I I Weather Partly Cloudy- and Warmer. .1 Lit igait ~IaitAp Editorial A New Week' For America.... I VOL. LII. No. 4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1941 Z-33 PRICE FIVE CENTS Revolts Rise In Occupied NaZi Europe Czech Premier, Generals Condemned And Shot For Anti-German Plot Gestapo Attempts To Crush Unrest BERLIN, Oct. 1.-VP)-The Nazi- picked Premier of the Czech Protec- torate of Bohemia-Moravia, two more Czech generals and an undetermined number of othr persons-were shot or condemned to death today in stern and continuing suppression of what the Germans term a treasonable plot. Thee generals, described by a Ger- man spokesman as brigadiers, were the fourth and fifth of the general+ rank to be executed since the Nazis announced they had smashed a con- spiracy to overthrow German rule in the protectorate. Their names were, said to be Dolecal and Svatek, both of Prague. The announcement they had been shot followed by a few hours the news of the death sentence of General Alois Elias, the Bohemia-Moravia' Premier. He was condemned by a3 German 'court at Prague for "prep- aration for high treason and abetting the enemy." DNB said he had made a "full confession." His property was1 seized. Four Czechs were said to have been1 acquitted by a courtmartial. In its swift action to round up and+ root all. elements connected with an alleged plot to ,hrow off German rule, the Gestapo today also held 256 Czechs for "investigation." There was no information whether any of these already had been placedr before firing squads, but 88 Czechs, including a number of generals, edu- cators and other prominent persons, were listed yesterday as executed. There is no appeal from the deci- sion of the court except to Adolf Hitler himself. If was not stated whether the ethsentence already had . e arre out. Plias, who was arrested Sunday,t was not only Premier, but Minister of Interior, nd was a key man in the administration of the Protector- ate.' News of other developments in the Protectorate was reduced to a care- fully-controlled trickle-through Ger- man official and semi-official sources. Unrest in other German-conquered countries apparently was hidden in similar fashion, but a German radio report heard in New York said four persons had bee executed and one sent to prison for life in the Nether- lands for operating a sabotage and espionage ring and for shooting a German railroad worker. Firing Squads Operate k In Yugoslav Provincet BUDAPEST, Hungary, Oct. 1.-(P) -German firing squads and hang- men were reported today to have ex-r ecuted 42 persns in Banat, the un- garian-occupled part of former Yu-Y goslavia. The newspaper Magyarorsag said, in a dispatch from Subotica that 30 were shot after they were discoveredz to be members of a gang which plot- ted to assassinate officials. They were said to have been caught with weapons end explosives.- Shortly aft rward another groupI was said to have attempted to wreck a passenger train by removing rails.- In retaliation the German military commander ordered the execution of twelve Communist prisoners who were said to have been held for known crimes. They were" hanged publicly in the market place at Hagybeckerek and their bodies were left hanging 24 hours. The newspaper Pest said the food situation was "catastrophic" in many Yugoslav cities. All prices were re- ported soaring. British Coast Cities Attacked B Nazis In Overnight Raid BERLIN, Oct. 1.-(A)-A heavy ov.ernight British air raid on German coastal cities (Hamburg and Stettin) : =left dead and injured among the + civilian population, the High Com- mand announced today as the Reich curtailed evening activities in prep- aration for more frequent fall and winter attacks. Attempts of "individial planes" to Soviets Dispute Eastern Gains Claimed By Nazis i Gordon Bags First Home Run Of World Series Axis Reports 'Progress'; Advances Announced By Finns, Italians BERLIN, Oct. ,1.-(/P)-Germany reported progress today at both ends of the ,eastern front, sharing its claims in the north with Finnish forces which announced the capture of. Petrozavodsk and in -the south with Italians who are bolstering the push across the Ukraine. Several Russian batteries were cap- tured as the result of surprise attacks by a German armored division east of Dnieperopetrovsk, on the line of the German drive toward Kharkov and the industrial Donets River Basin in ndtheeastern Ukraine, the High Command reported. "To the north of this," it said, "an- other armored division has encoun- tered enemy tank forces and destroy- ed 45 out of 80 Soviet tanks. The rest were put to flight." Other official souces said three Russian divisions had been wiped out by a combined German-Italian encirclement northeast of Dniepero- petrovsk. A Stefani news agency report from Rome said Italian troops already had captured 7,000 Ru ian prisoners and were eliminating the last Red Army resistance in a large pocket east of the Dnieper River. The news agency said Tuesday four Russian infantry divisions had been trapped and all but destroyed. Finns Celebrate Capture Of Karelian Capital HELSINKI, Oct. 1.-()-Finland announced today the capture of Pe- trozavodsk, capital of Soviet Karelia, and proudly decked its towns with flags to celebrate possession of a city Which, Finns said, "has belonged to us for centpries but only now is ours." A communique said the Finnish forces penetrated Pttrozavodsk at 4:30 a.ii:, and hoisted the Finnish flag over the city hall, climaxing at- tacks from b th south and west. The Russians, it was claimed, were pressed step by step toward Petro- zavodsk and many of them destroyed, while Red Army counter-attacks from the north were repulsed by the Finns. The ussians used both tanks and artillery to defend the city, but the survivors finally were pressed into a tight strip of lake coast outside Petrozavodsk and conquered. Army correspondent said the Fin- nish forces found Pevozavodsk evac- uated of its civilian population, which recently exceeded 100,000 because of the rapid development of Soviet in- dustries there. United States Signs Aid Pact With Brazil WASHINGTON, Oct. 1.-(P)-As another step to reinforce defense of the Western Hemisphere, the United States today signed a lend-lease agreement with Brazil, the largest and most geographically strategic nation of South America. Although the State Department merely confirmed that the agreement had been signed and the Brazilian Ambassador declined to discuss the matter, it was understood the agree- ment includes a loan of between $90,- 000,000 and $110,000,000 to the south- ern republic. Products the United States will receive in return will be stipulated later, but informed sources said they would include vital defense materials of which Brazil has a vast store, in- cluding minerals and rubber.. I German Gliders Stopped As Leningrad, Odessa Forces Hold Lines MOSCOW, Thursday, Oct. 2.-(A) -Nazi airmen employing gliders were shot down yesterday in the Black Sea area, presumably the Cri- mean Peninsula, and at least 260,000 Germans and Rumanians have fallen in their attempt to crack the de- fenses of Leningrad and Odessa, the Russians announced today. "In one day fliers of an air unit of the Black Sea fleet brought down 10 eneny planes and three gliders," a Soviet communique said without elaboration. Red land troops since last week had reported smashing Nazi efforts to storm the Perekop Isthmus ap- proaches to the Crimea. The refer- ence to gliders immediately recalled to observers here the German use of those airplane-towed vehicles in the successful invasion of the Greek is- land of Crete. Icy winds and snow struck the 'Ukraine foi the first time yesterday, and the post-midnight communique today reported continued fighting along the entire front. A Russian officer estimated the GermanA have lost 100,000 men in the 10-week struggle against Lenin- grad, and a Tass correspondent said at least 160,000 Rumanian casualties *ere suffered in the enduring at- tempt to take encircled Odessa. Moreover, front line dispatches said the Nazi invaders had lost 5,500 dead in the last three days. Intimating the north and central fronts are tending toward stabiliza- tion, these dispatches by Red Star, the army paper, said the Soviet de- fense was holding firmly to new positions, in Leningrad's approaches. Medical School Alumni Gather Por Conclave Round Table Discussions, Reunion Banquet, Talks Will Highlight Meeting Attracting thousands of doctors from all parts of the, country, the second triennial reunion for alumni of the University Medical School and former house officers of the Univer- sity Hospital will get underway this morning in the first of three days of timely addresses and discussions. At a luncheon at 12:15 p.m. today at the Union, the visiting alumni will be permitted to engage in a round table discussion on chemotherapy: The discussion will be divided into six groups. Dr. Perrin H. Long of the, Johns Hopkins University School of, Medicine will give ageneral sum- mary of the topic, Dr. Charles L. Brown of the Temple University School of Medicine will speak from the standpoint of medicine, and Dr. Harold K. Faber of the Stanford University School of Medicine will discuss the subject from the stand- point of pediatrics. Chemotherapy as applied in the fields of otolaryngology, urology and surgery will be discussed respective- ly by Dean Albert C. Furstenberg, Dr. Reed M. Nesbit and Dr. Henry K. Ransom, all of the University Medi- cal School. The reunion banquet will be held at 7 p.m. today in the ballroom of the Union.j (This picture was rushed to Ann Arbor by plane and automobile last night.) Yankee second baseman Joe Gordon steamed into home plate after his second-inning home run in the World Series 'opener with the Brooklyn Dodgers be fore a recofd croard of 68,540 fans in Yankee Stadium. Congratulating Gordon is Phil Rizzuto, Yank shorts top, who follows Gordon in the batting order. The' Dodger catcher is Mickey Owen. - The umpire is W. A. McGowan. Final score: Yankees, 3; Dodgers, 2. This was the first home run of the World Series.t 'German Pirates' Being Swept From Atlantic, Knox Declares U.S. Fortifies Northern Post With Field Unit INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. L.-01P)-Sec- retary of the Navy Knox told the American Bar Association today, "We are already sweeping the German pi- rates from the North Atlantic, and bringing to England the products of the arsenal we have set up here." He didn't disclose any evidence of actual fighting by the United States Navy since the Sept. 16 orders to the Atlantic Fleet to shoot on sight, but he added: "Eventually we (the British and American navies) shall lock Nazi Germany up in an iron ring, and within that ring of seapower she shall perish." After his speech the Nvy chief said at a press conference he had no reports of any new incidentsn volving the Atlantic fleet. He de- scribed the Battle of the Atlantic as "very quiescent." The word "convoy" is now obsolete in describing the task of the United States Fleet, he said, explaining he preferred the word "protection." "The Navy is providing whatever protection is needed anywhere," he said. In his address before one of the few general sessions which the con- vention will hold, Knox asserted the .United States must quit "indulging in the fatuous folly of declaring that we will not fight when war threatens unless our own shores are invaded." "If we must fight," he said, "and mark this well, there will not be for many years to come a time when we maynot havento fight, then with modern weapons what they are, let us determine that we will fight else- where than on our own soil." He emphasized frequently that freedom of the seas is essential to RAF Attacks On Wide Front Torpedo Boat Squadron Blasted By Fighters LONDON, Oct. 1.-()-A squadron of Britain's new four-cannon Hurri- canes blasted apart an attack forma- tion of eight German motor torpedo- boats off the French coast tonight, the Air Ministry announced. The sudden swoop of Hurricanes on the darting speed craft which the Germans use to attack Channel con- voys left one of the boats in flames and another smoking, the pilots re- 'ported. Part of the crew of a third German boat was said to have been shot off deck and into the sea by the rapid-fire 20 mm. cannon. Other British warplanes struck at the occupied French coast through a bank of Channel mist tonight in con- tinuing raids on the Boulogne and Calais areas. 'Dem Brooklyn Bums' Claim Army Attention REYKJAVIK Iceland, Sept. 29.- (delayed)-()-The fame of "them bums" the Brooklyn Dodgers has traveled with the U.S. Army to Ice- land. The first interest of the newly- arrived American soldiers after work- inffti, n ft,. Ainu in t+hn rain ,nlna A.. peace and declared such freedom could be enforced only by joint lead- ,.rship of the Unitel States anal Great Britain. "It is the hope of the world," he said, "that sea powersfor the next hundred years, at least, -will reside in the hands of the two great nations which now possess that power, the United States and Great Britain. U.S. Re pledges Aid To Russia In Soviet Pact MOSCOW, Thursday, Oct. 2.--0P) -The United States and Great Brit- ain agreed to fill virtually every So- viet need for war supplies in ex-, change for mountains of Russian raw materials at the concluding session last night of the Three-PowerConk. ference. The conference closed two days ahead Of schedule after only three days of sessions-probably the short- est international council of such di- mensions ever held. A communique issued by the British and American delegations and one by Russia an- nounced its results. For the United States and Great Britain, W. Averill Harriman and Lord Beaverbrook promised: "To 'place at the disposal of the Soviet government practically every requirement for which the Soviet military and civil authorities have asked." In return, said the communique is- sued by Harriman and Lord Beaver- brook, "The Soviet Government has supplied Great Britain and the United States -with large- quantities of raw materials urgently required in those countries." ' Arrangements were said to have been made to "increase the volu'me of traffic in all directions." The United States-British com- munique declared Premier Stalin "expresses his thanks to the United States and Great Britain for their bountiful supplies of raw materials, machine tools and munitions of war'' and acknowledged "the ample supply of Russian raw materials from the Soviet Government." Heavily Aripored Makes Iceland Atlantic Defense Force Strong Base Yankees Win First Game, 3=2 Red Ruffing Pitches Sixth World Series Victory; Gordon Hits Home Run New Yorkers Hold DodgersTo 6 Hits YANKEE STADIUM, New York, Oct. l-(AP)-The New York Yankees harnessed pitching and power today to turn back the Brooklyn Dodgers 3 to 2 before a record crowd of 68,540 and send the World Seres off to a spectacular start. It was a glorious triumph for Char- ley (Red) Ruffing, 36-year-old vet.. eran of 17 years in the American League and it was a perfect day at the plate for Joe (Flash) Gordon, and most of all it was an impressive dis- play of team coordination. Ruffing hurled no-hit ball for 4 2/3 innings and suppressed the danger- ous Dodgers on six safeties, all of them singles except one. ThM big, powerfully framed righthander had a few lapses in the late innings, pos- sibly symptoms of age, but he never lost control of the, game and the sixth victory of his extended career in, these classics of baseball was one of his finest. Gordon Hits Homer Giordon hit a home run to shoot the Yanks out in iront in the second in- ning and then drove in the deciding counter with a single in the sixth. The Yankees also were held to six hits by Curt Davis ald two other Bropklyn pitchers, but only some in-- comparable fielding by the Dodge's kept this check on the Bombers. Joe (Muscles) Medwick robbed Jolting Joe DiMaggio of an almost certain home run in the fourth by making one of the greatest and most difficult catches ever seen in a World Series. DiMaggio drove a whistlhg liner straight for the lower Stands in left field and Medwick backed up against the four-foot wall Just in time to spear the ball with a mighWy leap. He was leaning backward over the wall when he made the catch and he tumbled down on the field holding the white ball visible all the while in his outstretched glove. Dickey Poles Double In making the catch Medwick bruised his back slightly. This catch was not sufficient to' keep the Yankees from scoring in the fourth frame, however, because Davis ,promptly walker} Charley Keller anyd Bill Dickey brought him all the w home . ith a tremendous double th bounce off the railing of the cen- terfield bleachers 400 feet from the plate. Gordon was purposely passed then and also waited out a walk in the eighth inning to keep his slate clean for the gameh Gordon's single that pushed the winning run home in the sixth also was the blow that. drove Davis of* the mound. Charley Keller drew a walk after ofle was out and went to third on a single by Dickey. Aut Davis had a chance to escape until Gordon (Continued on Page 3) Ickes Says Fuel Shortage Is Real; Disputes Senatrs REYKJAVII , Iceland. Sept. 17- (Delayed)-(,T)---A field force of the United States Army-infantry, ar- tillery, and engineer, signal, ordnance and medical units-has arrived here with vast supplies of equipment and materials to make this one of the- most formidable fortresses of the north. The Americans brought what their commander, Maj.-Gen. Charles H. Bonesteel, called "some interest- ing equipment"-skis, snowshoes and Garahd automatic rifles for every man--to take over camps built by United States Marines and British forces. Maj.-Gen. H. 0. Curtis, Com- mander-in-Chief of the British forces and general officer commanding the British troops on the islands, con- tinues in command of all soldiers, in- cluding the American contingent. (The arrival of American naval and marine forces in Iceland was an- nounced July 7, although American officers were- seen there as early as, mid-May. U. S. Army Air Corps units also are on the island. On Sept. 25 the arrival in Reykjavik of U. S. Armyf nurses was disclosed. General Bonesteel, a lean and lanky veteran of -the last great war, told me aboard a transport: "We are here for hard and serious business. I want to impress that on everyone. There is no time for fool- ing." Chinese Push Japs Back In Hunan Province Battle SHANGHAI, Oct. 1.-(1)-Japan- ese forces in Hunan province are re- treating in great disorder with heavy glosses in "a debacle many times worse than 1939," Chinese military dis- patches claimed tonight. Japanese military authorities here said their troops were withdrawing from the capital, Changsha, because they had accomplished their purpose Pf smashing the Chinese in Hunan. Oratorical Association To End Sale Of Lecture Tickets Oct.10 Foreign Student Fall Enrollment Hits 581, Represents 69 Nations Reminding lecture-goers that the season ticket sale for the Oratorical Association Series closes on Friday, Oct. 10, twenty days earlier than us- ual, Prof. Carl G. Brandt ,-business manager of the Association, said yes- terday that there are still good seats left in the $2, $3, and $4 ranges al- though the early sale has been heavy. Professor Brandt pointed out that single admissions will be sold the day before and the day of each lecture, but he stressed that large savings are made by purchasing season tick- ets. This year's presentations-Maurice Evans on Oct. 10, Anne O'Hare Mc- Cormick on Nov. 13, the Quiz Kids on Nov. 24, Sinclair Lewis and Lewis Browne on Dec. 2, Lawrence Thaw on Jan. 14, Quentin Reynolds on Jan. covered most lectures of the early period-ethics, .literature, travel, his- tory, politics, humour, and foreign affairs-still hold good in high de- gree. In later days, drama and foreign correspondents fresh from the scene' of action have assumed increasing prominence. Vivid memories have been left by such men as H. V. Kal- tenborn, H. R. Knickerbocker and Le- land Stowe. And Presidents of the United States have left their mark. Grover Cleveland made the speech here which inaugurated his second cam- paign for President, and Benjamin Harrison delivered here his famous "Porto Rican" address which, excited the entire nation. Presidents Woodrow Wilson and, By GEORCIE SALLADE Foreign student enrollment for the University's fall session reached 581 yesterday with more than 69 nations! represented, and included the first Icelander ever to attend the Univer- sity of Michigan. One other new comer to Ann Ar- bor's foreign colony was also noted1 as the first Mexican in many years entered the university. Topping the national totals, compiled by the In- ternational Center, was Canada with 124 registrants. Chinese students number 63 with Germany following with 41, all of whom, however, are American residents. Both Turkey and the Philippine Out of a total of 144 native Eur- opeans, 138 have already applied for United States citizenship. One ref- ugee scholar each is here from both Turkey and Manchuria. Regional analysis of registrationj figures showed that the British Coi- monwealth of Nations lead all other districts in total number of students. with 164, of which 123 are seeking to become citizens of the United States. Europe's total of 144 was second. Notwithstanding the increased drive for closer Pan-American cul- tural relations, South America trailed behind the Far East to finish fourth in the regional compilations. There are f64TLatin-Americans reg- WASHINGTON, Oct. 1--()-Ha old L. Ickes, Secretary of the Interi and Petroleum Co-ordinator, hol disputed today a Senate Committee conclusion that there is no immifl.i shortage of petroleum products c the eastern Seaboard and challeng( the credibility of some of the test mony on which the conclusion w based. "I have said that there was a shor age," the peppery Cabinet offic told the committee investigating t petroleum situation, "and I mean I have aliays meant, a shortage transportation. I still say that the is a shortage. "To me, if your reserves have dro ped, and your replacements ha dropped, and your transportation I cilities have been cut 20 per cent more with prospects for still greal cuts, and your demand is up 10 or per cent-to me that means shoe age. Price To Give Carillon Recital Of Folk Song SThe' seond carillon recital of t.