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October 03, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-03

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Michigan Daily

* At Lost It
Can Be Told


ilted and managed by students of the University of
bigan under the hi thority of the Board in Control
Student Publications.
ublished every morniig except Monday during the
versity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
for republication of all news dispatches credited to
r not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
ts of republication of all other matters hereir also
itered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
nd class mail matter.
ibscriptions during the regular school year by
ler $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
I, College Publishers Representative
nber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff

THIS is the amazing but true story of how a
simple phrase almost cost an innocent Amer-
ican his life and nearly plunged the United
States into a bloody war with Angora, a small
country in the Pyrenees.
It was told to me in utmost confidence by an
important official of the State Department.'
Official Washington will shudder if you should
happen to mention "the incident," for it is now
known as such.
But now that the incident has blown over I'd
like to take a chance and tell you about it.
But first-some background material on the
incident. Angora is a peaceful little monarchy
situated between France and Spain. Angora is
the world's richest country in the terms of mon-
ey per capita and its principal industry is pass-
ports. One may become an Angoran citizen and
obtain a passport with extreme ease-not even
an identification card is necessary. Angora is
also a refuge for the escaped prisoners-of-war
from France and Spain. There they may obtain
passports and escape safely to their mother

Nazis Conspire Against
American Republics . .


le Geld
ert Speckhard
,it P. Blauistein
4 Lachenbruch;
i Dann . r
Wilso . .
wr Hill
et Hiatt
c Miller" .
Aiia Mitchell


Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
. . Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
Assistant Women's Editor
Exchange Editor


usiness Stafff

aniel H. Huyett
ames B. Collins
wise Carpenter
relyn Wright

Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
.Women's Advertising Manager
Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
4aff and represent the views of the writers
pose Corrupt

ion Leaders


4 TN THE CURRENT RUSH' to declare
our beliefs as to America's policy
ith regard to the European conflict, we almost
nanimously overlook the fat that a program
. 100 percent industrial cooperation with Great
ritain and Russia would- be far- more effective
i *vercoming the Hitler menace than would
wo or three A.E.F.'s sent across the Atlantic.
end at the present time one of the most substan-
al barriers to this program of complete co-
>eration is our system of labor unions.-
Within this formidable network of laborers
nd their unions the most dangerous threat to
Lreased industrial activity is, of course, the
rike and all the retarded production, ill-feeling
id sometimes bloodshed which it' brings. True,
i many cases there is a need for better working
mnditions, And the strike is certainly an effic-
nt way of obtaining them. But it reinains that
y far the majority of cases of labor-capital dis-
ntion might have been made less disruptive
perhaps avoided entirely had mediation been
ught before rattier than after or during the
NE of the more obvious answers to the prob-
lem would be Congressional legislation out.
wing the strike or even the unions themselves.
owever, in a world in which the trend is more
id" more toward dictatorial power and less
'ward freedom for the individual it is possible
al such a step would be the beginning of the
id .fox the laborer's rights. And yet something
ust be done if this country is to rid itself of
s present apathy to the job before it.
Obviously labor isn't entirely to blame. On the
ntrary, many industries have refused arbi.
ation, perhaps believing that a few weeks of
ungry idleness would force their employes back
v ork. In general, however, themajorystrikes
ve been union planned, union called and union
iforced. In some cases the strikers were act-
ily called against the will of the workers, not-
>ly' the Allis-Chalmers strike of last spring
high was called after a "vote" of the workers-
vote in which the union later admitted stuffing
ie ,ballot box in order to obtain the majority
cessary to call the strike!-
L ANY EVENT, it isn't the worker union man
who is to blame. It is the men higher up,
e union bosses and nhtional union leaders who
e 'esponsible. Not so long ago Assistant Attor-
y-General Thurman Arnold reported" that
cketeering in the American Federation of
ibor alone costs the United States more than
billion dollars a year, and the situation within
e CIO is equally deplorable. With a million or
dues-paying members pouring money into the
)kets of these union leaders (one such leader
currently drawing a salary of $46,000 yearly)
would seem that there isn't much to be done
out it.
Nevertheless, in the final analysis it is these
me millionswho actually control our trades
d labor unions-if only they were willing to
ize the control which is rightfully theirs.
ould the workers of the country ever decide
at they have had enough of the corruption
ey now work under arid rise up to put an end

A LTHOUGH the lands south of the
border have been crowded from
front pages by Hitler's latest bum-of-the-month
campaign against Joe Stalin and increased agi-
tation in this country for more active aid to
Britain, things have been happening in the
South American republics that give promise of
bigger and more serious things to come.
That the Axis powers have in no way given
up their attempts at infiltration into the Latin
American nations is shown by a news item
emanating from Buenos Aires, Argentina's
capital. The Chamber of Deputies and the
army of that nation last week took bold steps
to cut down a conspiracy against the Argentine
government. The plot was traced directly to
Nazi sources in the capital city.
But repercussions were felt in all South Amer-
ica, giving ample proof that totalitarian activity
is in. no way confined to Argentina.. Clear at
the other end of the continent Columbia last
week sent secret service agents into the dense
forests of the Choco mining region to investi-
gate the activities of the Axis there and break
of a German and Japanese ring engaged in
smuggling gold and platinum to Germany and
AT SANTIAGO, Chile, newspapers charged
that the Argentine plot was linked with a
projected attack on Chile, the aim being "to
prevent unity in the Americas" by fomenting in-
ternational strife. The plot, it was claimed, was
the work of Nazi agents and included blows
against Bolivia, Brazil, Uraquay and Paraquay,
by fomenting a separatist movement in Brazil
which would strike out in three directions.
To many the plot may sound fantastic, but
with, the story revealing it was a paragraph
revealing the location of three clandestine Nazi
radio transmitters in Chile, and the existence
of a branch of the Gestapo in Valparaiso.
Each item in itself is a little thing. And yet
the three taken together seem to have an om-
inous tone. In spite of added strife in Europe
and Asia, the dictator powers have in no way
given' up their plans in South America.
All of which bodes evil for this nation, for
as statesmen and politicians have become oc-
cupied with increased agitation for aid to Eng-
land,- the 21 Latin American republics seemed
to have been forgotten. And all the aid to Brit-
ain won't close the back door, through which
the enemy may well come.
-Bill Baker
Few Latin American
Students Enroll . .
foreign students in the university
released yesterday by the International Center
provide interesting comment on the efforts of the
United States to cement both its political and
cultural ties with South America. Regional an-
anlysis of the figures showed that our Southern
neighbors ranked fourth as a source for students,
trailing the British Commonwealth of Nations,
Europe and the Far East.
Disregarding the fact that the totals of the
great land areas include many who are seeking
United States citizenship and who have been in
this country for as long as a year, this is not an
encouraging report on the promised fruits of
the "good neighbor" policy. Consider the fact
that of all the leading regions, South America, as
the only one still militarily unaffected by the
war, should be providing the easiest facilities
for exchange of students. Even without the Pan-
American campaign, one would reasonably as-
sume a great influx of Latin-American scholars
into the United States with European universities
closed to them and entrance restrictions to this
country at a minimum.
JUDGING by the reports of the International
Center, however, this is not true. Apparently
even the Herculean efforts of Nelson A. Rocke-
feller as Coordinator of Commercial and Cul-
tural Relations between the American Republics'
for National Defense have not been enough. If
we are 'to unify the Western Hemisphere, ex-
change of students ought to be at a maximum.
Of course, many people argue that culturl re-
lations are over stressed. They point to the fact
that trade treaties, an Export-Import Bank, an
Inter-American Bank and lend-lease agreements,
like the one with Brazil also reported in yester-

day's Daily, are all that are necessary for a sue-

country, which in nine cases out of 10. is either
America or one of the Allies.
Therefore Angora has a great value in the
war. It is a strategic point for Allied prisoners
to escape to, and they usually carry with them
valuable information as many of them are in
the espionage service and others have just had
a chance to look around. So whatever way you
look at it, Angora is an 'important link in our
defense program.
And now back to the story. An elderly gentle-
man, Herbert Hammermeyer- by name, a resi-
dent of Bethesda, Maryland, a suburb of Wash-
ington, upon passing the Angoran embassy on
Massachusetts -Avenue, noticed an unorthodox
procedure as the car of the Angoran ambassa-
dor drove up to the door.
The doorman at the embassy, Hammermeyer
noticed, removed something from the tire of
the automobile, and flicked it into the potted
palm to the left of the entrance of the embassy.
Hammermeyer would not have noticed this, ex-
cept for the fact that he had just beei fitted
with a new pair of eyeglasses which he was
OF course, Hammermeyer became suspicious,
so he loitered close to the embassy for several
hours until darkness enveloped the little build-
ing and the doorman went inside to eat his din-
ner. Hammermeyer ran to the doorway and
searched for the mysterious object. He found
it-it was as yet untouched. He examined it
closely and with great excitement.
It was a piece of what appeared to be ordinary
chewing gum (chewed) attached to a small slip
of paper. The gum obviously had been fastened
to attach the slip of paper to the automobile
tire. Hammermeyer feverishly examined the
paper. Yes-it had a message written on it.
It said, in a cryptic backhand, Renro ot ereh
morf gnikrap on.
Hammermeyer ran to the nearest pay tele-
phone, called the FBI, spoke to J. Edgar Hoover
and hung up so fast that he got his nickel back.
The FBI sent the chewing gum to their chem-
ical laboratory and the message to their crypto-
graphical' experts.
Everybody at the Angoran Embassy was ques-
tioned. Vhey all "played dumb." They were
shadowed day and night.
The cryptographers went through seven mil-
lion codes and finally found one, originally used
in Chaucer's time, which translated the message
to blX31/4 Sswa, smoorrzz.. This was easy to
translate from there. bIX was interpreted loosely
to mean "blackout," 314 meant "in three and a
quarter months." Sswa broken down abbrevi-
ated "sell out to swastika," or Hitler. They never
discovered the meaning of smoorrzz.
THE chemical lab revealed that saliva on the
gum belonged to one Ajax Underslung Tres-
tle, a file clerk at the Navy Department. He
was quickly ferreted out and examined.
He was handed the coded message. There was
a breathless moment. "Yes," he finally con-
fessed, "I used this paper to wrap my chewing
gum in. Then I threw it in the street."
"Yes;" he admitted. "I wrote it."
They clapped the handcuffs on him. "What
does it mean?" they demanded.
"Well," he replied, "I wrote it while I was in
the car waiting for my wife. I was just reading
a sign on the sidewalk and I wrote it. That's
all. I always do things like that."
"Like what? Like Renroc o ereh morf gnikrap
"Sure. That's 'no parking from here to cor-
ner' backwards. Clever, ain't it?"
So a life was saved, a war prevented and our
country dezigolopa ylesuforp to Angora.
a. P. blaustein's
WHILE LISTENING to the first two games of
the 1941 World Series yesterday and 'Wed-
nesday, we devoted a bit of our time to singing
six words from the song "Jolting Joe DiMaggio":
-"We want Joe on our side." And if we can't
get the DiMag we'll settle for Gordon.

In the meantime we've been thinking
about writing a sequel to "Jolting Joe Di-
Maggio." We might call it "Knock It Silly,
Dolph Camilli" or maybe even "Start A Riot,
Whitlow Wyatt." Our final decision rests
entirely with Durocher.
W ITH THE HELP of the United States Mar-
ines (or anyway, their No. 1 song), we
dashed this little ditty off in account~ng 71 yes-
From the shores of Coney Island
To the green of Ebbets Field,
We will root for Brooklyn's Dodgers;
-To the Yanks we'll never yield.
With Camilli and Pete Reiser,
With old Fitz and Pee Wee Reese,
We will fight like hell for Brooklyn
And the Yanks shall have no peace.
And if the Giants or the Cardinals
Ever look on heaven's slums,
They will find the pennants guarded
By Durocher's beauteous bums.
JUST BECAUSE the Yankees won the first
game doesn't mean they have a better team.

WVASHINGTON-A good barometer
. of the Duke and Wallie's stand-
ing at the British Embassy was the
fact that newsreel men were ordered
to take no pictures of the Duchess
either in the embassy, or with any
part of the building showing in
the background.
And it took the Duke himself to
countermand the order. As the news-
reel men were setting up their ap-
paratus far back on the lawn, he
brushed "aside a young embassy dip-
lomat who was handling arrange-
ments and declared:
'I'll take care of this, myself. I'm
an old hand at newsreels, I've been
in them so often."
He then informed the cameramen
that they could take a shot of him-
self and the Duchess walking out
of the embassy into the yard. The
young diplomat backed off in con-
of the situation, the Duke put on
a cheerful front, chatting freely with
the photogralfhers between retakes.
Once he said: "I don't think I've got
on the right kind of tie. I know you
fellows like to focus on a tie and
this one isn't bright enough."
He wore a conservative two-tone
blue cravat, with diagonal stripes.
As the newsreel men were winding
up their work, the young diplomat
triecd to square matters by sugges-
ting that the Duchess have some-
thing to say for the sound tracks.
But the Duke gave him another
"I'm going to do all the talking,'
he said crisply.
Delays To Russia
There were two inside reasons for
the slowness of the U.S. mission to
Moscow in sitting down at the con-
ference table with Joe Stalin. One
was the technical difficulty of the
flight across Germany. The other
was China.
THE FLIGHT from London to Mos-
cow is not the easiest thing in
the wbrld, since about a thousand
miles is across enemy territory. The
British bombers which make the
flight use as much of the night as
possible over German territory and
also go up to tremendous altitudes.
The U.S. mission to Moscow also
had to fly in sections-three differ-
ent planes, flown on different days,
with the time of departure kept a
dark secret. And the last sections
were delayed in London.
The Chinese delay of the mission to
Moscow occured before Averill Harri-
man left Washington, when it was
proposed that China, nearest friend-
ly neighbor to Russia, should sit in
with Harriman, Stalin and the
objected-and for a highly un-
expected reason. Appeasement-mmnd-
ed diplomats inside the State me-
partment claimed that a Chinese mis-
sion to Moscow would offend Japan.
The United States was trying to
woo Japan away from the Axis, they
argued, and so nothing must be done
to rub the Japanese fur the wrong
way. .
In the end, Japan reaffirmed its
partnership in the Axis; but only
after the U.S. Mission to Moscow al-
ready had started,0also after Nazi
victories in Russia seemed on the

upgrade once again. So the appease-
ment policy of the State Depart-
ment got nowhere.
-Note-Key to Japanese policy of
friendship for the United States or
allegiance to Germany always is the
barometer of -Nazi military success.
If Hitler is winning, Japan will stick
by him; and if the U.S.A. looks
stronger, it is vice versa.
British Naval Strength
How hard pressed the British are
for destroyers and convoy ships was
illustrated the other day when the
French steamer Pasteur arrived in
the United States after crossing the
Atlantic with only one destroyer as
its protector.
'The Pasteur is one of the newest
French Line vessels, launched in
1939. She is a beautiful boat of
30,000 tons and it was remarkable
that the British would risk a ship
of this size and importance in the
dangerous waters of the North. At-
U.S. Military Attache
General John Magruder was re-
cently appointed head of the U.S.
military mission to China in order
to heal the slight to Chiang Kai-
shek when he was not permitted to
send an envoy to the Harriman con-
ference in Moscow. But General Ma-
gruder is more famous for another
chapter in his life.
WHEN HE was U.S. military at-
tache to Switzerland in 1938,


"Right turn at the flagpole, lady, forward ten paces, left oblique
past the mess hall, forward, column right, halt, and it's right there!"

VOL. LII. No. 5
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
To the Members of the Faculty,
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts: The first regular meeting of the
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts for the academ-
ic session of 1941-42 will be held in
Room 1025 Angell Hall, on Monday,
October 6, at 4:10 p.m. A large at-
tendance at this initial meeting is
Edward H. Krus
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of June 2nd, 1941,, pp.
737-746, which were distributed by
campus mail.
2. Introduction of new members
of senate rank.
3. Elections (Nominating Comit-
tee: Professors J. W. BradshaWy, G. E.
Densmore, S. D. Dodge, L. L. Watkins,
G. R. LaRue, Chairman).
a. For the Executive Committee, a
panel of six persons to be elected by
the Faculty t be submitted to Presi-
dent Ruthven, who will appoint from
the panel:
Two members to serve for three
years to succeed Professors W. F.
Hunt and W. G. Rice, whose terms
of office expired September 30, 1941.
b. For the Library Committee, two
persons to be elected:
(1) One to suceed Associate Profes-
sor C. F. Meyer as a representative
of Group II, to serve for three years.
(2) One to succeed Associate Pro-
fessor Paul Mueschke as a represen-
tative at large, to serve for three
4. Consideration of the reports
submitted with the call to the meet-
a. Executive Committee, prepared
by Professor I. L. Sharfman.
b. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School, prepared by Professor E.
F. Barker.
c. Deans' Conference, prepared by
Dean E. H. Kraus.
d. Teacher Training, by Professor
by Assistant Dean E. A. Walter.
e. Academic Counselors, prepared
by Assistant Professor Arthur Van
Since the last meeting of the Fac-
ulty there have been no meetings of
the University Council or the Senate
Advisory Committee on University
5. Oral Reports.
a. Enrollment, by Assistant Regis-
trar R. L. Williams.
b. Admissions'swith Advanced
Standing, by Assistant Professor C.
M. Davis.
c. Summer Session, by Director .L.
A. Hopkins.
d. Teacher Traniing, by Professor
Hayward Kenistonl.
e.,ligh School Visitors, by Asso-
ciate Professor H. M. Dorr.
f. The Evaluation of Faculty Serv-
ices, by Professor R. C. Angell.
6. Centennial Celebration of the
College, Professor R. A. Sawyer.
7. New Business.
8. Announcements.
Rules Governing Student Partici-
pation in Public Activities:
Participation in Public Activities.
Participation in a public activity is
defined as service of any kind on a
committee or a publication, in a
pubhlicpenrformance o- r a rehearal

conclusively presumed to be ineligible
for any public activity until his eli-
gibility is affirmatively established
by obtaining from the Chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs,
in the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents, a Certificate of Eligibility.
Participation before the opening of
the first semester must be approved
as at any other time.
Before permitting any students to
participate in a public activity (see
definition of Participation above),
the chairpian or. manager of such
activity' shall (a) require each ap-
-plicant ,to present a certificate of
eligibility, (b) sign his initials on the
back of such certificate and' (c) file
with the Chairman of the Commit-
tee on Student Affairs the names of
all those who have presented certifi-
cates 'of eligibility and a signed state-
ment to exclude all others from par-
ticipation. Blanks for the chairmen's
lists may be obtained in the Office
of the Dean of Students.
Certificates of Eligibility for the
first semester shall be effective until
March 1.
Probation and Warning. Students
on probation or the warned list are
forbidder to participate in any public
Eligibility, First Year. No fresh-
man in his firest, semester of resi-
dence may be granted a Certificate
of Eligibility.
A freshman, durin g his second sem-
ester of residence, may be granted a
Certificate of Eligibility provided he
has completed 15 hours or more of
work with (1) at least one mark of A
or B and' with no marks of less than
C, or (2) at least 2/2 times as many
honor points as hours and with no
mark of E. A-4 points, B-3, C-2,
D-1, E-0).
Any student in his first semester
of residence holding rank above that
of freshman may be granted a Cer-
tificate of Eligibility if he was ad-
mitted to the University in good
Eligibility, General. In order to
receive a Cerficate of Eligibility a
student must have earned at least 11
hours of academic credit in the pre-
ceding semester, or 6 hours of aca-
derhic credit in the preceding sum-
mer session, with an average of at
least C, and havie at least a C aver-
age for his entire academic career.
Unreported grades and grades of
X and I are to be interpreted. as E
until removed in accordance with
University regulations. If in the
opinion of the Committee on Student
Affairs the X or I cannot be removed
promptly, the parenthetically re-
ported grade may be used in place
of the X or I in computing the aver-
Students who are ineligible under
Rule V may participate only after
having received special permission
of the Committee on Student Affairs.
The Clinics of the School of Den-
tistry and Kellogg Institute are now
open for the school year. Examina-
tions and appointments for all types
of dental work in the Clincs, of both
buildings are made at the r'egstra-
tion desk and examining rooni on the
second floor of the School of ,Dentis-
try. The examination 'room and
registration desk are open from to to
12 a.m. and 1:30 to 3 p.m. daily,
Saturdays from 10 to 12 a.i;
Choral Union Ushers: ~Last year's
ushers sign up at Hill Auditorium to-
day between 4:15 and 5:30 p.m.

74 4
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