nearly 180,000 men were refused in the first draft because of dental defects and said we may expect that "there is a very large number of the 1,400,000 admitted who will need some dental service while in the Army." Defense Group Seeks Student Blood Donors Survey Indicates Campus Willing; Drive Opens Today At Union, League Attempting to fulfill the Univer- sity's quota of 145 quarts of blood for the Red Cross blood bank, the Stu- dent Defense Committee of 1942 will open its donation drive at 1 p.m. to- day and will continue through Fri- day. Over one-half of the male students indicated in the defense survey their willingness to donate blood, said Alan Brandt, '44, in charge of the drive, and will now have the oppor- tunity to do so. Brandt described the drive as an excellent "opportunity for the campus to participate actively in the war effort." Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of the Health Service, assures pros- pective donors that donating blood involves no pain and only slight in- convenience. Appointments for donations may be made from 1 to 5 p.m. today in the Union or the League and the actual donations will be taken Feb. 17 and 19 in the Women's Athletic Building under the direction of trained physicians. Students between the ages of 18 and 21 will be required to secure written parental permission before they will be allowed to donate blood. Since this provision will delay con- tributions somewhat, persons over 21 are urged to volunteer their services immediately. Students -desiring more informa- tion concerning the drive are asked to call Alan Brandt at the Student Offices of the Union. Westlund Topic To Be Home Front Psychology Dr. Norman D. Westlund will speak on "The Psychological Factors in the Home Front" at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The lecture by Dr. Westlund, who is consulting psychiatrist to the Fam- ily and Children's Service Bureau, will highlight the first meeting of this newly formed organization. The meeting marks the first anniversary of the merger of two social organi- May Festival Will Feature Eleven Stars Traubel, Hellwig, Glenn, Brickner, Knight Head Concert Newcomer List Anderson, Peerce Will Also Return Five new faces will appear among the galaxy of musical celebrities par- ticipating in the 49th annual May Festival, May 6, 7, 8, and 9 in Hill Auditorium. Sponsored by the University Musi- c&d Society, the Festival will this year present eleven outstanding stars. New to Ann Arbor audiences are Helen Traubel, American opera star, Judith Hellwig, Czechoslovakian soprano; Felix Knight, American tenor;Rabbi Barnett R. Brickner, narrator, and Carroll Glenn, sensational young vi- olinist. Old Favorites Old favorites returning to Ann Arbor are Sergie Rachmaninoff, pi- anist and composer; Jan Peerce, Me- tropolitan Opera star; Mack Harrell, baritone; Enid Szantho, contralto; Marian Anderson,% distinguished Ne- gro contralto, and Emanuel Feuer- mann, violincellist. : The Philadel- phia Symphony Orchestra under Eu- gene Ormandy and his associate Saul Gaston will also again be heard. The opening concert of the Festi- val series on Wednesday, May 6, will be given by Miss Anderson. This will be her fourth appearance in the May Festival. Her program will include arias, songs and Negro spirituals. The concerts Thursday night, ri- day afternoon and Saturday after- noon will bring three instrumental- ists to the fore. Feuermann, who played in the Choral Union series earlier this year, will be heard in Haydn's Violincello Concerto on Thursday. Miss Glenn, whose rapid rise to fame has attracted attention from coast to coast, will be the feat- ure attraction Friday afternoon. Recital Veteran Veteran of numerous piano recitals in the Choral Union Series. Rach- maninoff will play with an orchestra for the first time in Ann Arbor on Saturday afternoon. The entire pro- gram will be led by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra's conductor. Rabbi Brickner will portray the role of King David in Honegger's "King David" which will be present- ed by the Choral Union Thursday night. The Youth Festival Chorus will sing Fletcher's "Walrus and the Carpenter" Friday afternoon. The closing concert on Saturday night will see the Choral Union and soloists, Miss Hellwig, Miss Szantho, Peerce and Harrell in a performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. Cagers Meet Spartan Five In Tilt Today State Is Favored To Turn Tables On Wolverines Because Of Record Swimmers Battle Buckeyes Today By BOB SHOPOFF Michigan's basketball squad re- sumes its schedule tonight after a 10-day layoff as it invades Jenison Field House in East Lansing to meet the Spartans of Michigan State. The game will be the second meet- ing of the two teams this season. State is out to even the count tonight since the Wolverines won the first tilt, 37-20, in Ann Arbor. Since then the comparative records show that Michigan has won four out of 13 contests while the Spartans have come out on top 12 times while drop- ping only five games. Looking at these records, one might be tempted to say that it is State's turn to win his one. After all they have beaten such teams as Great Lakes'Naval stars, Marquette, Cin- cinnati and have split two tilts with Butler. But Michigan fans don't believe that it will be an easy game for their friendly foes of East Lansing. The Wolverines might have something new in store for the Spartans. At least that is the rumor that was heard around Yost Field House this week. Tonight will tell. And Michi- gan is known for upsets this year. Coach Bennie Oosterbaan be- (Continued on Page 3) Tankmen Engage Ohio State Today By BUD HENDEL Michigan's colossus of the swim- ming world took to the road yester- day for a five day swing through the Midwest which will find it facing the tank aggregations of Ohio State, Northwestern and Purdue before re- turning to its home port Sunday. First stop on the Wolverine jaunt will be Columbus, O., where the Maize and Blue tankers will meet the chal- lenge of a greatly improved Buckeye team tonight. The last time the two crews met was Jan. 24 in Ann Arbor with the home team submerging the invaders by a 50-34 count. But tonight's meet promises -to be much closer, and on the basis of Ohio State's winning performance against a strong Minnesota outfit last Saturday, Michigan won't enter the water as the pronounced favorite one would expect. For the Buckeyes really came into their own when they stroked their way to victory over the highly-tout- ed Gopher squad. Taking first place in all nine events, the Scarlet and Gray tankers swamped the Norsemen by a score of 58-26 to give notice (Continued on Page 3) Huge Japanese Force Presses Bataan Center Gen. MacArthur Line Still Stands Against Savage Invaders' Onslaught - --BULLETIN - BOSTON, Feb. 10.-(P)-A re- port that United States naval forces had established a trans-Pacific supply terminus at Wellington, New Zealand, after convoying size- able contingents of Anercan serv- icemen to way station islands along the route, was received today by the Christian Science Monitor. WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.- (A) - Great numbers of veteran Jap troops are exerting tremendous pressure on the center of General Douglas Mac- Arthur's line on Bataan, the War De- partment reported today, but the de- fenders have dealt the invaders hard blows in "particularly savage" fight- ing. They mopped up Jap infiltration units on the left of the line, fought sharp patrol skirmishes on the right, and shattered with artillery fire a new attempt to land troops on the west coast of Bataan with the appar- ent purpose of taking the Americans and Filipinos in the rear. In addition, the defenders shot down seven Japanese planes, and the guns of Fort Drum at the entrance to Manila Bay replied, with apparent effectiveness, to shelling from Japa- nese batteries. However, two War Department communiques issued during the day spoke somberly of large Japanese re- inforcements making themselves "in- creasingly evident" and of the de- fenders battling against heavy odds. Five veteran Japanese divisions (presumably some 125,000 men) were present on Bataan Peninsual, the Army said, together with supporting forces, a force occupying Manila and another manning Japanese shore guns which have been intermittently pounding Corregidor and the other island forts. Student Book Exchange To Close For Semester With over a thousand students having used its facilities already, the Student Book Exchange opens for the last time today and will remain open until midnight when it closes for the remainder of the semester.. Students using the facilities of the student-conducted, non- profit organ- ization, name their owi, price for their books and the Union retains 10 per cent to defray operating ex- penses. According to Robert Matthews of the Union Executive Council, in charge of the exchange, up to date books of all kinds are needed, espec- ially engineering and mathematics texts. Invaders Strike At CityOutskirts Furious Assaults Compel British Retreat; Governor Declares 'We Are In God's Hands' As Imperials Battle Stubbornly By C. YATES McDANIEL SINGAPORE, Feb. 10. (7:30 p.m.-8:30 a.m. EWT)-(IP)-From dawn to dusk Japanese invaders, greatly strengthened by new landings from across Johore Strait, beat with rising fury today at British defenders who are falling back from the outer ring of Singapore's defenses under merciless en- emy assaults by air and land. In their hour of near-disaster Imperial forces fought bitterly and stubbornly, making the invader pay dearly for every inch of ground. Anti-aircraft batteries manned their guns unflinchingly, but still the hordes of heavy bombers and dive-bombers came. Sir Shenton Thomas, Singapore's governor, declared solmenly: "We are all in the hands of God, from whom we can get comfort in our anxieties and strength to play the man and help Labor Board Will Consider Wage Policies Henderson Against Grant Of Large Pay Boosts Asked By CIO Unions -BULLETIN- WASHINGTON, Feb. 1.-(JP)- President Roosevelt said today he thought Americans were becoming more realistic every day regarding the war situation and he added that the first objective now was to prevent a major break through while destroying and damaging as much enemy material and per- sonnel as possible. WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. - (A) - Warned by Price Administrator Leon Henderson against the granting of "substantial" pay increases, the Na- tional War Labor Board this week will consider its future wage policy in the face of CIO demands for $1 a day boosts in two war industries. Henderson told the Board, which has pending before it the CIO Steel Workers' demand for a $1 daily in- crease in "little steel" that he feared broad wage advances would force prices up to inflationary heights de- spite the new price control law. It was learned in labor quarters that Henderson also had addressed a letter of similar tone to President Roosevelt, who read it to the six AFL and CIO "peace" delegates meeting at the White House last week. A National War Labor Board source said Henderson had suggested the payment of wage increases in de- fense bonds or stamps, and this source added that board members themselves were substantially agreed that they must consider "some method of forced saving." Henderson was said to have warned that heavy wage increases ultimately would penalize low-income consum- ers, and that governmental policy calls for stabilizing the nation's pur- chasing power rather than letting it expand. Members of the National War La- bor Board are seriously concerned over the effect of wage pressure on the national economy and their own responsibility in stabilizing produc- tion costs, but have not yet debated the problem in full panel. Victory Book Drive To Open Rice To Head Campaign Beginning Tomorrow The Victory Book Campaign, a drive to obtain reading material for men in the armed services, will open on campus tomorrow under the di- rection of Warner G. Rice, head of the University Library system. Held in cooperation with a similar nation-wide effort, the campaign is an attempt in the words of Dr. Rice "to keep up morale and mental alert- ness." Collection boxes placed at various prominent places on campus will be supervised by Alpha Phi Omega, and students are asked to contribute gen- one another in all the ordeals which are to come." It was a day of withdrawals also among the international press corps. A military spokesman gave his daiLy situation talk to an audience of three -representatives of two local news- papers and myself. For a fortnight I have been the only American newsman in Singa- pore and today the British corres- pondent of the United Press and the Australianrepresentative of Inter national News Service joined the Reuters manager and several Aus- tralian correspondents aboard an outward-bound vessel. I looked down on Singapore in the late afternoon on a scene of striking contrasts. In the north, columns of black smoke billowed skyward from burn- -BULLETIN - MOSCOW, Feb. .- )--Ger- mn sk troops were ppearing' in large numbers on the North Cen- tral front tonight and the Red Army, slowly re-winning more ground after clearing the invader from three whole provinces, faced most stubborn resistance yet from retreating Nazi units. ing oil tanks, providing a somber backdrop for the stage on which the grim drama is reaching its climax. The opposing guns ceased their pounding for a brief moment but darting in and out of the drifting clouds of smoke, Japanese dive- bombers were delivering their last loads ofth e day before darkness called them back to their bases. Near the center of the stage cloud of light gray smoke arose from rub- ber plants, pineapple canneries and facorties to which the owners had applied the torch to prevent their use by the enemy. New Student Cheering Body Is Suggested Out of the student offices of the Union has come the plan for forma- tion of a new men's organization, the "Wolverines." With Bob Burstein, '43, in charge, foundations were laid by the distri- bution of application blanks and in- formation to the members of the freshman and sophomore classes. The purpose of the new organiza- tion is "to stimulate school spirit, and to make Michigan more united as a student body; to develop a Michigan tradition that will surpass all others throughout the country." From the two classes200 men will be chosen for membership in the "Wolverines." Those selected will be given seats in a specially reserved section at football games between the 30 yard lines, those who wish to at- tend other athletic events will sit in specially reserved sections, and will generally lead the student body in University activities. Marine Lieutenant To Remain Today The specially appointed laison of- ficer for the Marine Corps, Lieut. William L. Batchelor, will remain at the Naval ROTC Headquarters in North Hall today to interview pros- pective applicants for commission as Fraternities Advised To Cut Frills; Told 'U' Can't Allow 'Country Club' Extra-Curricular Officers To Activity Speak Members of the Class of '45 will have their first opportunity to hear about the various activities and cam- pus organizations at the Activities Smoker at 7:45 p.m. Thursday in the main ballroom of the Union. Designed to acquaint the freshmen with the various clubs and activities, the program of the smoker will fea- ture short talks by members of the many organizations participating in it. Opportunity is provided for se- curing information directly from the officers and members of the different activities, who will be located in the organization booths throughout the By MORTON MINTZ Greek-letter organizations - pin- ched by the draft, rocked by the war -are advised by their mentors to shake-off every trace of easy-going tradition, for only the fittest will sur- vive the emergency. With the admonition that the Uni- versity, giving its utmost to the war effort and striving to obtain maxi- mum state and federal aid, cannot be charged with running "a coun- try club," Assistant Dean Walter B. Rea warned fraternities yesterday that they "must pull in their horns and revert to fundamentals." He declared they must abolish frills, cut down on the number and pretentiousness of their parties, stress scholastic aims, fulfill their obliga- tions to University and country-and watch their expenditures. Dean Rea emphasized the need for social functions in wartime but pointed out that ill-timed and ex- cessive fraternity parties compete sometimes quite harmfully, with cam- pus affairs. "During the emergency," Dean Rea asserted, "either campus or fratern- is ground for questioning the neces- sity or advisability of having so many social events of this nature." Greek-letter brows may wrinkle over Dean Joseph A. Bursley's state- ments concerning rushing in the President's report, given to the Board of Regents Jan. 30. "The present system of rushing is demoralizing to both the freshmen who are being rushed and the frater- nity members who are doing the rushing," Dean Bursley wrote. He contended that "there are fundamen- tal changes in the whole system of obtaining members for these organ- izations which must be made before some of the more serious grounds for criticism can be overcome. "Some step must be taken to elim- inate the confusion and disruption of scholastic work during the opening weeks of the University year." (Donald Stevenson, president of the Interfraternity Council, com- mented yesterday that a program of deferred rushing is being studied by an IFC committee, unnecessary ex- penditures are under fire and econo- mies, through such means as cooper- in order for them to continue on this campus after the current year. It is suggested that fraternities, as a group, must give favorable considera- tion to some means of spreading the available pledges through all houses on a more equitable basis." Professor Briggs cited these con- siderations: (1) The fraternity group staggered financially during 1940- 41; (2) twelve less chapters showed less financial gain when compared to the preceding year and 11 more chapters showed financial losses; (3) five houses discontinued opera- tions as a result of 1940-41 opera- tions, and (4) five of the remaining 53 houses obtained either no pledges or only one pledge at the conclu- sion of the 1941 pledge period. Concentration of large pledge classes in a few houses, at the ex- pense of another group of houses who obtain no pledges, means the downfall each year of a number of houses, in the opinion of Professor Briggs.. He warned that "the strong chapters must socialize their atti- tude to strengthen the fraternity group or the group will continue