AGE FOUL RTH Al '1 r.e , t r tg Yi tt Wash inton Merry-Go-Round By DREW PEARSON and ROBErT S. ALLEN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRE9ENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIJING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN Ave. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON . Los AsELe * SAN FRAWctscO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941.42 WASHINGTON-Anyone with a map - and the Japanese have good maps - can figure out future U.S. offensive strategy against the would- be rulers of the Pacific. 1. To strike at the heart of Japan with bomb- ing planes via Alaska and Siberia. 2. To use China to cut Japan's long supply line extending down below the equator to Java. Regarding the latter strategy, the Japanese, if not careful, will get themselves in the same difficult and extended position of ourselves and the British - sending supplies thousands of miles to battle fronts half way round the world. That is why U.S. munitions are being rushed to China by air, instead of by the old Burma Road, so that China may be used as a base against the extended Japanese supply line. This, however, will take time. For supplies by trans- port planes can only go in driblets. REGARDING the first strategy - bombing at- tacks via Siberia - the Russians have made their position quite clear to us, and both Roose- velt and Churchill agree with them. They point out: 1. Vladivostok is surrounded on two sides by Japanese, could be cut off rather quickly, if used as a bombing base. 2. The Russians have sent some of their best troops and planes from Siberia to Moscow. 3. Russia will join us in any real bomber at- attack against Japan, but it has to be a sustained and continued attack lasting for months. In other words, if we are merely going to send a few bombers over Japan, then say to Moscow: "Gentlemen, we have run out of bombers, you carry on alone," then the Russians aren't at all interested. They want to see a continuous supply route, a row of good Alaskan bases, with a lot of bombers in reserve. Then they will start blow- ing up Tokyo. Slow Work In Alaska In regard to our present lack of Alaskan bases, here is some unwritten history which is signifi- cant. In March, 1940, the House military sub; committee on Appropriations killed a War De- partment appropriation of $14,000,000 for a cer- tain base in Alaska. When Governor Gruening of Alaska, who was then in Washington, read about it next morning, he hit the ceiling. With General Marshall he hot-footed it to the Capitol, almost got down on their knees to Representatives Ross Collins of Mississippi, Lane Powers of New Jersey, Fran- cis Case of South Dakota, and J. Buell Snyder of Pennsylvania. But the Congressmen were adamant. The Alaskan base was too expensive.- A month later, however, Hitler overran Nor- way and the base was put back into the bill. Later that summer, the Governor of Alaska had the ironic pleasure of welcoming this same subcommittee on a tour of inspection of the base which they had rejected in March. They stayed 24 hours. Congressman Snyd1er had his picture taken driving a nail - and the base was started. Emile Gelb Alvin Dann . David Lachenbruc Jay McCormickc Gerald E. Burns Hal Wilson Arthur Hill Janet Hiatt Grace Miller Virginia Mitchell Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright Editorial Stafff . . . . Managing Editor . Editorial Director .h ,City Editor . . Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor . . . Assistant Sports Editor . . . . . Women's Editor . . Assistant Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff . . . Business Manager . . Associate Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . . Women's Business Manager THE REPLY CHURLISH By TOUCHSTONE NIGHT EDITOR: DAN B1EHRMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Public Resents Private Interests Of Big Business PERHAPS IT IS TRUE that the dem- ocratic peoples are as instinctively complacent as a herd of cattle; and must be forcibly driven by farsighted gad-flies of the Churchill and Roosevelt ilk. Perhaps it is true that immense undertakings such as world wars are beyond the comprehension of the bovine John Q.; but certain little personal affronts like prohibition, the NRA, and the Pension Plan arouse in John a fury that confounds the most sophisticated of political and financial schemers. Against this fury I feel obligated to warn cer- tain myopic individualist 8 who are driving their trust machines on sacred ground. RECENTLY, Mr. Roosevelt asserted, "In every part of the country, experts in production and the men and women at work in the plants are giving loyal service. With few exceptions, labor, caiital and farming realize that this is no time either to make undue profitsor "to gain special advantages, one over the other." Now, lately, we have been hearing in the popu- lar press an enormous roar over the "few ex- ceptions" in labor. And the alleged "Farm Bloc" has become notorious as a result of its recent coup in the Senate. These "exceptions,", through carefully diligent publicity on the part of our popular press, have effectively aroused the ire of John Q.; but very little has been said of the "exceptions" of capital, the experts in production. PERHAPS these exceptions are negligible. Even so, such negligible instances of non- cooperation by the big boys are just the things bovine John Q. can understand. For texample, investigations by the Interstate Commerce Com- mission on the vital crude oil pipe-line intended to run from Texas to Georgia revealed a stiff opposition to the line on the part of big oil companies which control prices and run their industry only through the control of pipe lines. Common carrier pipe-lines managed by the government would permit transportation equal- ity to smaller companies and endanger the trust monopolies. John Q. sees clearly enough that these oil trusts are more interested in their own welfare than that of the war-periled nation, and he is becoming sore. Too bad he cannot get more information from the trust-controlled popular press. Another capital "exception" that has received only small publicity is Standard Oil's secret rubber deal with German manufacturers, as exposed by the Truman Committee. The Com- mittee discovered that in 1929 Standard Oil of New Jersey formed a secret cartel with the I. G. Farbenindustrie of Germany, by which the Ger- man trust took over all chemical patents, in- cluding synthetic rubber, while Standard took over all the oil patents, especially the patents on synthetic gasoline. The Germans were al- lowed to make synthetic rubber inside Germany, but Standard was not permitted to make syn- thetic rubber inside the United States. In 1934, as Hitler was storing a huge supply of synthetic rubber for his future war against this country, 4Goodyear Rubber and Dow Chemical were re- fused use of the patents by Standard. The Sen- ate committee found that, "The American cartel IT MAY GET A LITTLE TIRESOME to hear, because it is going to be said over and over, but the people who ought to read it and make some changes usually can't read or don't think it means them, and right now it means everybody. In editorials o these pages you have had a chance to watch the events which do not appear under the big headlines - they are not military campaigns, nor submarine sinkings - but they are things to be discussed and attacked, because though they are the doings of our own people, they are also the doing2 of stupid people. The stupid people are often unfortunately gifted in the capacity for action. direct, hard, unthink- ing action, and to this talent I should add that they are the loudest, most blatant champions of jingoism, of an Americanism, which because of Commons, Sir Richard Acland, M. P., de- clared.: "We are to have a debate on production. I wonder whether in that debate anybody will mention the root cause of the difficulty. The root cause does not lie in ministerial incom- petence, or in absenteeism, or in managerial inefficiency, or in the overlapping of depart- ments, or anything of that kind. It lies in the fact that you are trying to get the maximum production of the whole, through the instru- mentality of men who must have one eye rest- ing on the post-war capital value of the particu- lar part which they control --- "It is in our interest to postpone every post- ponable repair; it is in the interests of the own- ers to get every repair done and have it charged up to the excess profits tax . . . It is in ou'r in- terest to share trade secrets; it is in the owners' interests to preserve them . . . It is in our in- terest that half-used machines should be sent to factories where they would be fully used; it is the firms' interest to disguise the fact that the machines are half used . . . It is in our in- terest that every productive resource should be pressed into service; it is in the owners' interest to wonder whether there will not be surplus productive capacity at the end of the war .. . "IT goes further than that. We are appealing for more and more spontaneous self-sacri- fice for our country from the great masses of our people. This is the second time within liv- ing memory that we have been asked to sacrifice for our country, and we are willing to do it. Is it too great a shock to honorable members oppo- site to hear, quite bluntly, definitely and cer- tainly, that, after these sacrifices have been made, this country is going to be ours and not someone else's? Of course, in moments of indi- vidual crisis acts of individual heroism are al- ways forthcoming, but something more is needed for the war effort. "These acts must be backed up by enthusiastic self-denial hour after hour, day after day and year after year in all the humdrum tasks which war involves. This enthusiasm, though consider- able, is crabbed and confined today by a picture which is present to the minds of great numbers of people; a picture of this country divided into "We" and "They." "We" are the great masses, more or less unwanted, called out to act as heroes when we're needed, and then pushed back to where we belong, as we were last time. "'They', on the other hand, are a little group, living a rather different kind of life from what we live, somehow always succeeding in striking it lucky, and with a fair probability that, when the soldier is back in the unemployment queue and the Spitfire pilot is selling vacuum cleaners, 'they' will be somehow comfortably running the country from behind the scenes. If you want the fullest enthusiasm of our people for a they think only as mobs and fools, they cannot understand or tolerate. On the other hand, because a democracy af- fords stupid, thick headed and skinned people an equal financial and political opportunity, and because, boomerang style this opportunity may be and is exploited, so that by financial success a man gains political power which he uses cyclically to strengthen his position, there arises a question as to just where some check is to be put on pure and ideal democracy.cThe acts of a patriotic fool often violate the law, but because a democracy will take the fool's self- professed purity of motive into consideration, those illegal actions are often forgiven or ig- nored, and if by any chance he is called to task, he will squeal like a stuck pig about the ingrat- itude of the world. TESTERDAY LEON GORDENKMR wrote an excellent editorial on the activities of vigi- lante +committees in California. The vigilante committee has continued to exist, as an anchron- ism on the American scene, for reasons which ought right now to. be examined closely. Be- cause we have great respect for our American past, because we are all still bred and born into individualism, we see the historical parent of the modern vigilante committee as a good thing, as a thing which brought law, or at least justice to parts of nineteenth century America where the book meant little and the deed much. It was then the banding together of self-respecting individuals to protect society against those who broke the laws of society. It was, then, an ideal form of our functional American individualism; it is, now, an ideal form of Hitler's functional Nazi mass brutalism. The paradox is simple. There never was a break in the unwise habit of men getting excited in company, and so, as the needs for mobs died away, the mobs continued, ignoring the basis of the written law for which they had once worked, gradually drifting into a blind, stupid conviction that because due pro- cess of law takes time, the mob must act, even if it breaks the law. The vigilantes, the Ku Klux Klan, the Silver Shirts, the Black Legion, and I am sorry to add, the American Legion, have committeed unfor- giveable violations of what this country stands for, and because the members and leaders of these groups enjoy that immunity of the respec- tale middle class when they take their hoods or uniforms off, because two-bit politicians are aware of the value of an organized mob, the collective unwisdom of which makes for a bloc of votes in a district or over the entire nation, they have come right through to the present day without being called. Their function is no longer a valid one; we have an excellent secret service which has proven a thousand times that it can and does act quickly, but justly. Even in these war times there has been surprisingly little witch hunting carried on by the F.B.I. And more locally, except in those districts where the stupid mob has allowed politics to ruin their police forces, the immediate business of enforc- ing the law has been carried on admirably. But the dullards, the inflated asses who enjoy mental orgasm of the mob continue to exist, denying the American freedoms to Americans, striking in the dark, taking the law into their own hands. Against them are pitched the gov- ernment and the politically potent intellectuals. It is now, I believe, time for a showdown with- in the country as well as internationally. It is not impossible to fight both forces at the same time. That should be the definition of total war - to drive down the enemy in whatever ' form he may take, and wherever he is found. The F.B.I. should start right now seeking out the members of vigilante committees, the fat fools who embrace the fact of fascism in the name of dmmnrn,ro., cv,,(InngP rhc ,,hr. ix,', o- _ rwht 1i- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Public Health students on Tuesday, March 3, at 4:00 p.m. in the Audi- torium of the W. K. Kellogg Building. All students in the School are re- quested to be present. Student Organizations: Due to re- cently imposed production restric- tions, all student organizations are urged to order without delay keys, badges, or other insignia necessary for their spring initiations. Further information can be secured from the undersigned. W. B. Rea Auditor of Student Organizations Certificates of Eligibility: All par- ticipants and chairmen of activities are reminded that first semester eli- gibility certificates are good only un- til March 1. Certificates for the sec- ond semester must be secured before that date. Office of the Dean of Students Caroline Hubbard Kleinstueck Fel- lowship: This award of $500 is of- fered by the Kalamazoo Alumnae Group for the year 1942-43. It is open to any woman with an A.B. degree from an accredited college or university and is available for gradu- ate work in any field. A graduate of the University of Michigan may use the award for study wherever she : wishes but a graduate of any other college or university must continue her work at Michigan. Candidates . showing ability for creative work will t be given special consideration. Ap- plication blanks may be obtained at 1 the Alumnae office in the Michigan T League or at the Office of the Dean of Women and should be returnedt not later than March 15. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol-t lowing Examinations:t United States Civil Service Instructor, Motor Transport, Auto- motive Parts. Branches: Diesel En- gines, Internal Combustion, Motor- cycles, Blacksmith & Welding, Tire Recapping & Sectional Repair, Fen- der, Body & Radiator, Automotive Elecrical & Carburetion, Body Fin- ishing & Upholstery, Automotive Machinist, General. Salary $2,600 to - $4,600, open until further notice. New York State Civil Service ' Written Examinations: (Applica- tions should be filed by March 6. Forms may be obtained from NewI York office directly). Assistant Actuarial Clerk, $1,200 to $1,700. Assist Game Research Investigator, $2,100 to $2,600. Asst. Institution Meat Grader, $2,- 100 to $2,600. Asst. Personnel Technician, $2,400E to $3,000. Asst. Social Worker, $1,200 &, maintenance. Asst. Veterinarian Bacteriologist, $2,400 to $3,000. Disease Control Veterinarian, $2,-1 400 to $3,000. Field Investigator of Narcotic Con- trol, $2,400 to $3,000. Game Research Investigator, $2,- 600 to $3,225. Head Cook, $2,000 to $2,400. Industrial Research Asst., $2,400 to $3,000. Junior Engineering Aid, $1,406 to $1,900.* Medical Record Librarian, $1,600 to $2,100. Milk Accounts Examiner, $2,400 to $3,000. Park Patrolman, $1,500 to $2,000, Pathologist, $3,120 to $3,870. Psychologist, $2,400 to $3,000. Public Health Nurse, $1,800 to $2,300. Steam Fireman, $1,500 to $2,000. Supervisor of Vocational Rehabili- tation, $2,760 to $3,360. X-Ray Assistant, $1,400 to $1,900. X-Ray. Assistant; (Therapy), $1,400 to $1,900. Unwritten examinations (Appli- cations should be filed by March 27.) Bath Attendant, $1,150 to $1,650. Foreman, Blister Rust Control, $4.00 to $6.24 per day. Further information may be ob- tained from the notice filed in the office of the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Application forms must be obtained directly from the Civil Serv- ice office in Albany, New York by correspondence. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information , , 3. "So you would bring her in after 12:30!" i n Room 3089 N.S. on Monday, March p , beginning at 1 o'clock. I Doctoral Examination for Richard s ewis Aldrich, Oriental Civilization; g hesis: "Tun-Huang: The Rise of the P ansu Port in the 'V"ang Dynasty." VIonday, March 2, 405 Mason Hall, t 0:00 a.m, Chairman, M. Titiev.a, By action of the Executive Board, E ,he chairman may invite members 't f the faculties and advanced doctor- i A candidates to attend the examina- ion and he may grant permission to hose who for sufficient reason might l wish to be present. 9 C. S. Yoakum F B ConcertsN Choral Union Concert: Vitya Vron- 1] ,ky and Victor Babin, pianists, will Uive the tenth program in the Chor- al Union Concert Series, Tuesday, st M~arch 3, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill 4uditorium. The program wll con- ist of numbers for two pianos. A i imited number of tickets are still N vailable at the offices of the Uni- b versity Musical Society in Burton Vemorial Tower. Charles A. Sink, President p " Exhibitions D Exhibition, College of Architec- ure and Design: The work of Pyn-0 on Printers, consisting of books, pan- & As, labels, posters. Ground floor A orridor cases. Open daily 9 to 5,6 except Sunday, through March 2. The public is invited. Ann Arbor Art Association: An ex- S bibition of regional art and craft as 9 represented by the work of Jean Paul h Slusser and Charles Culver, painters, v and of Mary Chase Stratton and . Grover Cole, potters. * The Rackham i Galleries. Open daily 2-4 and 7-91 except Sunday through March 4. TheS public is cordially invited to see thisE mportant exhibition.iNo admissionZ charge.f - - Exhibit of Illustrations, Universityt Elementary School: The drawingst made by Elinor Blaisdell to illustrate the book "The Emperor's Nephew," by Marian Magoon of the English Department of Michigan State Nor- mal College, Ypsilanti, are on displayt in the first and second floor corridort cases. Open Monday-Friday 8 to 5, Saturday, 8-3 through March 14. The public is invited. Events Today Barn Dance, sponsored by the, Michigan Outing Club, will be held1 this evening at the Women's Ath- letic Building at 8:30. Every stu- dent on campus is invited to attend.f There will be no charge. Come with1 or without a date. Wear informal clothes. Square Dance for graduate students' and faculty tonight at 8:30 in the1 Rackham Assembly Hall. Sponsor- ship of Graduate Council and Gradu- ate Outing Club. Old time square and round dances. Instruction for beginners. Refreshments.' International Center Program: After supper and the sing on Sun- day evening, March 1, Professor Mar- tha Colby will speak on "Oriental Folk-Music" illustrating her talk with records, Her collection extends in scope from Flamencan Spanish mus- ic to music of the Philippines and Java. The supper is at 6:00 p.m., the sing at 7:00 and the lecture-con- cert at 7:30 p.m. Petitioning for Assembly positions will last through Tuesday, March 3. Interviews will take place on Wednes- day, Thursday, and Friday of next week from 3:30-5:01 p.m. Gamma Delta Lutheran Student Club will hold its regular Fellowship reach on the subject, "The Virtue of ndifference." 5:30 p.m. Ariston League, high chool group, in Pilgrim Hall. A roup discussion will be held, on "The lace of Religion in a World at War." 7:15 p.m. Student Fellowship in he church parlors. Following a short enten service led by Rev. Ernest ;vans, Mrs. Evans will give a talk on rips through the South and England, lustrated with colored movies. First Methodist Church and Wes- ey Foundation: Student Class at :30 a.m. Morning Worship Serv- ce at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Charles W. 3rashares will preach on "Christ's Vay of Life." Wesleyan Guild meet- ng at 6:00 p.m. The Rev. Chester oucks will speak on "Take Your Medicine." Fellowship hour and upper following the meeting. First Presbyterian Church: Morn- ng Worship, 10:45. "The Great Aystery" is the subject of the sermon y Dr. Lemon. Westminster Student Guild: Sup- er and fellowship hour at 6:00 p.m. Dr. E. W. Blakeman will speak on Immortality--What Does It Mean?" The Ann Arbor Meeting of Friends Quakers) will meet for worship Sun- [ay afternoon at 5:00 in Lane Hall. k. Fellowship supper will follow at :00 p.m. All are invited. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; :00 a.m. Parish Communion Break- fast, Harris Hall (please make reser- vation); 10:00 a.m. High School Class; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, Har- ris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D.; 4:00-5:30 p.m. Parent-Teacher Tea, Harris Hall; 5:00 p.m. Con- firmation Class; 6:00 p.m. Choral Evensong; 7:30 p.m. Episcopal Stu- dent Guild Meeting, Harris Hall, Speaker: Prof. Palmer A. Throop. Topic: "Wyclif and the Lollards." Refreshments. Compline. First Church of Christ, Scientist: Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Christ Jesus." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m. Church service, Rev. Claude Williams, head of the Institute of Applied Re- ligion, will speak on "The Social Aspects of Religion." 6:00 p.m. Student Supper, 7:30 p.m. Discussion: "Religion and World Reconstruction" led by Rev. H. P. Marley. 9:00 p.m Social Hour. Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples): 10:45 a.m., Worship Services, Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister. 6:30 p.m., Disciples Guild Sunday Evening Hour. Mr. William Fuson of the Department of Sociology will speak to the Guild on "Sociological and Psychological Bases for a Just and Durable Peace." A social hour and tea will follow the discussion. Trinity Lutheran Church: Church Worship service at 10:30 a.m. with sermon delivered by Rees Edgar Tul- loss, Ph.D., President of Wittenberg College. Theme will be "The Church -A Loving Family." Zion Lutheran Church: Rev. Ernest C. Stellhorn will use as his theme for the 10:30 a.m. worship service, "Jesus, Our Captain." Lutheran Student Association will meet Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Rees Edgar Tulloss, Ph.D., President of Witten- berg College, will speak on "The Higher Freedom. The Church of Christ will meet for GRIN AND BEAR IT , ./ ,' ' . 4 - ,--I By Lichty Bowling Tournament-Women Stu dents: When two teams, which are scheduled to play, cannot get to- gether, each may bowl separately and drop the score sheet in the box pro- vided. State on the score sheet the name of the house represented, the name of the captain, and the name of the opposing captain. Academic Notices Bacteriological Seminar will meet in Room 1564 East Medical Build- ing on Monday, March 2, at 8:00 p.m. Subject:"Dysentery." All interested are cordially invited. Geology 11-Make-up Bluebooks1 and Final for last semester will be an tn dnv . o00 nm. i in Rn-m