v weather Al Same, W Change. It~43t 4:aitl Editorial Smith Bill Defeat- Victory For Labor., VOL. II. No. 107 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1942 23-3 PRICE FIVE CENTS Japanese Invasion Forces Land On Java r i'> Cagers Down Chicago Five; Hockey Team Defeated, 5-1 Mandler Scores 14 Points As Quintet Wins, 49-36; OSU Wrestlers Routed By Wolverine Matmen Ice Battle Is Close In SpiteOf Score By DICK SIMON Michigan's Varsity cagers won their second straight Big Ten battle and their fifth of the season as they trimmed a game but inaccurate Chi- cago quintet, 49-36, in a loosely- played contest last night in Yost Field House. The Wolverines' victory coupled with Ohio State's defeat at the hands of Wisconsin and Northwestern's loss to Illinois moved the Maize and Blue charges into undisputed possession of seventh place in the Conference standings, while all it did for the Maroons'was make it their 31st loss in a row. Paced by big Jim Mandler, high- scoring pivot man for the Wolverines who added 14 points to his total, Michigan ,took a commanding 19-12 lead before the half was 10 minutes old and then coasted in to victory. The game reached burlesque pro- portions during the final period when Assistant Coach Ernie McCoy re- placed his first stringers with the reserves, three of whom-Bob Gil- bert, Ike Stein and football player Paul White--had not seen action all year long. Nels Norgren followed suit and the boys really had a scrapping good battle._ First one side would take the ball down the court, take a couple of shots, making a basket every now and then, and then the other team would do the very same thing. It was here Michigan's basketball team ends the current campaign to- tomorrow night when it faces Purdue at 7:30 p.m. in Yost Field House. the Wolverines got the best of the bargain by making 21 of their 57 shots as compared to 13 out of 55 for the Maroons. The dribbling and passing was probably the worst seen on the Mich- igan hardwood this season, and the only thing that kept the meager crowd of 1,000 from walking out of the Field House before the game was (Continued on Page 3) Hockey Team Fights Hard In 5-1 Loss To Gophers By STAN CLAMAGE Playing its best game on Coli- seum ice this season, Michigan's fighting hockey team took it on the chin again last night, losing to a big Minnesota outfit, 5-1. The story of the battle is indeed a sorry one, for the Wolverines easily played the Gophers to a standstill for the entire three periods. But when the final payoff came, the Maize and Blue sextet failed to meet the test time and time again. Johnny Gillis, Bob Collins, Captain Paul Goldsmith and Bob Kemp were the big guns in the Wolverine attack, but except for Kemp's lone tally in the second period, their bullets all turned into duds. Gillis again skated and checked his way into the spot- light. Single handed, he continually bottled up the Minnesota attack just when the pace began to get hot. As iri Thursday's 4-0 defeat, Eddie (Continued on Page 3) Wolverines Trounce Buckeye Matmen, 22-8 (Special to The Daily) COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 28.-That Ohio State time bomb didn't go off today after all. In fact the fuse went out com- pletely as the Wolverine matmen cleaned house 22-8 on the Buckeyes. And even the desperate sleight of hand work the Ohio coach pulled in . f f4 rx h- .an nrn-n,,a .. hnna-.. Committee Prepares Navy Battles Way To Appear In Concert Air Raid- University Is Divided Int For Planning And Orga By GEORGE SALLADE If and when the Nazis or their Jap- anese allies decide to bomb this Michigan city, the University will be prepared with a well-organized air raid precautions system. Headed by Prof. Louis M. Gram of the civil engineering department and director of physical plant, a Plant and Personnel Protection Committee has been formed as a sub-committee of the University's War Board. This committee is the central agency un- der whose direction all air raid pro- tection plans are made and carried out. For purposes of planning and or- ganization, the entire University is divided into four units: (1) building and grounds, (2) hospital, (3) resi- dence halls, and (4) athletic plant. Selected representatives from each of these units are members of the Plant and Personnel Protection Com- mittee and direct precautions in their own area. Building Wardens Actual precautions for possible air attacks center around protection for buildings and personnel, first aid and emergency protection services. The Deans of all schools and colleges have been asked to appoint building Fairer Ticket Arrangement Is Announced New Plan Aimed To Give Students Own Section; GuestTicketsObtainable A new ticket arrangement for all home games was announced yester- day at the first meeting of the Inter- collegiate Athletic Board. The. group acted in response to strong demands for a new ticket ar- rangement that would provide a fairer distribution to students and other Michigan grid fans. The new plan, which was intro- duced by Norm Call, '42, student member of the Board, allows students to purchase one ticket in the student section for themselves and three ad- ditional tickets in a section adjacent to the students'. The single ticket that the student buys will be distrib- uted according to class seniority. Students who wish to sit with out- siders will have to sit in the section adjacent to the students'. Call pointed out that "in the past the lower classmen were forcd to sit in the poorer seats because many of the juniors and seniors bought extra tickets next to their own." It is hoped by the Board that this will solve many of the difficulties that arose whenever the Wolverine football team performs before near capacity crowds. The Board also announced its new officers for the coming year. Athletic Director Fritz Crisler was named chairman, Prof. Axel Marin, vice- chairman, Prof. Ralph Aigler, secre- tary and Call a member of the execu- tive board. Co-Op Party Starts Ball Ro Precautions o Four Sections As Basis inization By New Group wardens for every building within their jurisdiction. This warden will be responsible for training his staff in personnel protection and providing fire watch- es, if necessary. He will be assisted by assistant wardens whom he may appoint. All small fires must be handled by the building air raid of- ficials but the chief warden is charged with the duty of notifying the emergency fire squad of the building and grounds department im- mediately if any blaze gets out of control. Perhaps the most important duty of the building warden is the selec- tion of an evacuation center. He must designate what appears to be the safest room in his building to serve as an air raid shelter. All selec- tions by the wardens are subject to the approval of Prof. Glenn L. Alt of the civil engineering department. Professor Alt recently completed a study of the effects of high explosive bombs on building structures in a course in New York City. Health Service Heads First Aid It is up to the individual building warden to decide on whether black- outs would be practical in his build- ing. For example, they might inter- rupt government experiments. Other special factors may also be faced by any particular warden. All first aid precautions are under the supervision of the Health Serv- ice. Medical and nursing assistants are being selected by the director of the Health Service, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe. First aid training will soon be offered in special courses. The emergency protection service provides police forces to prevent loot- ing and special squads for fire fight- ing, handling ofutilities, salvage and demolition. Other special facilities include transportation, supply and communication aids. CPT 'Reduces Flight Course Prerequisites With the announcement of the low- ering of its scholastic requirements, the Civilian Pilots' Training Course is now getting under way with its spring program. In addition to the previously re- duced cost and age limits, only 15 hours of college work are now re- quired for the Elementary Course, en- abling second semester freshmen to participate. This course includes 35 flying hours spread over a period of 10 to 15 weeks plus 72 hours of ground school instruction. Any m'ale student who has attained his eighteenth but not his twenty- sixth birthday, is a citizen of the United States, and can successfully pass the physical examination may take the course. The written con- sent of his parents is required for anyone under 21 years of age. A limited number of applications will still be accepted but must be in this week. Application blanks may be secured at the Coordinator's Of- fice, Room B-47, East Engineering Building. Past Allied Fleet 'Furious' Resistance Is Met At All Points As Defending Ships Blast Enemy BANDOENG, Java, Sunday, March 1. (By Transpacific telephone to New York) .-(P)-Powerful Japanese invasion forces battled their way past the blazing guns of outnumbered United Nations warships in the Java Sea over- night and landed in the face of furous Allied resistance at three places along the northern coast of Java. At 8 a.m. (7:30 p.m. Saturday Eastern War Time) the battle for this last bastion of the United Nations in the Netherlands East Indies was raging in full fury at all three points. The official Dutch news agency Aneta ordered its Batavia correspond- ent to depart immediately from the capital "for the front." The agency indicated that vigorous land action already was under way. First Landing Made Opposite Sumatra The showdown battle for Java started with a landing in the northwest part of Bantam Province, at the island's extreme west, opposite the tip of Japanese-occupied Sumatra. This was followed in the early morning hours by additional landings at Rembang, on the north central coast, 90 miles west of the great Soerabaja naval base, and at Indramaju Bay, 90 miles east of Batavia, Java's capital. The Indramaju region is only 60 miles northeast of Bandoeng, head- quarters of the Netherlands East Indies Army. Batavia itself was flanked by the landing there and in northern Bantam. The size of the invading forces was not immediately disclosed. An offi- cial Dutch statement said of the landing in the vicinity of Rembang that "a strong fleet" put the Japanese ashore "on an extensive front." Allied Warships Battle Landing Forces Presumably the landings were made from some of the fleet of 40 trans- ports, which with their protecting escort had been in a running battle with United States and Allied warships since Friday afternoon., A few hours before the announcement of the troop landings, the Navy Department at Washington had announced a major victory, in which a Japanese cruiser and three desti'oyers had been put out of action. The Dutch already had announced that the Japanese invasion fleet had fled northward after the battle off the Soerabaja naval base, but that it was anticipated they were reforming for a second landing attempt. All portents pointed to this as the greatest sea battle yet fought in the Pacific; a harder, more extensive struggle than the engagements which slowed and wounded the enemy in the Macassar Strait and off Bali- JaJvFlaAing but which did not stop him from making a new thrust. Hard Hit By Allied Forces In the bright, warm light of a W Souh ga mon riay igh, US.WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. -- (IP) - South Sea moon Friday night, U.S. American fighting ships, with naval and Netherlands cruisers, destroyers uni f h ted s is, ut a and submarines and aircraft flown units of other United Nations, put a by British, American, Australian and Japanese cruiser and three destroy- Dutch pilots beat off the first at- ers out of action in what the Navy tempt to storm the strong naval base said today was an "initial phase" of and then sent the Japanese warships the battle for Java. and their long transport train reel- Moreover, American submarines ing northward in retreat. torpedoed and probably sank five All night they fought and then other enemy ships in the western throughout Saturday guns boomed Pacific war theatre in previous ac- out at sea as the fast sea-chasers tions, a Navy communique said. under the Dutch Admiral C. F. Hel- The 8,500-ton Japanese cruiser frich, maintained contact. Mogami which was driven out of the fight in the Java Sea yesterday was part of an enemy naval force of .E y Acing 40 transports for an intended Position At Pitt landing on the north coast of Java. The American units participating with Dutch, British and Australian Former 'M' Football Star naval forces, the communique said, probably consisted of one heavy Leaves Hamilton Post cruiser and five destroyers. The Navy made a point of saying Forest Evashevski, captain of, that this "major action" near the Michigan's great 1940 gridiron team, last big base for the United Nations has resigned his position as head foot- in the Indies was of initial character ball coach at Hamilton College to and that "further action can be ex- become backfield coach at the Uni- pected in this area." versity of Pittsburgh, it was learned And in this connection, there was yesterday. significance in the Navy's statement This announcement was made pub- that after the battle, which sent the lic here by H. O. (Fritz) Crisler, enemy train retreating to the north, Michigan's athletic director, simul- theUnited Nations forces were "still taneously with that made in Pitts- intact." Famous Piano Team To Give Concert Here Choral Union Will Present Artists Vronsky, Babin In Ann Arbor Debut Patrons of the Choral Union con- certs will be treated to a rare dish of musical enjoyment when the piano team of Vronsky and Babin make their first Ann Arbor appearance at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill'Auditorium. Called by Josef Hofmann "the most extraordinary two-piano team in Europe," Vitya Vronsky and Victor Babin made their American debut in 1936 at the invitation of that great pianist. They recently played a con- cert with the New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra on its regular Sunday afternoon broadcast. The program Tuesday will include the following: Sonata in G by J. S. Bach: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by J. S. Bach; Duettino concertante, after Mozart by Busoni; Second Suite, Op. 17, by Rachmaninoff;. Three March Rhythms by Victor Babin; Scherzo, Op. 8, by Saint- Saens; Ritmo by Infante; and "Der Rosenkavalier" Waltzes by Strauss- Babin. 1 1 i British Bare First Attack On Continent Parachutists, Infantrymen Landed Near Le Havre; Soviets Report Victory Radio Equipment Locale Destroyed LONDON, Feb. 28.-(P)-The Ad- miralty and War Office announced tonight that the parachute-infantry attack on the German radio location station Friday night was near Le Havre and that "our casualties were very light." A short time later, the Air Ministry said fighter-escorted British Blen- heim bombers blasted docks at Osten, on the Belgian Coast opposite Dover, this afternoon. Three RAF fighters were lost. The Admiralty and War Office an- nouncement said the parachutists, and heavily armed infantry had struck successfully into German-gar- risoned France for the first time since 1940. The invasion was 100 mIles across the English Channel and for a few brief hours spread terror and confusion among the Nazi defenders of the mouth of the Seine. 1942 Style Offensive Setting what London quarters be- lieved was the patttern for a new 1942 style of British offensive actiont which may pave the way to a major snash at Germany from a western ront before the year is out. The large force operated with strong RAF and yal Navy support under a com- bined operation headquarters, cor- Pla*tely destroyed a vital radio loa- ion center near Le Havre, and re- turned with the only survivors of a German garrison as their prisoners. Not a single plane was lost in the operation, though large numbers of bombers were used to ferry the para- chutists and many fighters were used to put an umbrella over the expedi- tion both ways across the channel, < combined Army and Navy com- amnique said. Parachutists Attack Likewise the Naval forces which :aided in the landing operations re- turned safely, and, casualties were "very light," the communique added. Dropping out of a moonlight sky into the light mists which shrouded their movement, the parachutists quickly formed to attack their ob- jective-the radio location center at Bruneval, along the coast about 12 miles north of LeHavre. Low-flying fighters swooped down ahead of the parachutist - laden bombers commanded by Wing Com- mander P. C. Pickard, hero of the (Continued on Page 6) Reds Halt Nazi Attempts To Save Trapped Force MOSCOW, Feb. 28.-(A)-Desper- ate Nazi attempts to save the trapped 16th Army by rushing up air-ferried reinforcements drawn from the spring offensive reserve have been frustrated by Russian anti-aircraft gunners and fighter planes, dis- patches from the Staraya Russa front declared tonight. They reported shooting down big German supply and troop planes and capturing prisoners who said they were sent to the front from camps in Germany where they were being trained f~? the spring drive. Southwest of Moscow, on the front extending through the DonetsBasin and into the Crimea the G+ermans were reported lashing out fiercely in counter attacks possibly intended to divert the strong Russian pressure in the northwest. Whites, Negroes Clash In Detroit; Fourteen Injured DETROIT, Feb. 28. ---(P)-- Four- teen persons were injured in clashes between whites and Negroes as the latter sought to move into a defense housing project located in a white d istrict but designated for them. B LLE TINS HONOLULU, Feb. 28. - (M) - Wake Island "locked deserted" when his craft approached it, an American submarine commander reported today. The date of his in- spection was not given in a cryptic naval announcement. TOKYO (from Japanese broad- casts), Feb. 28.-(P)--The news- paper Nichi Nichi warned today of the possibility of a United States attack upon Japan from the Aleu- tian Islands. BANDOENG, Java., Feb. 27.- (delayed)--VP)-The staff of the American consulate general burned its files in Batavia today, prepara- tory to leaving. All American correspondents were also advised to leave the In- dies capital, and it was understood that the British consulate gave similar advice to British corres- pondents. 1 1 i Bomber-Scholarship' Group Proposes All-Campus Campaign When Johnny comes marching back to campus after this war, he won't find his pre-service college years a total loss-if the "bomber- scholarship" committee's plan is put into effect. Representing major campus groups, the committee has proposed a fund raised by contributions from Univer- sity social functions. This fund will be deposited with the University and used to purchase defense bonds equal in value to the $100,000 cost of an Axis-blasting bomber. "This may seem a huge sum," com- mittee chairman Art Rude '42, de- clared yesterday, "but it is far from imnrc~cihl if e + n nvn r p m full and women contributed $12 to the fund. Lincoln House committeemen, also headed by Rude, placed a/ contribu- tions box in theuentrance hall. Un- solicited and unbuttonholed, stu- dents and faculty members joined to fill it. The new all-campus committee has considered plans to raise funds from every social affair. "If we can afford to have parties, we certainly can afford to fulfill our obligation to for- mer room-mates who are fighting to preserve this institution," Rude point- ed out. "While death and destruction are burgh by James Hagen, athletic di- rector at Pitt. The "One Man Gang" had com- pleted only one year of his three year contract with Hamilton College whose Varsity eleven he successfully piloted to five victories in seven games last season-its best record in years. At the small eastern college lo- cated at Clinton, N. Y., Evashevski had the rank of ?>v Assistant Profes- sor of Physical Education, and participated in the coaching of other sports in addition. to his specific football duties. The former Michigan quarter- back gained na- tional fame as a blocking back and as the man who cleared the way for Tom Harmon, Wolverine All-American of 1939 and 1940. In his senior year, he was elected presidentj of the graduating class of the Col-j By CHARLES THATCHER University cooperation in the na- tional war effort will leap to tnew heights tomorrow when the second section of nearly 100 men will arrive in Ann Arbor to begin the Engineer- ing, Science and Management De- fense Training Course in Ordnance Materials Inspection. At the same time, 77 trainees who comprised the first section which started instruction Jan. 19, will round the half-way mark of the 12-week class period, scheduled to be con- cluded April 12. Simultaneous with the announce- ment of the start of the second sec- tion's instruction, course administra- 'U' Cooperates In War Effort: New Ordnance Group To Begin 12-Week Trainmg Tomorrow ny Colonel Miller's office, 411 West En- gineering Building, some time to- morrow. Original plans called for an orig- inal section of 100, to be followed by a second section in mid-February and a third in mid-March. However, enrollment was down in the first sec- tion and lack of equipment forced the opening of the second section to be postponed two weeks. Meanwhile, it appears likely, Colo- nel Miller disclosed, that 50 trainees who started the second section course last week at the Case School of Ap- plied Science in Cleveland may soon be added to the University's class lists, as the Case School is having dif-