THE MICHIGAN DAILY Kraus Names 7 Committees' For Centennial Groups To Plan Program For 100th Anniversary Of LiteraryCollege Committees to handle all arrange- ments for the University Centennial Celebration on Oct. 15 have been an- nounced by Dean E. H. Kraus of the Collegelof Literature, Science and the-1 A~ts. The General Committee, chair- maned by Dean Krau. himself, has, as its members Profs. W. R. Humph- reys, J. S. Reeves, R. A. Sawyer, R. W. Sellars, L. G. VanderVelde, and Dean L. S. Woodburne.., Prof., L. G. VanderVelde has beenjt appointed chairman of the committee which is to arrange the exhibits. As-t sisting him will be Profs. H. D. Brown, C. E. Guthe, H. B. Hall, and E. M. Hymans.t The publicity committee will be' composed of Profs. G. E. Densmore, H. J. Heneman, and W. H. Maurer with Prof. R. A. Sawyer acting as chairman. The luncheon and dinner to be given;1 on tle day of celebration is to be arranged by a committee headed by Dean L. S. Woodburne. His assis- tants will 'be Prof s. E., S. Brown, W. P. Halstead, Clark Hopkins and W., C. Steere. Plans for the music and decora- tions are to be made by a committee composed of Profs. T. H. Hildebrandt, T. M. Johnson, E. V. Moore and David Mattern. Prof. R. W. Sellars will pre- side as chairman. Chairman of the committee on in- vitations is to be Prof. G. R. LaRue. Profs. F. B. Wahr, F. E. Robbins and Dean L. S. Woodburne will assist him. The program committee, headed by Prof. W. R. Humpshreys, has as its members Profs. C. M. Davis, E. M. Hoover, Jr. and Rene Talamon. It is the duty of the above com- mittees to make the centennial pro- gram one which will be long remem- bered on the Michigan campus. They are planning a day-long celebration which, it is promised, will interest students, faculty and all other Ann Arbor residents. As there are to be no classes hold in the College of'Lit- erature, Science and the Arts Oct. 15, members of thejstudent body and the faculty will have every opportun- ity to attend all of the meetings being arranged. The morning session will center ground talks by members of the fac- ulty on the history of the University. After luncheon, the afternoon session will convene and discuss the problems which are likely to confront a liberal arts college in the next few years. A dinner program is also scheduled, after which an evening convocations ceremony will be conducted. Mattern Calls First Meeting For Glee Club Tryouts Today -- i All former members of the fresh- for the Freshman Men's Glee Club men and varsity glee clubs and all { was held Tuesday, also in the gleeI upperclassmen interested are invited club room. to attend the tryouts for the Varsity Men who are chosen to make up Glee Club at 7:30 p.m. today in thet freshman club will sing together GlEe Club at 7:0pfm. todainth all year, under the direction of Prof. glee club roam of the Union. David Mattern, conductor of the Var- Besides the usual choral and or- sity Glee Club. Freshmen men are ganizational experience, the Varsity reminded that with selection for glee Glee Club offers as special induce- club membership they will be "on the ments to its members its anniial ground floor" for membership in the spring tour, which last year extended varsity club next year. to "000 miles of travel in the East Auditions for the freshman group and Middle West. During the course will continue each Tuesday at 4:30 ,) the tour. the group appeared in p.m. until further notice. New Y ork' and W ashington, D .C ., .m n.o heri nies. among other cities. The Varsity Glc Club is prominent Unknown Freighter Sunk" on both University and community CAPE ELIZABETH, Me., Oct. 1- programs and has had considurabkc (P)-Maritime circles reported an experience in radio performance. OS late today from an unidentified They were presented last fall on the freighter, which radioed, it had been national "Toast to Yost from Coast "toipedoed by submarine on surface" to Coat" program, besides broad- off Ireland. casting through WJR and a statioTr 'A rebroadcast of the call from al in Washington, D. C. In addition Canadian station at Camperdown, they have made records of Michigan Nova Scotia, led to first reports that songs for the University. the call came from a point off the r I r , Chinese Dance To Fete Nation Double Ten Day To Mark FoundingOfRepublic University Chinese students will :elebrate "Double Ten Day", com-1 memcrating the 30th anniversary ofj the Chinese Republic, with the first formal dance of the school year from 9 to 1 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 10, in the require volunteers."' ballroom of the-League. Miss Reddig also said that the field With the ballroom adorned with was open to those with varying de- Chinese decorations, the celebration gees of education, from the high will try to emphasize the closer pol- school graduate to those who wished itical and cultural ties between the to begin during college. Students United States and China as the Sino- may become school instructors, priv- Japanese war enters its fifth year. ate, institutional or surgical nurses. Chinese favors will be given, and Because the training facilities of 14th, 17th, 191h, and 20th century the School of Nursing are limited to Chinese fashions displayed. Herb about 1l00, attendance has not in- Miller will provide the music with creased. However, steps are being adri sion being $2 a couple. Proceeds taken to swell the ranks of nurses in frmthe affair will be donated to the the possible event of war. United China Relief Drive. ,,* hDRefresher Courses," which offer training to nurses who are not out Alcohol blended with gasoline of the practice, will bring them back makes a satisfactory fuel for auto- tho active nursing, This State plan mobiles, but is too expensive for prac- has the cooperation of the University tical use. Hospital and Nursing School. Army Nurses Badly Needed, Director Says "The ntirsing profession needs more women," Miss Rhoda Reddig, nursing school director, declared yes- terday. "All over America there is a shortage of nurses in ordinary civilian life, and the Army "and Navy Students interested in applying for enrollment in either the primary or secondary course of the Civilian Pilot Training program, are advised to do so immediately, taking care to return their applications as early as possible in order to receive consideration. Requirements for enrollment in; these courses are that applicants must be male citizens between the ages of 19 and 26, must have com- pleted a year at the University, and must possess normal health and vi- sion. Former primary course students are not automatically continued in the secondary course and must apply again if they wish to continue their training. The primary course, which is com- pleted in about fifteen weeks, fulfills the requirements for a private pilot's license for small aircraft, up to 80 horsepower, and costs $38. This training ordinarily would be valued at over $300, but a government money grant makes the low fee possible. The course consists of 35 hours of flying, adjusted to the spare time schedule of the individual through- out the day, and three evening ground-school classes on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Students fly about three hours a week. Anyone intending to apply or wish- ing to receive more information may call or visit the Civilian Pilot Train- ing Office, Room B-47, in the East Engineering Buildiig. - - - - - - - - To my f rientds, tatrons used all - Starbuck's College Inn is still owned and opeirated by Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Starbuck. Thanking you for the past and looking forwara to the future. Yours truly, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Star-buck Students May Learn Flying The first of a series of tryouts Canadian coast. .a awa w t.+v...av v..a v ." __ - - __ 1. University of Michigan ASSOCIATION LECTUR1E COURSE O ATORIICAL V 'i. ;; l ';; 1941, Capt. Craig returns to Ann Arbor with a new colored motion picture, "The Philip- pines Today." The political, industrial, economic, agricul- tural, educational, religious and so'cial life of the islands ,has been condensed into another interesting Craig story of places and people. 1942 Nobel prize winner and au- thor of "Main Street," "Dods- worth," and "It Can't Hap- pen Iere," Sinclair Lewis is noted for his gusto, verve and caustic humor in his lectures and his writings. N Sinclair Lewis Capt. John D. Craig ei i Ann Arbor Here Is Today's News In Summary Struck while crossing Main Street yesterday, Eno George, 44, of 1422 Washington Hts. died of the injuries he received, later in the afternoon.! He was the first victim of an auto- moble fatality in the city since Jan. 13. Driver of the car was Mrs. Vernon' E. Magnuson. She has been asked to make a statement to the prosecuting attorney, George Meader, but as yet, no part of any statement' has been released. The accident occurred during the noon rush hour, tying up down town traffic for half an hour. Quentin Reynolds speaks here shortly after his return from London. He is the ace foreign correspondent of Collier's, author of "The Wounded Do Not Cry," "Britain Can Take It," and "A Londoner's Dia- ry." He was the newsreel; c( mmentator for "Christmas Under Fire." Maurice Evans . .. Shakespeare in the news honors Ann Arbor with one of his few personal appearances on the lecture platform. The critics and the public have acclaimed him the greatest Shakespearean actor of our day. He will present a dramatic recital portraying his famous theatrical roles. Lewis Browne is one of Amer- ica's foremost platform per- sonalities and author of such widely read books as "This Believing World," "Stang- er Than Fiction" and "Bles- sed Spinoza., II tiewis Browne Quentin Reynolds Anne O'Hare McCormick is the first woman to receive the Pulitizer Prize for dis- tinguished work as a for- eign correspondent. She is"a member of the editorial board of the New York Times and was selected "Woman of the Year" by the Business and Professional Women. Lawrence Thaw presents his outstanding colored motion pictures on In'dia Many views from this expedition have ap- peared in the National Geo- graphic and Life magazines. In connection with the ap- preaching Community Fund cam- paign, appointments are already be'ng made of both men's and wo- men's captains. Colhbcrating with the city's drive, .members of the University faculty will be solicited by captains frcm the University staff, and their contributions will be added to the local' campaign fund. Plans are being made for the for- mation of a new Ann Arbor Town Club, which will have its headquar- ters in one of the downtown hotels. Organizers of the club have announ- ced that membership will be limited to 250 members, all over 26 years of age, and by invitation only. Organization will follow along the lines of the old Town and Gown Club, popular here about 20 years ago. Aim of the Club will be to unite down- town business men and professional men from the University. Peruvian Physician Will Make Address Dean of, the Medical School at Lima, Peru, and a guest of the Rocke- feller Foundation, Dr. Carlos Monge will speak, here at 3:30 p.m. Friday in Room 4001 East Medical Building. Dr. Monge, who will speak on "Life at High Altitudes" is visiting the United States to study American Mon. Hugh Gibson fju;h Gibson speaks here on the international situation shortly after J is return from Europe. He has had a distinguished career in the United States diplomatic service, having represented this government as Minister to Poland and Switzerland and as Ambassador to Belgium. The Quiz Kids The Quiz Kids already have established themselves as outstanding radio artists. They will compete in a quiz progran against five well-known members of the University of Michigan's faculty. Anne O'Hare McCormick SCHEDULE OF LECTURES Oct. 10-lMAURICE EVANS "Shakespeare in the News" Nov. 13LANNE O'HARE McCORMICK "After the War, What?" Nov. 24-THE QUIZ KIDS Dec. 2-SINCLAIR LEWIS vs. LEWIS BROWNE Debate: "Can It Happen Here?" Jan. 14-LAWRENCE THAW "India" (with color motion pictures) Jan. 22-QUENTIN REYNOLDS "European Montage" Feb. 17-HON. HUGH GIBSON Lawrence Thaw SEASON TICKET PRICES All tickets subject to 10,; Federal Tax Main Floor $4.00 First Balcony $3.00 Second "balcony $2.00 I :. .. S .::".: _ i ::