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October 05, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-05

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Occasional showers and
possible thunderstorms.





Can A Lobbyist
Be An Autbority? ,.



VOL. LII. No. 7




* . x ,.


Down Hawkeyes,



Wet Fiel



Russo Pitches Yanks To 2-1 Win Over


First Period Plunges
By Wesifall, Kuzma

Injury Ends,
Hurin Duel
Dodgers Held To Four Hits
By New York Southpaw;
Casey Is Losing Pitcher
Consecutive Singles
End Brooklyn Hopes
EBBETS FIELD, Brooklyn, Oct. 4.
-(1P)-Masterful pitching by Marns
Russo, a young southpaw with a sick
stomach, and four quick singles in
the eighth inning brought the New
York Yankees a 2 to 1 triumph over
the Brooklyn Dodgers today and gave
the Yanks a two to one advantage
in the games played. ; .
But the memory that was printed
indelibly in the minds of the 33,100
sweltering fans who jammed this
little park for Brooklyn's first series
show in 21 years was the gallant fight
of old Fred Fitzsimmons until a line
drive struck him on the left leg in
the seventh inning and knocked him
out of the ball game.
Fitz Hurled Well
,The fat, 40-year-old knuckle-ball
expert whoIn his younger days as a
tarr of the New York Giants was
beaten three times in World Series
contests, battled beautifully In a
scoreless hurling duel that kept every
tan in suspense while it lasted and
brought them to their feet cheering
time after time.
.Ten with two out in the seventh,,
Rlusd ripped off a vicious line drive
that struck topheavy old Fitz inches
above thq left knee and bounced high
in the' air. Peewee Reese caught the
ball to end the inning, but Fitzsim-
mons had to be helped off the field
and later was taken to New York
hospital for x-rays to deterninfe whe-
ther the kneecap might have been
broken. -
Four Straight Singles ~
His removal let down the dykes to
the power of the Yankees and after
Johnny Sturm had flied out to open
the eighth against relief pitcher
Hugh Casey, Red Rolfe, 'Tom Hen-
rich, Joe DiMaggio and Charley Kel-
ler blasted four consecutive singles
for two runs.
Larry French, Brooklyn's only left-
hander, then came in to make Bill
Dickey ground into a double play and
Johnny Allen pitched hitless ball in
the final frame.
The Dodgers tried to recover the
lost ground in their half of the
eighth when Dixie Walker led off
with a double in right center. Rus-
so pt his thumb down on the next
two batters, throwing out Mickey
Owen and striking o\t pinch-hitter
Augie Galan, but Reese shot a sizz-
(gontinued on Page 7)
As, Serbs .Rise
(By The Associated Press)
A German mechanized division of
12,000 troops, aided by the German
Airforce, were reliably reported to be
moving toward Belgrade, former cap-
ital of Yugoslavia today to combat
guerilla bands taking part in a loose-
ly-connected but widespread under-
ground revolt against the Axis rulers
of the European continent, ranging

from Norway to the, Balkans.
In addition, Berlin authorities an-
nounced the execution in ;Prague of
seven more Czechs, bringing to 115
the number known to have met death
-by hanging or before a firing squad
In a week-long Nazi purge in the
Bohemia-Moravia protectorate.
Support From Haakon
Support for conquered peoples
fighting Axis authorities by terror-
ism, sabotage and guerilla warfare
came from King Haakon VII, King
of Norway in exile in London, who
signed a decree providing the death
penalty for crimes against the Nor-

Anniversary I
Brings Bach
Present Life Is Easy One
'Old Boys' Tell Modern
University Student
"What mere girls are these so-
,alled men of 1941," sneers the
ghostly voice of Apparition I (Mich-
igan, class of 1845.)1
"Less than that, less than that,
my friend. Listen to the weaklings
rant and rail because they have three
measly eight o'clock's a week," his
companion and ex-classmrnte, Appar-
ition II, echoes hollowly from across
the tombstone.
They speak with a sneer in their
voice and aiser on thirtface. And.
why is it they so belittl the Modern
Man of Michigan? Perhaps it is be-
cause theyremember getting out of
bed in the cold, grey dawns of their
undergraduate days and going to a
6:30 class before breakfast!_ Imagine
going to Ec 51 practically in the mid-
dle of the night-and on an empty
stomach at that. Migawd!
When they finally did get around
to the matter of breakfast, though,
they really dug in. No mere hurried
foupajava" in a local quickand-dirty
for them.. Those students of 'a cen-
tury ago ate in style at a boarding
house- perhaps that of Prof. Ten
Brooks-and were served "buckwheat
pancakes and maple molasses, besides
potatoes and sausage." For meals
such as this, one student reports that
he paid $1.50 per term.
Other prices back .in those days
were proportionate. Tuition and dor-
mitory rooms for one term cost the
amang total of only $7.50.
Of course; at that time the Uni-
versity did not have the tremendous
upkeep that it does today. There
were only four professors and only
one classroom building. The campus
(Continued on Page 8) _
Smith Predicts
Rise In B ud get
Defense Will Call For 18%
Of New National Income
WASHINGTON, Oct. 4.-()-Es-
timating that defense spending would
reach a rateof $2,000,000,000 a month
in the spring, Budget Director Harold
D. Smith predicted today that de-
fense expenditures ot of the Treas-
ury will total $18,000,000,000 this
fiscal year or $135 for every person
in the country.
"In the near future," he said, "de-
fense costs will take 18 per cent of
the national income."
This estimate was $2,500,000,000
higher than 'a similar calculation he
made a few months ago. He said
the increase was due to faster de-
fense factory construction, higher
prices onsome items, and new appro-
Taking all budgetary items, Smith
estimated the treasury would spend
$24,581,000,000, take in $11,998,000,000
in taxes and other revenue, and have
a deficit of $12,583,000,000.

Michigan Back Smashes Hawkeye Line For Only Score

Lead To Lone


Fast Iowa Backfield And Determine
Line Outplay Winners; Spectacula
Runs By Mertes Thrill Spectators
(Daily Sports Editor)
Michigan, its vaunted ground attack shackled by a muddy turf aid
furiously fighting crew of underdog Hawkeyes, edged out a slim 6-0 trium:
over Iowa in the Western Conference grid opener yesterday at the Stadiu
It was just nine minutes after the initial kickoff that the Wolverin
first break came. And, smashing with a machine-like precision that w
sadly racking most of the bitterly fought'clash, Michigan shoved the b
over th e goal for the done touchdown just half a dozen plays later.
Rocked back to its own two yard line by a 15-yard penality for illeg
use of the hands, Iowa punted out to safety man Tom Kuzma, bone-jarri
sophomore sensation, who drove and twisted his way 35 yards back to t
Hawks' 18-yard line. Then, employing their crushing Westfall-Kuzr

- Daily Photo by Bob Killins
Tom Kuzma (45) is shown scoring the only touch down in yesterday's game against Iowa on a lant offt
his own left tackle. Trickey (48), Hawkeye quarterb ack, trys to stop the rugged Gary tailback from tallying.
Bill Melzow failed later in his try for a conversion.
Wayne And Michigan Teachers Petiton
For Declaration Of War On Germany
O er)a

Adding their voices to those that
have already been insisting "the time
is now,"278 teachers at the Univer-
sity of Michigan and Wayne Univer
sity. yesterday petitioned Michigan
Congressmen for "total war upon
Germany and her tools until ,Hitler-
ism is utterly destroyed."
While demanding no specific mea-
sures-these, it was asserted in a
separate cover letter, must be left
to the discretion of national leaders
-the petition did declare that "we
should league ourselves without stint
or limit to the. enemies of Hitlerism
and thus bring the war to a victor-
ious termination."
1financial and material aid alone,
in the opinion of the signers, cannot
bring about the defeat of fascism.
According 'to the petitions, "it will
require military and naval action, the
extent of which cannot now be for-
seen but which will certainly be ,in-
creased with each month of delay."
Originated At Wayne
The idea for such an undertaking
had its origin at Wayne where Profs.
Bryan Rust and Alfred H. Kelly were
the leaders of the drive for signa-
tures., Profs. Carlton Wells of the
English department and Preston Slos-
son of the history department filled
similar roles here.
In a separate letter which accom-
panied the petitions, these men em-
phasized that the signers were acting
in the capacity of private citizens
and did not represent any institution
or organization.'
In return for the "total" aid which
the teachers are demanding, they
4so call for a "definite pledge" from
the nations who would be our allies.
Such a pledge would guarantee "an
international league or federation-
based on political liberty and econ-

omic justice-strong enough to pre-
vent the recurrence of future wars."
The original cover letter and peti-
tions, with the 275 signatures, were
sent to Senator Prentiss M. Brown,
while a copy of both was sent to Sen-
ator Arthur Vandenberg and all the
Michigan members of the House of
According to information released
by Professor Wells, all the schools
and colleges of the University were
represented by one or more signa-
tures. Of the 60 departments in the
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts, 44 were likewise represented.
Significant Trend
Signers were limited to members of
the teaching staff and included fac-
ulty men of every rank. 67 were full
professors, 40 associate professors, 34
assistant professors, 25 teaching fel-
lows and six of other rank.
The same held true at Wayne
where the divisions were 12, 20, 18
and 25, respectively.
The present petition is considered
by the sponsors as being the natural
follow-up of one they sent to Con-
gress last February. At that time the
Athletic Board Reelects
Aigler; Decreases Debt
Prof. Ralph W. Aigler was re-
elected chairman of the Board in
Control of Physical Education for the
26th consecutive year, and Michigan's
athletic board also voted Friday to re-!
tire' $75,000 of its bonded indebted-
ness as of Oct. 15.
The original bond issue of $1,500,-
000 for construction of the Wolverine
football stadium, sports building, golf
course and other plant additions is
thus reduced to within $25,000 of
reaching the halfway mark in bond
retirement. Yet outstanding is
Chirp 7o0ntest Fems
To Show Tomorrow
Any girl who wishes to enter the
School of Music-Hour of Charm
$1,000 singing contest should register
between 3:30 and 5 p.m. tomorrow
with Prof. Arthur Hackett in the
music school.
Preliminary auditions will be held
by the music school during the week
to select 10 girls to sing at the final
regional contest in Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre on October 15.
If Michigan's entrant wins the
final competition she will receive
$1,000 and the University of Michi-
gan will be awarded a $4,000 schol-
ar.ship for needy musical students.

signers were demanding the passage
of the Lease-Lend Bill. Signatures
then numbered 214, all of them ob-
tained from members of the Univer-
sity teaching 'staff.
Limited To Teachers
Professor Slosson said that he
thought the trend indicated by the
two petitions was a significant one
and representative of other colleges
and uiiversities throughout the
country, .
"Te faculty, just as the student
body, at Michigan is made up of
persons from every section of the
nation," he pointed out, "and it can.
be considered typical of most edu-
cational institutions. I would almost
consider the petitions a sort of Gallup,
Poll of the academic world. More and
more educators are realizing the nec-
essity of waging total war on Hitler
Graduate School
To' Hold Activities
Night Wlednesday
The graduate school social program
will get off to a flying start with an
evening of entertainment starting at
8 p.m. Wednesday in the Rackham
Graduate students, faculty mem-
bers and alumni will be greeted by
President Alexander G. Ruthven, I
Dean Clarence Yoakum and President,
of the Graduate Student Council, Abe
Entertainment attractions will in-
clude movies of the Iowa-Michigan
grid contest in Rackham Amphi-
theatre, dancing in the assembly hall,
a -classical recording concert in the
men's lounge, bridge games and re-j

Hull Asks U.S.
For Defense
From Piracy
WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. -(AP)-
Secretary Hull today described the
sinking of the American-owned tank-
er, the I. C. White, as an act of
"fightfulness," and called upon the
United States to invoke the right of
self-defense against Nazi "piracy."
The fact that the ship had been
transferred to Panamanian registry,
placed at the disposal of the British
and was sailing under British orders
was secondary, in his opinion. He
made it clear that to his mind the,
real significance was that:
The I. C. White was torpedoed as
part of the Nazi program of world
conquest. That that movement ne-
cessitated the command of'the seas,
which America must resist in its own
self defense.
Neutrality Revision
Observers immediately tied his re-
marks in with the current agitation
for revision of the neutrality law.
The administration wants that act
amended to remove restrictions which
now forbid American ships to carry
guns for their protection and keep
them from sailing into belligerent
ports with supplies.
President Roosevelt plans a con-
ference with Senate leaders of both
parties next Tuesday, after which he
will decide the extent to which Con-
gress will be asked to revise the law.
Fate Learned Yesterday
The I. C. White was torpedoed in
the South Atlantic on Sept. 27. Her
fate was learned yesterday when the
American freighter West Nilus picked
up 18 men about 450 miles east of the
Brazilian coast. Today the freighter
Delnorte reported rescue of 17 others,
leaving four of the crew of 39 un-
accounted for.
Congressional supporters of the
Roosevelt foreign policy immediately
seized upon the incident to bolster
their case for amending or repealing
the neutrality law, with the Presi-
derit's opponents dissenting. Mr. Hull
was asked about it at his press con-
ference today,
"That seems to be another act of
lawlessness, piracy and attempted
frightfulness in connection with the
general movement to drive people off
the Atlantic as a part of the world
movement of conquest," he said.

power combination with deadly effi-
ciency, the Wolverines really rolled.
Capt. Bob Westfall bulleted to the
10-yard line in two smashes, Kuzma
threw an incomplete forward pass,
then on fourth down Westy again
dragged Iowa tacklers with irresist-
ible force to their own three for a
first down. Legs driving, Kuzma
scored over left tackle on his seond
try to put the Wolverines into the
lead. Melzow's placekick was to the
right of the goalpost, leaving the
count, 6-0.
Wolverines In First
That was the scoring for the day.
But it doesn't begin to tll the real
story of the game. The Wolverines,
by virtue of the victory, move into
first place in the young Confeence
campaign. But the Hawkeyes, who
poured everything they had into this
grueling contest, soared to inspira-
tional heights and amassed a definite
edge over the Maize and Blue in game
Slated to lose by at least two
touchdowns by expert observers, the
slim band of Hawks asked nothing,
gave nothing. They played rough,
tough 60-minute football, scrappig
for every inch of ground. They h
heard of Michigan's g.reat forward
wall. But they paid it no deference.
They had read about the Wolverines'
rugged running attack which had
rolled over Michigan State only seve#
days before. But they rose up in
all their "fury and threw it back our
times within their own six-yard line.
Michigan Outgained 77
Statistics showed that the invad-
ers' speed-saturated backfield drove
for 147 yards despite the soggy
ground, much of it around the Wl-
verinedflanks, and gained 46 yards
by passing. Michigan, on the other'
hand, was held to a rushing total, of
129 yards, while failing to complete
any of its four passes.
From the opening whistle Iowa
gave indications of its toughness.
They took the kickoff, and sparked
by a diversified, intricate offense,
promptly marched to Michigan's 33-
yard tine before they were halted.
Featured by te off-tackleesmashes
of fullback Bill Green and the light-
ning-quick end runs of fancy-step-
ping Bus Mertes, the Hawk attack
clicked off three quick first downs,
but a fourth down pass was grounded
and Michigan took over. Then fol-
lowed an exchange of punts and the
(Continued on Page )
AFL Strike Halts
Freight Shipments
DETROIT, Oct. 4.-UP)-A juris-
dictional dispute between two Amer-
ican Federation of Labor Unions cu -
minated in a strike today that hlted
air and rail shipments of the Rail-
way Express Agency into and outf
The strike, called at midnight, af-
fected 800 employes.
R. H. Vogel, superintendent of the
Detroit agency, said the strike was
an outgrowth of a dispute between
the Brotherhood of Rilway Clers,
which ordered the walkout, and th
teamsters' union over employe rep-
resentation among drivers.
Band Has Series Theme
Featuring a , World Series theme,

Bulletin By Dickinson Discusses
National Defense Labor Policy
In an attempt to clarify some of money-income side-he recommends
the questions concerning labor policy that an antidote for inflation could
which have arisen out of the present tha a 'ie forpindad ould
national defense program, the Bu- probably "'be compounded of war
reau of Industrial Relations at the taxes, war loans, new social security l
University has published a bulletin contributions and more restraint in
by Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson of the the advancement of basic wage
economics department titled "Labo'r ,,~
Policy and National Defense." rates."
While Professor Dickinson believes Another bulletin, entitled "Ad-
that there are "possibilities of more dresses on Industrial Relations," has
conscious, comprehensive and effec- been prepared by the Bureau. It con-
tive policy toward employment, hours tains speeches which were delivered
of work, productivity, labor disputes by prominent men in business and
and wages," he, nevertheless, warns economics at the annual conference.
the reader to beware such sweeping held in Ann Arbor, on problems in
schemes as comprehensive conscrip- Iemployer-employee relations.
tion, price-rent control and the Key- The address of Summner H. Slich-1
nes Plan. ter, professor of economics at Har-
Cooperation of labor, management yard University, on "Economic Prob-

British Rush Reinforcements
In Men, Munitions Eastward

(Associate'd Press Staff Writer)
Implicit in utterly conflicting Lon-
don and Rome accounts of recent
sea-air battles in the Mediterranean
is the obvious fact that heavy British
reinforcements in men and fighting
gear are being rushed eastward
through those dangerous waters.
They may be destined to join battle
with their Nazi foes, fighting beside
Russian troops in defense of the Cau-
casus. Certainly they are designed to
increase substantially the strength of

ill's recent intimation that his gov-
ernment had weighed unfavorably
counter invasion propsals as a means
of relieveing pressure on Russia does
not rule out that possibility.
Italian, press comment indicates
serious expection of a new British at-
tack in Libya. Hitler could not spare
either the air power or the troops and
tanks from his great adventure in
Russia to prop his faltering Axis mate
anew in Africa, even if means of get-
ting German reinforcements to the
scene were available.

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